Eva Hart speaks about her memories of the Titanic . . survivor interview

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Can't take this woman seriously after she threw the billion dollar necklace in the ocean for no reason. Ugh.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/JimCalinaya 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2016 🗫︎ replies
some passengers will transfer from the made-up inm ships Eva Hart and her family would originally put on the Philadelphia this college diet claim and she didn't sail and we ever then offered a berth in the title 10 inch which absolutely delighted her father wonderful whole world is talking about that ship my mother had this dreadful premonition she'd never had one before and she never had one after but she said no we can't do this it's quite wrong something dreadful what happened and I I tell you what the sort of woman she was she's got most feet on the ground and for her to behave like that was absolutely unbelievable to everyone but she just had that premonition I'm assessing I dread there was a big ship it didn't really conveyed it as much as it did to my parents obviously I mean Iowa I've never been in a ship at all before so it didn't convey very much to me but everyone was talking about it it was inevitable but the Titanic would sink Thomas Andrews the ship's designer confirmed this to captain Smith but still the passengers were unaware of their imminent peril I was in and she just came and joined in whatever was happening during the evening that sort of thing and my father got very cross because he had every reason to dislike gambling his father had been a compulsive gambler and it had died utterly pinless from being quite a wealthy man and so everybody was gambling on this Sunday night they were making books I think the service and having sweeps a toast what time she would get in so many minutes faster and so my father would have nothing to do with it and so he went to bed quite early for him anyway and my mother sat down to Sol and read and she looked up at him he was reading he said he got a better interesting book but quite quickly then he went to sleep and she got up and took the book from him and settle down again and she said at ten minutes to twelve she felt a slight bump and she said it was just like a train pulling into a station in just jerks it was very slight but she said she knew that it was this dreadful something and she wakened my father she wakened me and my father said no he wasn't going up on deck again Hunt's the night before but she literally pulled him out affair the making go up and she then since it was going to dress me and I being sleeping it and very naughty said I wasn't meant to be dressed nothing to dress for I've been back to bed my father came back very quickly because he could get out to the boat deck in the lift very quickly from where our Kevin was and he came back and he picked me up and wrecked his blanket tightly round me as if I were a baby and my mother said nothing to him and I used to say to her sometimes yes afterwards I can't understand why you didn't say to him what was it but she certainly did not say and she said I didn't have to say what was it I didn't know what it was but I knew it was this dreadful something that I had to live with for months there was nothing more I could say so he puts his very thick coat on her put another one on himself and perhaps it was at all every moment out of heaven and into the lifted I've come to the third day now if we hadn't done that at that time I pretty much doubt I'd be talking to you today because as you know they were listen there was a commendation for lesson 800 people in the lifeboats and she was carrying 2200 so it was a Christian as who was there in time to get into one of the all too few lifeboats well they weren't launched very quickly because at first never thought anything was going to happen but my father went away and spoke to an officer and he said them they are going to launch two lifeboats but you know we'll be back on board for breakfast there wasn't any panic until the lifeboats left and then there was panic galore we were down on the ocean we could hear them running about on the deaths and screaming you can imagine people came out from their cabin when Tom Cedeno lifeboat tearing around the other side that's when the panic was there there wasn't any panic at the time I got their life though because weren't enough people out there and were there are enough people there to just get into the lifeboats but after their than the others started coming up from their cabins and my no boats gosh there was panic we hear it definitely each lifeboat reached the water it moved away from the ship for fear of the suction should she sink some road towards the lights of a ship which could be seen just a few miles away this ship was never identified and never reached [Music] threats of legal things even these days about whether the ships that were so close to us was the Californian or not I mean I saw that ship terribly close so and the other thing I'm saying is that I didn't see a ship 19 miles away I saw a ship that was so close and they said at the time it was less than nine miles away now they're trying to say it was 19 and I saw it you know it wasn't just lights on that horizon you could see it was a ship and I saw our Rockets being fired which that ship must have seen well this enquiry says that they did see it but they didn't think of a portent of danger but I would have thought in the middle of the Atlantic in the middle of the night that Rockets must mean trouble the ban now played a Solomon say autumn popular belief says it was nearer my God to be no question about the fact that they played and there's no question about the fact that after we were down on the water and they were playing they played one version of the hymn nearer my God to thee of which there were three I heard this out so many times and the one they played was one that was played in church some months oft when I was over my grandmother and I was so frightened I came out to church I ran out I do the tune so well but they weren't having the Americans right because I know it was just right time the visible part of the ship apparently settled back slightly before it too disappeared beneath the sea it was this settling that indicated the ship had broken into and we rode away from the ship as fast as we could because one has to do that because I believe the suction whenever this goes down is absolutely enormous and we rode away and I didn't close my eyes at all I saw that ship sink and I saw that ship break in half and for so many years people have argued with me about that but now at last it has been proven beyond all doubt that she did break in half I know she did I saw her and the forepart went down those first and the other the style of that ship stood up in the water for quite a long time I what seemed a long time to me anything keeled over and we heard the dreadful sound of people drowning and then because our lifeboat was so full so overfall the officers called all the boats together and try and ship some of us I'm in that boat and two in that and three in that and I got separated from my mother and that was the most terrifying thing to happen to a child but the most dreadful sound of all is the sound of people drowning the screams in ghastly my mother used to say sometimes she couldn't get me to talk about for years but if ever I did any but it took me I said that Jesus he yes but do you remember the silence that followed it and that's quite right it says the whole world Stood Still that night once the lights upon the ship had gone sound of film now there was nothing to do but wait for whiskey among those standing on the upturned boat is Harold bride the wild salmon confirmed to his companions that the Carpathia was on her way 3:30 a.m. she was cited on horizon at 4:30 she was on the scene Maivia arrived with the dog by 8:30 had taken onboard 705 survivors and 14 life purpose the rest being a certificate and we were picked up as you know in the morning by this as a like uh faith yeah and the rescue of people from lifeboats in mid-ocean is quite a terrifying thing these are the boats shall we say draw up alongside for one for the better expression to what looks like an enormous festival and she was quite a small vessel occur I think capito but she looked a pink from there and then how did you get on board you don't have a game plan like you do when you're a short and so they opened up a surah I don't know whether the word is right a hatch in the side of the ship where the language used to be laid and they threw down wrote letters and people like their mother now the grown-ups had to climb up in mid-ocean after swaying wrote lover wrote letter which she said was the most terrifying thing a sailor behind so were holding on and then her I walked in the children room even in climb up a rope clever so they got these big luggage nets and the mesh is very wide apart it's quite a big mesh children would have slipped so it's not anyway our legs and people have gone through so each child was put in a set and I remember being petrified when I was putting that second it was time around it and the sack full of these children put into these huge nests and quite safely of course hauled aboard but that really was quite to having got on board of course I couldn't find my mother and I didn't find her for hours eventually I and I'm quite sure one of the most pathetic things must have been there only the next day how these poor women such as my mullet my mother round about the ship looking to see if they could see the husband they live behind but no one found anyone a silver Memorial has been left on the left as a mark of respect to honor there is an official grave to the hundreds who perished illiterate and as a tribute to a disaster which should never develop I entirely agree my dear doctor Bella's words he said the whole thing was a tribute to men's arrogance and I agree with that the men can be so arrogant us to build something and claim that it is undestroyed of all of you like this it's the most out of nothing to say true is the Titanic instruct rocks or a tempest and storm and sunk that would be one thing but this was a ship that needn't have lives and as I say all these years later this interest is profound and it's because there was no one need for anyone to die no one should have died had she had enough life burst with two and a half hours and then they smooth sea nobody would have died and one life is worth more than the whole ship surely that is what I saw that is what I remember and there are hardly any of us now to share this memory of course I'm the only living survivor now that can remember it and get about so to speak but I don't think is anyone that can really tell the whole story of it except himself you
Channel: yakidk89
Views: 8,966,679
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Keywords: survivors, memories, history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2010
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