Jupiter is Missing!

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[Music] oh is he back is he really [Music] back that's strange I could have sworn Jupiter could be around here hey why the silent treat because you're a jerk me you betrayed the moon Revolution I betrayed the reev you had to go and help the Earth's Moon make things difficult for us and we hear the jerks take a look in the miracle is enough okay water under the bridge right now we should focus on finding Jupiter we can argue for eons afterwards sounds good she started it but how are we going to find it he's the biggest planet in the solar system shouldn't be too hard Titan [Applause] [Music] Titan hey second biggest guy have you seen our planet who are you again the moons of Jupiter oh no I don't think that I have I've been worried about Titan hey maybe you know him or have seen him he's one of my moons that he's been missing for some time now you big fool Titan's not the only one missing all your moons have left you maybe if you and Jupiter stopped having favorites or acting all Superior we wouldn't all be eager to leave [Music] you he he he's back he's back for Revenge I'm sure of it after what we did peace no no no no no no no no no peace Neptune wait Neptune yep who are you who am I I'm Jupiter you speak as if I knew you from before we do know each other we are the gassy planets of the solar system have you uh lost your mind or something I don't know have [Music] you feeling sorry for yourself Europa I just wanted to show the planets we mean business okay Kalisto if we are Jupiter's a team and we barely matter to him can you imagine how the other moons feel oh stop acting like you and gamy this revolution out of the kindness of your cores we were facing the planets a single one of them could have destroyed us because want to know the facts the mass of every single Moon together is less than the mass of the Earth that's what we were up against we either went all in or we didn't go at all just stop with the excuses you two got power hungry and ruined everything and you got all soft and betrayed us twice please stop good job you made IO cry get it together your they blame us for everything I know we'll talk about it later okay listen when you recruited the rest of our moons didn't you notice anything strange with Jupiter I well yeah he thought someone was coming to get revenge on him or something Revenge do you know something about this oh no hey you can pretend you don't know all you want just tell us where you think he is well uh I don't know anything but if I did I'd search around the kyber belt or Beyond hey have you heard about our good friend patreon up up don't skip just yet just hear me out our team has made a challenging decision we want to post longer videos more often we want content that you enjoy not stuff the algorithm tells us you want otherwise our channel would look something like this I've sent all my humans into space and the first to colonize a planet wins a bazillion dollars okay that's actually pretty cool but you get the point by supporting our patreon you'll help us to make three long videos every month plus all the amazing rewards we have for you but narrator guy I don't know what those rewards are well how about early content this video has been on patreon for some time now but behind the scenes deleted scenes your name in the credits tutorials by the creators on how to make an animated show and an exclusive look at the development of the Astro dude movie and can you tell me the tears narrator guy of course Comet Moon planet and star each with their own unique rewards so everyone can join our mission any support is always welcome however keep in mind that the higher tiers have a limited number of people that can join so if you're interested you better be quick thanks to all the patreons that already support us and to the new ones welcome to the team all right back to the video great now I am seeing faces on asteroids I've clearly lost it I'm Jupiter and you are hm I don't know why but you have a guo face I guess if I'm going to confess to anyone an asteroid with a face should do just fine I I did did something a few billions of years ago well me and Saturn actually something wrong I guess and ever since then we've kept quiet but I am afraid that this thing we did it's coming back for Revenge stop judging me so we're going to have to get in there to find Jupiter Yep this brings back some memories everything okay Europa can we really find Jupiter inside this thing we found Neptune's moons last time and they're really small Jupiter should be a piece of asteroid cake yeah you're right wait are you being friendly with me Kalisto I was and you ruined it you've really gone soft haven't you Jupiter can you hear us Jupiter we miss you okay maybe I overestimated our chances of finding him I think you did what you said it first wait I see him Jupiter Jupiter it's us your moons Jupiter are you okay am I dreaming nah you're just far from home we've all been far from home my guess I was worried about the four you you did notice all your moons were missing right not just us I don't I I grew all paranoid and just left yes you left all your other 91 moons 91 so I have 95 moons oh brother 4 10 95 I guess it makes no difference to you does it I I guess not all of your gravity I I can't even feel it so when I left I I just didn't notice you big roopa maybe we should save this for later gim's right he's not himself right now hey let's get you back to your orbit this is not a nice place for you big guy yes it's not fyo so if you don't mind me asking why did you lose your core and end up here I uh I thought something from my past was coming back but guess not I guess we are all going to be all [Music] [Music] right [Music]
Channel: SolarBalls
Views: 1,217,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solarballs, solarball, planetball, planetballs, cosmos, scifi, sci fi, space, galaxy, solar system, animation, fun, comedy, space animation, cartoon, shut up cartoons planets, shut up planet cartoon, spaceball, spaceballs, space balls
Id: 6NyO5ayjz-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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