Journey with the Holy Spirit - Jenn Johnson

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nailed it well hi here we are all right let's pray Jesus we love you so much you're so wonderful we're grateful we're thankful we stand in awe and we just love you with our whole hearts every Bay said and how good was tonight I could just died and gone to heaven I'll tell you what I had to UM work through my anger issues when Chris kilala moved away and because this wouldn't be our weekly experience so that really was my life because we just love them and Ian and Jeffrey who played tonight they're part of the Jesus culture team and their forever family we love we live in their wives are here where's everybody guys sending up Jesse sent up cat their boys are here so I might just make this short tonight cuz we're gonna go have a big party at our house after with all of them so well we'll see where we get but um I love me some community so I I have a few things to talk to you about really felt I asked the Holy Spirit um what would you like me to speak about and instantly I just heard the topic of message tonight would be the adventure of following the Holy Spirit and so that's where we'll land possibly but uh the journey is going to be a road trip so buckle up and we'll we'll see where we go tonight but um I wanted to start tonight by speaking to you on a topic that I really feel is an important word right now and it's magnify so if you're taking notes a night I'll give you a few bullet points and the first one we're going to start on kind of the basis of where we'll go is magnify and what I'd like to talk to you tonight about is the journey and following the Holy Spirit but through that what are we magnifying or is it causing us to rise above what's happening are we seeing from Heaven's perspective and heavens mindset and then from that place are we speaking into things living our life and loving well so that's the journey going up to come back down you know a lot of times in the Bible there are ladders and you saw this going up to come back down and so I feel like you even with mountaintops and you see Moses going up not to stay not to live but to come back down so God has this on these journeys and sometimes it can be seasonal but I find for myself on about you it can be daily where I have found myself like I need to go up this has gotten the best of me and I need a minute so can I get an amen you ever just need a minute I needed a minute today I'll tell you what I was trying to prepare for my message today and I got on the phone I was I did I wrote my notes out and then I had to make a quick little phone call to an airline just a quick little phone call and I was having a great day and excited and loving life and hearing from Jesus and then I got a phone call I've been I made that phone call and it was a two-hour phone call with an airline that I won't mention cuz I don't think Jesus likes when we you know blast people for negative things but that's another part of this message so I get all and it was just like the test of all tests like is this gonna steal your joy I posted a little thing on such a media a couple weeks ago of myself sitting in the car and how many of you know that the devil is going to try to just not even in a massive way but in the tiniest ways get you off the railroad track of joy amen in the tiniest most annoying ways and we actually have to be violent and do things in our life to get back on the track and to stay on the track of God's mindset of Kingdom reality and of joy and so on I yeah today this phone call was trying to knock me up the track but I posted a few weeks ago that I was getting ready and I dropped something you know that crack and you the seat of your car that's God forsaken that once something falls down there it's gone everybody I heard somebody told me that there is an invention that is made that you put in their sin to think and fall so I mean thank the Lord somebody by me that but I I just kept dropping things like my pen and my mail all kinds of different ink that's crack and I just was getting so mad never been so sure need that I'm on right now is to not let it ruin my moment but to reel it back and to make that come back on the tracks faster than maybe it was before right that it wouldn't derail what God's doing and and the joy and so I just instantly I was like I'm gonna make this funny I'm gonna make this funny and I've just begin to say not today devil not today that could have say it with me not today devil so that's your journey as you go through your day and there's little things come those irritations those things that would try to magnify themselves over what God's doing over what you're doing with him that we just say on not today devil not today so what I wanted to speak to you about is kind of this journey of what are we magnifying and how do we stay connected to heaven and the economy of heaven the kingdom of heaven the environment of heaven how do we stay connected to that so alright I'm gonna get to my little notes here we'll see we'll start with magnified to get refocused so if you can picture a magnifying glass everyone has seen one probably use one in science class but if you look at a magnifying glass it doesn't necessarily make things bigger it just shows you the details or the focus of something and sometimes we just get caught up in these little things that are meant to derail us but God's like no no no get back on track and I have this experience back in summer and I've just we're going through life and you know it's good and a pretty heavy situation just was trying to take out our whole team and emotionally and relationally and it was so painful and you ever had those things where you're just like this is killing me and you just feel your joy being sucked out and you just feel you know your heart being wrenched and and you know you got you have faith but it's just tough to get through right you know those things and I have this this moment and it was in worship and I was just so my heart was so weighty and I was just like oh god you know just help and though I had this encounter with the Lord I'm sitting right over there about where Paul beautiful Palma Clare is sitting and I was sitting there and I the Lord I just saw him reach down and he picked me up by the hair of my head in a kind way and you know as he does and he he skyrocketed me through up through the ceiling up through the clouds up to the universe Pat I was and I was looking down and and it was it was beyond time and it was beyond space and I it was just outside of this little world that I had created with this problem you ever have those problems that it just feels like it's your whole world and I just from that perspective I just be I look down and it was like the globe you couldn't even see the whole world you know I was looking this one tiny little thing you not only could you not see the problem beginning see the world because it was galaxies and just time and orbiting and God was just holding all the planets in his hands and just this big orchestrated beautiful galaxy that I was looking down on and the Lord spoke to me very sternly and he said do you see this problem nope so that's right it's gonna be fine and what matters eternally and it was it was something that we had to go through because how many of you know sometimes you can just work through it and get your joy back but it was a situation we actually to walk through still are walking through so it wasn't an instant fix to the situation but how many of you know our perspective changed and God spoke to me said I want you to embrace joy and sorrow with equal tension because I'm both and so I and I came back down and and you know kind of worship again was ending and and it just rearranged everything it changed everything and that's the encounter that we need and sometimes God can do it in small ways but sometimes you just need to stop and take a minute and just let God God just draft me into your perspective right now God got I got a lot of swirling happening there's a lot of swirling in the world right now but God is constant God is steadfast and what he's up to hasn't changed and that's the eternity that's the reality that we have to partner with with every moment for our lives a man so magnifying you know we really we have to be careful what we're magnifying it and I love them focus on the positive side of magnifying to magnify means and I love definitions to magnify means to cause to seem greater and more important to cause the same greater and more important when we magnify the Lord o magnify the Lord with me the Bible says when we magnify the Lord regardless of our situations our circumstances then the good times and in the trying times Mary magnified the Lord out of joy and David magnified the Lord out of pain oh my soul magnifies the Lord Mary said and she was in joy you know so we magnify in joy but also we're called a magnifying sorrow because it gets our perspective back on track and it gets our emotions back on track when we stop and align ourselves to who God is and who we are through him but the devil would love nothing more for us to magnify circumstances the negative things happening in the world I'll tell you what I get really tired of when people are posting about the worst things that are happening in the world constantly what's it doing for us no what's the hope what's the answer let's put let's post that let's prophesy that and I really feel that the challenge in this day and age especially with the information age at at hand you can know anything at any time the the thing at hand for us is to really be careful what we're magnifying what are you talking about you know I remember years ago talking to Bill he said watch how the atmosphere changes when you start to talk about the angelic and heaven and good and testimonies and sometimes that you know we have to talk through things obviously it's not butterfly and rainbows all the time but you know we have to go through things that are difficult in life but the enemy would want nothing more for us to stay in the quicksand of the swirl of negativity that those things are and sometimes you just have to call timeout and step back and go okay lord I know that this may be factual on earth but what are you doing what are you saying and that's what I'm gonna partner with and that's what I'm gonna post and that's what I'm gonna prophesy and that's what I'm gonna talk about and once you make that stance it changes everything in your life because you won't put up with anything else his lens is what we can look through and only what we can look through if you just picture that magnifying fine glass in our lives it's a daily magnifying glass what are you going to magnify what's what's the agenda of the enemy trying to sneak in and just take that magnifying glass that goes oh I'm going to look at Jesus I'm gonna focus on what he's doing and from that place then I'm gonna speak into what's happening all right we are called to think differently partnering with his thoughts moment by moment we are called to magnify God all right just for your notes for those lovely note takers the Oh magnify the Lord from Mary's Psalms forty or thirty four three and my soul magnifies sorry wait my magnifies the Lord is Luke 146 yeah Luke 146 and Psalm 34 3 those are my two magnifying verses for this little bullet point all right let's see what else I haven't covered on my magnify part because it's a long list let's see don't magnify based on your emotions my soul my spirit my soul magnifies the Lord Mary said my mind my will and my emotions if you see him getting off track my soul magnifies the Lord and partnering too with faith and hope there's a situation happening you know even I remember I am I don't if you've been here for a few weeks I think we've sang it a couple of times but my new song is called let me be loved and it came from an overwhelming emotional cry I didn't even think I was gonna need my makeup sponge tonight but I might I know bill can I borrow your makeup sponge I know thank you just white just smear it in guys don't have this problem of makeup running change but I was in the parking lot of a local store and you know there's a lot of heartbreaking things in our nation right now you know and the racial tension thing is a tough one for me because I love so massively the black community and so to see these different things happening and you know it being magnified it literally broke my heart and so I just I felt helpless like what can I do you know who am i and I'm this overwhelming sense and I felt the Holy Spirit come in and quicken my spirit and just say just be loved whatever you encounter however just be loved and so um I was walking into back from this store to my car and I um I passed this beautiful black homeless man and I felt so helpless like what in this moment of me rushing to pick up my kids from school what can I do in this moment that's gonna do anything to express or to communicate my heart I just wanted to bare her him and to say I'm sorry I know what's going on is so rough and I love you and I'm for you and you know there's all these things that I wanted to do but I didn't want to scare him so but it broke my heart and I I got in my car in that parking lot and I just started sobbing and this song came to me and in that moment as I walked by him the only thing I I need to do is just look him in the eyes and smile and just be loved and let God do what he could do best but I didn't I chose not to hang my head because I didn't know what to do I chose to look him in the eye and smile and let God be God and so I get in my car and I'm just sobbing and this song just comes out of me let me be loved from the homeless to the famous and let there not be any lying to my love and let me when people look in my eyes let him see you and that's my heart cry and you know so sometimes in situations in life that you go through you you feel helpless but there's I love what bill says he says any anything in your life it's that feels hopeless is under the influence of a lie and so I know when I am moved when my heart is moved by something I'm not called to partner in this swirl in the quicksand of it I'm called to to do something to be the change to do something to be hope to make that difference so any time in your life that you feel just you know brokenhearted or helpless you are not helpless you are hopeful and you are filled with exactly what's needed for that circumstance amen ah don't like cry talking it's hard to talk it's really hard to sing my other my other new song is out of the encounter that I had where God picked me up by the hair of my head and I was gonna try to sing that tonight and then I thought to myself there's no way I'm getting through that so just you know not going to happen but it's basically the verse is I get caught up in all these petty things losing sight of what matters to you but then you come and take hope then you come and take me by the hand and you say come up here with me and the course has then my fee came off the ground you lifted me above the clouds as I looked down the whole world seemed so small past the stars through time and space yeah anyway okay how it talks about gods gravity in the second verse you know God's gravity drops us up when things were meant to pull us down the gravity is God is very different the kingdom of heaven is very different and the gravity of God lifts us up above it all to see how he sees and to say what he says into those situations I knew I wouldn't be able to sing it thank you lord I told the team to put the keyboard up after I'd sing and then I said nope you'll hear it'll come out sometime next year maybe if I could not cry through it rise above rise above we are not called to be status quo we are not called to to say what everyone else is saying we are called to rise above it all that magnify when you magnify God you partner with what he's doing and that very partnering rises raises you above all those things happening so that you can see and hear what he's doing and what he's saying that's what we're called to do his heaven's environment is very different to ours how they do things how they see things and you know I love I'm gonna switch gears to the adventure of the Holy Spirit because I feel like from that place when you're when you're partnering with who he is and the reality of heaven from that place coming back down to earth back down the mountain back down from the encounter you know we're not called to just live up here in la-la land you know we have stuff to do we haven't haven't will be one day when we can live in la-la land more but we have stuff to do you have an assignment and you can't stay on the mountain right now God wants you to come back down and change your city and change your home and change the world and part of that is this the adventure that we have of following the Holy Spirit and I love the Holy Spirit I am I love to think about is fun if you can do this later on your own time but a lot it tells a lot about you with what your favorite scene in a movie is you can do this later you can do your time with Jesus and write this down but what are your favorite scenes in a movie and why it tells a lot about you and it also tells a lot of what you're called to do and one of my favorite scenes in any movie ever done is in The Chronicles of Narnia when Lucy follows Aslan into the woods when no one else can see him I was gonna pull a Danny's silk and play the movie clip but there's probably it's illegal these days so when Lucy follows Aslan into the woods when no one else can see em that's your adventure that's your daily adventure to follow him no matter what it looks like no matter what other people think no matter the status quo no matter whatever and also saying or doing to follow him cuz he will lead you and guide you by his Spirit he will lead you and guide you emanuelle is one of my favorite words in the dictionary God with us every day every moment every crisis every joy God with us leading us he leads us and guides us by his Spirit and by his word those are the two unfailing things the Word of God if you are anchored in the Word of God if you're reading the Word of God it's filling you up it is such an alive book it's unreal this one time Brian and I years and years ago we just finished an album and we were exhausted and we needed a break and we met with a friend of ours and he just said I really feel like you need to go to Hawaii and that's not a hard word to receive yes Lord be it unto me according to your word yes yes but when he said those words it didn't make any sense with our bank account can I get a name in you ever had something God tell you do something you're like but Lord so you're gonna need to change a couple things God's like really really I don't know if I am you're gonna need to change a couple things so we were like god I don't believe in credit and I don't believe in okay God's like ah yeah but I you know when God speaks to you and you know it's him but it does not make any sense the adventure of following the Holy Spirit and I sat in bed that night and Brian was brushing his teeth and I just I had my Bible and I just said God this feels like you but it makes no sense and God went oh I got you right where I want you all right good good so I you know sometimes we just I'm learning so I didn't that wasn't good enough even though I could feel it was the Lord I needed something else some to write it on the wall or something powerful right so I just say God I just speak to me I feel like this is you but just speak to me and I opened my Bible and kind of plopped it open you ever done that like oh this will do and and I looked out and I put my finger down and it was the message Bible and it said God is your island getaway won't he do it won't he do it and I literally yelled baby were going to Hawaii and we did that we took what the income that we would make in our album we took that and we invested into a vacation and we had an incredible time and you know he did it and that money came background to us so what he speaks to you won't always make sense on paper because two plus two in our minds is for unarguably on it's for two plus two is four and God goes ah two plus two is whatever I want it to be and God has had to ring when I married into the Johnson family y'all it was a fun it was a fun adventure cuz I was raised with very mindful uh two plus two always was for always for unarguably four and um one of my first Corrections I had many Corrections from the Johnsons which I love with my whole heart otherwise I'd be really weird so thank God for correction for leaders but one of the first things I think the only thing we argued about in the beginning we argued about money because I was raised very differently we had to come out sort it out and Benny came to me one day and she just said you care way too much about money I was like oh if I could feel the Lord so so I just said when God speaks you or when you feel god adjusting your heart never be hopeless always ask what now the ver I love the version of Bible that says what's next ABBA what's next father I love that also Leah's favorite verse - what's next God so anytime you feel something or you hear something and you know even after you hear a message or you read something that just grips your heart I read a phrase a few weeks back and just the phrase alone a present over perfect just the phrase alone of that gripped my heart and when something grips your heart be mindful of it write it down and then ask the Holy Spirit what next ABBA what next father what do I do with this and so you know with the money thing I knew that it was bad news bears for me and and so I just said alright lord what do I do what do I do with this because I know it's a problem in my life and the Holy Spirit said to me stop budgeting I said get behind me double and you've ever seen God stand in heaven like this knees kind of taps his toe like you're gonna get this in a minute here oh no no no like for real that's kind of not biblical so oh it is you okay um what does that mean the Holy Spirit said to me I want you to go on buying the things that you need and whatever you want ask me I went oh well then it begs the question what do I need and I sat down for what I loved paper it is an internet computer world but I will love paper till the day I die I love to write on it I love paper and you think Jesus would have given me better handwriting if I love paper so much but you know we can't have it all so don't ever try to read my handwriting it will be a journey of interpretation so I I just said okay Lord I gots that I sat down with my pen and paper and I said no budgeting okay what do I need and I had to sit down with the Lord and write out what it was I need and at that time organic produce was the thing that we were really getting wisdom on and I knew that I was supposed to buy organic produce but it was really expensive so I didn't buy it and I felt the Lord lean in and go what's right for your family what have I asked you to do for your family and I said you've asked me to feed my family healthy so I said alright so I put on my list I am to feed my family organic produce and I can tell you that when I went to the grocery store and look at the price difference of green onions I cringed because it was more and back then every penny counted in our lives and so the moral of the story is is that when God started rearranging things and I wrote out what I needed it was very clear than to what I would buy and then anything else I remember being in a door and loving a candle or loving something else and I remember going can I have this and sometimes that was a yes and sometimes it was a no I put it back the journey of the Holy Spirit is moment by moment it's in everything it's an every detail of your life it's in every decision and the Holy Spirit will always quicken you with what you're to do well what if I get it wrong everybody gets it wrong what my kids what I tell my kids you know go do this or go do that how perfectly they do it is never what I care about it's their attitude their willingness to obey and their willingness to do it that's what I care about and the father is not concerned with your perfection the father is concerned with your willingness to say yes God whatever it is you want I will be ready and attentive to your voice that's the father that's the father so that's every day in our life the adventure of following the Holy Spirit is that no matter what it is that you stay open you stay surrendered to whatever it is that he wants of you and from you I have a few little notes here on oh I have a verse to that I love I love this passion Bible bill has a love every translation and I love to look up the first in every translation and see how it says it differently I'm a word girl and I love comparing translations but the passion translation is making me fall in love with a word again on another level if you don't have it I highly recommend it as another layer of your reading um okay so I put this I think here in the wrong place so I may just need to look at it at the noted the best way to live is with revelation knowledge proverbs 19 well that's good but that's not the verse I was gonna read so what it's a good verse maybe you may be somebody to hear Erich maybe okay I'll find it it's in one of my 1500 pages of notes you never know you just kind of ride it all out and then you go okay Holy Spirit what part of that should I say oh it's here somewhere I'm gonna find in Jesus name it's in Proverbs because I brought proverbs ha here it is yes won't he do it ok pages and papers and pages and papers ok proverbs 18:21 was a on the same page I was on the same page just the wrong page so good ok proverbs 18:21 your words are so weighty that they have power to bring life or release death and the talkative person will reap the consequences so did you hear that your words are so way that they have power to bring life or at least death and the talkative person will reap the consequences what are you talking about that's a good verse alright so what we talked about and what we're saying is the next piece that I'd like to talk about because the adventure of pulling the spirit follow the Holy Spirit sometimes is knowing what not to say knowing what to say and knowing what not to say and I just I really feel especially in this hour that every single one of you are called to make a difference no matter your age you could be twelve years old you could be 90 years old every single one of us we're never on pause with what God's doing in us and we are called to make a difference and to speak into what's happening and a lot of times you know the talk is cheap is a phrase that circles my life a lot with just I just I get tired of talk and I feel like that the invitation for us with the Holy Spirit is to whatever the circumstance whatever the the thing that presents itself in the world are also in your normal everyday life the adventure with the Holy Spirit is to take it and watch what we say watch what we say watch the words that come out of our mouth because they that verse I just read in another translation says the power of life and death are in the tongue that's that's the word and my best friend who's on the front row Heather wave with the people this is my best friend if they'll see you're on the camera maybe but uh we've been best friends for gosh almost has it been ten years and she's my heart I'm a sword and she's my heart so we work well together but you know we just we've really been mindful in this past couple years especially of what we're talking about to each other over coffee or it's just so easy to get caught up in all the negative things and I flick the Daily invitation of walking with the Holy Spirit is to watch what we're talking about have ever been a conversation and all of a sudden you just kind of feel gross I encourage you to take every thought captive the word says take those moments captain go oh I'm sorry I need a minute you know what I just I really feel like we just need to you know talk about something different and that's gonna be awkward as heck but I promise you the reward of watching what you say watch what you prophesy I remember another spanking I got from the Johnsons about my words I it was good though spare the rod spoil the child I it's biblical you were it was good not a physical spanking although I believe in those when their kids are too but it was a good spanking in my life and I was pregnant with my daughter Haley and I hadn't quite learned how powerful words were and how I needed to watch it and Haley was kicking me in my ribs and I was very great with child Haley's kicking me and my ribs and I was frustrated and Bill said something to me like you know how's my grandchild my amazing grandchild you know Billy's like mr. positive it's amazing and I was like oh it's I you know it's good I'd be better if this little brat wasn't kicking my ribs right now and he whirls around with the fierceness of a lion in his eyes the flowing mane that he has and he looks me the eye and he goes that as my grandchild and you will never call that child a brat again because that's not what she is something like that I wanted to die I was like take me now Lord game over the rap of bill it was Stern and it was fierce and it changed my life it changed my life and it guarded me to take every thought captive to take every word captive and a lot of times we just vomit whatever comes out whatever we we just post or we say whatever comes out whatever I'm feeling at the moment we are not called to say and speak out of what we feel oh but I'm really in touch with my feelings core you in touch with the Holy Spirit cuz your feelings and the Holy Spirit need to meet each other I'm just trying to be honest to make truth and be major and no you don't have any truth outside of Jesus Christ thank you realign get back on the track not today Satan okay so with our words with everything we do our daily adventure is to realign with truth and to make those words that come out of her mouth you gotta watch yourself I remember a years and years ago I I used to you know look in the mirror and think to myself like I'm having an ugly day or MA you know all the thoughts that you think in your mind and God spoke to me most ably said that's not what I think about you when you're gonna start believing what I think about you and I can't prove it on paper but the day I believed I was beautiful because God said I was beautiful I got cuter I'm telling you what you think and what you believe then dictates what you say bill said one time oh I wrote it down when you watch what you think you won't have to watch what you say bill johnson phil johnson ladies and gentlemen when you watch what you think you off to watch what you say every thought captive the venture of the holy spirit you're gonna have thoughts it's not like you're not gonna you're gonna live this pure holy thought life i wish no it's a real battle were in it the war is over but we're in a battle right songwriters we wrote this new song well one of our guys did it says the war's over i'm like but the war isn't over but then I got into the okay the war is over the battles still happening I don't know the LGH where's Jesus I don't know I'm in a battle I'm not in the battle we've conquered it I'm in it I don't know but I love Jesus and I'm following him so through it all but the adventure for us on a daily basis is to not be without those negative thoughts to not be with alphas but what are we doing with them is what matters surround yourself with healthy community that is such a big one guys make sure the people closest to your heart are really walking with the Lord you know we are called to love everybody and that's beautiful but the people who are the closest to your heart I think the invitation is beautifully displayed with David and Jonathan that they would be strength to each other Heather is a strength to me my husband is a strength to me and keep the people that are speaking into your life the most make sure that they're the ones that are walking with God maybe right now in your life you don't have those those people around you God has those people sit down with him get a notepad and say God who are the people in my life for this season God's constantly rearranging things and we have not got him figured out but the beautiful part is is that no matter what it is in our daily lives if we bring them to him and submit them to him he will speak to us on each and every single thing amen all right let's see my next little bullet point in my 500 papers oh boy are you ready everyone should be nervous right now I would like to challenge you and how you speak and more importantly how you think against people that you don't agree with we're in an election right now aren't we don't don't I don't care I am NOT I am NOT gonna tell you to vote for never but I will tell you this you better pray you better ask the Holy Spirit because he will speak to you I don't care if you write a name in the ballot pray ask the Holy Spirit to vote for and go be responsible and vote okay that's what I'm gonna say and leave it okay maybe I won't leave it Eric maybe I'll keep talking about it just kidding no but more importantly there's something that really is bothering me and it's how negatively people speak against other people it can't happen it's not Kingdom it's not Kingdom part of God's heart though the two people running for office right now are God's kids I'm not stoked about a lot but those two people are God's children our brothers and sisters and we are not called to blast the negative we are called to pray we are called to partner with heaven with what heaven thinks and from that place treat them as the siblings in the kingdom that they are it got real quiet up in here I have children I have three kids they're so cute I will not embarrass him to make them send up because they would be mad at me I did tell my children that woke my younger ones sorry oldest child that however many notes they took I'd give them a dollar for every note they took on my message tonight so it's real my daughter taya's hold of your phone baby she's racking those notes yeah she is there they go Atta girl Atta girl train the child and the way they should go and if involving money do it so that's biblical right he's getting back to negative I have three kids and I'll tell you one what if one of my kids was blasting the other one and and parading the negativity and anything I am I'll tell you what I am sure glad that no one holds over my head what I did ten years ago because by the grace of Jesus that's been forgiven so you better watch what you're holding over other people's heads because I think the Bible says that that will be turned back on yeah so we got to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves say ma'am the Bible is good to read you can read this instead of posting and it works better for your life a lot because I'll tell you what I love social media but there's a few websites that one of them should be called fear book instead of what it's actually called the negative is got to stop it's not Kingdom there's wisdom I get it but unless you're in a leadership position of someone's life or god-given a place in their lives to speak correction to them I highly recommend you just pray and you speak encouragement and you prophesy over them because you're never gonna change anybody you don't love if love is not the core of what you're saying if you don't love them you ain't doing no good so we've got to really reel it in and with that perspective of heaven when you get frustrated there are some frustrating things I get it I fully get it but when you get frustrated you get in that place of anger and frustration it's the invitation of heaven to follow the Holy Spirit into what he thinks about the circumstance and bring back the answer and the hope that's needed for the moment amen all right I'm almost done it did get a little quiet in here when I mentioned politics but if you don't have something positive to say zip it if you're not friends I mean you don't have a place to speak into their lives that they've given you it's probably best to zip it that way we are speaking into things from Heaven's perspective instead of our emotions what is God saying about this that's a question what is God saying about this you find yourself frustrated or even if you're not even if you're my soul magnifies the Lord or if you're you know reaching out for help either either one that you're connecting to heaven with if you can reel it in and just ask yourself that question what is heaven saying about this it'll change everything all right heaven is speaking life having a speaking hope and most importantly heaven heaven is Jesus Jesus is heaven most importantly heaven governs us you know there's a lot of things in life and our personal life and corporate that it's just shaking and it's um you know moving parts and changing and uncertainty and we call it swirl that's our word but I think if if the foundation of your daily life is the Word of God and realigning to the voice of God there's nothing you can't get through and most importantly you are on solid ground I don't care if your marriage is ending I don't care if your kids aren't repealed I don't care whatever it is in your life you are on solid ground and that's a word for you tonight no matter what it is no matter what the circumstance situation we've got to have the lens to look at it and to know that we are on solid ground there is hope and we will partner with heaven until what we are thinking and feeling looks like heaven all right heaven governs us that'd be a great song Paul McClure you should write that song okay let's see any little bits left oh I'm just reading through my call with my airline today Oh my call with my airline today that tried to rock my boat I'll give you some practical z' okay a two-hour long call you know it would have been really easy to just blast my hatred and frustration with that airline online I don't think that's very Kingdom right I'm an email tell him how you feel in a kind way but if you can't do it in love you better not do it but the invitation for me was just in a practical sense just so you can kind of peek into what I'm going through is I'm trying to get better in my life of when I am getting derailed or I feel derailed to make a radical move in that moment to pull myself out of it to you know wake up and for me today as I sat outside on the phone I could feel myself getting so frustrated because I had things to do today and this wasn't one of them and instantly I just went okay I'm going to start being radically grateful in this moment well I'm waiting for you to fix what you just tried to fix for two hours on the phone and so I just pretended like I wasn't on the phone and I just said God I'm grateful for my backyard I'm grateful for this place I'm grateful for this house grateful for my husband my kids I'm grateful I could just speak tonight God I'm grateful for Beth literally just started almost awkwardly getting back on the truck cuz she this will always help you but you got to do a few things and sometimes you got to pull yourself out of where you're at and put yourself back on the track of what's going on and sometimes you're gonna look dumb oh I love this okay looking dumb part of falling the Holy Spirit is being willing to look dumb and our beautiful example in the Bible of dare to be dumb was David dancing in his chonies when David went to get the Ark of God I love that the passion says the Ark of God sounds so epic when David went to get the Ark of God he came back in in his ephod which he fought is many different things if you look at pictures but it's really a sleeveless dress thing which I appreciate cuz I love me a good sleepless dress so ephod he was wearing an ephod and he came back and he was you know worshiping like crazy David celebrated with all his might you ever seen someone were Shin worship that's like this or like just doesn't you know maybe they don't even raise rent it we're all in a journey there's no judgment here but I'm telling you in this moment of the Bible dancing and worshiping with all his might I can promise you did not look like this it looked crazy it looked with all of his might I dare you to get in a room by yourself into and just worship with all your might not all your mind not all your but with all your might if you're not sweaty at the end you're doing it wrong okay so he was stripped down to his chonies because he was probably hot and I can so understand that because it's wildly barefoot half a time it's because it's just so stinkin hot so when David came in dancing the pelvis might Michael said to him you are an idiot you look like idiot and your idiot is basically what she said to him and David said I will celebrate before the Lord here's a key phrase for you when you are following the holy spirit on this dear any you're not accountable to man you are accountable before the Lord what you are doing is unto the Lord and before the Lord so the opinions and what it looks like and all that when you have a surrendered heart before the Lord I'll do anything I'll go anywhere I'll worship with all my might that heart posture God can do incredible things with because you're surrendered before the Lord I remember why when I was first um other than gosh that's probably fourteen and I was practicing hearing the voice of God and I just said God I just want to be better at hearing you so whatever you tell me to do I'll do it without a thought process and as a 14 year old with my brain fully not developed that was fun so I just told the Lord okay hold on well I can be a mess I told the Lord whatever it is I'll do it and I was expecting some you know spiritual thing or go tell that guy about Jesus or whatever and I'm sitting in church was about 14 and a worship was going and the whole time worship was going I just kept seeing this picture being played like a movie in my mind you ever had that happen to you we just see a picture and the picture was of me taking this beautiful sweet couple in our church that was sitting a couple rows behind me into the church kitchen and splashing them with water in their face and that's what I saw but what was so annoying was I felt like it was the Lord have you ever had that as God ever told you something so embarrassing and so dumb and you're like that's not the Lord that's the devil that's pizza that's something but the whole time I could feel God looking down going you ask me to speak to you now will you do it even though you're going to look like an idiot and I could feel the invitation of heaven and if you pray for that if you pray for those moments you're going to get those moments but they might not look like what you think so at the end of worship I just sat down on my chair and their Day announcement or something and I just said alright I know this is you they're a safe couple it's really great to practice the voice of the Lord on safe people can I get an a man I mean you can do it but it's kind of messy so it's great to practice on safe people especially when you're first learning and so I just went to this couple and I said hey I'm practicing hearing the Holy Spirit could I talk to you in the kitchen a great way to present a word or to do something that you are following the Holy Spirit or maybe hope you think a great way to practice it is to say to the person I am practicing hearing from the Lord when you say thus saith the Lord man it'd better be Jesus and I don't recommend it but when you come to somebody you say I'm practicing hearing the Holy Spirit can I give you a word or cannot you know it sets you up for success because you're practicing and no one gets everything perfect so I take this couple into the kitchen and just as I had seen in my vision I filled up a tiny little corel white bowl with water stood them in front of me and splash them both in the face scared poopless and as the water came off my hand a prophetic word one of the first I've ever encountered where God puts you on the glove a perfect word came out of me and I said the Lord wants you to stop bickering you you keep coming home from work and you're mad at each other and you don't even know why but it's a spirit trying to break you up and I this whole word comes out of me and it stops today in Jesus name just like that and then I was like a Swede don't know where that came from it's so weird and I was having this little moment with myself meanwhile I forgot to look and see that they're crumpled together crying holding each other and when they could compose themselves they just said to me that is exactly what's been happening we don't even know why we're mad at each other and we've just been so frustrated coming home from work and it ends today and it was just this moment of of me and it is made me so scared but it made me so hungry for more of it because when we are partnered with what he's doing in what he's saying no matter what it looks like and we go for it heaven freaks out because when God can get past your mind oh boy we sometimes got to figure it all out when God can when when you're so anchored and Kingdom in your spirit that your mind doesn't even get in the way and then you go for it I'm telling you it gets crazy fun but you're gonna look weird sometimes and so this thing happened in me where I just I began to have this insatiable hunger to follow him and to obey Him without a thought process and and the different journeys in my life I you can hear me I share the other stories all the time so I won't share here you can find them a lot of other places but I want to end with this I want to end with just championing you and giving you the charge to risa render every part of your life your mind let's just put our hands out because I'm in the same boat and father we just resubmit our minds our wills and our emotions to follow you now without a thought process God that you would so fill us with courage that we would run and obey at the drop of a hat whatever you say whatever you're doing god we want to carry it out so I pray right now for a spirit of courage and boldness to be honest God the clarity of your voice in our life God that you would just really shut out the distractions as we as we magnify you as we partner with who you are and what you're doing and who we are through you God that in that time that you had just been shout back to us who we are and what to do and we thank you God that no situation in this room is hopeless we thank you that you know the answer for everything going on in our lives and we partner right now with peace with perfect peace unshakable perfect peace that you will lead us and guide us in all things and god I pray for a clarity of your voice for true wisdom not earthly wisdom father but but true wisdom and knowledge would be imparted to us and that your voice would be so loud and clear in our everyday lives God that you just give us your words you'd speak to us and that we would just do the best of our abilities to carry those out in Jesus name everybody said hey man I love you and good night
Channel: Bethel Music
Views: 308,914
Rating: 4.8864083 out of 5
Keywords: brian johnson, jenn johnson, bethel music, bethel church, bethel, bethel teaching, bethel sermon, teaching on holy spirit, sermon on holy spirit,, bethel tv
Id: P-yHq854ZxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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