What if Yuji Got Shrine Against Mahito Part 2: Yuji vs Sukuna Begins

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hello everybody it's I Eternal Flame here and today we are here to do part two of what if Yuji had a woken Shrine early or a woken Shrine against mahito and I'm actually really surprised with the amount of positive reception that I got on the first part of the wh if so thank you to everybody who actually liked the wh if as much as you guys did and as you guys can tell I wasn't expecting to do a part two of the wh if but a lot of you guys did want a part two of the what if so we are going to go into part two of what would happen if eugi had a Well Control where we're basically going to go over the entire Shinjuku Showdown and how Yuji having Shrine early is going to affect the Shinjuku Showdown so without the further Ado let's get straight into the story of what if Yuji had awoken Shrine early as Yuji was left just to watch left to watch helplessly as sakuna and Dam left with nowhere near enough curse energy to chase after them or anything of the sort he was left to watch and feel helpless as he was laughed at by the very monster that had been in his body for so long despite the fact that he had awaken shrine despite the fact that he was more okay with using Shrine than he ever was before and felt like he was on a better path he could ultimately do nothing but watch watch is one of the few friends he had left were taken away taken away by the very monster that had tormented him for so long and had the final laugh in the end but then Yuji snapped himself out of this feeling of helplessness that he was feeling after all this feeling of helplessness that Yuji was feeling was doing nothing but making things worse and he couldn't just give up that easy after all he knew meami would not give up on him like that so there's no way he was going to give up on his friend sakuna had decided to leave Yuji alive because they believed that Yuji itori was of so little value that they could laugh at him while they flew away believing Yuji to be of so little importance and so little of a threat that they could just leave him there that there would be nothing Yuji could do to ever change fate but now Yuji was determined to make sure they regret that choice determined to kill sakuna and he'd do anything to do so first step though he knew would be mastering Shrine after all while he most definitely made progress with Shrine it wasn't enough the that he had gone against sakuna was not enough he would need to be stronger he could feel how much of a difference there was between sakuna and himself and he knew the next time they thought he would not be able to rely on meam to save him like he was able to save him this time however here is when we get to the one month time skip as well as the preparation phase for their battle against sakuna however if you do want to actually skip past the preparation phase for the battle then you can skip to the time frame on scream and you'll basically be able to figure out the preparations as we go if you do not want to skip past them then just continue on the the video now up first this is probably going to be one of the most important things I need to establish Yuji is still going to have blood manipulation in this timeline a bunch of people in the first video didn't actually think that Yugi was going to end up having blood manipulation mainly because he already had Shrine this early on however right now we have a Yuji who feels even more like he is not enough mainly because of the fact that he has access to this technique that he had pushed so heavily and yet even that wasn't enough to take down sakuna so this Yugi is probably going to be even more desperate than Canon Yuji actually is right now to take out sakuna which is absolutely insane considering how desperate Canon Yuji actually is take out sakuna as well and this Yuji is probably deeper into that desperation even compared to Canon Yuji so yes this Yuji does have access to blood manipulation it's also a little bit debatable that this Yuji might have access to a better version of blood manipulation in comparison to what his Canon counterpart has this is mainly because of the fact that Yuji already has experience with a curse technique and as we can tell from both UDA aotu as well as sakuna if you have previous experience with a curse technique it does make it easier to use other curse techniques Maybe we don't fully know if that's how it works or doesn't know how that works but from what we can tell from both of them that might be how it works for the sake of this video I'm not going to apply that and we're going to say Yuji has the same level of blood manipulation but it could be possible yui does have access to better levels of blood manipulation so at best Yugi's actually able to use piercing blood in this timeline so this does also mean that Yugi is still going to have simple domain as well as all the soul stuff that he had studied however his RCT is actually going to be better than what it is in Canon as well the main reason why his RCT is going to be better than in Canon is because Yuji is going to use Shrine on himself constantly to train Shrine which by exension will allow him to train his RCT cuz it will let him get better and better with reattaching limbs because he's healing from much more lethal blows than what he would be healing from normally so to put the level of this yui into perspective I think this Yuji when it comes to P Rock curse energy refinement and hand-to-hand combat would be stronger than the level he was at when he went to Shinjuku but I don't think he'd be stronger than current awakened Yuji however he more than makes up for that with his new Mastery of cleave and dismantle cuz he is much better at cleave and dismantle so he does have much more range attacks that he's much better with because of how practice he would be with Shrine by this point since he's had this technique for around a month now overall this Yuji is stronger than current awakened Yuji when factoring in everything he has including his much more mastered version of shrine as our story resumes one week before the battle in Shinjuku happens one week before The Faded day for everyone to challenge sakuna and kenju with Yuji and Gojo currently being present inside of a training room with each other Gojo having brought him in while everyone else was talking about their plans that they needed to keep secret from Yuji as during that time Gojo properly congratulated Yuji for awakening his technique and the growth he has made in such a short period of time he had to admit the growth of his students was truly something else but then he told Yugi the real reason he brought him here he wanted to have a sparring match with Yuji and that was what they were going to spend all day doing the point of the sparring match was quite simple in Gojo's mind while he believed that there was no chance that CLE dismantle could bypass his barrier other than maybe in a domain he wanted to be ready and he wanted to know how Cleveland dismantle felt so he could prepare for that and sure while UDA kotu could potentially do this as well UDA kotu could only offer that experience for 5 minutes at best but Yugi on the other hand had been training and mastering this technique for so long now for the entire month time skip he also knew how Yugi grew best which was through combat which was through sparring that he had seen time and time again whether it was with Toto whether it was with Hanami whether it was with mahito he knew Yuji grew best through fighting people however for obvious reasons that ended up confusing yui after all Yuji had no way to bypass that Limitless barrier he could punch kick throw a dismantle cleave it would never land which was why Gojo told him he deactivate the infinity barrier as he said you know I created this barrier to be Untouchable but with time people seem to just be finding ways to get past it so I've been embracing that and besides it's is just for me you might be able to pick up something too and maybe finish what you've been working on and that was when the two of them began their Spar and at that moment he understood well just how powerful Gojo was of course he did know that Gojo was the strongest he always believed Gojo was the strongest but actually feeling it man Gojo was strong not just because of his technique but because of his skill his amazing amount of skill when it came to hand to hand he was on another level and each time eug landed a cleave or dismantle Gojo could just heal it off or take it but he could also tell Gojo's punches were unique after all ever since he became a sorcerer he'd been punched by a lot of unique punches so he got good at recognizing them he didn't immediately catch on at first though it wasn't the first time he got hit the second or even the but he was able to catch on to the fact that Gojo was using his curse technique in his punches which ended up sparking another idea in yuji's head which Gojo could see and that caused Gojo to smile as well which led to the two sparring for hours for the entire day however Gojo ended up winning every single sparring match every single one however Yugi could feel that he was getting a bit better a bit more control over himself however even with all these there were something that did bother him he couldn't access the Flames that sakuna could access and he was questioning why he made a lot of progress with this technique yet he was never able to feel the same Flames that sakuna had used on mahara and Joo as Gojo then told him he would help Yuji figure that out after he beat sakuna as then we flash forward to the present with Gojo cut in half and sosimo turn to bits with both Yuji and higuma hopping onto the battlefield as Yuji immediately starts out the battle by launching out a wave of dismantles right at sakuna as sakuna then immediately said good but not good enough before launching out a slash right at yuji's multiple waves of slashes just to send the message that all sakuna needed was one slash to equal out the massive amount of progress that Yuji had made however one of the slashes actually ended up hitting the ground not near sakuna while the other slashes were countered by sakuna and equal out but the entire purpose of this wasn't actually to launch us as an attack at sakuna but to make a smoke screen so Yuji could disappear in the smoke and immediately land a punch on sakuna however this punch was blocked but even with it being blocked sakuna felt a vibration in his body as that vibration did confusing but before he could even have enough time to think on that Yuji immediately pulled what he pulled against mahito which was grabbing sua's arm and using cleave that was blocking his punch of course that cleave did not do a significant amount of damage to sakuna at all but sakuna did notice that cleave did a little bit more damage than what he was expecting maybe he did underestimate how much sakuna had grown as a rope wrapped around one of his hands as well before higuma casted a domain expansion with himself Yuji and sakuna present inside the domain now here is where we got into a little bit of a Crossroads mainly because of the fact that they can't pull off the same plan that they pulled off in Canon mainly because in this what if higuma never actually ended up casting his domain for a second time on Yugi which means the shabuya trial never ends up happening however I do think no matter what the trial actually ends up being that sakuna is at least going to get confiscation happened to him the main reason is because sakuna really wants to see the Executioner sword so he's just going to admit himself as guilty so I also think that suuna would end up calling a retrial if necessary and that would be what ends up getting the Executioner sword so yeah we're just going to say GMA does end up confiscating kamut while also having the Executioner sword as right after kusakabe Eno and choso all arrive with kusakabe quickly activating simple domain in order to move in front of higuma and take the slashes so higuma himself doesn't get hit before sakuna then goes out of his way to acknowledge the fact that they have all leveled up their fundamentals in curse energy strengthening as well as the fact that simple domain was capable of weakening sakuna curse technique though not to the same degree of what domain amplification would have done before it then sakuna challenges Yuji to erase as he then immediately goes out of his way to impale choso with both of his arms as Eno would immediately go for an attack straight on sakuna head while at the same time Yuji would launch out two dismantles straight at sakuna leg however sakuna is still too quick to counter as he immediately throws out a slash of his own resulting in that slash countering out yuji's two slashes and hitting both kusakabe and Yuji before it's then sakuna grabs higuma and frows him away from the battlefield while also Landing a punch straight on his jaw as he immediately chases after higuma with Yuji chasing after after him as Yi then tried to launch a dismantle into the ground in order to try and launch himself forward and while this did end up helping his momentum and speed a little bit it wasn't enough to catch up to the absolute Speed Demon that was sakuna this results in the first half of higuma versus sakuna going the exact same with higuma eventually Awakening domain amplification and sakuna calling out to higuma by his name as Yuji then tries to make an opening for higuma to land a hip by launching out a wave of slashes right at sakuna however sakuna in that moment vanishes away from the slashes not even entertaining them by sending his own slash back at them with him catching yuji's hand and using his other hand to place his hand right on yuji's gut before it's sakuna calls him a boore as he immediately uses cleave right on his side entirely destroying his stomach and side while launching him away even though Yuji ended up healing himself faster than he did in Canon even though Yuji had a stronger range attack he could launch out being dismantle it didn't matter even though hium could awaken reverse curse technique it didn't matter he ultimately ended up dying and this death the moment that The Executioner's blade faded away hit hard for Yuji after all this was the man who had brought him out of the state he was previously in this was the man who had convinced him that it was okay to use Shrine on people that Shrine wasn't an evil technique just it had an evil user in sua sakuna the one who had now taken away higuma from him taking away another person that Yuji had considered a friend as Yuji then blocks sakuna strikes before sakuna kicked Yuji away as he then launched two slashes right out at Yuji however Yuji ended up healing off those slashes as sakuna was now stuck in a trance thinking about how much Yuji had improved and how much this actually annoyed him not just that Yuji had managed to learn reverse curse technique but he was skilled with it but he also had managed to improve his curse energy strengthening and that his Shrine had gotten much better as well before his thoughts then went to higuma and himself questioning if Hig ruma's death disappointed him as he then reminded himself of his own ideals of his own ideals that he lives the way he desires to until the day he dies if he wants to eat he will eat if he sees an Nur he'll kill it and if it entertains him he will throw it a bone he lives how he chooses to live and if people are unable to measure up to that then you have to blame yourself so we believed that he shouldn't have been irritated he shouldn't have been irritated over hegar's death unless over the Millennium he had changed and in that moment he was able to see who was the Crux of all of that the brat that was currently standing in front of him sakuna had fought a countless amount of battles battles of people who were more experienced than Yuji was more powerful than Yuji was and with amazing techniques and yet none of them affected him in the same way that Yuji did and that was because none of them possessed the same unbreakable ideal like Yuji did to him he could never understand their ideals to him it seemed like their ideals were nothing more than dying wishes and yet he couldn't deny the fact that Yuji had an ideal to kill sakuna one that was unbreakable after all he had shared a body with yui for so long and he knew better than anybody that every single time you broke Yuji down his soul would get back up this unbreakable resolve was something sakuna could not deny after all Yuji had nothing else special about him the most notable thing Yuji had going for him was the fact that he had access to sakuna technique that he had access to a technique he wasn't even born with and yet Yuji was able to rival him on nothing but ideals and wills which was something that made sakuna feel deeply unpleasant something that sakuna very much did not like as sakuna had believed that he had surpassed ideals the sakuna was no longer bound by ideals and yet he could see someone in front of him someone who directly represented the potential that he could be wrong holding his very technique itself and being fueled by nothing but ideals while sakuna loed his ideals loed those ideals that made him human Yuji was standing on those ideals right now they were two opposites of the same coin so that was what caused sakuna to make his decision that he was going to break yuji's will break yuji's ideals to bits something he would never do for someone normally but Yugi was the exception for those unbreakable ideals but before it was then a new rule was added to the calling games one that gave sakuna the full authority to start the merger as sakuna consumed Tangen and it is then right after UDA kotu and ra hop into the battlefield with UDA kotu activating his domain expansion and the battle going the exact same until Yuji isidori joins in the battle inside of UDA kot's domain expansion with Yuji starting the fight by Landing two punches right on sakuna arm however Yuji is quick enough to land a third punch but this third punch is a little bit more unique because this time he' actually tried to engulf his hands in dismantle which ended up making the punch do even more damage to sakuna in comparison to before however it didn't actually lower sakuna output as this was something Yuji was trying to do since the beginning of this fight if not even before this this was the idea that Yuji had gone when he was sparring with Gojo and S goa's blue fists and it was proven to be fully possible when he saw the way that UDA kotu slash was blocked by sakuna which was by sakuna covering his hands in little slashes so instead Yuji was going to try and integrate this into his hand-to-hand style and now that his body had directly felt it he just needed to make sure he could land enough hits with this new technique just to make sure it became second nature to him as R then tried to slam her fist right down on sakuna but sakuna ended up dodging however even though sakuna ended up dodging he got hit by Yuda kot's technique resulting in shikigami slashing at his back and in that moment they were really able to feel just how much damage Gojo had left behind on zakuna after all thanks to his fight against Gojo he was unable to expand his domain expansion the effects of his reverse curse signs had remained is and at this point his total amount of cursed energy matched that of UDA aotu furthermore sakuna also needed to maintain using Hollow wicker basket which rendered him completely unable to use the world bisecting dismantle however even more than that Yuji with every single one of his punches was able to weaken sakuna curse energy output as well as weaken the harmony between his soul and megami's soul as that was when ra thre Yuji at sakuna as Yuji clinged onto sakuna arm but this time Yuji actually had something special in mind as Yuda aotu had used cursed speech to tell sakuna to not move Yuji had activated cleave right on sua's arm however this time the cleave had a very different effect in comparison to normal because not just was the cleave damaging this cleave also ended up weakening sakuna output which this ended up catching sakuna completely off guard mainly because of the fact that Yuji had used cleave in the battle beforehand but he had chosen not to actually attack his arm but that was when sakuna had a memory back when mono tried to use Idol Transfiguration on Yuji for the second time and then sakuna landed a slash on mahito as sakuna realized right in that moment that that gave away that it was possible for his slashes to land a hit on the soul and since Yuji was already using the same logic that he had used against mahito to hit maho's soul in order to shake sakuna Soul it was only natural Yuji would figure out a way to make it appli to Shrine as well when sakun had already displayed it was possible for Shrine to do that before UDA kotu had used fin I breaker to launch sakuna back leading to ra comboing with that by slamming sakuna into the ground as both and UDA rushed at sakuna and while sakuna did launch out a wave of dismantles at both Yuji and UDA it ended up launching them back but not as much in comparison to before the wounds were not as deep in comparison to before as well as the wounds were very quickly healing on the both of them with sakuna questioning what they had been up to for the past month as this was when Yuji and ra decided to begin to lay pressure into sakuna with Yuji going for two dismantle amped punches straight on sakuna arms while at the same time ra had gone for a punch straight on his other arm before UDA kotu using Clairvoyance was able to predict the future on sakuna and it allowed him to land his own cleave right on sakuna however this cleave was actually yuji's usage of cleave and not sua's usage of cleave the reason why it's yuji's usage of cleave and not sakuna usage of cleave that UDA copied is because of the fact that they don't have to risk ra eating a sakuna finger and risk what could potentially come with that of course we know in Canon that there would be no risk mainly because ra is not a person so sakuna cannot manifest inside of RA since ra is kind of like is a weird territory of curse and shikigami but basically there's not enough of a soul for sakuna to manifest inside of RA it's better to not have to take that risk so they just copy it from Yuji instead this also does allow them to keep the secret that they actually have sakuna other finger rather than sakuna knowing about the fact that they have that finger as it was then Yuji and UDA began to bombard sakuna with attacks Yuji going for a punch straight on sakuna jaw while at the same time UDA kotu ended up going for a strike straight on the stomach the two's moves were in near perfect sync which wasn't a surprise considering how well Yuji was when it came to fighting with people as Yugi kneed sakuna straight in the face while also grabbing onto his head but immediately after performing that move he ended up using cleave on sakuna head through both his hand as well as his knee the cleave wasn't strong enough to go through zuna's head however it was strong enough to shake up zuna's soul and weaken sakuna output even more stack that with the hits that Yugi had already been landing and sakuna output was in quite a bad place at that current moment however sakuna then went immediately for cleaving yuji's entire chest but Yuji ended up spitting up some blood in sakuna eye before you healed himself and coated his leg in dismantle in order for him to land a kick on sakuna as the slashes were launched out from his leg even though sakuna had blocked the strike resulting in the sakuna being launched even further back and even harder straight into Ra's punch however unknowingly to Yuji he had tipped his hand to how his abilities worked to sakuna before it was then sakuna released holler wicker basket as ra and Yuji both went for holding down Sak's arms while UDA at the same time took sakuna tongue straight out and while sakuna did try launch out a wave of slashes at UDA in order to launch him away his slashes were weakened to such a point he was barely knocked back however this was when Yuji decided to show off that he had blood manipulation via using the blood he had made earlier in order to Blind sakuna allowing UDA to cut off the other hand and then after that R held sakuna down as Yuji went for a punch on sakuna gut this made to be a soul infused punch with even more curse energy in compar to normal in order to wake up after all the level of control that sakuna had on the soul was much more in the gutters Yuji had completely undone the process of the bath by this point and how suppressed meami Soul actually was at least temporarily however in spite of all of that in spite of all the effort that both Yuji and UDA had put in and how much more they had drastically weakened sakuna soul and weakened the level of control he had it was still not enough not because of the strength of sakuna soul but because of was one thing they could not plan for because of one thing they could never plan for which was how broken Megami truly was by this point before UDA kotu was then cut into in half followed by a stab from maky soul split Katana right into sakuna chest and that is where we're going to end this part I'm going to be honest with you guys I was not expecting this episode to be that long like I genuinely thought we were going to get Fu anduku showed out in less than 20 minutes and man we really did not we are only past the UDA cotu part of this fight our thank you to everyone who watched the full video and thank you for all your support for this what if I'm a dip and see you all later have a good day peace out
Channel: Eternal Flame
Views: 19,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK, JJK season 2, eternal flame jjk, eternal flame jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen manga, @TheEternalFlame57, JJK Theories, JJK Theory, Jujutsu Kaisen Theory, jjk, jjk leaks, Sukuna vs gojo, Yuji, Yuji awakens, JJK discussion, JJK 263, JJK 263 Spoilers, yuji vs sukuna, yuji curse technique, yuji technique theory, yuji cursed technique theory, Yuji kills Sukuna, JJK What If, What If Yuji got Shrine Early, sukuna
Id: 1YScp23TPIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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