Melissa Helser - Rooted In The Father - 6/26/16

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me and Jonathan we we live in North Carolina we run schools half of the year with our amazing staff who is all everyone in the band is on staff with us they've gone through our schools we've been married 16 years and we you know we we do have the beautiful privilege of traveling the world and doing what we did and going crazy and shaking our heads and sweating and we still on stages all over the world with thousands of people just pouring their heart out before the presence of God and it's it's thrilling isn't worship thrilling when God comes it's just like you're in this motion like I could do anything I'm never gonna sin again you know so thankful but I really want to what I want to talk about tonight is is is not that I don't want to talk about um I almost don't I don't I don't want to talk about the the big the Wow I want to talk about the roots because a lot of people they what they crave is they see giftings in anointings and they crave it but they actually have no concept of how people actually get there and and not only how they get there about how they stay there so your giftings will get you a lot of places you can be hyper gifted at just business and and you could you could just climb the corporate ladder right but if you're not rooted and grounded in the father's delight and you don't actually have sustainable rhythms in your life that keep you whole you will get to the top and then you will crash right we know this yes in terms we call it burnout right but the world calls it the same thing you're giftings will get you a lot of places only a well routed system in your life will actually keep you in those places I I am passionate about sustainability me and Jonathan spend most of our life with young adults and in a lot of a lot of times we get in in these moments and I'll sit down with these these worship leaders from all over the world and I'll say talk to me about your friendship with Jesus and they talk about ministry Magne no no no no that's no I'm talking about talk to me about Jesus what is this tone how do you talk to him what does it look like and they look at me like well what what do you mean like when I prophesy and when I give a word and when I shake and shut up a Chaba I mean no no no I'm talking about when you wake up in the morning and you open your eyes do you see Jesus when you go get your cup of coffee is he there when you sit down at a table with friends do you feel his presence are you aware that he enjoys you guys I want to I want to tell you the father's delight when you get a handle on the father's delight it will change your life Jesus modeled unbelievable unprecedented sustainability he modeled 30 years of glorious life three little teeny-tiny years of ministry 30 years of family growth learning a trade growing in maturity growing in favor growing in stature growing as a human 30 years to 3 8090 years of ministry isn't that amazing isn't that amazing guys Jesus I'm like what was he doing for 30 years I'm 36 I'm like that is so much time don't you think about these things I just sit and think what is he doing I asked I was teaching one time to a school and I asked him what do you think is doing and in one girl raised tuition well maybe he was looking for his disciples I was like no no no he wasn't definitely wasn't doing that you know and I believe I believe that Jesus was enjoying humanity see if you don't see a Jesus that enjoys humanity and actually came down and became human because he loves humanity then you don't really understand the way to the cross Jesus came because he loves you he lingered in humanity and then he didn't say anything about it to anyone there's nothing in the word except when he was 12 isn't it amazing it was so sacred to the Son of God his humanity the weddings the parties come on if you don't see Jesus as a human that loved humanity you completely miss the beauty of the cross he loves you he put on your flesh in your bone he became like us and he still is like us is that amazing there is a human in heaven I'm just gonna let you think about that jesus' is profound and everything he modelled was staying centered in father delight you know I thought about the other day I started thinking I wonder what it was like for Jesus as as a little boy when he started noticing and feeling the pool of his Heavenly Father as a teenager as a young adult guys you need to let your imaginations run wild like what was he doing the first time he was like and he felt the father the father of fathers like what did it feel like the first time that he saw the father like come over here what did it look like come on when he began to see and hear and watch and be patient and follow the father everywhere because in three years of ministry what did it say it says I only do when I see my father doing so he had to learn that isn't that great if the Son of God had to learn it then you have to learn it if the Son of God had to learn how to follow father your father be impacted by father's delight then I think that's a really great place for us to start don't you I went through a season from from seventeen it really even till now I got diagnosed with a bone disease when I was 17 years old I was given a year and a half to live was supernaturally healed and then it came back when my son was a year old and it got really really intense and how many of you know that you you begin to know what you're really made of when when suffering just kind of smacks you in the face and you begin to ask questions that you've never you never asked before right who's been there you get into tense moments you begin to you begin to think things you've never thought before I think tension is beautiful I think as humans the more we lean into tension the more our our lives where we actually become a song that's real you cannot play one instrument on that stage without tension take the tension out of a guitar nothing take it out of the drums nothing take it out of a real acoustic piano nothing tension is necessary the perfect amount right I got into seasons in my early 20s as a young mom and wife doing ministry where I I began to question how did I lose my healing and where do I find it I had a guy once give me a book like that I don't know it's like I don't even know it was called I'm just going to make up something are you filming this you're live streaming should I fix it should I fix my hair hi where was I Oh a book it wasn't a good book no what's a good book but the story okay so I I was given a book like something like the ten steps to getting healed or something I got him and it gave me the book he's like you really have to read this you know if you do this then then you're gonna get healed and guys it was bad I at this point I was barely able to pick up my children I was barely able to open a jar I was losing feeling in my hands in my feet in my hips it was getting really heavy and and so I I read the book and a couple months later I I saw him he said did you you how are you and I said you know in my heart I feel like I'm coming alive my my body hasn't changed he's like what do you mean didn't you do what the book said I'm going to pause for about 20 seconds and talk about how important it is to pray for people with the father's nature your passion is beautiful but your nature being connected to the father's nature is more important than your passion you actually praying with compassion and love and the kindness of the father is more important than your passion that is the truth say that is true and in that moment I I felt the whole world come crashing on to my spirit and I thought what what's wrong with me why can't I get a handle on this right and it sent me spiraling into weeks of depression like I had never experienced before and I I ended up a couple weeks in at my brother-in-law's table and I'm sitting there with my brother-in-law Andy and and hear me out like my brother-in-law is a is obviously my brother no he's my friend but I don't necessarily share him the deep parts of my heart with him and it just ended up being me and him at the dinner table everyone left and he's so wise and he's just full of so much integrity and I was like I should just ask him for help don't you love this moments where you're like at a really you're not with really the person you thought you would be with when you went going to ask for help and in your mind you're like this might not be a good idea but okay I'm just gonna do it and then you just start talking and then in your mind you're like why are you talking that was kind of what it was like and I'm sitting there and I'm like just pouring my heart out like what's wrong with me I can't get a handle on this blah blah blah and he said he just looked at me he said Melissa is your life producing good fruit and I was like what do you what do you mean he said is this season of your life producing the fruit of the Spirit is it producing kindness is a producing gentleness is a reducing love is a producing perseverance is is it pretty is a season of your life is the fruit that's coming out of you because right the fruit of the spirit grows guys it's not something you go and grab would you need it when you're in traffic and you go to the you run into the patients orchard and you just grab it that's not how it works fruit grows you have to tend it you have to weed the garden you have to go in and prune the trees you have to actually give yourself to a life of patience so that in those moments patience begins to grow out of you you understand it's a very different thing and I'm telling you him in my mid-20s when I'm senior with my read a lot in that moment he's I'm like I'm thinking about my life and I'm like actually yes it is it's produced really good fruit he's like then I think you're okay and I was just like are you sure it's like yeah isn't that the point they're gonna know you buy your fruit and I realize in that moment guys that the father I'm not going to go down the rabbit trail of does the Lord allow healing does he what blah blah blah not going to go down the theology the healing theology train because every heart and every story is so important and it's so important that you not make your own experience theology for everyone okay it's so important that you not take your own experience and stamp that as theology example if you don't like listening to secular music that does not mean that every person on the face of the earth should not listen to secular music your personal conviction does not mean as theology for everyone it's for you that's why we overcome with the power of our testimony because every testimony is different every story is different some people don't do medicine and they get healed BAM then some people go through chemo and it saves their life and the father breathed in it and he worked in it isn't it amazing he's not restricted can we just throw off all that crap because it's hurting people your passion that's not actually rooted in father delight in the nature of father is hurting people that's a hard word I'm not going to go down that train in that moment of my life it literally was like this pressure that had been mounting in my soul popped and I was like oh my gosh I've been in the most amazing season and I it was literally like I woke up and all of a sudden I was like in an orchard and I was like oh my God look at my life oh my god this suffering is oh my god there's so many trees in all the sudden being healed wasn't the point my life becoming an orchard then my children's children's children's children will walk through and eat the fruit of my life became much more important don't you want to plant an orchard in your life of kindness that your children's children's children will say I remember my great great granddad he was the kindest man that ever lived what do you want to leave your children and you need to think about this as teenagers what you sow in these moments you will reap for eternity it's powerful when you get a mindset of sustainability do you know what sustainability is I mean I know that we we've reduced it down to an urban garden and like oh I'm going to be sustainable I'm gonna grow my own Tomatoes oh my my urban porch I'm not gonna have to buy him I'm sister I believe in sustainability you know come on let's talk about what it really is sustainability at its core on an economical level on a spiritual level on an emotional level sustainability at its core sees the generations that are coming it sees the world in hundreds of years and it says what I choose in this moment will affect the generations that are coming so I'm gonna live in the tension of the micro in the macro I'm gonna live in the tension of everything I choose every day echoes into and it's not pressure driven it's not legalism it's joy driven because the father smile is they're going make a good choice and then we just were just chase again it's his father's smile and it's everywhere I spend a lot of time in my life tending the orchard of the fruit of the Spirit so that when I really need it it's right here the father wants to mark you with his delight I love that Jesus in all the beautiful ministry that he did he kept telling us I only do when I see my father doing isn't amazing don't you want to live that kind of life don't you want to have those kind of eyes that you could see what the father's doing do you know how you get those eyes you look at him all the time you become friends with the father friends with Jesus friends with the spirit I could talk for five hours on the Holy Spirit one time I was getting ready to teach I have five minutes Wow one time I was teaching on the Holy Spirit and and the father came and I loved I know when the father is talking to me when Jesus is talking to me and when the Holy Ghost is there and father came and he's like do you know why I decided to give the spirit he said you know that the Holy Spirit is the crescendo of the cross did you know I decided to give it I said do tell Papa God he said because I wanted to swallow up loneliness forever what say it again they gifted the Holy Spirit was Jesus came he walked the earth as a as a man he suffered he died he was he rose again and then What did he say to his boys something's coming it's gonna blow your mind and I'm here to tell you the gift of the Holy Spirit is not for you to do this I can say that because I do that it's not for you to speak in tongues it's not for you to pray for the sick although that's wonderful it's not for you to feel goose bumps is so that you won't be alone you want to talk about sustainability you need to get a revelation that Jesus died and rose again and gave his spirit so that you would never have to feel alone again who would love to not ever feel alone again come on y'all you need to learn to be friends with the Holy Spirit I talked to the Holy Spirit every day all day I know this because my friends tell me do you know that you talking to your breath all day my guess I talked to the Holy Spirit it's been the most helpful parenting tool ever the first thing the father told me when I asked for parenting help my kids are 14 and 10 now he said teach them to need my spirit because they're going to outgrow their need for you but they will never outgrow their need for me that started it like you know four years old when they were having a fit and Target and I'm like where's the Holy Spirit and they're like oh and I'm like well we need to invite him back you think it doesn't work it does work I've been in more moments where my kids are having total meltdown and I'm like we got to have the Holy Ghost and they're totally you know when kids get to that whoa meltdown place when you're really irritated but you've actually kept them up way too late so it's really your fault but they're you're frustrated was in a car once and I said where's always true you know there's sobbing so let's invite him back Oh spirit please come back please come back you know and I'm telling you something shifted in that car like way um they started laughing there Keith he's back he's bad come on guys that's what happens when you're flipping out you should ask the Holy Spirit to come back you think that he didn't absolutely love showing himself to my kids that's the kind of father he is you think he didn't love like oh man this is gonna be awesome I'm gonna teach him right now 6 + 2 6 & 2 Oh watch okay and I'm gonna I'm gonna let him feel it I'm gonna let me feel the shift I'm gonna feel it joy come back and they're gonna start laughing and then they're gonna know he's back and that's how they're gonna know me so I'm gonna come in joy and empower in peace it's been 14 years teaching my kids utter dependence on the Holy Spirit cuz one day they're not gonna need me but you never outgrow your need for God don't even try it's a waste of time I'm gonna need to wrap this up like now man the Lord so good what I want to do more than anything nice I want to inspire you live a life that's worth talking about people talking about what you're like not what you do but who you are begin to practice patience kindness joy love begin to cultivate in your own world a daily interaction with the father guys he wants to mark you with his smile that's how we do it that's how we make it when we really have seen the smile of the Father and we feel the delight of the Father and you're understanding in your mind shifts to who he really is and what he's really like then all of these things that you face in life they get faced through the filter of father delight so you can come to moments of total lament sorrow where you are broken over a death or or or something tragic happens you can lament fully but not be hopeless why because the father's there he's not asking you to never grieve again he's not asking you never feel sorrow again but you can feel sorrow and not feel hopeless and separate from the father you understand you can feel the fullness of the beauty of discipline because he's a good father everything shifts when we get the father smile it's the core root foundation of your ability to say stay sustainable if not it's just a cause it's passion the father he's a good father he wants to rearrange your idea father he wants you to know that your earthly father and the Heavenly Father can stay in the same room and not be the same person your earthly father will never even come close as hard as they try to the Heavenly Father praise God right he wants to rearrange what you see father your father Filter he wants to rearrange it I'm going to close with this we had a moment about a year ago my my oldest child cadence is 14 I wish she was here um he is 6 foot 3 he is is a giant a giant of a child and he when he turned 13 me and Jonathan wanted to have a not like a Bar Mitzvah because we're not Jewish clearly but we wanted to have a night of blessing and we wanted to honor him and we wanted to - we wanted our whole community and all the men in our community - to stand around him and say you have what it takes to be a teenager and you're gonna you're gonna rule this it's gonna be amazing and we had this whole night we did barbecue that's what he wanted him and and we spent three hours toasting Cadence's life at 13 and then we started off the night by saying cadence the more tears you cried a night the more of a man you are you have been an amazing son he spent about a year grieving his childhood every couple weeks he would just cry with me I don't want to grew up mom and I kept thinking like I gotta have some I'm like lord help me give me something awesome to say and he's like why didn't want something to say Mike I just want to help him he's like Melissa he has loved his childhood let him grieve it and I was like stress out mom you know like let it go holy ghost has got it you know but this night was powerful and and we felt something shift the Lord clearly said to us hand him over I'm going to do something profound that you can't do and about a month after that we were on a trip during a conference in Nashville and something literally guys on that night shifted in cadence his life it was profound I've never seen it's like one of my favorite parent moments of all time we gave them a replica of Aragorn sword I mean does it get any better it's gigantic and very dangerous but it's hanging on a wall and so we're at this conference and there's a on the front row of the conference there's a deaf man and and there was a woman signing to him the whole time and after three days of being at the conference at the last worship set cadence comes up to me and he says he says mom I prayed for someone tonight during worship I was like you did who is like that deaf man I was like wow he's like I was really awesome and they just ran off I was like you know I'm at the point where I'm like details please and the translator comes out to me she says hey I just want you to know that the cadence came and found me during worship and asked me if I would ask this this man if he could pray for him and she said you know I've known him a really I've known as me in a very long time and I can say that I've never watched anyone pray for him with so much compassion with so much tenderness and she said he prayed for like 15 minutes he was so patient and she died it's been a long time since I've seen this man feel like touched it was powerful and it meant so much to me because I've had a lot of people pray for me that weren't kind and cadance just went and he just he he really ministered the nature of the Father because he knows the father and that night we we went to bed we're all staying in the same room and we wake up the next morning in kick you know it's all like we're all kind of just waking up and he goes oh my gosh I had a dream I'm like okay he's like I was in this library and you know when kids are like reliving dreams it's kind of like they're there he's like I was in this library and and I walked through this door and I was in the city next to our city and Joel was there our drummer and he was like Joel I have to get home how do I get home and Joel said cadance go back into the library there's a book in there that will take you home much quicker than if you walked he's like okay so he goes back in the library and he's looking for the book that's gonna take him home and he said it all of a sudden I'm looking at him looking and all of a sudden I hear someone calling my name cadence cadence he said and I walked out into the hall and I walked on this long hall and there was God sitting at a desk and naturally me and Jonathan were like and he just was he was like reliving it and tears started streaming on his face and we were like did he speak to you you know like try not to be the weird mom that's like get on with it you know and he's like he's crying he's like yes yes he he spoke to me we're like you know what did he What did he say buddy you start used to crying now I mean the presence of the Lord is in the room he said he he looked me in the eyes and he said cadence I am so proud of you for praying for that death man Heena started just crying he said he just kept saying it over and over kids I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you see in that moment I had nothing to do with a goal of healing and everything to do with administering the nature of the Father just someone that desperately needed it you cannot do that unless you know the Father I want to challenge you and inspire you to live a life for the father's smile guys he's already so proud of you he's already so locked into you you don't have to work for it you don't have to strive for it you already have it and when you begin to live a life out of the father's delight it will change the way you do everything relationships community church jobs when you get rooted and grounded in the father's delight it literally changes everything so I just want to pray for you everyone okay because the father wants to come and he wants to mark you he wants to mark you with his delight he wants to mark you without the moment just like cadence had guys some of us spent our whole life and never ever hear the father say I'm proud of you and I want I want to just challenge you that it's not because he's not saying it it's because you need to turn your ear and lean into the father's voice it's so easy you don't have to sweat it out you don't describe that you just have to turn your ear and lean in yeah just put your hand on your heart father you're in the room you always come you're always here father I see you walking around the rim just laying your hand on hearts and minds your your your administrating your love God father right now we ask that you would come and you would heal the places in our hearts that that have desperately needed to know that you're a good father lord I ask right now I I literally see the Lord laying his hands on your eyes and blinders are falling off because he wants you to actually see him for who he really is a good father God we're asking that you would heal our eyes just put your hand on your eyes say father heal my eyes God would you let the scales of disappointment and depression and heartache of trauma suffering that has blocked us from actually seeing who you really are God we ask that you heal our eyes heal our eyes God we want to see you touch our minds father we want to know you for who you really are God I ask that you would breathe courage into every heart in this room breathe courage into the hearts in this room God that we would see you for who you really are and that we would be inspired and be full of courage to live a life of Sustainability knowing who you really are thank you God thank you Jesus amen you
Channel: Big House Church
Views: 176,958
Rating: 4.8848562 out of 5
Keywords: Big House, Church, Worship, Praise, Gospel, Adam Cates, freedom
Id: uwocZDaw9dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
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