The Earth Alone - Part 1

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foreign great now my two closest friends have decided they hate me this is so unfair when have I ever oh and my moon that too he better apologize when he comes back it's not like the earthlings need him or anything I hope they hold on what a tragic end to these are these are summer football season in other news after preliminary reports in the form of what people are seeing with their eyes scientists have finally confirmed that the Moon is gone it literally disappeared while there is no official explanation as to what has happened yet strange weather events and title changes have been occurring all over the globe doomsday preachers from all over the world are asking the question is this one actually it get back inside whatever's going on it can't be good I really hope your daddy's all right and that the people in charge have a plan everybody relax be can't be at each other's throats if we want to even for you that is low China stealing the moon what is this a Bond movie if you really think we could steer the moon Without You noticing your surveillance technology must be even worse than we thought but of course you're only blaming us because you stole the moon what would we need the moon for which would we need the moon for enough already this is not our first rodeo now is it the Moon is mysteriously disappeared before and we always got it back thankfully we have a man in space for that he handled it last time he can do it again are you certain that your man in space can solve this problem before it turns into a catastrophe I would bet 30 on it hey hey update the solar ball story is back back now with the within right now we have Earth Venus and Astro dude plushies however there's a limited stock available so be sure to pre-order them now before they run out wait there's a plushie of me that's kind of weird you're kind of weird why is there no plushie of you because I just incinerate your earthlings partner anyways check out the store before these plushies run out or check out our other merch like t-shirts hoodies puzzles you name it anyways back to the video hey so have you spoken to the Earth lately no you nah I guess you stopped being friends then yeah he just wanted to be friends for validation or whatever you were right I'm sorry man ah I wish the Earth would just reflect for once you know I don't like being on these terms with him but I can't just forgive him over and over and hey no matter what the Earthling said centuries ago the universe doesn't revolve around them okay this is for the best the Earth will be okay uh you're right maybe I'm getting a little too worried things are looking dire while we wait for the mission general of ratzar to give us the Moon Back somehow weather conditions have worsened much faster than scientists originally predicted what began as the tides growing weaker quickly led to a complete upheaval of the seasons and the day night cycle with some parts of the world fully losing access to sunlight While others don't experience Nightfall anymore Astro dude why won't you respond I wish I could fire him right into the sun I hope whatever he's doing is important he might not have an earth to come back to without the moon to balance our planet's axis the Earth is becoming increasingly unstable I mean it was one argument right Titan needed validation not me he was like oh I'm just like you Earth what is a moon like him know about what being Earth is like huh what having warned humans that might just fall over dead if anything goes wrong feels like that's all I told him and now they're all acting like I Christophe exactly or if you did nothing wrong Titan was just jealous I don't I don't know why I reacted that strongly Eva and I just started accusing you of stuff out of nowhere you know how hot-headed I can get yeah well don't cut yourself short yes I was kind of playing you up against each other but I had my reasons exactly and that's all that matters a good friend would forgive absolutely everything you do to him no matter how insecure and cruel I insecure and cruel well I wouldn't say of course you were we tried being honest with you and you double down on your flaws until we couldn't take it anymore but that's just what best friends do right okay this is getting weird but you can't be okay with this right well why wouldn't we be pal because because you're my friends because you tell me when I screw up because you don't let me get away with everything because you're honest who needs honesty you just want everyone to come back to you and tell you that it's all good right what no no because that's how it usually goes isn't it your earthlings are so important everybody has to respect that right it doesn't even matter that you treat everyone around you like garbage they should be sorry they should apologize to you hey stop it well I didn't treat anyone like garbage sure I made mistakes but what about me the one who keeps catching Asteroids for you who keeps your access in check for your earthlings that isn't I deal with your fix I deal with your earthlings on my Surface I help you when you get in trouble I always come back and you stop it you know that I appreciate you for being just a moon that's what you said Earth that we can't be anything else well you know what I got enough of you and I'm never coming back [Music] so welcome back well did your man bring back the moon I think I remember you making certain promises not yet but we have been exploring alternative Solutions alternatives to what to having a moon uh Yes actually see our scientists crunched the numbers and turns out we're not dying out what does this capitalist trying to say I'm saying that we can survive without a moon for a while true Humanity needed the moon to develop and stabilize the Earth but the changes to the axis are pretty small right now and will be for centuries at least if we all start working together and providing relief efforts all over the world we can get people prepared for their new climates and the way they will change we can build new environments to live and if we invest money into the new way of living we could so you're saying that because you failed the Earth will become much worse to live on and now you want us all to pool resources until what the axis shift gets so bad that we'll just die out we could also try to go to Mars okay I'm done funding your company you're gonna lose so much more than 30 bucks now you can say that again bruh hello Mission general of rats are here what the the Moon is back oh according to plan who who's wait hey Earth Moon you you're back yes I I think we need to talk hi we hope you enjoyed the video be sure to check out our solar ball store and pre-order the new plushies before they run out okay bye
Channel: SolarBalls
Views: 2,886,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solarballs, solarball, planetball, planetballs, cosmos, scifi, sci fi, space, galaxy, solar system, animation, fun, comedy, space animation, cartoon, shut up cartoons planets, shut up planet cartoon, spaceball, spaceballs, space balls, earth, moon, earth without a moon, what if the moon leaves, what if the moon disappears, moon disappears
Id: -tz6qlFQ21c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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