I Made a Gourmet Dish from a Japanese Convenience Store

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hey friends it's akideers now just to kick this video off many of you may have seen or heard that japanese convenience stores are very convenient huh thus in the name but no it's at a level of convenience that i've literally never seen back in the states and it's at a point where you can pay your bills at convenience stores you can get of course snacks and toiletries which is most convenient stores but you can also get your weekly shonen jump magazine it's ridiculous how much that you can just live off of convenience stores and there's a reason why they are literally on every corner so today i ran down to the convenience store and i just thought to grab a bunch of snacks that i would normally just eat by themselves but i'm going to attempt to turn them into a gourmet dish mind you i've never made a gourmet dish in my life but i am going to take these pictures that i saw on pinterest as inspiration to hopefully make something and what i got was some steamed chicken these potato chip sticks that you would normally eat by themselves called jakariko some cheese some spinach and this is something that i don't usually see at convenience stores prosciutto prosciutto is really expensive but this was about like maybe a little under two dollars the dish i'm going to be attempting to make is prosciutto wrapped chicken over mashed potatoes and just some fine pretty stuff on top i don't know cooking terminology that well i just like to cook for fun is that a crime so without further ado let's go okay so i'm just gonna go open up the spinach i was going to maybe like cook it but it turns out it's already cooked inside but there's still a little bit of frost i'm just gonna heat it up just a tad bit so that i can stuff it into the chicken in you go i'm not gonna do this for too long maybe just for like a minute this is just to get a lot of the ice off of it from the freezer and then i'm going to be stuffing this into the chicken with some cheese and then after that i'm going to wrap the chicken in prosciutto and then sear it you know what i'm just going to shut up so that you guys can just enjoy this b-roll now i'm just going to put this into a bowl and i'm not going to use all of the spinach in the chicken i'm actually going to be making a spinach puree which i've never done before so wish me luck can pinterest just sponsor me because i had to look uh like a ton of things that i've never done before on there like what is it about pinterest like once i move like i never cared about pinterest before i moved out and then suddenly i had to do all these things and i was like you know what pinterest sounds like a really good thing anyways so there's my spinach it's all completely defrosted now and now i'm going to go cut the chicken and put this in so this is the steamed chicken now typically you can just eat this by itself a lot of people who just are on a quick run to work or school or just getting off of the gym and you want that protein then you would just get this and it's awesome i used to eat it almost every day but today we're gonna do something a little bit more creative with it now luckily because it's steamed it's already cooked and ready to eat but because i'm going to be doing other things to it that sounds wrong oh god that juice but because we're going to do other things to it this is going to go back in the pan and hopefully i don't burn it i don't know again i am not the most skilled cook i just like to do it i know it looks disgusting on camera right now but this stuff is actually pretty bomb this video should just be called i don't know what i'm doing but i'm gonna try because it's so thick i wanted to make a slit through the middle here but i think i might just do it here just to make it easier yeah and then i'm gonna cut a slit into this one i apologize if there's a lot of rules that i tend to break in this entire video i'm just gonna season it with some black pepper and some garlic powder and salt it probably doesn't really need it but you know just wanna add a touch to it we're experimenting today and if this all just ends up really badly well then i know not to do it again now i am gonna add some garlic powder because all of the instructions that i see about prosciutto wrapped chicken add garlic powder so we're going to just put a little bit on prosciutto is already kind of salty so i'm not going to put too much on it all right so we have slits in the chicken and i'm just gonna put some spinach in here and then when joey eats dinner tonight he'll he'll never know that it's just convenience store food now the chicken itself is about a hundred yen each so this is already two dollars and then the spinach bag is about a hundred yen as well so we already have three bucks um worth of ingredients that we're using here and also this is really good if you have a date and you don't know where to go and for some reason if everything's closed but the convenience store's still open she or he will never know that you just got everything from 7-eleven so i'm also going to add some baby cheese this is normally a snack that i bring when i go on a trip with some friends but i've never thought that i would use this in cooking but again you'll never know until you try i don't know exactly how much i should put in maybe like two pieces of cheese in each maybe that should be enough and look at how they're wrapped it's like a little taffy or like just a little hard candy actually i'm gonna have one here on camera now ma'am i should feel so bad for anyone that is lactose intolerant cheese is like the best thing on the planet now i'm gonna stick the cheese into the chicken breasts and then hopefully they melt while they cook and i would like to think that the prosciutto will keep everything in what i have in my mind is a lot prettier than how this is probably gonna turn out okay so this is the chicken that is already stuffed now time for the fun part wrapping them up now joey loves prosciutto and he loves it on pizza he loves it on a lot of things but i'm pretty sure that he's never had a prosciutto wrapped the the prosciutto rob chicken love prosciutto okay here's my game plan i'm gonna just lay a bunch of prosciutto down and then i'm just gonna go wrap it around and hopefully it sticks okay let's just put that bad boy on there and wrap it now so far the ingredients wise given that we are working with two pieces of chicken i think we're working for like with maybe five bucks now worth of ingredients which is crazy this one's actually a little bit more thicker than i'm putting on uh it just says uncured ham but i mean it's close enough right oh god i'm really winging it today guys the thing is that i'm really thinking about right now is is this all gonna stick together when i sear it i really hope so because right now just like this it looks great but then when it comes to flipping that's where like the real challenge comes i think i feel like the right thing to do is to tie this so i'm gonna go get some dental floss that's a little hack if you didn't know if you don't have cooking twine you can just use dental floss isn't it great to know that you don't have dental floss well risking it all tonight boys so good news everyone i haven't completely butchered this yet nothing's burned but we're gonna see once i put these babies onto the pan so i'm gonna put just a little bit of olive oil okay this should be fine i don't know which side i should do first maybe i'll just do this part the cheese in the spinach is on this side so again i'm winging this and you too i'm gonna put you right there now i'm just gonna let one side sear for about maybe three or four minutes and see how it goes and then i'll just flip it over and do the same thing on there i don't smell anything burning yet but oh actually hmm that looks actually pretty decent all right okay maybe not not so much oh god well it's not that bad right it's just a little little burnt but uh joey will at least be very good at lying to me later that my cooking is great okay so now while we're searing the other side i'm gonna actually start trying to attempt making the spinach puree so i put all the spinach in in this little container and i have my little blender with me and i'm just gonna like gradually add water while this thing sears and hopefully it should be smooth enough oh yeah i think i have to put it through a sieve right i don't know so here's my little blender and i'm just gonna go for it i guess [Music] that's not exactly as i thought it'd be but oh god everything's a freaking mess [Music] oh it's already done god damn it so here is my puree that doesn't look too too bad i mean it's smooth and i just want to use this to make something like aesthetic like in those pinterest pictures and this is my best attempt at it but at least the meat's done so that's pretty good i don't feel very confident myself right now i mean it doesn't look too bad i just you know just me i think the hardest part is out of the way but now we're going to the most fun part which is a really great hack that i learned from my other youtuber friend tokidoki traveler and she said that if you add boiling water to these it turns into mashed potatoes and i got to do it myself and i haven't gone back since so that's a little life hack if you ever see these snacks add boiling water to it i know it doesn't feel right and that you shouldn't do it but you won't go back once you see what what happens here just just watch so i have some water boiling right now now while i'm waiting for that i'm going to explain jack kariko these are really popular snack in japan and if you look inside they look like french fries but they're actually really stiff and really crunchy so since this is a hack there's not really a set amount of water that it tells you to pour in you just kind of have to figure it out until it looks right now i've done this so many times that i know i cannot mess this up so once the water is done i'm going to add this and you guys will see magic and if you ever come across a snack you should definitely try it i heard that this works with pringles as well i mean it's just basic potato science yes looks like our boiling water is done now we're just gonna add it to this little guy that's enough for now and i'm just gonna let it sit and then i'm gonna open up this little guy and add some water to him as well okay so i've let it sit for a minute and it is really really mushy in there it's just not the top part but i'm just going to show you guys the bottom can i move something out of the way you see that it's starting to turn into mashed potatoes there at the bottom yeah the more you know i should make a cookbook it would have absolutely nothing written in it just be like uh good luck and i uh i salute you check this out guys mashed potatoes it is steaming oh you know what i'm gonna just try a little bite right here since i learned this hack i have been a changed woman ever since then and i will change you for the better do this it's not you can try and debunk it if you want i don't care this works i i literally have not had potato sticks the same way but we're on to the second most fun part decorating it putting it all together let's see if my mess can now become something beautiful this looks really bad in the camera because that looks terrible but it actually looks better in real life well it was a hurdle but this is the result and you know i don't think i did as bad as i thought i would i mean i definitely butchered the puree thing because i know it's supposed to be a lot smoother than this but not too bad for my first time i think um i think it's still pretty good presentation but we'll never know until joey tries it so why don't we give him a call because it's already dinner time my romantic dinner is in place now let's bait him out dinner oh yeah oh is this the stuff you made from the corn bean yeah that's honestly a lot more fancier than i had initially thought what did you think was gonna happen i don't know it's some like well it's kind of mush oh it's good mushroom oh really yeah well we'll never know until you try itadakimasu all right moment of truth let's see what we got here we want some chicken wrapped in some prosciutto prosciutto yeah with mashed potatoes and what's this uh spinach yeah it's just blended spinach tried to make a puree chicken is cooked all the way through well it was already cooked because it's got some uh what's this some spinach inside of it yep and then whoops and then get some it's a big bite yeah i gotta get everything so we got spinach the potato the chicken and the prosciutto there's cheese in there is that yeah baby cheese all right veggie moss [Music] oh my gosh i had a that's called building anticipation don't do that to me again i don't like anticipation that's really good is it it's the steamed chicken that you usually get like after the gym yeah the prosciutto is a bit salty oh it's because i added some salt and garlic powder ah usually usually from my understanding you don't really have to add much salt because the prosciutto is already quite salty but still if you brought this out and i didn't know you made it through you know stuff you bought at the corn mini i would think it's just like a standard meal yeah yeah honestly how much do you think that this looks like it's worth this came out in a restaurant yeah maybe like 10 15 bucks oh really yeah it's about 300 yen that's shocking i know so this is great you know guys if you uh want to do a quick quick run to the convenience store and you're on a budget but you got a date to impress maybe do what i did but maybe just nix the salt and garlic powder i'm sorry scale one to ten well the garlic powder is fine because that adds flavor i don't think you have to add the salt right it's a little bit salty but still really good at least it's like really flavorful i honestly got like a seven what oh man i was thinking like a four or five no you're too harsh on your own cooking i am i am yeah would you say this is a success oh easily oh great all right well time to dig in guys it's actually really good yeah it is salty though sorry about that that's okay but other than that oh my god i love this holy yeah i'd give it like a six or seven yeah it's actually not that bad tell all your friends that was my best attempt if you guys want to see me do this again and try to make more gourmet looking dishes with convenience store food then let me know but we're going to go eat now but i'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: akidearest
Views: 797,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, otaku, tentacles, japanese conbini, conbini food, japanese convenience store, anime food real life, gourmet food, gourmet anime food, food wars, 7 eleven in japan, 7 eleven, family mart, famima, lawson, japanese snacks, japanese food, cooking japanese, cheap gourmet food, convenience store food, turning convenience store food, fancy, fancy convenience store, fancy junk food, junk food in japan, fat in japan
Id: qqunq4APLv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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