Journey 2 Joy Pt-5| "Fired Up"| Pastor Lola Moore Johnston

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together i am so excited i am so excited we are here another night for the journey to joy on this tuesday night and i know that god has a special blessing that he has in store for us once again and i know that a whole lot of stuff is going on around us and we believe more than ever in the very power of prayer we want to welcome each and every one of you we want you to like share to invite people we are getting ready in just a few moments to have a word from the lord but before we do anything else we want you to know that we are going to pray and for tonight's prayer we have a dynamic and wonderful powerful woman of god who will be leading us out she's just shown up prayer warrior her name is sister betty mitchell so you're going to join us today and we do know that god has a prayer in store how are you doing sister betty fine bless the lord oh my soul thank you have you're on mute i think you're on you all right all right if you could unmute your mic okay all right all right just click on that little mute button all right okay because we want to have that prayer we want to have that prayer can you hear me now okay can you hear me i i feel yes go ahead all right sorry there we go sister betty you're good now dr peeler if you'll just unmute your mic and then we'll be good to go we hear you betty all right great doctor let's hear you doc doc phil can you hear me now we got you all right all right praise god all right we got that he's always working so let us go to the throne of grace o loving god our father our lord our king and our savior is indeed a pleasure as we come into your presence once again tonight to be filled with your holy spirit yes father god we lift you up we magnify you we glorify you because we recognize who you are king of kings and lord of lords so god tonight we come as empty vessels waiting to be filled oh god so as you come in now clean our hearts from the inside out open our ears that we may hear in our eyes that we may see and then that we may do your will oh god god we pray for everyone who's coming on the line tonight whether it be on the phone or on the television or by the computer father god we pray that they will receive what they have come for tonight and that's a word from you oh god that will restore and renew and transform our lives oh god that we may look more like you father god we especially tonight lift up our seniors god they've been on the battlefield a long time but they still have more to go so father won't you mount them up with wings like eagles that they may soar would you give them dreams and visions o god that they may see what is ahead for them oh god and as they pass on the mantle oh god let them be an encouragement to all that you put in their spirit father god we want to pray for the lady of the house tonight who is coming with a powerful word from you oh god oh god we pray that every word that proceedeth out of her mouth will be transforming to those who hear oh father we pray her covering over her from her head to her toe oh father god and we give you honor and we give you glory god because you are bringing in the sheaves and we are ready to receive the blessings of your hand tonight so bless us god as we hear a word from you and it's jesus name that we pray amen amen amen amen amen what a powerful prayer thank you sister betty we appreciate you so much i thank you for all of what you do for the church and for the prayers that you send up it was powerful and it was worth the wait i tell you devil devil is nothing when it comes down to comparing the power of god what we have as our our wonderful co-host is uh a wonderful woman of capitol hill she is an educator uh celebrated educator in washington dc we're so glad to have sister stephanie craig come on stephanie how you doing hey i'm blessed to holly favor so excited to see you and be here for journey to join tonight praise god thank you for accepting the call to be our co-host and i too am excited you have such a wonderful spirit and i just thank god for your passion for jesus christ you have such a great great spirit well uh tonight before we get into the shout outs we have a few things that we want to lift up in terms of announcements because we always want to be decent and in order we know that god is uh is doing some amazing things on the bible conference but before we even do that how are you doing what's happening what's happening with you how is god uh i mean just working in your life how are you doing sister stephanie i am so amazing god has truly kept me this entire pandemic and journey to joy really truly changed my entire life if you don't remember two years ago september 21st i got baptized at capitol hill because it's great to joy and i have not let go of my journey with god he has been amazing even through the pandemic even for me teaching the students and so i'm just excited to be here and i'm just excited to spread his love and journey on this journey amen amen and you're doing one of our special features of so what if i told you and so you are a celebrity on youtube and facebook so thank you for doing all what you do well we have a few announcements and and we're going to just keep it moving because we want to hear that word and we have an exciting uh time before us um last night it was amazing i don't know if you were on last night but if you were not on anybody please go back and look at every one of the rebroadcasts either saturday sunday or monday night but last night i i'll never look at nah again no no no no no it was awesome because we learned that if we give up our life for christ's sake he will save our lives and we can trust god with the house and he'll take care of the what i will never forget it it was an absolute joy to be in the house what about you yeah oh amen i was in my apartment clapping up periodic and all day at work i'm like nah nah and it was just so exciting to know if i just give up something right if i just invite god into that situation and have him work out the how everything the way it's supposed to so i'm excited to hear our word tonight amen amen everybody should know by now we have a hybrid event on saturdays we are live and hybrid that means uh we have virtual and we have live presence so what we're going to ask that you if you want to be a part of the live service make sure you reserve reserve or rsvp for september the 18th because we're going to have a early service and we're going to have a later or afternoon evening service so registrations and mass required and the information is right there and we believe also in the power of prayer in the power prayer and you can connect with prayer for us in three ways number one you could join our nightly j2j prayer zoom room i went in there and we just had a good time tonight at 6 30 tonight you may want to join in if you have a prayer request we have prayer warriors in there and they will be willing to pray for you and then twice a day at seven o'clock in the morning at 12 o'clock you find the information there join our daily prayer line and if you have a special prayer request or need we want you to call or text 833-242-7327 and you're going to be met by a prayer warrior whatever you do don't miss out that opportunity because there is power in prayer and we believe in bible study and later on in the show we're going to talk about ways to register for bible studies and i want you as our co-host sister stephanie if you could just let us know let us know about what happens after the message something that's called what afterglow can you tell us about that all right guys we have the afterglow video so stay tuned because the night is still young guys the after goal video is our multi-generational panel that discusses what actually we talked about in our message um tonight all right all right and what about a special prize can you talk us about those i was trying to win the prize yesterday so i could walk to the church again but i didn't somebody else won we also have a chance to win prizes without the blessing wheel so if you would like to be blessed with an amazing prize from capitol hill please put your first and last name and where you're from in the united states or in our world in the chat you got to do it at the beginning and the end so make sure you stay tuned all night ladies and gentlemen all night all right all right and we have something for our kids starting on september 19th can you explain what we are doing i am so excited because i am a teacher so when i go to work tomorrow i'm telling all my parents and my little ones we have joy kids invade investigation station genesis factor join us virtually september 19th to the 25th at 6 30 pm our kids are going to be able to dive into that word and truly investigate what is the bible really trying to tell us in our little little baby ages so please please join us to play games to sing songs and to put our hands on some crafts again september 19th to the 25th for all our little little babies all right you did an amazing job now let me tell you let me tell you one of the favorite parts i like to do is with the co-host to do our shout outs and we have a list of people who are have joined us already tonight and we're going to just do two minutes worth of shout outs we can't get everybody but we're gonna get through them as fast as we can so if you could just uh take the first one and i'll take the next one and we just keep it rolling can we do that you got a name that sounds like stephanie almost stephen heinz uh stephanie taylor from georgia all right welcome we're so glad to see you all right all right we have donna edenborough and she says uh good evening everyone thank you for being here tonight we have ronald warren he's watching from oshawa a natural canada cross point church okay thank you nice to see you all amen that we have dr lydia gilbert mclean she says good evening everyone i got a virtual seat right next that's one of our prayer warriors and elders praise god thank you for coming good evening uh ajah ajaya family is here from rhode island ready to be inspired i love it sister all right all right all right we have sharon gang's uh chabot and she's one of our doctors and members she says good evening everyone god bless you and we have lanetta and retay from dc nice to join us family thank you thank you so much all right we have sylvia williams good evening everybody thank you for joining us again tonight we have our parker saying good evening family hey sister rochelle praise god for you all right we have also brenda peeler i think i know that sister she said good evening first lady god bless you and we have uh wylan davis welcome to j2j everybody nice to see you all right all right we have lystra antoine a great woman of god another day in the journey to joy another treat is in store praise god thank you for joining us we have princess alexandra blessing everyone and good evening so nice to see you sister alexandria hey man we have uh jim mitchell we have elder mitch in the house all the sound is gone now oh my get your sound back brother all right trees got uh we have sunny in donna salinda che bronze new york okay family down the street all right praise god praise god we have naomi wiley and bernice grant she says happy journey to join everybody all right we're going to do two more two more all right uh dorcas huff good evening nice to see you assistant all right and the last one we're going to do tonight we're at asia craig oh that's some of your fam in the house all right you've been sharing it oh praise god we're so glad that everybody we're so so sad that we could not give shout outs to everybody but make sure that you put your name where you're from or maybe your home church whatever because we want everybody to at the end have a opportunity to get that blessing wheel but you know what i am here for one thing and one thing only for a blessing from the word so could you be so kind as our co-host tonight stephanie to j just uh bless us with a quick introduction and our special music tonight as we get ready for the word of course so we welcome tonight again our first week's conference speaker with his pastor lola moore johnson will be speaking on fire up so if you're ready to be fired up for the rest of the week the rest of the month the rest of the year please stay tuned to hear our pastor today and to prepare us for this very fresh word we'll be blessed by tiffany boone who will sing a song faithful is our god amen see you on the other side god bless you hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord the choir is going to help me this morning this is faithful is our god he's an awesome god let's sing it together everybody shake yes we worship you this morning because you're faithful yes god we bless your name hallelujah listen he's been for all year long he's a faithful god and we bless him yes god yes i will but i shall recover it all come on [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh everybody god right now yeah i like that i rejoice today and i shall recover it all in fact somebody needs to go in the chat and speak prophetically over your own life i shall recover it all whatever it is oh my goodness i believe that the god who we've talked about is faithful and i shall recover it all come on it might be your peace it might be your home it might be your i shall recover it all has somebody stole something from you come on have you have you been in a situation where you know that the enemy has done this i am declaring over my life i'm declaring over my health i'm declaring over everything that pertains to me i shall recover it all oh my goodness good evening everybody and happy tuesday to you if you and i haven't met i am lola moore johnston and i'm so happy to be here with you again for another evening of journey to joy i don't know about you but i have become even more joyful come on i'm a little bit closer now than i was at the beginning of the week i love it i love it i see it coming in i see y'all speaking over your lives i love it and this week we are looking at the heart of god and we are seeing that man because god is a part of our lives and because god is faithful man we can have the assurance that we shall recover in oh man i want to say thank you again to our conference hosts in the person of dr emil peeler and pastor elijah stanley i also want to honor sister brenda peeler this evening i want to honor our entire panel and all of those who are working tirelessly to make sure that journey to joy is a blessing and if you've been blessed by journey to joy if it's the music if it's the preaching if it's just a presentation can you just put in the chat i've been blessed we want to affirm our team affirm our pastors affirm those who come early in the evening and stay late at night praying oh man we have a a tremendous prayer team that has been working for us come on i have been blessed go ahead and put it in the chat for me help me to affirm these men and women of god as they are doing a fantastic job helping us every night to have a journey to joy and we believe that because of their sacrifice come on we want to speak prophetically over them that god will pour back into their bosom press down shaking together and running over that they will be blessed as they have helped us on our journey to joy that's the word of the lord for the people of the lord praise the lord oh my goodness we have been on this journey from night tonight and i've shared with you my heart for this event that god has been talking to me about vindicating the heart of god essentially letting god's people know that god can be trusted and night after night let me tell you i almost i almost uh trans transcended out of my street last night oh my goodness that i i was messed up last night and i'm hoping and i believe let me say i declare that god is going to continue to speak powerfully as he lets us know over and over again as god demonstrates god's love god's power god's heart and god's presence in our lives and so tonight let me tell you this is one of my favorite passages in scripture and and and i you know i've always been asking god to make it a rhema word and to make it relevant i hope that you have something near you to write down um some some some takeaways if if you can have some notes that you can take down i believe that god's gonna continue to reveal god's self tonight as we go to the book of daniel that's the book of daniel right back in daniel we were there last night we're gonna visit again tonight but we're going to daniel chapter 3 and i'm going to use as my focus verses 13 through 18. now i want to tell you again that if you want some really good reading you want to read through the book of daniel and when we spend some time we're going to actually be you know doing a little bit of jumping through this chapter three but let me tell you this is some very good reading and so get a good easy reading translation and read with me daniel chapter 3 and i'm gonna read verses 13 through 18. y'all ready all right here it is then nebuchadnezzar flew into a rage and ordered that shadrach meshach and abednego be brought before him is it true so when they were brought in nebuchadnezzar said to them is it true shadrach meshach and abednego that you refuse to serve my gods or to worship the gold statue that i have set up i will give you one more chance somebody put that in the chat one more chance to bow down and worship the statue i have made when you hear the musical instruments but if you refuse you will be thrown immediately into the blazing furnace and then what god oh come on in here holy spirit what god will be able to rescue you from my power verse 16 shadrach meshach and abednego replied all nebuchadnezzar we do not need to defend ourselves before you if we're thrown into the blazing furnace the god who we serve is able to save us come on we can just preach this text right here just read it and go home right he will rescue us from your power your majesty here it is verse 18 but even if he doesn't we want to make it clear to you your majesty that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up all tonight tonight tonight we are going to visit the subject pride oh y'all been saying it already but man i hope you are ready for the prophetic challenge that god will give us tonight fired come on let's pray father in the name of jesus we want to say thank you for the opportunity to hear your word clearly there are people around this planet who are craving and hungering and thirsting for these opportunities to simply read your word and here we are privileged in this moment to hear a word from you written in and etched in your word scripture tonight we don't want to waste this opportunity open our ears open our hearts to receive what you have said speak lord your servants are listening and it is in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen ah tonight we're preaching the subject fired up now when i was growing up i i've had a number of experiences that helped me to understand this moment i said rather than taking you to the street i was going to take you to a show that i used to watch called the wwf smackdown why yes the preacher used to enjoy wrestling and i remember rowdy rodney piper and stokel steve austin and the rock can you smell what the rock is cooking oh my goodness and and i remember seeing the undertaker and all of these different characters who from week to week all my the names are coming back in china and and how they would come in and and we realized that the the wrestling match was never really the the place where we watched with the most uh enjoyment it was the the smack talk in the beginning uh where stone cold steve austin would come in and and and he would let uh the rock know what he was going to do and the rock would come in and let the undertaker know what he was going to do and and and there was something that that was there was a stage that was set from week to week as these different wrestlers would come in and and and and they would be in position to to to declare what they were going to do to their opponent dude if if you ever been there have you ever seen any of those matches you know it might predate some of y'all but i'm just talking to somebody who knows something about wwf and and if people would watch it and you would see how they would would play up these brawls they would play up these smackdowns and play up these fights and and we would be sitting on the other side of the tv eating popcorn drinking a soda side of the of the couch just you know cheering on our particular wrestler and it was always interesting to me when when i would see my wrestler get get get put on the ropes and see my wrestler get hit with a chair i'm sorry that this is not as delicate as as some of the other nights but y'all just walk with me see my wrestler get hit with a table and i would see my wrestler get in trouble and and all of the time all of the while you there there seem to be this this dramatic entrance every now and again of another wrestler who was on the side of my wrestler and and it was it was always a good picture to see that other wrestler come running in from outside of the the the ring that that other rest to come running in from nowhere and to help the wrestler who was down it's always good to have a good tag team partner and and i don't know about you here today but some of us have been in some fights come on you you're from some some areas like i'm from and and and there have been some people who were bigger than you some people who who were angrier than you that wanted to fight and and and in those moments it always felt good to know that that i wasn't alone oh god please let some of my friends be out there in fact and and when we were at home if y'all just you know permit me for a moment to be a little familiar when we were at home and and somebody would get in trouble they would see a enemy gang or an enemy crew coming down the street and they knew it was going to be trouble they would make a call they would make this call and as they would make this call you would see people running from the north south east and west because it was about to be abroad and i realized here tonight as we get started with this passage that some of us are surprised by the things that we are experiencing in the life of faith because we don't recognize that we're in a brawl i mean it's a it's a big fight it's a a millennial old uh interface between two powers i called it the supernatural smackdown it's the cosmic brawl if you've read any of the materials some people might call it the great controversy it is a big fight between two enemies that that are supernatural and because we are saints of the most high because we are connected to god we find ourselves every now and again in between the fight going on between those two it's a fight between god and satan it's a fight between light and darkness a fight between jesus and the devil and and every now and again as as the devil and and jesus are fighting in it with one another we get caught in the middle of i realize that some of us are looking for an area where we might have opened the window for satan to come in what did i do to deserve all of this what did i do to deserve what's happening in my house what did i do to deserve what's happening on my job god i feel like i live a good life i feel like i like i speak well i feel like i live a good private life i live with integrity like daniel did yesterday why is it that i'm in the middle of this and i want to share with you that not every battle you find yourself in is about you sometimes it's about the fight that's going on above you oh my goodness that battle every now and again includes us and in those moments the question is asked who are you going to help out are you going to help the power of light are you going to help the power of darkness are you going to help out the lord or are you going to help out the enemy ephesians 6 12 that that passage is here it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood there are demons there are principalities there are rulers of darkness and in spiritual wickedness and high places that we are fighting against and when we recognize that we're in a cosmic battle when we finally get the picture that there's a fight going on above us and around us that does not necessarily uh uh end and begin with us then maybe our mindset and our bitterness around our experience would change today we're back in the book of daniel and we find ourselves in a story that that predates daniel chapter three in daniel chapter two nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a statue its head is made of gold its its chest and arms are made of silver that that belly and thighs are of grass the legs are of iron and the feet are of iron and clay that that that statue is is standing there in a large plain and as the statue is there mining is business a great rock is carved out of a mountain without hands and that rock hits that statue at the bottom and makes the whole thing trouble nebuchadnezzar sees this vision in his night dreams and and as he sees it he does not understand what that vision means that's daniel chapter two you can read it after this passage or after this message he he sees it and he does not understand what it means and so he calls out to his wise men and he tells the wise men that this dream is too important for you to just give me whatever and so you're not even gonna get the dream from me i need you to tell me not only the dream but tell me the interpretation and if you don't it's gonna be on uh the the the wise men go around trying to figure out what it is that they can do they've never been asked this before they've only been asked to interpret but nebuchadnezzar is serious about an answer and in daniel 2 when daniel who has been invert in chapter one remember we talked about that last night given the ability to see dreams and to interpret dreams and to understand the stars and babylonian astrology when daniel goes down on his face with his friends to fast and pray they get the answer and here it is i'm giving i'm going quickly when they receive the answer daniel lets nebuchadnezzar know that this statue is a prophetic timeline it starts with the head of gold which is babylon and these powers and there will be powers that will come after babylon after babylon falls but at the end there will be an ultimate power a supernatural power that is larger or greater than any of the powers in the statue while the statue is standing there in anatomy come on while the statue is standing there not moving while the statue is standing there not breathing there's a rock that will be caused out of a mountain without hands and that rock will demolish the statue and it will grow into a great and mighty mountain this statue and this dream were meant not to talk about the greatness of nebuchadnezzar but to talk about the greatness of the rock come on it's not to talk about the timeline in that statue but it's to talk about the rock that was carved without hands and i just want to talk to a bible reader today that anytime we make daniel 2 about that statue and that's the end-all be-all and we want to know who is where and how long it lasted then we have missed the point the dream is about the rock come on it's about the storm but nebuchadnezzar when he receives this message hear it here it is he hears the message he understands the message he accepts the message but he's mad about the message he's mad because nebuchadnezzar believes that he will never die and his kingdom will never end come on we know some leaders like that he believes that he will last forever and ever and so here in daniel chapter 3 we see nebuchadnezzar defying what he saw in the dream now remember i told you that that dream wasn't about that statue the dream was about the rock the dream was about the power that was able to carve a rock out of that mountain and and that rock that was able to demolish the statue and to become a great and mighty mountain that's what it was all about that's the major power in the dream but nebuchadnezzar said bump that i'm the power and so when we look here in daniel chapter 3 nebuchadnezzar erects a statue that is 90 feet tall full of gold he is on a power trip because he is defying the results of his dream y'all need to understand this nebuchadnezzar is not happy about the dream that he has received and at the end of daniel chapter 2 it also says that nebuchadnezzar acknowledges that god exists but he is not happy with that god because that god has said that nebuchadnezzar's kingdom will end watch this nebuchadnezzar has erected this statue as a challenge to god himself and i want to tell you that some of the stuff in your life is not about you it's about someone or the enemy challenging god himself they want to know that they are more powerful than god they want to know that their future is in their own hands they want to know that they are invincible they want to know that no power is able to topple them i'm telling you that you're not dealing with somebody who's mad at you you're dealing with a narcissist who is mad at god and i'm telling you here today that if we can just bring our thoughts a little higher when we're going through things we don't understand when we just bring our thoughts a little higher when we go through things that seem that they're going to crush us and seem that they're going to destroy us then we can recognize no no no even the pain i'm in right now is bigger than me oh my goodness nebuchadnezzar in order to feed his ego calls all of his leaders from around the world to come to the plain of dora because he needs to know that everybody is on board with what he understands that he is the king of kings and he is the lord of lords come on i'm trying to set this stable so we can understand what's going on nebuchadnezzar wants everybody to declare that he is the god of gods and he wants the same kind of worship that their gods get and so he says he's gonna make everybody worship and he's gonna cause them to worship at the threat of their own lives and what he does here oh my goodness what he does here is he amasses a symphony that is made up of music from all around the world so everybody has a little bit of something that they recognize oh my goodness he tries to make the situation more palatable for them he he tries to mimic the worship that they have in other nations he's he's trying to show everybody a way that they can go along and get along and just get a little bit out of it maybe they'll have a little emotion if he adds something from their hometown maybe they'll add a little bit of passion if he brings a instrument from their home country and so he brings instruments from all around the world to mimic the whole world worshiping him he's lost his mind and he must be stopped so who's going to be the one to let nebuchadnezzar know he's tripping who's going to be the one to let nebuchadnezzar know that that this is not how it's going down for real who's gonna be the one that's bold enough to stand up to the leader of the then known world the bible says that everybody comes out to the plane they all show up and when the music starts the greatest symphony the greatest worlds orchestra that has ever been amassed when they come together and the music starts and people from all around the plane bow down there are three figures still standing oh my goodness i want you to imagine it with me can you go with your mind's eye and and tell me what a 90-foot gold statue looks like glimmering in the morning sun what does a 90-foot gold statue look like as it as it shines in the plane of dura without trees or without any mountains to to to to to mess with it what does this statue look like with this intimidating figure and this intimidating orchestra it would have been easy for them to make a decision that they are just going to go along to get along it would be simple for them to make a decision look we're in this plane nobody will know anything different but man shadrach meshach and abednego they are so dialed in with god they are so attuned to god they have already seen god's faithfulness in the past come on they've already seen god keep them for three years on vegetables and water they've already seen god keep their lives in a moment where it could have been snuffed out they were able to survive a complete complete decimation of jerusalem and so because god has kept them before they choose to walk with god again oh can you see them can you see them standing on the plane of door and listen the the crowd was so big that nebuchadnezzar didn't even see them himself but they were willing to stand come on they didn't have uh they didn't stand up in front of nebuchadnezzar they didn't walk up to the front they simply stood where they were and the bible says some of their enemies people who had been watching them who thought that they had ascended too quickly people who were jealous of what they had received went to nebuchadnezzar to tear i never connect do you recognize that there are some people those hebrews that you promoted those hebrews that you bless the ones who should be grateful to you for keeping them the ones who should be grateful to you for their position the one who should be grateful to you for all that you have done to bless them have chosen not to worship your stature okay here we are with the passage for today the bible says nebuchadnezzar flew into a rage he hears that all the thousands of people have bowed that these three people because they have chosen not to bow this this was going to completely alter his day what was a successful event was completely turned on his head because these three choose not to bounce this lets us know on here that that nebuchadnezzar is not going through a normal challenge he's not going through a normal issue i don't care if thousands of people have have have given me respect and only three people choose to disrespect me come on pastor pill and our uh pastor stanley we've been in this place the whole church is a good church the whole church is honorable church and they're blessing the preacher and they they honor the pastor and they listen to the word of the past if there's two or three people who disrespect us that's okay you just you don't count that or you know did you just just you know let that roll off your shoulder they say let it roll off the back like water off a duck's back but but nebuchadnezzar is so narcissistic he's he's so crazy in his race that he cannot even take three people out of thousands being disobedient oh my goodness and so nebuchadnezzar calls these three men in to face him let me tell you about bullies when bullies can't get to who they really want to get to they will pick on who they believe is powerless i need somebody to understand this come on speak holy spirit when the enemy can't get to who he really wants to get to who is god he will pick on people who he believes is powerless which is you and me there are moments where the enemy is mad because he's not getting his way in the earth there are moments where the enemy is mad because he is not able to overcome certain things because he knows that his time is short and so because he can't fight god face to face because he can't take god out he will choose to try to pick on you and me watch this he's believing that he can intimidate us he's believing that he can break us down he's believing that we're going to take tucktail and run and for some of us we have done just that the enemy shows up at the door we say oh we don't want none of that we out of here you know the enemy shows up at the door and brings some strife on the job and you fall right in line the enemy brings some strife in your family and you fall right in line but today shadrach meshach and abednego have determined that they are going to help god out they're going to be a cosmic tag team on today they know what side they stand on and they're going to fight with god and i'm just wondering before we resolve this story before we break it down is there anybody who's watching me tonight anybody who's listening to me tonight that feels courage standing up in you you feel boldness standing up in you you've heard about the love of god you've heard about the faithfulness of god you've remembered who god was to you in the past and you see who he is in the present you're believing who he's going to be in the future and you saying if god is going to do all of that for me then i'm going to stand up for him anybody feel a little fight raising up in you this evening you feel a little bold there's some little intestinal fortitude that's that's picking up in you these men shadrach meshach and abednego have seen what god has done for them and they're choosing to stand with him even in front of nebuchadnezzar even in front of somebody who was threatened their lives even in front of somebody who has power over them ah they stand up and as nebuchadnezzar is speaking and he is speaking with venom in his throat oh my goodness he's speaking with all kinds of boldness in his chest he's he's trying to intimidate them he's trying to steamroll them with his power there is a fiery furnace if i didn't say before that is blazing behind them they see the immediate consequence and nebuchadnezzar believes that through intimidation he is going to overwhelm them but these boys will not be moved and i hope that there's somebody here on the chat somebody here who's a part of the message tonight who can say to me man god has been so good to me i shall not be moved say what you won't say ah try what you're gonna try do what you won't do i shall not be moved god has been too good to me god has been too faithful to me god has never failed me god has shown up for me and because he has done that stuff for me man he can count on me for this god can count on me oh oh my goodness they go in here and nebuchadnezzar says is it true that you have not burned or bowed down he does not even give them the opportunity to respond he says come on i'mma give you one more shot i'ma i'mma have the whole orchestra come back together from breaking and they're gonna play again and i need to see you right now i need to eyeball you bowing down and watch this and this is where you see where the full crux is i need somebody to hear this message and who is that god who will deliver you out of my hand oh my goodness he's not just intimidating them nebuchadnezzar has come directly for god who is that god who'll be able to deliver you from this come on he's heard the stories about these boys he's heard how they skirted the the table testies he's heard how they skirted the prophetic test in daniel chapter two and and these boys have gotten a a little too big for their britches they they they thought that they something special and yeah i gave them a little something but i need them to understand what's really who will be that god who is able to deliver you out of my hand but what nebuchadnezzar didn't know come on help me preach holy spirit what nebuchadnezzar didn't know is that when he said that when he said that when he said that god was listening when he said that the god of heaven had his ear attuned to what was going on when he said that god heard the challenge oh my goodness and i want to let you know that when the enemy is in your life where the enemy is trying to intimidate you when the enemy is trying to blow you over that there is a guy who hears the challenge there is a god who hears and sees what's going on and i just want to know i just i heard somebody say the other day i'ma say this and i want y'all to know that god don't play about me can somebody say that in the chat god don't play about me oh y'all play with me if you want to god don't play about me i'm this girl i'm his daughter come on i'm his prophetess i'm his pastor i'm history god don't play about me you mess with anybody else you mess with anybody down the street around the corner i don't know what your experience is with them but god don't play about me oh my goodness and then you know that just just brings me some comfort right here saying that tonight as i say to you and i declare to you god don't play about me oh my goodness didn't we say the other night in isaiah that he said when you pass through the waters i'll be right there and through the rivers they're not gonna overwhelm you and when you get in that fire you won't be burnt cause god don't play about me nebuchadnezzar put god's name in it somebody said i don't know where he got that idea from child i don't know but he put god's name in it and these men are so confident in the god that they have learned to serve personally they've been fasting and praying and seeing miracles they've been fasting and praying and seeing god show up they watched god fatten them on water and vegetable for three years they know what god can do and so they say to the oh my gosh to the leader of the world man don't even don't even call the people off break don't even worry about it you don't have to worry about bringing the orchestra back come on don't even trouble yourself don't spend one more moment you could bring 10 orchestras we ain't bound come on you say what you want to say we're not bowing we know our god is able to deliver us from your head and what would our lives be like if we could say to whatever the trial is don't even worry about it you trying to overwhelm don't even worry about it you trying to make me work on a day i don't want to work on don't even worry about it you trying to make me do some things i don't feel are a part of my morals and values don't even worry about it you don't have to go on and on about it we don't have to make this a long conversation come on let's keep this short and sweet oh my goodness cause i know my god is able to deliver you out of my hand he can deliver me oh my goodness but then they turn it up they turn it up and say but even if he don't even if he don't we still ain't going back do what you want oh my goodness you feeling froggy let's jump do what you want to do what's up oh my goodness i'm sorry the hebrew boys are ready for it they have seen what god can do over and over again and they will not allow this intimidation to stand and i believe this message is for somebody who's been intimidated in the spirit somebody who the enemy has been trying to intimidate oh my goodness god is trying to let y'all know come on but if not that god is able to deliver you god can pay the bill god can give you a new job god can't help your marriage god can deliver your spouse from something extra matter god can do all of that but even if he doesn't there's somebody here who's in the chat with me that said we still won't bow come on because my worship is not conditional my allegiance is not conditional my walk with god is not conditional i'm in this thing for the long haul he can't count on me tennis can somebody just write that in the chat i promise i'll move i promise i'll move he can count on me he can count on me oh my goodness he can count on me and listen so so not only has nebuchadnezzar brought god's name into the fight the boys brought god's name into the fight too come on when nebuchadnezzar tried to challenge god that the boy said god is up to the test oh my goodness when when nebuchadnezzar tried to challenge god the boy said god is able oh my goodness whenever caneza tries to challenge god the boy said that's our choice oh my goodness and there is something that happens can i oh help me hold me help me help me holy spirit there's something that happens when we put all our chips on god oh my goodness if you just pardon the vocal reference when we put all of our eggs in his basket when when we choose to walk with him no matter what when when we choose to be true to him no matter what no matter what the consequences no matter what well no matter what happens when we choose to be with him now god is pressured to respond and let me tell you when god start responding is something oh my goodness come on i promise i'll move on i'll move on i'll move on y'all with me y'all with me y'all with me here it is here it is the bible says that nebuchadnezzar was so angry that his face was distorted he looked like a whole different person he was so mad at what was happening because not only has god messed up his dream of himself and here go these men who are believing it and he can't even have full allegiance in his own country oh no nebuchadnezzar is not going to have this under his watch and so what nebuchadnezzar does is he tells his servants oh my goodness y'all just don't mind me he tells his servants to heat up the fire seven times higher oh wait can y'all tell me what does it look like for a fire to be heated seven times higher what what does that even look like i in the fire or fire i did a little bit of study and i realized that fires are not just fires that depending on the material that is burning that is how hot the fire can become and so whether or not a fire is uh just a simple gas fire or fire is a molten fire or a fire is burning up wood that determines how hot the fire is and so what nebuchadnezzar does is he heats the fire up seven times y'all hear me this is a uh uh indication that he heats it up as hot as it will become he's throwing all kind of stuff in the fire to make it hot in order to make the fire too hot for god to get in there y'all just give me a second he heats the fire up to make it too hot for god to handle y'all y'all ain't ready for this oh my god help me okay okay look he tries to make the fire so hot that god can't deliver these boys anybody feel like you're in a fire right now where the enemy is trying to make it so hot in your life where god can't get in there oh y'all oh y'all ain't ready he tried to heat it up so hot that god couldn't handle the fire but y'all he don't know he really didn't know who we was fooling with did he he made the fire so hot he's throwing lava in there come on whatever you think he's throwing steel in there he try to make it so hot that god can't get in there oh my goodness but he had the wrong god that day the bible said that he that that that the servants go and tie these boys up come on let help me preach i'm sorry for my time i promise i'll move he gets these boys and he ties them up the servants go to throw the boys in the fire and the fire is so hot that the fire kills the men who put the men in oh help me preach the holy ghost it's so hot that it kills the servants that throw the boys in there but as they get in there the bible says they're in there and nebuchadnezzar is watching this thing go down and nebuchadnezzar says then we throw three people in there [Music] y'all i'm trying to keep myself together didn't we throw three people in there i see a fourth and the fourth is like a son of the gods our bible studies oh let me not come for them many of us have thought that the boys were in there having a conversation with the first person the fourth person in that furnace right we thought that somehow the they knew they were accompanied in the furnace but there is nothing in the passage to suggest y'all that they knew that there was a fourth person in there the passage don't say they was having a conversation with the person in there the the passage doesn't say that they ever knew that there was a fourth person the passage says that the one person who saw the fourth in the fire was the one who asked what god the fourth person in the fire revealed themselves because nebuchadnezzar was asking a question and i'm saying to somebody in here today you in a hellish hot situation and you may not know that things have turned out well you may not know that you're not alone you may not know that god has handled it but trust and believe that one who created that hellish situation they see exactly what they need to see and god is looking for somebody who will be faithful in order to create a scenario for the enemy to see what god can do come on you are in the fire you are in the blaze you are in the challenge and somebody who's outside of the challenge who believes that god is not real who believes that god is not faithful needs to see god and i'm telling you that some of these things that god is allowing to burn in your life is not because he's mad at you but because he's trying to reveal himself to your enemy he's not trying to be mad at you he's not trying to destroy you but he's showing himself to someone else come on somebody put zechariah 2 5 up there when god makes this promise i want to i want to just give y'all something that i believe about this passage today he says god says then i myself will be a protective wall of fire around jerusalem says the lord and i will be the glory inside the city could it be that when nebuchadnezzar was setting that fire that god says let me step in here and replace this fire real quick come on ah there's a fire burning around but i'm gonna become the fire come on there's a fire burning but i won't get in here i'm gonna be the fire myself and that consuming fire burned everything that was supposed to be burnt and left everything alone that was supposed to stay come on you in the fire but you ain't burned up honey that's cause god is the fire god has become the fire god has become the consuming fire around you to protect you from the hand of the enemy and is there anybody in here who's in a hellish hot situation and you don't know why you've been just why you have not been destroyed you're in a hellish hot situation and you don't know why you're not burned up oh that's because god has become the fire for you are consuming fire a fire that's an intelligent fire come on it burns up the enemy and protects the people of god it burns up the enemy and burns off the ropes on the people of god it burns up the enemy but it was so hot in there come on that the people around and get burned up with the people inside the fire don't even smell like smoke that ain't no natural fire god stepped in that fire and became fire for them not because they did anything wrong but because god wanted to manifest himself to somebody who was asking a question never could necessarily bring them boys out of here bring him out he's looking over oh help me preach this holy spirit i'm closing he's looking over the men who he set on fire he's looking over the men who he tried his best to destroy and they come out of there just as suited and booted and clean as when they went in they don't even smell can i just add this come on i used to get my hair pressed and when i go to the hairdresser i could smell the hairdresser for the rest of the day you mean to tell me that they don't even smell like they went to the hairdresser they don't even smell like smoke cause god was in there with them tonight tonight tonight oh help me holy spirit there's somebody who's looking at you with shock and amazement because you were not supposed to survive what they put you through come on testify you were not supposed to make it through what they put you through but because you lived through the hell they set they know there's a guy there's a boss who's looking at you right now trying to figure out how in the world you still in your career because they did everything they talk to everybody they they set every paper trail and every email trail possible and you still in your position they know something supernatural is with you come on there is an old boyfriend old girlfriend old white old husband that tried their best to destroy you and the fact that you show up with your right mind baffles them every time you trying to figure out why people can't find the words when they speak to you cause they trying to figure out how in the world you still here they know that there is a god because you still exist but in order for that to happen somebody has to be ready to get in the fight come on i'm not talking about looking for a fight i'm not talking about going out there trying to punk the devil and all that no no when a fight comes to your doorstep you won't back down when a fight comes to your doorstep you're not gonna slink away you know that god is able and so you will stand there's somebody in here who who wants to be fired up tonight fired up to assist god with his fight come on if you need somebody to help you throw down god you got me if you need somebody to help you in this thing god i'm willing god if you need me to come in and be a a character witness for you i'm willing god if you need me i'm willing because these hebrew boys were willing to stand in front of nebuchadnezzar and withstand the fire a miracle happens there that is unprecedented in scripture nobody else had been through that kind of scenario it's an unprecedented miracle can i just speak a prophetic word over you now that god is going to allow you to experience unprecedented miracles in your moments of hardship because you have chosen to walk with him because you have chosen to honor him with your livelihood and with your money and with your time and with your talents god is going to express unprecedented miracles in you he's going to allow you to experience some things that have never happened before there's a number here on tonight i'm ready to close i'm i'm here there's a number here on tonight and and you're going through a hellish situation you thought god was mad at you you thought god had forgotten you but tonight you're in a situation where you recognize maybe god is wanting to use you as a character witness maybe god is asking you to be his tag team partner in this perhaps god is trying to reveal his character to somebody who has been an enemy of god you want somebody to pray with you you need some prayer support you want to officially sign up to be a part of helping god in his fight right here you can call or text seven 833-24273 two seven you in a hellish situation you got a hellish relationship a hellish job situation i'm telling you tonight it's not you it's not you you've been faithful it's not you you've been integral there's something bigger going on and i'm telling you that god can give you the power and the spiritual cover to keep you but you want to go ahead and you want to pray with somebody you need some prayer support eight three three two four two seven three two seven we're praying god give us the boldness to stand in the fight with you and we believe that if the fight calls us to fire that god can deliver us from the fire but even if not we still sticking with him oh my god lord here we are tonight and i have i have poured out everything i could i have done my best to tell your story but i'm asking that you would purpose this story and repurpose it for every person who is listening whether it is live or through a replay we pray for every device oh god that this will be played through and we ask that this word will be me in due season somebody is in a hellish situation right now a situation that people are making unnecessarily difficult because of their own narcissism but greater is he who is in us than he who's in the world and god we declare on today you can count on us lord we don't know we don't know how it's going to go we're just going to give what we can and that's our yes we're going to give what we can and that's our willingness god give us the words give us the experience god give us the instruction but lord you can count on us tonight you can count on me and we pray that at the end of all of it that you will be able to say well done oh god i'm praying for the mind of someone tonight who is about to break right now they're at the brink because of this hella situation i pray the peace of god that passes understanding to guard their heart and mind in christ jesus and i look forward to the testimony of how you made your people fire proof we're ready we're ready to tag in god use us is our prayer in your name amen oh my goodness thank you so much for joining me again and i hope that you'll join us on tomorrow night for another night of journey to joy god bless you my god my god i am fired up what a word from on high we pray and once again pastor lola johnston lola moore johnston you delivered because you're open to the holy spirit and there are those on this very live broadcast who need to answer the call we have prayer warriors she has invited and i want you to know if you are in that hellish situation that she was talking about god wants to restore and deliver god is the fire he wants whatever you're going through he wants to take over and give himself so that you can stand as a delivered individual in these last days i don't know about you but i have been blessed and i have been challenged and i have been awakened once again with the word from this great pastor leader pastor lola moore johnston it's about the spirit people have prayed and if in fact you need to be connected to a prayer warrior a person who will hear you out pray over you and you can get healing and wholeness your mind restored right now 833-242-7327 and god is going to bless you we are not finished we have an afterglow session and right now for the next few moments i'm going to bring on our moderator and that is josh pierre and the entire team and we're going to glow and we're going to just soak and saturate ourselves in what we just heard through this panel my god may god bless you as we continue amen amen let me tell you pastor peeler what a word full of fire and so as we're going into our after glow panel discussion we're going to take some uh embers from uh from that uh uh from that uh powerful message that fired up message from uh pastor johnston and so i'm here with my great panel tonight uh sisters anita watson and elder michael cox good evening you all i don't know about you but i was on the edge of life yes johnson brought the word and i'm going to start with you um the challenge oh good and sister uh the najabi has joined us as well for our multi-generational panel welcome tonight so zanita i was here was the challenge that was uh cast down right at the beginning what god will be able to deliver you from my wrath how do what is your response to how god shows up for his people zanita it might be either in very deep meditation or she may be frozen so we're going to go ahead to uh elder michael how do you respond to that challenge right off the bat wow i tell you god's love and his power is awesome when you think about how these three young men stood for him uh you know sometimes we we we think that we need to uh go with the crowd or go with this or that but they said no we are standing for god this is what he says and come hell or high water we are going to stand because we know our god will take care of us all right all right thank you and i'm gonna go back to you sisters anita you know i'm someone who loves great dialogue you give me a movie you give me a book where there is great dialogue and that's where i become riveted but right here in scripture pastor johnson broke down some great dialogue right there because the three hebrew boys in the face of the most powerful man on the planet was able to build a 90-foot statue there they're there they're able to look at him in the face and say even if my god is not there i will continue to serve him how do we get that level of integrity and that trust uh in god well it's about faith and personal experience and i can only speak to myself if you'll bear with me elder josh it just makes me think of when i was in kindergarten right my older sister she went to the same school as me she's three years older there was this big girl on the playground who's to bully me all the time she used to make my life horrible and i always be like i'ma tell my sister i'm gonna tell my sister and her name was dominique and she was tall too right she was just nobody wanted to mess with this girl she was the nebuchadnezzar of the playground and i remember she kept laughing at me like your sister's not gonna do nothing and one day my sister that third grader she came out there with all her gang of friends and let me tell you something after that day miss dominique never messed with me again and it's that confidence i had faith because i feel the the love of my sister surrounding me all the time it's just like i have that connection with christ so because i feel his love i have that confidence that faith that he's going to come through no matter what so when we're talking about nebuchadnezzar being that big old bully it made me think about dominique from the playground and it made me think about how my sister had my back just like god is always going to have your back yes he will yes he will and insisting the zombie how about the fact how about the fact that uh pastor johnson went to that where he said god used the very element which is fire that that that nebuchadnezzar thought he was going to use to destroy uh those three hebrew boys god was able to use that very element to show himself and the power that he has so much so that nebuchadnezzar could identify exactly who it was by saying that is the son of god in the midst of those hebrew boys yes because god is fire right yeah fire of the holy spirit right he's the one who who surrounds us with his love he's the one who cannot be defeated regardless of what anybody else thinks some people will use whatever instrument they have in their hands thinking that that instrument is going to destroy you but in fact god uses that same or element to show his power that he is able to get you out of any situation and that we are not to be afraid we are not to think that oh this is going to hurt or this is how how people are going to think about me you just go it i just go trusting the lord because without trust there cannot be a relationship and god in our past has shown himself to be faithful yes yes man i tell you you all are just as fired up as i am and we know we could be talking about this thing all night long but we know that our time is short but we have to re-emphasize what pastor johnston said is that god is waiting for us to show up with integrity and to be faithful that so that he can show out and rescue us even in the midst of the biggest trouble but what we always like to end our discussions with panel is to remind everyone that the journey to joy is what that's right two of y'all got it right mike we'll cry hey the lord bless everyone stay tuned for our wheel of blessing uh let's wave to everyone and say good night as we yield our floor back to uh good night peace amen amen good evening saints i am fired up my basement is a little cold but the sermon woke me up and thank you so much patrick johnson again for another impactful message and you know what time it is it is the will of blessing time and we're going to put it up on the screen right now and we're going to spin the wheel as uh oh we do and as we have every single night and you're probably wondering how do i get on the wheel it's super simple hop on at seven o'clock when our stream starts and put your name and where you're from or your church home and we will put you on the wheel and we will spin it every night uh until someone wins and and remember to stay on until the end so that uh as your name is called you can put it in the chat and we can send you your gift so we're gonna go ahead and spin the wheel for tonight and i'm excited to see who it is i'm excited to be a blessing uh as our church and it looks like it's gregory vaughn gregory vaughn if if you're still watching gregory go ahead and put your name in the chat right now so we can send you that gift gregory if you're watching go ahead and put your name in the chat right now so we can send you that gift and since as we wait for gregory we again want to thank everyone that has been a part of our bible conference um and if in this moment the holy spirit is convicting you to be a part of the bible conference and to support it financially and our entire church financially we're gonna put up different ways to give on the screen right now as uh we we continue on in the service um there are are a few different ways to give um and especially online and we want to thank you in advance for allowing god to use you as we uh continue to spread his word well it looks like gregory is not replying so what we're gonna do is we're gonna spin the wheel again we're gonna spin this wheel again until someone wins so we're gonna spin the wheel again and if you're watching go ahead and reply go ahead and reply and it looks like it is sister lanetta you have won the wheel of blessing for tonight you have won the wheel of blessing for tonight uh and i see your name in the chat already so we are gonna go ahead and send it to you sister uh and we are excited for you as god continues to bless congratulations to you and in this moment i'm gonna invite our co-host to come back up stephanie uh i'm gonna invite you to come back up as we wrap up and continue to stay on saints because we're gonna drop tomorrow's topic in this live stream we're gonna drop tomorrow's topic in the live stream after uh our co-host stephanie prays hey stephanie i think you're on mute so go ahead and meet yourself real quick and could you just offer our prayer for tonight all right let's clear our house in mind say heavenly father we come to you so humbly tonight to say thank you for this awesome awesome amazing blessed fired up word that we have for my pastor tonight dead guy i pray that we take this word and use it in our lives tomorrow in the next hour i pray that we text it to our friends to our family members and i pray that we even remember this word as we walk by our strangers on the street there god i pray that we know that we have to stay fired up with you because you are the fire god you are protected to god and you know how to reveal the truth not only to us but to our enemies we truly appreciate you and we love you so much god continue for people to join the journey to joy because the journey to joy is a journey to christ and continue to be our lord and savior in jesus name i do pray amen amen amen i want to thank our wonderful co-host tonight thank you so much stephanie uh i i hope that tonight has been a blessing to you as we wrap up oh amen i'm fired up and i can't wait to use this word tomorrow amen amen amen and we're gonna drop tomorrow's topic right now it is the blueprint the blueprint so tomorrow wednesday night we're gonna start at seven o'clock and we're going to go right into our topic the blueprint you don't want to miss it go ahead like share and subscribe uh to the capitol hill seventh-day adventist church as we are always on the move with god and where kindness is intentional thank you so much to pastor johnson for dropping a amazing impactful spirit-filled message and our wonderful panel lists for joining us and we all have the bully that we have been uh fighting either online or in person but we know that god will continue to stand up for us and protect us and will be our fire in all of life's situations i will see you tomorrow night at seven o'clock for the blueprint have a wonderful evening saints the journey to joy is the journey [Music] you
Channel: Capitol Hill SDA
Views: 454
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RIDr3sAHwyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 23sec (5663 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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