Jordan Klepper Fingers the Globe: Hungary for Democracy - Full Special | The Daily Show

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[Music] every year CPAC brings together all the brightest Minds in the conservative world former presidents Senators up and coming candidates pillow salesmen and pizza races so I've come to Orlando to see them all in one place and to understand the future of their movement people are asking the question who the future of the Republican party is Trump is Trump trump is the Republican Party CPAC is Trump Squad Buster 2022. clearly you're a BLM supporter I am a BLM supporter the people here talk about the important ideas yes are you excited to see Papa John I haven't seen him yet but yeah it's got a lot of great ideas yeah I mean who would have thought you put cheese inside the crust innovator but what are the actual issues energizing Republicans aside from garlic dip and that little pepper you get in the Box the CRT co-parenting with the government is CRT really a big issue time in Palm Beach County what about the don't say gay bill that is very active right now there's a lot of nervousness here in Florida about CRT about lgbtq right issues should we just outlaw the alphabet altogether because eventually they're going to start putting those things together and they become words then you can learn things like history the market crowd's obsessions were predictable is this a little much but there was a new infatuation I was surprised to hear because For the First Time at CPAC people were applauding another country hungary's on the Forefront when you see people like leaders in Hungary talking and speaking the way that Donald Trump did when he was in office it inspires me I think Hungary is a positive example about how being a confident conservative can really do wonderful things for our country that's right conservatives here we're looking for inspiration from Hungary the central European country that's been steadily Sliding Away from democracy under its right-wing leader Victor Orban Trump has endorsed Orban twice and Tucker Carlson has done a week of shows and a special about Hungary it's not my job to defend Hungary only to learn from it as an American and try and hold up the lessons for us to emulate CPAC was even doing a special event in May from the capital Budapest and then invited conservatives from Hungary to speak here in Orlando you cannot make a country great or great again without freedom so why are conservatives so interested in a country that's been heading toward autocracy one that's been penalized by the EU for its human rights record does Hungary hold the key to the future of American conservativism I'm getting the hell out of Orlando and going to Hungary to find out [Music] I landed in beautiful Budapest Hungary it's been home to everyone from composer friend list to inventor erno Rubik creator of games for the world's loneliest children it may be one country over from an active war zone but Hungary is a world capital of art music and culture and I was fitting right in right now they're also embracing right-wing nationalism which is why American conservatives are so enamored with Hungary when I arrived it was a national holiday basically hungary's version of July 4th except with more fingers intact today's the revolution day it celebrates in 1848 when they push back against the habsburgs and I should have bought a guidebook instead of trying to watch tenet on the plane what happens in tenant again there was an election underway so even though this was a national holiday prime minister Victor Orban was using the event as a political rally in the 12 years since he took power Victor Orban has reshaped the country's Judiciary built a fence along this other border to keep out refugees turned Hungarian billionaire George Soros into a boogeyman and was even sanctioned by the EU for his treatment of the lgbtq community it's no wonder Steve Bannon called Victor Orban Trump before Trump and as my therapist will tell you I've been to a ton of trump rallies so I brought along a trusty translator to see just how similar an Orban rally is to a Maga rally first stop the merch table do you have Eddie Orban pictures specifically with him shirtless riding a velociraptor Tyrannosaurus Rex just the flags that's basically Hungarian reference does that have any profanity on it whatsoever right now it's just uh just a straight line straightforward flag good luck with the sales today you don't need to say that one merch check lock her up I thought I heard lock her up okay maybe some things are a little Lost in Translation but still chance check are there going to be any let's go Brandon chats here do you know let's go Brandon I see signs do you know let's go Brandon okay so it's uh people were chanting it was at a NASCAR do you know NASCAR NASCAR it's like formula one but it's a circle they might shout different slogans it's a way to disparage the president of the United States but some similarities with Trump fans are Universal like blind devotion what do you think of Victor Orbach the most Exquisite of all of us you sound like a trump supporter they also had shadowy villains they could blame for everything behind the scenes I don't want to name names he's in the universe somebody who's pulling the strings any chance that person who's pulling the strings name rhymes with Gorge boros yes that I understood and unsurprisingly Orban and Trump supporters were in lockstep in one area um we are supported or not support but what's the opposite of support they're not the opposite somewhere it's a personal issue you don't have to bring intimacy to politics it's a personal issue that should be agreed upon by the majority as to what those personal folks with their issues should be able to do yes and I think if they don't like it here they can travel to the other country where they can marry each other and adopt children and so on and so on if you want to Quality Hit the Road Jack I think yes and if hungarians do legal protections for the lgbtq they need to GTFO because during Victor orban's time in office he's borrowed gay families from adopting passed a law prohibiting their depiction in children's books and TV and even outlawed same-sex marriage in hungary's Constitution so basically they're fine with you being gay as long as you live your life as a straight person somewhere between the castles and bigotry I was starting to think Budapest might be the Orlando of Europe and nowhere is that more apparent than in their hatred of one old man is it amazes me we immediately get to Sleepy Joe here in Budapest I gotta say I think when this thing airs in America be ready you're gonna get calls or be speaking at the next CPAC [Music] early in my Hungarian trip I had watched the intensity of fedes supporters with just a hint of familiarity vice president in USA is a it's fake Joe Biden yes it made me feel right at home but you can't always judge a country by its far right rallies so I hit the streets I want to talk to the people of Budapest The Budapest or the Buddha pescetarians who tend to be more Progressive and support the opposition party and like actual pescetarians they could spell that orban's power grab is a little bit fishy he is an autocrat Orban is Putin's guy um [Music] as an academic and the student and a teacher I feel myself a victim of this ruthless illiberal regime as well what does your sign says clean all right let me try my ahead of this Putin is why is Orban Putin's laptop what is Hungarian foreign there was even some descent but I didn't see any of this perspective reflected in the many many political ads I saw around town in fact even though we were days away from a national election I only saw one candidate in the streets and on TV Victor Orban I talked to Independent journalist sabolj panyi to find out why that is Orban has lost two elections in 1994 and 2002 that he blamed on the media when he came back to Power in 2010 he changed the country's Constitution he enacted a new media law media starts to broadcast pro-war ban propaganda in America you have Fox News here it's basically the state itself that's broadcasting right-wing propaganda and I guess that's uh that's a big appeal to lots of conservatives so if you turn on the TV you're mostly going to see essentially just a wall to wall Tucker Carlson's yeah but like cheap Eastern European editions yeah right is there a smear Cornish in the bunch sorry that's americanesh small grumpy CNN guy no I don't think so so how does having a smear connish-less media landscape impact the political system for answers I went to the leader of the opposition party Peter Marquis Arkansas Jordan's leopard doing good and table didn't come so that's my disappointment is this a traditional Hungarian greeting you nag the person as soon as you meet them probably when we met Peter marquisoi was challenging or bad for the prime ministership which was not an easy task State media is 100 controlled by Orban to the extent that the entire opposition only gets five minutes live Air Time on state media in four years and I got that five minutes as the Prime Minister candidate of the Integra position Wednesday morning 8 A.M that's prime time that's right absolutely so you've got a complain right you got Morning Show Time Dale King makes the best use of that time a few minutes before a few minutes after Urban was speaking you know and he was lying about us and I got five minutes in four years you got to know how to use that time efficiently if you had to boil your ideas down to one sexy sound bite what would that be State media they own all regional daily newspapers they own all FM radios in this country and they are spreading fake news and smear campaigns allegations hate campaigns that's good that's still worthy so how do you fight back when the odds are so stacked against you only chance for us to believe in European values in the rule of law Injustice is to band together and we are very diverse it's a very big Coalition Carolyn Che is the leader of the momentum movement which is not a revamped cable company but rather a youth party in marquisoy's Coalition which also includes leftists and even a party that has neo-nazis in it uh used to have neo-nazis in it the party used to have neo-nazis they're no longer neo-nazis no how how X are the neo-nazis interestingly enough they are a party I used to protest against and now we are working together because we believe in the basic foundations of a country based on democracy and Royal flaw this really feels like we're at the apocalyptic goal line whoever can get on board let's get on board well the stakes are too high it's like uh Suicide Squad did you see Suicide Squad yeah of course I did actually I did is it like suicide squad no no but even with six parties relying on campaign coverage that could fit into a single Tick-Tock video is a hard obstacle to overcome still there are independent journalists like sabolch and Hungary and they're trying to get the truth out I mostly try to scrutinize orban's relationship to Vladimir Putin so business is booming yeah while I was investigating his Russian ties back in 2019 I was under surveillance my phone was infected with an Israelis fiber it's called Pegasus and I was surveilled for a seven months period Pegasus Pegasus this all sounds like Bond villain race is everything in Eastern Europe just sort of feel like you're in the middle of like act two of a decent Bond movie like one of the Daniel Craig ones not one of those broston ones that's a good conversion yeah so the government used Israeli software to surveil you but it's just you it's not the people you're in contact with well they were not after me they wanted to find my sources but do they know the difference between like an informant and a source and just like a friendly celebrity from out of town no the problem is that this software can even hack your encrypted communication like WhatsApp signal telegram everything so the government knows all your contacts and has access to all my messages hold on one second you don't happen to know my wife's phone number do you there's no doubt that Donald Trump and Victor Orban share a lot of the same traits with passionate supporters who have a unique Insight on International Affairs Michael Vicks don't my uh dogs and use them for dog fighting he stole your dogs proceeds to buy missiles for my rain but another thing Orban shares with Trump is a weird love for Vladimir Putin Orban welcomed nuclear projects Russian Banks said Putin was making Russia Great again and met with Putin and Moscow as recently as February but just days before I landed in Hungary Putin invaded Ukraine and started slaughtering its people surely this would be the moment when Orban and his supporters would re-examine the relationship between their two countries who's to blame for the situation in Ukraine uh that's a difficult question is it yeah who's to blame the situation in Ukraine um the USA used to blame in this situation yeah but they're saying that they put a situation to emerge the Ukrainian situation the USA used to blame oh he said because yeah what's happened there it's not Putin's fault if it's not Putin's fault is it Biden's fault you can't put this discussion for Biden's son how much million trillion dollars invested in Ukraine this makes me feel at home I gotta say but was this evasive take on Russian war crimes the official government position I wanted to know so I reached out to the office of the Prime Minister for an interview and for some reason they responded they sent Victor orban's official spokesperson Zoltan Kovach who judging by his name and his policy on Outsiders is a 15th century vampire I sat down with him to clarify hungary's relationship with Russia you have to have a reasonable and pragmatic relationship with the leader of the Russian Federation is it regretful that it's got a little cozy that Victor Orban has been applauding Vladimir Putin yeah but yeah made Russia Great again take a proper look by all comparison Mr orban's relationship with Mr Putin is in no way outstanding if you take a look at the businesses that have been done actually between Germany and France and Russia and other Western European countries so we're looking at elsewhere I mean this is good what about ISM this is left over from no double standards here not even in terms of personal meetings it would stand out actually and certainly we had nothing to do with the war between Ukraine and Russia the cause is the reasons behind are still to be understood who's to blame for the Warren and that's uh that's exactly the the thing we are not going into you're not you're not welcome we're not playing the blame game we recognize and we know that uh Russia was the aggressor and that is Russia attacked the Ukraine but right now a country invades The Sovereign Nation now is not the time to point fingers um again it's too early and uh we certainly is not we certainly are not uh in possession of the truth as we see as we see there's a this information campaign going on and waging actually on both sides both sides that's catnip to the American conservative you know who does want them to pick a side this guy so why are Trump and Orban both refusing to condemn Putin probably because he's an even more Invincible autocrat than they are and because he probably does have a stable of Velociraptors that he rides but luckily four Ukrainian refugees not all hungarians share orban's love for Putin and many of them are stepping up to help right now I'm quartering a family of four uh a single lady whose husband is still in Ukraine huh with her three kids is this the first family you've had today no that's the fifth one this is andras Hodges hungarians know him as a musician and a late night TV personality but like many hungarians he's put his work aside and headed to Budapest main Railway Station to help the Ukrainian refugees who have been arriving by the thousands daily this is the place of first Contact and then they find the volunteer so they can get yeah sandwiches I stand here and somebody comes to me can you take me there here everybody helps everybody even the different ngos I've helped people too get agents or meetings with managers so I've I've done my part volunteers were providing rides SIM cards shelter even office space now we Ordinary People Meet other Ordinary People when you see a young girl having the same shoes like your daughter that gives a message that this is us it's inspiring to see the Hungarian people reach out and do this I'd like to think if Americans were in a similar situation we had people on our border fleeing violent situations that we would reach out and help I'm sure the key is I think to let Ordinary People Meet Ordinary People I'm saying I'd like to say it because I I would like to say that I don't know if I can though it was remarkable how many hungarians were embracing Ukrainian refugees especially when you consider how the country handled the last Refugee crisis in 2015 when syrians escaping War attempted to enter the country the Orban government gutted hungary's Asylum system built a fence on the southern border and actually passed legislation criminalizing the act of helping migrants it seems like a double standard I went back to the Hungarian government to have them explain I guess Americans look at it and they see Hungary welcoming Ukrainian refugees and think back to what happened with Syrian refugees what's different now is there a huge differences between illegal migrants who are basically taking the services of human traffickers don't follow the rules don't carry papers and certainly there are no immediate danger because this is not the first safe country they are entering if you're looking for Refuge just go to the country next door this is the fundamental principle which is guiding the the international agreements on on migrants refugees are entitled for refuge and protection the first safe country they enter so Jews who were fleeing Germany during World War II they should have gone up Poland for safety as it happened or rather the they were riots again in Europe it certainly looks a little bit more complicated than in the United States sure it's a cultural issue but for some people these issues aren't so complicated [Music] so finally the hungarians went to the polls they were choosing between re-electing an autocratic strong man or an odd Coalition bent on restoring democracy it wasn't even close Orban won by so much he even taunted his long list of enemies including the leader of a country currently fighting for its very existence what Orbot achieved in Hungary is a U.S conservative's dream but he did things that Americans wouldn't stand for he refashioned the media into pure nationalist propaganda he kept up a relationship with the world's worst autocrat and he rolled back the rights of minorities and the lgbtq community fortunately this is not going to happen in the United States anytime before November it's a political problem I'm not sure I can solve without a drink so what are we drinking yeah but the good news is people aren't going to give up we keep on fighting we are fighting an uphill battle but we are fighting for this because we believe that our country could be so much better that our country deserves to be in the European fold that these are equal rights uh these are of uh Freedom we just have to keep doing what we were doing fortunately we are still inside the EU so there are still limits to orban's desires May the future be still there when we get there thank you foreign I told you yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Views: 1,929,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, Viktor Orbán, Hungary, Budapest, Conservatism, Donald Trump, Tyranny, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Discrimination, Joe Biden, Elections, Democracy, Investigative journalism, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, Invasion, Russia, Refugee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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