TUTORIAL: Make multiple designs with a few clicks using CANVA'S "BULK CREATE" feature

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welcome back to my channel So today we're going to be chatting about how you can design Graphics that are done in seconds and so I'm going to teach you a kind of a special little method kind of hack that we can use inside canva to bulk create content and so we're going to take a spreadsheet pretty much and take that spreadsheet into canva and have it bulk just automatically create things just like this so you can see here with my design here that there's like all these different posts and they are that I just created those at a click of a button then went in and tweaked some of the sizing so that because of the quotes are a little bit different and that's all they had to do and so I'm going to teach you exactly how you can do that today foreign [Music] my name is Jackie I am a graphic designer and coach for small business owners meaning that I teach business owners how they can create their own incredible branding Graphics through using programs like canva which is what I'm going to be showing you today as well as just how to actually do good design because design is more than just looking pretty it's all about communication and so if you want to keep in touch feel free to head over to my Instagram I'm just at White Deer GD or you can head up my podcast seriously in business to learn all sorts of things about branding and design and I would love if you find this video helpful to hit me a like and hit subscribe so you can keep in touch for more of the latest hacks and tips for creating incredible branding and graphics for your business so let's get into it so I love using chat GPT as the first step you can totally totally skip this step out the main goal of this is just to help us to create content quicker but in essence all you can do is just go straight into a Google sheet which I'm going to show you in a moment and then enter in your own content there but I'm going to show you how to use chat jpt first if that's the kind of the price you'd like to go down as it's a cool kind of tool to kind of save some time so for an example I'm going to do collate 15 quotes about branding and design um for my Instagram you don't have to say for my Instagram I'm going to write even here unique quotes So it comes up with 15 different ones rather than five that are the same and then just repeated the rest um as to happen before and I'm going to press generate and what it's going to do is automatically Source from all these different places lots of different quotes for me and I don't have to do the Googling I don't have to do anything it's just going to write it all down for me so you can see here it's got design is not just what it looks design is not just what it looks like and feels like a design is how it works oh I love that and so many different quotes I'm going to pop these in so the goal of these is obviously for your Instagram you don't want to be posting a quote post every single post but say you want to post a quote post every once every week and if you do 15 of these in one go literally in one click you'll see in a moment then you're done like you've designed posts for your quotes for three months of the year and you could do 100 of these at a time I'm just doing 15 at a time so we kind of just get a bit of an idea but you can do more as much of these as you want I'm not sure actually show what the canva limit would be but it's definitely not 15 and I would dare say it would go at least up to 100. and so I'm just going to grab these the grab this text is going to copy it with my mouse and then press Ctrl C or command C if you're on Mac then head over to a Google sheet so you can use Excel numbers whatever kind of you're using as your data processing formatting CD thing and I'm going to go to the second row I'm not going to go to the first one and I'll show you why in a second but the second row then I'm just going to press paste and then you'll see it's put all of those different quotes in one different line each so so simple I didn't have to like go into Google Source each one kind of try to copy it paste it all in it's all done for me so if you didn't use chat jbt you could literally just write write what the text you would like on each post inside each row so column row two is one post and Etc et cetera now what I'm actually going to do is split this up into multiple columns each column is going to be like its own text box inside canva this will all make sense shortly but in essence I want to separate out the person who wrote the quote from the actual quote itself so I'm going to through and copy out the name delete the dash and just paste that into here and do that over and over again just for these other ones this feels a bit tedious but honestly it doesn't actually take that long so once I've kind of split all of these up I'm going to now title this column which is why I wanted to leave that top row free so I'm actually just going to write in here quote you can write anything in but just kind of what makes sense to you for what that column contains and I'm also going to write Credit in here you could write name or whatever it is you could also do this for customer testimonials this would be such a great way you could actually enter in like the testimonial here here here here like it can take up as much room as you like and then add in the person's name here you could add in like say if they have a job title like coach or consultant or accountant and you can write that in here and kind of put that into your canva for a great design anyway I'm getting excited about all these multiple uses next I'm going to go into canva and I'm going to create my design so as I said I'm going to be pretending this is a social media post for my Instagram so I'm going to go into canva and press create design and I'm going to search for Instagram and I'm going to select the portrait post you can totally do square but portrait posts are really really great because they take up more of a scroll so when someone's scrolling on the Instagram if you're using a portrait post it's actually what you can see here it's a little bit taller than a square which just means that you're taking out more room which means that people are more likely to notice your post we've got this capability to do it so I think why not as much as we can to design around around that portrait post instead of square but the important thing to remember with portrait posts is that they are still cut off in your grid so your portrait post will still get cut to a square when it's previewed in your Grid at the time of recording this at least and so what you need to do is make sure that you don't make a design that looks weirdly cut off when it enters your grid so I'm going to show you a hack around how I make sure that my designs always look great on the grid and also just in a full post when people are scrolling their feed so I'm going to actually insert a square to do that I'm just going to press r on my keyboard R and it's inserted a square straight away you can also just go to the elements section here and just add in a square that's more than okay I'm then going to make this Square full size so I'm going to hold down shift on my keyboard board and that's going to keep my Square being a square ratio if I don't hold down shift and try to do this you'll see that it becomes kind of a bit of a rectangle it can be any shape at all but if I hold down shift it makes it into a square so I'm going to bring that square right to the edges over here and then bring that square right to the edges over here make sure that it's centered so you'll see that pink line that comes up as letting me know that it's centered then I'm going to go to I've already got my rulers turned on but if you don't already have your rulers turned on go to file view settings and press show rulers and guides then I'm going to hover my mouse over the top of these guides and bring and click and drag and it'll bring down this ruler now this ruler isn't visible on your final design it's literally just something for you to see so you can arrange your design accordingly so you put you can put rules wherever you like but I like to put them where the square is so I can see on Instagram that this is where my grid is going to get cut off on a design so if I just press this down so I'm actually going to show you my own Instagram how what I mean by the cutting off of the grids you see here say what's a good example I'll do this one here so this is just a static post and you can see that it's got cut off here just above my head and cut off here with the clouds if I actually click on the post you can see it's actually got quite a lot more room above my head and a lot more room below the clouds but I made sure that my design looked good when it was cut off in the Square but it also is just taking up so much more room because it's more of a rectangle than a square so if you can take advantage of that extra space that you've got because it just helps your design to have more room and it helps you to take up more space on the feed so I'm going to go back to my design here and so you can see that I put the rulers in on the top and bottom of the square so now I can just delete the square and now I've got these rulers that I can see if you want to preview a design with and without the rulers I just press Ctrl r or command r on Mac oops sorry shift R my mistake you can press shift R and it takes away the rulers and not which just means you can preview without the lines if you're at the final stage and you're trying to check everything looks good okay so now I'm going to make my design so obviously you can use you can do whatever design you want I'm going to go through showing you how I make my designs but I just hope this will give you a couple of different tips for how you can do yours but there's so many options for you if you don't have a brand yet please go back and maybe watch my other videos around creating an elevator brand or the wow model and to kind of be thinking through how can I create a proper brand that's going to be consistent and beautiful in my Graphics I'll link the elevator brand video below because it's really helpful to get you started thinking about if you need to do a Rebrand or start a brand from scratch but for Essence I don't I want to make sure that you use canvas templates canvas templates are wonderful the only caveat I give is making sure that you edit those templates and make them your own having your own branding on things helps you be so recognizable helps you to be really consistent helps you to be create Customer Loyalty because people are beginning to recognize you and form a connection with you so if you don't want to start from scratch though feel free to do a template for example I'm not going to use this one but I want to show you it in general but just click on this you'll see it pops up here I can click on this background and change it all to being my brand colors or I could just totally delete the background and make it my own brand I have a whole folder full of my brand elements I have this white deer folder I've got all my different brand elements I'm going to pop that there and already this is looking so much more like my brand but I also have my own brand font so I'm now going to click on this I'm just going to ungroup these text boxes press the text box and go over here and you'll see that because I have canva Pro I have this white deer these are my fonts these are the fonts that I've uploaded and that I'm using as my brand fonts and so whenever I create a graphic I'm always using these ones so I'm going to click on this terminal font here and then that could be just like so I'm going to click on the credit kind of down here and I could either make this I actually use a terminal kind of like a a lighter version a regular version here maybe I make that into all caps maybe make it a smidgen smaller so it's got some more hierarchy like I really want this to catch people's attention I don't really care if they see this I need it to be small enough that it's not taken away from the design but it's not so small that it's not visible so I pop that in there and then pretty much that could be my design if I wanted it to be but I'm going to do one that's slightly more my branding because I can so I'm going to open up a new page and then I'm going to go to I have I love having um this kind of design here so I'm going to bring this to its full page then I actually liked having a purple color for my branding but this isn't purple clearly so I'm actually going to go to edit image this is really showing you the behind the scenes of my brand I'm going to edit image and go to oh I've skipped a note photogenic photogenic is a really cool editing of photos kind of filters and thankfully it actually has one that makes most most colors most photos my own color so I scroll down and see this color pop this one here this just makes everything into my color which is so so helpful it doesn't always be the case for every brand but for me it works a dream so that is now sometimes a glitches like this so if that ever happens to you like it's just a thing don't stress out about it just go back and do it again sometimes we just need to wait a moment after we press apply otherwise canvas kind of still processing that we've changed everything and it's asking me to press apply again so I'm just going to do that and hope that it kind of sticks that time I'm going to click out yep it held beautiful I'm actually also going to just make this a little bit transparent and then change the background to being my purple color um just so that like the grainy texture is just a little bit bit more subtle so I'm going to bring it down to there okay next I need to add in my text so I'm just going to press T and it's going to open up a text box and because I've already set what my brand fonts are that's already just going to be straight there ready to use and already in my brand font so I'm going to put um quote here I'll tell you some more about this in a moment I'm also going to duplicate this text box by just pressing this one here and I'm going to write credit here and again I'm just going to change that like I did earlier to this other font maybe making it all caps and then making it much smaller so you can just do that by grabbing the corner bits here and bringing this down now I'm going to fill in the rest of my Design This is looking a little bit boring for my brand if your brand is really clean and simple this could be enough like don't stress about making it super intricate if your branding isn't intricate but my branding is kind of like a full-on so I'm going to add in some of my other brand elements I'm going to add in this little bubble for me I love my little bubble actually even you took to use bubbles inside my photo shoot I had loved it so much then I'm going to add in some clouds down the bottom here uh maybe maybe this one as well I haven't used this one for a while like so and I'm going to add in some more text I'm actually going to write in brand inspiration and I'm going to make that into my sub I kind of have an accent font in my branding which is this Gusto one so I'm going to make that there and then bring this and then actually rotate the text box like so so it's kind of not really text it's taken away from my actual text but it's actually just um kind of like a design element that I'm kind of bringing in over here so I'm going to add that there and then make that text white my branding I try to use only white text so I'm going to make all of this into white which just means I need to make sure my background is dark enough that it's readable so this is starting to get a little bit unreadable but again because it's not priority information it's actually okay if it's not super super clear as long as it's clear enough um do I want to add anything else into here I have a cute some cute little um kind of like doodle elements I'm going to add those in here um like so maybe pop this like there to do all right that's looking okay so far I think actually I'm going to delete that what I really want to do is add in some quotation marks I love just adding in a little little quote to be like this is a quote rather than this is my own thing so I'm going to write quotation mark quote Mark but I'm going to write doodle because I want a kind of an illustrative kind of rough kind of drawing um rather than a really like structured one like one of these I found one of these yesterday and I was really happy with it but I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to find it again so what I'm going to actually do is change my search a little bit to go quotation see if that comes up with anything yes here it is so you can just see sometimes you just need to tweak your search so if you can't find what you want feel free to tweak I'm going to pop this here but I'm actually going to flip it so that it's facing the other direction I'm going to change it to being white and now I can start to think about adding in my text but before I do that there's one final step and that final step is this obviously my quote is going to be longer than just this here so I'm actually going to copy this and paste it and paste it a few times just so I can see what it looks like with more text you'll see here that it's kind of now really badly aligned what I want to do is align it over here to so it's about this far away from the edge and I also want it left aligned that's going to match my branding a lot more but I also don't want the text coming all the way over this way so I'm actually going to bring this text box to be more like this and then I'm going to make it a little bit less text here and I think that kind of distance is looking really nice I'm going to do the same thing with this not make heaps of text but make sure it's left aligned because if I leave this Center aligned if the names are longer and some names are stored up for my credit then it's going to look a little bit odd so I'm going to press left align and bring this down here like so all right so I've now had my daughter join me classic mum live um so I'm going to continue with this design so I'm editing this up here added this here I made sure that this is left aligned so that all the text always starts on this left kind of section here next what I want to do is finish off my design I can just kind of add this in here and then I can add in my bolt text so what you want to do is scroll down on the left here I've got a lot of these folders you probably won't have this many um scroll down here and go to this app section and this app section all you need to do is search the word bulk and you'll find this bulk create section so just click on bulk create you'll see there's three steps we need to do first is uploading a CSV so I'm going to go back to my my spreadsheet here that I added in all the text so I'm going to go to file download CSV third that's the kind of what we want to save it as so I'm just going to save that to my computer it's got it down here in my downloads and I'm going to go back to my quote and I'm going to upload CSV you can enter the data manually in which case you can kind of just it kind of just sets it up like this and you could paste it and stuff but I find it easier just to use Google Sheets or something press upload CSV I'm just going to grab that file I just downloaded then you can see here it's taken it said oh you've got one column that was labeled quote you've got another column that was labeled credit I'm like yes that's everything I wanted so you could obviously have more down here but I'm going to just click on this text box here I'm going to right click on it and you'll see this connected data option is now available when I do that I want to put quote and you'll see that's recording here so let's pop these little brackets around here and that's just letting me know that this area is going to get filled in with this quote section I'm going to do the same with the credit press connect data press credit and now we're almost done I'm going to press this continue button here and it's just pulled in all this information and if there was one of them I didn't want I could just unselect it like so but I'm now going to press generate pages and what it's going to do is generate a whole new canva design Tabby thing for me where I can now it's now designed the graphics for me so obviously because I had those two sections I kind of forgot about that first one but this is a good demonstration of what actually happens um because so we could you can kind of see what's happened here is it's kind of just taken that one because I didn't actually put any data into that um and it's just popped it there because every second page was going to be that design you'll see if I go back to my original it just looks like so I actually want to test something while I've got you here I'm going to right click on this no it doesn't want me to do it if I press back I can press connect data and put quote here and put my credit here I want to see if we can actually do that with the actual designs I'm going to press continue again and generate now it's going to open up a new canva design and you can see here that it's actually done the different alternating design which is so so helpful if you want two kind of designs you could even do like this design but do like three different color options and I'll just rotate through those three different color options which can be really really helpful so now you'll see there's a problem the problem is that my design doesn't look perfect on each of these so you would have to now go manually through if you want it to look perfect which I do recommend for the extra five minutes work that it's going to be just making sure everything looks perfect so just changing this so that this text maybe is a little bit smaller maybe making it a bit like this and aligning it just checking that everything is perfect going into this one this one's probably quite a nice but like design is how it works is like the key of the of the quote so maybe I could make that into a different color I could make this into a different color so I could put this here make this maybe a dark purple maybe even darker purple let's go a little bit darker again and you can see that now this quote is now looking more Dynamic and interesting because there's a little bit of difference and everything's getting broken up so now I just go through and kind of tweak the design just make sure everything's looking perfect make sure that nothing is looking a bit funny and just check all the the line breaks are in good spots um just make sure it's looking perfect because you're posting this as a once off design into your career and although you're seeing all of them at once that doesn't mean we need to just like rush through them and so just go through and just slowly make sure they're all perfect it's actually made me a design for each of the um it's gone through you can see there's 30 designs but I only had 15 quotes So I've got an option for all of these um as this kind of layout or um or this kind of layout and so choose which one you kind of like maybe delete the other one I can say oh this one actually looks good in this small quote I'll use that one for my social media post delete that one and then when you're all finished all you have to do is go to share download and then download each of these pages and ready to share it to your social media you can obviously also do canva has a great scheduling um scheduling feature that you can use if you want to do that so you're on social so feel free to use that should you desire but in essence that's how you do it that is how you can create multiple designs in just a few moments inside canva using the bulk create feature so I'd love to hear if you've got any questions to pop them in the comments or if you think of any fun ways to use this like how I said you could use it for testimonials and just to kind of edit those in or there's just so many options so enjoy that and let me know if this one has a blown your mind like a blue mine when I first knew it was possible and don't forget to hit subscribe if this has been helpful for you and you want more content just like this if there's any other tutorials you'd like to see as well feel free to pop that in the comments and if you want to see me more regularly I'm always on my Instagram so feel free to head over there and I'll chat to you more alright bye
Channel: Jacqui Naunton // White Deer
Views: 44,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, canva tips, bulk create, whitedeer, branding, graphic design, jacqui naunton, diy design, graphic design basics, canva tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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