Jordan Peterson on the worst thing about Donald Trump

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okay let's talk about Trumpton briefly for a second because he's in London at the moment now as well as were chatting right now he's obviously the voice of I think is probably probably a calm word to say from again from a personal perspective I don't live in America I don't you know in the u.s. I don't experience any of his policies you know I'm certainly not as well informed as I could be but from the outside looking in a case and occasionally scanning the news his Twitter feed his social media and I'm just curious to see what you think about this hmm the worst thing from my point of view he does is make it seem okay to be a troll and to be a troll in real life auntie and to use the kind of language that he uses and I think that might be the worst thing that he does it's possible that that's the worst thing that he does Trump the Trump phenomena phenomenon probably worries me less than people think it should but there are reasons for that the first reason is that I don't really think that the American people are more polarized now than they were 10 years ago and the reason I think that is because for 20 years 50 percent of them have voted for Republicans 50 percent of them have voted for Democrats it hasn't moved it's been exactly the same now this time they had Clinton and Trump as candidates and perhaps that was unfortunate you know and I also don't think Trump won the election I think Clinton lost the election it was Hearst she had it in the bag there were a number of things she did that were really not very bright like play identity politics that caused her the election I don't think that the Americans are any more polarized than they were under under Nixon and then that was pretty polarized like there was violence on the campuses there was more violence and in that period of time than there is now and more polarization of course the war in Vietnam was still going on I don't think that it's obvious that the Americans are more polarized than they were under Reagan maybe they are but that's about but I don't think it's worse than under Nixon and so they've muddled through this sort of thing before Trump is an anomaly in my estimation he isn't typical Republican he's quite bombastic and assertive he's not a typical conservative in fact he wasn't a conservative I don't think he's already for Democrats well yeah and he's got an entrepreneurial bent as well and entrepreneurial types tend to be liberal well he is on an entrepreneur he's an author he had a successful TV show he's had his real estate dealings and you can quibble about how successful he was at some of those things he was certainly successful on TV and so he's got the own entrepreneurial temperament so he's a strange he's a strange person he's in he's an he's an an idiosyncratic person and the one thing I would say in his favor as far as I'm concerned so far is that he has not embroiled the u.s. in an additional stupid war and that's happened a lot in the last 15 years and the fact that that hasn't happened so far I'm quite happy about so he's noisy he's provocative that's for sure he seems impulsive although it's hard to tell how much of that is crafted you know he's definitely disagreeable which is quite interesting and that that comes out in his Twitter behavior and so forth and in the way that he handles his political allies for that matter he's certainly not currying favor and you can make the case that he's a divisive figure and and perhaps that's the case but at least on the global scale you know from again from the outside looking in yeah well I'm not you're traveling to America I'm not oh well in the Americas America is very more upset than I've seen it people are more upset in the United States than I've seen certainly I lived there for six years in the 90s and people are more upset now than they were then that that the tension is palpable but I'm not convinced that that reflects a genuine polarization on the part of the populace itself there's lots of factors at play what I'm hoping for is a return to normal incompetence among politicians that would be really nice moderate left moderate right reasonable discussion certain underlay of in eradicable corruption you know a small-scale corruption that you always see in political systems but none of this ideological excess that would be lovely reasonable discussion I think its thing well reasonable stupidity you mentioned you mentioned earlier you know that the Chris Rock's proposition that we're all fools it's like true enough and that's basically what we can expect from our politicians as well but there's a kind of normative foolishness that would be a real relief in my estimation and so I'm hoping that's what happened in my home province because we had a government in that we're nominally centrist they were the Liberal Party which is the centrist party in Canada but they were really quite radical leftists and they didn't really give a damn about the fact that the party they have taken over was traditionally Canada centrist party and they were pushing ideological nonsense and they got absolutely thrashed in the last election virtually lost official party status from a majority and now we have a right center-right premier who I'm hoping will be normally incompetent for the next four years that would be just exactly what we need so I'm not too worried about about the situation in the United States I think the Americans have been through far worse than what they're going through now the economy's in reasonable shape although people argue about how sustainable that is I think what's happening in North Korea is extremely interesting I mean I'm not optimistic about it because anybody with any sense would never be optimistic about North Korea but it could be worse and I am I mean how do you judge the success of an American president not engaging in a stupid war is a nice start [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Delve
Views: 2,742,115
Rating: 4.7741013 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Sheridan,, Jordan Peterson, Jordan B Peterson, The Delve, Politics, Identity politics, Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, The Rubin Report, Hillary Clinton, Pod Save America, psychology, protesting, Chris rock, republican, democrat, liberal, classic liberal, Trump, Donald Trump, President, America, Theresa May, UK visit, North Korea
Id: O7EaCVnw5n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
Reddit Comments

lol "50 percent vote republican 50 percent vote democrat" loooooooooooooooooooooooooool

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/Richa652 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ironically, no one has done more to convince me of the concept of white privilege than YouTube philosophers like Peterson and Rubin. What else could possibly explain this yawn inducing mediocrity achieving such success?

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/rube_X_cube 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

In which Jordan attempts to placate his interviewer (by talking about something topical) while saying nothing to upset his reactionary base.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Open5esames 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2018 🗫︎ replies

He acts like having an ideology is a bad thing. Having a set of ideas and policies you support is not nonsense. If no one had an ideology we wouldn't be able to govern ourselves. The same people who pulled the lever for Trump always pull the lever for Republicans anyway with some exceptions which ultimately cost Clinton the election. There's studies that do demonstrate increased polarization, but political polarization has always been around since democracy was invented. What Trump demonstrated is that Republicans will tolerate anything and he's made people feel comfortable saying racist things in public. Trump is pushing many of the same policies that previous Republican presidents did. His approval among Republicans is incredibly high according to polls and I expect it to stay there unless there's a huge economic downturn.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AlmostHelpless 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
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