Jordan Peterson | Do Not Cast Pearls Before Swine

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[Music] the question to some degree is how do you help someone that's lost and the answer to that is if they aren't willing to not be lost you cannot help them and i would also say that as a clinician you see i mean it's an it's a statement that's informed i would say by my mythological knowledge but also by straight clinical wisdom not mine particularly i mean one of the things that carl rogers pointed out was that there were necessary preconditions for entering into a therapeutic relationship and that would be really any relationship where the mutual flourishing of the two people involved was the paramount goal and one of the preconditions was that both people had to want that to happen and rogers believed he didn't know how to get the horse to drink once you brought it to the water and i thought about that a lot because when people are really lost sometimes they're so lost that that they can't be found and i think the only thing that you can do in a situation like that is get your life together and sh and manifest the reality of an alternative mode of being that's what you've got there's a statement in the new testament that's really vicious in fact there's a number of them but this is a particularly vicious one and that is don't cast pearls before swine and what that means is if you're trying to help and it doesn't work then stop helping [Music] it's not helping right it may be just wasting your time it might be making things worse now if you're if you're offering something and it's not taken then perhaps you should be offering it somewhere else and sometimes if you offer hand and the person won't take it you have to stop offering the hand and then what you do is you go off and you have your life [Music] if you are trapped in pathological relationships and you see no way out of them if you if someone who is sinking has their hands around your neck and is pulling you down you're not obligated to drown with them you know there's a rule too if you're a lifeguard you know some of you have had lifeguard training how do you approach someone who's drowning and panicking in the water feed out right like this it's like i'll save you but that doesn't mean you get to drown me while i'm doing it and if it's you drown or both of us drown it's you drown and that's wisdom that's not cruelty
Channel: Bearsella
Views: 31,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philosophy, wisdom, consciousness research, psychology, zen, taoism, buddhism, Jordan Peterson, spirituality, motivation, inspiration
Id: XayjUzb271A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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