Community Worship Center featuring Pastor Clifford Manie - "The Gift Of Greatness"

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you [Music] now we want to welcome you to sabbath school this morning and to those who are watching us online we welcome you to our sabbath school here at community worship center of seventh-day adventists here in new york city it is a beautiful sabbath morning only the unfortunate thing is it is the date that we have here in america the most gruesome death took place 9 11. but here we are on another beautiful sabbath morning to worship and to praise and to adore our lord we have been studying this quarter under the caption of resting in jesus several kinds of rest but i prefer resting in jesus it takes us away from mundane things from the cares of this life and we rest in the lord this is his promise come unto me all he that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest the lord says he will do something he will do it we trust you are resting in jesus this morning subject of our lesson today is looking for more sabbath school lesson looking for more and our memory verse is taken from first corinthians 10 and verse 6 e s v that's english standard version and let's say together now these things took place as example for us that we might desire evil as they did all right we bless the lord for that these things happen for example we either emulate an example or we avoid the example and we see here this morning an example that we need not follow god in his great wisdom gave israel his name in the earth satan decided that god's name is to be blotted out from among men and god decided his name is to be preserved in the earth and that's called the great controversy been going on for a while god entrusted his name to the children of israel but they disobeyed the lord and as a result of that he send them into captivity god caused hedon to bring into captivity his people his children in an attempt to preserve his name in the earth somehow these 430 years of slavery in egypt israel forgot the sabbath they forgot a lot of things but then the lord said moses go down and tell pharaoh to let my people go that was not a statement that was not a request that was a command when moses stole pharaoh pharaoh said who is god that i should obey him that means i am god and the lord ultimately showed him who was god and thank god the children of israel they were liberated from egyptian slavery for over 430 years liberated and directed from egypt the lord is now taking them into the land of canaan and god in the bible call the land of canaan a land of rest the ultimate rest for the people of god here they are leaving israel leaving egypt and now they come to the red sea god says moses stretch your rod across the red sea and the people of god pass through the red sea and the bible says in passing through the red sea they were now baptized that was a baptism going from egypt to canaan onto a land of rest well now they were baptized and after baptism [Music] there began another kind of rest rest number one rest number two is when they reach the land of canaan but now they were to take just about seven days from egypt to canaan if israel had obeyed the lord they would go straight into the land of canaan in seven days but instead of seven days how long did it take them to get to canaan long years and the bible says not one of the original israelites that left egypt entered canaan except caleb and joshua and of course their descendant but all almost 2 million israelites died in the jesus says they were not going to enter his rest his ultimate risk the land of canaan and that's exactly what happened why did that happen murmuring and complaining and crying and disbelief there came a time when the lord says moses step out of the way i'm going to destroy this people moses says lord destroy me and save these people what a what a leader you know something pastor it was even more than that with moses he even asked the lord to take his name out of the book of life to save these rebels now that takes a whole lot of uh gumption to do that because the only way we can get into heaven is if our name's in the lamb's book that shows how much love he had for the children of israel and just think about it god loved them more than moses did hallelujah bless the lord so here we are god's children baptized now they leave behind us egypt and what happened in egypt egypt was the land of slavery right yes now the bible says all these things happen the experience we are studying about here is for an example to us egypt then was the land of slavery yes the same thing is true with us oh there was a day when we were out there in the world we know not the lord thank god for the day when the gospel reached our ears and we softened our hearts and we gave our lives to the lord jesus christ so so pastor um one interjection here the the lessons today focus on longing for more what is the more and is this longing what caused israel to murmur was they were they impatient i mean what are they longing for what they ought to be longing for is that ultimate rest that the lord promised but instead of longing for and preparing for they murmured themselves into hell many of israelites are lost because you know we read the book in in psalms god called what happened in egypt those years in the wilderness of 40 years the lord called it a time of provocation right oh they provoked god solely those 40 years in the wilderness so they ought to be like they should have been longing for home so they should be longing so this longing for more here is for home right the place where they would find that final rest right but that was a little bit more than canaan wasn't it oh yeah absolutely that was the ultimate rest that god promised so here we have the picture now we have left the world israel has left behind slavery the example here is we were out there in this dark world of sin no not god oh we were haters we were to alcohol slave to all sorts of sin but now when we are baptized the bible says we ought to leave those behind that slavery that period of slavery we leave it behind baptized as the children of israel were baptized as they walked through the red sea when we went in the pool we were baptized we ought to leave behind us here's the thing the whole world and now enter into jesus's rest you know the children of israel one of the reasons why god couldn't take them into the promised land with within a certain time frame like a week they could have done that but they had a problem and god had to it took 40 years for him to get that through their heads as soon as they was at mount sinai and moses went up into that mountain to get the law that god was going to give them after he had spoke the law 40 days they were ready to go back into slavery lead us back give us a god that we can touch the god that they say he's invisible the egyptians have gods they can touch these gods we want a god that we can touch and and and aaron didn't have backbone decided he was going to give them a god and told moses to lie that i threw the gold in and this this golden image came out god had something on his hands that he wanted to give them more than what they was expecting he didn't want them to go back into slavery they was ready to go back let us go back and all because of appetite oh my goodness and so that is why the lord called the years that israel spent in the wilderness years of provocation but now as they traveled through the wilderness the lord gave them certain commands as to how to worship and prepare to enter his final rest which is the land of canaan we had something called type and antitype now those are some strange words you don't need to be confused with them types and antitypes and all of that it simply means the lord gave israel certain commands of how to have their sins forgiven and that was through the will they said let them build me a sanctuary that i might dwell among them and all the service of forgiveness of sin nine o'clock in the morning there was to be the worship service three o'clock in the evening another worship service those two services grant the opportunity for us to have our sins forgiven and all of that took place for 40 years the children of israel would bring a lamb and you know that entire sanctuary program there bring a lamb lay their hand on the head of the lamb confer transfer their sin to the lamb and all of that and the priests would take the blood in the sanctuary and up to the altar and put it on the altar and all of all of that was representing the day when the lord jesus christ would be slain on calvary's [Music] for all of his children and when they did all of that they were to be in rest number one forgetting what happened in israel in egypt now they are in the land of well traveling through the wilderness rest number one and so it is with us here we are the rest number one this is where we are right now we have given our lives to the lord jesus and i trust we are not emulating israel same thing they did we don't want to make the same mistakes they made the day is coming when the land of canaan will be ours so pastor sunday what does baptizing moses mean what baptizing ties into moses what does that mean well baptizing into moses that was the lord pointing out that when god told moses to stretch his rod across the sea and the sea was parted and the children of israel walked on dry ground but on both sides was water and that act was an act of baptism now lesson called that the baptism of moses but that was baptism right so in other words it's important for us to understand that that is not different than the baptism that we do today we're still baptized in the holy spirit and if we could recall the encounter that the apostle had when he met some believers and he said to them who under what did were you baptized right right they said on the john and he clearly state well you know get re-baptized it should be under the holy spirit so let's there be confusion it's just the act of moses and his rod that they're talking about here but back then today and forever you're baptized father son holy spirit correct absolutely and we trust by god's grace as we emulate we follow that example when we are baptized we leave the old world behind us and enter jesus's rest i call it rest number one rest number two is when jesus comes again and we are saved in the kingdom that will be the land of canaan ella okay so tuesday we're going to talk about the examples of res okay so besides the examples we already have looked at this idea and type of types and symbols can apply to the biblical concept of rest as well to see this we go into the new testament to the book of hebrews um so they the uh lesson access to reach hebrews 4 1 through 11. i'm not going to read all one through 11 but i'm going to read um uh verse 3 and 4 for we which have believed believed do enter into rest as he said as i have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world for he spake spoke in the certain place of the seventh day on this wise and god did his arrest the seventh day from all his works so um as as we can see the um the exodus the wilderness wanderings offer additional insights into the idea of entering into god's rest so um so how would we answer that the weekly sabbath rest points to the eternal eternity rest with god be faithful and do not doubt the theme of uh perseverance and faithfulness is very important here though talking about the seventh-day sabbath the main focus of this verse and what came before okay is really a call for god's people to be preserving in faith that is to remain faithful to the lord and the gospel okay so again uh verse uh chapter four hebrews chapter four verse three again what was the main problem with the people refer referred to what lesson can we take from this ourselves who um have had the gospel preached to us as well as to them so i i guess i'm going to pose that question to the pastors on the panel okay so yeah you know i'm looking at what you're saying here for verse 3 for we who have believed do enter that rest as he has said so i swore in my wrath this god talking they shall not enter my rest we have to it's one thing when people say they're good people god is not looking for good people he's looking for obedient people people that are going to obey his word if you're not going to obey god's word his commandments you cannot enter into his rest i'm not going to let you into my rest because you are not obeying my word god is precise he said i am the lord i change not right i'm not going to change my mind because somebody told me you're a good person there are people going around saying their child out at 12 o'clock at night and they get into trouble and the first thing mom says he's a good boy really right if he was a good boy he would listen to mom if mom had any sense you stay home and and rest so you can go to school tomorrow god once again god is not looking for good people he's looking for obedient people and when you're obedient to god you have to go through some things you have to go through some trials and tribulations and you don't give up that god is going to leave you he said i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you we have to hold on to that and not give up on god because god has never given up on us how do we know that did he give up on the israelites so so in other words to to have faith to obey to trust the bottom line main problem here is faith right you cannot enter god's rest without faith because why was the time in the wilderness a time of provocation israel lack faith their main problem was a lack of faith they want to turn back to what they know because they lack faith they don't trust god to understand that the future will work out so the first problem you know what let me run back to what i know and i stayed over here i wouldn't face this problem why faith calls you to trust god about what you cannot see so you cannot enter rest without faith and us having the sabbath each day test us on our faith are you here hearing the sermon and the message god has for you and trust that god is taking care of every other problem or are you sitting and worrying about it this is your test this is saying do you have faith you cannot enter you cannot persevere you cannot trust you cannot obey without faith that's where it all begins amen amen so israel did hear the gospel the text continues but the world did not profit them instead of having their faith strengthened by trust and obedience they chose rebellion and thus they never experienced the rest that god wanted for them okay uh hebrews 4 3 also points out the close relationship between faith and rest we could enter into his rest only when we believe and trust the one who promised rest and who can deliver these prom this promise and that is of course jesus christ okay um okay so the question uh how can we unders how can an understanding of what is what it means to be saved by the blood of jesus help us enter into the kind of rest that we can have in jesus knowing that we are saved by grace and not by works i mean we are we all we know is that the bible says that blood is required for saving us from sin it doesn't explain how the blood work it doesn't say any of that all we know is that jesus sacrificed himself to save us from our sin and so the bible says the wages of sin is death right and so when you're dead you know nothing only the life giver can resurrect you hence no created being could die to save us it takes god himself to sacrifice himself as the creator he said he lay down his own life and then he pick it up back again because he has the power to do that no one else has that power and therefore it require his blood the creator's blood to save us from the wages of sin which was death amen amen okay so wednesday harden not your hearts okay um i'm gonna read psalms 95 8-11 uh what warning is giving there both in psalms and in hebrews and what should it say to us today so psalms 95 8-8-11 hard not your heart as in the provocation and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness when your fathers tempted me proved me and saw my work forty years long was i grieved with this generation and said it is a people that do err in heart in their heart and they have not known my ways unto whom i swear and my wrath that they should not enter into my rest yes whom i swear they shall not enter my rest yes we need to avoid that don't we yes we do absolutely absolutely but of course israel did enter the promised land a new generation crossed the border and with god's health took the strongholds of the land and settled there they did they did not however enter into god's rest the idea being that many did not experience the reality of salvation in jesus because their lack of faith was manifested by flagrant disobedience so they deliberately disobeyed god even though rest was associated with the land it included more than just where the people lived okay um so today expresses uh urgency today means that there is no more time to diddle around today requires a response and decision now paul grabs hold of the word yet simmering today and really emphasizes how important it is in the context of rest psalms 95 7-8 meanwhile is a warning and a plea to god's people not to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors and fail to enter into the truth rest that is found only in the salvation god offers us so why is delay dangerous today that was the command why is delay dangerous and that's for anyone on the panel why is delay dangerous delay is dangerous in every faith every way you look at it paul says today now tomorrow is not promised [Music] oh this week that has gone here we have had so many debts in our church family this is a day that this great country is looking back on 9 11. paul says if you hear the gospel today don't wait tomorrow is not promised and and today is very important and it's important that we note that because the longer something persists think about each of our own lives right if you have a habit the longer you keep doing it the more it takes a stronghold right that's what the bible is referring to when it says you're hardening your heart because it becomes a habit to the point of when the holy spirit continue to say that's wrong you know eventually your mind begin to dismiss it as being wrong it begins to accept it as normal and so today it's important to do it today so that sin doesn't have a stronghold over you amen right that's the warning that paul raised today if you hear the gospel harden not your heart thank you elder you know the children of israel finally reached the promised land it took a while for them to understand why they were out there a whole new generation as we have said was now preparing to go into the promised land moses had to before moses died moses had to go over all of the precepts that they probably had not heard or remembered because they were not some of them were not alive when they was at mount sinai and he had to go over them over the ten commandments everything now they're at the promised land the first time they were at the borders they did not go in now is the time to go in but now we're going to take it up another step we're talking about conquering a heavenly city we're not in the heavenly city yet but there's an opportunity for us to go into the heavenly city we're not jews as the jews were back in the day but we are spiritual jews everyone and the sight of god god said you're all one i love all of you we all have an opportunity to be saved we all have opportunity to go into that rest that god has prepared for us and i like to think this that that rest that god is talking about is the rest from sin i don't know about you but i am sick and tired of what i'm saying day after day and even if i look at my own self i don't like a lot of times what i say about me mercy you know self is the most damaging thing that will keep you out of the kingdom we are selfish we want to get to heaven our own way there's a saying that says you take the high road i'll take the low road and we'll see if we all get there together there is no high road no low road there's only the straight and narrow path that we must pass through and it's not going to be easy it's going to be hard it's going to be rough because our characters are corrupted and the only person that could help us with our character is jesus he shed his blood for us he he told them he said um in in the desert in the wilderness he gave them an example when he they killed the the uh the lambs the goats the bullocks all this blood oh it was a lot of blood being shed but that was to remind them that the lamb of god slain from the foundation of the world was going to shed his blood and jesus not only shed his blood on the cross he started shedding his blood in the garden of gethsemane we are all in this together god wants to take us to his rest do you want to have that rest brothers and sisters you have to make up your mind it's not going to be easy do you think it was easy going through the desert for 40 years they suffered even though god blessed them but they still suffered on different things because they let down their guard many times and god punished them for that but he did not give up on them he kept them from being sick but they still turned their back on god many times he built he had moses to build a serpent he said after they were being uh attacked but the scorpions just look some of some look some say oh no i'm not gonna look kind of make you think about what we're going through now with this you know you know what the injections are you know i'm not new i have my freedom so they had their freedom and they died but god wants to take us entrance into his rest take us away from all the sin that we're going through the heartache the pain depression he said if your if your burdens are heavy give them to me for my burden is light your yoke is heavy but my yoke is light i will get you through and we can as they say we can go to the bank on that because god's word is true we cannot allow the people out there in the world to deter us there was a mixed multitude that came out of egypt they were the ones that wanted to go back to egypt and the children of israel listening to the mixed multitude started chanting the same thing let us go back let us go back but god said we're going forward it might take you longer than you expected but it was necessary for them to go through the wilderness those 40 years they were not ready to go into the promised land by any way shape or form god knew that and we have to trust god now i want to read this god has said he will give us his rest his rest is his peace his peace passes all understanding we are not always willing to come to jesus with our trials and difficulties sometimes when we go through a trial or have a difficulty god is the last person that we contact we will contact the bank if it's a financial problem the credit union we will go to uncle aunty cousin friend and then at the last result let's go to jesus jesus said okay you've been driving all this time and i've been sitting in the back of the car now if you're willing let me drive a while you sit in the back and i've learned in my experience that i've learned to sit in the back and let jesus drive sometimes we pour out our troubles onto human ears and tell our affliction to those who cannot help us the only person that can help us is jesus to and neglect to confine all it says all to jesus who is able to change the sorrowful way to path of joy and peace self-denying self-sacrificing gives joy and victory to the cross the promise of god are precious we must study his words if we would know his will the words of inspiration carefully studied and practically obeyed will lead our feet in a plain path where we may walk without stumbling oh that all ministers all ministers and people will take their burdens and perplexities to jesus who is waiting to receive them and to give them peace and rest amen he will never forsake those who put their trust in him i i like this one question he said what's so special about the seventh-day sabbath that it prefigures god's heavenly rest for his people what is that is how does the sabbath rest give us a foretaste of eternity the sabbath which we are now on is not like any other day some seventh-day adventists look at the sabbath not as a holy day but as a holiday it is not a holiday it is a holy day that god has sanctified and he's taken sanctified people we have set aside this day he has set aside us to obey him and to listen he wants to give us something that we have never had yet and still we want god to change his mind to our will there is no changing of god's mind there is a court of appeals in this country we have a court of appeals if they don't like the law you can appeal if god's law cannot be appealed uh and pastor the the lesson beautifully answered that question by the way because it says hebrews 4 says that the end time focus on god's special rest has been present since creation and that the celebration of sabbat rest offers a small weekly taste of that end time rest and also the lesson further goes on to see the very best preparation you can have for christ's second appearing is to rest with firm faith in the great salvation brought to us at his first coming absolutely absolutely that's something we can we can count on i'll tell you i don't know about you brother but are you tired the way this world is going god says i have a rest i have peace and i will give it to you just be faithful to the end and you will receive a crown of life i will give you a harp to play and i will give you eternal life and it has to be done my way and nobody else's way oh hallelujah rest so we have a beautiful picture in our study this week israel is in captivity that's slavery israel is baptized as they pass through the red sea we must leave behind slavery after our baptism entering the wilderness is rest number one leaving behind some of those stuff that plagued us when we were out there in the world hatred alcohol prostitution evil all of those after i am baptized i am resting from those things and here we are marching to the land of canaan strange enough god holds out for us an eternal rest when it's all over eternal life is going to be yours but unfortunately israel almost 2 million israelites lost their lives in the wilderness those 40 years god says because of disobedient they shall not enter my rest oh i trust the lord is not saying the same thing about us because of our murmuring and disobedience and complaining everything is wrong god wants us to put that behind us and as our sister point out we need to increase our faith in christ jesus is the one who promised rest he gives us rest and that is a big mistake that the jews made even though they entered the promised land yet they did not accept jesus as messiah and as a result of that many jews are still going to be lost they tell themselves that we are sons and daughters of abraham and as by being sons and daughters of abraham who need jesus well the bible says there is no other name given among men whereby we can be saved but christ so we trust by god's grace we are seeing clearly what god has in store for you he has an ultimate rest the land of canaan and this case is going to be home at home at last trust that everyone within the song of my voice everyone watching online i hope you're planning to be there god is holding it out for you he's going to give it to you you just have to remain faithful until the day when we enter the land of promise that's going to be forever and forever and forever thank you dear lord for what we have uncovered from the study of your words this week help your children to be faithful so that one day we might enter the ultimate rest the land of promise this we ask in the precious name of jesus our savior and friend amen and amen god bless you those who have joined us online thank you for joining us we trust that you've gotten a blessing as we studied today continue to study god's word on resting in jesus we will see you next sabbath same time the same place [Music] stewardship is one of the few topics in church that doesn't necessarily excite the people the moment that we start talking about money most people tune out or turn away because the truth is we really don't like talking about money in church a matter of fact you're listening to me right now and you're probably tense and triggered because when the plate for offering goes around today online or in person you did not participate by giving i want to encourage you given is an ideal part of worship and when we give we are simply showing our gratitude to god for the blessings we receive in the book of malachi 3 verse 10 the question is asked will a man rob god notice it didn't say will a man steal from god because when you steal something you take it without the person seeing you you steal it while they are not watching however on the contrary when you rob someone you actually go up to them and take something from them ask yourself this question do you really want to rob god with all the things he has given to you with all the blessings he's bestowed to you do you really want to rob him i know i don't want to rob him because he's been too good to me therefore i will always give back to him some of what he blesses me with i will return to him my tithe and offering [Music] is [Music] [Music] so so how great with is how great is [Music] oh me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i lift my head [Music] i praise you [Music] is [Music] [Music] i praise you [Applause] to give you praise [Music] i pray [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] say we have to give you [Music] we [Music] victory [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] he is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he is [Music] and the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] psalm 65 8 says the whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders where morning dawns where evening fades you call forth songs of joy today another opportunity has dawned and we have the joy to worship our savior he is calling each one of us to enter into a worship experience with him leave behind the baggage and just enter into his presence today welcome and thanks for tuning in let's join the service that is already in progress [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] for he is worthy [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] for he is worthy of our is [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] i was glad when they said unto me come let us go into the house of the lord oh come let us magnify the lord forever let us exalt his name forever the church is called the worship [Music] let angels crush [Music] him [Music] is the only one of israel or creator or savior and or lord abba father today we have come to this place your holy temple seeking your face desiring an audience with you we're here because you are on record as saying that if only two or three of us were to gather together that you would show up in our midst and so lord we thank you for having graced us with your presence for having condescended to us lord we thank you for and we celebrate the gift of life and your enduring love that you have so liberally lavished on us lord we pray that you will quiet the noisy chapter in our minds so we'll be able to listen attentively to your still sweet voice lord we pray that you will endow us with your wisdom that you will empower us with your holy spirit that what whatever we think we say and do will be to your name's honor and glory we ask these all these things in the precious name of your son jesus amen amen [Music] we is [Music] will all our visitors please stand men all our visitors please stand [Music] man i would like to extend a very warm welcome to each and every one of you we are happy that you chose to join us today whether it's your first time or your returning visitor we welcome you and for our online visitors we welcome you and thank you for joining us today we know that you could have chose to be elsewhere and that you chose to be with us or regular members thank you for returning to church and for the fellowship that we will enjoy today together throughout this holy sabbath day the word said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord to worship so on behalf of our pastor pastor dr abraham j jules and our cwc family welcome welcome welcome have a happy holy and blessed sabbath now for a few brief announcements i beg your attention for one minute few minutes um brother joseph guinness one of our deacons i'm sure we all know brother joseph guinness but joe lost his brother in birmingham england last week actually so we extend our sympathies to brother guinness and i ask you all to just lift up for the guinness and his family in prayer so that the family will find peace and we also are aware of of all the issues that haiti is facing so we're asking for contributions towards the people in haiti and the contribution items can include special offering and non-perishable items personal hygiene items personal care items like wash cloths hand towels toothpaste toothbrush bar and liquid soap shoes flip-flops sneakers sleeping bags bed sheets pillowcases tents flashlights batteries and of course monetary support uh all of your contributions can be brought here to the church uh and and the monetary contribution can be done through our regular uh giving options just indicate that it's for haiti and we will make sure it gets to the right place and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me we also offer our students who are at our seventh-day adventist institutions three-way scholarships so if you have a child in a seventh-day adventist institution of higher learning please submit or reach out to dr combs dr ames or myself so that we can assist you with getting that three-way scholarship application completed please do it as soon as possible because there is a deadline for it uh september 25th there will be a special program here at cwc in the afternoon at 4 pm sponsored by the city of new york on elderly care and estate planning and elected officials will be in person for this program please see sister lastinia grant if you have any questions about it the women's ministry hosts a fireside chat every other month so this evening at 8 00 pm our women's ministry fireside chat will be on so we invite all our ladies to please it's a it's going to be a zoom program please come out and join us and the information is on the women's ministry site and we'll make sure it's on the church's site also so that you can all feel free to join we also have a prayer breakfast on september 18th at 8 00 a.m breakfast will be served and then we pray from 8 30 to 9 30. and this is a prayer breakfast that's sponsored by the women's and men's ministry also along with our family life department headed by sister natalie williams men's ministries in the woods and women's ministries myself elder providence but we invite everyone to come out so that we can pray together and become more powerful together um clarissa stevenson aka auntie goody and it says the lady always accompanies sister eda davis and sister laverne to church on saturdays she died last week and her funeral service will be held here tomorrow that's sunday september 12th viewing is at 11 a.m and the service begins at noon so we extend our sympathies to the family please remember them in your prayers the the northeastern conference also is sponsoring a volleyball league and registration is from july 25th to september 18. so those who are interested in becoming a part of that volleyball league please feel free to contact me so i can provide you the information for the uh right channels in terms of getting your registration done but it's sponsored by the northeastern conference and then last but not least the singles ministry book club continues and tomorrow at 7 00 and their their information is also on the website in terms of access it's a zoom meeting they will be covering chapter 68 through 70 of eg white's adventist hope so please join support enjoy and grow i thank you for your time and have a blessed day everyone our own in him as number 528 a shelter in the time of storm please stand [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] i'll show [Music] a shelter in the time [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] a shelter in the time [Music] why [Music] oh [Music] forever [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] huh [Music] oh praise the lord for that our lord is the shelter in the time of storm and if there is any time that we're having storms it is now so we need jesus we need him we're gonna talk with him now [Music] and if you so desire leave your seat take that walk of faith angels require that you're asking god to do something special for you they are here come then as we seek the lord in prayer [Music] you are my grandview [Music] you are my fortress [Music] i [Music] will try [Music] angels [Music] [Music] time [Music] when i call you ah foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lord we come before thee now at thy feet we do humbly bow oh do not our suit disdain shall we seek the lord in vain your children have come this morning lord we have come from far and near we've come lord because we feel our great need of thee one day it was you who stepped out into nothing spake this world into existence brought us into existence gave this world to us and declare to us occupy for one day you're coming back and will require of us what we have done in your world thank you lord for these many years that you have kept us here thank you for even bringing us into existence somehow the day came when we've come to know you as lord thank you lord for that information thank you for the hope that we live with sin has tossed us through the ranion when we would do good evil as present lord and we fail you this is not the desire of our hearts so we run to you this morning for faith and for strength to live the christian life because what we desire to do is to live a life that pleases you so lord we ask you now that you will give us strength beat back the powers of darkness keep satan at bay their lord from your children so that we might live a life that is pleasing lord we are living in a day that is a dark day in this world times it's dark down here sometimes but oh lord you declare that we are the light of the world lord we ask that you will shine through men and women may see and have hope that there is still a god in israel o loving father your children have left their seats they have taken this walk of faith they have come to this altar o lord you alone know why they have done so oh i pray lord that you will look down in mercy upon your children answer their requests oh lord we know you will never disappoint faith and trust in you so we ask now lord that you will answer their prayers that walk of faith that they took their lord jesus we pray that you will answer the request of your children there are those who are watching us in distant lands here in this great city at home oh lord because of the pandemic we're not able to come together the way we are but oh lord we ask now that you will be with your children wherever they are in their bedrooms their living rooms in front of that television screen oh god we pray that you would remind them that your presence is right there with them we ask no law that you will remember those who are mourning with all throughout this week that has passed you've heard of so many who have lost their lives or gone home to jesus oh we pray that you will comfort those family come for those who mourn this morning help them to know that there is a bomb in gilead that will not disappoint your children here in this great country of ours 20 years ago so many individuals have lost their lives even until today that pain is raw oh god we pray that you will comfort those who are mourning them to recognize that one day this problem of sin will be over our blessed lord will come again pray lord that you will remember those who are suffering great laws because of this great pandemic that we're surfacing oh god we pray that you will beat back the powers of darkness keep satan at bay from your children you promise law that you will not put any of this disease upon your children oh god we pray that you will preserve them in the midst of this pandemic that is taking place the storms have come new orleans there are many who have nothing to eat this morning so many have nowhere to lay their heads oh god we pray that you will attend to the children who are suffering down there in 80 oh precious lord even until now there is great suffering and loss i present before you these conditions dear lord you promise lord that you will attempt in the cry of your children oh god hear us from your throne above be merciful to us help us to recognize that all these things are happening because they are signs of your second coming help us to get ready stay ready and help others to be ready for that grand occasion keep us lord because we cannot keep ourselves pray now lord that as we serve it as we worship you today here in this service of praise lord hide pastor manny behind calvary's cross give him a message that will comfort your children then lord bless our pastor dr jules as he stands in another pulpit this morning to deliver your word i had him behind the cross of calvary and may jesus be exalted bless us now lord as we worship you today then lord when it is yours to come may we hear from your blessed lives the words well done thou good and faithful servant and that i and the joy of thy lord this we ask in the precious name of jesus our savior and friend amen and amen [Music] well [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i'll trust you i'll trust you [Music] the angels are all around me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i was sinking deep in sin very far from the peace full shore [Music] bury deeply stained within sinking to rise no more no more but the master of the sea he heard my despairing cry then from the water he lifted [Music] it was it lifted me love lifted me where nothing else could help god's love [Music] his life lifted me oh yes his love lifted me when nothing else could help god's love lifted me thank god he gave his son my god he gave his son when nothing else could help my god he gave my god he gave his son oh my god he gave his son [Music] his son his son he gave his life [Music] god [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] his life it set me free his life set me [Music] could free god's son's life [Music] his life [Music] his life set me free when nothing else could help god sounds like jesus set us free [Music] indeed hallelujah now i'm free indeed [Music] [Music] god made sure we were free [Music] [Applause] now we're free indeed [Music] else could help when nothing else [Music] my god he lifted my god [Music] the old testament reading comes to us from habakkuk chapter 2 reading from verse 1 to verse 7. and i will read in your hearing i will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me and i shall answer when i am reproved and the lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readed it for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie though itary wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by faith yea also because he transgresseth by wine he is a proud man neither keep it at home who enlarges his desire as hell and is as dead and cannot be satisfied but gather it unto him all nations and he put unto him all people shall not all these take up a parable against him and a taunting proverb against him and he say woe to him that increases that which is not his how long unto him that leadeth himself with thick clay shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee and awake that shall vex thee and those shall be for booties unto them our new testament reading of scripture is taken from saint john 15 then john 15 and i'll read in your hearing from verse 1 truth to 7 from the king james version 10 john 15 1 through seven i am the true vine and my father is the husband man ever branch in me that bear it not fruity take it away and ever branch that beared fruit he pruned it it that it might bring forth more fruit now he are clean through the words which i have spoken unto you abide in me and i in you as a branch cannot be a fruit of itself except it abides in the vine no more can he except he abides in me i am the true vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and high in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing if a man abideth not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned if he abide in me and my words abide in you he shall ask what he will and it shall be done unto you here in the reading of god's holy word blessed is all that hear it and do it these things every night we go to sleep and while we're in that unconscious state we inhale air which our lungs filter sends oxygen to our hearts which pumps it to the different organs and cells within our bodies and yet we're not even conscious of what's going on but we wake next morning thinking that that's just the way things work but actually it's the blessings of god that keep us alive and so we look out the window and and we see a bright sunshiny day like today and we think that that's just the way things work and even when it's raining we know that the sun is going to shine but that's also a blessing from god and we go to work we make money and we think it's because of our skills and abilities but it's because of god's blessings and because we know that it's god's blessings we who are faithful will return a tight and an offering to him at this time and so i ask the deacons to come forward [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] while the deacons are collecting the offering here on premises i know there are many of you who are watching us online and because we know that you want to participate in this we've provided four options for you to make your offerings and ties available we have provided a zell account at where you can send your tights and offerings just make a notation as to how you want it distributed we've also provided a po box which you can see on the screen and you can mail your checks to that account we also have online giving where if you go to our website you can click on online giving and submit your offerings and tights there as well and last but not least for those of you who cannot make use of those opportunities you can call us at 718-276-6131 and an elder or deacon will come by to pick up your tits and offering now while you're making out your checks i'd also like to remind you that the tides go to the conference where it's used to pay the pastors keeps our schools running our hospitals and all the different administrative duties that it functions as but the offerings is what remain here to keep our church running our local church it pays our mortgage the other expenses we incur and it also helps to keep our online ministry going so as you write your check keep this in mind and make a liberal offering so that this ministry can continue bringing all the tides into the storehouse that there may be meeting mine house and prove me now herewith said the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessings that there shall not be room enough to receive it dear father as we hear children return a faithful tithe and offering we thank you for the opportunity to work we thank you for the opportunity to return these to you and even those of us who do not have their father we thank you that the next time we gather here they will have offerings and ties to bring unto you for we know that we serve a god who's bountiful lord bless these monies may they go for the furtherance of your cause and may your name be glorified is my prayer in jesus name amen [Music] please [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the lord so happy to see pastor price worshiping with us today by surprise just give us a wave so that the folk know who you are been all over this conference preaching teaching lifting the word of god glad to have him worshiping with us today in our congregation we also have pastor pastor willis willis is always with us today he's here and worshiping pastor and sister willis it's good to have you in our congregation today uh brother wilson brother winston tomlinson brother tomlinson is a new believer brand new believer he lost his mother last week tomlin said would you just wave at us he's in the congregation all the way in the back there he's asked an interest in our prayers know that the lord will bring him comfort and all that death death to the christian is just asleep soon and very soon he that shall come will come and death will be over there is a word from the lord and it comes to us today through his servant dr manny dr clifford manny now dr manny doesn't need any introduction from this pulpit this is his pulpit this church was built by pastor manny and i could remember while the church was being built one day i stopped by and he said pastor come with me i show you and took me in and showed me proudly what's happening here and i said well bless the lord the lord has been using him for over 30 years now has been lifting his voice crying aloud spearing not preaching the everlasting gospel he is here with us today we know god has given him a message for our hearts he's currently pastoring the staten islands of the adventist church but he belongs to us today brings a message and we know that our hearts will be receptive as we listen to the dropping of god's word so after our hymn of meditation and our prayer esteem god's man with god's message dr clifford manny [Music] [Music] the blood that jesus shed [Music] for me [Music] way [Music] calvary [Music] the blood that gives me strength [Music] [Applause] today it will never ever lose [Music] all my fears [Music] yes it dries off [Music] that gives me strength [Applause] today it will [Music] never lose [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] never never [Music] to the highest [Music] is [Music] is [Music] that gives me strength [Music] kids will never never never never lose [Music] is [Music] what can wash [Music] nothing nothing but [Music] you know what what [Music] can make [Music] [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] found out [Music] nothing but the blood [Music] nothing but [Music] it was [Music] [Music] [Music] our father [Music] in heaven hallowed be [Music] your will be thus [Music] [Music] is [Music] god [Music] is [Music] will be [Music] is [Music] as it is in heaven [Music] oh [Music] us [Music] oh [Music] from [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god we need you too [Music] [Music] yours is the kingdom [Music] yours is the kingdom yours [Music] is the glory forever [Music] [Music] let her [Laughter] [Music] god i look to you i won't be overwhelmed give me vision to see things like you do god i love to you you're where my help comes from [Music] you know just what to do yeah [Music] and i will love you lord my strength [Music] my day i will love you god [Music] to see things [Music] you know just what to do [Music] to see things [Music] you know just what to do [Music] you know just what to do you know just [Music] and i will love you lord my strength [Music] [Music] i will love you [Music] [Music] sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] forever [Music] so [Music] [Music] my [Music] let the child say amen again praise the lord it's going to be back home amen where i see so many familiar faces i don't i don't really know if i'm seeing familiar faces i see the forehead but it's good to be here as you well know your pastor and i are very good friends as you know today is the eve of the beginning of our electoral process for the conference it's been five years since we got to this point so i will request all of you to pray for the process as we start tomorrow so that the lord will select the right person now i know the lord doesn't want my counsel but if he was to ask me i already have somebody in mind amen and i believe that the law had given me the authority to say that so just pray since i want to thank your pastor dr abraham jews for allowing me to come once again to use his pulpit and to share with you it's good to have friends in high places and hopefully it will soon be higher places i'd like to thank your very able prime minister i call him doug goff thank you so much for those kind words of introduction amen this week we've lost so many of our colleagues and just a few days ago we lost one of the giants of this faith at a bradford and uh i think it was two days ago i had a pastor william's past pastor jackson and passed a click home let her just stop for the moment and a silent prayer for this family amen all right let's go to work i notice there are some beautiful changes here i like the background amen praise the lord let us go to the book of the book of psalms psalm the 8th chapter you have been hearing a whole lot of sermons i didn't come today to preach yes emma i came to teach the bible is that okay with you so we'll do a little bit of chinese all right twist of tom now we will go through the scripture in different places but let's start with psalm chapter eight and i will begin reading from verse number three and here is how it reads when i consider thou heavens the work of our fingers the moon the stars which thou has ordained what is men that thou are mindful of him the son of man that thou visited him for thou has made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor thou madest him to have dominion over all the works of our hands all the works of our hands thou has put all things under his feet our subject for today the gift of greatness the gift of greatness our father and our god open our hearts and our ears that we may hear and perceive in jesus name amen david it appears that it was one evening david maybe the class car they'd be looking up into the heavens and i believe the law permit david to see something that can only be seen through a telescope david was able to look and to see vasts the vast cosmos the galaxies in the universe and he was amazed at what he saw they were so grander that he could not even fathom in his mind that this god who breathed out goddesses will pay attention to little him and so he looked into this card and he saw the vastness and he said oh lord what kind of god are you that you are responsible for all of this vastness and yet you pay so close attention to me what is men compared to the heavens that you are mindful of him the son of man that you visit him oh my god david was able to see some stuff that i wish all of us can see today and because of this question i you know i love astronomy uh uh and i love to see uh to read more about the cosmos and one of the things that i noticed i learned is that in the vast universe we have hundreds of billions of galaxies all over in the cosmos and one of these galaxies is the one we live in it's called the milky way galaxy and the milky way is one of the smallest galaxy of the hundreds of billions of galaxy there's god we serve is the creator of all of that and our galaxy is smaller to you compared to other galaxies but that small galaxy in order for you to travel from one end to the next it will take you 100 000 light years okay it didn't mean anything to you so don't try to break it down i'm sure you remember in middle school the light travels at a speed of 186 282 miles per second did you hear what i just said 186 282 miles per second that means when you turn your light on moving at that speed it will go around the world seven and a half times in one second you still don't get it don't you do you it will go around so if you are on the wings of the light the light will take you around the globe seven and a half times before one second is over and it will take 100 light years to leave from one galaxy stay with me i'm going somewhere with this our topic is the gift of greatness it will take 100 000 light years across so if 186 282 miles per second then that mean let me see at the sun map here so that we can look at it that means what we have is that in one hour the light will have traveled 670 million 615 000 and two hundred miles in one hour that's how fast and how much distance will be covered but even with this speed it will take a hundred thousand years to go from one end of our milky way galaxy to the other end you're following me so far and this gotta say breathing god the one who spoke and it was done he commanded and stood first this god paul had the audacity to say that he is in you oh you didn't get that god the one who spoke and it was done the one who created the vast universe that god who can do anything but fails that god who knows nothing about failure dwells in you you know you and i have no problem in believing that god can do anything we have we have no problem that god can move a mountain we have no problem the problem comes when we try to apply it to ourselves that's what the problem is because we are so fearful to believe that god created us to be the highest created being on planet earth did you hear what i just said the reason why god said to not bow down to any grave images on earth or anywhere else is because if you bow down to anything you about them you are bowing down to something lower than you i'm trying to help you understand who you are you have the gift of greatness have been given to you god said let us make men in our image and let us give him dominion over everything else so god sam said david said that god put the entire creation under our feet that means that god made us gods oh i know some of you are so uncomfortable right now just about now god made us god okay now you god made me god level g what do you think i'm just blowing smoke psalm 82 verse 6 says ye are gods once upon a time jesus walked in the earth and jesus hardly addressed it to claim that he was the son of god and they took the stone they were getting ready to stone jesus and jesus said for which are the good words john john 10 34 to 38. jesus said for which of the good works i've done that you're going to assume me they say for the good work we stood you not but for the blasphemy the audacity to call yourself the son of god because you see in a jewish custom when you call yourself a son that means you are equal to the father so when jesus said i am the son of god in their mind jesus was claiming to be god and so jesus said so what are you going to stone me for the torah and jesus said wait a minute is it is it not written in your law that ye are gods and the law the scripture he said cannot be broken this is jesus talking god created us and endow us with power to function as god and when you understand this theology it changes the way you think it changes the way you talk it changes the way you carry yourself what will you do if you knew that your words and your thoughts can become things what will you do if you do that maybe that is the reason why matthew the accountant the task collector said that you will give an account for every idle word that you speak why because god has endowed you with the greatness to be god to all other creation so whenever you and i speak a word that word is received by god's creation as a command the word that you just spoke creation accepts it as a command so if you speak either word it comes as a command and god said in isaiah 55 verse 11 my word will not return to me void but they will bring back what it was sent to achieve in other words whenever you speak a word you are commanding the creation to produce what it is your word is requesting creation does not understand listen to meaningful creation does not understand joke stop calling your picnic dog whatever it is that come out of your mouth once it goes out it's going to come back to you in other words that's good news to me that means if you don't like your current circumstances if you don't like where you are right now then you can change it by your thoughts and your speech what a god we serve when we read the scripture one of the things that have really messed up the christian church is what i call the separation theology separation theology goes like this i am unholy god is so holy he is all the way in holy land i am all the way in this desperate place so every time i want to talk to god i'm going to beg and to plead and the angels are there saying what are you doing lord please do this for me the last time i read my bible i think i was told in romans 8 that i am not just an ear of god but i am a joint heir to jesus christ oh that changes things jesus christ does not go begging god a joint heir means whatever belongs to the father is mine so a jesus is my joint heir that means jesus and i are entitled to the same thing don't you see there your words you may take it to be lightly because when you speak when you read isaiah 55 11 my word would not come back to me boy you you quickly apply it to god and not to yourself but yet the songwriter the son that we always sing to god be the glory great things you have done you all know the son the chorus said praise the lord praise the lord let the earth god's word praise the lord now if you praising the lord who should the earth be hearing you so it should be praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear your voice but that's not what the that's not what the verse says praise the lord praise the lord let the earth in other words let the creation hear his voice because when you speak creation thinks god is speaking i don't know if you're understanding what i'm going with this what this means what this means is a coffee can't even touch you it means that you can command your own circumstances the doctor looks at you then say but you declare something else jesus said in matthew do not resist evil whenever evil come don't resist it i had a problem with that when jesus said i said why wouldn't i resist evil because jesus realized that when you resist something whatever that you are resisting it occupies your mind and the more things that occupy your mind eventually becomes a reality in your life so when you hate something and you keep repeating how you hate the stuff you are sending command out to bring more stuff for you to hate so if you hate it don't talk about it get turn around and embrace what you love forget what you hate don't even mention it just embrace what you love are you following me james seem to contradict jesus when he said resist the devil and he will flee from you but when you read the entire test james fry said submit to the lord and resist the devil in other words the best way to resist evil or the devil is to embrace the lord so you see by embracing god you have the lord on your mind by resisting you have that which you resist on your mind and eventually it comes through your speech and you are saying what in the world is happening to me i wake up since this morning and everything that had to go wrong is going wrong and i don't know why you don't know why because you've been thinking it all morning that is why paul said whenever you have one of these dumb moments immediately snap yourself out of it he said whatsoever things are good whatever things are pure whatever things are on there think on these things whenever you find yourself getting down stop and start rehearsing in your mind the good thing god has done for you and it will change the entire dynamics in luke in luke chapter 2 verse 32. jesus speaking it's always in a real letter jesus said it is the father's pleasure to give you the kingdom it is a father's pleasure i think you can get it on this earth it is a father's pleasure to give you his kingdom did you hear that it is his pleasure to give you his kingdom and then in chapter 17 verse 21 he said he said the kingdom of god is in you you didn't get that you see this from the kingdom it is from the kingdom where god called galaxy into existence it is from the kingdom that god did all the grand things that we know about and that kingdom the creative kingdom is in you you know what that means it means that you are a creator of your own future that is why you see the church god's children have lost count of that so when god took them from the from egypt into the wilderness he gave them a prototype something called the sanctuary system he gave them the sanctuary system and you know i thought that him for many years but he never really got to me until the past few years that i realized what the sanctuary is all about the sanctuary say it's a type the anti-type which is the original is built with our hand and god took a he took the effort to try to explain what the system means the different compartment and then in the most holy place is where there is only where the law is and where god is and then paul said you are that anti-type so everything you understand about the sanctuary system is talking about you he's talking about me we recite tests that sam not the one he that dwells oh look at y'all know he that dwells stop he that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty is that what i say where is the secret place where is the secret place see i just blow your mind and we read the test we think we understand the test it's a he that dwells in the secret place of the most high should i bow under the shadow of the almighty if we all knew what a secret place is i dare you we all will be there but i think it's safe to conclude that we don't even have an idea what the secret place is why would you tell why would you say if i told you the secret place is not a far reached from you the secret place is the most haunted place and the most haunted place if you are the sanctuary your mind is holding your heart is the most holy that is the reason why every time you see your heart never leads you wrong whenever you have a task and you want to make a decision if you refer to your heart your heart will tell you exactly what to do now notice it will not give you any rationale it will not tell you the reason why you should do it aj tell you is right do it but then we send it back to the to the mind which is polarity organ left and left and right and so they debate the lord said do it and later on because you didn't follow your heart you say you know i should have followed my gut feeling you remember that your gut feeling is your heart when you dwell in a secret place have you ever read in the scripture where you saying david asked the lord should i go to war david was not standing face to face with god david understood the sanctuary so david went inside that's what jesus meant when he said that you need if you want to pray an effective prayer go into your closet some of you think that is a physical closet the closet is your heart it means go straight into your heart because nobody else can read what is in the air not even the enemy can read what is on your heart so when you offer the prayer from the secret place from the closet it will come forth in the open so if we have the gift of greatness that means that like jesus we can call things into existence we can pray now a lot of time we do all the all night prayer i was talking to a prayer coordinator i went on a prayer line and they had me there to speak to them and there were five people preceding me who pray they pray some powerful prayers and after the finish praying then i was introduced and told to talk and then i asked a question i said and they were i think four ladies and one gentlemen i said order you pray powerful prayer but let me ask you a question how many of you truly believe what you just pray will happen it was quiet on the land and i repeated the question how many of you believe what you just pray will happen they couldn't then one finalist said well we're praying for a miracle prayer should be a way of life so what is prayer obviously we're not doing it right prayer is an ability to be able to perceive and hold a picture of what you need in your mind and thank god as if you already have it whatsoever thing you desire mark 11 24 whatsoever thing you desire when you pray believe that you have and it shall be done in other words you need to follow if you are called a christian that means you're following the pattern of jesus when once upon a time jesus reached to this place and had been preaching all day and there were over 20 000 people who were hungry boys and girls for five thousand men to be exact and they were hungry and the the the disciples said why not or let these people go and go buy food but jesus knew they wouldn't go anywhere they were too hungry jesus said well can we find food and say lord lord what are you talking about why are you talking about lord we don't have that one of the few flaws and the fish jesus said bring it and when jesus got it and this is what jesus did dear father please help us your sins will be that you all know the bible more than me i i thought i read they said lord please please lord please multiply this food is that what jesus said no jesus wouldn't look up guess what happened when he looked up he saw everybody being fed he visualized everybody being fed and visualized 12 baskets left over and when he visualized it he said thank you father now that's not oh lord in before the mountain were brought forth forever no no no all he did was to perceive and visualize and grasp it and thank god for it so hebrews said faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen let me break it down for you hope visualize this on the ways of imagination hope goes further and grabs onto your future your imagination gives you a glimpse of what you will be tomorrow did you hear what i just said your imagination takes you where you're supposed to be but nobody had told you that what you are seeing in your mind is your future your imagination your imagination is a glimpse of your tomorrow and if you don't grasp it it stays in your mind only 22 seconds so you have to grab that as yours and so here is what hope does hope goes forward and visualizes your future reality and faith celebrates that future reality as if it has already happened oh you say thank god first celebrate what hope visualizes so you don't have to wait to get the blessing before you thank god you have to start thanking god before the blessing arrives in ezekiel chapter 37 and i've heard so many sermons on this the value of the dry bones god was trying to show mankind who he is because the separation theology always mess us up we have no faith in believing that what god can do he has already imparted it to us to do so he took the prophet ezekiel and then he saw the dry bone very dry and he said son of man son of man make sure you call in son of man can these bones live and he said lord you know now notice what god did next god could have said to ezekiel step aside let me prophesy and then you see whether or not you will leave that is not what he did he said son of man can he bones live and the son of man said no you know four where god said okay i know i know something you don't know and here is what i know god said i'm going to let you do the prophecy i'm going to let you do the speaking because you see when i created you i endow you with the power to speak to it so i'm going to let you do the speaking i'm not going to do it in other words uh dr jennings coined this phrase called god design law god designed law he cannot go against his design law all right he designed that man should be gods over all creation so so so because of that the words that come from men supposed to get come to creation as a command and so when he altered the word when he altered the word the creation only know that this is the voice of god speaking so god himself did not speak his step aside and said to the prophet to speak and the prophet began to speak to the bones and he said he spoke something strange started happening not as god the creator spoke but as he ezekiel began to prophesy everything started moving together and he was shocked and when he was when that was done he stopped he said oh and god said you infinity keep keep speaking ask the flesh to come on him and the skin to cover the bone and then he did and the flesh came the skin came everything and he said well what else what he said look it's all in your power god said i'm trying to let you see that you can call this thing into existence call the wind to enter into him and before long the valley was filled with praises to god could it be could it be could it just be that god is trying to show us through this story that what you have been waiting for for all these years for god to do for you you have the power to do it could it be that could it be just as simple he said person how do i do it it takes practice back i believe it was 2018 i was i went to my doctor my doctor get you panic call me and say manny are you hurry i said yes see are you weak i said no so well you have to come back came back you said i have overlooked from your physical over the years the consistent decrease of your kidney function and i'm going to send you to a nephrologist never heard our word before one of my friends said when you start getting older you know all the specialties specialists so i went to the nephrologist and she had my record in her hand my wife went with me i was sitting in the waiting room and then they called me to go in and walk in with my wife and the doctor looked at me and said can i help you i said yes are you doctor so and so she said yes i said you just called for me to come then she took the record she looked at it she looked at me are you clear for manny i said yes ma'am anything wrong well i expected you to be brought in here on a stretcher i said is that bad she said yes what you need to do is you need to put your name in a pool for kidney transplant and get ready for dialysis now notice i told you earlier jesus said do not resist evil now they all mean would i say i rebuke it but instead of rebuking i embrace life oh yeah i didn't get that instead of rebuking i embrace life that's 2018 this is 2021 harden had to go to england for two weeks she said don't go i went to the secret place and i asked lord should i go my heart tells me go are you following me here i'm trying to let you know folk it doesn't matter what the doctor says about you it doesn't matter what your economic situation is psalm 85 i mean psalm 35 verse 27 say it is god takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant everything he wants to give you he said the kingdom is inside of you what part of that don't you understand and then paul said that which was misunderstood from the beginning is now being made clearer in these last days which is christ in you the hope of glory every time we pray i used to go to hospital in different places when i pray i would say you know i will create a caveat if sometimes the law say when you pray for something sometimes the lord said yes sometimes the lord said no sometimes the lord said wait well one day i said let me check the scripture and see this and i look everywhere in the scripture i put it in google i didn't see it the closest thing i came to was second corinthians 1 20. you see all the premises of god in christ a year and in him amen now all the promises are ye and amen and amen in this context means indeclinable in other words all the promises of god through christ is only yes and cannot be declined oh yeah i didn't get that it cannot be declined so when it seems that my prayers are not being answered it must be me let me wrap it up jesus jesus is sitting with his disciples in fact first something happened jesus is going to the temple with his disciples they saw the fig tree that looked a half fruit didn't have fruit and jesus cursed it the next day the passing by and the disciples are so ecstatic now look jesus said look at what look at the tree that you cursed yesterday it dried up from the root up jesus said why are you surprised this is what i came to teach you this is something that you can easily do yourself in other words there's nothing i'm doing that you cannot do why you seem to be surprised if you have faith you can even tell the mountain to move and go and the mountain will move will obey why because i have placed all creation under your feet for some of you it may take a little longer for it to happen but you need to start practicing understand who you are you are a walking embodiment of jehovah god the white house is one of the most guarded protected residents on planet earth and it's not because the white house is beautiful it's not because the white house is big is because who is in the white house you see you and i had to be so important not because of who we are but because of who is in us because of who is in me no wonder he said do my prophet no harm and this doesn't only apply to preacher every one of us christ dwells in us john said greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world so when the doctor told me what they said what she said i had to go not before i will be praying for the lord to heal me and with no visualization on what kind of hearing i'm talking about but because of what i now know instead of just praying arbitrary words i sit and i close my eyes and try to see a man in his 60s still running like a boy in his 20. you're following me i try to visualize myself walk like a healthy person i literally see it and then i say thank you lord that is the clay for money that i embrace the one with a sister here or kidney islam clifford manny are you following me i'm having fun time by myself here and when you begin to think this way creation does something marvelous did you hear what i just said so you you and myself we have the power to create our own circumstances do not overlook your imagination i used to see beautiful stuff and i said wow that's beautiful but for somebody else now i see beautiful stuff at the pastor dove i see beautiful stuff and i said that could be me i declare it to be mine because god has given me the power of greatness so when i'm praying for somebody i look at the person close my eyes and i try my best to see the person not as they are right now but see them as i think they ought to be healthy bouncing up and down running about doing their work just do that and keep thanking god see yourself in our way and keep thanking god keep thanking god when you do it for so long you will find out that it starts working because you cannot fool the heart you it has to come when jesus said where did two of you agree he will be in the midst here is where we miss that test the test is not talking about two people what sister what's your name amen the the test is talking about when your mind and your heart agree on something it is bound to happen some of us are praying some of us are praying one thing with our lips but our heart is in disagreement or we are praying with our heart but our mind is in disagreement we are asking for a million dollars but somewhere inside whether is the man or the heart saying you can get it and no wonder you are not getting it because the two did not agree am i helping somebody here today jesus said in john 16 24 up to now you have asked me nothing you have not asked me anything for yourself jesus said to the disciples he said ask and it shall be given so that your joy may be full in the original test it said ask without hearing motives ask i don't care what you did yesterday i don't care what evil you have done if you're going to ask don't say lord you know because i didn't no no forget that just focus on what you're asking ask without hearing motives and envelope yourself you know what envelope me when you take a letter you put it in an envelope that letter is being enveloped that means surrounded the envelope is the answer so when you ask for something put yourself in the answer of what you are asking envelope yourself tight in the air and you are bound together jesus said to his disciples jesus is speaking in parable a disciple one of them asked when they were alone lord why do you speak in parable why don't you speak plainly so they can understand jesus said it's not for them to understand it's for you so that you can teach it do you know evangelism were never intended to build a tent evangelism was intended to utilize god's greatness let the world see they are the ones who will come knocking down your door to get a piece of what you have in the book of acts we saw that right people were running to the disciples can we buy some of it no you cannot buy it jesus said to the disciples who do people who do people say the son of man and i don't want you to mess with our clothes today who do people say that the son of man is i tell you i was teaching today who do people say that the son of man is and then some people say well he some people say he's elijah he's joshua he blah blah blah blah blah and jesus said but who do you say is the son of man and peter said listen to the answer thou art the christ the son of the living god jesus does something that you know every time reading the text when i see something i stop and i begin to question the text jesus does something he excited he saw he says started by this time and said to peter i say oh peter flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my father wishes in heaven wait a minute wait a minute wait wait stop stop sir on the day of his baptism there were so many witnesses here heavy opened the holy ghost came down in the form of a door and a voice from heaven declared this is my son in whom i'm well pleased there were witnesses that declared that jesus was the son of god jesus in his own ministry have said it over and over that i am the son of god for which they wanted to stone him at one point so the idea that jesus was the son of god was that's a secret almost everybody including the disciples around jesus knew that he had declared himself to be the son of god and those who are at the baptism have heard even the father himself speaking are you following me so far so when jesus when peter said thou art the christ what what type of revelation that god that peter was giving that made jesus to get excited that's the question that's what i want to know well jesus peter ought to know that you're a son of god you've been walking with you for three and a half years so what is stranger what is new here is what is new he said you are the christ and the word christ may anointed you are the anointed one son of the living god and then jesus said you have spoken well watch this as i am so are you did you get that the revelation is that jesus being the christ means that you are also the anointed one i know you're not comfortable with this oh i tease him second peter he said in second peter somewhere where he said uh um he said we shall know as let me see if i remember it it's in second peter 4 4 chapter 4 verse 4 i believe and peter is saying as he is so are we second peter 4 17 again as he is somebody got to read it out loud for me i think the second peter 4 17 of islam then tried first peter but as he is so are we let me see if i can find it we can't let you read it what is the bible study without the word is it in second peter a first peter is it john 4 17 first john good okay can you read that for me first john 4 17. did you hear that as who is as jesus is so are we in this world so when peter said thou art the christ that was a revelation just how you call me christ i call you christ because as i am not so shall you be but so are you did you get that and that is what really moved jesus and the moment you start accepting that that you and christ are one somebody ready earlier here you can do nothing without him because you are attached to him he breathed in us and so he poor himself there's great god the god is a breathing god localizes himself in clay for money and saying he is a creator of all organs clifford went to the creator he is the doctor and i asked for a renewed kidney and i must tell you the lord has been blessing the doctor had no clue because they don't believe they believe that one of the organs that do not rejuvenate itself is a kidney that is true if you don't know who you are if you know who you are and we are but we don't seize that opportunity and i came today to let you know you have the power seize it nobody can do it for you you have that power church sees it nobody else you and i we are the creator look at all the things that we have accomplished in this world and love keeps no record so this is why jesus told the story of the prodigal son while while the prodigal son were coming and saying to himself rehearsing i am not worthy to be your son jesus painted the picture now you see for you to understand that you have to you have to know the culture as jesus began to tell the story of the prodigal son coming to the father at a girl and saying and i'm closing and saying look gave me what is mine in the jewish culture when you do that that's a taboo so every jew and jesus audience were the jewish fathers so jesus is speaking to the jewish fathers they all get angry they are really angry what does it mean what is he talking about talking about to give him something if he was my son that's the last time he would be my son i would get rid of him and jesus told the story of how the ball went and ended up in the pig pen and now the jewish father they are celebrating now they are getting excited good for you that's what happened when you are disobedient and then now he rehearses a speech and he's coming home oh the father are saying coming where he will not even step where i am i'll put my dog on him before he get here and then jesus twisted the story he said while he was yet a far way off the father ran to him and embraced him because love keep no record or wrongdoing all these years you have you have practiced separation theology today i came to tell you that you and god are one and you need to start internalizing that in your being and you will soon find out how it will begin to change your entire outlook on life embrace a young man jesus was trying to show that there is no sin that you can ever commit that without do god's love god's love is bigger than all the saints of the world and you still you still can live out your true purpose get out of your comfort zone that business that god has been prompting you to do and you found all the excuses i don't have green cards so i can't do it i don't get this so i can't do it you're killing yourself if you think it it's possible for you so today my appeal i heard somebody uh sister k phrase gonna say my appeal to you why sister phrase sings i want you to think about what you heard here today i know it's not it's not comfortable for most of you because you've been living all your life thinking that i'm a filthy sinner you you know that from the way we pray from up yeah oh lord you know i'm a filthy sinner i'm not if you believe you have failed to see now don't pray for me whenever i tell you to pray and you come to this pulpit i don't want you to say lord you know i'm not worthy then don't pray pick that up with god before you get to the pulpit because you see when you get to the pulpit the words that you speak creation accepted as god's words so i want you to think about it sister free go ahead think about it as she sings [Music] it's hard to take the first step when i don't know the way each turn is so uncertain i've learned to walk by page but you gave me a promise that you would never leave you will lead and guide [Music] me lord [Music] i will go you have called me lord [Music] your plans for me are perfect i never need to feel although at times i feel alone i know that you are near my heart just wants to follow [Music] [Applause] [Music] away [Music] lead me lord i [Music] i will leave me [Music] lead me lord i will go [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have for [Music] me lord i will go you have called me [Music] leave me [Music] [Laughter] says the first step please with me church you have heard the word of god here today if you didn't know before now you do your words are powerful oftentimes we say the president of the united states words his words are weighty so he should not just speak we apply the same thing to our pastors and then your friends who are non-christian apply it to you as a christian because creation understands one thing that your words are god's words so moving forward when you get tempted to curse out somebody stop because the curse is coming back to you there's a reason why god said vengeance is mine say the lord somebody curses you bless them because as you bless them the blessing comes to you so from this moment forward i want you to watch your words your words are precious they are things your words can create in fact one author are reading a book the author said the unseen u-n-s-e-e-n is the parent of the s-e-e-n the unseen is a parent of the same in other words the invisible is a parent of the invisible or put another way the spiritual is a parent of the physical so everything that you and i see with our eyes once upon a time including us once upon a time we didn't exist on planet earth but we always have been on the mind of god he knew us we have always been eternal from the mind of god and when the fullness of time came he brought us into this world as his extension on planet earth so moving forward from this day forward do you make the promise the commitment to watch your words i know you will make mistake but when you do stop and go back to your true self amen if anybody here wants to understand and to fulfill the entire purpose of your existence yet please stay because we're going to pray for you i know the first time i got to know this it was such a revelation to me it a blue mama in fact i struggled with it for a long time for me to speak it publicly because i knew how i felt i did not feel worthy it was hard to believe that god the almighty god could find it necessary to dwell in me to make me his abode to make me his permanent address and he never forces us he gave off the freedom of choice he gave you everything and then gave you the freedom to exercise it from now on my promise is i'm going to exercise this freedom in declaring thus say the lord if that is your wish say amen amen amen amen pastor god will you please come and pray for all of us that the lord will give us strength to apply this new revelation to our lives righteous father your servant has once again spread the gospel net yes we have heard you clear loud and clear lord jesus we ask you now make us to be like jesus pray lord that you will bless this people they have stood in commitment today we pray lord you will sustain their commitment make them strong we ask lord that you will keep us in the circle of your love come soon lord take us home to live with you forever this i ask in the precious name of jesus my savior and friend be seated for a moment please be seated oh once again the lord has spoken to our heart hasn't he are you glad you came to church today those of you are watching online are you glad you tuned in oh i know i am blessed i am doubly blessed today oh to be like jesus that's what god wants he wants us to be like him he has nothing but our good at heart let's be faithful until our blessed lord comes again the second time now we go into our closing exercise is 4 35 the glory song [Music] and i am safe on that beautiful shore just to be near the dear lord i agree will through the ages be glory for me [Music] for me [Music] is [Music] there is to look on his face [Music] is [Music] savior [Music] is [Music] lord we thank you now for this wonderful reminder of our place in your creation father may we embrace this greatness that you have placed within us in jesus name and now the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord make his face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace now henceforth and forever [Music] ah [Music] please be seated for a moment of meditation [Music] says [Music] [Music] is we'll see how great [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i praise you lord [Music] [Music] i praise you lord [Music] to give you praise you lord i pray [Music] i pray the lord [Music] [Music] i pray [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] time [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks for joining us we hope you were blessed by the virtual fellowship we experienced today if you appreciate our content please like comment share and subscribe on facebook instagram twitter and youtube at twc sda god's blessings and we hope to see you again um um um you
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 3,414
Rating: 4.5918369 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, Dare To Be Different, Clifford Manie, Pastor Clifford Manie
Id: HgVAk2H7mJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 39sec (13659 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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