Rendering bees wax. How many times is necessary?

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Oh mr. ed here today is April 18th 2019 it's Thursday of Holy Week and the abbey shut down so I've got I've got a little time today I've been gathering wax pants since January and gathering wax and today since we got this little break in time I'm gonna go ahead and make another video on rendering the beeswax and I really have a lot of wax got the kettle is already heated up put about three gallons of water inside of it put a brand new screen in the bottom of it and I've got a ton of wax so the grace of God in just a couple hours we'll have all this wax melted down and pour it into the bucket and we'll have a few days of rest and then we'll go ahead and reveal with this wax looking like so I'm gonna grab the camera show you all what I got to melt down and we'll get starting to rendering some wax let's wrangle rendering wax we have got some really really nasty weather fixing to move in on us it was hailing in Houston and wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour and it's moving our direction so it's gonna be here very shortly so before that stuff gets here we're gonna go ahead and melt that wax so this is what I've got I've got a couple of containers with just wax in it some of them are cappings some of it was just old nasty moldy brood comb and then more two more back bags full of just brood comb so we're gonna go ahead and dump all this stuff into the kettle I'm gonna show you in the kettle got this thing it's all fixed up ready to go you can see the steam running off of it so it's already fixing it borders boiling almost so I'm just gonna be dumping this wax into the pot closing the lid and letting it do its thing let's dump some wax into this nice shiny kettle huh [Music] [Applause] alright I've got I've got this thing is full right now still got three more buckets to put in here so I'm gonna let this melt down a little bit and I'll add some more yeah he may be shut down but the bakery they're still baking bread and it's Thursday and that's their big day so I want to show you out here that the bakery shop but the purple martins they are building nests all into into their boxes so I'm going to zoom in on one of these houses we have got probably about thirty mating pairs that back here maybe even more now up there look at this and what they're doing they're building their nests right now they're underneath this tree they're under this they're under this tree right here building building up picking up material to build their nests that is just so cool and listen to them I do love the Martins well there it all is I did probably get it out with him beer I do a little packing down but it's all in it it is a lot of Wax folks that is a lot of wax so it's probably gonna take at least I don't know 40 minutes for this stuff to start cooking down so we'll check back with it in about 40 minutes or so maybe an hour who knows we'll see all right I got a little distracted I'm still in the honey Hut working and Tom got away from me it's been almost well it's probably about now 15 minutes since I checked on their wax right here I know it's gonna be done so let's go open up the top and I'll show you what it's looking like that's it looks like oh yeah wax melts at about 145 degrees since is boiling we know we hit 212 but everything is out so I'm gonna go ahead and church bell is ringing for office so I'm gonna go ahead and strain this real quick while the bells are ringing and get this thing into the bucket [Music] [Music] because that stuff finishes draining out I'm headed over to the church and when I get back I'll show you what's going on inside that kettle and it's not pretty look at this oh my goodness so that wax is still coming out of there let's look what is on the side under the lid yeah that's pretty nasty looking in there so what I'm gonna do with this stuff while it's still warm I'm gonna go ahead and throw this on the compost pile and break it up right now because it's a lot easy to break up at this point all right so let me take this thing out and there it is I like cocoons and some wax up in there but very very little wax left in there me that yellow stuff that's the wax it looks very very good inside of a kettle you haven't got some mess in there too but it's all really clean and and then the little wax that was dripping out of here break that off of there little stuff it's the lignite alright perfect so we're gonna pull that it out and see what our water wax mixture looks like so here it is on Friday Good Friday and remember yesterday I told you all that that weather was coming through and we had a lot of wind yesterday a lot of rain and when it came through boy having temperatures dropped down so we're we're at least 25 degrees cooler right now than we were yesterday I got my sweater on today but I'm right next to the kettle it's on so there's a little bit of heat coming off here so it's really nice so what am I gonna do today I'm going to show you the the wax that's dried up and we're going to refine our wax one more time so imma grab the camera show you the state that the wax is in right now and how we're just going to drop it into our kettle and and refine it one more time now I know I said I was gonna take care of all this cocoon stuff yesterday while it was still warm and loose but that rain I mean that rain came down and I could not even get outside so it's still here and now I'm gonna have to break it up but this is the wax I ran this strainer right from the from the kettle to my bucket to catch some of the bigger stuff and this was the wax that's left out of out of that and here is the wax in in the bucket so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the wax in this bucket and I'm gonna dump it out clean it off a little bit drop it into the kettle and I'm going to take this wax right here clean it clean it off a little bit and then drop it into the kettle again and we're gonna melt everything one more time so let's go ahead and start cleaning this mess up [Music] alright that's good enough talking to hos all this stuff out and we'll pick it back up inside by the kennel well that took a lot longer than I thought it would take to clean up all that way I thought that I was doing that 2025 minutes cleaning that up but we've got it really cleaned up really nice and look at the block here oh my goodness this is every bit I'm guessing but somewhere between twelve and fifteen pounds of Wax right here gorgeous gorgeous stuff so what I'm gonna do I set it down to heavy and balance it open up the lid and I've got my water is already boiling in there and I'm going to slide this thing in here because I don't want it to be splashing on me and cause I need to get burned all right we got our block in there and then in this bucket this is all the the you know the smaller pieces of wax I'm cleaned up they're all in here and we're gonna dump them in here as well and this is the dirties this is a lot more dirty than that and so this is why we're really processing it one more time to filter out all this dirt on this stuff to refine that wax a little bit more this thing it's gonna take easily it's gonna take 45 minutes to an hour to melt this block of wax and while this stuff is melting I'm headed back upstairs and I'm gonna start answering comments from the last video so we'll check back in a little bit and is in here he's you know guiding me on this adventure and he said you forgot the sugar the wax inside the kettle so here's what brother Brian wanted me to show y'all the big chunk of wax and all the little chunks of wax and I should have showed you the water was was clear now it's already here's that take to it but in about an hour so it'll all be melted down so we'll check back later all right it's been about 45 minutes so let's go ahead and check to see what what we're looking like oh wow it's all ready I'll melt it down there is nothing in here I'll grab the camera and I'll show you what what it looks like this is really pretty here and there it is wax all melted and looking really really good so I've got the bucket set up I'm gonna run it through the strainer once more and that'll take out any bigger stuff it'll still have the finer stuff on it but we'll run it through there and let it set up let's open up that gate and here's the result from the second straining I thought this bucket was gonna be big enough but I had added too much water into it so I had to use that little bucket right there so we're gonna let this stuff sit overnight and tomorrow I'll come back and show you what this stuff looks like oh I wish you could smell it this stuff it smells so good see you tomorrow and here is the effect of that wax cooling like I said I would have loved to get all this in one bucket but miscalculation and I have to get it you too so let's go ahead and dump this out on the ground and see that chunk of wax that comes out it's gonna be fun all right so we're gonna go ahead and do the big reveal huh this is just a little tricky little block then ain't nothing this one just a little bit of Wax that's not that's not mushing got some of the bottom but here's the big guy right here this is gonna be the nice one [Music] now folks that's what I call a chunk of wax this thing is every bit of 15 pounds my god do is scrape off will be this nasty stuff on the bottom look the bees are flying around here right now this stuff smells fantastic it's so clean smelling the bees like I said they're already showing up and that is it oh man who wouldn't want that I know I did I know our bees do so we got two really nice chunks of wax from all that wax we rendered so it's all I got for you this one so thanks for watching keep on watching I'll be making more god bless surrett I'm out of here into the next video [Music] well just like all these or swarms that mr. ed Scott I want pictures of yours and warm as well I mean it's so great to have all of you all sending in your pictures of the swarm caches but my most important thing I watch I remember I want your face in the picture that's what you have to get your face in the picture that swarm to be able to get it on the video because we don't want to have any kind of humbug going on saying oh I got that picture off the internet and says it's warm so we want your face in that picture so thank you everybody for sending in your pictures and joining in with the fun that me and the dirt rooster having it really is a lot of it's getting a lot of attention and you all are the reason for it so keep sending them in and I'll keep posting [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 110,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rendering bees wax. How many times is necessary?, bees wax, rendering bees wax, brood comb, wax moths, hive beetles, maggots, Purple Martins, swarms of bees, photographs of swarms of bees, hail, high winds, rain, propolis, cocoons from bees, cocoons, kettle, melting wax, melting bees wax, straining bees wax, cleaning bees wax, purple martins building nests, dawn song purple martin, baking bread, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, easter triduum, easter triduum catholic church
Id: qAV-f5y63tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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