The Rocky Planets

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[Music] I hope Earth is okay I can't believe you went to the asteroid belt alone yeah the two of us could barely make it out [Music] alive that's it we must wait that's them you're okay and not a single asteroid crater on you how well the Earth spoke to the moons and calmed things down come on Pluto and Sharon were the ones who convinced them not me yeah but you apologized to Titan that turned the tables on the whole situation anyways let's not get lost in the details what's important is that it's all over and we can go back to normality oh and I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend to either of you I made everything about myself and I see that now thank you for defending me despite how bad I was Earth I hey if it isn't my moon tell him bobos tell him how Brave we were we were so brave Mars we almost stopped an asteroid that was heading towards the Earth Wait Almost yeah but the earthlings nuked it it was so cool I still see the huge ball of fire when I close my eyes wow seems like we missed the whole Adventure Earth why don't you tell us the whole oh hey Mars hey Earth I was going towards Venus right right we're friends now good old Venus Mr Mr Venus just keep an eye on the Sun so he doesn't shoot a solar flare at us yeah gotcha pal see you pal what was that the most awkward talk I've had in 4.6 billion million years G is it that bad it's like I don't even know how to talk to him I honestly had given up on the Earth ever apologizing to us but now like what do we do I don't know last time we saw him he was insufferable and now he's like all introspective we definitely missed something that's it you're a genius Venus Venus the genius looks like the Rocky planets are having their fun hey what are you doing mate you're going to miss the scavenger hunt scavenger hunt yeah Opera the sponsor of today's video is launching an awesome scavenger hunt with a reward pool of $20,000 wow wait Opera yeah you know the internet browser with cool things like crisper videos sidebars with tons of helpful tools yada yada yada yeah these guys sponsored us some time ago didn't they they did but now they have their own AI named Arya and she's in charge of the entire scavenger hunt basically you follow the clue solve The Riddles Arya gives you and then you could be one of the winners well come on Uranus how do we even get started first you download Opera and activate Arya second ask Arya for a clue with a prompt hello Arya could you provide today's clue for the Arya scavenger hunt she will have a new one every 2 days at 3:00 p.m. C starting from the 3rd of April third you soul the riddle verified with Arya and submit your answer and step four be the fastest scavenger and win the money prizes okay what are we waiting for let's do it also if you want to join use our link to download Opera and join the scavenger hunt while it's still going we hope you can also be one of the winners now back to the video hey Mercury hello Mars Venus what's up bip squeak listen we need to understand what happened to the Earth then ask him uh we'd rather not listen the Earth went through a lot while you were gone and not all of it was nice this is a conversation you need to have with him ah why are you being so annoying Mercury you're making this a lot harder than it needs to be hey I wasn't part of whatever discussion you had with the Earth I've never been a part of anything you do okay so so don't come here demanding answers from me he's right what you're right Mercury we haven't been fair with you I mean how did it come to this come on follow me do we follow him or hello guys uh what's going on everyone we need to clear the air okay there's no air in space Mercury sorry Mars everything is fine no Earth none of this is fine but but but but I apologized that's not it it's just that like are any of us really friends well last time we talked no before that me and you you and Venus Venus and Mercury we are the rocky planets guys that's pretty cool right so why are none of us like real friends we we used to be friends but then I screwed things up and Earth it wasn't only you I also refused to pay attention to how you felt when you met Titan I gave you a whole explanation of how Titan is so similar to you and it never crossed my mind that you could feel insecure about it it's not on you Mars I can also be responsible for myself absolutely but I was your friend that's my point we all have maintained such a a superficial relationship with each other even us Earth even us I think you're exaggerating Mars am I what about you Venus the Earth and you became friends just to spite me you and I became friends because we were fed up with the Earth and you and Mercury can barely stand each other okay you do have a point Mars we've all known each other for billions of years if we didn't manage to become real friends in that time uh what can we do now maybe we've been too focused on the science of it all the science of it all yeah we get so lost in discussing fun facts and Science and how things are meant to work that we forget about what makes us us I think we should do both from now on H this is a huge waste of time I'm out of my name is Mars I am the fourth planet from the sun orbiting between the Earth and Jupiter my diameter is 4,217 Miles and I tend to think I know better than everyone else what you I since when do you I don't know I've always been next to Jupiter and he knows better than everyone so yeah I tend to act as if I have the moral superiority but I probably don't well you do tend to be right most of the time I know I'm just saying that you got it Mars thank you for sharing I am the earth I am the third planet of the solar system even if my earthlings believed I was the center of the universe or flat I orbit between Venus and Mars my diameter is 797 Mi and after everything that happened I am afraid of being myself again so that's what's troubling you yeah I'm not sure which parts of who I am were the problem I don't want to say the wrong thing or for you to leave me or or to make anyone feel bad what do you say you try to be yourself but with a bit more humility that way if you do something that is wrong we can let you know yeah cheer up Earth it's boring to see you all mopi and stuff thanks guys and does this mean I'm the best planet again Earth I'm kidding uh okay uh Venus you're next do I really need come on Venus everyone is doing it dude you have to now but don't leave us hanging fine hello I'm Venus second planet from the sun between little pipsqueak over here in the earth 7,500 and something miles of diameter and I well I don't know I don't like my Orbit at all or my atmosphere or myself all that much Venus okay enough your turn Mercury uh hello I'm Mercury I'm the first planet from the sun which means my neighbors are the Sun and Venus my diameter is 3,032 MI and I I don't like being the smallest planet I'm afraid of becoming like Pluto and getting kicked out of the planet Club oh come on dude that is not going to happen I mean you never know Phenix what hey stop laughing up you stop my now knock it off hey uh but I'm sorry I gave up on you I'm sorry I was mean and obnoxious I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when things went bad I'm sorry you had to fight the moons for the mistakes that I made I'm sorry you were not there to see it it was a pretty cool fight I'm sorry you suck at asteroid dodgeball I would have destroyed [Laughter] them best friends best friends hi we hope you enjoyed the video special thanks to Opera for sponsoring this video use our link to download Opera and join the Epic scavenger hunt through Opera's powerful new AI you can find more details and Contest rules at the scavenger hunt web page okay [Music] bye
Channel: SolarBalls
Views: 748,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solarballs, solarball, planetball, planetballs, cosmos, scifi, sci fi, space, galaxy, solar system, animation, fun, comedy, space animation, cartoon, shut up cartoons planets, shut up planet cartoon, spaceball, spaceballs, space balls, planets by size, size planets
Id: hpZLdwL3wlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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