The beauty and frustration of brand new bees wax.

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hello let's do that here today is June 15 2019 and if you can guess where I am it'd be the Beehive house it's been three years since I've been here to remove bees that have moved in I've been catching bees without swarm traps here now for going on six years now but this is the first time in three years that the bees decide to move into the building instead of on our traps so today I'm here with goodtime Charlie and a monk from arch Abbey st. Vincent's in in Pennsylvania and he there he's down here Bob is down here for the there's a convention for the monks and he's down here with that and so he's gonna he want to come wrangle some bees with us they've got I think he said five hives up there and st. Vincent's and he's interested in moving bees up there so he wants to see what this wrangling business is all about so by the grace of God we're gonna take these bees that have moved into this sealing area right here we're gonna remove them and we're gonna bring them back up to the Abbey let's do some wrangling well here's where our bees have decided to move in into this area of this floor space right here so all I'm gonna do get my jigsaw Ralph's not here wreck-it Ralph not here so I've got the job I'll just cut this out and we'll expose the hive and see how big it is now I don't believe this hive it's been the most has been here as a month maybe six weeks but it could have been here as little as three weeks so we'll find out just how much these bees have built in that little short period of time and then we'll transfer them out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here they are folks they have built a tremendous amount of a cone and just this short period of time but as you can see it's all white a lot of bees a lot of bees I've already sealed off this end down here so I don't want the bees to run down here and so I've sealed this thing off so I don't have to chase bees down here and I'm gonna start vacuuming from this end that is quite an impressive-looking hi to be here for such a short period of time waiting to start the vacuum got my queen catcher I'm gonna glue these bees [Music] well I've taken out gee whiz it must have about ten pieces of cone this stuff is so soft I'm finally getting to some of it that's a little bit firmer and create a piece just I mean just fell right down I mean it just exploded once it hit the table it's so the comb is so soft and there's it's it's very difficult to frame the stuff up and you don't want any wet comb in there particularly at this time of year when the beetles start really getting crazy so I'm keeping the comb as dry as it can I think I got two good pieces right now that I can start framing out the other stuff I'm just got to squeeze it out and then just feed it to the bees because these bees need this nectar right now because we're almost at the end of our look at this thank you Jesus wow what a monster queen that is pull that comb off and and generally what I do is when I pull it off I look at the comb behind the one I just took off because I don't worry if she's on the one I took off I can get her but if she's on the one that I take off I don't see and she can run behind it but I did see her and I just grabbed it thank you Jesus boy this is gonna make our job so much easier now we can just vacuum bees and get this stuff out of here wow that is a tree what but again I didn't have my video running when I should have I took the took the hose off and the gate wasn't closed and hey there's a bee sting of me my veil right now and man I mean those bees came out hot so now I had to put my veil back on put my suit back on because the bees are all mad but we got it all closed up and everything is good to go so that's all I got for you in this video at the Queen got the man we got fifteen eighteen thousand bees in here we're headed after the Abbey turn loose that's all we got buddy so thanks for watching keep on watching I'll be making more god bless mr. ed I'm out of here until the next video [Music] I'm here today I got I got goodtime charlie from my big piece big P big P big P big P big P from our be club and we have a summit out another seven area now a monk from st. Vincent's and he asked if he could come wrangling with us so today he's here with us to get stung up and have a good time just let me do my fingers then and then I always start again good no that's not so good temperatures are choppy it is are jabbing okay today is June 19th no food is did anything yeah yeah that's it that's good dude yeah I don't even know even if 10th
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 15,916
Rating: 4.9578061 out of 5
Keywords: The beauty and frustration of brand new bees wax., bee's wax, new comb, bee removals, bee removal vacuum, swarms of bees, swarms, swarm of bees, bee vacuum, removing a be hive from a house, catching a queen bee, queen cage, hive tools, jig saw, insulation, framing up comb from a bee hive, framing comb from a removal, rubber bands, using rubber bands to secure comb to a bee frame, bee stings, bee suits, rubber gloves, st vincent archabbey latrobe pa, laughter, bee disaster
Id: kp1ipJ0EMoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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