Demon Slayer in a Nutshell

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demon slayer in a nutshell yo is that nesico go crazy oh look it's tanjarosa mom i can't wait to see more of you later wait a second does this dude have waves too bad he doesn't have any blood armor so is that a fake neziko oh look at this family don't worry fake news ago he'll see you later and you i don't even remember you you get no name well time for him to leave andrew i know you saw that flashboard i love me some good old slice of life hey hey hey who cue the music phew it's still a slice of life bro really such a happy tearful spirit nothing possibly could go no not nesico she was so young did someone eat your whole family don't worry i didn't remember their names neziko's still alive well we know who the imposter is that's right send them off the cliff what is that is that what i think it is it's a wild mexico inner natural habitat it's just a hug it's just a prank bro she was just playing human i forgot that nozico can increase her size she is literally a monster do you see those legs she's dunking on lebron and choking him in the process yeah he doesn't want to hug man wait what's this a crying neziko did you just try to take tickle neziko yeah i can't get over them cuz well they shrunk now damn we took her in the instant robbie's so sick wait does it go what are you trying to tell us are you starting another dance party yeah that's pretty lit please don't hurt nazico doesn't it go into steak yeah nice right damn you almost got him though you've done it now you got nazi go pistol she's gonna eat him he's like this is all a prank yeah mexico's an acrobatic a dead one would have known dude left them alive well if they go to go slay some demons neziko's a gerbil to be expected um does it go what are you doing i think the transformation ate her brain cells and now she's an even smaller lowly oh she's not a lovely pet people have gone missing lately man we don't care and of course we run into a demon do you smell that i can smell his feet from here dang you must have been eating cranberries like a savage hey bro come on don't look at me like that that's good what's in damn that sound though man these guys are two op they literally have insta regen um doesn't go calm down they don't taste that good trust me trust me well this is the end for thunder room jessica's about to have a beast it's all right let's go dive in but wait what's this soccer all right we'll decipher mexico to get her once what the heck is that now that is one weird creature no stop doing nesico dirty i can't handle it yo what happened to only using your feet well here tonight gets the ones with his head okay there's no way this dude's head is that hard this is on a different level uh jessica's not trying to fight right now i'm just trying to get some sleep look at this dude i hope you're not trying to eat to go yourself this isn't right zero don't worry nothing good got you why you scream like that time to take him out you're still hungry do it do it wait is that who i think it is pinocchio wow would you look at that i don't think he likes a song no that was curse i can't believe it either what about nazico oh there she is but i'm pretty sure there's some bodies in here she doesn't look hungry anymore also she looks very disappointed they didn't taste like chicken did they yeah what was that for pinocchio's [ __ ] get it [ __ ] okay so this is basically where his training begins yo did this man just leave with the shadows pretty creepy yeah so he has to run down his mountain there chops everywhere but hey man did that really hurt it's a bit dead then you're dying look at you wasted five minutes in i think i'm getting the hang of this i'm gonna die unless i use my nose just smell everything around me now that is some bs do not try this at home well they made it down the mountain well we've read them before but understandable i don't think they're gonna listen though because you guys haven't been awake for six months don't worry she just fast forwarded it i mean that's all sleep is to be honest oh my gosh andrew's so good now all right but cut this rock yeah good luck with that bro you're not going to break the rocket like that i think he's a part of furry game he's very aggressive and he's kind of sucks yo i like the way this guy moves he's so clean with it he's down for the countdown yeah so he starts getting trained by this little slayer yo i kind of mess with this hairstyle more oh you get to see what he looks like what the heck is that well they're gone now oh we can see inside of it now amazing and now he gets his own furry mask yo tundra i really messed with your drip right now say hello to sabato and makamo for me how do you know the names of those dead children how does he know that all right and here we're gonna take our first step from the air i think there's something wrong with this guy i think he got the rabies i can see the real noise now that was clean alright peter those guys is that what i think it is oh my freaking gosh what is that oh i can't walk right that's the way i'm gonna die okay bro what's that joint so slimy damn that dude having a piece he can't contain himself yeah what type of cheating move is that this man got no chance lucky he got saved yo this trash can just left his savior i bet you're gonna die later i don't want to hear the word from a slime monster see like look at this what's wrong now bro it's a big old cry baby isn't he yo he killed 13 of pinocchio's children no that's crazy not the furry and the lowly they could have been mainstream characters say you want to hear a joke pinocchio's children well damn i just got hit by a flying slime punch and there goes another furry child oh where is this place the guy with the waist again i can see that the right look at it it's right there i can smell it now we get to see into this past yeah we'll repeated a slime monster oh tragic hey but that man ate so many of them dude ate a whole orphanage we finally made it to the end bro only four of them made it now that is sad that's what the guy that ran off gets yo these are some creepy sisters okay so they get assigned some crows they're going to be used as a phone this girl is pretty creepy and uh nice birdie got there hey man what are you doing what are you doing her dirty like that he'll be mad that he got a big ass forehead he'll tear your arm off oh whoa there jessica was too cool for doors oh well you're surprised that she's walking yeah nothing could just be vibing bro every time nezuka runs her running beams just play in my head which he finally gets to see big brother and pinocchio's like what the i could've swore you were dead yeah i really don't need a close-up on pinocchio see this is what you get why'd you let the lowly die can we take a second to appreciate this beautifully drawn fire also it is peacefully sleeping neziko what is that you kiss your mom with those lips i know you do damn look at tondero's sword you can tell it's gonna be crazy well there's this black sword um did you trigger him look at him go you know what i say i say you should have sliced them up midair oh look at this couple walking together but you know what i heard she belonged to the street keep it on the street well now it's time to get packing damn look at the drip have you got changed yet no no he didn't am i making a youtube video right now no no i'm not who decided to give the lily a pedicure let's go get in this box well there she goes you'll forever be trapped in there in eternal darkness he meets this guy that had his girl taken by the streets and so he starts sniffing the streets and it reeks of nezukil activity so he starts to go around sniffing every grain of dirt i hope nothing tries to eat me i wonder what became of the girls who were taken great way to jinx yourself come here little girl hey yo since when did tondo jump that high yo what a girl yo yo yo it ain't that d just go look for another one android don't even know what to say to that what a sword does look at that animation yo this has to be tundra's weirdest move that girls are ready 16. she's got a loose flavor by the second that must be what bill cosby was taking oh no man what is it dude what is it man you got a collection of the girls hairpins nah that is classy um that was kind of familiar how unfortunate well anyways she's heading out of the joint okay now you've done it well you have to go and get this man together all worked up is that another go oh my god dude is not coming back after that one wasted y'all better not mess with neziko now that's one way to put your head back on wait what is this is nezuko hungry i think those are the eyes of hunger one thing i definitely don't want to be kicked by is another girl man's really slipping into the mud dude's like what the heck did he really do it bro tell me why it sounds like the super mario war thing yo he did this man dirty he literally made a whirlpool meanwhile nothing's gonna try to punch a hole in his stomach no not neziko well that's what you get for doing nothing that's ago i have a great time man thank god necessity is okay we in tokyo now and we have never seen anything like this it's literally absurd out of here get out of there this place is much more peaceful no that looks delicious not the noodles oh my gosh what do you smell this time michael jackson shortest hey michael jackson slice him up he has a daughter what in the heck man it's just way too smooth [Music] and as always he's american what's this look at this beautiful animation oh look michael jackson's sending his kid off well that's a lot we'll see them hey man i wouldn't mess with them michael jackson did not be playing around dale yo mj is doing everyone dirty man died midair she just witnessed a man go airborne well you're not liking the material the holy spirit shall remove your sins better look next time hope they go to go take out tons of hey man why are you screaming you don't woke up in mexico neziko doesn't want any part in this um what are you thinking about he is isn't he yo this man is the biggest sin he wants this oni all to himself yo naziga is always in a vibe state no no no did they bring someone out from the wnba and as that rose cousin yeah she bought a donkey entendre row again here's another girl giving zero [ __ ] oh they wouldn't examine ezekiel's supplies since she's a rare breed no one's getting their hands on nephico's blood damn look at her forearms kobe yeah she won't pull terrorists on this building what did the ball just move midair damn that's one of them lebron moves yo guys let me know are you guys catching this ball cuz i like to let you guys know i would definitely catch this ball batter up okay that is not how you play baseball get the freak out here with that this man's head growing back when the attack on titan looking ew what is uh well i'm actually speechless now hey you know i sort of thought you were cute earlier but what the heck is that what did [Music] it's not looking too good oh my god no dumb biceps are lethal so is that great it's like she wants to bite my pee people literally lands on some water no that's crazy nose ago no this isn't soccer there goes our leg yo they stay sane and doesn't go flying and why are they always kicking her hearing as it goes time for your daily dose of drugs okay so you grabbed his arm here not gonna lie my arm would be gone because you see turner's got that thing called blood armor yeah so this man starts doing time for a dirty wasted doggo style yup let's get it meanwhile we got pro wnba players dribbling six bulls at once yeah why aren't these legs so strong okay we played basketball baseball but now we're playing soccer except the goal is their face i'm gonna need a team does it go into sports anime this little girl has legs to steal i don't know what you did but um i've never seen someone in so much fear yeah what she does in the worst way possible but you guys see what i see it's glitzy monday old time to collect this dis rabies oh look nessa goes back to him that's right he needs a headphone look at him nezuko you got him with that one as it goes out of here she's bloodthirsty for simone oh no the side character that doesn't shut up look at him he just entered the anime he's already harassing girls yo i swear this bird is straight up from pokemon this bird is an angel well this is part one of zanetta getting relentlessly bullied like just look at this yeah come on come on you gotta slap from the desk don't draw this is gonna be a long one isn't it what is that so if they're going crazy in there they're having a concert time to bring the kids in good going cuz then that's too good going off to a different dimension you go heels the nutsy this dude does not have time for this are you trying to escape all by yourself i mean of course he was oh no it's the pig man and he's looking very hungry this dude who knows gonna be going crazy oh yeah notes can you open this door look at that pose there's literally no reason to do that andrew you about to make the piggy mud i can't take his nose seriously it just looks so stupid when he talks where did this man crawl out of i've never seen a more crawly tongue man imagine getting chased by this that would be a wack way to go out sleeping on the job as always you sir have a wig and a beast it's a wrap now this man is actually a living animal all right they found the big brother they were deciding on who gets to eat them yeah to be honest this guy should not be alive i would have all sorts of motion sickness and i'll definitely look like this guy meanwhile zanetti's playing five nights at freddy's then he gets tossed out into the open oh god don't play that trash song chandra has entered airspace all right well if you don't mind tondo is going to go crazy now and hit you with a tsunami and you're good as dead little baby i know this is pretty sad yet another day is an essay getting beat the freak out he's a girl for protecting nezigo though what was that sound yeah i feel bad for the nsu and apparently so does tonjero damn yeah that's right cook i'm showing what you learned from minecraft i'm to cook them okay so let me start having a crazy battle bro look at that nose game look at him look at her i don't even know what to compare that to he's dodging toddlers kicks what's up man what a torpedo bro this isn't a circus tundra doesn't like clowns dang you knocked his mask off this is your turn to really give him a concussion he needed more than a helmet to face him did you really use a little girl as a shield and the animator said freaking pulling out the crowns yo this dude is a mad dog he has lost all of his brain cells let's eat this thing i agree no eating tenders what type of life was that tundra was unfazed by this act of war what the heck is that you can hear it talking to me dude put his mouth back on before bed he just be vibing why are you holding the pillow like that it's a monster get out of there i totally forgot that you can grow at will this is two complex for a nose gate ah it's the next thing does it go i want to come out there you have an unwanted guest waiting for you nezuko's unempressed in fact they're taking it off dang the dumpy dome not sure how i'm feeling about this expression though well there they go but were you guys having fun without a nose game this is what you get putty blasted chasing for eternity please please help me come back here you puppet no one's leaving the yard tragic there they go leave-ins and that's you oh it's a cute little spider girl oh that's um oh no the freak that is put your useless crying that's what he gets oh man they're sending the harsh rose out meanwhile zanetti's still in a depressed state get off your butt and get in there yeah disrespected by a sparrow wait did he run off with neziko there goes the nesgate threw in whoa what is this dude can search the whole forest spider bitty target locked on oh no not some more puppies doesn't look like you got in your plot armor she doesn't have any color on her suit whoa whoa what's going on over here since when were spiders this bad oh it's uncle ben he'll kill you you better hurry up you got the main character energy he's giving time to real run for his money oh my gosh he's saving her you have been saved by flood armor again he is still crying and he's still getting disrespected by sparrow you know what tanjo he said to you on a mission you know i'm not sure how to feel about your eyebrows and because of that i've called a mercenary or you could call him an angel what a beautiful scene or someone that's dying bro what does this see this guy is doing her dirty he looks like one of those guys you find out at young boy concert so i think they're mad because he never shaved her eyebrows spidey senses what is that and don't ask me what is that coming down from the top rope it's like a goddamn tarantula man having a disco party creepy this is how that's he got his powers did you just pull your hair out of your head that was a lot strong you're not playing around anymore well that peach looks so good okay bruh telling me that many people got turned into a spider crazy how they can make him such a wimpy person and then turn them into this like bro you literally have zero chance oh he still got poison in it does the writer knows gay chaser oh no this is a young boy fan look at that hair this dude thinking the [ __ ] don't and dude's got an arm of steel meanwhile the harshers are on the way bro look at the tree they dropped on them the animation team went crazy on it and no skate doesn't even believe it man things are getting crazy up near he sent tango to mars meanwhile the side of zanetsy's face is looking freaked out you got the bald spider shot what is this are you seeing the light is that an angel i think it is you who is he doing all right haha good one shinobu what was that oh he broke up with her wait uh something's a little off about this now this little is crazy this dude has a constant scream face no skates coming wait a second were you just trying to run away yeah that's what i'm talking about i've never seen a sword use like sun what was this man just doing vibing here oh i need that joint anyways i actually didn't want to fight him either oh what is going on it has turned into his ultimate form now that jordan is crazy he's uncomparable to anything i've seen he's a whole different breed no skin never gets scared you didn't get sent flying though this spider is somehow insanely quick all right i'm sorry but a nutsky is not winning this one piggy piggy piggy can't you see i just want to put you on my tummy yo this man is fast you started blowing for a sec well the hot showers are hello [Music] he wants it yo why is he doing her like that just ahead just vibing give your sister to me what a weirdo no he's got does he go hostage what did he do to her enjoy this really is not looking too good nothing gonna happen a party up there um now you got tanjo seriously but it looks like this might be the end what is this the afterlife that sure is a lot of people andrew's dad was pretty bony but he did have some pretty nice dance moves his water has turned into fire and yeah this is the sum up of episode 19 one of the best animated scenes i mean like this man tundra was going crazy crazy oh no you can see the thread what's this the mother's giving nazico power too did i just get to hear nothing's voice but it still wasn't unknown you just put his head back on like a roblox character andrew this is looking like the end until the kill sling hotshot comes the disadvantages summon the whole entire ocean holiday there we heard he needed some saving he must become one of us one of us one of us one of us all right well you're one of us now again this man has a constant screaming face how does faith even get like that you're the only one person i truly think is my younger sister she betrayed you and let you burns at a sun whoa you're a little close there way too freaking close no no don't try to escape nobody's still having fun with you you know i called her an angel earlier but her eyes are kind of soulless if you look very closely sure you can see yourself in them yo wait this person get a lot of people dirty you deserve to be reborn that way you and i can become friends is this heaven oh wait i'm still alive oh oh god oh oh god amanda's really vibing there okay so obviously your mother didn't teach you how to walk she even tried to kill you mommy mommy she knows so fast why'd you just try to come and take his kill like that this is exactly why nobody likes you you know eat up eat up get your fill oh god looks like the barber freaked you out oh my gosh i can't believe it how's it go finally woke up little does she know she's getting chased down literally at full speed shinobu is a minion boy she looks so happy get pranked run doesn't go wrong i thought it was after you and i don't think she'll stop for anything she's a literal beast yeah mexico got the moves she's fresh with it oh this is where the running comes from ryan doesn't go right nobody's a murderer they're lucky they're alarm bird kid why they wrap up the little spiders they're canon like a little amazon package they got them lying around in the corners wake up you're in the presence of the hasheros fire pokemon sound pokemon the girl that looks like one of those smelly markers yeah freak all this tundra's out of here snake man what is going on here he's literally sipping for everyone bro does he have another go in his hand like that there goes his fan girl no [Applause] charges at him with no sword and head was some mess out of him he looks like that dude from platinum at least the top bar does all right it's time to see just how loyal nazico is oh man ezekiel's not feeling it today he's a little grumpy a little hungry too how is he just wrong kind of suspicious i know right we'll have to go to shinobi's place why did you am so dirty oh calm down it's not that wait is that a nose game why are you just vibing and why does he still have a booger on him bro i've never seen anyone buy it harder than a nose gay here i know just what you need drive down my damn mind tell them like i'm wrapping it down down can't you see that bro something like that can kill a man let me just look at a nose game he looks like he's been used as a wet wipe his mask all freaked out this is the type of training they had them do well this does seem like hell and nazis and that's here he loves little kids little girls to be exact but anyways what is going into it i think he's turning into the armor i mean literally look at him bro what is this expression i never seen anything like it this is kind of disturbing chandra is disappointed all right i'm done with this dude what does a noseki sound like a drug dealer [Music] my favorite character man you maintain total concentration breathing around the clock yeah good luck trying to learn something like that oh look they brought you a training item she blew into the gourd to make it explode gotta has lungs of rock imagine what you can really do i mean look at that gourd don't dream about that dude oh there why is she so close perhaps we're gonna do a little gourd blowing you have a beautiful soul don't you are you angry i can smell the anger on you oh tanjo that's a sensitive topic can't you tell that her soul has been removed i mean just look at her eyes no gordo blonde tonight don't want to learn how to breathe correctly this is child's play figuring out skate brothers it sounds to be making ew get off of this slimy grubs here we got to go into kanawha's past damn now connor was a psycho he'll be selling her for 5.99 disrespectful and that's how they bought a kanawha we'll never hear that from her again okay we had actually lied yo dondro i don't not think he's happy to see you i've never seen a sword used that way this man is actually psychotic ooh two nice shiny sores yeah now that's beautiful let's go he was able to catch her let's go speaking very suspicious meanwhile the muget train is well enacted yo this place is pretty trippy michael jackson has reverted to his true form this is a totally different vibe this man is really trying to escape from can we take a moment to appreciate the cgi on this it goes crazy with this guy he is crazy get out of our sight what a way to exit and this is what you get for thinking this is the game how did this man get that much of an upgrade what is he doing oh my gosh there's a bit of shining under around land heads now you're gonna be allowed to use your heart kind of well this is just beautiful her soul has re-entered her body all right it's time three gourds three guys all blonde doors together then as you please learn how to be considerate and respectful of girls what is it a nosegate what is it what the heck is that it's the police ruining everything again quick go get on the plane wait a second is that a flareon want to do some gourd blowing to be continued
Channel: ZUFFY
Views: 8,999,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5uMOTpKVTy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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