JTS M12AK Shotgun : Tips for reliability

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we wanted to make a quick video about the Academy sports jtf m12 aka shotgun there's not a whole lot of implement on these guns and a lot of people want to know about them um my brother bought one a couple weeks ago and it had a rough break-in but after about 200 rounds or so it started cycling pretty good still didn't like low powers loads preferred high brass has velocity rounds but it ran reliably um so I decided to buy one for myself and at five hundred and forty seven dollars out the door at academy I mean that that's a good price and I was willing to accept some of the flaws that the gun had because I figured I could work them out fairly easily and not much time and I did guns covered in oil right now because I just got done cleaning it just put about a hundred rounds through it without a single failure whatsoever I'm using the magazines that came with it um low brass I was using the four dollar box Academy monarch ammo just to give you an idea real quickly I'll show you a couple of things that I did to achieve that without actually breaking in the gun and take the bolts out and point out a couple of things that I did probably have to take the SEC y'all huh spring and a little pointer here alright first thing I did and you know as a disclaimer if you do anything that I suggest you know that's on you I'm not going to be liable for you [ __ ] up your own gun um so if you don't really have any kind of gunsmithing or fine tuning of firearms experience I would recommend you go to a gunsmith but with that said there is a little lip right here I don't know if you can see it but where the straw is pointing there is a little rope here from the factory there was a little bar on it follow that off and there are several little burrs in this this gun from the factory the tooling is pretty crappy but for the price I mean like I said I fixed it it runs great I'm extremely happy and I don't have a lot of money in it as opposed to buying a Sega or of ever um yeah anyway that lip on the hammer I smooth the surface of the hammer out um I used either a file followed by 600 grit sandpaper or just send paper depending on how bad the area was throughout the entire rails took a little sandpaper to those smooth those out back on the trunnion filed off any little burrs that were on the trunnion and I'm sorry this lighting is crap but your just gonna have to deal with it if you're on one of the guns you'll see what I'm talking about um spring wasn't really much do it on the bolt as you can see I did a fair amount of sanding getting it smooth the little pin that goes through the rod the piston um it was very very rough much smoother smoothed it out on the little rails smooth all those out the surface that runs over the hammer got it good and smooth and up here these lips smooth those the back of the ejector actually needed a little smoothing out um when the bolt goes into battery it just it was a little rough you didn't want to go all the way in the battery the major problem though was this tab right here and I cured most of the feed issues going in a battery um same I can show ya from the factory this is actually flat or at least on my gun this edge I put a 45 degree bevel on it be careful it is grooves not to follow that but I just put a 45 degree angle on this lip right here what was happening let me go grab a shotgun shell don't put your eye out but the shell it was actually just catching like this it wasn't actually seating and it would fail to go in the battery with that little bit of an angle the bolt actually slides over the shell much much smoother and I've had like I said zero failures out of this gun you know other than when I bought it I took it out to shoot it just to kind of get an idea I knew what would happen like I said my brother bought one we kind of knew what was going to happen it pretty much failed every single shot even with high brass loads but after a little bit of filing polishing and it was as you can tell this isn't you know perfect mirror quality it's just smooth but after all that I could fit a hundred rounds later not a single issue um I was that these are just some leftovers but I was shooting like I said the low brass monarch Academy ammo just fine um yeah and that's pretty much it so if you have any questions or if I did a really really shitty job of this just let me know and call me stupid but my gun works so maybe this will help you out
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Id: Y5n3whE5iL4
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Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2017
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