Jon Stewart Learns Propaganda 101 From Himself Instead of Tucker Carlson

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I can do better I can has learning I Can Has it but I don't even know where to start with that where do I go to study the particulars of unquestioning propaganda I would need mentorship thank you both of you secretary Clinton Secretary rice Saints be praised for Professor Tucker Alo wish's Mayflower Kenny bumped Port back gam and Carlson [Applause] II has arrived Professor tell me what is step one in delivering worldclass fty to power I'm a comedian first lie about what your job is that is the agenda that we put it is is an anti-corruption anti- uh uh lack of authenticity it's anti- contrivance lie about what your duty is it's such an important conversation and one that really I I think your points about educating and and publicizing is is such an important one because it is we have to change those priorities oh [ __ ] [Applause] Kudo Sensei that was deep I have much to learn disguise your deception and capitulation to power as Noble and moral and based in Freedom Yes master uh just out of curiosity uh as a student when you're sitting there interviewing Putin and you don't plan to challenge his utter [ __ ] but you don't want to really be that obvious what do you do with your face oh I see uh okay so it's not really a straight face as much as you try to convey a mixture of what appears to be shame arousal and I'm going to say irregularity for instance uh like you're constipated while jerking off to a Sears catalog been there haven't you guy up there like well the lingerie ads [Music] were now obviously uh uh Tucker strategy is going to work when there's some ambiguity in what Putin says but what if Putin start saying [ __ ] like World War II was Poland's fault because they forced Hitler to inv evade them I mean what do you do with something like that that's going to be hard uh Democratic countries don't use weapons of mass destruction so I think I they Harbor them but they have them you can't it'd be hard to I mean that was planned in and the always a distin but always try to look at the Converse All right yes of course you know it's so hard to do when your face says what the and your mouth says of course it's just a so hard to whole how do you all right how do you do that well this has been an incredible primer into the delegate dance of speaking of course to power so in the Middle East it was about stability not about democracy in Latin America we associate with all kinds of hunters uh because they were anti-communist and so our we were mixed we' supported authoritarian regimes some places go on but I think often times though we fetishize that idea that the coasts are somehow out of touch I know I've said this before you're such a dick now I didn't realize really truly like a day I didn't realize America's homeless problem is caused entirely by easy access to grocery Garden I had all my stuff in my house but I didn't know I could just put it on Wheels it's so much e well whenever you're a great power um or a superpower you don't mind your own business great Powers want to shape the we're going to hear something from Spider-Man great power comes with great respons really oh okay okay Forest but hey if being a free speech Warrior means you have to bang the occasional sourdough but our time is limited could you drive home the purpose of your deception on this trip in the most cynical way possible please I want to thank you publicly because you know I introduced the first bills on uh taking care of the health of our First Responders that got it done in the if it hadn't been for what you you had done after that and I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president we will attack Iran were you smart about Iraq endorsing the president's position on Iraq uh did you believe ever that Saddam Hussein when you had to cast that vote to authorize the war in Iraq did you ever believe that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons I did who told you you didn't have evidence they had nuclear weapons did you we what we had was a I had let me speak for myself you never had evidence of nuclear weapons no if we're going to stay safer it requires extraordinary vigilance it requires extraordinary defensive measures but it also requires meeting them on their own turf he' used weapons of mass destruction chemicals against the Iranians and against his own people but he didn't have them well no I don't regret that we uh went to war against him I know what a great relief it was to uh millions of libyans that uh the past was finished and now they could move into a different future why is it that Libya has become such a hub for smuggling [Music] here's the reality you know all this because you aren't as dumb as your face would have us believe perhaps if your handlers had allowed you would have seen there is a hidden fee
Channel: Titanic Sub
Views: 20,824
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Keywords: Jon Stewart, Tucker Carlson, satire, comedy, political humor, propaganda critique, military industrial complex, funny edit, media criticism, Jon Stewart critique, Tucker Carlson parody, political satire, Jon Stewart vs Tucker Carlson, Hillary Clinton interview, Condoleezza Rice, news parody, political commentary, media parody, Stewart Carlson edit, political interviews satire, fake interview, comedy edit, Stewart self-critique, Swipe Life, Titanic Sub
Id: xf0ZpbK-J4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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