Jordan Peterson - Donald Trump's IQ

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Trumps old? Are you kidding me?...who is this guy? Jordan Peterson? And people sY he’s smart? I don’t think so, he is so irritating!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bkaysac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what would you say Trump's IQ really is does 160 seem reasonable no this will be quoted and no.16 is really really high yeah I mean the typical the smart person that you're likely to meet in your life has an IQ of around 145 yeah 160 is getting pretty damn rare and Trump's old an IQ goes down with age fluid IQ although crystalized IQ either stays the same or goes up slightly so he isn't the problem solver or the learner that he was when he was 20 no what no one is if you're in good physical shape that helps a lot his IQ is clearly well above average um I don't know and he's done complex things in his life and a lot of them and that indicates that there's something to him you know and he hasn't been successful just in one domain he's been successful in multiple complex domains each of which were quite difficult it's very difficult to be a reality TV star that's successful right it's very difficult to work in the construction business and especially on large projects and I know he's had his economic ups and downs but he stayed in the game for a long time very stressful he's very stress resistant so he's known he's no dummy and I mean it's nice to always think that your political opponent is just stupid but he's done too many complex things for me to assume that he's somehow if he wasn't smart he could have done those thing that because when I see the people that are in hysterical and just saying he's this evil nut bag who doesn't know what he's doing all except it just seems like such a lazy way of thinking about it you don't have to like any of the things you may not like the way you speak to me that but the idea that somehow this is a dumb person I think is discounting of just the way humans have to work this is interesting from superjet do you though he also won the presidency right with a completely original campaign and it's like and with or without spending much money it's like okay is he lucky because is that what you're saying is just lucky right well I don't think it was just luck it was it was at least maybe well it looked at least to some degree like courage maybe it was just blind throwing caution to the wind you know I don't know if he ever expected that he could possibly win yeah and I'm sure you'd argue he probably had a little sign to do with all those things that maybe there were some cards but that he also surrounded himself with people who maybe understood politics more than he did what he could all be the dynamic can also obviously read a crowd yeah because he was appealing to crowds and that that was partly because he didn't he did I think try to say what he thought now you could criticize what he thought and that's fine but but he also didn't prepare the same speech that you know he didn't prepare a speech and then deliver the same one everywhere which i think is i really find that rather reprehensible for people to do that yeah because they're they're parroting themselves or someone else writes their speeches which is something I can't even imagine I can't I can't for what we do I can't even fathom it actually [Music]
Channel: ManOfAllCreation
Views: 3,542,980
Rating: 4.809978 out of 5
Keywords: jordan peterson, jordan peterson donald trumps iq, jordan peterson donald trump
Id: EebRtIK4o7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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