Forza Horizon 6 | Little Changes We NEED To See!

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when Verizon 6 comes out we' expect to see some big changes but sometimes the tiniest changes can make just as big of an impact but today I'll be going through exactly that so let's hit 4,000 likes on this video as you know the more Expos regenerate the more likely did have start to watch this video and maybe add these features into the next game thank you very much without further Ado let's get this [Music] video now in fors Rison 5 whenever we see a brand new car it's not rare for it to come with a wide body kit as well for example recently we got this new Mustang and as you can see I've install a wide body kit onto it and it looks crazy and then I really applaud the Developers for adding this because you know it's ni to see customization on a brand new car in the game but I feel like ever since we got wide body kits in fors Horizon 3 the bumpers seem to have completely fallen off it's the developers think the only form of customization has to be a wide body kit and they just completely neglected bumpers which is pretty disappointing I mean nowadays whenever a brand new car gets added and it has a ybody kit everybody installs that widebody kit and it justes makes all the builds look the same as one another I mean just look at the thumbnails of YouTubers building brand new cars in forter and they all basically have the same wide body kit and they all just look identical and then compare that to the old games when you didn't have wi body kits and the builds actually kind of looked unique now I'm not saying that wi bu kits should be removed because don't get me wrong I love wi buy kits but I feel like the developers should really prioritize bumpers over wide body kits or if they're going to add wide body kits at least make them like sort of mix and match if you get what I mean because as much as I love wide body kids the builds always look the [Music] same now what is something you notice with all the highways in every single Force of Horizon game yep they all start in one place and they finish on another on the other side of the map now you might be wondering oh what's wrong with this well nothing's really wrong with it but I feel like they could sort of improve the highway to make it so much better because at the end of the highway you basically have to do this sort of like U-turn thing on the roundabout and then just basically illegally cross your way over to join the highway again which is a little bit cumbersome but imagine a highway that never ends that would be amazing so my idea is for the highway to basically just loop around the whole map of the game and have it Branch out to different cities and towns you know kind of similar to what we get in Midnight Club Los Angeles because the highway Network in that game all my days it was such an underrated feature in that game again I'm sure this won't be an easy feature to add especially if the developers have already started work on fors Ron 6 so if any racing game developers watching this then just know that a highway that Loops is essential for a racing game now in for R 5 we have this stupid wheel sorting system and I absolutely hate this I mean you know I'd much prefer it if the wheels were sorted into the manufacturer that they come from but that is not the reason why I'm talking about this because with these options you also have the stock rim sty which basically just reverts the wheels back to stock but instead of reverting it back to the original wheel imagine how cool it would have been if you had the option to choose the BMW's wheels that it comes from I mean let's say you don't like the E46 Wheels let's say you prefer the wheels from a 1M or an M2 or an E30 M3 man that would be such a cool feature and the thing is if this was added into the game then there will not be any licensing problem because you're sticking to the same manufacturer so for BMWs you only have BMW wheels so yeah I don't see why this isn't in the game already like it's like the game is already set up for a feature like this but we still don't have it oh my God see how I would love for that feature to get added into Horizon 6 because that would be amazing now in foron 5 the photo mode got a huge update that completely transformed the game as you can actually select the time of day which was a game changer those such an amazing feature and you can also have your character outside the car which is a pretty cool feature as well but I feel like the photo mode could be further updated and actually make it perfect first of all well the lag when you're changing between times and days need to change because I mean this is just way too long of a lag whereas games like the crew actually had this with no lag whatsoever it was just instant time of day changes so if the crew could do this and surely forer could as well because it's been a Whole Decade since the cre 1 came out so how hard could it be also the option to select multiple cards for pictures would be amazing you know kind of similar to what we getting Gran Turismo games also the option to open doors Trunks and your Bonnet would be amazing I mean imagine pictures outside with your Bonnet open that would be beautiful and imagine the option to actually take pictures inside our cars you know like how we were able to in the older games so yeah and I would love for the developers to bring that feature back because the Interiors was so detailed it was like this feature was meant for the game now in fors R and 5 we have a big problem with duplicate cars and when we get gifted so many cars and get free cars through wheel spins that the cars basically just build up and you get so many duplicates and you basically just forget how many duplicates you have in this game I mean there's literally setting in the garage where you can actually select the duplicates and then it shows you all the duplicates you have and it's crazy Jesus Christ yeah duplicate cars was not this big of a problem in the old Force games now you can discard these cars by putting them up on the auction house but they rarely ever sell or you can just remove the car and get no money in return which just feels like a big waste like I want something in return so imagine the option to quick sell cars in our garage that would be amazing not just quick sell but quick sell in bulk so you can select all the cars that you want to quick sell and you quick sell them and you get a lot of money and then you're just happy and yeah that just feels like the best option and we already have the option to quick sell cars if we get duplicates in will spin so clearly the developers already have a set pricee for quick selling cars so why can't they just give us the option to quick sell cars in our garage I just feel like that's a no-brainer like come on we need this option now in for Horizon 5 as you may know the title screen basically just pans across the whole map of the game and it basically just shows you the landscape and if you saw that and you didn't see the Horizon 5 logo then you would not think that this was a horizon game whatsoever but typically for of horizon gamees title screens focus more so on the cars than the landscape I mean for Horizon 1 did have a bit of a focus on the landscape but Horizon 2 and Horizon 3 were just fully on the cars and it was amazing now for RIS 5 did play Omar to these games during its 10year anniversary I did it was so nostalgic and it was beautiful and it just it just looks like a proper title screen like we all know and love and also with the Italian cars update thing they actually changed the title screen there as well and oh myay it was beautiful honestly the focus on cars in the tius screen is just so magical man we need this pack now in for R and 5 the devs have added a lot of cars which is amazing but a lot of these cars are basically just different variants of existing cars in the game for example we have the Jaguar F Type svr the hcan Evo also the Mustang GT500 the Audi TTR rest the s29 subar impressor the xj220 stwr the RCF track Edition ex you know what I mean they're basically just sportti variants of existing cars in the game which doesn't really add variety to the car list honestly I feel like adding different variants of same generation car should be like a last resort before you add all of these cars they should actually prioritize cars that we don't actually have in the game whatsoever so yeah and the dev should really focus on adding different Generations or models of certain cars over different variants of existing cars and we have so many Civics in this game but we don't have the eg6 or the ek3 so that would be a good starting point [Music] now in fors R and 5 we of course have the option to put liveries on our cars which is very nice but let's say the Livery has something that you don't like for example on the roof of this car it has 84 but what if I don't like 84 what if a like 69 well no worries because you can actually edit the desert oh way you cannot yep every time you download a design it's locked so you can't edit it in any way whatsoever which is pretty disappointing now you might be thinking oh of course you cannot change it's plagiarism if you change it but in games like Need for Speed and the crew you can actually install someone else's Livery and then edit it afterwards which is amazing as in you can get rid of things you don't like and you can change the color and you can you can add stuff as well it's amazing see yeah if plagarism is the real problem here then why don't they have the original Creator's name in The Livery thing but in Brackets have it be like tweaked by or edited by and then your Gamertag if you get what I mean see but I feel like if you did get that feature then that would be a game changer
Channel: Yuwan Thayakaran
Views: 15,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forza, horizon 6, fh6, forza horizon 6, things we need, changes, updates, wishlist, yuwan thayakaran, yuwan, features, we want, we need, in forza, horizon 5, fh5, forza horizon 5, what we want, forza wishlist, details, blackpanthaa, ar12, ar12gaming, ericship 111, slaptrain, jakexvx, xbox, what we want to see, forza horizon 6 wishlist, features we need, gameplay, japan, jackultragamer, what we need, need for speed, nfs, the crew, motorfest, new details, new features, customization, fh6 wishlist
Id: SZVA_FgaqAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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