"Loving The Way Jesus Loved" Vesta Mangun BOTT 1989

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you've come to hear one of the greatest ladies that you'll ever hear speak man she has touched so many of our lives with an encouraging hand she has affirmed us when we needed affirmation she has awakened us when we felt slumber and sleep in our eyes and she has with her breath of words rekindled the smoldering embers of fires that we have had from time to time she has fanned those flames of desire and commitment and excellence in prayer and dedication and commitment and there's not anybody that I'd rather have walked to this pulpit this morning and addressed this conference than the pastor's wife of this great Pentecostals of Alexandria faithful for so many years let's welcome sister Vesta laine Mangan you may be seated some of the greatest ministers of all time sit in this room today some on this platform our great leaders our sponsors our many speakers and the sooner we begin to believe all of this the better off we're going to be my husband of 46 years he seeks no higher office than to be the senior pastor of the Pentecostals of Alexandria then my precious son Anthony whom I love and respect and called pastor and he loves that but on this day following the day of hearts what could be a greater thing to tell you then God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever whosoever whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and it's either perish or everlasting life for every individual that has ever lived since God created Adam and Eve and for that reason though I speak with tongues of men and of angels and have not charity agape God love I am become a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal so this is not a sermon or a lecture or a message to fulfill a duty and obligation or a responsibility you will not hear or see a genuine example of the awesome subject but you will hear and see a Christian rejoicing that God loves her for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our if there is one truth more than another which are deeply wish we could somehow awake and make ourselves available to and you would open up your minds and hearts to this truth God loves you the one and only deity the Infinite Creator who holds the winds in his fist and makes the clouds his chariots who owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills and all the gold and silver are his whose almighty arms embrace the starry spaces and in whose hands are very breath is he loves us how He loves us without exception God loves indiscriminately all races creeds and colors and he loves each individual in distinction that is the most profound elevating comforting news which was ever flashed from the throne of God and broke like a sunrise on planet Earth God so loved God so loved the world God so loved the world that He gave God so loved the world that He gave all and when once that superlative wonder grips your mind and it is gratefully responded to your whole life outlook will be dramatically transformed for God the universe history mankind human life will all assume new meaning it will put a new life in your mind it will put a new song in your heart it will put a new calm in your spirit it will put a new restfulness amid adversity a new confidence concerning the unfolding of the future the love of God to all men everywhere is the high pinnacle of biblical revelation everything else has to climb up to it Jesus Christ is the peak expression of it the cross is the intense point of it the gospel of whosoever will is a blood vol salvation is the man Nana Mossad pulling of it Calvary's love it's bigger than our biggest sinning it forgives transgressions beyond counting it gives release from the heaviest burden of guilt Calvary's love sawdust Calvary's love bought us it was there at that old green hill outside jerusalem that we first heard the heartbeat of that infinite line I don't know any better news to tell you today then god loves you God so loves you God so loves you he gave all and the idea of a God who gives all without condition and loves us all just the same and just as we are that's incredible yes it is but it is true for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die but God but God commendeth his love toward us even while we were yet sinners Christ died for us I cannot tell you how long he has loved us for we shall never know it's beginning I can trace it back 2,000 years ago and show you a stable a manger Gethsemane a whipping post and a cross oh but he loved us before that he loved you and me six thousand years ago in creation when he formed us from the dust of the ground breathed into our nostrils and we became a living soul then he placed us in a beautiful home called the Garden of Eden and he came to see about us every day but it goes beyond that for even before the foundation of the world he was the lamb for sinners slain and I don't know beyond that how long I really don't know how much did he love me Paul said to know the love of Christ which passeth which passeth knowledge sounds like a paradox this means to be knowing this means to be learning that which shall never be completely known this means trying to know the unknowable comprehend the incomprehensible explore the unexplored all define the indefinable we will never know it completely though we learn some today there will yet be more to learn tomorrow and even in a world without end when we've been there ten thousand years bright shining is the Sun we will not yet know the height depth lick breath and the love of God love will outlast the Sun love will outlast the moon love will outlast the Stars for as long as God lives love will live for God is love to know the love of God which passeth understanding booth-clibborn put it like this down from his glory everliving story my god and savior came and Jesus was his name born in a manger to his own a stranger a man of sorrows fears tears and agony what condescension bringing us Redemption that in the dead of night not one faint hope was inside but God gracious tender laid aside his splendor stooping to woo to win and to save my soul but on an asylum wall an inmate wrote could we with ink the ocean filled and were the skies of parchment made to write the love of God above and every man a star and every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe betrayed to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry nor could the scroll contain the whole those stretch from Sky to sky all love of God how rich how pure how measureless how strong it shall forevermore forevermore forevermore endure it's the Saints and the angels song how much did he love me I really don't know but enough to lay outside his robes of splendor for a bar a peasant's game and not to trade a gilded throne to be hanged on an old rugged cross enough to trade a royal diadem for a crown of thorns enough to trade a scepter for a walking stick and not to quit living with the holy angels flying holy holy holy day and night for a jeering mob screaming crucify him crucify him crucify him he gave up heavenly manna to come and being hungered he left the river of blood to come and cry I thirst he gave up a heavenly host to come and be alone in Gethsemane and pray until his sweat became great drops of blood for our sakes he gave up riches that we could be made rich he became poor that in his poverty we might be made rich he came to where we were to bring us to where he is he gave up no rest he gave up rest for no place to lay his head and we hid as it were our faces from him but he just kept on loving us still he loved until he gave all I don't know how much he loves me but enough to be despised and rejected of men and we esteemed him not and not to be stricken and smitten and afflicted of God and not to be wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities just ties for our peace and whipped for my healing he loved me enough to pour out his soul even unto death he loved me to be numbered with the transgressors he loved us all to bear the sins of all and he made me he made intercession for all transgressors he enough that in the days of his flesh he prayed all night many nights and a great while before every day he prayed when he was hungry he prayed when he was tired he prayed when he was lonely he prayed when he was popular he prayed when he was unpopular he prayed when dying he prayed for the sarrish Pharisees he prayed for the Sadducees he prayed for all sinners he prayed for all men he prayed always and now he ever liveth to pray and make intercession for every one of us I don't know how much he loves me but enough to cry forgive them forgive them for they know not what they do enough to go to Joseph's tomb for three days and nights enough to look Simon Peter up after the resurrection and who had cursed him and who had denied him will never know how much it passes finding out it's better defined by actions than by adverbs anyway we shall never know it's beginning we'll never know how much we shall never know its cost but thank God we shall never know its end it cannot be extinguished God's love is unending undiminished forever eternal it's stronger than death death can't destroy it death can't kill it kill it it can't be killed it's a book you'll never complete it's a search you will never end you'll never drink it dry you hid will never run dry it will always be there use it today more will be there tomorrow it's broader than the ocean gets deeper than the sea gets longer than time it's deeper than hell it will last eternally it can never be fully known it passes knowledge and cost all has no beginning has no ending love has no beginning love has no ending you may be seated and to think and to think please think that love has been manifested toward you in me the love of God which was in Christ Jesus the Lord ha ha ha cut of the Julio say ha has been manifested toward you and me it has been bestowed upon you and me without reservation no wonder the Apostle John the beloved John who moved in a circle of love cried out behold what kind of love is this what manner of love that he had bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God I don't know when it began and it will never end I don't know how much he loved me I don't know the cost I can't know why but he loves us and I thank God he did I know I'm a little late in telling you my subject for because of the times 19 and 89 but I wanted the holy ghost to burn it into our hearts burn this into our hearts burn this burn this subject loving the way Jesus loved loving the why Jesus loved no beginning no ending forever death can't kill it it will last eternally loving the way Jesus loved is the only way we're gonna make a difference in our world loving the way Jesus loved is the only way you're gonna make a difference in your city in your church in your ministry in your life in your world the only way we will make a difference in this hurting bruised bleeding broken diseased lonely confused prodigal world is loving the way Jesus loved and loved so amazing so deema so divine demands my all my soul my life say my all and that's why he was so very very careful to define the kind of love he was calling his disciples and would-be disciples to Jesus said a new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another just like I have loved you and by this shall all men know that you're my disciples if you love one another as I have loved you and a little later he continues the same theme and emphasizes it this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you for no greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends as the father hath loved me so have I loved you and you continue in my love it flowed through me as I have loved you it flowed through me now you continue in that it flowed through me now must flow through you to all men everywhere John said hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his like for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that loveth not knoweth not God for god is love here in his love not that we loved God but that he loved us beloved if God so loved us we also ought to love one another and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him are you hearing me we love him because he first loved us and to this all of the Apostle to agree Simon Peter the man with the key said see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently let love be without dissimulation let love be with it without disguise let love be without hypocrisy let us not love in Word neither in tongue but let us love in deed and in truth for whosoever has this world's good and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion how saith the love of God dwelleth in him will be unto us penitence tous if it's only in tongue or inward and not indeed far there are those for whom nothing has been prepared and we owe the love of God to them paul said john said unto him who purchased us who purchased us with his own blood jesus said just as i love you you love love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those that curse you but if you love only those that love you what credit is that to you even sinners love those who love them love as I have loved the only way you make a difference in this world is to love just like Jesus loved I cry out today shape us make us transform us transfigure us into the image into the image into the image into the likeness of God Almighty even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for loving the way Jesus loved is the only way we're going to make a difference in our world in a trilogy of stories about lostness Jesus gives three parables Jesus first there is the lost sheep lost because of curiosity seeing a gap in the hedge it had wandered from the flock we know what the Shepherd did he left the ninety and nine went on the rocky steep all night through the heat in the cold until he found that one lost sheep bounding with cords of love and brought him safely back to the fold then there is the lost coin due to loss due to carelessness or by accident it was either intentionally mishandled or unconsciously dropped but a woman turned her house upside down and swept in every nook and corner until she found that lost coin thank you Jesus thank you Jesus but here it is there is a lost son lost willfully lost rebellious Lee lost because of his own choices lost without anyone to blame for his condition but himself but there's more here than lostness there is a father in this third parable who sadly gave his son his inheritance watched him move away but gladly welcomed his penniless son home again runs to meet him falls on his Martley neck kisses him orders the fatted calf to be killed bring the best robe bring the ring this is my prodigal boy lost because of his own willful stubborn rebellious way and he said that reveals the heart of God who so loved that he gave all oh love of God how rich how pure how mad you're less how strong it shall forevermore into her he even told the pouting brother listen who stubbornly refused to take part in the welcome party for his younger brother son nor ever with me and all that I have is thine and I don't care if they're a protocol I don't care if their own elder brother God's love is extended to you and all that he has is yours and everybody else's loving the way Jesus loved is the only way we're going to reach our world because love is something God does he doesn't just say it he does it see him yonder reaching for the outcast the friendless the homeless the hungry the naked the poor the Shack of the imprisoned the hurting the suffering the brokenhearted the abandoned the maimed the lame the blind steam weeping over that ill-fated city of Jerusalem see him weeping as he stands for Lazarus grave he moved with compassion as he looks at the hungry multitude then dying on a cross between two thieves lifted his eyes toward heaven and pray for his tormentors Father forgive them for they know not what they do but a hostile Roman soldier who had assisted in the crucifixion was overcome and changed when he heard the words Father forgive them for they know not what they do Oh that's what love that's what mob can do loving the way Jesus loved is the only way to make the difference in our world as I have loved you you love for I have given you an example that you should do as I've done unto you you be imitators of me you follow me and I will make you fishers of men that's why in the first letter to the Corinthians Paul discussed spiritual gifts in chapters 12 and 14 these gifts are defined described and illustrated we're reminded that God has given some the ability to speak with tongues of men and of angels the ability to speak with great oratorical ability to some God gave the ability of great faith so that they can move mountains and perform miracles to others has been given the gift of suffering to give up their bodies to be burned that they might example to others as they suffer for the cause of Christ or to offer themselves on the altar of service to Jesus Christ then God gave his different gifts to different people to some he gave the gift of government to others the gift of healing to some the gift of miracles and diversities of tongues to others the gift of wisdom and the gift of knowledge and the gifts of helps and then he concludes the chapter by saying but covet earnestly the best gifts but I'm going to show you a more excellent way your mind as well shout because you're not going to shout in a few minutes and I'll humbly say that these next thirteen verses of 89 words will reveal the more excellent way for though I speak with tongues of men and of angels and I have not charity God love Christ love agape love I am become as a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and help not the love of God I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not divine love I am nothing might as well shout folks if it's getting through you might as well shout we're nothing we're sounding bus and tinkling cymbal until we get the love of God has he loved the word for charity here is Agra pay in English agape and Greek but to me it's just God love divine love it's used eight times in these ten sentences and I say unto you if love is that important to life and eternity it is important that you and I live trying to learn more about love and trying to get it it is not filial it is not eros it is not even coming to man it has no counterpart in human experiences it has no comparison the love of God agape love divine love is shut abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost it requires continuing dependence upon the Holy Ghost for he who has the gift of tongues is supposed to have the gift of love and he who has the gift of faith is supposed to have the gift of love but faith worketh by love faith worketh by love hey rocket Bala for they are the gifts of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit is love and when you receive the Holy Ghost you receive agape you receive divine love and God wants all his people to have the gift of love for the fruit of the Spirit is love and by your fruit love not gifts shall all men know that you're my disciples and that's why Paul says if we speak with tongues of men and of angels but do not have that kind of love we're sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal tongues no matter how exotic are complex without love or nothing there are nothing more than noise without meaning for if I were able to master all of the four thousand languages or dialects of earth or if I could supernaturally communicate in the nine hundred dialects of Asia the six hundred dialects of Europe the three hundred dollars of Africa or the eleven hundred dollars to the Americans or if I could speak and pray in the languages of heaven and didn't have love I am nothing I am nothing I am nothing it would all be simply noise without meaning and it will profit me nothing just a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not God love I am nothing prophecy which is considered to be the greatest of all of the spiritual gifts is worthy worthless of no lasting value without the love of God though I have the rare gym of knowledge to be able to answer all of the unanswerable in Scripture although I have sufficient faith to move mountains or move heels from their places without love it would only startle the witnesses and change Earth's G geography but if I give all my possessions to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and help not the love of God it profiteth me nothing even if I hold up a letter placard which reads I love Jesus and then pour gasoline over my body and ignite it so that I am burned to death it is nothing but a waste of fuel a waste of a life and a waste of time if I don't have divine love it won't profit me nothing I am nothing I'm a sounding brass and a clanging cymbal and in just 89 words Paul lays down an indictment on us all a love that divides and criticizes is not a copy love a love that seeks its own revenge is not divine love a law that refuses to it to initiate reconciliation between others is not God love a law that says it won't forgive is not agape love love worketh no ill to his neighbor I cannot fulfill the law royal law without it if I offend in one point I'm guilty of it all and love is the only way to fulfill it for he that saith do not commit adultery said also thou shalt not kill and if I do not have a copy love I'm nothing for God love is patient suffers long refuses to retaliate God love is kind kindness rejects cruelty and seeks constructive ways to improve another person's life you are you are something you are something that God made in His image and down in every human heart that has been crushed by the tempter there are feelings lying buried that grace can restore touched my loving heart wakened by kindness cords that were broken can vibrate once more for love is not jealous jealousy is as cruel as the grave love does not boast love does not bark itself does not seek to impress does not parade itself does not seek personal gain love is courteous does not act unbecomingly indecently irresponsible never perverts it's way never acts out of character it is not prude rude or lewd always acts in the best interest of others love is unselfish divine love cost something does not pursue selfish advantages shares with others does not seek its own does not use others to get where it wants to go love is not provoked love is not irritable or touchy never loses control of itself never responds in anger never dashes out while being rebound loved reviled not while suffering love uttered no threats love forgives love when wronged has a short memory it forgets what it forgives it doesn't keep a record of a wrong suffered but love delights in truth health pleasure hath no pleasure in wickedness contends for the faith that was once delivered loves righteousness hates sin I'm talking about the kind of love that drove the money changers from the temple with a whip of ports I'm talking about the kind of love that when the religious leaders withstood Jesus for healing the withered hand of a man on the Sabbath he looked round about him and with anger I'm talking about the kind of love that hates every false way and refuses to bid Godspeed to those who hates the truth I'm talking about a love that has substance a love that has strength I'm talking about a love that's a Saveur of life under life or death under there I'm talking about a love that has power and strength and a love for truth and a law for righteousness there are two sides to the corn of love love is all-sufficient it bears all things it believes all things it hopes all things it endures all things agave love is all I need it'll carry me out of the past in the present and into the future it can take us from the cradle to the grave and all the way under and even beyond it will help us survive the rat race it will enable us to live on the ragged edge without falling off it will even make it possible to exist in a colorless drab uneventful life without giving up love never gives up love never gives up love never gives up it bears it believes in hopes it endures it is sufficient for every moment of life the past the present the future love never goes out of style love is never surpassed love is never replaced prophecy tongues faith hope shall cease love is permanent it thrives at all times and in all places love is the only grace that we will carry with us into eternity it is superior to faith and hope love is the greatest love is the greatest love never fails love abideth not alone love will never be taken out of the game love will never be booed over the stage love will never get the gong love will keep on keepin on after everything else has ceased that's why Paul said covet gifts but pursue love it's the only thing in life worth the effort it's the only thing in life that is eternal without it everything else is tactless and repulsive our service is pointless and wasted life has no meaning without love ministry has no enduring quality without love I tell you love is the greatest love surpasses all and a rediscovery of that kind of love is the only way we're going to make a difference in our world that kind of love must be reciprocated that kind of love will love God with all of their heart soul mind and strength and will love its neighbor as itself thus you will fulfill the whole Bible that kind of love will love truth uncompromising ly even unto death that kind of love will start a revival the devil nor hail can't stop that kind of love will build a church in any city anywhere anytime that kind of love will pray all night and at the dawn of every day that kind of love will intercede supplicate it will repossess what was declared should be before the foundation of the world it will lay hold of God's sovereign will and it will take care of every devastated area it will stand in the gap and it will make up the hedge it will fast not only food but it will live a fasted life as is revealed to us in Isaiah chapter 58 it will bind up the brokenhearted it'll unlock prison doors it'll set the captives free it'll hurt when others hurt it'll suffer when others suffer it will weep with those that weep it will rejoice with those that rejoice God love will love the loving and the unloving the lovable and the unlovable the lovely and the unlovely love its enemies love's friends loves when the victors crown is gleaming loves when he beat defeat has spread her gloom loves when shame has come our way and when no friend comes into view love love love love love love love never gives up Paul said the love of Christ the love of christ constraineth me i was stoned and left for dead but i couldn't lie there had to get up preacher home i was constrained i gloried in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distress i was beaten with a hundred and ninety five stripes our shipwrecked I was weary I was in pain I was hungry I was thirsty I was in fastings often I was cold I was naked in the care of all the churches were upon me daily but love constrained me love drove me love sent me from continent to continent from city to city love road love love love love unfeigned never gives up jesus said to the church at ephesus you love truth you hate every false way you hate false doctrine you hate false prophets your Labor's and your patience is unsurpassed but you have left your first love you better remember your revival in Acts the nineteenth chapter you have fallen from that revival for in that revival so mightily grew the Word of God that pornography was wiped out demons were cast out handkerchiefs from Paul's body was taken to people and disease is departed you better go back and do your first works oh boy you better repent everybody cry that repent or what else say it louder than that repent or else I will come unto you say it again and I will remove the candlestick out of its place except thou repent read acts the nineteenth chapter Ephesus and go back and do it all over again and we better not lose or leave our first love for to lose your first love for God and souls can become deadly it can negate everything else you ever try to do repent repent repent for history holds no record of any genuine lasting revival without repentance from God's people repent repent repent for loving the way Jesus love is the only way we're going to make a difference in our world and today the love of many has waxed cold serving Jesus has become a routine business as usual saying the right things and performing the right deeds it has become hard work to study the word next to impossible to pray and fast going to church his matter-of-factly with no enthusiasm or joy the anointing the power has been replaced for a form of godliness no law for souls no organized effort for reaching them no power of God Oh oh the only way we're going to make a difference is loving the way Jesus lied don't you know the unbelievers in the fast lane headed for hell he can only be rescued by the power of God not only must we intercede we must get something from God everyday and reach people every day we must reach out to them with love and mercy with the truth which will set them free and the truth shall set them free and only the truth and we must pray interceding ly until the bans are broken and we bring every lost sheep and we rescue every prodigal and we find every lost coin for let us face the grim startling fact that we are becoming used to the 3rd of lost souls as they the road to hell we don't believe in a literal burning lake of fire you mamas and daddies and preachers and Sunday School teachers can't believe in it like we said no we don't believe it and until we love the way Jesus arrived that's our greatest need folks I've tried not to slow down but we've gotten so used to the status quo in my words and yours could be the mess we're in we've just gotten used to it we've gotten used to having church with no revival with no souls nobody ever being baptized just used to drama check get my money go my way have a good time take more are in ours than I do anything else lost lost we've lost the power to weep we've lost the power to wrestle to plead and to agonize over our souls were guilty were guilty wherever one guilty wherever one guilty a thousand million souls are dying with no conviction of their lost condition simply because we lack deep convictions about eternal and a burning lake of fire I want that to grip me today I'll tell my husband I'll tell my husband I'll tell my son I want to be a changed woman when I leave this pulpit today I don't have what I'm talking about but I'm going to pursue it with every ounce of strength that I've got one life will soon be passed and only what you do for Jesus Christ will last revival campaigns are coming and going cities towns and villages are just as lost as ever we've become so professional in mechanical code in our efforts we're not reaching for souls no passion no agony no tears no fervency no bleeding no burden no real love no holding on to God with a deathless despairing grip if men go to hell who cares it is impossible to win souls with cold hearts and dry eyes there's got to be a deep humility of soul with mourning and fasting with intercessions and groanings that cannot be uttered then God will work and only then and I ask you today are you a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal are you just making a lot of noise repent repent there needs to be old-fashioned repentance here today if we don't love souls how says the love of God dwelleth in us if we shut up our bowels of compassion against any man when God loves indiscriminately how stay is the love of God dwelleth in US and I'm just a lady but if I could say it as powerfully as our superintendent said it last night until my glasses would fall off or until I fell prostrate on this and everybody in here would fall on their faces and wouldn't care whether they ever got up until they got it somebody's got to get this somebody's got to get this you can't play mechanically you can't go to church mechanically you can't pass mechanically if you don't love the way Jesus love you're just performing and we're sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal you're not other floor somebody ought to cry out repent somebody ought to cry out during the great Welsh revival dr. FB Mayer saw Evan Roberts pray in such agony of soul it seemed as though his very heart would break for the lost a friend of dr. Meyers who stood near him said this is too dreadful I cannot bear to hear this man groan so so I'm going to start a tune or something to drown it out dr. Maier said whatever you do please don't do that because what this man's got I've got to get I want to get it until it sinks deep into my soul because I've preached the gospel to great masses of people but I've done it with dry I've done it with a heart that was cold toward them I did it only to perform and for people to say you preached a great message he said they remained untouched they remained unmoved they remained unturned and I never had reviving dr. Maier fell on his face and cried out my God my God let this man I can he touch my own soul my god let me pray like this boy praise my god let my heart break like this boy's heart breaks but he loves souls and I loved only preaching he loves praying and I loved only praise and let me learn that heartbreaking sob of love for Souls and I tell my husband and my son and our church family I won't bet and I don't want you to recognize me from this moment on I have never seen a compulsion on any of our part of falling on our faces and forgetting everything else and losing all pride and self-image and falling before God and coming back that we could change our world and turn it upside down and reach forever protocol without stretched arms loving the way Jesus loved is the only way we're going to make a difference in our world agonized wrestling in prayer is something more than breathing a two-minute prayer before hopping into bed or stepping into your car in the morning agonized wrestling means to get down before God and stay down before him until you get hold of the horns of the altar and you prevail this kind of wrestling involves pleading begging agony and sweat persevering persistence seeking asking knocking until something happens love never gives up and it abides not alone I want to repeat here today of all I've ever said or done to anybody or about anybody I want to repent of not loving Souls like a Auto love Souls I want to repent of not playing until it has happened I want to repent of not living a fasted life I want to repent up not reaching reaching loving saving helping reaching reaching reaching far until I love the way Jesus love I want to keep on reaching until I get that kind of love and then will change our world what about it preachers what about it preachers although many preachers here where are you what about it what about it I can't hear you preachers boarded Sunday School teachers what about its workers what about it helpers what about it mama what about it daddy what about it what about your children what about your church what about your city what about your class unless someone intercedes there are those you will never be saved unless someone intercedes there are those who will never be saved unless somebody repents unless somebody forgives the $20 instead of the 20,000 that was forgiven you until somebody repents and until somebody forgives and until somebody holds on to God understands in the gap there are those who will never be saved there are those who will never be healed there are those we need people who are willing to be intercessors this kind of playing motivated by Christ's love is the key to the great revival of these last days all of the great moves and manifestations of the Spirit of God must be born in the spirit of groaning and travail we must bring them forth from the bowels of our being as a set of the true mother in 1st Kings chapter 3 for her bowels yearned upon her son the church must begin to give birth now when Zion travails from her innermost being it will happen George Whitfield cried give me souls or take my soul David Brainerd said I care not where I go or how I live or what I endure just let me save souls when I sleep I dream of them when I wake they are first in my thoughts no amount of scholastic attainment of Abel are profound exposition of brilliant and stirring elephants can atone for the absence of a deep impassioned sympathetic love of human souls the seraphic john fletcher said love continual universal ardent fervent love is the soul of all labors of a minister that it in a nutshell that's it in a nutshell are you a sounding brass or a clanging gong one of our pioneer ministers before the days of automobiles said that he quit his work in the middle of the afternoon he hitched up his horse he drove 20 miles to play with a man whom he felt was drifting far from God he said I just couldn't help it my love and my concern for him was so great I couldn't rest until I done my best to bring him back to God I didn't want him to be lost love constrain me this is the thing that the rank-and-file of the church and the preachers and the wives must recover for loving the way Jesus loved is the only way we're going to make a difference in our world for the sake of the tape I continue the evening Sun was setting on the Judean Hills and there was an auction block where the auctioneer was auctioning slaves to the highest bidder a prophet of God whose boss was raspy but the preaching of the years whose shoulders were drooped because of the burdens of the people he had carried and in whose heart and whose heart had been broken because many years ago his wife had fallen into sin and become a prostitute the prophet of God was standing an old man now he was standing there in the auctioneer's presence just watching the slaves as they were sold the prophet of God it had a rough life the three children born to him and his wife were now grown and they too had gone into harlotry and prostitution it's been a rough life for the old prophet but the old prophet of God listens to the auctioneer receiving the bids for slave after slave after slave suddenly an old lady comes up for auctioning her years are mostly gone nothing much left to give and to his complete surprise the old preacher recognizes her to be his wife of issues Gomer was her name the old preacher begins to bid and he continues to bid and bid and bid and bid until he out bids every other bidder and he purchases Gomer because he loves Gomer and he will never give up for Gomer he's going to get Gomer back I'm going to be in and being in bid until I get Gomer back she may not have nothing to give but I love Gomer oh that's human love but it costs more than that to love like Jesus loved and the only way we're going to make a difference in our world it's loving the way Jesus loved did you give me food when I was hungry did you give me to drink when I was thirsty did you give me clothes when mine were rags did you come to see me when I was sick or in prison or in trouble did you play for me intercede for me when you saw me wandering far from God or did you let me go my way but when you've done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me I am disguised under every type of humanity that treads the face of this earth and all souls are mine every living soul is mine every living soul is mine love them all love them as I have loved you but though you speak with tongues of men and of angels and you have not Christ love you are sounding brass you are clanging cymbal you are nothing repent repent repent lest I come quickly to remove the candlestick out of its place a thousand million souls are dying a thousand million souls for whom the Savior died will you steal the neither please will you longer I will be while a thousand million souls are dying for loving the way Jesus loved loving the way Jesus loved is the only way we're going to make a difference in our world everybody would you fall on your faces where you are everybody everybody surely you won't that love that love they will not give up that love that will reach that love that will change the atmosphere of your church that love that love that will change the atmosphere of your church that love that love that faith worketh by that love that can only reach our world faith works by love gifts work by love love of God how rich how pure love of God Oh love of God Oh love of God know love of God Oh love a party you
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 44,075
Rating: 4.8651161 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Vesta Mangun
Id: Fq1GIQ8kju0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 13sec (3253 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2015
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