Chris Myers interviews OJ Simpson on Up Close

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actress Myers live in Los Angeles welcome to up close we're joined on the program by OJ Simpson I think we should start with an article published in the most recent Esquire magazine and you were quoted as saying in this let's say I committed this crime even if I did do this it would have to have been because I loved her very much right with a question mark and referring to Nicole in this what exactly did you mean by that well it's curious because uh many very respected journalists in this country have heard me say this as a part of a scenario of things normally we talk about evidence and we'd go through a whole evidential thing when I'm talking to schools I've talked to a number of law schools and we get into an evidence thing and I said well what was the motive of this crime and that normally people jump out and say jealousy and control and I say yes Petrocelli and Marcia made big points about that but so tell me what evidence was presented in the court that went towards jealousy and control and inevitably there's no answer because it was none right but for you in your situation to link love and builders you gotta let me finish let me finish and then normally they go to money and I see a Barbara Walters had this big story about NBC had cut my salary hurts how a contract was up and I was paying $50,000 worth of alimony or something and even she had the mid later on it was just the opposite of that NBC had just signed me to a large increase in an extension Hertz had just given me an extension I paid no alimony then someone said we're loved obsessive love that's okay let's say so if I killed oh you said it's because I love because I loved her right so why would I have to kill a person who's begging me to move back in with me who's written me letters that you all saw publicly I'll do anything for you I'll move anywhere with you I'll go anyway I just want to wake up and go to sleep with it makes no sense but of course they took this one thing out of the middle of there and made it as if it was a independent statement but but it sounds like you're reeling your position in this crime when you say something like that I don't think so I disagree with you're not certainly not reexamining my position I think that's incorrect are you capable of killing somebody you know I would say actually I would say no even though I'm sure I'm sure someone was presenting some imminent danger to my kids or something I am sure everybody would be wish it kill Nicole I found if I thought someone was going to hurt her to protect the people you love I mean we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki you know I think most America supported that even though we may in retrospect think about the lies that we took but I think most people to protect their home and their families would would do that I caught a guy my house one night you know and I've asked myself this question my kids weren't there but here's a guy in my house you know and I'm wondering and I saw him and my first thought was you know to grab something right and I poured something I had a sort of a baseball bat and I had a bat and and but I didn't attack the guy I kind of walked him to the front and the guy was really kind of a spaced out guy and I walked him to the gate and by that time the west tech had came and they arrested the guy and I guess they've done nothing with him but uh you know you wonder if my kids were there about it walked into my daughter's room and this guy would have come upstairs as in my daughter's room I don't know what I would mean but but love could cause you to go into a rage to kill I don't think so okay all right I don't believe so at all to criminal psychologist told me that that statement and two independent criminal psychologist that that's Tim that you made even though you explained it that they would interpret that if they were talking to someone as a form of an admission are you admitting something no I'm not a minute you know I think it's it first of all if you spoke to a psychologist who would attempt to analyze something without knowing the content and which is asserted even to think of another area in which I've used that phrase and I believe bleed and the conversation would hurt had a little more to do with this because someone had just been on TV and had made a comment that as if I to the effect that I was being I was faking my my sadness and remorse at her funeral and I would say well even if they thought I killed this person thought I killed him if you thought that you think hey if I love this woman and I killed her why would I have to fake remorse you know so it's almost like you know I think in America normally when people use if you know it's a hypothetical you don't say this is a hypothetical yeah we pre previous things with it and that's what I said and I've said it many many times I've said it in campuses I've said it to some real respected journalists who we've had conversations and they throw out their certain scenarios and we've talked and none of them felt that it was it warranted this type of attention because I've said it over the last two years well just in your situation to hear that people interpret that as a as an admission or someone saying confessing something well I disagree because I've said it to people and then no one up to now has has felt that it was anything would and I think as you heard me say it then if we were in a normal conversation I don't think it would be something that you would have focused so much attention on are you capable of going into a rage and not remembering exactly what you did I don't believe so no have you ever done that no I mean I've been in rages and when it was over you kind of regret some of the things you might have said but I don't feel that I've ever in my life done something that when it was over I wasn't aware of what I but I did know I howdy how do you rationalize in your mind what what happened the night of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown's murder hi hey I can't wreck expressional as it at this point I think when we discover what happened that night truly I didn't do it then I may have a better chance of sort of rationalize I don't think Fred Goldman or lure Judy Brown Oh anybody can rationalize it at this point the criminal trial obviously did not convict you that when we went but in a civil trial you were found liable responsible for the deaths of rel Goldman and Nicole Brown what was what were the differences in that trial you took the stand in the civil trial you did not in the criminal trial I think obviously you your it was a situation where I obviously I'm appealing it I don't think I got I don't think the law was adhered to throughout the trial I even heard Petrocelli I've heard my lawyers I've heard virtually every major person who covered that trial during the midst of the crowd we'd go to break and they say have this judge ever heard about the rules of evidence I don't believe that it was a legal trial till this day I'll never never understand how you can find someone libel or crime when when they were found not guilty which is innocent in America I hear these pundits always say he wasn't found and it smells it how can you say that no because innocent until you're proven guilty well guilty beyond a reasonable doubt it mean you're innocent it just means they didn't have enough to convict you I just say if you a lawyer and you went to law school the the philosophy the that that our whole criminal justice system is predicated on is that a person is innocent until he's proven guilty if he's not proven guilty he's innocent and nobody can argue that unless it's me all right but nobody can argue that and so I don't understand how I end up going to a second trial I don't think it was fair the second trial I think the judge broke the rules of evidence I think I don't think anybody in America should have someone on a jury panel who says I think he's guilty I think I don't think that's that's you're questioning the judge in the jury were you questioning them in the criminal trial as well when you say I questioned the jury I tried not to criticize the jury in this case I would prefer to do it in a court of law I would not be doing appeal if I thought the law was adhered to at this point the law says I have to do things I think the Sheriff's Department and everyone have have been clear about it when they came to miles to collect my things I was as hospitable as humanly possible they all went out of their way to say hey they couldn't have asked for more so I will honor it until I can do my appeal into my appeal I'll do my complaining in a court of law I don't want to sit here and criticize the members of that of that jury I'll do it in a court of light why didn't you take the stand on the criminal trial what the main reason is because Ito had warned us people tend to forget this Georgie Doan has said to our criminal team and everybody right there on TV we're going to lose this jury we're down to two alternates we're going to lose them he pretty much promised them there'd be two more weeks where here was three or four weeks later and two of the people were still trying to get off the off the jury now our lawyer said we would accept less than 12 but the prosecution said they wouldn't accept less than 12 so listen I'm sitting here in jail I know if I take the stand that's going to be a month I don't know how long I'm gonna be on trial but by the time we bring in people to verify what I said they bring in people to verify what they have to say the trials going to go another month we go under 12 it's like it was no trial it's a mistrial guard said he said he would retry the case I'd be sitting in jail another three or four years with no money even Johnny Cochran these guys said they couldn't come back for years help me I had no choice but when you're on trial for your life and people think you're guilty of something and you if you claim you're as innocent as you are why not take the stand under oath and tell the world right there wouldn't that be important to you I would have been important to me but I mean it's almost Christmas if you didn't heard what I just said I heard I've lost this jury panel I would have been sitting my butt in jail for another two three four years before I can even get back to a trial with two kids being raised somewhere else I had no choice I fully felt at the time we had proven to me beyond a doubt that I was innocent that was my feelings and evidently I was right well but the perception of the general public today is that you didn't take the stand because you wanted you were avoiding telling the truth well that's their problem it's not my problem I think in most cases there's been many people have been found innocent that didn't take the stand in the general public may think they're guilty or may not think they're guilty I don't know that's just the facts of life the facts of life is my lawyers advise me that if I were to take the stand in lee bailey has made it clear to wade on I fought my lawyers every lawyer I know say Oh Jay wanted to take the snitch and yeah our shot and they have to convince me they had to convince me that if I took the stand that we were in danger of losing this jury and if we lost this jury I would be sitting in jail for years before I would be able to get back and to the court but ultimately ultimately it was your call whether to take the stand or not you called the shots yes and I didn't take the stand I wish I had you do uh you know what I told my lawyer you know I'm gonna tell you something that Sapiro Johnnie Cochran lee Bailey Barry Scheck they all said to me as I need to take the stand because they said a lot of things in this courtroom but much of it was not said in front of the jury Marcia often said things that maybe the people at home didn't realize the jury wasn't in the room but there were things that I thought hurt me and would hurt me at this time Johnnie said Oh Jay this is a murder trial and we can only focus on this crime and you'll have plenty of time once you get out of jail to rehabilitate yourself but right now our job is to get you out of jail and that's why we say and we gotta end this correct I don't think I don't know what that's going there rehabilitating yourself in terms of the eyes of the public because mostly you tend to put more importance on on my detractors I try to focus on the positive people out there and I don't know what you know I don't understand what people think everywhere I go I think one thing that this lady did and it's the reason and why I spoke to her is that she took the time to hang around and see you know we get all of these crazy reports about people even first class and thought all i'ma lies well all I'm a flat-out lie I gotta tell you where I go people are nice to me I have my two kids I'm raising my two kids a day and basically hey you know it's not the life I had before but hey I laugh just as much and I miss Nicole I miss the fact that my kids don't have a mother but basically hey you can do is the best UK under the certain even want to bring up your kids but since you do ey do you you seem to trash Nicole at every opportunity you get the mother of your children and it you did another Squier article talking about the friends she ran breath or the things that she did okay I like you since you make that statement and I find this a very irresponsible statement on your part you read that audience what I said and that that trash Nicole well the the Esquire article the exact quote I'm sure that we have it right here I see these women on TV with their candlelight vigils for Nicole everywhere I've gone with Nicole women have disliked her they thought she was cold and snobbish these women on the street with their candles they all hated her before there's nothing to do with with Nicole everybody is just using her image for their own purposes okay how was I'm trashing the code why won't any finish you've heard every friend of Nicole every single friend of her Nicole who's ever talked about her on TV since her murder that's what type of person was Nicole great mother great mother great friend but when I first met her she seemed cold she seemed snobbish I thought she was a cold fish every single part even people who became a friend watched your tape but you said she argued with people in the neighborhood or she had a hot temper you she's yelling at the hell but why would you even bring that out now and is that nothing it was well hold it you say first of all let's focus on this first he says he's trash there you consider that stress when I'm quoting what women Brentwood women you stay you see he'll Harden quoting you were you were saying this is always saying what other people felt about it and her best friends every single one I move ever talked about if it said it wouldn't be flying price matter I thought she was seeing if you don't bring that up we don't know about that if you don't bring that out we don't need to know that do we well but you snobby sure the people thought she was snobbish or cold hold it hold it hold it hold it I was focusing on these women I wasn't focusing on the coal every one of Nicole's friends I've said this now you can get on their cases you didn't say that they were trash right there they weren't the ones who were charged with with murder went through to do I think you mean it's different if somebody wasn't charged with murder call heard some horrible names of different my point is that you were married to her that's the mother of your your children I great moment it's something that at this stage you you would avoid going in that area um you know what it's hard to avoid going in that area when I see the hypocrisy of people who made her life miserable when she was alive go out there for the use her image for their own personal purposes and that's I think I couldn't have said it any clearer in that article I in the in the civil trial you repeatedly said that you did not hit when you're under cross-examination from Daniel Petrocelli that you never hit a chemical rocket punch okay slapped her you said no to that and then later in that trial and reading through the transcripts there were numerous cases including an incident in 89 where it appeared that that happened that you had altercations with her well let's see his once again this is a problem I have with the medium tell me numerous 89 tell me these other numerous case agent April that's not like this numerous - other than 89 what other time wasn't right what isn't one enough though yes when was too much if you read a detective farrow the only person that showed up the investigated sat down with Nicole sat down with me the psychologist that sat down with Nicole sat down with me you listen to Nicole's mother on national TV before anybody knew about this even before we thought I'd be charged about this her mother said Nicole told her all about the incident my mother said mommy I was just said father Sam I started a physical side hitter I'm wrong no I did but I was very physical but we heard we saw the pictures the summaries and we not you think if I hit you you'd be bruised you'd be slowly busted up but that picture and I think it's you know it's we shouldn't be showing this out of respect but I just think that looks like something that somebody's gone through a pretty good beating wellit's he had a bruise if you saw a better picture that's a Polaroid picture and I I can't not belittle any bruise was too much that's a picture with a Polaroid on the fleshlight at 3 o'clock in the morning a woman who admitted she was drunk I'd like to see your wife go take a picture and see what she looks like there the there's any bruise she had on her I was responsible for I told the court I was responsible for it went to court I'm responsible I have no excuse the detective who who who testified in the case went investigated he says oj made no excuse he knew he was wrong he said it the judge gave me exactly what the court recommended I did it Nicola and I went on with our lives I don't understand why we're still talking about what wouldn't have helped I mean you say responsible wouldn't have helped to say yes I hit her III beat her why would it help to say something DiNapoli coz I was responsible for hey look I grabbed her I had her in a headlock I wrassle it she was pushing me I was pushing her I literally physically removed her from the bedroom whatever bruises she got on her whatever they are I was responsible for it's my fault I am wrong court do whatever you want to do to me but what more do you want me to do it why are we talking about it because I don't you think it would have helped your credibility and because when you read the transport if you would have said instead of responsible you were avoiding that you hit her instead of just saying yes I hit her why should I see something I didn't do well because it looks like you hit her you didn't cause it looks like that's it you think it I told you I haven't I told you at the time the co talked to the to the detective she talked to the to the psychologist she's told everyone including her mother everyone this is the only time this has ever happened you guys have said over and over he's done it all the time he's eight or nine beatings everybody keeps saying there is only one time there was one time that her and I was physical with one another at one time she has said it she told her best friends she told her mother the one time the only time it ever happened between her and I and we both felt bad about it we both did everything we can do to see that it would never happen again we long before we knew the court you know the court was 30 days before we found out that they were going to do anything about it we assumed it was an incident that happened and was over with and as I said under those under that scenario Nicole talked about it which Nicole was not a person that didn't talk about things that happened in her life to her poetry she wrote about it and hid her diary and we heard something I guys you guys are so full of beans she didn't have a diary she got what she did then it was doing the course of the divorce you ask any American out there who may have been going through a divorce you say things that you don't want to say but the facts of the matter is when it came time for her to do a deposition she told her lawyers I will not say these things they were attempting to give me to tear up my prenuptial agreement I wouldn't tear it up I said are you gonna say these things happen she says once she told him I will not do it there was a they had it going through some wacko psychologist Susan for word to someone and Nicole wrote a letter to her lawyers this woman is nuts she's trying to make OJ look like an animal and I will not do that she wrote that none of you media people talk about it you can honestly sit here and tell the American public that only one time you got into a physical altercation as only one time that I physically try to force physically try to force my will on the cold Simpson one time only all right we have to take a break well we're with OJ Simpson we're live in Los Angeles up close we'll continue in a moment don't go away welcome back you're watching up close for compañía live from Los Angeles and talking with OJ Simpson in a statement after your acquittal in the criminal trial you vowed to dedicate your life and resources to find the real killers people want to know what are you doing what have you done to find the quote-unquote real killers well I'm not going to go too much in the detail but fortunately for me I've had some couple investigators who have been pretty diligent and some volunteers that all we can do at this point is we collect information if you read these various books that have coming out I've come out even by van Aaron laying or by Mark Fuhrman there's some real illuminating things that are in there about things that were done during the trial you know like what bloody fingerprints firm and we'll mention so you collect all that you put it together until I can get someone in law enforcement to to approach some people to approach people like Faye Resnick whom is quite interesting our credibility was so bad they couldn't put her on in either trial even though they based much of what they tried to do to me on what she had to say and people say it's only because of drugs that's a no you look at what she told Marcia Clark and you look at the police reports when they went out to all of these venues and asked that this happened even ex-boyfriends and Nicole who said no I've always felt not fill in my heart that the key to the deaths of these two people is true Faye Resnick by coincidence is a woman that was heavily into drugs had a lot of problems in the last week of Nicole's life for the first time she had nowhere to go she's virtually on the streets she went to Nicole's house Nicole had to put her in a rehab that week and a few days later she's dead you know I believe that that is the answer is there and this is a woman that stuff like this has happened before in their life in your mind there's no doubt that you had any involvement in in the death of Ron Goldman or Nicole because it you're not responsible not responsible in any way shape or form how much money would you say you're having to spend on these people to to find that real killer so it's pretty I don't fortunately I don't have to spend much because most of them are doing volunteering if I did had to spend it I really would be in a sort of a pickle because of I have two kids and I'm trying to raise right now and I for they say I sort of kept them in West Los Angeles and it's sort of expensive leaving there and at the same time I'm trying to fund an appeal this is pretty difficult have you paid any part of the civil settlement against you the thirty three point five million only when I had to pay and that was more in the in the area of goods that they took from my house enough money it has been gained from you know you it once again the the media and petrocelli's of the world love to go on TV and talk about the millions of dollars that I had and these foreign accounts and we're gonna for you are you are receiving what you have a pension that patient what how many five thousand no all that before they don't retouch can't be took but the point I'm saying is you know you heard all these wild stories about money and no doubt he has money here there's no doubt he's had money where is it guys come on him you guys love it the insight the public would you just not give a moral obligation to pay any of that I think I have a legal obligation when I have money to pay I wish I could sign a fifty million dollar contract and give them whatever they have to give if I knew I can get it back on a pill you know I pull expect that something is going to happen in this repeal appeal otherwise I wouldn't be doing it but I don't feel I have a moral obligation to pay because morally I've done nothing wrong by the way do you thought you think you lost that civil suit because you took the stands oh no no I don't think so at all cuz you know if you go back to all the experts who talked about me once I took the stand they all said what a great job I've done and I keep hearing everybody said all we caught him in so many contradictions I kept saying what contradiction why if I was so contradicted why didn't you read in LA Times and stuff the next day what you couldn't explain the the blood in the civil trial you had no explanation for your blood being at the crime scene and Ron Goldman's blood being in your Bronco and they had no explanation as to for instance the person even though they lied is who collected the blood no explanation this person to survive Missoula under oath on at least two occasions that she process it they let it dry overnight and then she folded up in a bindle now I've been was a piece of paper she wrote her initials now we no chain of custody she wrote her initials on each and every one of those Bendel's and no one at LA said they touched it when you were under let me finish you you're missing the point here when those blood samples went to these various places to be tested miraculously her initials are disappeared so where are they is this the same thing she collected obviously not all right but the point is when you were under oath on the civil trial you didn't say that you you had no explanation how can I talk about what they collected how long how do I know what they clicked open as I'm telling you right now the blood that with the Cellmark and that was not what she processed how you explained so you have people looking for the the real killers how do you explain that all the evidence so far points just to you we have not started the read of evidence to price anywhere else really can you give us that this issue with you told it was they were hair and fibers that didn't belong to me anywhere there was blood in the Bronco a four allele didn't go to to me Nicole or anyone there were good blood supposedly collected that had EDTA in it even though it was them who said oh they're EDTA any will admit it was planted but it was not that they got to admit that he committed these crimes they sent him to the FBI lab there's EDTA in it the FBI guy comes on the standing flat out lies flat out lies it's been proven since then ladies and gentlemen that this man is a liar even the FBI call him a liar the science community if you recall he said he tested his own blood the same levels Marcia Clark you remember her word it's in the food we we all have it in us well since this time the public may not know the scientific community has commissioned two studies and both studies that coming back it is impossible the detect in EDTA and the system the body does not process EDTA and one hour after my civil trio jury one hour after they deliberated when they couldn't read the papers the FBI gives the press conference they said that their labs have been spewing evidence that helped the prosecution and the main guy in this is roger martz this guy who testified against me now why didn't they give that press conference before my jury why didn't they let us bring him into the court and and testify you know they hit him for us they told them they told the public that all the FBI is not getting involved in civil cases but the next day to get two FBI agents come in and testify for something else so that's there's what we call hiding the ball right here all right we have to take a quick break we'll continue with OJ Simpson we're live here in Los Angeles we'll address the the Bronco chase and how he wants to get is life back in spades when we come back see Sports Center it'll be along your way in just a moment a 60-minute Sports Center just a few moments away we're continuing live with OJ Simpson we're here in Los Angeles and some of the questions that people have asked want to know that the Bronco chase following the murders why would someone run in that scenario well you've said you were going to visit the grave I won I didn't run I was depressed I had gone through it obviously a tough week and then I heard I was been arrested and at one point I let the AC and ice to take me to Nicole's grave I was very different I just wanted the pain in me to stop he drove me to Nicole's gravesite and in down in the lagoon area we drove up we looked at the gate there was a cop car covering the entry to the to the cemetery which how would we know unless we were there we went in parked for a while and then a see I think got out of the car they use the restroom of something and then when he came back and you notice I had a gun and he said I'm taking you home so why you haven't got my money I'm just depressed yep first of all yet it would the reason I had a gun in the beginning the week was somebody had just killed my former wife and from all indications had been at my house because we're hearing about a bloody mask and all of this chunk behind my home at that particular time but by this time who knows you know I was very depressed you were considering suicide possibly yes I can't yes I probably was I just wanted the pain to stop in any event once he said Oh Jay I'm gonna take you home he got on the phone and called LAPD and told LAPD I'm day before any helicopter before any cop car I'm taking him home at one point he slowed down he was going to stop because it looked like an accident could happen but two cops jumped out with guns and that's when he jumped back in that's when he started the car up kept going and took me directly with he had originally told LAPD he was taking me and that's why you didn't hear anything about this Bronco KITT chase in the criminal trial because they knew I had 2.30 something sent oh man and a recording I haven't in $12 song everybody put on the civil trial it did come up and they said that you had a disguise and you had a passport along with the gun okay I at a stupid low-mass thing that I had bought weeks earlier while I was doing a show that was in my travel bag I also have my passport which I always carry my travel bed Phil Vannatter bill legally even though he said I gave him permission went through my bag when I came back from Chicago all of those things were in my bag at that time as a matter of fact once I got to my home that night in a bag whenever he got back to us Bob Kardashian went through the back and said what's this what's this all of those things were there for weeks I always keep my passport in my travel bag like I'm sure you and most people who travel a lot they have a main travel bag and they keep things like their passport and certainly they weren't thinking of traveling anywhere no well where was I going to go well I was like I didn't want to go when I asked you a question this little mustache is a nothing little mustache that I had in the if I put it on I'd still look like OG something if I'm trying to disguise myself one would think I would use this disguise in committing a murderer certainly use this disguise in running from the police because it's a one of these one-time-only things you put a little piece on the back and you you put it on I had told a girl weeks in advance when I had the same bag with me you know those those those things you have there I'd like to have one of those for my kids she testified and gave a report that's what he said but you got it the American public is not stupid it looks guilty when you're driving away with a gun a disguise and the passport you can't blame people for thinking that you were running from this well I never blamed anybody for it because they never took the opportunity to hear the other side there were people out there trying to say the other side but as you know now even it goes very best friends the media never gave them an opportunity to speak they just want people who like you people don't realize somebody like Faye Resnick knew Nicole for like 15 months you get the impression she knew Nicole for years no she didn't you mentioned before about the people that are around you the public and whether they think they're guilty or not we did a Chilton ESPN polls a recent poll and 75% of the people overall regardless of the criminal trial or the more the civil trial say that to say that you're guilty and though 77% of the white people 25% of the black yeah what is your response to this I think what do you care you know you you wish it wasn't such I feel that I've had one person answer to originally eventually is my Lord and Savior and since I know inside that's that's the only thing that really matters and I've looked throughout history and when I read the Bible from Moses to Jesus to will you want to name Joe they all went through similar things and I think that's what the Bible was for me an example it was like a map that says things like this can happen in your life and you can overcome it I think I've overcome it by getting so much of the ate out of me and I had a lot of it in me and angry but there's a hated a lot a lot of towards you well that's that we've had hundreds of protest people as if we shouldn't put you on the show we had emails that that were put we're giving a murderer a forum that that's the kind of you you hear those things I may I hear them when I watch your shows on my day to day travels very very very serious a comic person can can you live like this can you live as a as a pariah well you know I live as the prior on TV you know that you got to live in the world that you live in I think one thing that then may be the only reason I gave this girl access to the tractor Celia Farber the writer the Celia farm yes where are the only reason I may have given her because she took the time to hang out and say now I've had a couple of Europeans TV TV stations take the time and travel around and just fill me surreptitiously and openly and they all came to the same conclusion they can't believe that from what they hear you people say not you people but TV say that boy everybody seems great to you I can only live in the world I live in I can't live in this other world oh yes do you think you're gonna convince people that you're innocent the general you know all I can do is give my side of it I've always been open to talk more in a forum like this because whenever you talking another forum to edit it to give what they want if they believe it they do if they don't they don't I do not have a PR person I saw the other day where various people were saying oh he's trying to make a comeback and he's trying that you're trying to make a couple enough time I'm trying to raise my kids I'm trying to get my golf handicap down and hopefully eventually we'll get enough information together to get the DA to reopen this case or working on that we'd like just about every day before we came here my assistant and I were going over some information that that someone had sent us about a certain individual but the thing is the point is I got to live in my world I mean when I turn on TV and I hear some guy who has never seen me outside of a courtroom setting say well I can't believe when he goes out people don't give him a hard time so didn't you read this article this lady hung around she will tell you what she saw even extra in these various people who may say bad things if you look at the footage whenever they follow me to a golf course or something obviously you can go and find somebody there something negative to say but it doesn't look like you're consumed with finding the real killer somebody murdered someone you love so much well I can only do what I can do I wouldn't you think that Fred Goldman or anybody well they think I well he did yes yes yeah that does to any file I says he just sat there and had lawyers who he hasn't even paid you know he let them do it all I mean the point is there's many many people out have been murdered I've seen friends of Ron Goldman get their throats cut they haven't found who did it who's looking for me no resident rounds have been shot a year after he was my old friends of friends of Ron Goldman guy named uh Cantor you ever hear a guy named Michael these are people who were around him and as how have you heard of getting murdered because of people because of investigators what do you think is I'm telling you this I'm not like just sitting on my butt doing nothing right I got people out there every time we get information we put there are people around this person in his life that has been murdered before a person that he started doing various things that this guy Cantor was doing he kind of took up from him who has had a stroke cut murdered police oh no did it they haven't called who the drugs have anything to do with this I believe yes I've always believed that and I've always said I've always said I think the answer to who committed these crimes lies in the world of Faye Resnick otherwise yeah in my life yes I were you at the time of the murders I don't once I started playing golf in the late 80s is so you know I'm a guy that goes to bed at 8 o'clock and gets up early and go play where was the last time you didn't use drugs I don't know I think in 80s there was a period of time in the eighties when you can go to a party in Hollywood without every celebrity and a whole lot of people in your business a warrant experiment inna I saw a girl on TV the other day an actress and she said well you know we had a point in the late seventies and early 80s when when sex was safe and cocaine wasn't addictive well I think there was a period of time and certainly in this town when when just about every honest person in the news media I'd see many people and I saw do it I know I thought is why I think fortunately as everyone matured they went away from it it was something that I don't think in my life it was ever a major thing in my life in any way shape or form it was just doing a period of time once I retired from sports it was just something that you know everybody was doing you you did it but basically we grew out of it I got married and had kids and became a golfer oh you know we have to take a break we'll be back to wrap things up with OJ Simpson we're live in Los Angeles and we'll have more in a moment don't go away playing race into the the criminal trial do you think that clouded the question of justice at all uh you know I think race has been a very convenient a convenient issue for certain people in this country uh obviously when Mark Furman got involved in this case it was impossible to avoid race I find it curious that I can see Marcia Clark and various these pundits I see on TV they'll talk about The Nanny trial or the schoolteacher that had a baby with a sixth grader and they say well that they were black they be in jail and I said well isn't that interesting how they are now saying things that I happen to agree with but when a black lawyer says it he's playing the race card is unethical but they say it because they know it's true and they are dumb it's it's hard it's it would be hard to get by a Mark Fuhrman anywhere I don't that's one of the problems they tell my to divide in our country you see mark Fuhrman's doing a radio it's if you were not black and not a celebrity would you have not would you proceed the same that you got in the criminal trial how a same verdict all I don't know I think I think basically mark Fuhrman I think certainly uh I've read the jurors and everyone they said they felt he was a racist but most of the jurors said that wasn't the defining point in the case they just didn't believe the evidence and as I said when you have missing things like initials on blood father you find blood weeks later and you got a EDTA and blood that didn't appear to be there before I think that's what they made the decision on how important is your image to you well it was very very important I I know all you can do is be the best person you can postulate I believe at this point that I have I got I got rid of a lot of anger that was in me and I had an awful lot of anger and then was affecting the way I was dealing with people and where did I can a part of it this whole case I feel I got screwed big-time in this case you're actually really believable yes I believe even the day the media continues to do it they continue to be totally dishonest about what's even happening in my life data we've seen all these reports about airplanes and restaurants and all of these things and it's just not why would the media wedge it you were a popular guy in the media wasn't you and I can go example half the example act the example about things I saw an L a magazine article about a golf course and the women wouldn't serve me I go into the golf course I never saw it they all brought it to me is that Oh Jay this is not true why would they say it they don't call up there and ask I saw do an atomic done with big on throwing out stories about about the Neiman Marcus and I was actually I'm gonna give you a great story the day after the civil trial I was playing golf and it was five o'clock I'm sitting in in a in a room with about oh I don't know 20 to 30 guys having drinks in the lounge of this golf course TV comes on the waitress say you're on TV they turn it up some guys standing outside of my house in the local news here reporting how I'm depressed in the house how I look somewhat Shapley early and he's depressed and people are worried about him in his house he hasn't come out all day now they're telling the American public this and I'm at a golf course I've been playing golf all day I mean these things they just just day after day after day all of these things that you know they're say it and people say it and they make claims about it and it's just not true would you say you want to get your life back in spades you believe you will know what do you know that it's it's it's you know you're not gonna have the light now I don't know that but I don't try as I said I have in context I didn't contact you you contacted me you know I didn't contact this writer from Esquire she contacted me if they don't ever call me I'll never call any of them you'd be perfectly in line with him oh well you ever look at the Bible you read about about job and about if you keep the faith and at all you get it all back I don't know if it's material you get it back off it's not material it's in it's unimportant to me what I want to get back is the feeling that I had for life which I think I have I think anybody who has met me over the last two years last year would say that a is a nice guy I've always tried to help people no one has had a bad thing to say to me about me before this you talk about the Bible there are many people out there that feel you're getting your punishment on earth by because you're such a public figure and enjoy that so much being shunned by a large percentage of the population that is difficult for it is difficult for that I had a great time yesterday with my friends I had a great time last night watching my son win a basketball game everyday nobody see me moping around and crying matter of fact all you people in the media seem to get upset when you see that I'm out just live in my life socializing with my friends and raising my kids so if they think this is punishment great you had you mentioned your friends Marcus Allen he was linked to this to this incident to Nicole in a number of different ways well the burger I don't know if he was linked to the murders all right but you know what your husband happened with Marcus a year previous to all of this Nicole came to me it bothered her Marcus came to me apologized to it I wasn't married to her at the time my only concern and there is funny and some say were involved it's interesting that in some therapy notes you Nicole sort of goes into detail about it that her concern was that she was upset that I didn't get upset that I only seemed concerned about a Katherine Alan well Katherine and Marcus are about to get married at my house and I said Marcus Donna said Marcus you're about to get married man first it was wrong what you did but what Nicole wasn't a part of my life there were single people they could have done whatever they want to do now this is something you talk about something negative about Nicole this is something my lawyers are so upset with me that I had never told them this right I would have never said this this had nothing to do with the crime but on alleged friend favor Faye Resnick wrote this in the in the baby what good did that do Sydney and Justin Simpson are the image of Nicole or anybody involved in this case nobody had to know this right what I would have never said anything about what is your religion have any relationship now what is your relationship today with market is your friend you know in my heart I love Marcus Marcus has some problems I get this I know he wasn't proud of himself he he worded that to me back then when that happened I think there's a lot of friends of Marcus's and I that were disappointed that he implied that this didn't happen before and III don't think anyone doubts no matter which side of the ledger you are in Nicole's light they all her close friends and all say that this happened it did happen I mean Marcus talked to me about it so you know what I wish Marcus Marcus is in his heart a great guy and I just wish him all the best I truly do I take a break I think we have one more segment here we're live with OJ Simpson and we'll be wrapping things up you're watching up-close you're in Los Angeles don't go away moments were alive with OJ Simpson in Los Angeles known as a pro football icon a hall-of-famer Heisman Trophy winner you're not thought of that now by most people when your name is mentioned well most people that I have to become I come in contact with are very complimentary and very nice and I can't live in your world I can't live and though the people who dislike me and stuff I don't live in that world I only can live in the world that I live in and on a day to day basis I've gotten support and love from the American public and I think the lady in that article tried to tell you that despite what you hear wherever I go people go out of their way to to make me feel welcome just even recently I had one of the commentators on one of these primetime night shows want me to come on and was shocked we went out to dinner two nights ago in Miller Brentwood in a Brentwood restaurant and he was shocked at the reaction of the people in the restaurant the women white women I've got a negative reaction that we got to having you appear on the show even though that we could ask you anything we wanted let me if you could change one thing about your life currently or something that I have what would you change about my life you know I mean going all the way got your life I think if I that that really first comes to mind is that I don't think I would have ever been unfaithful to either one of my wives okay would you trade your life for Nicole or Ron Goldman now you give it all I would have put my life certainly on the line for Nicole I mean I would have died for her yes I would have and I loved her I I truly honestly believe that a kid needs a mother when they lead anyone the most important person in my life was my mother I wish I don't think I can do the job with my kids that Nicole was doing and has done with my kids all I can do this try the best that I can yes I would trade for Nicole but I would be certainly lying if I said I would trade would want to go I don't know Ron Goldman people die every day you've gone through this is there any any chance that you could have been involved in these murders and blocked it out and absolutely not no Mario are you in denial absolutely not none at all not at all all right Oh Jay Simpson has been our guest here on the up-close we thank you for watching with you I'm Chris Myers in Lausanne Angeles we'll see you next time
Channel: Chris Myers
Views: 1,259,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: O. J. Simpson (American Football Player), Up Close (TV Program), American Football (Sport), Chris Myers (TV Personality), Chris Myers Sports, National Football League (Sports Association)
Id: a7sZANE9aXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 17 2015
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