5 Habits That Will Make You POWERFUL Beyond Belief - Jordan Peterson Motivation | JP & Lewis Howes

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[Music] what do you think of the skills that people should start to develop in their 20s in general to make them better human beings more potentially open to success financially relationship health-wise what are two or three things that everyone should focus on their twenties well it certainly doesn't hurt to be in physical good physical condition so we can walk through it stop drinking too much how do you know if you're drinking too much um you regret what you do when you're drinking it's it's interfering with other important goals it's it's causing you financial distress it's getting you in trouble with your friends or your family it's getting you in trouble with the police okay so stop abusing substances if you can right if you see that they're um hurting you um an alcohol is particularly pernicious in that regard so physical health are you in decent shape are you strong and coordinated and if you're not well you'd be better if you were you'd feel better you'd be more effective you'd live longer you'd be less sick and you really see that mountain top like if someone's been in shape once in their life they age way better and it's also a really good way of maintaining your cognitive ability like you know you you hear about those exercises that you can do online to make you smarter and keep your cognitive ability intact those don't work there's no evidence that they work people keep saying that they make you smarter they maintain your cognitive function psychologists have studied that for 50 years hoping that one of those things will work trying all sorts of creative tax they don't work exercise works cardiovascular and weightlifting you start to decline in your fluid intelligence at about the age of 25 and it's a linear trend downhill and it can accelerate as you get older it's just like this quite ugly if you exercise you stave that off so that's really useful um maintain your relationships and and foster them they're un so when i look at successful people they're really good at something they're reliable right you can count on their word they're generous [Music] and they have a wide wide connection network which becomes more and more valuable as you get older yeah so it's one advantage that older people really have over younger people they have a connection network and a connection network is huge well you could be connected to a thousand well-connected people okay that means you are connected to the entire world right it's unbelievably valuable and that's one of the things that's so absolutely remarkable about the situation that i'm in right now as far as one of the great benefits is i think i can contact pretty much anybody and they'll talk to me it's like really that's so cool i'm i'm i'm interested in infrastructure for reasons i won't get into but i'm interested in infrastructure development i think it's a good method of wealth transfer it's a good solution to the problem of inequality and and employment um i reached out to a leading expert a leading expert on infrastructure last week see if he'd talk to me i thought i don't know anything about infrastructure except that it's worn to a frazzle and we should do something about it you know he agreed to talk and having a connection network is of an inestimable inestimable value it's huge um reliability generosity you can work on both of those philosophical sophistication [Music] it's very useful um because it orients you properly you have a sophisticated sense of of the world you find for example that um doing things for other people is actually more rewarding than virtually anything else you can do you know when you hear you should be of service to other people well if you actually watch yourself you pay attention to yourself and you do something that helps someone else and it genuinely helps them i defy you to find another experience that is that satisfying it's actually quite stunning how satisfying that is and so that's a very useful thing to realize why is that such a satisfying thing for human beings uh there's no better strategy for there's no better life strategy i mean imagine i could give you a quick sort of technical example so imagine i take two people and i say okay um i'm gonna give you a hundred dollars and you have to give some of it to the person right beside you and they can either agree or disagree with the split but if they disagree you don't get anything okay so a classical economist would say that the person should take the hundred offer the person next to them a dollar and the person should accept it because why not they get a dollar instead of nothing and that's the solution but what happens is that if you don't offer that other person something close to 50 50 they're likely to tell you to go to hell yes very and they think nothing you get nothing too you think well why would people do that because they just reject 50 and who cares and the answer is well we don't just play one game with other people we play a repeating game and so so imagine we did this so imagine it's a crowd and they're all watching you and i offer you a hundred dollars and you have to share it with the person next to you and you say would you like to take seventy dollars and the person says well i'm not sure that's fair to you but if it's okay yes but then everyone else sees that and now they all have an opportunity to pick who they're going to play with next well you're not going to get pissed picked last are you remember what you told me you didn't want to get picked last right okay so what you did was you turned yourself into an athlete a machine okay okay great so but imagine we expand that game yes and we say you want to be the person that everyone wants to play with yep well then all you have in your whole life is invitations to play well how how and how are you going to be that person be productive straightforward generous make everyone else better around you and they're going to want to play with you absolutely so there you go and then you get to play yeah exactly well how is that not the best possible deal it's clearly see so so the re if if the ethical argument is put properly it is by far the most compelling argument it's like if you want to have everything you could possibly want and more then be a good person the better a person you are the more likely that is to happen that doesn't mean you that you're completely protected against getting cut off at the knees but there's no better strategy that's it and you can even think about it selfishly and i talk about this to some degree and beyond order let's say you let's say that i you want to be selfish you think that's the best possible strategy why should i care about others okay let's say you should only act in your own best interest well then it's like what's your best interest well what does interest mean and what does you mean what's in your best interest your best interest three mysteries what's your what's best what's interest okay well there's you but you aren't just you right now you're you and you tomorrow and you next week and you next month and you in five years and you in 10 years and you when you're a pensioner [Music] you're a community of selves stretched across time and so if you were enlightened and selfish you would act in a manner that would benefit that entire community across time and i don't think that's any different than acting on the best possible part for other people i think they're the same problem so i think as soon as human beings discovered the future we we know we were no longer singular individuals were instantly each a community and then the community ethic prevails and the community ethic is i want to win in a way that makes you win that's the best possible victory [Music] jocko was telling me when we talked this week he's this tough character man you know and he could have and i'm not telling tails out of school here he could have been a criminal no problem and he knows that perfectly well and i'm not saying yeah i'm not saying that as a slur on his character partly because i believe the nietzschean dictum that a lot of morality is just cowardice whatever he might be he's not a coward and so and just because you obey the laws doesn't mean you're moral just might mean you're afraid in any case so the question is well what socialized this brute well he was taught in the navy seals take care of your team that's your fundamental purpose and he noted and we had a long discussion about this the successful guys man they've you know they've got your back right they you know that above all yeah and if and if if if you aspire to a leadership position among those brutes let's say and you aren't someone they know to have your back they're not following you're not going to make it yeah you're not going to make it and so that's this is why the discussions of power that are so prevalent in in modern culture bother me so much it's like you think male hierarchies are predicated on power you really think that they are when they've gone rotten but when they're not rotten that's not what they're predicated on at all the capacity to exercise power that's really important you need that it has to be part of you for you to be admirable it's like you could be a badass son of a yes i see that and and that way i'm somewhat intimidated by you and that's actually a testament to your moral virtue that you have enough force and power to be intimidating but then if you can encapsulate that and take that potential for power and harness it to this broader good well that's [Music] unstoppable so you
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Rating: 4.9400392 out of 5
Keywords: success chasers, jordan peterson success chasers, jordan b peterson, jordan peterson, jordan peterson motivation, jordan peterson motivational video, success chasers jordan peterson, jordan peterson 2021, advice for young people, jordan peterson suffering, strengthen yourself, 5 Habits That Will Make You POWERFUL Beyond Belief, stop drinking alcohol, habits of successful people, jordan peterson habits, how to fix your life, jordan peterson advice for young men
Id: LxZuaAVh8sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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