I Tried on Japanese Sizes...ouch.

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hey friends hi hey there Evy shirt flicks oh so in this video I'm gonna be changing clothes thank God that forever 21 still exists in Shibuya because I'm fat I'm fat in Japan I may be fat in general so I struggle by getting shorts every single time true story when I first moved to Japan I actually just had to go to a clinic to get an overall checkup and everything was fine um I'm doing okay the only thing that it said on the front of it I love the way that they worded this the nicest way possible they said your my waist and my hip circumference was wider and larger than normal but don't worry this is all based off of the numbers in Japan which may or may not apply to you if you are a foreigner that's really the nicest way that they could have ever just said you are fat [ __ ] do some push-ups I think I've been doing well though I think I've actually done well in the posture anyway so I'm just gonna get right into it so one of the places I went to was this place called we go and this other place called - - Ana - - Ana does things like bras pajamas socks other things so I got three outfits from we go three different pants three different tops and then from here I got two different bras and uh no I think that's it the reason I got two different bras is so that I could show you the smallest size that I found versus the biggest size that I found so this is the biggest size that I found oh it's so cute and this is a size this is a size F in f70 this may look big on the camera it's the size of my face and I guess this is me admitting to a personal thing online hello so here's a comparison so this is the size that I do wear and this is the size that I bought in Japan so just as a comparison desu tiny bra yeah there's no way that this this would fit me like this one fits perfectly around me and this one I think it would probably I don't even think I could hear this around me not without feel I'm being strangled but you know what's not fair like I can get by with the fact that I don't find my sizes because you know I've already stacked up before I got here but it is so not fair that they make everything ten times cuter and I can't wear anything so this is a size F and this is a Triple D I just said that on camera big deal it's just a number who cares you know clearly I'm not going to change in front of the camera into this but I am going to change into it and tell you guys just how I feel oh my god I somebody helped me I have just barely gotten it on people okay guys with the assistance with black magic I finally managed to get this thing on okay so I'm wearing it just to prove it to you guys I haven't taken the tag off there it is it says F 70 it's still attached to the strap it's not that bad I feel like I could get by with this if I was in an emergency situation if by some weird happenstance that I needed a bra very desperately and if someone was this size I'd be like give it to me but I can feel the fat overflowing it the straps are like if you string ham really tightly like you know that shit's gonna cook really well in the oven because you've tied it up so tightly that's me right now I'm the ham again still wearing this I can move it's fine I can bend I can twist and I can take it off and this is the smallest size that I found it's so cute that's that's smaller than my hand and I have pretty small hands this was in the adult section - and this this one says it's an a 65 I don't know why the other one doesn't have the size written on it but ya know this is a size a um I've seen size A's in America and they are they're not this small this is very petite if I put this on 150 percent chance that I will not even get one nipple into this like it's so small homie it's cute okay now we're gonna try this thing if I can even get this on everyone wish me luck the hooks are going on I am twisting the broad round the shops are going up by some black magic I managed to get this [ __ ] on and it is tight um wow it's actually really hard to breathe a little bit here it's constricting me so oh man that [ __ ] hurts okay somehow I cannot find the tags to prove I'm wearing it but you guys remember it was red so here's the red one uh it's like a micro bikini from hell I've never worn a micro bikini but I've seen the images and I see what it looks like on big boobies and imagine that but it's way too tight like it's not even sexy it's like tying an eyepatch on a cake I'm actually bringing it out forward so I can breathe a little bit homie this [ __ ] is tight noice and tight it's not nice my side boob looks like a side boob but with a double chin maybe a triple chin I actually need to get this off it's it's really tight and I loosened it as much as I could ah oh God freedom dude if anyone needs to torture their enemies just put them in this they'll tell you any information you need to know because I was about to just blabber on it was gross it's like when you take a ball of putty and you squeeze it as hard as you could and all that fat is like forming around in between your fingers my boob looked like that somehow I was proven wrong though it did go over one nipple how am I gonna write this off on taxes I mean it's hopefully what we have next year will be a little bit more comforting again three outfits three pants three tops that's what we're working with most of them are free size and some say that they're large so I'm gonna try on these shorts they don't look that bad considering it does have a drawstring so I can adjust it God my [ __ ] shoulders still hurt from that bra dude it says free size free for who supermodels the pants are coming off well I okay you legit I can't pull these up i legit can't get these past my thighs let me just undo this drawstring okay we got something awesome it went on with the help of completely undoing the drawstring if I do this it's already tight I mean this will be good to go to sleep with in fact I might just do that okay yeah it's not that bad flexible durable it's not that bad though it is a tad bit tight in the stomach but I guess what do you expect when you are legally told by a doctor that you're with circumference is larger than average okay okay well with these shorts I think I'll just put on one of my tops Oh caught my earring mother okay I tried to take off the shirt and it is caught in my earring oh my god I'm so dumb I am dumb I am so dumb uh-oh we're safe I don't know why but this hole feels very familiar I'm putting on this shirt that says free size it's a sweater so it shouldn't be that bad it smells really nice it's an ugly outfit but I'll take it um do you think that maybe also my shortness makes up for it because I'm so calm back why did I choose the sweater there isn't I wouldn't wear the sweater in a million years despite looking like I'm going to church this is actually quite comfortable it's very warm in this room now okay I'm wearing a second outfit now the shirt says free size and the pants say that they're a large all right let's do this oh it's just gonna show my stomach I hate shirts that show this down make I know that there's a comment out there wondering if I'm behind the whale no this is this is me hi I don't know if it looks like it on camera but this is super [ __ ] small I could probably wear this if I had to and now for the pants hey hey yeah this is not gonna fit this is a large okay it's on Wow you know what this was a lot harder to get on than how it feels now dude just to add some chains on to this and it looks like those Hot Topic pants that cost like 80 bucks where you were the cool kid if you own them what the [ __ ] are those pants called again I don't know I just know I was really infatuated with them during the cyberpunk phase of my life yes I went through it and I am proud to say that on the internet it's not that but these looked a lot smaller before I put them on mind you by the way though I am 411 so I think my shortness kind of works with it somehow I don't know someone told me how this works that's just where my logics kind of going people so like this is good if I want to go to Akihabara maybe go pick up a couple of doujins or maybe just if I have some friends over we want to go out and eat ramen you know grab a couple of beers come back and I can feel okay about my outfit for the day I am suitable for public viewing though this is one of those pants where if you sit down it sinks so far into your stomach it just disappears and you come to the realization of how chubby you really are in a society where most people are very skinny real talk though I might not be the skinniness required for you know outfits like these but I honestly feel like I'm okay because again this is a society where the average size is pretty damn thin and I feel contented with the way that I look I'm not gonna be on the cover of Vogue anytime soon but I will just look like every other person eating McDonald's actually I don't eat McDonald's okay having a Starbucks coffee actually I don't drink Starbucks having a cookie knowing that it's bad for me because as long as I can still feel confident dancing in front of the mirror to utada hikaru face my fears I should be okay yeah there's some chumps I can pull here there's some chubs I can pull there there's some chubs down here that I can shake in my free time but that's okay just have fun with it you're like a big teddy bear you just want to shake it around I filled with cotton balls we're just gonna call it that okay I'm just gonna take this off the shirt says free size and the shorts a large what does this shirt say I can accept failure everyone fails at something but I can spaced except not trying and they're on oh wow huh hello this is very comfy probably wear this in the spring frillies are usually amiss with me I can make it I can make it work words to live by now for the shorts oh no this ain't gonna work but okay you know how Disney always says like just believe in yourself and you can do it and then reality just kicked in really hard for me or reality ain't so bad um Wow uh this okay what is this magic I swear to God I tried large for like five different shorts and I gave up but then I went to forever 21 and they had the u.s. sizes conveniently in the clearance section because no one wears the sizes that I usually do how do these work is my lifestyle in Japan making me lose weight or did I just get really lucky with clothes oh my god oh oh sweet Lord Jesus [Laughter] Wow though I will say I think I am the limit like I think beyond this body type if we would have a lot more difficulties apparently these were donated by The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but today's outfits were not actually that bad the smallest one well clearly was the the a cup bra the black shirt and kind of the other bra both bras aren't really my size but everything else is honestly okay okay so I was just doing some research on this brand we go yeah it's mainly just in Japan from what I'm saying I see these stores everywhere I've never seen it anywhere else and also the amount of broken English clothing kind of gives it away from me sometimes I mean I'm pretty happy to realize that I'm fitting in these I mean I'm not skinny that that much is for certain I can still feel my tummy on my lap when I sit I still feel like an inverted souffle that was left in the oven for too long but overall I'm pretty pleased with the fact I just put those shorts on that was the one thing I didn't think would fit on me and it did no again I wonder if my shortness kind of makes up for everything one of the things I always struggled with when coming to Japan is always just clothes it's why I stocked up on so many American size bras I'm sure that there's places especially online that you can buy them on but nobody got time for that so if you do plan on moving to Japan I would suggest that you stock up there are stores here though that do you have US sizes such as you Nicole forever 21 and as far as tops go I do find a lot of oversized clothing so I've been pretty much good in that department but I'm just happy that I managed to somehow fit everything in this is kind of a fun little thing wanted to try out I usually post anime related videos but since I live in Japan I usually sneak a little bit in there so I appreciate you guys for watching and subscribe to my channel for more anime otaku and I guess Japan related content and I will see you guys in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: akidearest
Views: 3,369,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, otaku, tentacles, i tried, on, japanese, sizes, japanese sizes, asian sizes, free size, one size fits all, one size fits, japan skinny, american sizes, asian clothing, asian fashion, kawaii fashion, fat in japan, japanese bras, american food sizes, what is free size, what is asian size, skinny in japan
Id: E6gfZPwfDIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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