Julia & Jacques Cooking at Home (ٍSoup)

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every day millions of people make their soup this way out of the can that's the way my mother did not my mother my mother used to make it this way fresh from scratch fresh homemade soup that's what we're gonna do today [Applause] [Music] happy cooking we're going to start out with that famous french onion soup gratinee right you're going to do the onions we stuffed with onion i have about a pound of onion here how many are just going to serve oh i would say that that would sell six people you got a pot ready for me i do i've got a pot of onions that's enough to fill the pan really that's great so i have my onion ready for you yeah here we are we want a little salt and pepper there you put salt and pepper you know what i put also i put a little bit of a thyme leaves that would be nice here we are these onions are gonna cook slowly first so that they're all cooked through tenderly which will take about eight to ten minutes over moderate flavor then you brown them but it's very important that they get thoroughly cooked you can see the crystallization of the juice in the bottom the sugar of the onion and it's browning here and you really want it nice and dark very rich color so now we put the stuff like that and the nice thing about it you can cook the onions ahead you can even freeze them if you want you'd be cooking onions while you're doing something else and you know in a lot of restaurants that serve you an onion soup and that will be this way chop the onion soup sometime with a crouton on top and then what we call the onion soup gratine yes so we do the rata put your onion football on this because it tends to spill over and all that and you make a mess how much put on put in there it's got about three in mine here for that money the bread gives you the thickening was very nice right okay so this bring back to a boil i mean the chicken stock is cooked do you want to taste it how long should this cook you think half an hour together not even the onions have been cooked for so long i think it needs salt right and pepper let you put the wine in it because uh this is your touch sometime actually i've seen done with a bit of a white one but never with a bit of red wine look at that color yes nice [Applause] and which cheese do you like to put on top oh we have emerald towel and drew here close to a cup of grated cheese for pearson i think this is the amount teller right both are swiss cheese anyway yeah so you really want to pie that up on top and those onions to bowl have a kind of little border here and it hold the cheese this way so i'm going to put that in in the oven around 400 degrees and that will take a good 35 40 minutes smells good i think it's ready it's nice and crusty here whoop look at that that was 30 to 40 minutes well yes at least yes you can see really hot so we put it on the plate here i mean you have a thick crust here no which is basically what you want let's see well so good of all that cheese so good with a glass of red wine a piece of cheese or maybe no cheese but a fruit and you have a meal that's real hard i'm good you have asbestos mouth oh nothing have to wait when it smells so good whoa that's good that's a real dish we're going to do two versions of leaking potato soup there's the old standbys licking potatoes yes i mean if i had one soup to choose from i would pick up licking potatoes yeah i tell you home winter we do soup in no time at all even the piece i take out from the outside i put that in stock i keep it i wash it but then one of the mistake often people do they cut all of this out you know and i feel that here for example you take one here one here and when you see the color starting to change which get a lighter green then i go up you know eventually to get basically to to the end of it to keep this you know unless as i said again you keep it for stuck it has nice color but not much flavor hasn't it right yeah and you can see it's very dirty here so whatever you have to do if you throw it up on yourself i didn't grow that one the supermarket grew that one so you can see this beautiful light green color but then it has to be rinsed preferably under like lukewarm water you know to take all of that out these have been all questioned yes so now we're going to start out with the leek now we're going to make a bacon potato soup that can be turned into a fishy swash yes so what that's what i mean so i'm bringing it a little bit of oil in mine and that's it for the time being i'm gonna save out the green are you saving the green i want my soup to be quite quiet i want all the grain in mine so i'm starting this here mine is a pristine pipe for a possible vicious walls okay i'm gonna saute mine also with a little butter you're gonna cut up an onion are you for a first bowl of onion so those are almost a pound you know those onions are quite large half of it be enough for you yeah it'll be funny yours are cooking fairly fast mine are gonna cook slowly okay i'm gonna use actually the leek is the same family than the onion the leek chives shallots garlic even it's all part of the allium family and it can make you cry when you do it okay mine i don't let it sweat too long a couple of minutes here and then i'm ready to put the potato so um potatoes are kept in water going for quite a while for quite a while okay i cut it very costly because i'm going to put it through the food meal anyway so doesn't matter but you want the potato to mash nicely so yes this would be a russet yeah you can don't made all-purpose potato is fine also right and mine i'm gonna do with chicken stock this is the base soup that you do and you can actually finish it strain it or puree it put it in container and freeze it at that point you can have all kind of addition to it later on so what i want to do here is to bring it to a boil cover it and simmering like 15 20 minutes then i'm ready to and yours this is nice and tender i want a little bit of thickening so i'm going to put a little flour in there about two tablespoons and then that has to cook for a minute or two so that you won't have the taste of uncooked flour and then that's going to simmer with just a little bit of water here is your potato and it's important isn't it not to wash the potato after you cut them because we want the starch to stay because that'll help thicken the soup when it comes to the simmer then add more water and into all the potatoes then this also along with yours is going to take about 30 minutes yes we need some salt now here's my leaking potato soup and the potatoes are done so i can do several things with it i can puree as it is and it'll be nice and white and and let it chill and serve it as a vichy swash with a little bit of cream in it or i can serve it concrete style just pressing it with one of these forks and roughly mashing it and that would be very country style and nice yeah or we have some watercress that's getting a little wilted yeah right and i think we can cook it with some water question jack's gonna cut it up you want to cut it and that's going to be very nice pretty fine right yeah pretty fine and then it'll have to cook about three or four minutes longer i think watercress soup is delicious so the idea is here that you really with your lincoln potato you have a wonderful base you cannot do all kinds of things with all right so that looks good i'm going to let that simmer away while jack finished soup that's amazing how many soups we're getting out of this well i like to put mine through the food meal all like this yeah and this is the fine blade fine blade yes this is very handy i love the good meal yes i use it a lot you could use the food processor for this but for the full process you wouldn't take off any kind of strings would it it's really better off if you have something that could have springs in it better just off using the food wheel yes the bottom don't forget to scrape all of that goodies here and you know at that point it's good even to emulsify it a little more if you want with that type of machine and if i were doing a vicious class too then i would cool off some of this you know i put it in highs and we can finish that with cream and chives right yeah but for the the plant soup like this i like to finish it with butter you know so all i do it doesn't have it doesn't have any fat in it at all does it i'm not at that point so we put so not to worry not to worry so we finish it just with a bit of emulsion of fresh butter at the end now let's pretend that this is cold we put a bit of cream in it maybe we put some chives in there mm-hmm you put chive in the dishes so this one would be i would put the vicious was there of course cold and creamier because of the cream and then the potage really permanently here you know i like to serve it plant like that with crouton you know those are little dice croutons that rub a little bit of butter and put them in the oven and we do so cherry terrible yes chervil is very classic there and you serve it in pieces like this i love it have a bit of an anise taste and a tiny tarragon taste too it's lovely okay it's delicious so that's great we have two more soup i'll put a little cream you don't have to okay i think we can you want to ladle that out okay that's very nice i think that slightly chunkiness yes it's oh with a good leaves of watercress on top we don't have enough salt in it now too bad that's too late [Music] well those look lovely i think [Music] now we're going to do a wonderful mediterranean type fish soup and this is the kind of a soup that you would make anywhere in the country even in kansas city so any place that you can get some fish or you can even make it and put potatoes in rather than fish it's the principle that counts even with salmon right yes because we happen to have some we have a piece so you can use it so we start with olive oil on that one all right so some scallion scallions aren't usually the traditional soup like this but you don't need to be traditional the only thing is to make a wonderful soup you're going to put some onion garlic in there and proportions aren't very important about it that's probably about half a big onion and here's some garlic cause we're beginning to smell mediterranean it smells like this the streets of marseille well i'm going to cut some tomatoes for you there and i'm not going to see them early no i wouldn't see them or do anything there i mean you know it's more country style it's very conditional a very country style [Music] there's so many things you don't need a recipe for if you've seen it done and then you work it out yourself and some people will come up and say oh the recipe says two tablespoons of tomato paste and i've only got a teaspoon i can't make the recipe of course you can make the rest of it just put something else in or leave it out okay and i'm going to you might prep the fish we have break the fish in the strength of the fish here with the head and the bone of the fish so we don't lose anything now one thing jack very often people don't have fish stock or there isn't something around are you a chicken stock you don't like that idea well but it needs some strength to it yes what you could do also is to use one of those bottle of uh of clams add water to it because it's a bit strong you know but there are there the chicken stock is quite mild you have to have something with strength in it so we would call that a possibility for the last resort well this is for your soup in fact i wanted to test this see the stuck is just playing that a nice fish check there's no salt nothing in it so and all you did was just to boil up all right it's about just about 20 minutes it couldn't be easier yes the fish chuck doesn't take too long to do other or to the meat stuff shall we put one one yes like one cup that's exactly one you don't have to have wine in it but it i think it's nice i like it so i put this and this just has to simmer away i think put the whole thing in yeah i think you're right yeah and then we can season it salt pepper if you want to put we put the saffron in it and i'm just going to i think just about a pinch about like that yeah i like it so i put more but i'll put like half specially i'm out more because i don't like a medicinal taste you can always add more but you can't take it out i'll give you a little bit of fresh thyme good in there we have some tarragon also which are the kind of annie stays and goes well in the south but maybe we'll put that at the end yeah we'll have more tests yes okay see if it that's a good idea and shall we put salt and pepper in it yeah i think we don't need it and it doesn't really have to boil that long after it comes to a boil the flavor of all these things you want the good flavor out of it and during that time of course you can prepare your fish because the advantage of this you would prepare your fish but you would not cook it you would cook it just at the last moment when you're ready to serve your guest so that it doesn't get overcooked and i think one inch pieces will be about good here we are the salmon give it another color and in that case here the skin of the red snapper is left on but of course it's scaled you know we took the scale out of it shall we leave the skin on the salmon or take it off take it out i think okay i don't think it would be very nice i wouldn't like to eat skin and a soup well the skin of that is very fine red snapper you know so here shall we put another piece here i think salmon is just not at all usual no but this is not an oily salmon it's a very a very fresh nice salmon and it's it's okay i mean if you have leftovers that type of soup plant itself to complex variation if you have this you put it if you have another type of fish you put another type of fish then we have some scallop and we have those like butter clam they call them different golden clam and so forth and now they are a bit available if you don't have those you put cherry stones or you can go in with the shell yeah well i think we put that with the shell i think so or you could mussels would be very nice in other words you put in what you have so another five minute and then we'll put all of that in and finish it up with the sauce good action action this is a pestle and in the south of france when they make a fish soup they make this wonderful garlic sauce called which is garlic and olive oil and they pound in into great big mortar like this when we were living in france way back in 1949 we found this in the flea market in paris and my husband paul had to carry it about a mile in a very good way that jack has invented good so you're going to give me a little bit of that stuff here beautiful stock in there and i put four or five cloves of garlic here peeled garlic this is like the pita garlic a little more and you want to put a pimiento in there you said i never did and for the binding agent you know you can put a piece of bread in it like this or sometimes i put a piece of potato i mean cooked potato this is nice really bind with both potatoes yeah so we can put a piece of both heat there so we might as well use it a little bit of cayenne maybe not too much like this that's enough i think we may need a little more juice but we'll see and maybe we can put that to cook now you know because we're going to be ready after that the roux is ready we put that directly in there right and now the olive oil it's very very important in making this garlic sauce that the garlic be completely pureed yes because we don't have a piece of it but it's clever the way he's done it is putting the potato in the bread and so forth and until it really will puree oh in there of course and even a little bit of black pepper here we are and as you see that now it's thicker that's perfect i'm putting the roux there and i'll do some crouton for the hui how is the fish doing that's almost done you see how quickly this fish cooks that's just i don't think they'll need just about a minute more what do you think jack yes it's getting really you definitely don't want it overcooked just want to do it at the last moment i think we should taste for salt oh yes and what i wanted to give you is a little bit of the tarragon at the end it's about it needs just a little bit more so here you are okay [Applause] i'll give you black paper this time all right then of course the ruby i'm just gonna give it a lovely taste we put the roux directly on the bread and you can prepare a lot of that ahead there is a lot of garlic in it and i love it and sometime also people put a tablespoon or two of the roux into their plate of fish to thicken the soup you know at the table and it's very nice too so now we're ready to serve the soup you see see how quickly that fish cooks and you don't want it overcooked it is a kind of fish stew you will say it's stew as well as soup right that's lovely that has the clams and everything in it yes that should be about fine right here so we put a couple of directly inside and let's pick on a little bit and a couple of extra one to go on the side so we taste it here oh you want some of the roux inside yes yes the right way in the soup the right way of doing it is delicious i think this is one of the best soups you could find yes [Music] well i hope you're going to do that soup for your friend as julia and i enjoy cooking it for you happy cooking bon appetit nice cooking with you cooking with you
Channel: Rayan Al-Ballaa
Views: 38,581
Rating: 4.9548874 out of 5
Id: kM7M6fM678A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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