Just Bought Anime Merch Off the Streets for $120...

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hey friends otaku Daris and once again I have spent part of my paycheck on things that I don't need for content that I probably will regret making hi so you guys probably remember that a month ago I did this video where I found anime merch off the streets that were bagged in these really like crumbly lunch bags that you had when you were a kid and all together I think they went for like seven bucks but that quickly turned into a video where I learned that you should never judge a book by it's cover because what was in it was actually really really worth it I got a whole bunch of [ __ ] stuff so a lot of you guys wanted to know if that was in a bag that was just seven bucks what more so is gonna be in a bag that's like a hundred bucks even like 50 bucks so that's exactly what I did I spent I think close to like a hundred and twenty dollars on just mystery bags filled with anime merch so these are going for a much higher price but from an unboxing channel to an unbagging channel we have this bag that costs 4000 yen which has a bunch of re0 merch in it and as you guys can see it's much more nicely packaged than the last video I could also just get screwed over here and all this stuff could be crap so we have two bags here one is Hatsune Miku themed and this one is two thousand yen worth which is roughly twenty bucks and then this one is boku no hero theme which is 4000 yen which is also 40 bucks so 40 20 and then that one was 40 so we're already at pretty much a hundred bucks here and we have one more bag I have no idea what's in here but this kanji means depression and it was for $20 and this is basically saying that for 20 bucks it includes depressing [ __ ] like it's gonna be things that I don't need and I don't want it's things that they couldn't sell so they're just gonna throw it into a bag and hope that somebody buys it I'm gonna be that person I was that person and I'm gonna save the best for less other channels like two flexi Z's and Gucci and what's not one brand that sounds like a pasta sauce bubble and SIA Alinsky agha blends blends but I like to flex weep [ __ ] on my shoulders because I have no shame in that does this mean I have to change my slogan Oh what's in the bag resurrecting a dead mean oh this one kills big bro yo ah man now who needs air pods when you've got me actually I've got Air Bud so so I can't [ __ ] talk why not both what do you guys think that Meekers net worth is I'm gonna guess like I don't know a couple million not a couple million I'd say in Japan maybe ten million dollars that I set the price tag too low for her god what's Pikachu's net worth famous net worths tell me you're the most accurate site that I know you know like that time that you said that according to Forbes magazine I was worth ninety billion dollars apparently talking about weed [ __ ] on the internet makes me richer than I think that's richer than all of Europe or at least I think that's more than the royal family whatever I have no idea but ah what I doing you can't see [ __ ] through this plastic okay I'm supposed to put you in these two little holes oh [ __ ] it's working and at last I see the lock a little miss Miku let's put your bail wand in through here and your little halo goes on top like so oh so cool I hope this isn't the only thing in the bag though to be fair if this was in a crane game I probably would have spent like 40 bucks trying to win this one okay three more things none of these are Miku don't know where this is from but it's some sort of Idol boy this one's like I think it's some sort of Gundam in the inside and pop girl Devo with orange hair I'll call her Penelope all right the next bag we're gonna do is Ruiz ero I'm expecting a lot of RAM but in my own heart I would like more Beatrice fun fact you know what's an anime that really caught on in the US and like other places but not really so much in Japan kobayashi Dragon me I swear to god it's so scarce here like it just wasn't nearly as big as you would think like it's impossible to find any merch of Kobayashi's Dragon me but anyways let's just get into it oh shoot of course rum and rum oh I should probably cover that up there on a bed together and they're just about to take a nap but they notice that you walked in on them and you guys have a staring contest and everything g-rated after that next in the bag clearly a clear file of RAM a cheerleader outfit gonna be honest though this version of RAM I don't know I don't like it oh we've got a Subaru acrylic figure a bag lifeless Subaru it's just like in the anime we got a ram figure uh this is an Alice in Wonderland themed figure sing I guess this won't be so bad I already got a REM figure I don't have a RAM figure Oh bro come on somebody ripped man I'm more of an out-of-the-box kind of girl what's that thing from our Dexter's Laboratory that one episode where it's like an RFP never removed from books oh right now we got something okay so this is the run figure Alice in Wonderland theme she's got like these nice checkered tights she just clipped on really nicely onto the platform here and yeah that's RAM I probably gave her more screen time in this video than the entire anime for all I know all right that was the entire reason box I'd say yeah okay it kinda is worth its price but it's definitely not like nearly as much as like the stuff for that I got in the last video for like seven bucks that was all like pins and they stuck with the theme making it some like legit stuff this it's like a lot of the weight is being carried onto the huge figure then everything else is just kind of like an ad on the Hudson Tomica one though love the figure everything else though it would have been nice for more miku figures are more Vocaloid like stuff if you can throw in like 15 pins for five bucks I feel like at the cost of 20 bucks you can throw in at least just more Vocaloid pins or Vocaloid keychains my opinion though as far as like my wants of what I actually like in this bag I essentially just paid for the figure I really couldn't have cared less for some of the other stuff oh I just started opening it without even telling you guys so now we are actually opening the 4,000 yen boku no hero bag I hope that this is worth its price because 4,000 yen 40 bucks is still pretty pricey I like this a deck you figure I don't own one yet and I've seen this psyche a lot and I'm sure it's kind of like going on the market I'd say maybe for 15 bucks maybe 15 to 20 bucks at least here in Japan oh dude there's like this figure of [ __ ] frothy it looks so good that's the one that I want I want that shape and also the Nendoroid of baka go and Deku woo oh oh yes that looked like I just got like touched by tentacle I haven't been touched by a taiko and so loud wait I've never been touched by tentacle it was all just a fantasy have I been doing this job so long that I've convinced myself that all of that is actually real technical someone's not actually real oh he's just like Cass casketed casketed he's in his own little casket cardboard okay I'm just gonna show you guys like deck whose head before I attach it onto the body cuz it's pretty nasty and I feel like nasty things that I see feel like you guys need to see this to heal II looks like you've got a long neck ooh I'm sorry I'll just clip that back on okay well this neck and figure is actually pretty dope I liked it I saw a couple of other things in this bag that I think are definitely worth the price more so they gave me an eat a button and they also gave me an eat a I think this is a keychain or a phone charm and a chuckle pin and I don't know what this is it says my hero academia could sue doji collection okay so I kind of get it so this is what it is it's like a no choco collectible like sheet sort of thing Japan loves collecting stuff it's a collectivist society and they love doing things that require you to like gamble might as well give this out of the way I'm not going to keep everything that I have here including from the last video I did where I unbox some stuff I'm actually gonna give some of it away at the conventions that I'm going to this year which will be at Anime Expo and also Jake on in Ireland at the end of the year now there might be some other conventions that I'll be locked in for but I'll keep you guys updated but I will not be keeping all of this stuff I just I have nowhere to really put these and some of them I'm not really interested in but I know that some of you out stalkers out there don't want to spend your money want free [ __ ] I know how it goes so I will try my best to see which ones I can give away in which ones I can bring overseas and fit in my bag okay so we are finally saving the best for last which is the depression bag I have no idea what this is from what Joey told me this is just some stuff that I am NOT gonna like oh but it's so nicely packaged to it like out of all of the other packages like this is packaged the nicest yeah it has the crappiest stuff come on okay this one they gave me I think like a danganronpa bag I have no idea what character this is please forgive me I'm sure this is from one of the other games which is already off to a good start compared to like the other stuff that was with the miku one alright look they got like so much stuff that they just crammed in here yeah I spoke too soon a lot of this is actually kind of crappy I mean one man's trash is another man's treasure but you guys let me know I don't know if you guys want any other I got a metal plate thing of New York City great souvenir from Japan oh man that's where the first thing I want to [ __ ] get when I go to Akihabara I need a good souvenir to remind me of all the times that I had in Japan like not going to New York City they played me they put the dangan ronpa ping on top of all of it okay this is a fish okay I don't know what type of fish this is maybe some sort of carp I don't know what to do with this maybe that's what this pouch is for I'll just put the fish in there and I'll put the [ __ ] plate from New York City in here to just Tiger girl wearing clothes school this one says it's called kuma Haku sensei which teddy bear that's a fat they okay Green Power Ranger they threw that in there what's wrong with the Green Power Ranger do you guys have something against that one know something anime at least I think this is from Yolo mushi pedal apparently this one's a Soul Calibur figure I have no idea what character this is though in which Soul Calibur that it's from it just says Soul Calibur so I'm guessing the first one they gave me the same pin from y'all mushi pedal really getting my money's worth Disney Mickey like Magic Hat and this girl who's named I have no idea or what anime that you're from but you look like you're from the early 2000s well thank you to the mysterious person who has gifted me a fish and New York plate I think out of all the bags probably the reason one and the boku no hero one we're definitely worth the coin that I put towards them third goes to Hatsune Miku I really wish that they could have added more Vocaloid stuff in it rather than just Miku despite you know the figure is actually really cool I've been looking at this for a long time but everything else was just super weird like again in that last video if you guys saw it for seven bucks in the crappiest like a little lunch bag thing I got like 15 items in there bro I got so much stuff in there from attack on Titan and they stuck with the theme and thus Miku one was like what 20 bucks could have easily just bombarded the crap out of that with pins that's what I was expecting I would've been fine with that if I'd get the figure just a whole bunch of pins that's fine by me that's something that I can at least give back to the fans like at conventions or something they're easier one pretty okay ish the RAM figures really cool so I'm gonna leave you guys up with this in comparison to the last video where I bought stuff for only 7 bucks or like technically around 20 bucks for all that stuff in the video compared to all of this which is a hundred and twenty dollars do you guys think it was worth it my opinion no I don't think it was worth it the figures are cool but I just don't feel like they carry enough of the weight of how much I spent on it cuz the rest of this is like so if you guys ever come to Akihabara you will find lucky bags that are sold on the streets and most likely they will be these bags that I have shown you so this kind of gives you a hint of what to expect despite the fact that I have spent all this money on this anime merch it was simply for the video but from one anime fan to another I have a big piece of advice for you if there's anime merch sets you want do not I repeat do not gamble it at all I am telling you this because if you have that much money to spend to go to a convention and you want to look at the dealer room and you see that there is this booth that says you could possibly win this huge figure that we have in one of these packs dead-ass you will probably not get that figure and you're going to be disappointed but if you want to just you know get a lucky bag and maybe just give it to your friends because they couldn't come to the convention then by all means do it but if you want that frothy figure you go look for that frothy figure and see who's selling it and even if you see someone selling it keep looking I always Scout a dealer hole like three times before I decide to get something because sometimes booths sell the same [ __ ] for cheaper prices I don't know why they do it that's just the way that it is especially booths that are like at the front of the con sometimes they up the price and sometimes they don't just always Scout the dealer room with anime merch specifically that's something that's super personable most of us I feel I don't bring our anime merch out in public it sits in your room and it's mainly for you to just bask in it's like yes I spent my money on something that I love because I love that series and I'm going to look at it and nobody else will except my friend who probably won't see it anyway but you spent that money so why would you do it for disappointment for the chance of disappointment but a lot of this was from Amazon or at certain events and I made sure that if I wanted it I got exactly what I wanted anyways I appreciate you guys for watching hope to see you guys at some of the anime conventions and I will be attending this year and subscribe to my channel for more anime otaku related content and I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: akidearest
Views: 1,371,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, otaku, tentacles, just, bought, anime merch, off, the, streets, for, $120, anime merch for $200, anime merch for $20, cheap anime merch, most expensive anime merch, boku no hero academia, unbagging
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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