The Creation - The Beginner's Bible

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do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just talking up and date it's a story oh you can the greatest of Hey in the beginning there was god the earth was empty and dark God looked over the surface of the world it was time for something to happen let there be light and the earth became white I shall call the light day and the darkness night and so there had been darkness and then light and that was the world's very first day now God was just getting started the next thing to do was to make the sky above the world and to fill the sky with clouds and that was the second day in the world on the third day God separated the water from the dry land God made all kinds of things to put on the land there were rocks and mountains valleys deserts and beaches there were big islands and little islands there were oceans and seas rivers and lakes but there were still more to come on the third day because God wasn't done yet it was time to make all the plants God made tall trees and short bushes vines ferns leaves and flowers God gave all the flowers a different size color shape and smell and all the grasses and plants and trees that make seeds and fruits were made on the third day too on the fourth day God made a brilliant light in the sky called the Sun to light up the day and a silvery one called the moon to add some light to the night time and as a special touch God added billions of twinkling stars to the night on the fifth day God made some creatures to live in this beautiful world there were birds and more birds and more birds and in the rivers and oceans and seas and lakes God made fish and the oceans were full of all sorts of amazing creatures and that was the end of the fifth day but there was still a lot more for God to do on the sixth day it was time to make the rest of the animals Oh there were so many animals to me big animals and small animals there were spotted animals and horned animals every one of God's animals was beautiful now on this sixth day God did something else that was very important God created the first man and that man was called Adam then God blew the breath of life right into Adam where am I welcome to the world Adam who are you I am God look around you all the plants of the earth and all their seeds and all their fruits I give them to you and all the animals you have power over them as well everything is yours to use to care for and protect sit her up sit please God looked over everything and was happy and on the seventh day God rested ah it is very good now God wanted Adam to live in the most wonderful place that could ever be so God planted a beautiful garden for Adam to live in it was called the Garden of Eden God made a great River run through the garden and then the river split into four great rivers Adam had all the animals for company in the garden wha-ha excuse me hey Adams first job was to name all the animals this new request from God sounds like it's quite a job I'm going to be as busy as a bee I've got to search my brain and come up with the name for every living breathing thing you with the large brown spots eating from tree tops your neck is the biggest part of you twisting round so easily I believe your name will be stretchy now that's pretty catchy or perhaps giraffe will do the jungle must be long the one so fierce and strong I ship and tremble at your ground so you with the flowing mane I give you the kingly name Rory no that fits you porting maybe lion is fine for now those flippy floppy things I think I'll call them wings and creatures they're attached to will be bird the red rest will be Robin ostrich that big on hair it is the clawed one movie peeps all my I'd say your fantasy shell protects you very well although it can slow you down a bit so you with the scaly skin I named you and all your kin pokey not no your Wordle be turtle yeah just right the swimmers in the sea will mostly fishes be with whale and snail and lobster one and all the orange one is goldfish con the ice cold fish tad has the bold wish of one day oh the way you jump around you hardly touch the ground and scamper so fast you're just a blur so you with the Cottontail you'll be known on every trail as hopper no that's not oh I have it your rabbit for sure it's still early in the day and I'm well on my way to naming every animal I know why there's only half a or to go looks like you've got a dear friend I'd like to have a friend too there were many animals to name adam grew very tired of trying to decide what to call each one now god looked down on adam sleeping bear in the garden and adam looked very alone hmm and god decided that adam needed a companion someone to be with god decided it was time to make another person so God created woman whoa whoa hello hello I mean hi I mean ah shucks where am I you're in God's garden the Garden of Eden it's really nice here you'll see these are my friends this is monkey and this is dog and this is um I haven't named you yet a vine gee I guess you need a name too don't you how do you like Eve oh it's lovely Eve I like it and I like this place me too you see God made this garden for me I mean us to live in and everything's pretty and you can eat anything you want and not quite who was that that was God Oh God's the one who made us there is one fruit in all the garden that you may not be there is this is the tree of knowledge of good and evil you may eat up anything else in the garden but you may not eat the fruit from this tree okay tree of knowledge of good and evil no eating absolutely no eating right anything else in the garden is okay but not that tree definitely not that tree right Oh and so Adam and Eve they very happily in the Garden of Eden until one day I'm so happy life's a breeze picking fruit from all the trees lalalala howdy oh she startled me hello what are you coming why hey may Serpent's nice to meet you nice to meet you too nice day isn't it very nice day nice tree isn't it very nice tree nice fruit um I have to go now no you don't we're just getting to know each other you don't wonder my feelings do you no good because I want us to be very good friends now as I was saying it's nice fruit isn't it you can eat it you know eat what you know what I'm talking about the fruit of this tree you can eat it ha ha ha the fruit of this tree no I can't eat that sure you can it's easy it tastes great we're not allowed to eat that God said so God said we'd be in big trouble if we ate that fruit yeah you won't be in trouble God just doesn't want you to eat the fruit from this tree because if you eat it you'll get smiled like God bless a matter are you a chicken I'm not a chicken well then why not give it a shot just one teeny tiny teeth God probably won't even notice and this fruit I'm telling you is incredible no I really can't I'll never tell try it well if it won't kill me and it'll make me smart maybe just one tiny taste sort of a lick not even a bite really how could that be ah pretty good huh I've got to tell Adam about this Adam Adam you'll never guess what just happened what you know the fruit which fruit you know the one we weren't supposed to eat what about it you didn't did you I did Eve how could you Adam it's great I want you to try it too that serpent over there told me all about it I just took a little bite that's all but evil really get it if we eat that fruit I didn't get it did I I I guess not just take a tiny bite God's probably not even looking oh go ahead I don't know it was good but suddenly I feel kind of scared I just feel so I don't know so sort of naked good grief I'm naked sex I make it - that's better what were we thinking oh thank god coming I think we're in trouble big trouble I think we're gonna get it now we'd better hide Adam II what are you doing we're uh hiding why well we didn't want you to see us we did a bad thing we were scared how did you know these things did you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil well yes but it was her fault she talked me into it oh it wasn't my fault that serpent talked me into it I am NOT happy you have disobeyed me we're sorry we're really sorry I'm not worried what can happen to me you serpent will crawl on your belly and heat dust forever you will fear people and people will fear you this is your punishment for all time and you hadn't even because I trusted you when you disobeyed me you must leave the garden life was easy for you here but it will not be easy outside you will have to work hard that your children will have to work hard you will know what it means to hurt and suffer pain there are some gowns too you warm after you leave the garden now go God put an angel with a flaming sword of the entrance to the garden so Adam and Eve could never go back but even though Adam and Eve had disobeyed God even though they had to leave the garden God still loved them I'm sorry Eve I'm sorry too Adam I guess we're all alone now not quite alone and thus began Adam and Eve's new life outside the gardens from then on their life was filled with joy and sadness good things and bad but even though they could never go back to the Garden God did not abandon Adam and Eve God always watched over them wherever they went forever after you you God separated the water from the dry land God made all kinds of things to put on the land there were rocks and mountains valleys deserts and beaches there were big islands and little islands there were oceans and seas rivers and lakes but there was still more to come on the third day because God wasn't done yet it was time to make all the plants God made tall trees and short bushes vines ferns leaves and flowers God gave all the flowers a different size color shape and smell and all the grasses and plants and trees that make seeds and fruits were made on the third day too you
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 582,754
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Keywords: The Beginner's Bible: Timeless Bible Stories, bible, beginner bible, bible stories for children, bible children, the bible, arc noah, beginners bible, the bible story, bible story, bible stories child, The Creation Of Adam (Artwork), the creation, Adam And Eve (Literature Subject), beginner's bible, Religion (TV Genre)
Id: D9oh4YO8N7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2015
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