Child & Pepin Eggs

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julia i have extraordinary fresh eggs today for you look at that well that's marvelous and what do you have here i have an ostrich egg here and we're doing an egg extravaganza today all types of egg cooking that's exciting great eggs tiny sweet eggs huh are you going to open this well we're going to try this [Music] happy cooking eggs that's what we are cooking today we're cooking together and we're cooking eggs and we're going to start with scrambled eggs that's a good idea i'll do it the home cookway noodle is the fast pro way okay well i'll start okay we'll stop with you then how many eggs did you are we doing one portion here two two three three right maybe i'll i'll break mine too because you have a different system than i do yeah i'll break it flat i think it's more fun to do it with one hand that's true but i don't like to break it here i break it here i'm gonna put a little bit of salt in there a bit of paper here's a little pepper so far we are in unison here yeah we're doing the same eggs remember when i first started out of the cordon bleu my old chef mr bunya bigner said no who's gonna make the scrambled eggs and i i said sure sure of course i died far too hard oh i know what you're going to do what this is the old style to put a bit of the raw egg at the end to stop the cooking yeah right or to cream them up right well i like to softly scramble them yes i do too actually yes i went to some fast food place and i said i wanted softly scrambled eggs and they were just like hard nuggets so you're going to go slowly there with this match very slowly to make sort of just a broken custard all right so i'm going to start mine mine will take three or four minutes oh it's true for mine it's not going to take us long i'm going to steal a little piece of your butter here i like to do it in a deeper pan like this and with a whisk [Music] sometimes people do it in a bain-marie actually slowly to prevent and the idea of course in the french style is to cook them very very fast for me with the smallest possible curd so that they don't toughen and we're gonna do a garnish with it so are you gonna put garlic in it no no a garnish oh garnish no garlic i know how he loves garlic i do i do actually have a little bit of garlic in my tomato tell you the truth so here we go three eggs so we're doing it with a whisk with the smallest possible curd i have some stew tomato here i'm going to use a garnish some fresh tomato i'm going to put some crouton with it and some chives are you garnishing your eggs oh they're going out well there that's nice but very slowly yes but i'm interested in seeing the difference you know in testing them this way and the other way you see here i have a lot of heat which continue that so we will stop the heat a little bit by putting a dash of cream in it or fresh butter so that it stopped the cooking i put salt pepper in it and i'm ready to uh put a little bit of my sauce here i like to put it in the middle and actually spraying it out this way and we put a scrambled egg you see are very soft maybe a little bit of chives on top with a little bit of a luncheon dish isn't it it is it is no well you know in france very often we serve egg like that as a dish you know yes you never serve eggs for breakfast no not very often their reminder mine are done they're nice and soft and to make them a little softer to put a little more i think you have to remember too that it keeps cooking in the pan it does and i was going to garnish mine with a little bit of smoked salmon oh that's real very i actually love smoked salmon with eggs too it goes well together there is things which really go well with them i'm going to borrow a little bit of your chives okay in the middle you want them now let's taste them yours are very glossy soft and that's because they're soft i love eggs they have a different taste that's interesting yes they do you like yours better i like yours very much i think mine are a little eggier yeah because of the eggs at the end we don't have to finish the whole thing right no they are creamier in a sense so try both and see what you like they won't work that's what's good now we're going to show you how to make omelettes and it really needs a special technique we're going to do first and absolutely plain omelette which jack will do okay so the eggs are already here so i'm putting uh well this is a four ounce this is about three three eight three four eggs so i use the bowl of that fork and we ship this with one hand trying to scramble it as fast as you can bringing the skin around the important part of the omelette is now when i check this [Applause] and bring this to the end here all of the eggs is there so that i don't have one layer and i'm rolling a carpet so all of this here you want to bring your fork around bring back that skin here nicely you want a kind of half moon here and then that lip here you want to bang on this side to make it go on itself yeah this is about three eggs a bit smaller than i do usually then you change and you want to bang it here so that it come totally to the edge so that you can invert it that's beautiful nicely it should be probably a bit more pointed at the end like this but as you can see here very very soft you can serve it just like that or you can stir it now we're going to show a different way hundreds of different garnish you can do this is a no-stick pan yes that's good then i have the eggs already i hope that and it's hot enough and it's very important for the butter to melt and then you have to watch it for a minute until the bubbles begin to disappear and adjust just before the butter browns you're going to be ready to add your eggs now we watch put on your glasses if you need them and make sure that the butter foam is subsiding that's it that's it and this is a two egg omelette oh that's a sharp and it should sizzle as it goes in you need that fork respect you know you kill it nothing i just shake it around i see it's a straight jerk towards you i like this method because it's kind of fun it's different yes we do a country unless like that in front like at home usually with larger curbs like this and checking the pan or moving the eggs around so that the egg goes the liquid egg between the curd and that's another way of doing it we do it's very much the same at the end like that bring the other leaf then watch what you can put the lip of the pen on the plate and then turn it all the way over okay and it's all right to do that you cut the center like this and put your garnish inside the omelet bread here and this i've got a little sauteed of onions and potatoes and ham we don't want to have so maybe i'll do i'll do an omelette uh with mushroom yes do that so you know too much room for pearson is more than enough and what you do the bottom part of the mushroom you cut into little dice or a little pieces this is to put inside the omelet and you keep the cap to go on top so i'm gonna put that here i'm going to saute the mushroom first and the cap this i keep just a nice slide the center so too much room that's it so i have two type line of mushrooms some which are diced and some which are in slice like this i put them in the same skillet to saute they won't take long and a little dash of salt on it certainly the gnostic surface has made such a difference it's just impossible to make one if it sticks so as soon as this starts softening a little bit i'm going to remove the cap so here i'll borrow your knife and put those thing right on top here and that'll be the little decoration on top of the omelette that's a good idea and you know those regular white mushrooms we have at the supermarket are perfectly fine you know people think you only have to have special wild mushroom but not necessary okay so here i have the base so i can put [Applause] my omelette here and again i start with the floor what that pot goes back in there and again at the end you know i want to bring more of the mixture on this side and again rub around here you're absolutely right i mean it's so beautiful with those nonstick otherwise the other one bring the other lip here that's very cool very nice the way that turns over there yes i would again bang it to the edge this way looks pretty good i don't know if the right plate yellow or yellow very small kind of sheep and finally you put your mushroom like that on top and this is it another classic omelet now what are we gonna do well we do like maybe a pipe you know in the south of france we call omelet basquez or omelet piperade and it's usually very close to a western omelet sometimes it's also done with a piece of prosciutto inside and sometimes only onion a bit of sliced garlic and different color pepper i have here green pepper red one and the yellow one just now are you know you can find those in most of the market and usually more of a country or not this is like a pancake a flat omelet and this one usually is done with olive oil you know a little bit of olive oil in the south of france that's what we use you know preferably a virgin olive oil for that be better okay so again you know often though you can put them in the oven under the broiler not to get a color i like to do it until it's holding together this way then after i form a crust you know let's see how useful this omelette technique is that you can make really a wonderful meal in just a few minutes not only that you do breakfast you do lunch you do dinner with them i like to put maybe a tiny bit of oil all around you know on the edge to make it slide nicely so maybe a teaspoon of oil move it around and you see that will slide around you know that's lovely let that make it go no one and now we have to flip it you know when you flip it it goes all over you all right you flip it all the way hooray good all right so you see again here i could cook it as long as i want to give it more color probably a bit more color than what i did here and how different also ow you could sprinkle it with cheese and stick it under the broiler you can put cheese and put it under the broiler that's a good idea too boy i have a big beautiful plate for that here and you slide it like a pancake here you know here we put a little piece of parsley again in the middle just a bit of garnish here and here is the should we eat a little piece of it yes i'm gonna taste this yeah [Music] that's very nice [Music] now we're gonna do pouched eggs i think they're lovely to do we're going to do them two ways i'm going to use a mechanical device and jack is going to use his own hands and ingenuity so i like to give the eggs a 10 second boil and i first poke a hole in the large end with a little push pin because there's air in the large end and that expands and i could crack the egg right so we got our boiling water we got to count to 10 seconds which is one thousand two thousand three thousand for this is a good idea five thousand six thousand seven thousand eight thousand nine thousand ten thousand this will give you a little bit of a shell on the outside so that they hold their shape better that's what we hope that's great then i'm going to use the oval perforated metal egg poacher but you can't it's hard to find them now because people have become so scared of eggs you know that's held pretty nicely hasn't it yes you want i can already see your eggs are going to be better than mine well you know what we forget put a bit of vinegar in there so that's going to be in mine too oh you mean you don't put vinegar in here no you don't need that one but that i think it holds the shape you know a little bit so well it does help you great what do you do i break it on something flat and open it very close to the water you know you want to open it close to the water so you don't burn yourself now what i'd like to do with my eggs here is to drag it no drag the top like this we have several eggs cooking and if i drag the eggs with the slotted spoon here it move it from the bottom and as soon as it moves from the bottom then it stays suspension and cooked otherwise it may stick a little bit there is another factor that we have here you have to have enough water and we have about what i would say four inch of water or something like this so this porsche what four and a half five minutes it depends on how you like your eggs no i'm not i actually think four or four minutes well i'm gonna say this is done this is done so you slide it in cold water do we put them in ice water it stops the cooking and it wash up the vinegar also so now i will look closely two three now what happened there when your eggs cool off you can pick one up i mean not yours because they were done in a thing but the one that i did by itself and you will see that there is something hanging around so i we trim this a little bit that looks lovely and the point is that this is the bottom of the egg this is the top as you see it's slightly different there is always one side which look better than the other you see it's quite soft yeah that's lovely now i thought we haven't talked enough about this salmonella business i think when you buy eggs be sure that you buy them from a place that sells a whole lot of eggs and keeps them always refrigerated and then you yourself which these are still chilled but you don't take your eggs in a bowl like this and keep them out they should be in the refrigerator all the time until you're going to cook them i think that's important that's very very important take them seriously okay now what we do all on that calendar is all right i have a couple of egg yolks here and i'm going to put a little bit of water in there and a little bit of lemon juice tablespoons of lemon juice yes what about a tablespoon all together and what you want to do you want your egg yolk to be cooked enough often people are so afraid of cooking those egg yolks that actually they are not cooked enough you know of course you want to be careful not to do scrambled eggs so you know sometimes you move them out you move them back in when you feel that it's going a bit too fast you have to cook it enough so it'll thicken as you can see now it's starting cooking in between the strike of the whisk stopping the bottom you know it's definitely it's a thick too isn't it yeah i'm removing it there i think that this is good enough that way that part of the yolanders we call the sabaion and sometimes we use that to add to a fish sauce and all that so here should be really kind of off the heat to start putting your butter and that's so terribly important just little droplets at first because if you put in too much you just don't stop getting too thick as mine is getting thick here put a little bit of warm water and that's really taken hasn't it yeah you want to put a little bit of salt in there give me a dash of salt and i like a little dash of cayenne oh okay is it a prettier color yeah it's good beautiful okay so we can finish our eggs now we'll start with the eggs benedict okay and i think it's usually done on an english muffin but i think the english muffin is a little bit tough to cut i'd much rather have a nice brioche bread and cut a circle out of it all right i'm putting the eggs to re-warm there you know another thing that we have which is very classic here let me show you i have some truffles here oh nothing wrong with them look at that beautiful black tuberum banana sperm the black truffle of there you go so we put a couple of slides this is a truffle slicer this is extravagance yes you don't have it well why not as long as you have it yes i don't know and we just warm up the truffle with a little bit of butter for a minute or so that's about fine and they get darker like this and they get a bit soft do i leave them here oh no what are we doing now we're practically ready okay here's your piece of code and then we put a little ham on it this is a a kind of a prosciutto ham which i think is nice put in one of your eggs right there whether it's yours or mine but beautiful so a bit of the hollandaise sauce and of course this is very delicious we put our pieces of truffle on top which you don't have to do but it's nice if someone's giving yourself there's nobody there that's lovely beautiful yes okay this is the classic egg benedict right see here if you break it you can see the inside of the yolk is just about the right way right just lovely doesn't it yes it does you don't have any not a toast with it i think one forgets i haven't eaten how good hollandaise i was just going to say that i haven't eaten that in quite a while you don't do that all the time but when you do it oh it's delicious [Music] now for the ostrich you were kidding with the electric so right i was all right so are we going to cut it i'll hold it for you well put on your goggles yeah i think it's who knows what's going to happen not know what's going to happen okay that's it that's it oh i can take this out now this is beautiful i mean look at the size of that quail egg no next to it so what we're going to do is you can make at least four or five online of what we did this morning or one of those big potatoes like this yeah i would say that this is probably at that point a dozen and a half of eggs that amount to this you know okay here i think i'm going to put it in there and we're going to do a big omelet of scrambled eggs with this right it's gonna take quite a while to make jack so let's relax and enjoy it have a little glass of wine yes and bon appetit and happy cooking we'll probably be here next time still cooking this egg [Music] you
Channel: rawbit
Views: 156,510
Rating: 4.9209485 out of 5
Id: FQ7wPIghScA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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