Jordan Peterson | The Red Book of Carl Jung

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here's another something worth considering and i don't know how important it is but it might be really important this is something that carl jung said so it depends on how important jung is jung was a tremendously insightful clinician and he was a strange person introverted visionary high in introversion very very very very very high in openness like off the charts and also god only knows what his iq was i mean every time i read you and it's like reading nietzsche it's terrifying because you know he's he's so damn smart that he can think up answers to questions that you don't even it's not like you don't understand the answers you never conceptualize the damn questions he's one of these visionaries who can see way underneath the social structures and look at patterns that are developing across for in jung's case across thousands of years and lays them out and so he wrote these books notebooks that haven't been published yet called the block books and the black books are the documentation of his experiments with his imagination and what he would do is daydream like like a child daydreams he had figures of imagination that came to him that he could speak with and he spoke with these figures of imagination and documented that over a very long period of time and that was originally that was eventually [Music] distilled into a book called the red book which was published about three or four years ago and it was a book that jung regarded as the central source from which all his inspiration emerged it was sort of the way it looks to me is that we embody a lot of information in our action right and our action has developed as a consequence of imitating other people and not only the people the people around us but of course the people around us imitated the people who came before them and those people imitated the people who came before them and so on so far back that it's as far back as you can go and so you embody these patterns of behavior that are extremely informative that you don't understand that are a consequence of collective imitation across the centuries and so then those patterns can become manifest as figures of the imagination and those figures of imagination are the distillations of patterns of behavior and so as the distillations of patterns of behavior they have content and it's not you that content it's you could even think about it as content that's evolved although it's culturally transmitted it's content that's evolved and so these figures of the imagination can reveal the structure of reality to you and that's what happened with jung and that's what he described in the red book and that was what permeated his psychology a psychology that was based on the presupposition that the fundamental archetypal structures of religious belief were not pathological not deceitful not protective in some delusional sense against the fear of death but quite the contrary the very stories that enabled us to move forward as confident human beings in the face of chaos itself and it's conceivable i think perhaps probable that nothing more important conceptually happened in the 20th century than that [Music] you
Channel: Bearsella
Views: 118,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terence mckenna, psychedelics, philosophy, wisdom, Alan Watts, consciousness research, psychology, zen, taoism, buddhism, Jordan Peterson, London Real, Dennis Mckenna, wiari, we plants are happy plants, Alan Watts with music, Terence McKenna with music, spirituality, Alan Watts shorts, Terence McKenna shorts, after skool, mckennacountrculture, motivation, inspiration, Terence McKenna speech, Alan Watts speech, Joe Rogan
Id: NkKrdFOoyQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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