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mob psycho in a nutshell oh they're on a date or something i think look at that did you guys see that meanwhile reagan is with a client with a flat face that's what happens when the doctor realizes you can't afford the plastic surgery you just get your face flattened get your boyfriend out of here he's built like one of those things from pokemon the freaking apricorn this is one weird couple here ah he's doing your girlfriend dirty i'm sure her face would return to normal too not he's a gunner there's no way you fix a knife hey bro the ghost ain't even in that building it records on you look at how defined her cheekbones are nah bruh you're telling me a cursed spirit just walked past them my eyes how do you get like that i don't even know those humanly possible all right but not for real this is where things get serious the cockroaches honestly i'd rather fight anything other than cockroaches if i had to fight mike tyson or a swarm of cockroaches i'm choosing mike tyson bro i love how they're all freaked out but that is just this dude so this fight too much for rigging the handle so he calls up gang mafia member mom to come end his whole bloodline all right the mafia member is here bro look at his presence i don't even need to see this dude's face let's tell that he's looking down on bush head over here he'd even let him finish his sentence no dialogue allowed but hold up mob what you looking at over there is that race shadow legends today's sponsor look at what their champions are doing to each other they'll be going crazy raid shadow legends is here to put all your favorite mobile games to shame and bring you a true console level experience to your phone and there are over 600 champions to choose from you can build so many different teams and strategies like look at this goated character over here so lithia is a legendary champion she has the ability to strip off enemy buffs and that is goaded because nothing is worse than an enemy that is all buffed out she even has the ability to heal the rest of the team if she gets a chance to overheal but conor is getting put on the front line because just look at this man he's a tank that can strip down enemy attack and defense and as if that wasn't enough he then proceeds to annoy the enemy so they can't use their best skills this dude is an absolute beast and last but not least ethios is a literal walking nuke fill this guy with grit damage and crit ring you know just nuke everything in his spout but did you know that this is ray's three year anniversary the celebration is gonna go crazy but while we're waiting let's take a look at raid's first ever champion skins just look at the colorways skins let you alter a champion's appearance to something that suits your style and preference like if i had to choose one for myself i'm choosing the black and red because you can never go wrong with black and red it just makes you look dangerous now's a great time to get started with ray and if you click my link in the description or scan my qr code here on the screen do either and you'll get a free starter pack worth almost forty dollars you get three free champions at once mr record tiger soul romeo plus ten magic xp bruce ten four sex free brews and ten spirit brews that's a lot and all the goodies will be here waiting for you click the link in the description and you'll be chilling rewards will be only available for the next 30 days and only for new players so make sure to hop on before it's too late thank you great shadow legends for the sponsor and with that said back to mob psycho wait this dude is paying mob 300 yen that is literally three dollars in usd why is he doing him so dirty come on mom stop playing with the spoons yo mom don't like that at least he's not like one of those kids that'll be stolen chairs like the teacher must not give any bro why is there an eggplant head oh my god can we please put the eggplant back on her mom be sleeping in class someone get this dude emergency help right now the asthma is literally eating his lungs all right here they about to go on another mission dude straight into the ball the whole gang died because one bike slipped over a banana pill you're trolling me see this is why i would never ride on a motorcycle all it takes is one bozo to just run me over dale who knew reagan was so strong not really though okay so just the real boss and look at him in his 9 000 eyes little does he know he just chopped up and swallowed an atom bomb like this man got no mercy but just look at the animation it's freaking amazing mob psycho's artist loves doing the side characters dirty he stays giving him butt chins and all jacked up teeth bro looking like a walrus all right so now reagan's gonna help this dude bro has a one-click curse dude was clicking on the ad games and now he got a curse on his shoulder or at least that's the lie he's going with he just really giving him a massage hey reagan mob started lying to people except that's not actually what he's worried about he's worried about the latest i'd say the going home club is the best mmm i can't agree with them but i don't know so this club needs a fifth member the club will be shut down dang these were on a mission they getting that fifth member no matter what all right so they get denied by a whole bunch of people but these three stood up they just look so creepy no there ain't any hot guys bro what type of spasm is this must be a spasm in the brain yeah what did i just watch anime girls at its finest look at that anime girl pose all right so these two start fighting over mom and then so this girl starts crying i mean i would be too if someone drew me like that but since mob such a good guy he's thinking he might actually join their club look at her faking her ears yeah i'm not so sure i would join their club that joiner looks run down you even got mobstress all right why is everyone looking at you what's with the ponytail what are they doing those are the two hair cells that i think you should never animate because one is always going to be floating the other just always looks stressed come on bro you gotta at least shave alright so mom had to take this mission on alone this dude obviously got caught by the police so this is what the case is about floating brawl so these two start instantly doubting him oh no not the girl's bathroom someone was looking from the top there ain't anybody here think the basketball moves are animated nicely look at the three-pointer it's like air ball get up the quarter the shot was so bad at south to midair shaq with the defense dude is freaking mountainous would you do it at all girls school my god you deserve everything you're getting to you no not the girl that airbolt stop dude don't touch her don't touch her man damn he got his whole arm destroyed that's what you get for being such a weirdo see what did i tell you guys mobby pulling hey but before this dude dies he hits mob with a deep one are you living every day to the fullest you never even thought about that all right will mob join the club or will he not but before that the president shows up with freaking gorilla men these dudes are in middle school what type of steroids are they on i might need that joint all right so mob what do you want to do no one else just you i freaking knew it if this dude mob's emotions weren't sealed you could be horny as hell damn look at his childhood always look he's only showing you i'm not gonna lie i don't think i'd ever get bored of seeing that all right that decides that he's joining the body improvement club let's go oh man i would not want to be chilling with these guys i'd be looking like mob i don't know if i'll die though all right so both clubs are using the room pretty interesting pretty interesting i like how they exaggerated how weak he is here he shows that he has a lot of room to grow his psychic abilities don't need to grow though because look at what he's doing he could kill someone with one of those dumbbells even himself yeah this girl starts going on about aliens and stuff like bro you ain't gonna see the aliens all right so she catches on that mom wants to be popular read a girl's minds using telepathy okay good luck with that because they don't exist all right so this woman takes mob to this place they're a religious order called lol now i've been thinking her mouth is kind of creepy but even more than would not make it any better bob get out of here i think it's a pyramid scheme all right it's time to change his religion oh man it's getting real creepy real quick even bob disgusted you know mom sometimes some people need to be nuked like does this dude think he's the booter or something wait his classmate's here too we found him on a park bench how's that a victim of recession ah he's getting dirty in front of thousands all right they're taking them down to the old sir they put a mask on him and even mom she's here for the newspaper yeah take this dude down he's definitely a weirdo just look at him yo what did they do to him he's laughing for no reason just like all the other psychos mom please help her she needs your savings no not her too oh god well hold up mom being affected by this staring contest they have to drink milk in the first one the laugh loses well yeah this dude mob thinks you're just all lame as hell straight into his face why though this time when he went up against a leader they put something in it seems like it's messing with his atoms and it felt like he was burning his eyeballs so this dude bob gets pissed off he gets pulled on and told he'll be alone forever literally captured by a whole army and worst of all yes i hear her say something cursed well then mob just starts going crazy this ain't bob anymore this is freaking rob because you're gonna rub the booty yeah i'm a comedic genius so that's when the animation just starts going crazy even this dude's like damn just how high is their budget but yeah this guy was no match from all he was gonna stay hungry forever don't hold oh we're getting into the gang guard it's the josuke oh what the brigitte doing here dale joe's getting dirty so this is that one happy guy that he killed earlier so mom just starts beating him into the ground bro thought this was a dream yo mom i definitely would have exercised them on the spot this dude's a complete weirdo like for the whole day he just follows marlborough come on mom what are those one pounders he's exercising an evil spirit photo with photoshop this dude is a legend looking for our god the psycho helmet religion who decided to give them that name hey bro would you do it to that spoon over there stop trying to copy mom mom's just a different breed just look at him he could kill you with just his eyes alone did you just roast this man's haircut it'll go like that about his haircut you ain't gotta talk about his haircut like that he's gonna call but you like he's playing smash bros oh my god dude is never gonna be able to see ever again mom got a love letter mob don't trust it look at the way he spilled the door and he put i'm a girl yeah okay oh no mom has fallen for it oh man he used mama's bait so he could use these gorillas to fight yeah what a weirdo the real weird thing is that mom didn't even react to that dude you guys mess with the wrong people you're literally fighting gorillas these guys have been from hell and back they just wiped out a whole squad they didn't even break a sweat look at what they're doing to them he's playing frisbee with your whole body each one of them got someone by their head just look at that but here comes this dude their shadow leader dang you need to straight out punch is the boss dude the shadow leader reminded me of killers just look at those soulless blue eyes damn this dude is sent some flying all right but what are these guys thinking right now like they are going airborne and look at the way he's looking kayla is not playing around so here is where he notices maul and he's like he got abilities too and just look at him all terrified and stuff bro looking like he pissed his pants that's the worst jojo pose i've ever seen also mama's just straight up eating these hits but he will not lay a finger on him because a true man doesn't fight with his fists all he needs is defense he goes around swinging mob all over the place like just look at mom waste it but not really though no he killed temple look at all the good moments they had to give whoa whoa x-ray calm down there buddy dude is pretty creepy after all can you stop standing like that oh my gosh whoa whoa whoa chill out with the knives man get him out of here please put this on you're gonna blind me but here's when mob starts to hit him with his words from my perspective you're totally average so after hearing that he starts choking him out no no no no my eyes how to rewind real quick my punched up get disrespected damn he passed out he didn't use his powers not once or not because the mob's rage decided to go crazy what the ah this dude got instantly utterly defeated and so has a school just look at what mob is doing to it no mock had to rely on his powers he can't just be walking around the school grounds like that and where are all the students at did mom kill them yeah i think they all is dead to be honest is that you dad yup that's definitely your dad over there totally not a fake tell me the password to the hidden safe i know there's a fortune in there he was pushed by burger man now i know what the writer thinks of americans this dude's dad was from new jersey and i can't lie us americans are burger people this girl wants to fly an alien so bad here i got you here's an alien damn get your big head out of his face don't try to act like your brother damn these middle schools are smart as hell how do you notice who's trying to do that middle school is playing minecraft and tackling people all right so here mom's brother gets taken to this facility where it can awaken its us for powers and these guys looking like the new power rangers on a budget though dude was stressing to bend that spoon now she's uh in her powers clairvoyance this guy looks like he could be cool but dude's more useless than a lighter for these guys i'm just wondering how they came off the womb bro's head is a whole block here they're trying to rid the school of gangsters so they're gonna set a trap for the mall yeah just look at the way they all looked at him whoa whoa whoa what's all this why are they playing the recorder middle school ah they did him dirty how is he gonna come back from this one there's no coming back damn they even put him in his bed oh my god they're doing him dirty there is no coming back from this one no but wait he still has one person that loves him there she this is a horrible defeat sticks and stones might break my bones but the words will kill me i still can't believe how dirty they did well hold up mom's brother did that it doesn't look like much but what if that was someone's nose now that would be lethal now i can see spirits meanwhile all these ganks is trying to take out balls so now they all gonna be looking for him oh no he does not want to shake hands he's just gonna kneel straight to the face and then eventually he breaks all the spoons and forces like a menace dang look at this shot it's amazing so now dimple's gonna possess his brother's body but you know what dimple way too weak though he can't control the body at all so this dude does a bunch of toxic to go mess up his mind in a conflicted mind means more power would i be able to make you disappear too okay calm down all right so here ritu gets in a fight and look how excited he is he's even blushing so he takes his dude off and he just comes running towards him but there's nothing to reach what is that guy doing he's taking out nobody yo why this is better than the bold cut he's been getting done dirty like david took sophie's with him whoa whoa whoa they better fight oh handshake oh he almost killed him with fear alone just look at his presence whoa kind of weird i'm just chilling doing him you know this woman pops up oh mom do you see what she said do you have a moment she's gonna try and do you dirty half a million yen for a vase she tried to make him drop it oh my gosh this is why you never talk to these people they're only here to do you dirty yo she pushed his elbow and made him crack i've never seen ball more stress in my life friggin quick help mobile are he helping mob out and he also kind of brought a spirit with him on accident joint actually starts going crazy and these guys nearly have a heart attack here's where all the gang leaders start trying to mess with risu and they find this guy and they start just beating the hell out of him left him for the birds and then on his way home again tomorrow he runs into another leader he has hit a point of no return now there's about to be a whole gang fight the leader from all the schools over here so he starts using his psychic abilities against all of them joy ain't even a fair fight he can literally make them freeze what did i just watch that's why you don't run through the smoke like an idiot do not pause them off psycho it's too unholy damn you because look at them standing there they're all just lying they're wasted oh my god your brother found you are you trying to attack his brother no mom just look at this great guy mob dang he bowing down to the gangs and he's just getting laughed at but mob don't care mob's the true man all right so the kidnapper decides to jump from the roof and steal retail he just jams him into the ground rubs him into the ground picks them up squeezes him takes out this guy takes out that guy oh my god that guy got done dirty and then he just combines these two so now mom was all pissed off and this dude would have killed if he was a regular person but instead muff gets up and starts going crazy and makes this dude reveal his face but this guy is still able to do mob dirt and he just needs him straight in his stomach and this frame is all you need to see that's just how crazy we get it even got the gangsters messed up oh man this dude mom's gonna die don't touch my brother hey man mom don't need any help he's putting on a whole light show by himself just look at the way he got the man in his hand so he just takes him to the top rope and then just drops destroying the building dude is a goner but somehow he's still up and then just nails him in the chest and then does them dirty with the pepper spray or whatever that is but that don't affect them all but it actually did though because he passed out and the dude was able to take ritu and head out of there now he cut into this dude reagan scamming woman at least he fixed her face i love how mob instantly thinks dip will do something all right so now they're planning to go save ritu imagine being woken up with water and this guy's the first thing you see just him in his long mouth to his hair all right so this dude with the zebra mustache is gonna go target maul and these guys are captured right now please stop you can't do that with your hair i deemed that illegal i love how this dude comes in like a big shot and then this gets freaking drowned that's what he gets for being so cocky why don't we let him have a sip of water this dude mob is a madman also why is he such a sellout he's told them everything about their hideout black characters keep getting done dirty stop it whoa whoa whoa who is that ah hell no you already noticed dude the weirdo just look at how weird he looks oh no not the minecraft man get your hands on microphones oh there goes steve what are they doing in there hey this cheetah killed him not his brother minecraft steve meanwhile these guys pull it up in a freaking floating car i can't believe they let him go free and then the suitors come to try to attack them just to get trashed on them all right so apparently they were shown hallucinations and that means steve is actually alive as freaking ghost damn we don't even remember their names i mean i wouldn't either i still don't remember their names dudes could not do anything what are they doing that's pretty high on cue clap it up club it up for the champs what's their next move hide from the camera then beat them up straight into the wall meanwhile these two guards get boot gangs straight into the woods there goes dimples stealing another body i'm really getting the pokemon vibes dude just like team rocket i just walked past like an npc i'm surprised you didn't pull out a pokemon also i love how they both attacked they could have killed them all right these guys have a rematch but this isn't even a rematch it's a sling you didn't even get any dialogue this time he's just out oh no team rock is getting ready bro why did they all look like they got a stick up their butt they all look mad or uncomfortable and they all better die yeah so these guys pull up like a whole gang but they're all so weak yeah why is he acting like this now why does this dude sound like a nose game oh it's by the same actor i knew it just the way he rolls his freaking nostrils there's no way this dude thought he was gonna actually do something no wait right guys no way a sea of flames well anyways this guy yeah he gets toasted butter can't even save that joy he just looked like an enderman yeah but the yeti over here gets snuck attacked on meanwhile mob is talking the puppets dang maul destroyed all of her stan again he's late to whip it and all right now we got goku over here freaking freaking powering up just punching mom getting through his defense damn from the back oh man you guys made mob cry why does he have to beat up a woman he never signed up for any of this not the ear oh damn ah he fell but it was all part of his plan he left that body on purpose but that was also part of his plan straight back into his body with the monster stuck in the door he's got three seconds to just beat his ass but this dude just unleashes a whole bunch of monsters it's looking like a raps yeah he's the gunner ah what is going on bro which way you looking yeah that dude's about to get trashed on see i told you crashed on wait is that your brother wasted no why they gotta do your brother like that man oh no get you and your neck out of here mom not dealing with this right now no stop doing mom's so dirty you're gonna kill them oh no mom why are you making enough dance like that look at what he did to him that looked cursed as hell yeah so right now they all got captured he got him in the face with a whole bunch of beasts meanwhile just dude reagan strike and mob down oh dear mob cheated on him instantly as soon as he wakes up he starts praising his brother the seat is just so beautiful yo why did this guy remind me a kilowatt dude is just pissing everybody off and then he just hits them with a calm down yeah so over here breaking his pools up to the fortress and just fools all of them and makes him think that he's a boss all right so they got the minecraft getting captured and dude to try to scare them or something i would not be afraid of that all right here they come reagan in the whole gang and reagan is going crazy who said he needed psychic abilities dang this dude ranking as a goat look at the way he's using his spirit abilities you don't need any psychic powers oh man the animation started to get crazy again oh thank god he finally got that trash hair cuddle why you look like naruto now that's not just me right all right here maf has a decision kill his enemies or leave it to reagan not reagan he's dead and down for the count it's all over now he left us to reagan to finish and that means it's a wrap this is what happens when mob transfers his power to rig he just turns into an absolute beast yo this dude thinks he's crazy coming out of the building like a rock and his stuff smashing reagan into the floor like he just grabs him by the head and just straight into the wall oh no i don't want you unmasking anybody in this anime get that toy gun out of here reagan eats those see this is why you can't be unmasking these dudes yes look at him he's lost it and his teeth yeah okay i think i've seen enough dude try to kill them with a black hole thank you [Music]
Channel: ZUFFY
Views: 526,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _ECTNlU5wsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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