Emeril Live An Autumn Dinner (ft. Julia Child)

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[Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so excited how is everybody doing tonight amber lagasse here folks tonight i'm going to be cooking up some of my favorite autumn dishes but got to tell you i was thinking about it and decided we'd make a little blue cheese and brie quesadilla [Applause] and then i'm going to do a great dish to warm you up a beer-braised rabbit dish tonight [Applause] beer raised rabbit served with potato and goat cheese graton what i'm really really really excited about is this very very special lady joining us the legend is here tonight miss julia child is here i'm so excited and you should be too because when we come back we're gonna kick it up a notch on emerald [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right all right how you guys doing you all excited the legend is here unbelievable before we even get there i just want to kind of give you the little mystery tour that we do with beautiful autumn products coming available not only apples and pears all the different squashes that are coming available pumpkins butternut squash acorn squash different types of mushrooms so i thought tonight for our autumn dinner we would do a few different things and one being totally uh off the pages a little quesadilla who would think of that in the autumn but with a combination of cheeses and a wonderful compote made with pears we got doc gibbs in the house and cliff when we come back we're going to kick it up with some brilliant and blue cheese quesadillas and miss julia childs [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] some chopped green onion and again some of our creole seasoning that's a true louisiana etouffee that was my first really good etouffee [Music] what can i say welcome back everybody uh we are doing some autumn food doc gibbs cliffs in the house and as you uh just probably saw with that clip a couple of years ago when i was a little younger with the master right here miss julia child come on give it up for it that was a lot of fun how long ago was that series the first time it had to be four five six years ago six years ago maybe maybe so i'd like to eat that dinner again i know i'm gonna make you a special dish right now good and uh very simple uh i'm gonna make a little pear compote and you can use this on all kinds of things you can use it uh with chicken you could use it with rabbit you could uh use it as i'm gonna do with the quesadilla what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start with a little butter see julie and i we love butter and i'm going to add a little bit of brown sugar i'm going to add a little bit of brown sugar to that butter right there get that on the heat not too high kind of working with a sort of a medium medium heat right now and what i'm trying to do is basically caramelize a little bit of the sugar if you uh do this and find that uh maybe you don't have enough butter relax it's okay add a little more yeah so now we just get the breakdown here of the sugar and the heat begins to start caramelizing that now the next thing is i've got some pears you could use apples now what i want to do is i'm just going to add a little bit of cinnamon or as much cinnamon as you like maybe you like a little nutmeg you could do that too and what we're going to do is we're just going to let that heat sort of cook a little bit of the pear let the sugar get caramelized with the butter and basically we're going to cook it until it's uh you don't want to get it cook it to mush depending on how ripe your pears are you know and whatever type of pear you may be using you may be using a botlet pear the green type or you might be using a bosch pear so you have to kind of just occasionally taste it and see the firmness that you like it shouldn't be too mushy but it should it should have a little crunch to it but not be hard either so just kind of keep that in mind when it's done you can leave it as such or what you can do is you can do this little slurry just to kind of bring it all together and how we do that is with cornstarch cornstarch being one of the thickeners uh it's not a roux but rue is a thickener cornstarch arrowroot remember when you're using a thickening agent it isn't going to come to its full thickening power until it comes to a boil just remember that and you don't have to use like a half a box for like a little compo it's like a little common sense kind of thing too look at this little bit of cornstarch you got to dissolve it in cold water folks you got to dissolve it in cold water then we're going to add look at this just a tiny tiny bit of this and you're going to see how thick now all of a sudden that this cornstarch is going to make this see how it's thickening up right there when it comes to a boil when it comes to a full cook like that that's when you'll know the full thickness of what it is if it's not thick enough hey relax they don't have to call 9-1-1 it's going to be all right just get a little more cornstarch and a little more water and you can add a little bit more relax it's just cooking now we're going to let that cook for a bit we're going to turn that off now the quesadilla you can get all kinds sizes homemade store-bought whatever you should try to find someone in every city there are great tortillas being made you want to get some tortillas this is very very simple because my friend julia's here i'm using some really good brie cheese that i sliced oh i know i love brie cheese and i know she does too now i'm going to use a little bit of brie cheese and i'm going to use a little bit of goat excuse me a little bit of blue cheese blue oh yeah babe you see the blue cheese is a little bit sharper i'm not going to use quite as much of the blue cheese as you can see as i am with the brie cheese now we're going to make a little sandwich press it with your hand like this folks you can put all kinds of things inside of these quesadillas it just doesn't have to be jack cheese it can be all kinds of cheeses now getting back to the butter again oh yeah babe we love butter right julia it's a beautiful thing we're gonna add a little butter like this and then what we're gonna do folks is you start one at a time inside of this pan again i don't have this too high of heat look at how thick that is now beautiful huh you see that all right you know what i like to do too the other thing is to finish this compo you add a little bit of fresh ground pepper right at the end you say pepper with fruit oh yeah it's delicious we're going to take that off the heat we're going to butter this side now of the quesadilla so that when we flip it over the butter gives it this nice little color this nice golden brown color we come back we're gonna fix it up and then we're gonna kick it up another night stick around we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we're in for a treat look at that wonderful smell oh boy look at that it's not beautiful you know i've been in new orleans a number of times i've never had a crab boil before and it's about time yes indeed [Music] welcome back everybody a little clip little crawfish boil with my good friend julia child who's here with us and uh absolutely you see these quesadillas cook very very fast and uh what we're gonna do now i'm gonna cut one of these up a couple of a couple of times you got to be careful when you're doing that folks like i just did when that hot cheese comes oozing out it will burn you but it is good so i've got a little quesadilla here now and take a little bit of that compote of the pears i'm like honored to uh you're going to help me out over there little treat for you julia it's a little treat i got to tell you i'm so excited don't anybody think about taking my copy either julie has a dynamite and i mean dynamite new book that just came out with jacques pepin as well called julian jacques cooking at home and this book is the uh companion to the pbs series of julian jacques cooking at home look this is what it looks like go run and buy a hundred copies it's a beautiful book julia i was um i was looking through it upstairs yesterday and then today and it was just a really amazing i i think it's done so well how the two of you have just kind of go through the sections here it's really fabulous from eggs and you go into i mean souffles and all the different egg preparations vegetables really really well done and uh delighted that you're here celebrating copy of your book where is it i'll get you one you're sweet all right that's delicious you know the combination i think the hair is going beautifully with it and the two check the two cheeses you know one is a little bit sharper and the pears just kind of make it a little more subtle it's very very good thank you now i'm gonna do this dish with rabbit but the other thing before i do this you can do this individually or you can do it as another garnish with that okay if you want to garnish those quesadillas or if you want to just kind of do your own little snack you can do them with pecans you can do them with walnuts and um this is what you do you take some of the walnuts like this and you actually fry them in some hot oil and as they begin to start frying like that they'll stop bubbling and they'll come up basically what happens is that they the oils start popping out of the nut and what you're going to see what we're going to do is when they come out of that they'll be really crispy then if you want salt and pepper them great if you want to i got a little cinnamon sugar mixture here so when you take them out and you put cinnamon and sugar on them the cinnamon and sugar adheres to them and it's a great little garnish for something like that again particularly with the uh the brie and the blue cheese and particularly with the pear compote now next dish i want to do a graton and i also want to do a rabbit dish uh which i love and this time of the year coming up particularly i love doing this so watch this you can get rabbit at the stores from your butcher like our good friend over here and very popular coming back and basically what you want to do is you want to season the rabbit i'm using a little bit of my all-purpose seasoning my creole seasoning and i want to season the flour that i'm going to use because i'm going to dredge this in the flour i told you before i don't know where you get your flour where i get mine it don't come seasoned and then what i got here is i got a little bit of vegetable oil that i'm going to put inside of this pot enough on the bottom and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the pieces of rabbit dredge it in the flour shake off the excess and we're going to start browning these pieces of rabbit here like this shake off the flower and we're going to start browning this i've got some of the some of the breasts some of the leg some of the back does it taste like chicken that's what i heard up there in the uh eighth row up there no it doesn't it tastes like rabbit so we're gonna stop browning our rabbit off here and then what i'm gonna do is i'm to show you the beginning of this very simple potato gratin that you could use for anything you can actually use it for anything what it is is i've got i've done them with other types of potatoes as well but i'm just going to use an idaho potato i've done them with sweet potatoes i've done them with red i've done them a combination i've done with three different potatoes you can do whatever whatever you want the thing about this croton is we're going to use this very unique goat cheese so we're going to stop browning that off we'll come back to that in a second i got the heat on high i've got a little bit of tongs you like rabbit julia i love it i do too i think it's really starting to come back now but some people are horrified by eating a bunny right i know you know what i tell them huh so good and it's lean meat very very lean meat and very very good great you know i'll tell you uh as julia is saying i mean there's hardly any fat in rabbit too and it's really wonderful cooks well and you can uh this particular dish that i'm doing for julia uh is sort of like a like a coco van instead of chicken i'm just using rabbit i'm going to brown that up come back and tell you that in a second now thin slices of potato i've got this very very interesting goat cheese and why it's so interesting yeah this is goat cheese believe it or not why it's so interesting is that the layering they use ash first of all it comes from upstate new york isn't that right susan and then the interesting thing that i found interesting of this goat cheese is that this layer right here and then there's the layer of ash is actually the morning milk and then they layered it with ash and then this layer of the goat cheese is actually the late evening or early evenings milk and it has this wonderful wonderful flavor you guys want to go at that that's not overpowering and not just commercially tasting either what we got to do to make this crouton is we've got to make a custard we take cream and eggs you could use butter yeah and then what we're going to do we're going to whisk this together and you want to season you want to season this custard with salt and pepper some people like a little nutmeg inside of the custard i like a little salt and pepper we're going to season this it's pretty good cheese huh very good and then that's a little pepper music by doc then what we're going to do is we're going to begin to start layering in this mold here a little graton mold what i like to do is i like to take a little bit of butter first of all or a lot of butter and i like to just kind of work that butter in this little graton dish on the sides and on the bottom and then what you do is you begin by layering the potatoes you take your potatoes thinly sliced and we'll do like a layer like this on the bottom and you overlap them now folks you can do this easily ahead of time you can serve this with anything that you are serving in your household that just is one of those perfect potato dishes once you do one layer we're going to season it a little salt little pepper and then i just kind of spot it with some of the goat cheese like this it's going to melt anyhow then what i do is go for another layer now and i overlap it again etc etc etc now when we get to about the halfway point that's when we're gonna ladle some of this custard if you will okay inside of that and then we're gonna bake it up i'm gonna start turning around our rabbit having a little chat with miss julia child celebrating her new book after the break another notch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well my friend now we'll i'm gonna have one of those delicious mud bugs okay and uh you know there's an expression about sucking the head and peeling the tail we're gonna pinch the tail and you're just gonna um actually the pinching that releases the tail exactly don't lift it isn't that good i'll have to have another one [Music] welcome back everybody emily lagasse tonight we're creating a very special autumn dinner and we have the incredible julia child with us everybody you know i never i'll never forget that that crawfish boil and that that was we had so much fun i never had it before it was just delicious and we sat there and we just had a wonderful time we ate those crabs ate them all yeah we were happy happy after that i'll tell you that folks that potato gratin that you're gonna go home and make now when you get it all done layered this is how it should look like then if you have a little bit of parchment a little baker's paper like this it would be great to kind of put this on top of it if you could don't have to butter it you could butter it and then what you want to do is you want to put the foil then on it and that's really going to keep the custard and it's got to cook a little bit so we want to get it at about 375 degrees and you don't want the custard to get brown or too brown before the potatoes are going to cook after it cooks half the time maybe about 30 minutes or so 20 30 minutes you can always take this off and it will get the color on there and i'll show you what that looks like in just a minute now my friend over here had a great question he asked me about rabbit he said do you cook it as long as chicken it's about about that long if you cook it you braise it you simmer it like that it's going to start coming apart what you're going to see but you don't want to overcook it either so now that i've got it browned i'm going to take some pieces out and i've got all the rabbit just kind of brown now i added some of the the kidneys in there as well now what i'm gonna do while that's getting hot is i'm gonna start with a little bit of onions like this just some sliced onion we're gonna season it with a little bit of salt and a little bit of fresh pepper then i've got this wonderful portuguese sausage called charisse or you could use linguistics my friends in fall river they they make this all the time beautiful stuff you can make it yourself i chop some up because i wanted to give it a little for julia i wanted to just kind of that's right exactly so i'm going to add that and then you know everybody's that little boy up there julia was getting excited you know everybody's forgotten about these mushrooms here they forgot about these button mushrooms everybody these are really good to cook with so we're going to use a lot of button mushrooms in here that his a lot about 42 cloves of garlic if that's all right with you guys now what we're going to do is we're going to add some bay leaf a couple of bay leaves in there i'm going to add a little bit of fresh thyme and then basically what i'm going to do now once that cooks for a few minutes i'm going to deglaze this with some beer now classically we'd use red wine white wine if you want to but i find that the beer with this combination and a little bit with the sausage gives it a wonderful flavor because when you cook with any kind of liquor like this or wine you're actually trying to evaporate as much of the alcohol out as possible so you have the concentration of the flavors once that happens then i'm going to put the rabbit right back on top and then i'm going to add some stock to it as well so you add the rabbit on top can't forget those guys then this is just a little bit of you could use if you don't have uh if you got beef stock veal stock you could use basic chicken stock will work great you want to just add a little bit of stock like that just to sort of cover this okay and that's exactly what you want to do you want to bring it up to a boil then we're going to actually cover this and i'm telling you you want to talk about good this is one that we've been braising for about an hour you see this here my friend you can you see how it's almost just coming off the bone like that so to just kind of finish this up really good when the potato gratin which will cook about an hour an hour and 10 minutes or so about halfway through as i said you want to take that foil and take that parchment off so then it will get a little color okay when you take out the potato gratin onto the oven this is what it looks like just like this okay you should let it sit you got to let it sit a little bit so that it just the foundation sort of sets before you cut it if you don't do that it's going to be still a little bit runny how i like to do this is i love to just sort of get a little wedge like this or a little square i go around the sides of it and then maybe cut a little wedge like this or a little square depending on how hungry you are yeah and then when you're ready to do this for your family you take you see how it's layered like that can you see that see that all the different layers so what i like to do is i like to serve a little bit of that and then we'll take a little bit of our rabbit maybe a couple of pieces like this of the rabbit oh man this is making me really happy right here for my friend julia i can tell you that now i'm going to get a little bit of that nice sauce here and spoon this sauce right over it and i'm going to feed this to my friend julia this would be a good time for you at home to go get one of those frozen things but don't touch that bio we'll be right [Applause] back [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] welcome back everybody welcome back my uh my heart my hottest pit of pattern here because uh certainly the legend is here we're uh we're going to talk about uh her new book julian jacques that would be jacques pepin cooking at home phenomenal book but this is also the companion to the pbs series of also titled julia and jacques so this is hot off the press on my friend hollow the president the show starts the end of this week i think oh that's fine here in new york i don't know each city has a different time right how did you um i noticed that you and jacques have uh it's got wonderful stories about the two of you which is incredible but incredible but uh you kind of we've known each other for years since jim beer did you well did you know beer i didn't know you were old enough [Laughter] and he was wonderful yes he was and i met jack through a helen mccauley who's a great friend of beards right and jack was just a young man he just started here he put himself through nyu and then and then we joined and then he he teaches at boston university at the bu culinary program and we've done several things together right and then we did a collaboration for a fundraiser called i can't remember what we called it something your brother was a cookie cooking in concert cooking okay and then our producer jeff drummond decided we ought to do a series so we've done 22 half-hour shows out of which came this book that's wonderful but he's so he's wonderful he's almost as good as you are well you all are not going to believe this i can tell you right now because when i was looking through the recipe everybody is like what are you going to cook for julia what are you going to cook for julia what are you going to do out of julia's book inside of the book is a classic because jacques has his version and his philosophy and julia has his hers and the thing is is that they talk about hamburgers and about the meat and julia likes chuck as a matter of fact she likes to use ground chuck not not two-two ground fine jacques he likes a higher percentage of fat and we so i said you know what we should do your hamburger that's fine okay all right your feeling about about people when they're shopping for meat for good hamburgers well i like i think you need something from them from the shoulder you want something that's got a lot of flavor the one reason you get a nice tough piece or the piece that's worked is you get more flavor when it's worked and you're f and you're feeling about fat inside of it the percentage now i have a certain amount of fat for it to taste good i like it absolutely i like 15 to 20 percent 15 to 20 i i would have to agree with julia that uh the fat gives you the flavor absolutely particularly you know what i was noticing you uh are a big believer with these hamburgers or cheeseburgers to do them in a skillet i like to do the minuscule or where you can't do them in one of those grills but i like it better in the skillet all right how do we do this we want to we're going to mix up mix our meat in here yep and then you believe that and then i think you can if you want saute a few shallots you want to saute them first it's okay well let's we'll say that these are so paid first okay all right we're adding saute challenge i hope you're taking note of that seasoning then i put all salt and pepper in okay i like to have my meat fully fully seasoned i'm with you on that a little pepper and i'd also put in a little bit of herb what do you have like italian seasoning or a little thyme or something we could do that what do we got in here i got a little parsley there i've got some chives but uh we can get you anything that you want i think some dried i got some i've got some uh spice here they don't like that you don't like that you want parsley no no no no no okay we got any time we have some time it's coming we've got some time coming say we've got it all right we're adding some time but i do have some time coming okay all right so we're gonna mix that up yeah and the onions are sauteed those are sauteed onions okay now you like thin burgers chocolate sticks well i don't like to have a big thick burger that you can't get into your mouth i know so i like it so that you can take a big bite out of it absolutely and you don't have to break your jaw opening it up i'm with you 100 so you believe that we should hand shape these yeah and uh sort of loosely but loosely like such and i think you don't like compact no not too much she talks about in the book that uh most people what happens is they they press and condense and press and condense and uh the the burger doesn't really have a chance to really uh get the flavor because it's so packed in no that's about right i would think i like that yeah that's not too thick okay but what we're gonna do now is you and i i'm gonna get this in the skillet for you okay and i got some time coming out and when julia and i come back believe me the two of us are gonna kick it up another notch stick around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back everybody and uh one more time of course we've got the incredible doc gibbs and cliff and the incredible julia child everybody it's amazing you know we were cooking uh cooking our hamburgers here and it's so important that julia was stressing about how you don't really want to pack them you want to just kind of loosely pack them so you can see how they're cooking like that and i know that you explain also you and jacques in the book about the temperature and about feeling and about how the meat like that is that about the temperature you want them you have to have enough fat in them so they'll stick together absolutely and then the fat makes the flavor i think people are kind of nutty about no fat no not me you don't want to go overboard and you don't want to have right there's there's no we don't want to go these enormous quantities are very bad right we want to keep our figures don't we that's right absolutely all right i'm going to take you over here and then um we're going to talk about some of julia's favorite favorite garnishes one of them that i know particular is that you like bacon well i do like bacon what can i say it's a pork fat thing right you know i was impressed i was impressed when you said that you liked iceberg lettuce because i'm still a big fan of iceberg ice well i think romaine is pretty good too because it's good together yes and mustard this is a salsa this is a mayonnaise this is ketchup i've got red onion for you i've got tomatoes right and i've got some either seeded or non-seeded you like the seed and i'm going to grab this cheese here julia and uh we'll let let's let's make one too sure you say seated okay now they should be toasted but we'll say that they're crunchy toasting them right now i like the style i can't believe you guys didn't toast them all right they're toasted now they're toasting okay now we got a bottom let's start a little bit with a little mayo on the bottom of each you want to start with a little mayonnaise i can't have too much you can have a little too much mayonnaise but you're going to put some on here i've got mayonnaise right here i love mayonnaise no is that spicy or not i don't like spicy that's out of put a here leaf on lettuce on the bottom a little bit of onion how much onion you want like that i think one for the bottom and one for the top you know okay now we're gonna do what can we put the burger put the burger on bergeron burger on a little bit of mustard a little mustard but that's that hot dog mustard or dijon i think this came from fenway park i put a little more ketchup on there okay then what do you think i think we should put some bacon there's some bacon where's our where's the cheese what's that where's the king cheese is right here folded or over folded i think folded i'm with you on that you know do you think we need more lettuce or not we need another tomato i think okay so we'll add a little tomato is that tomato seasoned here let me season it look at this do we need a little more onion a little more onion i think we're there and with a little mayo and a little more mayo on top hey you can get all of these tricks let me tell you something watch the pbs series or go out and buy the book julia and jacques cooking at home we have had an absolute ball i want to thank my dear friend julia child also jeffrey drummond want to thank all of you we love you julie and i say good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 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Channel: ClappingAmericans
Views: 8,321
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Id: xYFW5C3CycU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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