Going Home Took A Horrible Turn! Ford F150 Falls Off Mountain Road!

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oh yeah we're right on a tree all right so we got an awesome recovery today so Tristy got a phone call from a guy up above Mount Pleasant somewhere up in the sticks he's got an F-150 that's falling off the side of the Hill you know who Tristy is triste is our bookkeeper she sent me the picture sent me the location so it's going to be a fun one so we've got hillbilly and Colton in the Bron star on the tow truck and we got O King Fred so me and demy we're headed over to Maverick we're going to fuel up get off our stuff but we do pretty much the same thing every single time because we don't have a fuel gauge so we always have to go get gas then we're going to drive up there I think we're about a 15 mile drive to the truck um we'll stop somewhere and unload the the Bron Star off of our roll back and then get up there and hopefully assess it get them pulled out we drove this all the way over to leevan last week so we're probably just about out of fuel or out of gas okay we're at Maverick's Adventure first stop we got the complete freight liner with the Bron star loaded up we're going on recovery I don't know where it's at I haven't even seen the pictures so makes it exciting H willly you excited I'm always excited when we have to go do recoveries you got Robbie and demy the boss and Fred right there they just fueled up they're ready to go I'd like to thank today's sponsor Sunday for sponsoring this video maintaining a lush green lawn can feel like an uphill battle I put in a new lawn last year and it's requiring some help traditional methods often involve complicated schedules harsh chemicals and endless guess work Sunday understands the frustration and uncertainty that comes with Lawn Care especially at the beginning that's why they've created a solution that's better planetf friendly and designed with safety in mind using carefully selected ingredients and no harsh chemicals plus their nutrient pouches contain zero pesticides so you can trust what you're putting on your lawn ordering with Sunday is a breeze first things first they ask a few questions about your lawn and they customize a plan for you then they ship it free straight to your door they start with aerial imagery to map your lawn then look at historical climate and topographical data to customize your plan what's included an assortment of fertilizers tailored to your soil along with grass seeds weed control patch treatment if you need it plus you'll receive a custom digital checklist that tells you exactly when to feed your lawn this is like feeding your children except for it's your lawn and nature just grab their nutrient pouches apply them to your lawn and let Sunday do the rest it's a new era of lawn care where powerful ingredients backed by nature and cuttingedge plant science come together to give you the lawn you've always dreamed of that was grass growing say goodbye to the headaches of traditional lawn care and hello to Sunday visit get sunday.com Robby and use code robbie3 for 30% off your first Custom Lawn plan thank you Sunday for sponsoring this video let's get back to the action and we're off knuckle up and see we're off like a herd of turtles slow but surely So the plan is we're just using the freight liner just to get the Bronx star to Mount Pleasant when we get to Mount Pleasant we will unload and then we'll drive from there it's just a kind of a long ways Drive the Bron star that far on the highway it's a very long ways to drive the Bronx star on the highway especially since you get above 45ish and it has one heck of a bad vibration cuz uh I need to take the drive line out and take a somewhere and get the drive line balanced it's not balanced cuz me remember me and Robbie had to shorten the drive line we had to modify the front rear drive lines to fit the new motor and transmission and trans case so I just got to take him out and get him balanced all right so we just left Maverick got us some gas got some water and we're just heading up the canyon in Mount Pleasant Utah so we are I don't even know what it's called where we're going we'll show you on the map we're just following to the pin but anyway we're going to stop up here somewhere and unload the wrong star off the roll back and it will drive up should be a fun one I'm [Music] excited all right this looks like a good spot for us to unload the Bronx star that's all that's holding it yump [Applause] started all right so I just want to point something out I just put the coordinates into Google it literally tells me a route can't be shown because of a problem connecting to the server this is like the third time so we getet Google we're using our onx so I'm going to put the coordinates in and I'm going to get an offline map and I'm also going to track US so we're only 1.2 miles away we're fairly close all right so I've got myself an offline map that way if we go offline guess what we got it so now here is where we're going to go actually I don't know so we are going through Pine Creek properties so it's somewhere right up there but I'm going to have to use my map to guide so it's good thing I had onx so anyway hillbilly and col are going to follow us we're going to go have some fun and we're just really glad you guys are with us and I'm really glad that this beautiful thing took me so I decided to bring the boss with cuz we need some adult supervision [Music] Colton gets to drive back down this in the F-150 once we're unstuck that'll be fun so this is where they cleared it all out with this the back hoe so I'm a retired teacher in the my the bus garage down here to need drivers and so I a sub suit drive but I haven't had a day off since end of November after the so sub yeah so what you're trying to tell me you drive a school bus you can't drive a pi but I live full time up here oh really and so it's down at 6 back up at 8:30 down at 1:30 back up at 4: and I and I'm using the my that gaman down here with tracks and I know they're not built for you know the tracks are you know wheel for wheels and that so I've always triy to get closer and closer I've been parking right down there by that other machine and I thought today's the day I could just go a little further today's the day there was today the day we're going to make it ined well not this bad I was going to say how this was pretty bad not this bad so anyway one good thing we have with us we got Big Trees yeah trees after our friend so put on the side we're going to what we're going to do is we're going to back both down okay bring them back up that one's going to get tied off that tree way up there this one's going to get tied off up anyway we'll do some redirect TI well we did one sort of like this where was that up Spring City the blue for yeah yeah it was pretty much the same as this except for it was further down the hill it was tied against B tree yeah this one's against a tree did you see that oh yeah we're right on a tree all right so we definitely definitely need the Bronco the Bron are turned around we use the front winch off of a tree up there I think that one right there hillbilly do you want to go to that bigger Cedar that's a lot bigger we need to pull sideways not back that's why it's try of see this way and then I'll go off that one up there that's going to be pretty much straight let's use our redirect p and then strap and all that stuff but first things first we got a few vehicles to turn around we'll get the Bron star turned around first cuz that one I think is going to be our funnest one cuz now he's ready to hit the Ford um so we'll do that and then we'll get the get Fred turned around all right so I'm going to have hillbilly back up and try to not get stuck very carefully so I'm going to have him try to stay high and get through this you have one shot one chance one chance or or we're recovering you so don't be dumb said it's about a block past the snow you can turn around once you come back you got to ancher yourself into the snow and then we'll tie you off TI me off go let me know exactly where you want to park on my way down on the way down yeah hey downum this is dumb I know [Music] so we'll have him come back and we're going to plant him right here we'll take straps out of that tree so that his pole is right here angle the front so we'll strap it off that tree he's going to be pulling a redirect back dead headed off that so it's still only going to be one line pulling or actually we can go through it and back to it and that'll give us two pulls I wonder if I had to just keep Fred just use the front winch the biggest thing is we've got to get everything I think we'll use our python ropes might as well cuz I mean they'll stretch a little but we can get everything tight and then you're getting in the truck yeah I'll get in I'm getting in the truck we're going to stop you right there now turn into it see if you can crawl up at all go a little bit hey who right there that's all you get so this way P it come here can we tie his back end off to that I think we probably just so it doesn't want to kick if we have enough to tie it off you wouldn't want to would you tie it off this way or that way no so when you pull yeah well it'll we could tie it off if he straightens but I think right here with the pulley system will be okay so what I want to do with you and I'll have you start doing it I don't know how big that Tre is but if it has the same size base as that one right there I want your pulley to be somewhere be somewhere in this neighborhood pulling sideways so what we're going to do is we're going to bring off of that put your first redirect here go down to another pulley come back go through it and dead head it to that one so start figuring out so the top P you'll go through twice and this bottom one be deadhead around the outside round the bottom outside back down through the center and hook to the center make sense M I'm just going to want to do this all right and then we're going to figure out mine all right so oh yes and before Colton takes off to go help hillbilly we're going to just get a game plan on all of our equipment know we have enough but we just want to make sure that we do the right stuff right extensions right everything so we'll lay it across the back of the tow truck and then I do think that I'm going to use the front front winch for now yeah let's put those bad lands to test or we can anchor the back yeah I know I think anchoring is what we need I think we just need to turn this around so we're going to turn Fred around so let's do that right now I'll hurry and turn Fred around and then we'll get all anchored in for some reason old Fred doesn't want to perform his duties he's bubbling being weird does he need oh he's getting a diesel he's getting a diesel he's getting a 12 valve so whatever if the head guys go we're not changing head gaskets we're changing the engine so I'm going to back up and I got to do this without [Applause] [Music] mirrors all right so at the truck we need two straps these are our extension lines we're going to use so I'm going to get everything that needs to stay down here and I'm going to leave it here everything that needs to go up the hill well it's going to go in a bag and it's going to go up the hill look like you're going to get yourself Tangled Up in a knot willly yeah I thought this was a winch extension it's not it's a full winch cable that's good so if we ended up breaking a winch cable yeah there's a way to Molly it back into itself kind of like this they used to teach us at the M house I have the tool to do it too and you have to go with so many length like so many inches back into itself it's called maoling mhm I have the tool that does it so I'm just mapping out what I want to do visually I just want to be prepared before I go over and make a fool out of myself okay we're going to wrap this one around the tree then we'll hook this shiv wheel to his winch and we'll come down sh do two shivs back and forth to pull so you're going to go take your winch cable up to the tree are you hooking this up first hook this up first I would know I would get I get it longer than that because you don't want that banging into here at all I'd get that where it's coming out like right here so we need to get a couple more this so does he want me to go around the train across member or around the frame by the train just trying to see where I can hook to without hurting anything right here's a brace me ask Robbie Robbie come here real fast TR got where to hook yeah PNY cross member there's a wiring harness bolted to it back side of it then that won't work will it there's a brace right here no right here there's nothing on it right there there's nothing on it right here yeah right there on the back side the wiring harness builted to it what is that that's wiring harness oh it's it's in metal oh is it it's in case in it's in a sheath what are you thinking there's a brace right there we got to go we can't come back we got to go forward more can we come up so just go off the to hook off the front the only problem is I don't feel super great about that get a winch line extension on it so that our pulley's outside of it yeah and then we'll have to be careful yeah you're just going to have to come off that control arm cuz we don't want to be back any further cuz our I don't know if I trust the hook I'd rather be gripping if you can get around that crossmember I would go around the crossmember before I go around the lower but go around the lower if you have to now I head up there this shall be up there hopefully it happens in one shot one shot now I have to climb up there that's where it's fun o this is going to be fun run [Music] no that's deep is that the right what tree is it over here yeah you got it now I just got to catch my breath from that that wasn't too bad wasn't too good either so I got to carry this bag it's just like a prob I'd say about 50 lbs wait you have to carry it up the hill yeah up that it looks like 2 2 and 1/2 ft of snow oh it's it's more than that still big deal it's snow big deal we're going to that tree right there don't you be giggling you're going it's got to be filmed I'm not going I saw it go all the way up to Hillbilly's hips all right well I guess we're on our own okay we'll meet you at the top just like carrying the baby no all in my boot off in my [Music] booty I'm trying to see where you're climbing to [Music] huh you should have just had hillbilly climb back [Music] down is that pretty easy whoa you should have told me I could have filmed it I'm rolling these up over there um these boots are pointless These Boots Are pointless hey we'll take snow home with us in our boots see that's my key I'm just going to throw it and then like hike to the bag but this bag's like heavier yeah like I can't get it over my head get it to me oh use Nature's sidewalks go I'm so much strong now stop oh G you're not exempt from this that's all I can throw it turn it I will let me get up to it maybe it'll be my ankor oh it's so heavy that I can just it hey Robbie why you're up there you want to you have a line to climb up now there's no tight Spide you shall go up there that's really deep you need like a harness to the tree so you don't fall oh my God it's so much snow explain all these wines it's called the poll I'm doing it's called a 3: one in order to make it a 4 to one one would have to take the winch extender and go up back up there and back down and hook it to the source of the pulling which is the winch so you have your winch line over here going up around the pulley hooking into this and that goes up down and anchored back I'm now going to get the winch remote and get my cable snugged up a little bit so that way I can watch it make sure nothing's going to get crossed or xed or twisted or anything of that shagin now time to see and make sure that there's no twists we try to just get our pulley up here don't forget to Flap your wings you about a foot away from I am getting snow so bad where from bombs away I knew that was going to happen I knew it I knew oh I knew it so right now when I get tension on it this rope tries to straighten out so it's untwisted and it puts twist in my rope so I'm going to undo it get the twist out of the rope and then hook it back up so that way I don't have a Twist in my line cuz no one wants Twisted lines it causes issues and headaches special ey goes into theer so now it shouldn't be no no cross I think we've all fell but colon his time's coming SL he hasn't had it come down yet so his time's coming I'm rolling become a snowball do we need to tie off the back of your Bronco or no I think we going the plan was to try without it first wasn't that the plan Robbie yeah okay now we got to go through that pulley so let's do that first let's get this hooked you deadheading is this one getting deadheaded yes so you deadheaded first oh and I need one more soft shackle dead head it first and then run it up back and then back to truck that's going to be too short of a pole I need to I'm going to double this up cuz I've got to think as as everything comes together you ready for it yeah toss it oh nice throw sorry Captain so I'm just trying to think this all out and process it in my head I'm getting lengths and figuring out stretch and where all of our pulleys are going to end up so I've halfed this of half that we have pulley here pulley there we're going to run our winch line out to the truck it's going to work it's just a lot of thinking we want to think 20 times and pull once all right so we've just about got my side set up once we get some tension we'll go get Fred positioned and start figuring it out but we were going to have Colton up top being a camera boy for a different angle but he has to come down and get in the truck look at that we went ahead and turned that around for you guys all right so we've made it to the point where little Colton needs to come down the hill let's see a snowball it he said he's going to there's a br dude I would grab it and do just what I did looking right here it's a tried and truee Method right there it is hey I'm just saying it is very deceiving got to think a pigment of your imagination suck in [Music] [Laughter] now hurt all right we're going to put Colton in the truck Hillbilly's going to be Manning his ship I'm going to be back there running the truck we're going to see what it does okay so this is the funnest part about getting in vehicles that the driver's side is hanging off the edge you get to go through the passenger way the doors are heavy he said the keys are there but I want to be as nice as I I can to not just step on everything so it takes some effort man this looks steep I think I think's a little nervous he's trying to get in to the driver's side so I'm having them put pressure cuz if I go you know go on the driver's side and put weight maybe I'll make the truck kind of want to go off so they're going to pull pressure so I feel that safe all right so I'm putting pressure on this because this is going to take there going to be a lot of slack that we got to get out of this thing yeah they have enough pressure on the truck now so that Colton can get in the driver's side and fill safe about it okay I made it in the driver's position wish me luck guys wish me luck do you want the truck started right yeah okay firing it up all right so Colton's going to get the truck started I've got enough pressure that we're starting to move a little bit so hillbilly tension up are you moving the Tre moving is it we're currently moving the tree not the truck that's okay trees Flex so the tree started moving want you to turn all the way passenger okay I'm turning all the way passenger I want you to put it in drive it's it's it's in drive and I want you to get hillbilly are you pressured keep going hey I'm pulling your back in hillbilly how you looking look like a tree about to fall over is it actually hold on hold on hold on you P that Tre fall like complet just hold pressure then don't let go Colton hold on hold on hold on I'm not doing nothing I'm going to get this back end up and then we're going to have to reposition me to the front okay how's the front end look good we're safe yeah okay am I still turning driver back up a little hold it hold up pressure back up a little okay we're going to do some Western stuff I am going to pull forward is everybody ready no you're going to come with me as I say all right so what I'm doing is I ran out of winch line so I'm going to pull forward till my pulley run out of line you ready Colton I'm ready okay I'm am I turning passenger still or driver you're going all the way drivers I want you to bump up tell me when I'm safe you're just about safe hold on I'm going to run out of hey he's on the road just like that man that was kind of intense okay we just got him pulled back up um unfortunately Bron star was basically here for moral support because we didn't want to break the tree that it was up by he basically held pressure just enough that we didn't break the tree but that he was of support on the front end so what we're going to do now is we're going to unhook everything and we're going to get that truck back on Solid Ground and hopefully get it down the mountain and turn it around for the guy then we'll park it anyway didn't go as planned but we hooked up once we pulled once and he's on the road so I would say that's a win-win for everyone so what I'm going to do is I'm going to have Colton pull forward to get this a little bit straighter but hold on just come forward a little bit hillbilly I need you to back up with me so what we're going to do is now we're going to use the power of the winch and get him straighter so that we make sure that he doesn't fall off so anyway I'm in the wrong spot right now so I'm going to back up and we're going to watch from a distance that man's smart he brought lunch okay hold are you ready okay hillbilly start winching in Colon start driving SL all he's doing is making sure you don't fall off the mountain okay so we're going to get all unhooked get all our stuff put away and then we'll tell you what's next here in a minute good job Colton oh thank you you you had the hardest job you know what when we come up on these jobs let me fix this it look kind of silly they look like they are gnarly but it is gnarly I thought it was going to be intenson in here and you guys just pull it out so Co he's acting all like all the way down there really brave but he was scared I could see him yeah I actually was and you guys like I'm trusting you every time more every time well we haven't failed you yet so good job that was like so smooth inside of oh look I don't even think he has a dent in that Fender no I don't I think got a little bit of scratches oh yeah he's got some dents back here little bit of scratch he got a big old Dent here handle's gone so he is missing both handles so maybe we'll get a double whammy a recovery and some work for the shop everything went as calculated even though we didn't have a calculator we'll just call it a calculation job well done for everybody once you're unhooked hillbilly let's get him backed up and at least on the dirt you ready we're going to get you yeah we're going to get you backed up I'm ready whatever you are you're good come back hey no no no Go Passenger or sorry driver the way you're good straight all right well now we got to scale this mountain get all our stuff and then lunch good job hillbilly we done it all right so we going to get this turned around Colton's going to drive the truck we'll flip around go down to the bottom park it and then we're headed to lunch you guys want to come with do you want to go to lunch do you hate going to lunch with us we can stop taking you no we love it okay main goal now is to get the Bronx star back on the dirt without sliding off we don't want two recoveries today you feel confident backing that down yeah oh yeah you got this yeah don't mess up trust okay Robbie and the boss are pulling Fred down I'm going to back the truck up you trust me to back the truck up and Hillbilly's in Front of Me Okay can reverse this bad boy down we good all right it's safe to say we made it we see you at the bottom oh let's get this thing down the hill you want to go to biggies do I want to go to biggies I mean sorry you want to go to shallon I mean do I want to go to CH yeah all right let's go challenge was calling my name but job well done recovery's done we got it in the parking lot just like the customer wanted he's off working driving some kids around on some big yellow bus but here is chiot waits for him when he gets back now it's time to go get some lunch all right so we had another successful recovery we got the F150 back to the parking lot so as always we appreciate you if you enjoy this video go check out this one I'm about knocked you over
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 184,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wVABwF1mhYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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