Electrified bee hive. What happens when you cut a wire hidden in honey comb

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hello misty red here today is January 4th 2020 I'm in Slidell Louisiana and we're gonna be removing bees today yeah it's a little chilly it's probably round right around 50 maybe a little bit under but the sun's gonna come out as early still we're only about it's about 8:30 in the morning Suns supposed to come out supposed to warm up to about 6065 so right now it's overcast like it's been the last four days been having a lot of rain so today is the first day that we have a break in our weather and I really should be going and pulling B boxes but instead I'm here fooling bees instead so the bees are located in the window right here in this area and you can see there's some comb already out here I don't know how long the bees have been here I wasn't the the homeowners didn't contact me the contractor who's going to put the siding on this house he called me and asked if I could come do this so he's going to go up here and and cut the plywood out remove the supply wood for me and then show the bees and then I'm gonna take the bee vac and vacuum these bees up I got good time Charlie with me he's downstairs he'll be helping me on this one I'll be able to pass the comb down to him we'll put it in the ice chest take it back up there they had me frame it up and set these girls up by the grace of God these babies right here these Slidell bees they're gonna become a bee honey bees let's wrangle so Rogers removed the plywood for us and I'm pretty confident that our comb just ends right here that we don't have to extend anymore one reason I say that if you look on the scene all that is proposed this whole seam going all the way up its pro kleh so that would tell me that that's the end of the hive and then if we look at the plywood itself you can see the line approaches right here and then the discoloration in the wood of this having all the propyl eyes area in here where the bees traffic all this is whereas on this wood it's all nice and brand-new looking so the bees are only in this area of the wall right here the only thing I don't know is if they're on to the left-hand side and we're gonna open that up right now and see if we do have any more comb on the other side I got my fingers crossed that there's not going to be anything in here I see insulation on the bottom right here and I don't really want to cut on the stud right here because I don't want to give the bees an area for them to run over to this area right here so I'm trying to contain it right in this area right here [Music] now there's nothing but clean wood and insulation in here so our bees are strictly located from this area right here Wow I'm gonna go ahead and remove this tar paper and and get a real good image of what this hog doesn't look like and there she blows huh all right look at all the honey in this [Music] and I even see some bruise right there so I'm going to start vacuuming the bees right away got my queen cage and we're gonna be looking for that Queen vacuuming up bees [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now there's been a lot of comments made on insulation and honey and is a honey contaminated by insulation I want to put that myth to rest because what happens what the bees do is they'll either one Hill profile eyes it like in this area this is solid Pro Plus or on top of the insulation and so they encrust encapsulate the insulation so there's no way it can get into the into the hive they want to contain it just like they contain their whole hive with propolis they do that with the insulation as well they either contain it this way or they'll chew it out like they chewed out this cavity and they just deposit down here now I see this termite damaging this as well but this is this is where the insulation will drop to the bottom and then the bees continue to build their comb there is no contamination of honey or comb with insulation because the bees as long as the honey is sealed like like you'll see in this all this is sealed capped honey there's no insulation in it and as long as I don't get any insulation on it as I remove it there is no issue of insulation in the honey now this is something that I was totally unexpected to find the amount of brood in this hive here we are January 4th and look look how tight her pattern is and if you look here you can see there's even uncapped brood right here so this is developing larvae as well as up here there's developing law so I'm sure there are eggs in here that I can't see at this moment and that we have very much an active Queen so being that she's active her reran should be swollen up pretty good making her a little bit easier to find out I bet even the dirt roots are gonna be able to find her on this one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well how about that for surprises huh and I'm sure that Charlie video of that little spark action and yep I didn't know there was a wire in there and fortunately I didn't get shot but there it is and so now I know that that's in there at least I can be aware of that not have a little bit more care so I'm just betting my dollar bottom dollar that is and she's gonna be down here on this cluster down here so I'm gonna go ahead and start removing this stuff above it the heck you mean as I go but she's down here some I want to clean this up because when our bees fall down here I can vacuum them up without getting all this dust inside of them plus if our queen falls down in here we don't want her in this stuff so I'm trying to get this stuff out of here clean it up somewhat to make it to make it's better for us and the bees but as I'm doing this I'm looking I don't want to our queen to inadvertently fall [Music] get some old carcasses of bees right all right very good look at that January and you got drones in the hive we're gonna have an early season maybe yes indeed all we have to do now is find the Queen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there she is you got [Music] first queen a 20/20 baby but like I said the rooster could have found her she was just a lumbering along with that big old but hers thank you Jesus now we can finish up getting these bees back and up move a lot quicker especially let's finish this job charlie let's do it well folks it ain't there no more and got all of the comb honey all the bees and as cool it is this today there's the field bees they weren't even there weren't any field bees we're gonna do one more back and then we're gonna head up put everything in the truck and I'll give you a show of what we did there's all our bees and I got them in the Sun right now heat them up and it's really got him stirred up at least moving around so I'm headed up to the Abbey we're gonna go ahead and frame up the comb and set him out on the on the stand so it will pick this back up at the Abbey I never got a shot oh how we were working we had these nice ladders the scaffold boys on it and that's the area that we were working in right there now before we get started getting that cone framed up I want to show you a shot of the bees in the van just pulled up here at the Abbey and the Vans pretty warm in here so the bees have gotten really active this year she's in there communicating with the little daughters that's why all the bees clustered up at this end and you got some running around this end foot pedal most part finally the bees inside the van is nice and warm in here that'd be all right in the dark and I'll go ahead and frame up that money this is the comb that we took out in this box and and this box as well and we're gonna frame up all of it and a little bit of honey that's that is it going to be framed up it'll just be that 2lv so I'll just stick the ice-chest outside so the first thing I really wanted to talk about is the brood that we took out of that that hive and I'm looking at uncap brew right here I'm trying to see if I can see any any eggs in there it does I think yeah there are definitely it's ways way in the bottom yep you see the camera I don't think that cameras gonna pick them up but down here because I can see the little speck of white in that black cell so there are eggs down in there but oh it's been almost two and a half hours since bees have been on this brood but regardless of that fact I'm still gonna frame this stuff up because I want I want the bees to get on their brood and I think instinctively they'll do that and which will be another reason for them to want to stay inside of that box that I'm getting ready to put in as well as I'm gonna hit that Queen to this so we're gonna go ahead and frame this stuff up and hopefully it all works out so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna put that little piece of brood comb as well as this piece of honeycomb in there into the one frame and again orientation is always important and I know I set my comb when I put it in inside the ice chest I always make sure that the top of the comb is up to the top so as long as I keep that up while you're impatient is correct [Music] when I put the brood frames in the box I'm going to put the brie to the center of the box I'm gonna put the brood to the center and all the honey to the outside now this is the other section of brood there were only two when there was only one section of brood in the hive and this is the other part of it because I cut it right almost in half and look at this they got a a be coming out right now get that one emerging yeah baby let me point this out this is interesting you see these holes in it those are all of doorways that the bees use to go between comb so they don't they don't completely closed off the cone and they make the little passageways and that's how they travel in and out of there cuts through those little openings so it did seven frames that was good enough that we could frame and what I'm going to do because that Queen I know my queen is laying already I'm going to go ahead and drop in three more frames this is drawing outcome this was the the honeycomb is these are all honey frames right here so there's drawing outcome on it so we know our Queens laying so I'm gonna give her I'm gonna give a room to let you I'm gonna place these things on either side of the brood if y'all can hear that dog guess let's see that's Charlie's little puppy Sadie came up wrangle bees with this [Music] so what I want to do is when I release the bees I don't want to release them right now I want them to stay in the box it's just the temperature with the robbing the possibility of robbing I want to keep these bees closed in and so because of that reason I'm going to take care of Queen and I'm going to rubberband her into a frame onto a frame and by having the Queen on the frame then the bees again are going to be more likely to to stay here alright so now we're all ready to go so we're going to go ahead outside now bring our box up there it's now Monday afternoon Saturday when Charlie not set the box the vacuum box up and then put the comb on top of it we did that Saturday and it's been almost 48 hours that the bees have been in lockdown and one of the reasons I like putting them in lockdown for that extended period of time during this time of the year is because of the robbing the hive had the comb he had a lot of wet comb on it so it gives him 48 hours for the for the bees to then clean up all that comb without any possibility of other bees coming in disturbing him or robbing them out or running them out so I found that by doing it that way by keeping the bees locked up particularly during robbing season when is when there's not a dearth that this is this seems to be a really good way of keeping the getting the bees to clean up the hive without being bothered so what I'm going to do this morning this afternoon I'm simply going to do is take the bees have now migrated from this box from the vacuum box up into the box where their comb is so I'm going to take this box off set it on the screen bottom board then take and remove the vacuum box move it off and put the B's the new high back on this position right here the bees haven't oriented on anything because they're not flying and then I'll let them I'll let them fly and orient on this spot so we're going to do that and then at the same time remove release our queen so let's go ahead and move our through honey box over onto stand right here and this thing is heavy and now we're going to go ahead and remove our vacuum box and here's the screen this still some bees on the frame but we're gonna not call that all those bees off oh you gotta love that that back I'm looking here but there's if there's a dozen bees dead in here I mean that vacuum cleaner does such a great job on not killing bees and then all the junk that I vacuumed up it stays in here so let's go ahead and set this box up if these girls are oriented on this pot Queen this box is got a lot of honey in it it is heavy all right the box is situated so now we're gonna go ahead and turn loose our queen make yourself some room to move in Oh they've done a great job cleaning this stuff up these are the brood frames right here I don't know whether that brood is gonna make it or not and also we have our Queens we have all the bees on her so we're gonna remove our queen make sure she's still in there yep she's in there and we're gonna turn her loose on this frame [Music] he's walking around great with Turner loose here she comes [Music] yeah she's just walking on the cake right now there you go now she's on the frame we walk up to the camera and show you to her I can't see in that lens right now but here she is I just hope I'm in frame for you who's that Queen right there all right so we're gonna drop this in the box and close this thing up [Music] on Saturday these frames were all wet and they are completely dry now keeping all the bees locked in it really does work good as far as cleaning up the box bounce these bees because all these bees they're going to just come up and come into the opening and then I'll bounce the box [Music] over there [Music] now let's wait a few minutes and I'll show you when everything calms down what they look like now it hasn't even been five minutes and the bees have calmed down already I mean most of them going to the box so it was successful so far our first removal for the Year Charlie no I think we did a great job bees are set up I'm very confident these girls gonna make it and truthfully I think that this queen is as big as her brood pattern was this early on these bees maybe explode so I'm gonna keep a close eye on these so that's all I got for you in this one thanks for watching keep on watching and I'll be making more god bless its thread I'm out of here until the next one [Music] I had to show this these ice chests have been out here for two days and they pretty much cleaned it out so the honey is pretty much all gone but look at the bees on the feet on the pollen subsidy fever now they've been on this stuff for almost four weeks now three weeks [Music]
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 389,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What happens when you cut a wire hidden in honey comb, bees, hiney bees, bee removals, removing bees from a house, bee's wax, brood comb, honey cmb, honey, insulation, propolis, drone bees, worker bees, queen bees, larva, bee larva, capped larva, drone cells, Romex wiring, cutting romex cable, framing cut honey comb, bee vac, using a bee vac to remove bees, flash lights, hive tools, bee stings
Id: K3af_-oQPUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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