Professor Peterson talks concept of "respect" at Senate Committee on Bill C-16

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Thank You chair and thank you gentlemen both of you for being here have two questions one for dr. Peterson right at the get-go and then one for the two of you hopefully the chair will indulge me deliberations of this bill and during deliberations of this bill we keep hearing the term respect thrown around respect is indeed critical in debates of legislation as sensitive as this and there are a lot of people here who need to be reminded that respect works both ways including people at this committee dr. Baker or as Senator Baker has already referred to comments as genocide I don't think anybody here is promoting genocide however dr. Peterson can you comment on the notion of respect where some of your critics say why can you not just respect your students just use the gender-neutral pronouns how do you respond to that well first of all I'd have to be convinced that doing so would do more good than harm and I don't believe that and I think I'm actually in a reasonable position to to to justify my claim I think that the danger that's intrinsic to the law far outweighs whatever potential benefit it might produce especially given that there's no hard evidence whatsoever for any benefit I would also like to point out that the people who are promoting this legislation claim to be acting on the behalf behalf say of the transgendered community but they weren't not elective nor appointed to act as such representatives and they're doing it on their own say-so I've received many letters at least 30 now from transgendered individuals indicating that the they are not in accordance with the claims of these so-called representatives to be representing or with the intent of the legislation which has actually made them more visible rather than less visible which is and the less visible is what they had preferred with regards to respect is that you don't meet people generally speaking in a mutual display of respect you generally meet people in a mutual display of alert neutrality which is the appropriate way to begin an inter with someone because respect is something that you earn as a consequence of reciprocal interactions with with that are dependent on something like reputation which is also a consequence of repeated interactions and so the notion that addressing someone by their self defined self-identity isn't necessarily an indication of basic human respect for them I think is an entirely spurious argument especially given that there's no evidence that moving the language in a compelled manner in this direction is going to have any beneficial effect we're supposed to assume that just because hypothetically the intent is positive that the outcome will be positive and any social scientist worth his or her salt knows perfectly well that that's rarely the case so
Channel: Senator Don Plett
Views: 305,816
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Keywords: respect, bill c-16, senator plett, jordan peterson, dr. peterson, professor peterson, cdnpoli, senate, canada, gender identity
Id: zu9ewwabdnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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