Julia Child on Emeril Live | Emeril Lagasse

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so excited I can't tell you what a big show we got for you tonight folks Emeril Lagasse here welcome to emerald live big treat promise you that you know there's a very very special lady in my life who I'd like to pay tribute to tonight we've been we've all invited her into our kitchens for cooking lessons over the years she's taught us how to make a roux without lumps how to whip egg whites for a souffle she's taught us how to make potato pancakes you name it it's unbelievable she's one of America's most important culinary figures certainly this century's most admired woman and someone I'm very proud to call my friend Julia Child yes indeedy mr. speedy so tonight I thought we would cook some of the dishes that's made her a television icon first we're gonna start with the basic master recipe for a cream of leek and potato soup I have I promise you we're gonna take the mystery out of making an incredible cheese souffle tonight and you can't forget the classic Julia's roasted chicken oh yeah babe for the finale we're gonna do a taught on the French version of apple pie what can I tell you folks classic dishes with a classy lady right here on my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you guys doing over here can you believe it it's the legend over there you know I we started looking at a bunch of just cookware and different things that have been around in the kitchen for a long time and we started then realizing about Julia just about how many unbelievable books and what it's done to influence a lot of people including myself since uh I was like that watching her mastering the Art of French Cooking she really just demystified as Americans what French cooking and cooking in general simple cooking terms and techniques and then volume to the mastering the Art of French Cooking and then you just keep going on and on and on there's so many great books but at her young age right now she just finished another one Julia's kitchen wisdom unbelievable I was looking at it last night and I was just like so thrilled so much information so I'm gonna stop right now I'm gonna get to it I want to officially welcome you my friend we're so delighted to have you welcome to be here thank you honey potato leek soup I'm gonna start if you don't mind good I think we should maybe stop by sauteing some of the leeks to you I know you don't even have to so pay him okay you know why I said that Julie it's amazing because just upstairs you know we had a little briefing cuz you liked it's okay that's right no no I said - I said to the guys I said you know basically Julia just has put everything in the pot bring it up 2025 minutes potatoes a tender and puree it yeah and then if you want to cream it great and serve it with drum fresh even better so we're gonna do it your way all right this is how this is how simple this recipe is folks and it's a good one and I've made it many many times first of all leeks when you buy him these this is kind of young leeks right here they they generally even get really big and there's a lot of sand inside of leeks so you have to cut the bottom and then you have to cut a bit of the tops of these as well okay and then the best way is that you need to really wash them under you know a faucet with cold water or let them soak in some iced water to let that sand go but you got it you got to rinse him out real good once you do that you just cut him up and what she does is very very simple she takes leeks potatoes some salt will probably add more salt because we're gonna use some pepper we're gonna use just regular h2o just regular water now if you got chicken broth guess you could use that but using water you want to see how it's just kind of covering the potatoes and the leeks because if you put it in chicken broth you're really adulterating the taste and the leeks have got such a good special taste is better just to have water I think so water salt pepper okay that's what we have we're going to cover it we're gonna bring it up to a boil turn the heat down we're gonna simmer it while i chat with julia we're gonna rock out with Doc Gibbs and cliff everybody doctor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the chef I'm Jews your child [Music] welcome back everybody Emeril Lagasse and of course Julia Child in the house and we're gonna do some cooking we just started very very simple basic leek and potato soup water salt and pepper waiting for that to come up to a boil people are afraid I think yes that's about souffles they're worried about how big they're gonna get how fast they're gonna fall and hopefully how to beat the egg whites and how to fold them in yes that's really about all there is to it just is a thick sauce for the flavoring and some egg whites in it and into the oven and it automatically puffs I I agree with you now one of the things that we talked about is this Julie was talking about the importance simple technique about the egg whites right about the importance of beating that I want to make sure that our oven is just right Julia 350 you wanted up 350 the oven no I think it's I totally we were talking at the commercial break about a lot of people don't really know that you should either do this or some people don't know why you do this but in a stainless steel bowl like this when you really are gonna beat egg whites to a stiff peak like we're gonna do for the souffle Julius said you know we should show them how to clean the bowl out the right way because if you get any grease of the bowl or any egg yolks and the whites they won't rise properly right now an easy way to do that is just to take a little bit of vinegar a couple of drops right Julia a little bit of vinegar a little bit of salt a little bit of salt and then rub it around with a paper towel and then little paper towel and then you don't wash it out after that you leave that little trace of it in and the vinegar helps and then you wipe off your blades of your whip now the reason for that folks also what Julia was pointing out was that you want the meringue when you're gonna beat and reign to those stiff or a medium peak for that wanna be sure can't see that the meringue is gonna be able to climb up the bowl so like she said we're also taking that paper towel and just wiping our whisk so there's no wreath of it no grease hold there rise okay I got that ready now shall we you want to begin on this you're gonna make the rule I'm gonna make the room this is the soft space which is just really just a regular plate white sauce space yes like a bechamel or a cream sauce we're doing that by about two and a half tablespoons of butter we're gonna just kind of let that begin to melt and then about three tablespoons of flour just regular all-purpose flour and what it's gonna do when we add this together it's gonna kind of get foamy and because it's like we're making the roux for this so once this begins to stop melting now to recap a little bit while we're waiting for this butter we've separated the eggs the yolks and the whites are separated we also have white pepper and we have some allspice no it's nutmeg it's not me either one would do and some paprika and then we have Swiss cheese and then the ramekin that we're going to use we're going to butter it with some soft butter and then we're going to sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese in it to sort of coat the inside of the souffle dish okay so okay I'm gonna add the flour now and I'm gonna start making this room for our Cheese Souffle any kind of white sauce it's just the same old thing no matter what you're making it for isn't it yes I mean because what Julie is saying is that if we were just gonna make a regular cream sauce this is the process we were going to take it and turn it into a cheese sauce it would still be the same process we're just kind of doing this to make the base of our soup flight we can if you want you want to show him that sure okay you would what would you like Parchman or would you like no problem her question that she just asked about putting a collar on the ramekin here what she meant by that is that we can actually with either foil or with parchment kind of go on the outside of the souffle dish to the top and we can get more height from it by putting a collar what they call a collar on it now here's what we're going to do folks you have a little more there okay looks okay you want it to foam and froth yes now I'm actually going to cook this for a little bit thanks Jill I'll put a little more butter and they won't [Applause] I got some parchment for us okay we have twine how big do you want to go with that you want to go a third of that yep okay all right so look like to bother with it will you absolutely right a lot of restaurants forget the call of these days exactly all right this is what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna now add our milk into the room to make our hot sauce I'm not gonna do the egg yolks yet we want to make sure that the roux is incorporated in there okay folks you can use a little whisk we don't want any lumps and it will never be at its full thickening power until it comes to a boil so we won't really won't know how thick it's gonna be with any thickening agent until it comes to a boil this would be a good time for you right now to go get one of those you know frozen things when we come back Julia and I are gonna kick it up another notch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when I have one of those delicious mud bugs okay and you know there's an expression about sucking the head and peeling the tail we're gonna pinch the tail and you're just kind of [Music] [Music] put them back that Gibson clip everybody welcome back a dear friend Julia Child we just finished the bechamel sauce with the roux and the milk now we have egg whites that are inside here we haven't started beating them yet remember that clean bowl we've accomplished our collar okay we had a kind of hog-tie I'm a little bit you know alright now what we're gonna do is we're gonna start adding the egg yolks I'm turned down the heat just a little bit off here it's off the heat alright we're switching to a whip see what this egg yolk does is it thickens it and also gives it and makes it very rich that's what we want that's what we want is right rich play okay now you ever you want to add those in there and I'll stop whipping the egg white you stop with the egg with the egg white you start fast for a moment and then you go slow and gradually say yeah the little paprika little duckling looking good [Music] so take a little taste of it because almost all excellent how they doing they're coming up they're starting to crawl up the bowl you have to be very careful beat them very quickly just said is that a lot of the machines sometimes how's it coming that's almost coming good burn up one let's turn it off for a moment okay we wanted that's almost got a good peak right now huh that is it makes those little Peaks if you over beat them make it begins to break down and get grimy these are exactly ready okay so you really have to watch every minute no I'm gonna knock this thing off here let me clear us a little room right here okay know where you want to go from here now we want to we want to beat a third of the egg whites into the sauce and just to soften it up a little bit and I might trying to get some air in this as well Julia am i like trying to terribly we just want to soften it up so this just super the real meat okay and then we'll put the rest of the rest of that sauce right down the side here okay these are gonna be folded together and it's alright for the sauce to be hot because that starts the egg whites going that you do that like this this is what we want to do folks you want to full this is stirring what you want to do is very important as you want to fold because we're trying to get and keep the air in there right Julia you're trying to get mix the whites and the sauce you got over beat them right you really go crammed down the center how's that looking I think it looks good you're the most ever do it no now we're gonna add it in here just dump it in here's what we're gonna do folks we're gonna take that mixture using a rubber spatula okay so here's the thing now folks how does it look we straighten that out just a little bit okay all right now collects going into a 400-degree oven it's going down to 375 that's correct round grease as soon as we put it in the oven now is when we turn it down at 375 let them think about 20 minutes 20 to 25 minutes it will take now no I gotta you gotta give me those Oh secret so this chicken chicken yep we got it always checking that we really washed and patted dry if you ever been to a chicken processing plant you'll understand why it's good to wash the chicken you got chopped carrot and chopped onion yeah take these nothing's off okay I like to take out the wishbone because it makes carving easier all right let me grab let me grab a so you want a French knife oh you're gonna do it okay you pick it I can handle that I got plenty of butter for us thank you all right you want this loss no no no no you don't want that all just - nothing's off those little things these little muffins in the back there's a little flavor right there and then take the wishbone oh okay does that makes carving the breast much easier I have to lift up the that's doing it what's this is this someone's grown a chicken but I just hey Julie you know what happened it's the end of the week we're out of money good all right I got that out for us it is kind of scrawny though huh yeah anyway okay I got it out no are we gonna roast it in the visa v-shaped rock or what is that what you'd like yep when we say sheep rat coming up we got to finish off here we want to secure them okay give them their due we have a skewer or something we got one now good thanks Joe do we have a skewer Joe thank you you like that rack that's perfect okay all right we're gonna skewer this then what we're gonna do stuffing in the chicken just celery leaves I got some sliced lemons if you'd like some onion finely finely minced will mince that and salt and pepper salt all right you heard what we're gonna do when we come back Julia's roast chicken stick around we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now this one is the kind that you usually see I found this in my favorite hardware store and I've seen in department stores and look at it look at the two of them together I mean this is just ridiculous this is this is a toy it's not a tool and it just nobody [Music] hey welcome back folks Emeril Lagasse Julia Child give it up for doc Gibson cliff all right it's been stuff but some celery leaves and a bit of finely minced onion it's got salt and pepper in the cavity and we've given it a butter massage I'm gonna fold this over why we do that to be very sure after raw chicken that you've thoroughly washed your hands and all of the implements that you've use because of evil bacteria that may be on the tribe contamination you don't want to take any chance not a wash everything a knife your hands don't take any chances at all and Julia has in its what is called the V rack okay what we've done is that instead of trussing the bird we've used sort of a wooden skewer and what we've done is we've put the celery leaves some slices of onions some salt and pepper in the cavity and we've kind of used the skewer to kind of just instead of trusting it to keep it together the ovens at 425 degrees for the beginning of the roast it's not going to stay in it as Julia said this is a scrawny chicken it's probably only gonna take about an hour for this thing to cook or less or less then she's got some chopped onion and carrot that later on I'm going to show you how we do this so we buttered it up as Julia says a butter massage and I'm gonna put this in the oven right here Julia good all right we should wash our hands yes I want to check on our souffle souffles looking good Julie doing it's not rising no it's not well do we have one no it's coming up all right no I'm just moving you over here for one quick second I want to check on our soup they keep turning the heat down on us they've turned it off yeah I got it back up now good we're gonna get that ready now tell me about Julie you're just sort of this whole Totten thing this well this is an Lea Dumars l tapped our patent and they had a famous upside down apple tart but it started with a caramel bottom and then the apples went in and then they put a pastry on top and what I was done you turned it upside down and there were the caramel apples on the bottom delicious this delicious we're gonna walk start with this caramel that Julie is saying right now with butter and sugar and meanwhile we've peeled these apples him what we're gonna do is we're gonna toss them in some rind of the lemon a little bit of sugar and as she said the juice of a couple of lemons that's gonna give them a nice flavor we're gonna what we're actually doing is we're macerating these apples a little bit here you see and we're gonna just lightly draw some nice flavor yes then what we're gonna do the first step to do this Martha hope you watch it because bill is gonna want one of these when he gets home you know now we'll let those sit a little bit now what we'll do is we'll take our butter you know Julia we've done almost a whole show we don't even have a done this yet I know we're under a lot of pressure you and I well I think we're counting on you to make sure that I'm gonna do my justice promise no Robert you heard that now this tart tattoo is not a diet dish no but I think invite part of you you can eat anything but if it's come from very rich just just eat a tiny spoonful but the important thing is to know how it's supposed to taste but you're not supposed to pig out on anything moderation pig out then you're gonna get fat right we're not gonna get fat folks but we're going to certainly finish this time when we come back I'm gonna add the sugar hopefully our Cheese Souffle will be done don't even think about touching that dial we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so strong and delicious people feel that it has a special quality so they have very special ways of doing it some people don't like a garlic press so they prefer doing this you put it in a piece of wax paper and then you go wham wham like she's practically pop pop can you do it [Applause] welcome back everybody Emeril Lagasse welcome back to him alive the desert may be French but let me tell you she's an all-american in my heart I'm gonna tell you that Julia Child everybody so you got a new book a new book in this recipes in it I'm happy to say cuz we haven't really shown you all the steps are we gonna are we gonna show are we gonna see some new TV we're gonna see a wonderful TV show that's little snippets from all of my television show it's going back to number one fans before you were born I was born I was almost watching you then you were close go buy yourself a couple of hundred copies will you ladies and gentlemen please all right I just learned I just learned the coolest trick I got to show you this this thing and I can I know all the people out there too I can see all the guilty faces you only use this at like Thanksgiving time right Julia just showed me this amazing thing because we need to base the apples so she took this baster and look at this she was based in that juice from the apples in there no gravy no no all right and what she's telling me is it's got to be covered hey let me check on this new flight huh this is looking good Julia didn't come up though but it looks good we didn't need the color what's that we say we didn't need the color now why didn't come up we don't know when you make it and we'll [Laughter] folks I gotta tell you I was so I was so excited when we were making this souffle I know a bunch of you quartered in there we added the souffle we added the souffle we never added the Swiss cheese in it but we did come back on the commercial when added the cheese I think you I think you need to have a bite well I think one thing is important thing is showing how your server souffle okay food and fart back to back and plunge them into the center okay I'll do that I'll just use a little plate is that okay perfect okay so what she's saying the service and Flay if we had a sauce with this which we don't because we don't need one we would basically Pierce the souffle like such and then the sauce would go in the center this type of classic souffle what Julia is saying is that you want to slowly go around the sides which is why we did that slowly working towards the bottom looks nice looks beautiful Julia now no should I do a quarter go plunge in plunge in here okay that's why I didn't try it's not quite nothing to the center children stayed in a little longer okay but it's gonna be good it sure is take a taste and tell me excellent Julia hmm I could have used about two three more minutes inside but it's really delicious good anyway actually okay the trick here is you're letting the apples cook until the juices are thick and syrupy and you keep basting them until they're thoroughly cooked and then that gives us a caramel taste all the way through and how about the cover it was important that you said that we cover these look you have to come on okay now this is another thing folks I'm gonna watch check on Julia's scrawny bird this is actually been done in about an hour and five minutes when we come back we're going to show you this as well and then we'll show you our finished dessert don't even think about touching that dial Julia Child [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone loves ham and eggs bacon and eggs pork chops and roast pork so why not have them all rolled into one and next time you're giving a party serve a roast suckling pig [Music] that gets left in the Greek the drum got to think about how many years ago that was that Julius said that she was a pork fat lover back then god bless her okay this we have from the awesome staff here of the Food Network you can see the apples are cooked this is the one that Julie and I started we're gonna take a piece of pie dough nice butter pie dough plate fold this over and I'm gonna bring this over here to you Julia yep and then we're gonna fold this right back over this is a really really beautiful pile right here now what you want to do from there and then it's gonna go back in the oven and the pie dough was going to cook then we're gonna reverse the whole tower but you want to make some little steam holes in here okay and this goes back into the oven I got that for 100 degrees 400 degree oven it's about 15 or 20 minutes now while that's browning like that Julia and I we got the boat motor out and we pureed a potato leek soup with this see the consistency is delicious right now what we did just salt and pepper it is so simple when we tasted this delicious you can taste the leeks and the potato you can taste everything that's how simple a little if you this is optional a little bit of cream that just kind of slowly cream the soup or you could you sour cream or you can use sour cream just a little a little more fattening right should we add more sure okay you got your spoon okay I want to get your spoon now we'll see what you think there it's very hot I love this now we're gonna go get that tart on we'll serve it Julie likes to serve a little bit of chive maybe just a little bit of creme fraiche and there you have Julia's potato leek soup now this is 45 minutes should we attempt this okay be very very careful it is hot you want to try to invert it like such [Applause] the great secrets of this Julie you know what a lot of times in France not to interrupt you they still put sugar and then they burn it again do you do that no I don't think this is perfect I do too but on Julia Child emeril lagasse thanks for joining us tonight folks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Emeril Lagasse
Views: 207,363
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Emeril, Emeril Lagasse, Julia Child, Cooking, French Cooking, New Orleans Cooking, Potato Soup, Cheese Soufflé, Roasted Chicken, Tarte Tatin, Julia Child on Emeril Live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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