Sean Connery - Best Interview Ever

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[Applause] very nice well good to see you i'm working out i've known you 40 years i've been pursuing you for about 30 years to come on my show and you've never done it until now i know but i didn't know it was the labour party conference i mean and i was absolutely fooled i thought old rick here was from eaton and this one was from okay i first saw you in a movie i tell you what the movie was it was about 50 years ago called hell drivers hey yes and what else no stanley baker patrick mcgowan and peggy cummings i can remember all those years ago but i mean that's the point i mean who'd have thought did you think when you're making that movie that you know 50 years on the age of 73 you'd still be this you're this huge star well uh to be honest i never thought i would reach 73. and we talk about this my wife and i and we both mutually agree that um we're not really in our 70s we're closer to three no it's true because it's difficult to i hear and she says things come out in the papers and people talk about this and elderly and what have you and they're in their 60s yeah or where does it put us well i suppose it's in the mind i think that's very much so and and being active and keeping working too which is very important oh yes it's nice the money i mean the only two i mean i mean i mean you've got reached the age of 73 without losing it in the sense that you know you've devoted the sexiest man of the century for god's sake well they have great taste i don't take that seriously well it's very rare actually surely you have a show where all four of us are sex symbols what do you say right unless i mean the name i mean the latest film again is an action movie i mean it's you you don't just continue career you continue playing action heroes you obviously like that genre movie yeah yeah yes well it's kind of interesting that i don't have a problem in going into any kind of clothes or no clothes for films in terms of being concerned about period films or whatever and i think that if um you have that attitude it's much easier to make the transition whether it's period uh or whatever some actors i think have the impose a self-limitation by being uncomfortable in a toga or a monk's habit or whatever and i think that you have to make the leap you have to make uh of yourself to do it and that's the most important stage to learn as an actor is it yes to make an absolute of yourself i know you're censored here no if it's all or not you're free you go for it sean there's no problem at all here all right well being the film is called the league of extraordinary gentlemen yes and it's based on a on what they call those picture books isn't it those yeah what we used to call comic books but they're quite different yeah they're much more up market and in fact they do better deals than ulysses joyce and what have you because they make it's wonderful quality uh the same as if you're making a movie where they do these preparations the photography on it it's unbelievable i mean they're very expensive but it's good quality stuff when you were a child in uh in in edinburgh was a cinema an informative a formative part of your oh yeah yeah without question and they used to see uh main feature second feature the trailer the news and you could spend a week there you know you see you've got the pictures it got really good and you'd come back four hours later they just didn't seem to worry actually then maybe they were hoping it's a different society you're safer then that's that's for sure although it may be where you live you once are safe i mean it was a federal affair it wasn't you lived in a tenement yeah yeah yeah but it's very difficult to uh equate with anywhere else if you have nothing to compare it with sure and people who talk about hardships and you know joking aside about eaton and rick's situation liverpool that you don't know anything else so what do you compare it with and so you get on with it it's only when you get outside and really that's what makes the world go round it's the people that go outside and but not enough of them come back and try to change what's wrong inside yeah but i mean do you do that yes i do all my life i've done it in what sense well i believe that the identity and everything to do with the scottish psyche health future and everything is based on independence and so i've been a an investor in that with myself financially emotionally and i've taken a lot of batterings for it but um i believe it's it's worth it but reading about you it seems to me that you always had an urge to better yourself in that sense i mean started work at nine with a milk round it's a part of the uh the environment and what have you that you're in and have a drive to get and do something better when you go outside you see the prejudices but did you ever imagine i mean let's talk about two things the one thing that really um interests me about you is the way that ricky was talking about self-education and you actually decided to educate yourself didn't you because you didn't go to school there wasn't a school at one point the closed that's right right so you had little or no formal education at all at what point do you decide that this is the way out the education is the way and i'm gonna educate myself well i worked uh left school at 13. so i the war changed everything because it was just straightforward economics you had to do what you could do and so i drove a horse and cart and made some money i couldn't wait to go to the war that's how smart i was and then i did go and uh had no real future in it came back i was on tour in south pacific and i didn't know really what i wanted to do but i was having a great time traveling on a motorbike all over the uk in a theater show yes and an american robert henderson was into play suddenly he said why don't you want to be an actor and i said well i'm me and i tend to do what he said i see you you do what you do and everything i was doing handsprings and all that bull you know on the stage nothing like a dame and everything and suddenly i said well what would i have to do he said well first of all you're totally illiterate so it's necessary that you would have to have to work on your voice you'd have to learn to speak and you would have to give yourself an education which i never had so he gave me 10 titles covering from all shaw all shakespeare an actor prepares jean kristoff my life in art uh remembrance of things past i read them all i went to the libraries in every town up and down britain and i extended my time on tour to complete it and at the end of the day i came back to london with a bicycle and about 90 quid in the bank no phone at home no check in the post and became an actor what how do you he said no to your voice change your voice how did you do that no i had to i was talking about i don't know i was talking about like that you hear the news you hear him he's quite scared but eric sykes told me mother story when he was in the army he said he was going to dunkirk or somewhere he said there was a group of guys and they were all talking and he was sure they were polish scottish guy going over you know anyway so i had to change that but i would never i could never want to lose their uh sound the music of what scottish speaking is and of course what you've never done in movies is change your voice that's right in every part because the emotion should be the same internationally that's what i believe a russian is the same as a scottish the same as an irish or a poll even english and waited 40 years let me tell you something he will not remember where we met we met we we met first of all i think on the golf course but then we met when leeds played celtic yes you're getting closer and we had a bet on a result of a match and you kept sending me letters saying you owe me now ten pounds plus four percent compound interest right they let us follow me all around like a bailiff and in the end you shamed me into writing to you and sending a check i think is that right well it's a very okay that's your story let me tell you the real story stories are in a house of marshall bello no you're sorry ian brill yeah the whole crowd of us we're all soccer fans and golf themes he didn't play golf then and we had a discussion about tommy dougherty and dave sexton and you were telling me how useless dougherty was and how wonderful sexton was and the bet was not on celtic and leeds but on i said dougherty who was then manager of manchester united we'd finish higher in the league than anybody else and i said you can take the rest and he said no i'll take sexting who i think was with chelsea or queen's park rangers and i never got a check i never got a penny so i decided after a period of time and i met mary his wife in marbella that's disgraceful and he put he was writing he didn't play golf and he wrote about something other than he said that his wife had said i had wonderful legs which which is true anyway i wrote him a letter not lots of letters i wouldn't waste the stamps on that i sent him a letter saying that i've been waiting for a reply my money plus interest and if i don't get satisfaction i'm going to show mary the rest well i i i've conveniently forgotten that show which he decried as being an old man's game and now he's a better golfer than me no nonsense yes she is no i don't i don't have no knife okay i'm sorry i'm not as competitive now just a couple of questions because i i did want to ask you about about the effect that bond had done in your life it should have changed your life's career didn't it totally james bond oh that would go strong um yes it did yes it did enormously uh i would never have recognized it at the time and anybody who was really honest and that's including united artists saltsman broccoli and all the rest of them none of them anticipated the success it was going to be and fleming didn't want you did he no no of course not he went to eaton that's right and you're playing newtonian and he was fully born yeah that's right well of course he wrote it you're a wonderful editor i hope you're going to be the chief of the party i mean what that gave you actually was the bomb thing that gave you that wonderful thing independence because i mean my view of you is that you've actually made the industry work for you basically rather than you work the industry which is that you have that kind of independence and allow you to make some very good films i mean one of my favorite films of yours is the hill which i think is a magnificent movie and i loved of course the k movie that you made oh man it would be king yeah well that's uh i think what's interesting about the movie that it was a great pleasure to do it and that doesn't happen a lot on movies well he he supported that when i when i talked to him also said that you were his dancing partner at one point you had a dancer no i didn't dance with him i danced with his driver ah the driver was prettier than he we were in morocco so it was you know it was all right i think it was all right it would have been okay yeah i knew you were something something i knew that was coming i knew that yeah i knew that it was good yeah take it take it and the spirit so the league of extraordinary gentlemen so there's your 80th film or good going on that way toward 80 movies now and uh i have no idea no i'm sure and more to come well we'll see i mean i haven't done a film since this league of extraordinary gentlemen and uh i'm reading stuff at the moment and um who knows which way it wouldn't block sean connery thank you very much my thanks to sean connery boris johnson
Channel: zosozeppelin
Views: 537,825
Rating: 4.8969817 out of 5
Keywords: sean connery, sean, connery, sean connery interview, james bond, bond, sean connery death, sean connery dead, sean connery james bond, indiana jones, sean connery oscar, sean connery best, sean connery best movies, sean connery best interview, sean connery movies
Id: J_N1uNd5DUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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