MONACA: Character Background and Analysis!

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hey guys we news here so today I'm going to be doing a character analysis /li breakdown video of Monica Toa so basically would be explaining the character's biography I'd like their past and I'm just breaking down why I believe she does or like thinks the way she does and how that might play into dump a 3d anime thanks again to Green Vash for requesting this video and for the two nerds requesting this character I really do appreciate it when you guys requests videos and the characters and ideas and stuff because it's just really cool um to think that you guys I can enjoy my videos enough to want to request stuff and it really helps me you know sort of make videos that you guys want to see so I really appreciate it thank you and without further ado let's begin so let's start with what was revealed about her past in another episode shortly after Monica was born her mother gave her up and she was begrudgingly taken in by her illegitimate father in his family which includes Heidi her new stepbrother it's described in the game that she was treated like an alien in their home her family would remain cold to her and even shunned her if she tried to smile or joke leaving her with almost no positive interaction at a very young age it's also heavily implied that her family was physically abusive to her as well and when she admitted to Kamaria that she had faked her injuries she mentioned that her father and Heisey began to pity her because they believed they were the ones who caused it also something wanna point out with that too it's never mentioned that they take her to a hospital or anything it seems kind of strange that she would be able to fake an injury such as being paraplegic because you would think that she would have to be taken to the hospital so I'm sort of wondering if this was just like a slip-up on the game developers side or if like her family really did not care about her enough to the point where they did not even want to take her to a hospital or maybe because they didn't want to admit or have to make up a story as to why she ended up the way she did and that would be the reason but I was wondering what you guys thought about that because that was something I noticed when I started really looking into this but shortly after her father began to pity her he comes to realize how brilliant she is especially for her age it decides to promote her to chief executive of robotics of the Touhou group this is something else I've sort of wondered as to why it happened or why he did that because I know this is sort of supposed to be like a video game kind of like anime situation but promoting a child to achieve executive position seems like a long shot even for that especially like the universe of danganronpa but somebody wonders if maybe this was some sort of publicity that her father was trying to pull maybe sort of release that him and hey she might have been the reason as to why Monica was injured or maybe like she did something to make it kind of like look like there was possibility so he promoted her as some sort of publicity stunt saying you know I believe in my genius daughter I'm not really sure that could be a long shot it was just something I sort of thought of because it does just seem kind of strange that she would be the chief executive of robotics that like a huge company but that was something I sort of tried to come up with as to why he might do that and around the same time she joined hopes Peak Academy where she met the other future warriors poke sharing tragic home last they came to conclusion to perform a mutual suicide accept Monica of course who was never planning on actually ending her own life but I'm actually witnessing their death as a sort of prank before the rest of the kids went through with their plans gingka approached them requesting that they give their lives to her instead they agree all looking up to Jenko as a big sister especially Monica who idolizes her surely after this Monica began assisting Junko in preparation for the tragedy by having the total group mass-produced monokuma x' and playing it off that they would be used for domestic use during the tragedy the Monica's were used as killing machines once her father became aware of her plans to blackmail Tim saying that she would release that the tow group was responsible for making the Monica humans in the first place her father being the greedy man he is agreed to continue making the monokuma stew avoid destroying the company's reputation and they eventually come to make a deal where the tow group begins making weapons to fight off the mana Kuma's to make the company look good after Junko Dyess Monica's father breaks his deal with the remnants of despair since it seems like the power is shifting at this point more towards the Future Foundation and less towards to spare this of course was not okay with Monica so she ordered some on Akuma's to kill him specifically in front of hi she who she lost escaped I'm guessing for the reasons of despair from there she convinces the rest of the warriors of hope to continue juncos plan of creating the children's paradise by killing all the adults but in truth she planned on trying to create a huge war and the successor to Junko Enoshima through with the ultimate hopes little sister chimera Nike so I tried looking up a bunch of different interviews I'm just for like facts and information about Monica but I couldn't really find a whole lot the only thing I really did find I'm referring to her character in this development of her character was that on the wikia page it said that the creators apparently created her to be plum hated by the fandom which is sort of interesting to me they said that they would enjoy having a character being hated by the fandom like as a whole like a majority of people hating her asked for the analysis of her character I want to start with discussing the emotional abuse she received from her family like I mentioned before she received very little to no Bostaph human interaction growing up which I think led her to think very lowly of not just adults but all humans in general and this is what resulted in her treating others like the Warriors hopes so expended Lea I don't think she necessarily hates other human beings but instead thinks of herself as being highly superior sort of like a child playing with an A in bed something that also lets her a superiority complex was probably her gifted intellect an example would be being accepted by hope stick Academy and or becoming the chief executive of Robotics I think that possibly she started out somewhere - maybe not ISA who had a lot of self-loathing from emotional and physical abuse and so maybe at some point she realized her superior intellect and pulled like a 180 on her personality I think this abrupt sort of personality could have happened after she faked her injury and learned to manipulate her father and high G into pitying her since this was probably the closest to affection she received her whole entire life up to this point it might have led her to believe that manipulating and not getting attached to anyone or maybe like betraying someone before being betrayed is the only way to get affection and be happy and this leads me to talk about Jenko the only person she seemed to think highly of other than herself I think the main two things that Monica wants in her life is power aka control and affection because that's what she was deprived of growing up she wanted the power to control her mother from leaving her and her father's family from not being able to perceive her greatness this is why Jenko is the only superior person in her eyes because she had the power to control the entire world to fall into chaos and she had the one-sided and endless love of the remnants of despair and countless others so this was probably really impressive to her and I think it inspired her to what to become like June going away because Gingka really had like a large scale of exactly what Monica wanted and even though she was sort of obtaining it at this point she still didn't have it she definitely did not have it at the scale Jenko did unlike Junko I don't believe she wanted to cause the huge war as a way to create despair just for despairs sake but as a way to become Junko and something guys maybe thinking why would she try to make Kimura Inc a successor if she wanted to be her so bad herself but that's just making the ultimate hopes little sister the successor to the ultimate despair is exactly what Janko would do because it creates the most despair in the slide of action and make her more Jenko than actually trying to make herself Junko in this way of thinking of Monica's character really sort of for shout as why could a code want Monica to be the next Junko ending up at three but this is also to my own personal fan theory so let me know in the comments section if you guys have your own ask for talking about the three the anime I definitely think she's going to be coming back I think she will kind of be like the next Junko and I'm pretty sure that's what that picture at the end of another episode was trying to sort of for shout it towards as for v3 I just I really don't think she's going to be in it as of right now I really am sort of reluctant to think that any of the old characters are going to be in it unless it's just kind of like them looking at history books saying like who look good what Monica dude other than that I just don't see it but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this this is my first sort of like character analysis video and I sorta had to go through some trial and error for it so I hope you guys enjoy it um I think for the next video I'll probably end up doing Junko if not her I was thinking maybe like me Khan or NOK Ito just because I'm already so obsessed with those characters I probably wouldn't have to do a whole lot of research on like anything really like analyse and write down my thoughts like I did for Monica but other than that I'll try to keep you guys updated on 3 the anime and v3 if there's any updates hopefully there will be some soon I'm not completely sure since it is also it's already getting towards like the middle of February and we haven't really heard anything yet but um I'll still try keep you guys updated on that also if you guys want to follow like my tumblr my Twitter I was thinking I might just kind of do like the small updates on there from now on I know I was kind of doing videos just like compilation videos of like a bunch of small updates and I may or may not continue to do that but um if you guys want me to I can but maybe I might just try and focus doing videos more so like on bigger updates I think steam was a pretty big update but I know my last video was kind of a lot of like really small ones and like a fan degree I'll leave a link to my Twitter and my tumblr um in the description and there's also links on my page as well so I will I'm not very good at Twitter but I will try to update it as best as I can it'll probably be like terrible looking I don't really know like all the Twitter like how to make your to it's look cool and stuff I never I've never used water like in my life but um I'll try and keep this updated too but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed my video and let me know what you think of Monica's character in her past and on her character analysis if you have like your own kind of idea for a way of thinking just let me know in the comments section I'd love to hear from you and I will see you real soon
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 246,189
Rating: 4.9707208 out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Monaca Towa, Monaka, Junko Enoshima, Nagisa Shingetsu, Haiji Towa, dr:ae, Monokuma
Id: V6guWlIQoCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2016
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