Yuji and Sukuna Were Almost the Same

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Yuji and sakuna are both opposites of each other while at the same time being the same person two sides of the same coin two sides that have the same potential and that approach strength extremely differently from each other and today in this video I want to go over how they're opposites how they could have been one and the same if one slight change to their morality was made and how their morality is ultimately made who they were today and why they both go down such a different path for necessary strength and most of all how they both view strength completely differently and why these views of strength will ultimately determine who will win in the long run between Yuji and sakuna in this final battle between the two of them hello everybody I'm Eternal Flame here and today I'm here to do an analysis on the narrative between Yuji versus sakuna now that we have gotten the reveal that sakuna and Yuji have very very similar Souls due to Yuji being the technical nephew Das son of sakuna because twins are very very weird in jjk So today we're here to do an analysis of that and how that's going to lead into the overall analysis of how they gained strength and their differences between each other now to anyone who has read the series Yugi and sakuna being near complete opposites isn't really a surprise to anybody after all Yugi is someone who extremely values people someone who doesn't really care about how strong you are but really more so cares about who you are as a person Yuji wants to save people Yuji wants to be able to help people and give them good deaths however sakuna is someone who is completely different all sakuna cares about is strength all sakuna cares about is himself if you are in the way of his path to gain strength he will simply Cut You Down if you exist as something that annoys him he will Cut You Down with No Mercy all that matters is sakuna is him if you are someone who entertains him because of your strength or just something about you that entertains him he's going to throw you a bone that is how sakuna is as a person someone who is only focused on himself in comparison to Yuji who is only focused on other people and willing to throw himself into the fire for other people yuji's selfishness that comes from a desire to help people to completely ignore anything that could be happening to his body to completely ignore any part of strain or anything he potentially might end up doing to himself down the line meanwhile sakuna type of self finish come from the fact that he's willing to do anything whatsoever in order to gain power he doesn't care who he hurts he doesn't care who he ends up ruining the lives of he doesn't care who he kills so long as he ends up gaining power that's all that matters to him after all the differences between them is best shown in chapter 24 when sakuna begins to explain to Yuji his own ideology when he says the real question is why are you all so weak why do such weaklings cling so fiercely to life how can a creature that falls apart at a touch say that it always wants to be happy the helpless have no choice but to swallow the suffering life gives them sakuna is a person who only believes in strength and only believes that strength should be the relevant thing in a hierarchy of power and thus that puts him at the top but at the same time though sakuna always wants to gain more and more strength mainly because of something that I think is very very interesting that I don't see a lot of people people actually talk about which is a very fun difference between Gojo and sakuna in my opinion which is the fact that sakuna never really refers to himself as the strongest or the honored one or a perfect being or anything like that the most he has done is refer to himself as the fallen and other than that he's never really given himself any titles he's never really bought into any of his own hype he kind of just lives the way he wants and that's something he also talks about with kosimo where if he ends up dying he ends up dying that's how things are however so long as sakuna continues to exist he will continue to get stronger for that is the type of person who he is in my opinion this is best exemplified in the Gojo versus sakuna fight where he went in with the intention of being able to develop a new move through mahara some way to get past Infinity now he didn't know that it would end up being the spatial dismantle but he went in with the intention of figuring out a way to get past Infinity through the mahara now whether you think sakuna needed to use mahara to get past infinity or just wanted to and had a different way of winning that's not really important what is important is the fact that sakuna always is trying to learn is the fact that sakuna is always trying to advance himself and get better and better which is especially shown in Sak kuna's own ability to be able to copy Jiu-Jitsu just upon seeing it sakuna gains strength because he wants to gain strength and he lives his life accordingly to that and that is sakuna selfishness that sakuna will gain strength and do anything he wants with no care about anyone or anything around him meanwhile Yugi's selfishness comes from a desire to gain strength for whatever purpose he needs to achieve in the current moment a purpose he needs to achieve where he doesn't care what happens to his body where he doesn't care about how much he gets hurt that is Yugi's type of selfishness where he for go his body completely all for the sake of achieving a mission and a goal that is yuji's Iron Will and iron resolve once Yuji has a goal in mind he will do anything and everything he can in order to achieve that goal with no care about what could end up happening to him as a result of that with no care about the damage that he might end up taking as a result of wanting to achieve that goal and most of all with no care about the fact that there might actually be an easier way to achieve that goal for example and one of the biggest examples of this is the fact that Yuji wants to still save meami up until this point where I made another video talking about this about if Megami was worth saving and the risks that come with saving Megami however Yuji doesn't care about those risks Yuji is willing to put the world at risk all for the sake of his goal of saving megi which is granted the goal that everybody else have but sakuna is the person who knows that this is yuji's true iron will resolve for yuji's a total of two Iron Will resolves at the current moment which those two Iron Will results are saving Megami and killing sakuna but he will not accept a battle where only one of those two things happen where he will not accept a result where Megami ends up going down with sakuna just like everybody else will not choose that result either their only plan is to save meami while killing sakuna at the same time it's either both of these happen or none of these happen for Yuji But ultimately what fuels the both of them at their cores is selfishness selfishness in yuji's case to achieve any Mission he has been put on and Achieve any task no matter what ends up happening to him or what ends up happening to his body and the risks he has to take meanwhile sakuna selfishness comes from a desire to Simply get stronger but that is also where both of their powers stem from Yuji and sakuna are nearly the same however their selfishness are focused on two separate things Yuji selfishness is focused on the mission focus on the greater good and focus on trying to achieve something meanwhile sakuna selfishness is focused on desire is focused on himself and a want to be able to get stronger a want to be able to constantly learn now I believe these differences Spawn from multiple things but the main reasons why I believe those differences spawned is because of the very time period that the two of them had grown up in sakuna grew up in a time period all around power a time period about Jiu-Jitsu Supremacy the Golden Era of jiujitsu and an era where he basically had no one an era where he for the longest time was alone and needed to do anything to survive so strength became a need and in exchange for becoming a need it became something sakuna praised it became something sakuna wanted to continue gaining even though he reached the Pinnacle of his strength that wasn't enough for him he wanted to continue learning he wanted to continue gaining more and more power and you can see that want to gain more and more power power even now whether through the Gojo fight whether through him fighting monkey where he has to now asked the question to himself if he had been gaining power the wrong way all along if the real thing he should have been focusing on was his body which is why he felt something he needed to prove now against Maki and he ended up proving his strength gain wasn't for nothing because if Maki had managed to defeat him it would have debunked his entire life meanwhile yuji's strength and most of all yuji's Iron Will unbreakable resolve came all from the people who he and ended up growing up with and going on this journey with that each had their own effects on him whether it was yuji's grandfather who yuji's grandfather set Yuji down on this path to begin with of telling him that he needed to be able to save other people because he was a strong kid or just yuji's grandfather being a much Kinder person than what the hey and era was now yui's grandfather wasn't exactly the kindest of persons but he still was probably better than the hey and era type of people that were around or youi friends that he had when he transferred over to his high school that were actually able to treat him like normal people or Megami who had gone out of his way to save him even though it wasn't the right thing to do or Gojo who would decided to show him care even though Yuji was a massive threat to the world despite having sakuna around or AI Toto who had been there so many times in order to put Yuji right back on the right path or anomy who had put his faith inside of Yuji even sakuna himself ended up affecting this iron will resolve especially most shown in Shibuya where Yugi truly got an idea of the consequences that was sakuna and it just truly ended up strengthening his resolve even though he was broken for a long time thanks to nomy and Toto he was able to be put back onto the right path to make sure to know to never let sakuna out to set Yuji On A New Path and a new mission in order to continue getting stronger all for the sake of making sure sakuna never gets out and making sure that he can eventually be the one to take down sakuna now we ended up failing in that because sakuna had ended up taking advantage of an earlier Yuji back when Yuji didn't have access to this iron will resolve back into the detention Center when he had made a deal with Yuji however Yuji had managed to learn from this experience and now has an even deeper desire and will in order to kill sakuna that will that sakuna is now trying to break on Yuji in my opinion the best shown difference between two eras that he had grown up with and how they had an effect on Yuji and sakuna is actually their usage of the shrine technique and how it is physically represented where sakuna Shrine is represented as a bunch of knives that is how cleave and dismantle is represented as knives to cut at an opponent knives to slice an opponent down mercilessly to be used as a weapon meanwhile Yuji is represented as scissors cutting across something now most people have been assuming that yuji's scissors are meant to represent just Yuji being childish or yui just growing up in a different era and while I do think it's possible I actually kind of associate them with something different what I associate yuji's cleave with is actually surgical scissors the reason why is because these are scissors made to help people made to do surgery on people in order for doctors to be able to help people Yugi using a weapon that was used to cut down people now as something in order to help people furthermore it also works really really well with his entire desire to remove sakuna from megami's body almost like Yuji is trying to use cleave in order to remove the tumor from megami's body that is starting to grow inside of him and that tumor being seuna himself all of this is ultimately just to say this Yuji and sakuna are two of the same same size of the same coin where I guarantee if Yuji had ended up growing in the hayan era he would have actually ended up being probably the same person or very similar to sakuna Meanwhile if sakuna ended up growing up in this era I think he would have actually ended up being very similar to Yugi aori and those two were very very heavily affected by the scenarios around them by the circumstances that had affected their lives they ended up molding who they were today and that is best shown in the fact that the two of them are genetically very very similar because Yugi is technically aa's son- nephew where the two of them in a way live mirrored lives where sakuna had to basically live his life alone where for the longest time he was alone until he found uram and even then uram is not really a true friend of his uram is just a chef that is all uram is to him a tool where sakuna just sees everything as a game a game for him to get stronger because strength is all that matters to him in life meanwhile Yuji has been taught that his strength is to be something to help people his strength is to be something something used in order to save people and accomplish missions that is all his strength is made to be used for whether that mission is to put down a curse that represents the evil of humanity and how much Humanity distrusts each other or that mission is to protect people that he values or that mission is to help someone else protect someone that they value or finally that mission is to put down the evilest human in all creation down to the point we're calling them a human doesn't even work being sakuna himself yuji's strength is represented in need yuji's strength is represented in need because so long as squa continues to exist and continues to get stronger so will Yuji in order to meet him whether it's By Yuji bringing him down to his level with his output nerfing punches or using the black flash in order to pull himself up as sakuna himself said does he intend to climb to my level while yuji's extremely inexperienced in using cleeland dismantle right now if he needs to continue to grow in using that ability in order to stand a chance and get Megami out he will continue to grow in that ability while Yuji is not as skilled in blood manipulation right now if he needs blood manipulation he will continue to grow and strengthen that ability having the perfect Tools in order to continue growing through the massive amount of potential that he was given at Birth thanks to kenju and kaku's experimentation it's why Yuji has been able to grow unlike anybody else everybody else wanted to grow in order to save Megami meanwhile yuji's ideals that required him to need to grow in order to save meami meanwhile sakuna will just continue to actively push himself in order to want to gain strength that is all sakuna wants to do until the day he eventually dies and his want to gain strength gets overpowered by someone's need to gain strength that is the difference between Yuji and sakuna and that is why the two of them will continue to grow until one surpasses the other and puts the other down and that is what Yuji versus sakuna represents as a battle what is more valuable a need to gain strength in order to succeed in a mission a need to gain strength in order to succeed in a task because the world put you in that task and you need to evolve to overcome it or a want to gain power a want to gain power that you will push yourself in order to achieve no matter what and that is what the ultimate battle between sakuna and Yuji will end up coming down to of what is more important of what is more valuable and what will end up allowing you to gain strength after all one who needs strength will always end up probably being a littleit behind one who wants strength but will they be able to catch up in order to achieve the levels of someone who wants strength someone who push themselves just because their desires tell them they wanted strength and more importantly will they be able to catch up fast enough in order to prove the one who wanted strength wrong and put them down before they become too much of a threat for the world to handle that is what this battle represents and that is what we're going to find out the longer and longer Yuji versus sakuna continues however that was my analysis of Yuji versus sakuna and if you guys like this video then be sure to subscribe it would actually help a lot so without further Ado I'm going see you all later peace out have a good day bye
Channel: Eternal Flame
Views: 10,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK, JJK season 2, eternal flame, eternal flame jjk, eternal flame jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen manga, @TheEternalFlame57, Sukuna, Sukuna full power, Yuji vs Sukuna, Yuji, Yuji awakening, JJK Theories, JJK Theory, Jujutsu Kaisen Theory, JJK Theory Iceberg, Yuji Full Power, yuji, Yuji Full Potential, Black Flash Yuji, Yuji Black Flash, How strong is Yuji, jjk, JJK 257, JJK 257 Review, JJK 257 Chapter Review, JJK 257 Spoilers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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