JTS M12AK & MOLOT VEPR 12 comparison, which semi-auto AK47 pattern 12 gauge shotgun is better?

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what's up team gunmetal today we are going to do a comparison on the russian mob vepr 12 and the jts m12 ak yeah the jts m12 ak so what these both are in case you don't know both of these are ak-47 pattern shotguns they are 12-gauge shotguns um that basically look like an ak that you know or ak uh ak-74 or you know ak-101 you know the newer looking aks so they're 12-gauge both are 12-gauge um both are roughly the same length with roughly the same length barrel both of them have the ability to have chokes um a lot of similarities a lot of similarities so what we're going to do is we're going to open up these boxes here both boxes and we're going to take a look at each one and kind of compare it a little bit okay so first i'm going to open up the molot vapor box alright here we go one second all right basic cardboard box nothing nothing too special here here is the molot vapor okay don't don't pay any attention so here is a mullah pepper here's its magazine five round and this is an aftermarket uh 10 round magazine made made by sgm tactical i don't know if you guys have heard of sgm tactical but aftermarket 10 round magazine has the normal uh instruction manual in here just got the normal manual in here vapor 12 mo lot uh 12 gauge even though it's not a caliber but you know they put it in there mo lot so normal uh just a simple normal instruction manual general uh instructions a lot of it is in engrish you know they say in here that is an auto loading hunting shotgun version vepr 12 mo lot interesting so uh hunting or practical shooting when the temperature of an ambient of the ambient of an ambient air is of negative 30 to plus 50 degrees celsius now i don't know what negative 30 degrees celsius is i'm not 100 sure uh what that is but i'm going to look that up and let you guys know all right so i looked it up and negative 30 degrees celsius is negative 22 degrees fahrenheit so this gun the vapor 12 can operate in negative 22 degrees so let's see what 50 degrees celsius is 50 degrees is 122 degrees fahrenheit so this thing can operate in negative 22 degrees on up to 122 degrees fahrenheit very interesting somewhat impressive well not somewhat that's pretty cool that's pretty cool okay so again negative 22 degrees to 122 degrees so anyways this is just your basic um your basic manual tells you what all comes with it gives you the technical data here things of that nature you know magazine capacity so on and so forth design principles of the shotgun it has this little uh piece of paper in here that shows you what all the parts are for this uh for the vapor 12 you know each and every part so you know and it just keeps going with operating principles what's prohibited you know et cetera et cetera et cetera uh certifications and more okay very very simple very uh uh you know well done all right so let's see i don't recall there being anything else in here i think it had a clean kit with it but i may have taken that out so let's grab all this stuff let's flip this back over so we can put the uh the vapor on top of the box all right okay so here's the pepper here's its 10 round magazine and here's its five round magazine okay all right very nice gun very well made nothing wrong with it at all okay let's see so let's open up the jts let's open that jts shotgun all right all right already off the bat right off the bat you can see that there is a difference in how it's packaged okay this this packaging setup reminds me of you guys know the the pelican cases that have the foam on the inside and they're really well protected uh this makes me think of one of those pelican cases um that's really well made really well done and is put forth this way to protect the actual firearm itself well done jts it's not just cardboard in there protecting your firearm um big plus on jts's side all right uh the next thing they have the instruction manual in here let's see it's all in a bag which is of course very nice let's see what do we got here uh this is the uh one of the high capacity magazines that you can actually buy for these directly from jts they actually have their own magazines made for these okay so here's one of the uh the packages from those magazines there's another package from the magazines almost dropped it put those over there here's the manual very nicely done very well done of course there's a little bit of grease on here because you know i mean it's a gun it's not it's not a beauty queen right so m12 ak looking in here we got all of our operating procedures in here introduction to the shotgun disassembly reassembly firearm cleaning and maintenance storage requirements which is really cool and the exploded view of the actual shotgun itself um let's pop that down there take a look here see what we got all right so there's there's lots of warnings in here you know never touch the trigger until you're ready to fire uh be sure of your target and what's beyond use the correct ammunition so on and so forth they're basically going through the rules of gun safety right here in the book um comparing this to the vepr 12. i gotta say the vepr 12 did not go this extensive into the rules of firearm safety that in my opinion is another plus for the jts that is a very very good thing the definitely gives you um a foundation for firearm safety assuming that you've never handled a firearm before this may be the first semi-automatic shotgun or even the first shotgun you've gotten your hands on jts big plus all right let's see next thing in here what do we got got a card in here that talks about the uh one year warranty um and the things that it doesn't cover okay of course there's always going to be things and warranties that are not covered if you take the gun and use it as pry bar they're probably not going to cover that um if you run it over with your truck you're probably not going to cover that okay so in here we've got the introduction to the shotgun use of the shotgun operating principles structure the profile of the gun they've got a small exploded view of the major components the main data just like in the vapor main data operating procedures check safety before use again these guys go extensively into how to use this firearm safely how to load it how to fire it how to aim it on and on and on the firing position the safe position it's it's it's incredible they really they really went all out on this thing as far as the manual goes and it's and it's thick paper too it's not like it's just some cheesy little you know printed manual this is actual good stuff here all right use of the regulator this one the jts has a um a gas regulator on it you can see it right here in this picture really really well done picture here and the gas regulator okay so whatever number is facing down is is actually facing this arrow right here it's kind of hard to see um in the picture let me see if i can get this to focus a little bit for us it's my camera it's not the manual um anywho you'll see here you've got one two three and zero on the manual or on the gas regulator here you've got an arrow down here at six o'clock telling you what number is being used so over here you've got the um the numbers and what they indicate the numbers one two three and zero represent the corresponding gas ports respectively the number zero represents the small or the number one represents the smallest gas port and the number three represents the biggest gas port the number zero represents the locking position okay number zero presents the locking position all right normally it says the number 1 should be aligned with the up arrow on the mortise lock of the regulator dial see figure seven boom right there number one with the arrow on the mortise lock okay so it talks about you know the cartridge energy um let's see here i'll just go ahead and read it to you um what it is ascertained that the recoil energy is insufficient to turn to is insufficient when it's ascertained that the recoil energy is insufficient turn the num turn the number two or number three of the regular dial to align with the arrow so this one's written a little bit different with the english just like the molot one it's a little little hard to read you know but you'll understand it's saying that if the recoil energy is insufficient try number two or number three gas setting okay um and and move on from there you can adjust number two or number three of the regulator dial or you can adjust to number zero that of course is the locking position that's for manual loading and manual ejecting after firing okay so then they go into disassembly and reassembly how to do that in depth they show the removing how to remove the bolt head assembly um how to remove the gas the gas block you know it's basically just like an ak if you guys have an ak you know you're going to flip that lever um then you're going to be able to take off the lower hand guard very very simple guys you can also remove the regulator dial um and and the piston you know so on and so forth you're able to actually remove all this stuff um and clean it because you're gonna need to clean it you know it's this is not a self-cleaning gun there is no such thing as a self-cleaning gun okay um and then it's got more and more um explanation uh inside the manual on what's what and how it's done how it's maintained how it's cleaned and so on then it goes into the storage requirements okay uh it should be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated before storage okay and then it goes in depth on what to do and how to do it if you want to store the firearm here again is a more detailed exploded view of the gun along with all the parts in here okay and if you want a little bit more detail here you've got a little bit more detail here of the um recuperator they call it but it looks to me like it's the recoil guide rod assembly and then you've got a detailed um breakdown of the bolt and the bolt carrier group really really well done as far as the manual goes and then you've got the receiver proper uh with the barrel and the uh gas block um and of course the trunnion the trigger assembly um and so on and so forth you know it's got everything in here in detail okay again jts great job guys so here's the jts group incorporated rochester new york jts group.us www.jtsgroup.us incredible guys these guys are really hitting it out of the park i'm just i'm impressed i'm i'm tech i'm very very impressed guys um so we've got this stuff that's just the manual guys that's just the main we haven't even started comparing the guns yet all right let's see what is in the jts all right we've got two two five round mags one and two yep i was looking to see if just like the uh just like the vapor let's take a look here both of them are pretty much the exact same size um looks like this one actually has a little bit of a finger ridge here the jts has a finger ridge here to give you a little bit more um purchase so if you need to you can really get it in there looks like both of them have metal locking locking braces there both of them have steel feed lips it looks like both have the steel feed lips awesome both have polymer feed ramps awesome um just really really well done guys both of these are really really well done but um yeah these both look like they're pretty much pretty much the same as far as quality and um construction goes good job guys both of them good job now something i would like to know is if these are able to take two and a quarter or two and three-quarter and three-inch shells so let's see if they can take both we have some three-inch shells here and of course we have some two and three quarter okay two and three quarter no problem easy peasy all right let's try the three inch look at that high brass oh all right easy looks like it goes down in no problem so it looks like these can take three inch or two and three quarter inch shells without any issues at all okay that's a good thing to know all right so we know that that is possible and it will work let's test that we see that this has a two and three quarter inch shell in it already just by looking at the size of it of course we can see the size difference here all right so let's pop out one of these pdx one rounds and let's see if uh one of these high brass rios will go in here oh man it's tight there it goes it went in went right in no problem looks like it takes three inch shells or two and three quarter inch shells no problem okay that's the vepr magazine all right all right moving on y'all moving on so let's pop the jts out of there and put it just the same as this okay um but before i do looks here like we've got a uh a chamber flag so everyone can see that the gun is unloaded it's always good to have a chamber flag uh we've got a choke wrench never hurts to have a choke wrench or you know assuming that you're going to be changing the choke on your gun we've got a screwdriver which can be useful for a lot of things especially taking the gun apart adjusting the gas regulator it could be used for the disassembly you know getting that lever up over here it's actually on the other side of the trunnion but it allows you to lift that lever up it can allow you to lift this lever right here up to get the lower handguard off so on and so forth lots of different options for that screwdriver good thing to have in there thank you jts um you got an independent certification um of the of the firearm itself obviously very very good i had that down that was my fault so let's take this puppy out of here shall we grab one of the mags here i just i love the fact that this thing has all that foam in there i just love that all right so we've got that and we've got that now one thing i do want to do is show you guys that the the jts shotgun also has 10 round mags now just like the five round mag as you can see here just like the five round mag you have that steel uh reinforcement in the mag and you've got the steel uh feed lips on the 10 round mag just the same as you would on the five round mag so you've got those steel the steel feed lips on both see that and of course you can see just by looking at them they can both take two and three quarter or three inch shells very very nicely done and of course they have a really heavy duty spring in there a really heavy duty follower in there they just did a did an all-around bang-up job jts really knocked out of the park with these 10 round magazines really well done really well built i'm thoroughly impressed with these okay so let's put these down here with the jts all right so let's compare these two shotguns to each other shall we um just before i start i'm sure some are going to have you know one's going to have pluses one's going to have minuses some are going to have good parts some are going to have bad parts so let's start out with the vepr okay just looking at it you can see that the vepr has a folding stock okay the vapor has a folding stock which has a cheek weld that you can switch from side to side here or you can just get it out of the way all right um to operate the folding stock there's a switch right here hit that switch and fold it just that simple now i added this magpul grip that's me so the original grip it came with was pretty similar to that just normal polymer grip all right so i folded the stock no big deal all right does make it a smaller package which is nice um both guns both guns have the magwell the uh magwell so it makes it easier to put in the magazines okay it looks to me like both of them again have the same type of grip on them um let's see the vepr has the rail on top um of the top cover got the rail on top it's got the normal ak safety just like usual you know obviously it's safe it's also got this right here that you can use but it's really tight can't get it to work supposed to be able to make it to where you can take the safety off by pressing on this or on this on the opposite side um you're supposed to be able to there it goes take the safety off ambidextrous on either side but i don't i don't find it to be all that easy another thing you've got your sling swivel back here so if you want to attach a sling in the back you can of course you've got the butt pad back here because it is a 12-gauge shotgun it is going to kick again you've got the rail on top if you want to mount a red dot it's always nice you've got the extra um bolt cover here for the recoil spring you've got your forward handguard you've got your rear sight here now this is basically an rpk rear sight you'll notice that in addition to um your elevation here you've also got windage here so you can actually adjust this thing a little bit to get you know to get your windage as well as your elevation okay moving forward there is no adjustment for the gas system here and that's because the vapor operates on a automatic gas system now oh here's your forward sling swivel on either side you put it on either side now some people might say that the gas system being automatic is a good thing and i do like that i do like it having an automatic gas system but there are some cases where an automatic gas system can be a bit of a pain in the butt so that decision is going to be up to you there are companies that make upgraded gas systems for these there are companies that make an upgraded um piston that you can put in there a puck that you can put in there um so you do have some options there okay this is the gas block right here um you've also got your front sight post in here very very nice you know well done you've got your your ears here to protect the uh the front sight post then getting down here further you've got your 18 and a half inch barrel you've got this thing here that's threaded of course so you can screw on a break a muzzle break of some sort or a um you can screw on a choke onto here too external threads um so you've got a lot of options you got a really nice finish on here really really nice finish [Music] here's how you take this one down just the same as we talked about before um this flips up of course you know well first you have to uh take the top cover up and off you gotta pull out the bolt oh you gotta take out the recoil guide rod you gotta pull out the bolt and then you can flip this right here up and pop this out take that off and then you can flip this little lever over here up and pop this out um on and on and on i'm pretty sure that's how the bottom bottom handguard area works over here but most akas are pretty self-explanatory you're not going to run into a whole lot of stuff that holy crap how does that ak operate it's got a normal factory trigger in there nothing special about the factory trigger there um it's quite nice it works just like any other ak trigger you've got your extended magazine release here very very nice easy to use um everybody's put in an ak mag before however the vepr has the slight difference in that it kind of operates like an ar-15 magazine and that you just push it straight in you don't have to do the quintessential rock and lock like you do with an ak so it does make it a little bit easier than um an ak-47 but i'm not really uh bought or sold on something like that because i'm used to using either one so there are some really good pluses to the vepr 12. let's move on to the uh jts we've already seen the magazines for the jts okay we know um that they have the steel reinforcement we know that the vepr magazines had to steal reinforcement and we know that the uh sgm magazines do not appear to have any steel reinforcement on them at all i'm not sure if it's you know if it's formed into the magazine but it doesn't appear that it has any sort of steel reinforcement whatever it's made in the usa that's a good thing all right moving on here's the jts jts shotgun um really nicely made jts um they did a good job on these shotguns they really did next thing magazines you know this one is going to be your your quintessential rock and lock just like usual just like an ak how they always are rock and lock but it does have the really nice mag well which makes it um a lot tighter than usual than a normal ak very very tight in there at least mine is i love that about these they're they're tight they're easy to use and then of course when you want it up you just hit the button and out it comes no problem all right so let's go over this one it does not have a folding stock but that's not a deal breaker at all for me anyway um it's got a nice thick butt pad of course you're gonna need that when you're shooting it's got the same type of top cover you know you have to press the button push it in to actually get it to come up it's hinged just like the vepr they're both hinged they both come up it's got the top rail on the top cover in case you want to put a red dot on there it has the uh the normal quintessential ak safety no problem your average bolt just like any ak uh ak shotgun that is um this one does not have the extra lever right here that the vepr 12 does and it doesn't have it on the other side either now me not being ambidextrous and not being a lefty that doesn't really matter to me all that much okay it might matter some people but it doesn't really matter to me the grip i really like this grip because it's um it's a good size and it's got this little uh door on the bottom that allows me to store some extra things in here like a cleaning kit or survival kit or something like that i love that moving forward we've got our rear sight here allows for elevation of course which is awesome the normal ak rear sight we're all used to seeing uh let's see here's your takedown lever for the gas tube when time comes um of course you have to take it down just like any ak here is your gas block here's your barrel for your shotgun 18.5 inches if i remember correctly here is your front sight there with your ears to protect the front sight post and of course you have your front sight post inside in there sorry i bumped the camera there got the little front sight post in there the other cool thing you have in here is the gas regulator there oops bumped it the gas regulator hard to get it to focus the gas regulator um you saw in the manual that had the um one two three and zero so that's really really cool that you have those options to run it any way you see fit that is a really really cool thing um the barrel of course really well done really well made 18.5 inches the other cool thing about the barrel i'll try not to shoot the camera it is set up for a uh a choke you can thread one in it's set up for remington chokes which is awesome so if you have a remington 870 or something like that you can use the same chokes in that gun and in this gun so that is the jts uh m12 ak let's set this one back down let's give a final synopsis here comparatively the jts um m12 ak is anywhere from uh 550 to 600 um and i've seen them as low as 500 on sale which is a really good price um the vepr 12 on the other hand are not being imported anymore from what i've been told and they run anywhere when they were available they were around 800 um now i've seen them you know about a year ago i saw them for 1200 and more recently i saw one for 1800 i've even seen one for five thousand dollars so um comparatively price wise the jts has the better price um the jts seems to have the better manual the jts has a better price on magazines because the vepr magazines of course are skyrocketing in price because you can't get the gun anymore um quality wise build wise both are on the same level they're both pretty much the exact same thing there's not really a whole lot you can do to make one um beefier than the other um i'll show you what i'm talking about hold on okay so let me show you what i mean here's the vepr 12 on the inside i believe it uses an rpk receiver uh 1.5 millimeter receiver thickness you know the thickness of the receiver how thick this receiver is okay um same type of trigger system in there you know same type of stuff as you always see in any ak platform okay nothing new under the sun right put this little dude back in here there we go all right same thing here thick receiver in fact i believe they're both the same thickness i don't have any data on how thick this is but it looks like it's the exact same thickness which i would assume would be 1.5 millimeter just like the rpk receiver again same exact ak system same exact trigger system all the same type of stuff well done well built so on and so forth you know they just do a really good job making these they always have they always will it's just the way it is when it comes to these types of shotguns so if you want to pick up a really nice shotgun if you want to get a vepr 12 for the price of a of an inexpensive ar get a jts you know if you want to get a a really nice semi-automatic ak type shotgun the jts m12ak is a stellar option now currently outside i don't have the ability to go shoot because i will show you why so it's currently snowing outside of my house right now doesn't doesn't make it easy for me to go out and shoot so i will do that um on another video but for now i hope you guys found this informative i hope you found it interesting the comparison between the molot uh vapor 12 russia and the jts m12 ak from china i hope both of those um had an option or you know had or i hope both of those were informative and gave you some options when it comes to possibly buying one or the other okay um thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe like smash the like button so on and so forth etc etc okay have a good time guys uh and join us next time as we go deeper inside the gun metal armory goodnight everybody
Channel: Gunmetal Armory
Views: 3,339
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Id: mhIGfZ7hHBI
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Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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