So… This Is The REAL REASON Trump Was Banned

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jack dorsey twitter ceo has resigned and we ask therefore on this auspicious occasion how did twitter an intended tool for democracy become its mirror its inversion a tool for censorship if it were possible to love all four and a half million of you physically embrace you kiss you if that's what you were after you know i would do it i'm so grateful for you to coming to us if you're in the uk come and see me on tour i'm in scotland i'm in england i'm all over the gaf there's a link in the description if you want to see me where you may not be able to find access to that kind of information is twitter now like i'm old enough to remember the first time i went on twitter twitter in the beginning was beautiful like you'd go on twitter it'll just be like sort of chatting to people and you think oh my god i can open this box of wonder people like hey how's it going and silly questions and frivolity twitter is now a kind of buy word for i don't know is it toxicity is it condemnation polarization twitter pylons what aspect of human nature has been brought to the forefront by these social media platforms and are they neutral just tools as i often naively describe them or do they have within them embedded certain ideologies and intentions that it's impossible to avoid if you use them let's investigate this let's talk really about censorship matt tayeby on substance says dorsey's departure is the latest plot point in a long developing internet tragic comedy which has seen what was supposed to be a historically democratizing technological tool transformed into a dystopian force for censorship and control twitter under dorsey suffered from working too well specifically society responded to donald trump's tweet-driven 2016 presidential campaign as if it revealed a defect in the platform that needed fixing when actually trump's election was proof that twitter was working much as intended our political establishment just wasn't looking for that sort of functionality donald trump regardless of your feelings for him and i know a lot of you love donald trump was a master of communication and perfect for twitter because he was able to proceed data in an accessible and human way like many of his cusses and his style and the things that he would capitalize it just looked and seemed and felt interesting and i suppose one of the things that make me sympathetic towards affiliates of trump aficionados of trump is the way that trump is subsequently being handled and censored and controlled even though you can watch the videos of me vocally verbally aggressively criticizing trump because of some of the language he used some of the things he said some of the implications of some of the things he said rather than actual direct policy because you know me i don't think it makes that much bloody difference who the president of a particular boat is if that boat is sailing in roughly the same direction with roughly the same crew and perhaps the same sort of admirals back at base going you bloody will sail the ship in that direction otherwise there'll be trouble naval analogies aside trump was perfect for our age our social media age where polarization attempts at censorship attempts at control for a while played into the hands of a charismatic demagogic figure let's see what tabi is saying the original concept of twitter was egalitarian flattening and iconoclastic to give everyone power to create and share ideas instantly without barriers prior to 2016 elite mouthpieces bragged about acting as gatekeepers to political power when political debates were held a handful of analysts on television told you who won we reporters told you who was electable and who wasn't and people mostly listened even if electability was a crock that mostly measured levels of corporate donor approval then came 2016 trump didn't get the big republican donor money it went to jeb bush yeah i remember thinking oh jeb bush is going to win no another bush oh i see how it works but trump just smashed all that you see the way he talked to that jeb bush he just made a mockery of him he used animal energy to sort of like just to sort of flash him away like with piss drizzle he didn't get the support of his party's bureaucracy which at various times pulled out stops to try to derail his candidacy for the nomination and even conservative media locked arms against him early in the race trump throughout his political career benefited from free corporate media coverage but by the time of his first nomination he had universally negative editorial treatment in mainstream media and even serious detractors on stations like fox once that would have been fatal to a politician trump didn't need the news media to amplify his message he was expressing himself in a way that defied contextualization on a twitter account that essentially became the country's most followed media network twitter's unique ability to exponentially increase the messaging force of a single individual had never been dealt with by institutional america before so many unique phenomena and again i suppose it shows you the power of charisma the somewhat hacky comparison of donald trump to an obvious historical figure certainly has one relevant component the sheer power of the force of personality particularly in a panelized and already corrupt space whether he was being dumb or smart or petty or cutting incoherent or inscrutable trump had a way of expressing himself that or maggie gave his tweets superior reached the news stories about his tweets this put him permanently ahead of the news cycle with this power a politician was now able to communicate directly with voters and even the collective displeasure of the entire self-described political establishment could not stuff that genie back in the bottle in fact that's one of the things that makes me a person who ideologically is pretty far opposed to someone who stripped away their charisma and uh interpersonal magic is a billionaire property mogul casino running kind of person that's not my vision of the future you know but like what i have to acknowledge and what i'm sympathetic towards is censorship like this is what i feel if you can't beat people fair and square because you're telling the truth you're telling the truth i want to make society better i believe in ordinary people i think things have got our hand with billionaires and elites and big tech and the media we need openness and freedom we're going to have to learn to accept people with different opinions to us we're going to have to reach across to people who we disagree with and go how we're going to do this together i know you think this and i think that but what are we going to do that's what i believe in so i'm not coming from a perspective where i feel like oh no because really what i'm interested in is setting up all these elites and dealing with wall street and silicon valley in big business and the only thing i can do is shut up populism and pretend to be nicer and say that person's vulgar you know that's that is the problem what trump did is he demanded that politics become meaningful and politics couldn't become meaningful so it just went just get rid of him and then we can carry on being meaningless moreover twitter itself now decided things like who won debates pundits were often reduced to report in the platform's mood in place of the previous practice of telling populations how to feel think of something like when like chappelle's thing was on netflix and it gets like a critics review three percent it's crap green splat audience approval 99 and like that shows you oh i see there is an attempt to manage and control the way certain issues are perceived expressing no opinion in particular about the example that i'm using there's an obvious pushback to being told what to think twitter temporarily afforded the option of well just let the people decide that's what democracy is that's why democracy is not real and never was because real democracy means stuff might happen that you don't like what they mean when they say democracy is our democracy what they mean by the outcome of the people outcome of our people what they mean by freedom of speech freedom for our speech and that's something that i think you could level at either side but it's usually the side that's in power whose opinions matter for the obvious reason that they are able to implement their power people will focus on the fact it was bad bad donald trump who got elected that year but that really was incidental the real problem trump represented for elite america had less to do with his political beliefs than the unapproved manner of his rise twitter seen as a co-conspirator in this evil became a target of establishment reprisal after trump's win what a great piece of writing and analysis by matt toby there there are good journalists out there there are people trying to tell the truth and you know thank god that there there are it's no coincidence that the once pleasant or at least interesting experience of twitter became a troll-infested anxiety-ridden hell after 2016. yeah that's my experience i don't like to i get afraid of it like that little bird now to me it like might as well be a crow pecking out my eye hold on isn't that our logo might as well be a crow farting in my face that's the point of the crow it's a trickster that we're beyond duality we're beyond good and evil and what is all this really other than gas being expelled from a body thanks to everything from a surge in bots to the explosion of outrage campaigns which made saying anything remotely controversial a terrifying a miserable prospect for anyone with a job after 2016 campaign journalists who lost influence to decide presidential races took revenge by enforcing conformity of message within their own ranks on twitter a platform designed to enhance discussion now became more of a social policing mechanism the main change involved moderation the one-time gateway to unrestrained speech came under constant assault from politicians on both sides of the aisle conservatives accused dorsey of liberal bias while democrats rushed the firm to enact ever stricter controls on speech first as a bull work against russian disinformation then later against disinformation generally then finally against trump himself we've got to get rid of russian disinformation we've got to get rid of all this information all right just get rid of trump by 2020 twitter couldn't help but become an increasingly regulated environment it crossed the major censorship rubicon when it limited access to a new york post story about hunter biden's laptop last fall we did a story about that lots of people did a story about that and i remember i've had it like me i am not like what you would call a right-wing conservative person i have conversations with right-wing conservative people just to sort of marvel at the differences between us and to try and find a common bond of humanity and love for of human beings and for for the earth and for our families and for society and a sense of good will and good intention but my like history like i'm like sort of a post-60s hippie type person like a libertarian a radical like out on marches and things like that like and what do they do if i go oh do you think that there's some on bosch point i see a republican republican phew for a minute there i thought we were living in a sensorial dictatorship where you couldn't speak ah totally you can't talk about not being able to talk about stuff like everyone's having a phonetic frantic fee bro overreaction emotional reaction to everything because it can't be rationally addressed because it's irrational behavior based on fear and anger and the deep understanding that there is now no cultural vision being offered there is no story who are we what are we doing what are we building together who are you what do you want for your children how do you see society going now that you know it's not going to be oh well technology's going to save us no it ain't so what are we going to do what are we going to create together well let's just argue and go to war and battle and discriminate and discern and condemn people that are a little bit different than us over minor personal issues that's not the way to solve this wake up after fiasco's caused by official lies like the wmd affair the weapons of mass destruction i've read a book about it no one in government called for tire regulations of media or the internet or told the executives of private communication firms they had blood on their hands weapons of mass destruction after all were approved disinformation the unapproved variety in the form of say anything trump fought inspired a different reaction it's not so easy to apportion public opinion now that there is social media without of course taking control over social media which is precisely what's happened the wild west of the social media has now become institutionalized that's why censorship is rife that's why certain issues can't even be discussed people like dorsey were now told by senators and other figures they had responsibility to prevent misinformation and harm in ways no one else had ever been asked to assume i think that a lot lately don't you like when things are about you know we'll think about other people care about others you've got a responsibility to others okay should we like radically rejig society then because i thought it was like every man for himself i thought you make your own luck in this world i thought you pull yourself up by your bootstraps if what we want is we're all responsible for one another and we're all connected to one another there's going to be a pretty major review going down about how society is run it's not going to just be you do this one thing and now it's all okay so yeah be careful about which ideology you claim to support after the january 6 events dorsey acceded and shut down trump's account the move took place among other under publicized actions by tech firms that spoke to an increasingly organized top-down system of corporatised speech restraints in the end twitter's explosive growth has forced it to embrace something like the opposite of its original mission like the internet generally instead of a machine for speech without barriers twitter is becoming precisely a mechanism for tightened elite control over expression a thought-pleased platitude sanctuary wow what a fantastic piece of writing personally i agree just on the level of my own individual experience twitter went from being sort of a slightly wild wacky place the internet a realm of possibility the ability for us to communicate across continents across the globe to share ideas to exchange information our ideology creativity new solutions for humanity but no no no there are powerful elite structures that just saw it like another territory that needed to be colonized and that colonization is about coercion that colonization is about closing down individual rights and if you can do it while claiming to be about individual rights if you can do it while claiming to be about saving lives and helping other people well that's all the better then you don't have to face up to what's actually happening tyranny tyranny let's give it its name but that's just what i think what do you think you tell me i don't want to be just another tyrant shouting farting into the abyss hit me up in the comments below if you like this video give it a like share it around i'm gonna ask you now you gotta turn on that notification bell because i we need you we need you to be directly informed it's the only way we can guarantee you're gonna see our videos turn on the notification bell so we can stay in contact with you if you enjoyed this video and why wouldn't you have done a lot of this one and please subscribe to my side channel awakening with russell brown and if you want even closer connection with me and 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Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 1,574,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Jack Dorsey, Matt Taibi, democracy, Donald Trump, Twitter, establishment, Republican, Jeb Bush, media, Fox, Democrats, Hunter Biden, misinformation
Id: iCjx2ZBcXw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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