"Just Do It" Vesta Mangun BOTT 1996

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he's a great Christian she's a good wife she's got a pretty decent husband very well-qualified and my mother could speak in front of presidents or kings or paupers there's anointing that rests upon her life and I know you love her not nearly as much as I do she is the grandmother of my killing gentry and that makes her very very proud would you welcome my mother best to manga and you may be seated it's going to be very costly for you to sit here today because it is going to cost you to do what my little presentation don't look at the package because God is going to do something here today that's never been done in a because of the times but it's costing you it's going to cost you these things do not come cheap the one who brought us salvation was hanged between two thieves on a cross he died to become a savior several years ago coming home from Lake Charles Louisiana had been to Joan in Murrells I needed to get on i-10 I spotted a little old man and I pulled over to the curb and rolled down the wind and said sir could you tell me where to hit ITIN he walked over slowly and deliberately and said to me chef I tell you what to do you go down here straight on don't you turn left you turn right and then will you turn right shared then you turn back left and you go about another mile and you hit him and then when you hit him share you get on him and you ride him and you ride him and you ride him and share I've come here to tell you today when you hit you better find our chin and hit and then when you hit him you get on him and you ride him and you ride him and you ride and you ride him and you ride him and you ride and you don't ever quit ride me because of the terms 1996 I've come to tell you to pick up your mighty weapons don't you know what your mighty weapons are yet then pick them up and don't ever lay them down and rotten and rotten and rodham and don't ever lay them down the strategy that I will present is nothing terribly new no new truth can be found under the Sun anyway don't let any of these make you think it's all original with them just new packages and I want to share this particular package with this exhortation just do it and that's my little subject for because of the times 1996 come on folks and just do it come on and get it get it get it get it and just ride him ride and ride him Ronnie you've got to turn talk into action finally you got to quit talking and you've got to just do it listen to me the greatest event in history has already happened we're just here to learn how to get the full benefit of the greatest event that's ever happened and I do not know why God places such value and importance on prayer but I know he does so since I know he does I'm going to get on him and ride in and ride him and ride him in our Almighty God has limited himself in performing great and mighty acts to the prayers of his people and the Bible tells me to pray without ceasing I don't know what your says but mine tells me to pray without ceasing pray until I become prayer pray until I prevail in prayer the Bible tells me always to pray always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication begging ly for all saints pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayer that requires request from my soul for all the saints always keep on praying pray pray get on him and ride him pray pray but jesus said that men ought to everybody shouted in the building that means get on him and ride him now don't ever stop prayer demands combat to the last breath in your body Jesus Christ God incarnate attempted nothing absolutely nothing without first of all prayer the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the hundred-and-twenty in response to a seven to ten day prayer meeting and the church was begun and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in thank you say they never stopped say they got on him and they just rode in the church continued steadfastly in prayer not occasionally not a selected few as though it were one of the gifts but all free daily continually steadfastly that church was marked by persistent constant unceasing prevailing prayer thus when you read the book of Acts you read the Acts of the Holy Ghost operating through a people who continued steadfastly in prevailing prayer when you read the book of Acts you will find nothing same but perpetual revival progress every word is positive in the book of Acts every chapter tells in one way or another the victory of the church you read for example in acts 2:47 the Lord added daily such as should be saved in acts 4 and 4 says many of them which heard the word believe many and then the number yesterday number them the number of the men that were saved were 5,000 men nice little church acts 5 and 14 says and believers were added to the Lord then it's this one say more tattoos first they were added then multiplied then they got into multiplication every person in the then-known world the Bible says literally heard the gospel of Jesus Christ you know why they just hit him and got on him and ride him and ride him and ride him hallelujah shout hallelujah gonna cost you to sit here today from chapter 2 all the way through chapter 28 of Acts is filled with excitement miracles signs and wonders the lane leaping and walking and praising God Dorcas raised from the dead Paul was revived and preached on Eutychus was prayed back to hear another lengthy sermon jailbreaks earthquakes angels appearing and disappearing prison door swinging wide open baptizing converts at midnight riding out typhoons and the fine tempestuous erupted and excitement thrilling capturing handkerchiefs aprons and the shadow of a mere man healing the sick casting out Devils why they continued steadfastly in prevailing playing through continual steadfast persistent prayer of faith they beat down all opposition they surmounted every obstacle they conquered every foe they were victorious through every setback from Jerusalem to Rome say nothing say nothing to stand before them say nothing to stop them get on him and ride him hit him get on him and ride him hallelujah in the face of the Marius most hedonistic and cruel empire they lit a light of this glorious gospel in every corner of that vast domain they literally turned the Roman Empire upside down the maddie mistress of the then known world proved they could not resist the power and the influence of the intensified prayers of the people of the book of Acts they snatched those right out of Caesars household and again I repeat every person in the then-known world heard the gospel and anything God has ever done in the past he is able to duplicate or exceed and he's always exceeding himself you just wait and look out you don't have to believe it you've got some people sitting here that's going to hit him and they're going to get on him and they're going to ride in and they're going to ride in and they're going to ride in and devil you look out your kingdom is coming down it's already cracked at the foundation and we're making headway and the rest of you that are sitting down might as well join us we're getting ready to get on him and rowdy rowdy rowdy sit down saying just do it holler it louder say just do it stay hidden get on him rotten rotten and just rot him until you get home down almost 2000 years later the same church has never been as skillful we haven't we've never been as organized and computer risers we are now our machinery is magnificent yet I believe the devil is literally laughing when he looks and sees us depending on our puny little methods and strategies and sophisticated equipment instead of continuing continuing continuing steadfastly in prayer he is unmoved when prayerless preachers and congregations go through their little routines every launch day and appear to be so holy and so righteous and leave their prayer rooms empty God God stature even your fast days make me sick to my stomach he's laughing at us because he knows the whole area where you are his faith in here's wicked hangings his goods are safe he doesn't even have to guard his goods a form of godliness doesn't move him costly buildings done frighten him train choirs don't upset him our beautiful pageants are well organized numerous ministries doesn't trouble him at all when there's no power of God no demonstration of the Holy Ghost no miracles nor adding to the church daily no multiplication of believers no excitement which comes only in response to earnest fervent persistent continual believing prayer the devil is unmoved he's got your City all tied up and the only way you're going to break it is get on him and ride him and ride him and ride in and ride him it's going to cost you to be here today it's going to cost you to do what I'm talking about I don't care if you how to die you better snatch your family out of hell on the other hand when the devil sees this church United in continual fervent persistent prevailing prayer faith he knows his days are numbered he knows that that church in that community is going to take first place and he's got to pack up and get out the great need of our world and our nation and our churches is people who know how to prevail in prayer God is searching for the people who know how to wrestle agonized contend in prevailing prayer of faith over self over situations over people and over state and say we can do it that we are going to do it now thank you sister teenie Satan your days are numbered and I want you to memorize this with me stay back up stay pack up and clear out because we've organized wno P world network of Prayer they we've linked up millions in the greatest prayer meeting in history and as we continue and intensify we're going to hit him get on him and we're going to ride him and such a volume accumulated prayer will literally shake the gates of hell bind the forces of darkness and bring unprecedented revival that will sweep this world that has not happened yet pockets of revivals not what we want we want this whole world say it takes determined exhaustion to defeat Satan's Kingdom take a tournament determined you don't ever let up he'll soon be 77 and I'll soon be 70 we're more operative now than we've ever been in all of our lives devil you hear me I don't know what he's got in store for me but I know what I've got in store for him I'll soon be out of here I'll soon be out of here but until I am devil you're going to get one more link I'm going to hit you I'm gonna hit him it takes determined exhaustion you may be seated say the Ministry of reconciliation that is committed to us is really the ministry say of intercession we have the rare privilege of being down here on the battlefield you don't like it I love it just looking for a fight don't mess with my children don't mess with my grandkids don't mess with this church don't mess I'm looking for a fight devil pack up take your dirty filthy hands off of my kids thank your daughter filthy hands off of my church turn that video loose let's not give it here the devil talent won't enough come on you got to get riled up folks say my prayers are going to make a decided difference yeah say I've got some mighty weapons they say I'm picking them up again today and say I'm never going to lay them down say I'm going to hit him and I'm going to get on him and I'm going to ride it ride and ride em ride it this whole Bible talks about saying a warfare saying armor an army armor armed five warfare weapons and we're in the final battle of the war of all ages we're going to have the greatest victory of any generation brother Haney father hell you don't believe this do you well stand up shout it anybody else believe it if you believe the King sedan when Jesus Christ that on Calvary and cried out say it is finished he won the victory over standing Satan is that God through your mind yet come on has it got through your mind our trouble is were lazy and it's going to cost us something to finish what Jesus has already credited to our account here's the proclaim Victor of the ages say Jesus whipped the devil so he stripped him made an open show of him triumphed over him and he's given you and me the delegated authority and power to enforce that picture through Claire in Jesus name you don't believe that you've never acted like you believe it do you really believe that say I am going to enforce what he put in my hands and it's going to happen say Satan knows it he knows that better we know but he refuses to acknowledge his defeat but say prayer stands between the authority and power of heaven that's what the prayer warrior does and the darkness and power of held between the lamb on the throne and Satan the great dragon it's a bloody battleground that we're on we're violent and decisive battles are fought were souls for time and eternity are determined do you care the throne of Christ is an intercessory throne right now he's not ruling by his iron scepter right now but the intercession in partnership with the prayers of his people and backed by his own heavenly angels Jesus Christ is defeating Satan driving him back costing him out making him run where he has been illegally squatting say squatting and he refuses to vacate until you make him and you don't make him with little pattycake players and you don't make him with one time now and then and occasionally you get on him and you ride him and ride him and ride him you may be seated say Satan is a squatter he's illegally squatting on my ground he's got to get off of my property does anybody here want him to get off of your kids gonna cost you turn a posture so he refuses to surrender his Dominion until he must but he must yield and he will yield before Jesus advanced and he will yield before the Jesus man or woman who prays earnestly fervently persistently continually and believing ly stay in Jesus and stay in Jesus name let go turn loose I'm not sitting down I'm not giving up I'm going to have it like you declared it to be I will not I want it I'm going to hit it I'm going to run it I'm going to get it back saying he will rarest his nemesis reluctantly angrily slowly stubbornly contesting every each of grandmas say his flushes will loosen and he will flee but he yields only what he must anybody in here got your mind made up he's going to yield that he's going to heal he's going to turn loose in my city he's going to turn loose of my family he's going to turn loose of my children it requires intercession of the Saints to move the strongholds in high places he cannot triumph over prevailing prayer he cannot he cannot he cannot triumph over prevailing prayer but you've got to prevail over yourself over the situation over the people and over Satan and place prevailed before God say we can prevail by prayer of intercession but you gotta hit him you gotta ride him and ride him and ride him go ahead and give a you've got to repeatedly call his bluff and insist on Calibre's victory you've got to take your stand against all of his dirty wicked schemes you've got to stand your ground you've got to stand up to him and call him what he is and he will turn and he will run you don't defeat satan passively by saying oh we're just looking unto the lord to help us are you kidding he's done got you whipped looking unto the Lord and waiting you've got two folks get your mighty weapons and you've got some mighty weapons you know whatever lay them down and this is your most offensive weapon and we fix it again on that purpose to get on that come on folks you've got what it takes it's like this man preach last night everybody that God need is in this room today if you'll pick up your Marty Robbins he would rather have you do anything than pray that's why there's nothing on this planet that he fears more than he fears player he's more afraid of your friend than of your pure holy life he's more afraid of your prayer than he is your zealous witness more than all of your other activities for God and with God he would rather have you do anything but pray that's why he will do everything he can to keep you in that church from praying and no wonder prayer binds him shackles him all of his hellish demons you do damage to the kingdom of devil prayer is your communication link that links you up with all power in heaven and earth it links you with God and his almighty kingdom power prayer uses the same power and authority that Jesus operated in and now he gave it to operate through us I can bind forces of people in people and Satan and communities and Nations and it's our job to pull down every stronghold in the church in lives in this city in this nation said we can and say we will and prayer looses those and gel that Angelico's to do their work on earth prayer bombs his bombs the spiritual targets of Satan forcing him to retreat in desperation prayer breaks the spell over individual lives and frees them to perform the will of God it's a militant force it has the potential of defeating and destroying the devil's works they Jesus came to defeat the works of the devil and prayer is the continuing force of defeating the works of the devil whether it's in your family your children or anything that is absolutely reversed to what God won't say I am here to change it if I really believe that if we really believe that prayer could do all of that we would pray without ceasing for our children for our church for our leaders we would pray for our workers we would pray for the unsaved if we really believed all their prayer changes things we would continued steadfastly first thing we would do it until we prevailed we have never prevailed until Satan is defeated and he's not defeated in some situations I'm talking about say until he's defeated I'm not giving up you build a weight of Prayer I call it a cumulative weight of Prayer it's what Elijah who had a commitment from God that it would rain in three-and-a-half years did he say well we're just looking unto the Lord no he didn't say we're just looking unto the Lord say he prayed and he prayed and he prayed any freight and say finally after the seventh prayer say the answer came what if he has stopped on the fifth prayer or the sixth month no you get on him and you ride him and ride him and ride until that little hand appears now say Daniel received a vision say this is cumulative praying that's what's happening in Alexandra right now there's a lot of cumulative prayers I mean this with all of my heart folks and you'll just have to forgive me today but anybody anywhere that builds up a memorial of prayer and fasting something's going to be poured out the devil can't stop it all the lukewarm states can't stop it all hail can't stop it it's cumulated it's Memorial it's cumulative shout I'm gonna get on Daniel said I got a vision but I don't have any idea of what it means so he prayed and fasted say days went by then weeks and on the 21st day of prayer that angel appeared with the solution to his dilemma and startling information what if Daniel had stopped on the 20th day that's where some of you are you've laid your weapons then you stopped thinking you're going to come down here and get another answer there is no other answer you just get all fired up again and go home and don't ever lay them down what if the widow had stopped knocking when she was rebuffed no she continually appeared and reappeared and knocked and disturbed the old judge until out of sheer frustration he granted her petition you know what Jesus said you better listen to what that judge said about her persistent cumulative knocking I will avenge you if you have that cumulative knocking and asking I will answer you sweet at least they just do it don't shout it at your neighbors they do it you ought to look at him and joined him just say we're going to do this we're going to do it I'm talking about the kind of prayer that takes vote authority and beforehand do what you want I'll just keep on say there's got to be some new names written down in glory and the kind of prayer I'm talking about right new names in gold the kind of prayer I'm talking about the sheet number 100 will be brought back to the fold every box lighter ought to be brought back home with this accumulated praying say nothing can stand against the one who knows how to play and continued steadfastly in prayer say no war say no weapon formed against you shall prosper you don't even have to fight your own battles prayer fight your battles even the beasts of the field shall be quiet in the presence of the man or woman who knows how to pray men and women who know how to pray trample upon the Serpent and the adder and they hold the line at bay no you not that they're going to judge angels they're going to judge seis they're gonna judge the world just don't fool with a praying man of God or a playing Church you'll get hurt you will get hurt don't fool with a playing Church are playing man of God you'll get hurt you'll get hurt bad brother Megan my incomparable husband that's taught me and Anthony everything we know he has he has he his life surfs noticed to the devil every day and has for 55 years in County he has influenced his generation that God is alive and well but he said to me the other day when I said honey how did they receive that did you I didn't even notice I said well Carol what was it he said I didn't even notice he said you worry about too much stuff he said I handle that with prayer I don't have to be looking out of the corner of my eyes to see what they're doing or how they're conniving and what's going on I'll handle that with plan so you pick up your mighty weapons and you never lay them down so you get on them and ride on say just do it now please indulge me for the sake of example and the pastor you gave this to me a little late and you told me to be out of here in 55 minutes but brother Kenny found me and told me that a Charles meeting y'all gave me unlimited but I'm gonna get out of here if y'all will get on this and riding and riding and riding with you ask what is the secret of the power of this steady growth of this church you are you did that then your brother killed or you asked and please indulge me and please forgive me but you asked what is the secret of the power and the stated growth of this church say the answer is they continued steadfast in first of all prayer that's not all they first of all prayer you come here any hour of the day or night and you will hear prayers of Thanksgiving intercession supplication with strong crying in tears with groanings which cannot be uttered there battling for souls you will hear them praying in the Holy Ghost which opens up the sovereign will of God for every life it allows God to do for us what he never would what we never would dream could have happened and become an invincible force through which God fulfills his purpose praying in the Holy Ghost is Jesus other self praying I'm not going to leave you comfortless I'm not going to leave you without my other self when you let that other self go to pray and folks ever devil might as well back up have you gone his other self say when you let Jesus other self pray say anything can happen you make the devil tremble don't you stand there shake that kind of playing has gone on here that's right scores of men and women come with me it's gone on here 24 hours a day for decades steadily come with me now to the prayer rooms before every service where scores of men and women there's a pioneer of a new day in our church right now it exceeds anything that's ever happened they are pioneers of a brand-new day that is down here if you will they are praying and worshipping God perfectly they're breaking barriers and off times they continue right on through the service and we have something out here that is indescribable that is all that is absolutely engineered from heaven you can't orchestrate it such a church will go on steadily beating down opposition surmounting obstacles conquering the foe as much today as it ever did every church is going to have problems say that say every church every church is going to have problems the ones who overcome them are those who continue continued steadfastly prayer prayer prayer prevailing prayer will total everything don't mess with a plain Church say God had changed prayer hand changed we have not and I want you to learn they say we have not because we ask not over and over again it's just that simple Jesus lease teaches us to ask in the Lord's Prayer we're taught to ask ask ask shouted at me ask ask anything in my name and I will do it ask seek knock spells ask we have not because we ask not if you could grasp those seven words we have not because we ask not it could transform your life and bring you into unbelievable power you say why do I see so little fruit in my ministry why are those so few converts why doesn't my church grow why do members help so little in the work in the church you have not because you ask not you know the way you get workers in your church for the harvest you pray a man jesus said you pray them in hundreds are coming and finding God in the power of the Holy Ghost here and being baptized I'm not ashamed to tell you that and they're being sent right back out into the harvest you see the religion of Jesus Christ is a supernatural religion it's a supernatural anointing and it won't come with no other way only prayer and fasting and the word and giving and worshipping hallelujah hallelujah say you get on him you ride him and you're riding and you're riding every spiritual success that a church or an individual receives starts with prayer never ceases as long as there's prayer a praying church can achieve anything come on said anything say anything there is a multitude of workers in this church because we've literally prayed for years for God to give us workers Lord send us workers and then when the Lord sends them we allow them to work we don't set them on a pew we don't set them on a few and let them sit there we get them involved after we instruct them and to to them and exact and the leadership and I say they get to work and say therefore we don't even know all the people half of them in this church I sure don't but it's because others here know them and if they stopping them I'm saving them they prayer you hit him you're riding and we have not because we ask now we have not because we will not take up our mighty weapons and use them on a continuing basis you use them for a while then you lay them down just before the little cloud appears and just before the angel comes with the answer your lay it down but I'm telling you here today say just do it you got to get on him and ride him and if you will hear me please if revival is in response to prayer and I say that with me I just want you to learn that line if revival is in response to prayer then there ought to be a place where 24 hours a day people can go and pray in your city if there is not such a place in your city why isn't there I would not want to live in your city right now in this day if there were not such a place in your city where a church was praying every 24 hours out of everything I wouldn't want to live in your city I thank God I'm in a city where there's prayer going on 24 hours a day in the biggest church in the world the headquartered or did in this city a woman came here Towe learned about the 24 hour three hours prayer ships she's got 400 young people committed to praying in another denomination in this church 3 our prayer shifts and they're doing it on a continuing basis I'm telling you folks you better wake up and get your mighty weapons nobody has the full truth that you have it's like he said last night if we're not playing people for the worst people on the face of the earth because we know too much to be doing as little as we're doing now a biblically functioning church must do more than just pray say more than prayer is required you never thought you'd ever hear me say there did you but say more then player is required when the Bible refers to prayer as an activity in the early church always it is linked with something else and every growing church has got to linked up with all of these mighty weapons acts 13 and when they had fasted and prayed the Holy Ghost said they prayed and fasted the key to the Evangel a ssin of the world was born out of prayer and fasting jesus said we would fast he expects us to fast he himself fasted frequently withdrew himself to Fatima so he set the example and his apostles and every church in every city in the New Testament were praying fasting people and churches the early church followed that exam for over 400 years scattered all over the then-known world they were fasting twice a week the great reformers who blessed the Reformation age and impacted the world were all men and women who fasted and prayed the Old Testament men and women of God who turned the tide in the affairs of the world Moses Elijah Daniel David Ezra Nehemiah Jehoshaphat Esther's they all fasted and prayed when Nineveh a heathen nation United in repentance prayer and fasting say God spared them two hundred years when Esther called the Jews at Sousa to three days of United prayer and fasting say Haman's plot was foiled and the Jewish nation was spared they practiced prayer and fasting even the appointment of elders in the early church was always accomplished with prayer accompanied with prayer and with fasting now humbly I beg your forgiveness but that's why this church since 1950 as many as three to three hundred have fasted every day every member of this church fast as much as one day a week and some two or three days a week as many as five 50 to 100 just completed a seven day fast with their pastor and his wife uniting in a two day fast with prayer many a church has grown but did not know but did you not know that it's harder to sustain growth and to have growth there are major churches that have grown grown roamed and Bane and the reason this church has continued to perpetuate itself again and again is because it has continued steadfast in prayer and fasting because this church has realized that these things come by prayer and by fasting and if we're going to see the mighty move of God that even yet we want to see these things come by watch three times Joel says you leaders say leaders say leaders of the people you elders you ministers you unite the people in prayer and fasting for the divine intervention that it's going to be hurled against you in the end time they're going to be marshaled against you the only way to handle it is to get on it and ride it and ride it and ride it and we will bring every situation that's opposed to us or the church they will bring it under subjection to the will of God they God will prevail through playing people if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray so who really is to blame when the State of the Union the state of the church or the state of the home is not good I'm thinking it's hanging on us God's looking for men and women who will lead his people in repentance and self humbling they through United prayer and fasting say we will make a difference it's going to cost you it's going to cost you it's going to cost you to fast and pray do you want some things to happen do you want to do it on a continuing basis and he'll move along I'm not gonna take all that they gave me I know he's sitting there worried sick that I go as long as I won't say prayer and the word the Apostles placed prayer say first immediately link it with the Ministry of the word but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the Ministry of the word so the word increased and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly and rapidly even a large number of priests became obedient to the faith because when the word increased disciples multiplied greatly but among us and I hate to tell you there is a famine for the word on a regular continuing basis among us with a systematic teaching of the word say daily daily daily there is a famine for the world of God among us yet jesus said to abide in his word and let his word abide in us we could ask what we would God's Word is basic to a militant life of prayer were to feed the people were to nourish them were to instruct them were to mature them man does not live by bread alone but by every it is to dwell in us richly we are to be workmen that need not be ashamed we are to live it out and then we are to explain its message it's a mirror it's the incorruptible seed it's water it's a lamp it's a sword it's precious metals it's food it's meat it's bread it's honey you need the strength it's a hammer it's fine it is the most powerful weapon you've got God exalted his word above his say get to teaching the word say the word with prayer can destroy anything the devil ever can talk to an order timely pulpit messages through Bible studies through systematic Bible teaching through orientation classes this church is experiencing phenomenal growth and the Lord is adding to the church daily such as should be saved godly men and women are supposed to spend their time giving attention to prayer in the word our greatest concern in this church should be how can we bring the Word of Life to the people of this city in a more relevant way how would you like to live in a city where there were no prayer and fasting or the Word of Life how would you like to be in a church where there was no daily teaching of the word admitted - you pick up this mighty weapon never lay it down say but that's not even where the story ends yet so you've got to have more of the spirit the Bible says Paul said oh I'm in here he turned my salvation through your prayer but you need another supply of the Spirit you've got to link with the prayers of a further supply of the Spirit first he stated a need in addition to prayer then he said you need a further supply of the spirit you need this working in you modeling they all need the Holy Ghost working in me mightily they that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits it's not my mind nor the power but by my spirit saith God say I need everybody in my church hands laid on them if it takes that say playing through everyday talking in tongues new anointing sale new supply of the Spirit Paul said ordinary please not don't get me out of here ordinary plagues not gonna work in this hour and God can only use you in proportion to the amount of spirit that you have in you say I need a new drink say I need a fresh Pentecost that's why he shook continents shook off Vipers sure kings he had a revival or a ride every Pentecostal church needs a refilling and a filling stay often and don't let it go too long without a reef and a greater supply of the spirit say we need a greater supply of the spirit how about prayer and giving I'm not going to go into that but I'm just going to tell you this it's a cumulative giving will open up the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing and prayer gives force the storehouses will be open even Cornelius was the first Gentile because his prayers and his giving came up as a memorial he became the first Gentile to get this he God used him to open the door with Peter to the Gentile world stay 150 150 of his family because he not only continued praying but it continued giving now there's a sixth couplet that is responsible for church growth and if you're ready for there say prayer and witnessing prayer and evangelism oh let me give you this if I don't get to tell you anymore an evangelism explosion is God's answer to the population explosion we must feel the needs of our city if we will concentrate on building people say God will build a church say people is what matters to God don't mistreat them love them reach for them please no please don't bother them till they get a good chance at this folks please don't people say people say people say if you'll love people reach for people say God will build a church weep over people say it's people people I'm going after people people in the church people out of the church people people people say invest your life in people if remember evangelism with every member becoming a contagious Christian until it reaches epidemic proportions is an evangelism explosion which explosion which is God's answer to the population explosion turn your talk into action as they just do it now the Pentecostal of Alexander could tell you some marvelous things after these many years from door to door for at least four times and give you the exciting account but right now under the very capable leadership of Anthony and Mickey mega developing leaders making sound financial decisions handling the growth of total membership involvement they help with excitement and excellence created a ministry structure of small groups and serving teams where people show they care by sharing resources to help the less fortunate who egg and weep for the lost and sacrificed to win them struggling people are helped by their spiritual and material resources families are united souls are added to the church daily discipled and put to work it is a community of believers here reaching out to hurting people in a real and tangible way and those who minister to hurting people will never lack for an audience praying that does not result in people coming into the kingdom is a waste of time and effort what if you lived in a city today and you were lost and in that city there was not a church with an effective outreach for the lost you lost you would no doubt be lost and how can they hear without a preacher and how can you preach except they be sent statistics indicate that of every 100 members in the church in 1996 15 ever fast 23 25 never seldom read the Bible 30 never seldom attend services 40 don't give 60 never or seldom go to church at night 70 never give to missions 80 never go to any prayer meeting 19 do not even have family devotions and 95 have never won a soul to Jesus Christ and the average church has one convert a year say that's frightening come on say that with me and say that's wicked they're wicked and slothful servant prayer is linked with old-fashioned repentance after all of this that I've said in after these statistics say until we repent and pick up our mighty weapons and say get on him and riding and riding and riding say before God works in us he's got to do a work through every renewed Pentecostal revival has begun with confession repentance and our cleansing from sin it plays a final part here today it's going to cost you to do what you came here to learn to do it's not easy it's hard work and you don't stop even when you're 70 or 80 or 77 we must be about the business of being the people of God before becoming preoccupied with doing great things for God we need an old-fashioned repentance going on here today we have not done it yet folks we have not done it in Alexander again I don't care if they did have twenty one hundred Sunday they need to be ashamed that it wasn't 50 100 and if it were 50 100 they need to be ashamed that it wasn't ten thousand and one I'm telling you they're out there yet they're out there again but we need to repent we need to repent say my business knowing what to do and not doing it I need to repent event I must be convinced that I can't do anything without him you need to get your family together you and your wife needs to get you need to get things fixed up between you all your prayers are going to be hindered there's no need to pray and fast and get in the word until you get a hold of your own self get your family together bind your family together repent and get ahold of God and get things going right say misunderstandings attitudes my working relationships jealousy there must be a harmony of relationships between local church members and leaders we've got to repent of anything in us today stay resent much say jealousy they greed covetousness envy criticism it will bring a refreshing from the Lord prayer brings revival if unites God's people it brings restoration renewal rehabilitation renovation spiritual reconstruction reanimation for the people of God resuscitation to the work of God relief from the burden of sin reclamation and recovery for backslidden churches it is a reparation of the Holy Ghost Souter's transforming that it will be like a resurrection from the dead in your and if this church will stay on our knees with prayer and fasting prayer and giving prayer in the world prayer and witnessing prayer and more the spirit prayer and repentance and confession we can shape our world and God will do what he said he would do and whoever here wants that blessing that God is looking for a man a woman through whom he may declare war on the devil he purposes that through that man or woman Satan you're going to be served notice here today - back up back up and clear out say I'm gonna do it hey back up back up clear out I'm going to do it that's going to cost me that's going to cost me but I'm going to get on in I'm gonna ride in and I'm going to ride in and oh come on shot it man we're fasting the world or the spirit giving witnessing repeating buddies who wants to be that vessel who wants to be that invested get a look in any city dr. klevor getting work in any but you gotta get it back almost a get on him Andrade God don't ever let your weapon stand don't ever turn your back I'll tell you folks me
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 57,673
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Vesta Mangun
Id: 12YwEyd6RAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2015
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.