Animation Mistakes In Bluey, You NEVER Noticed

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mistakes are common in cartoon shows and even the world's best Caron show Bluey isn't safe from it and in today's video we're going to look at some of these mistakes in the episode Hotel Blue and bingo are playing a fun game while they are playing the game a funny error happens when blue is pushing bingo in bed we can see something weird happening with Bingo if we look at bingo closely then we can see that she has brownish fur on her back when blue is pushing bingo in bed at that moment the fur on Bingo's back has disappeared normally her fur should be like this but in this scene her fur looks completely weird in the episode magic xylophone the healers family are having fun playing a fun game with their hands we see the family playing with handdrawn characters notice that the characters in Bluey and Bingo's hand are drawn with smiles meaning their mouths are turned upwards while Chile has a downward-facing mouth but as the game progresses we see that at a certain moment when Bandit ALS joins in the fun Blue's handdrawn character suddenly has an inverted smile she might have erased the previous smile and drawn a new one but that scene wasn't shown to us so this could just be a tiny mistake Blue's animators seem to have a hard time with the character fur and once again their victim is none other than our beloved Bandit normally the upper part of Bandit's head is all black but in the episode dance mode we can see that in one of the scenes Bandit's black fur on his head is split into two parts in the episode zoo we found one of the hardest to notice mistakes but before we look at this mistake we have to take a look at Chile Chile's face has a light shade on the left side with a darker brown spot on her right side and in between her eyes there's a very Light Beige spot right but in the episode when Chile realizes that Bingo has entered the imaginary monkey cage we see that she gets so desperate that even the spots on her head change color you can see that the lighter spot between her eyes disappears and in its place is the dominant color of Chile's fur which is kind of orange-ish this was a small error but we noticed it moving on in the episode the beach where we see the Healer family enjoying their day on the beach everyone is enjoying themselves and playing on the beach and even Bandit is building a sand castle while Bingo is burying Bluey in the sand and making a mermaid tail on her legs it's at this moment that a small animation flaw occurs when blue leans backward we have a top- down view of the two healer girls and you can notice that their eyebrows are blue the problem is that in this episode Bluey had her eyebrows painted yellow probably because of the sunscreen that Chile applied to the girls some errors are so quick that we can barely see them properly like this next one we noticed in one of the episodes Bandit is playing in bed with Bingo and during that scene something nothing very weird can be seen or should I say it cannot be seen because if you look at Bandit while he was spinning on the bed his tail simply disappears can you imagine Bandit without a tail walking around the house it would look so funny another animation error we found was in the episode spy game in this episode blue and her friends come together for a fun barbecue at the park blue and Mackenzie are playing spies trying to gather hair samples to make a special potion but things get all mixed up causing a lot of confusion suddenly there's a big fire and their dinner plans go all wonky now not only is the story full of twists and turns but even the animation in the episode is a bit confusing when Bingo and Bandit are supposed to be in the bathroom together Bandit waiting for Bingo to finish her toilet something funny happens Bandit is spotted outside cooking sausages on the barbecue instead how did he get there so fast and then surprise Bandit magically appears inside the bathroom with Bingo helping with the handwashing can he teleport now but this is not the only animation error in the episode back in the party as Bluey and Mackenzie rush to collect more hair for their potion watch out for a sneaky animation detail right after they leave you can catch honey and Chloe in a happy pose but with a quick blink they suddenly go into a peekaboo stance with no smooth transition it's a small detail that's easy to miss while watching but if you pause the video and take a closer look you'll definitely no notice it now this next mistake is related to the famous Bluey Easter egg the long dog in the episode Cafe where blue is playing with her new friend while the two are playing by pretending to be Cafe owners we see Bandit and his friend sitting separately on park benches if we look closely we see the famous long dog right below Bandit's bench behind one of the bench's legs the mistake is that in the very next scene when we see everything from a different angle we see the same Bandit on the same bench with the back leg of the bench also visible but no sign of the long dog it disappeared it seems like the long dog Easter egg has some magical powers in our previous video we mentioned a mistake in the episode takeaway and now let's go back to that episode again when Bandit goes into the restaurant to check if the food is almost ready the girls keep playing outside as if they're in their own restaurant the mistake is that at a certain point Bingo eats the spicy food that was left there by Bandit and when Bandit returns outside Bingo spits the burning food from her mouth onto poor Bandit's face note that when she does this Bandit turns his face to the side and we can see that both sides of his face get dirty then he wipes his face with his arm and now his face is completely clean but how is that possible when between the two sides of his face there's a snout preventing him from wiping both sides of his head if you think about it you'll realize it really doesn't make sense in our previous video we mentioned the animation error in the episode takeaway where Blue's face was looking weird but this time we found another animation error in the same episode this time it's Bandit who's the victim as we know Bandit's belly has yellow fur on it but here for a split second the yellow fur on his belly completely disappears another error also happened in the same episode when Bandit Bluey and bingo are waiting outside the restaurant we can see the restaurant lady through the glass window but there's an error there did you notice it through the glass window it seems like the restaurant lady has a white face but when she comes out with the food her face is not white and has a similar color to her ear pretty weird isn't it in the episode butterflies Bluey Bingo and Judo are playing a fun game and after a small issue that happens in the episode especially between Judo and bingo the three make up and resume playing the mistake is that now the three pups want to be humans and none of them wants to pretend to be the butterfly so they wonder who they could hunt right at the moment when they hear poor Bandit humming while finishing taking down the laundry if you pause exactly when Blue's dad is being totally obliterated by the group of puppies you'll notice that the character becomes completely twisted and unrecognizable for instance notice that his arm goes directly to his cheek which is very weird poor Bandit he seems to be the victim of everyone even the animators of the show in Christmas swim episode each member of the Healer family receives a present and everyone is opening their gift normally however when its muffins turn to open her present something weird happens notice that the package is properly wrapped as it should be with the normal gift wrap folds but as muffin tears the paper around the gift if you look at the side of the box you'll see the wrapping folds simply vanish from one moment to the next for no reason this is one of those blink and you miss moments but we managed to find it so what do you think have you noticed any other mistakes that you would like to share with us if you have then let us know in the comments and as always we'll see you all in the next video
Channel: TubbyTank
Views: 234,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation Mistakes In Bluey, You NEED To See, bluey, tubbytank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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