Jon Stewart DESTROYS CNN on Their Trump Obsession

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The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the light, the future is.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/churchofbabyyoda420 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
like most comedians i've always enjoyed and admired the work of john stewart i particularly enjoyed his recent interview did you where he was asked about donald trump on cnn i've recently received criticism for appearing to be sympathetic towards trump and more notably still trump supporters i felt really attacked by that that's why i took a particular interest in jon stewart who let's face it is regarded as a comedian of the left and the way that he responded to this line of inquiry on a cnn show have a look you were talking a second ago about identifying the weak points in the guardrails of democracy it's also obvious and i know you've spoken about this in the past that donald trump has also identified those weak points he is now endorsing candidates for secretary of state in battleground states candidates who are all in on the big lie uh in you know in arizona i think we make a mistake focusing this all on on donald trump as though he's i don't know magneto and some incredible super villain that has changed the very nature and uh temperature of the united states like he's just been an effective vessel but again like he's not singing new songs i think it's a mistake to focus it all on this one individual you can see that the interviewer is already sort of oh no he's disappointed he's disappointed that he's not getting jon stewart offering up unquestioning critiques condemnations even slurs about donald trump because for years for the entirety of the presidency and in the immediate aftermath there has been a kind of continual espousal of negativity and what i think is also important about what jon stewart seems to be indicating is that there's an infatuation with reductivism and simplification in the type of media that we often critique on this channel of just saying oh this individual is really bad if you get rid of this individual everything will be okay never acknowledging that this individual's popularity is based on something and it's based in my opinion on the deficit of all the and clear objectives around helping ordinary americans from the more socially inclined party they're democrats that's like where i feel much of the fault lies and i feel that populism and a particular kind of nationalist populism can only really rise when people don't feel like their lives are being taken care of that their voices are being heard that anyone cares about them and that there's just a phoniness in politics that there's a cronyism that dominates politics that the democrat party is in league with big pharma and big tech and even though the republican party is the party of business well you can trust them they've got values whatever for me broadening that conversation out inviting some nuance into that conversation is absolutely vital i don't register now i don't think anywhere on that spectrum i don't feel excited by anything that's happening anywhere in politics except for movements that are like grassroots movements that are about the empowerment of ordinary people i'm just grateful to you john stuart who's a comedian who's able to say certain things know his comments about wuhan and the wuhan lab i like seeing him speak in in this way rather than sort of tone in the line as it were and not to focus it more on you know the idea that power is its own reward whether it be in the financial industry or in government like power doesn't cede itself of course the main thing is cnn have a complex relationship with donald trump whilst they pour vitriol on him as a figure condemn him and everything he stands for they absolutely require him and need him the heyday the purple patch the biggest boon in cnn's history coincided with the presidency and tenure of donald trump and all of their most successful content is them attacking or criticizing donald trump donald trump to them is like a lover that they had amazing sex with but they absolutely cannot stand i hate you donald but when you kiss me i go weak at the knees baby so what they really need is for john stewart to talk about donald trump excuse me would you mind talking about donald trump so that we don't seem absolutely irrelevant because nobody's interested in watching any of our other content except for donald trump content so could you say some stuff about donald trump oh i don't think that donald trump's really the issue no he isn't but could you talk about donald trump anyway unless we can figure out a better way to balance that power for you know for workers and voters and and different groups we'll be vulnerable no john you're talking about power in a complex way now and in a way that doesn't have a cartoonish figure at the front of it that i can criticize and get those precious likes so again donald trump well i think the power is a little more complicated than that there's various institutions and relationships between these institutions ongoing corruption that we've seen for centuries with either party now and it's difficult for people to be engaged with politicians when they all seemed like cookie-cutting policies no john it's donald trump he's going crazy he's got devil horn say something i don't know that autocracy is purely the domain of of donald trump i think that we all have a bit of a tendency to be like to grant amnesty to people that are doing things that we would prefer even if that means that they're slightly undemocratic it's funny as well because we've cut the clips just for john's shoes but it's the guys just the whole time just looking like someone really disappointed that no one's talking about donald trump like donald trump's favorite character and he just needs donald trump to be spoken about while john stewart continually insists on talking about the complexity of institutional power the meaninglessness of democracy in its current form all the while this guy's just like oh please say something about donald trump so i i think our focus unhealthily on this one individual comes at the price of systems and dynamics that have been in place long before this cat ever learned how to surf those waves i always think we're trying to understand this aspect of american social political life it's important to consider the era that preceded trump trump himself and his administration and the post-trump era before trump trump after trump look at it as one kind of continuum one phenomena on an institutional and financial level no one was doing anything no one's offering any vision no one's talking to blue-collar americans no one's doing anything other than insignificant gestures to sort of release little valves of social tension without changing the systemic corruption that exists throughout american and indeed british and indeed perhaps global politics why did a figure like trump arise if you go back and watch again trump doing them primaries on fox he's hilarious he's funny he's quick he's authentic he's talking like a real normal person it's no wonder that people connected with him no wonder if you can't see that you don't know much about politics and you don't know much about entertainment i'm saying that the changes required are way beyond any individual so even if you despise trump or love trump trump can't make no difference without significantly ordering the political landscape which he's not in a position to do whether that's into his intention or not as you know i don't believe it was i believe that he's a sort of a billionaire property developer and has the mindset of a billionaire property developer me i think we need to decentralize power where you run your own life where you don't need a trump or a biden or a kennedy or anybody because you run your own lives you vote for yourself believe in yourself these things are possible they're at least as possible as the chaos we're living in right now i think there's always been the danger that a minority of voices would have a majority of power i mean in a lot of ways that's that's baked into the the way that the system was created and enacted we've elevated money and and corporate power to this one level we've diminished sort of a pure democratic power to another level and we're wildly out of balance there you go john stuart offering some critical thinking on the problems of institutional power some of which in his words are inceptional in american democracy or baked into the constitution that the power is concentrated and consolidated in a few hands and that tendency seems somehow to of increased which means i suppose conversely decreased and unless those systems have changed there's really no point in criticizing individual figures but the criticism of individual figures does bring about ratings it is simpler it's easier for all of us to understand well i don't like this person this person gets on my nerves like we respond like that because of our ape like nature our ability to sort of read faces and make judgments based on charisma and style and all sorts of significant in a personal contributory factors that may not be so significant when played out on the vast map of political and financial power so i would say that's a great interview for jon stewart and the more that voices from across the political spectrum start to point out the true nature of the challenges we face the more likely is the conversation will start to include real solutions which ultimately in my opinion boil down to folk having control over their own lives and own communities decentralizing power where possible breaking up monopolies breaking up atrophying state power ossified state power and creating something new and vibrant and joyful truthful authentic and honest is that too much to ask you tell me in the comments below let me know what you think about this video let me know what i've missed let me know what you want to see me talk about subscribe to this channel if you want to subscribe to it if you enjoyed this video have a look at that one and if you want to meditate now have a look at this saucy little fella over 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Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 2,362,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, CNN, Jon Stewart, Donald Trump, Democracy, American Institutions, Trump, election
Id: vHSJ2brceKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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