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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning millennial we're so glad that you're with us today for our sunday morning service amen here in person and watching online today you know we want to give a big god bless you to all of our online viewers that are watching today we love you guys we know that many of you would love to be here in tulsa with us today in service right but praise god you can be with us amen you can worship with us and we're going to have a wonderful time together amen and it's always good when we get together amen it is amen we've got a couple quick announcements we want to share with you this morning before we go into worship um first we've got our men's mentor conference coming up november 12th and november 13th it's going to be a powerful time together we've got pastor paul with us we've got jerry desoma with us and our own corey brown so men invite somebody bring somebody a dad a brother a son amen and let's just have a wonderful time together amen amen and our joy group you guys have an event today at the black bear diner we had sign ups but if maybe you didn't get a chance to sign up or maybe you've never been a part of joy 55 years or older and you're ready to get involved come see us at guest services and we'll get you to the black bear diner absolutely and then prayer we've got pre-service prayer every sunday an hour before service so at 9 00 a.m and at 5 00 p.m so if you want to be a part you want to pray into the service it's so vital and so important come join us it's an hour before service we would love to have you amen they're actually coming out of the room because we've got so many people that are part of that and want to be a part of that they have a heart towards prayer and a heart towards things in our services and you know we believe around here that prayer precedes the power amen amen so pre-service prayer 9 a.m and 5 p.m before each service on sunday and then we've got our noon prayer which is monday through thursday here live in our church building and if you have just a couple minutes on your lunch break you have a couple minutes in your day you want to come sow into prayer we just encourage you come on out monday through thursday at 12 p.m here at church that's right and you know we this last month we had a lot of volunteers application come in to sign up to help put their hands to the work that's going on here it's such a blessing you know it takes a lot of hands to do what we do each week and so maybe you've been here a little bit or maybe you've never been involved if you feel like it's time you want to make that jump but you're not really sure what the time restraint you know with your with your time each week if if it's something that will fit your schedule or maybe what area you'd like to get involved and served in come and see if it does service we can help talk you into it too if you're on the fence that's right we can help you decide maybe where you would like to get plugged in where your interests lie or you can take the application home and pray over it pray about it yeah and just see maybe where you want to jump in absolutely well listen we're getting ready to go into service we're going to have a special time together we believe our pastors are going to have a word from the lord amen that's right you know first corinthians 14 it talks about how our worship actually strengthens us and so today we're believing we are all going to leave here stronger higher than when we came amen amen so listen you just go ahead and stand up where you are today and father we just thank you for today we thank you that your anointing is with us we lift up our pastors we thank you for anointing an unction upon their lives today father and we thank you for an amazing day together with you we thank you we're going to leave higher in the mighty name of jesus let's worship [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] we come alive we come alive [Music] come on [Music] [Music] is we come we come alive we come alive [Music] break up from prison [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] we come alive [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] all the way [Music] [Music] i'm going all the way i'm going all the way [Music] you turn my sadness into gladness you turn my sorrow into joy and now i'm singing and i'm dancing and i will shine come on that river of rejoicing in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he's turning around [Music] you [Music] we want you turn my sadness into gladness you turn my sorrow into joy before we release that joy this morning again that song that sounds insane [Music] [Music] and now [Music] and i will shout for come on let's give him a shot of joy this morning come on let me hear those voices come on we give him praise come on in his presence is fullness of joy do you believe that today put your hands together come on [Music] come on sing it again [Music] dancing memories [Music] for you [Music] you know there is so much in the world today to look at and just get all bent out of shape and just think mine is it ever gonna get any better well i got a word for you it's gonna get better than what you could ever believe amen [Applause] because a great day is upon us of the rapture of the church and in a very short period of time we that are here and remain on the earth shall be caught up to meet the lord jesus in the air so exciting we have an opportunity in this day yes to be sober and vigilant because the enemy stocks arrived looking to see who he can devour but right at the beginning of the service i want you to put your eyes on the hope of jesus amen there is so much in this world that wants to distract each and every one of us that we have a hope and an ever living king and we have a job to do you know through this period of time in the hebrew calendar you will know that they've just come through a period of repentance it amazes me when you study this side that it seems to be that the jew had only one time in the year to repent and then comes that great time that great season of joy succumbed we know it is tabernacles and i'm telling you they were refused to be grumpy when they came through that period of time of getting themselves right and getting all that heaviness off their lives they had to come to that period of joy you know i've been thinking about this meditating on this i've been filling my heart full of the millennial reign of christ i've been setting my eyes on the future not looking at what everybody wants to me to look at right now but i'm setting my eyes on a more certain day that is right up ahead a day a day a day when man will not rule like they rule today but jesus the king will rule on planet earth a man in a very short period of time we shall be lifted up we will have seven years of preparation with him you say my god this man is preaching and it's only 10 13 in the morning it's good i'm just so full of expectation yes i'm just so full go for it of the goodness of god i love it so much good is to happen in your future that's it stop listening to the naysayers get around people that want to lead you to the light i want to lead you to the goodness of god i want to shower you with the mercy of god and want to remind you of a covenant ladies and gentlemen it's a covenant that he could not break nor could he alter it if the jew were told to come in to a season of joy come into the time of tabernacles come into the time of feasts come into the time i'm telling you of harvest and first fruits i want to declare in this place today that my god in the beginning believed that all things would be possible to his people in jesus he made all things new in jesus he gave us a more sure and precious hope you can look to the world if you want you can look to the world leaders if you want but i've got a cane and his name is jesus and i'm looking to the author and the finisher of my faith i'd love a shout to come out of this church today [Music] i declare it that i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost he came to destroy the works of the enemy i declare in this church that the gospel will not be held to ransom in the name of jesus we speak the liberty of the cross we speak the victory of the resurrection of jesus christ we say in this place that there is liberty there is freedom there is joy there is the presence of god love joy and peace and the holy ghost no matter what you're going through come on christ in you the hope of glory you can do it you're going to make it you're going to go all the way your steps are ordered by the lord set your mind on things which are above and god will lift you up even in this time and in this season i declare that the joy of the lord is your strength give him praise and honor and glory [Music] praise god so this is our divine opportunity whether we're here in person or whether we're online to untap and let the holy ghost remove any buyers from that joy today because we've been singing that the joy is on the inside of us and we're gonna release that joy for such a time as this and you know even as we sang our first song down at the river singing in the rivers from ankle deep waist deep all the way in you know what this is just a practice run for being in the river like it tells us in the book of revelation so what better time to practice than in church if we can't get used to the river of god in church it's going to be a kind of a shock when we get to heaven so let's release the joy let's release ourselves into the river let's receive from the river let's receive everything the lord has today and just let's take that joy then from here touching every individual that we would meet from sunday to next sunday oh my goodness that be taught up in heaven all the people that you've touched in a week it's amazing what we can do it's amazing what we can do every hour of every day with our words and with what we say praise the lord are you ready are you ready to receive you know we're grateful for you if this is your first time or if you've been coming for a while and we haven't even got yet to speak to you yet you're so welcome we just so appreciate every single person in everything you do for him for he is good and he's merciful and he's training up us as a church the church for what needs to happen in this time glory to god hallelujah [Music] [Music] come on just enter into that he's so beautiful [Music] in romans 15 13 it says this may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing [Music] so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope [Music] you may abound in hope you may abound in hope in hope thank you lord for the hope of the gospel you may abound the hope of the gospel the hope of the gospel you may abound in hope [Music] god did not give us breath [Music] so that our hearts would fail us in a time of unknowns but he placed his precious spirit within us that he would teach us all things and that his unction would cause us to begin to speak solutions and answers to life's questions that's good there is nothing to fear today except the reverential fear of a holy god [Music] i will find for myself a people i will be their god and they will be my people and i will make my home in them and i will dwell in them my spirit shall come upon them and mightly empower them to be what i am on the earth as it is in heaven never forget this the gospel is good news it that's it that's it it's good news [Music] never forget this the gospel is good news so when the world is saying what they want to say never forget that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life in any mind that be in christ jesus he is in your creation all things have passed away and all things have become you ladies and gentlemen the moment that you receive jesus christ as your lord and savior you were transparent eyed of the kingdom of darkness and you were transferred into the kingdom of his dear son and his love today we must be enforcers of the kingdom of god our king our chief our lord and our savior has raised up a body and has raised up people like you and me to be spreaders of a good news in the time of a world that is wanting answers and solutions you have the answer you have jesus the christ and he is the king of your life do not despair do not put your hope in man but put your hope in the ever-living god come on lift up your eyes today let's worship him that's glorify him that's crown him king of kings and lord of lords [Music] one thing i desire only this is [Music] here [Music] most beautiful most beautiful [Music] dearest father closest beautiful [Music] [Music] [Applause] and this will be my posture laying at your feet all to 12 [Music] most beautiful most beautiful dearest father and dearest father your closest friend most [Music] my closest [Music] father you are my closest friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there's nothing left and all of this [Music] i'm so in love with you you're beautiful [Music] so beautiful we pour out of love jesus and i fix my eyes on you you're beautiful you're so beautiful i'm so in love i'm so in love with you you're beautiful you're so beautiful i'll fix my eyes on you and i'll fix my eyes [Music] everything changes lord i'm [Music] oh calculated changes [Music] we just wondered and everything changes lord i'm captivated lord i'll never be the same [Music] come on everything changes in his presence worship hallelujah we fix our eyes on you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] most beautiful [Music] most beautiful [Music] dearest father [Music] closest friend most beautiful most beautiful [Music] you are most beautiful [Music] so father we're here this morning just to bring you our hearts [Music] to worship you [Music] you're such a great god [Music] come on all over this room just worship him today come on just pour out your hearts come on if you're watching online today wherever you are come on just worship [Music] give them all the praise [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] see me [Music] it's so beautiful [Music] you know my mind the bible says he had infirmity for like 38 years possibly more [Music] he got himself into a position where he knew that there would be believers coming past at the hour of prayer i don't know how you got there but obviously he was smart enough to get himself in the path of someone who believed he sat at the temple gates because he knew that there was an hour of prayer and he knew that some of these people would be coming along he might have been so used to his infirmity that he was thinking the best thing i could do right now is just get some money so that i could feed myself but the revelation in this is just more than a man that needed the power of his legs back he needed prosperity in his life what i mean by that you see sometimes we think that money can fix everything but yet when god comes to touch our lives he doesn't want to touch our lives just with one aspect [Music] when god shows up he brings wholeness and so sometimes we think that it's money that we need but yet what this man needed was the power of his legs when he spoke to peter and john really amazed me how peter and john answered him this is acts 3 ladies and gentlemen peter and john answered them and said look at us [Music] in other words stop looking at your situation stop thinking about what you think you need and let us give you jesus [Music] any believers in this room today see why are you saying this pastor paul is because we've become a people that are fixed mentality that if we can just fix the moment then we can deal with tomorrow but we serve a god that's not trying to fix your moment he truly is the god of wholeness who wants your tomorrow to be greater than what your yesterday was so sometimes we think we just need a healing but he's he's just not looking to touch your body he's looking to touch your heart he's just not looking for you to have an experience he's looking for you to live your life for him when he came to set you free it wasn't for a moment it wasn't just from the pressure of the moment it was the liberation for your life [Music] and peter and john just simply said hey listen look at us i know you're looking for money but silver and gold we don't have but we what we do have [Music] is the power [Music] of god [Music] that's basically what they said in the next couple of minutes that man who had become so used to that infirmity his life was revolutionized was changed in nigh the evidence of his healing was made manifest to everyone [Music] i believe that god is doing things in our lives that is undeniable i believe that god wants to show up in our lives that to our families and to our friends [Music] to our work colleagues that is undeniable one day we were like this but now we are like this one day we didn't have anything but now look we have everything that we need one day we couldn't walk but now we can run one day we couldn't sleep but now i sleep all night one day i didn't think that i had a future but god gave me my life back he gave me my dreams he gave me my hope he gave me my expectation [Music] and so when god shows up he shows up with the package he never shows up with just one thing [Music] he shows up with who he is [Music] and so this morning for the next couple of minutes as we come to prayer just before we come to prayer like the pastors please come i want us to worship him with all of our hearts because you may think that there's one thing that you need but as we come to prayer today you're going to receive everything that god has you're going to receive everything that god has we're going to receive the evidence of the power of god we're going to receive testimonies of god's goodness be so powerful lift your hands all over this room begin to speak in the spirit come on all over this room those that are watching online begin to speak out in the spirit come on you give him thanks well praying in the holy ghost [Music] hallelujah [Music] everything changes [Music] you're never gonna be the same you're never gonna be the same you're never gonna be the same [Music] everything's changing [Music] don't believe me [Music] everything changes i'm counting [Music] everything changes i'm captivated [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh we glorified [Music] we're not who you are [Music] [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] [Applause] you are awesome in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] place we [Music] oh you are awesome in this [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory [Music] oh you are [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] you are awesome in this you are also in this place [Music] i worship you i'll give you praise [Music] there's such a presence of the lord in this room today tremendous unction tremendous workings a lady at the front just now i gave her life to jesus two days ago and was filled beautifully with the spirit of god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i will give you all my worship i will give you my praise to [Music] [Music] you i will give you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will give you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so beautiful [Music] my praise [Music] come on just pray if you're visiting today welcome to church welcome to family [Music] [Music] you may take your seats this morning as people continue to pray there's no rush i'd like us to take the communion elements this morning please and [Music] [Music] it's good to see everybody this morning [Music] it's an amazing thing when we come to the table of the lord to remember the lord and to remember all that he has done for each and every one of us i want to remind you this morning that that he provided the total sacrifice whether you're in this room or watching maybe you're away visiting family if you're watching on stream this morning over this last couple of years the spirit of the lord is time and time and time again reminded me of proverbs 4 was to guard my heart with all diligence because of out of it flows the forces in the issues of life there's so much that i could speak about these few verses but its most sinful simple simple form we must live a life that we guard our hearts from everything that would try to contaminate contaminate to intimidate to get us sidelined to get us out of being powerfully led by the spirit of god into just emotional beings rummaging through thoughts in our minds within your spirit within your heart lies the power of god the very power that framed the world the very power that brought into existence the universe the galaxies beyond what we've ever known and at 53 i don't have the mind to outsmart or i think and i know this that the way that i win over satan is by staying in my spirit you say i don't understand that sure you do you see the victory of jesus christ is not in your mind the victory of jesus christ is in your spirit man you are a spirit [Music] so simply just think about my heart contains the power of god [Music] and what satan wants to do is to mess with your heart sometimes people just think well it's just you know it's just crazy thoughts that's what they say that's what the satanic enemy wants to do no he wants to strike at the source of power the part that is made in the image of god and that's the part we can't see and because we can't see it it's so out of sight and out of mind [Music] if the enemy can mess with your heart [Music] then he can control your mind you say he can't get in there i didn't say about him getting in [Music] but scriptures tells us very clearly to guard our hearts because out of it flows the issues and the forces of life [Music] i believe [Music] that he who controls the heart controls the head i'm going to say that one more time he who controls the heart controls the head [Music] so if god has got your heart and you're guarding what god has done in your heart in your spirit man then god's got your head too [Music] thank you for those three amends [Music] you see if you listen to what you say then you can hear what's in your heart because out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks so what you're full of you will talk thank you for those seven amen in other words the enemy can locate you through your speech and he knows if he's got your heart or not you say jesus has got my heart not so fast cowboy first john 4 4 greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world [Applause] and many people believe that the power of god within you is worth protecting let me see your hands how many people believe that the endowment investment of heaven is worth protecting if christ dwells within you how many people believe that that is a sacred place in other words the scripture says in the new testament you have become the temple of the living god you've become the temple of the holy ghost there are forces within you the force of love the force of wisdom different forces that scripture tells us that we are to guard our heart i'd be meditating on these things why because satan's after your treasure satan wants to locate your switch to switch you off [Music] so that he can camp out in your head but if christ is switched on in your heart your head has no [Music] you vacancies four people that agree with me this morning i've never heard it put like this well i'm just telling you what the lord has told me and he has simplify on scripture for each and every one of us because we know a bunch of scripture but the practicality working of it needs a little work i want you to lift your hand and say there's no fear in my life come on stand like you mean it there's no fear in my life i have no fear accept the reverential fear of the lord i'm not looking to what god wants me to do for the next five years i'm looking to what i'm going to do for the next thousand years so many people are so into what god wants them to do nigh but i bypass that mess i'm not working with the millennial reign of christ because what you do now is relative to what you do there and if i can get my mind on what that seems to be then that's going to help me here maybe this is too much too far too i want you to look at somebody and say you're more than what you ever thought praise the lord you're greater than what you ever thought there's someone in the inside of you that is worth protecting [Laughter] there's an unction in the inside of you that is not up for sale it's not up for grabs [Music] there's someone in the inside of you wants to speak ladies and gentlemen he's called god [Applause] and god really doesn't want to hear what you have to say about what's going on in the world god wants you to hear what he has to say about what's going on in the world i'm going to stick with this side i'm telling you today we all need to come up a little bit over on the left here praise the lord said again greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world let me see your hands if you're meditating on the next thousand years come on shut it out i'm meditating on the next thousand years you say jesus could be back within the next 10 20 years i'm telling you i'm meditating on the next thousand years what's that look like because jesus is coming back with each and every one of us ladies and gentlemen if you believe that shut a big amen if you are not going to be floating about on a harp on a cloud with a harp there's a job to do and if you've never rode a horse get ready giddy up yeah we're gone [Applause] see this is a really weird sunday morning no this ain't where we are right there's weird [Music] this is normal [Music] [Applause] [Music] let your hands say encounters of a heavenly kind are about to manifest in my life come on say it like you mean it encounters of a heavenly kind are about to manifest in my life things are about to change in my eyes i'm not going to be full of the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of every everything around me amen christ in me the hope of glory i believe that this little table right here this feast of the lord reminds us that jesus just didn't do a little thing he hung as the savior of the world and right now the world needs a savior and right now the world needs to see the church as the church truly is not bashing the world i had the lord come to me two days ago and says i didn't come to bash the world i came to seek and to save it and i told you to guard your heart because out of it flows the issues and the forces of life and your words must be what will reach people people deliver people set people free shout it out again the gospel is good news come on say it again the gospel is good news come on touch your body say i protect my heart that was powerful say it one more time i protect my heart whether i understand this or not i protect my heart because out of it flows the forces and the issues of life hallelujah we take the bread we receive the broken body so that ours could be whole say wholeness is mine wholeness is mine you may take the bread this morning [Music] so powerful what god is doing this is the cup the cup of the new testament symbolizes and causes us to recognize that the blood of jesus poured freely for each and every one of us this blood was so powerful to wash away our sins and to hold us in recognition of god's faithfulness that every time i present this blood it speaks not of guilt but of innocence he came to wipe the slate clean of all the wrongs that i have done and gave me a place that i could come to him that no matter what wrong i would ever do the blood would still speak for me and because of that blood i can receive the forgiveness of sins the blood speaks today and is speaking over your life and has set you free to live your life onto god to be holy as he is holy first peter chapter 1 he has given you the power to live this life of god on the earth and to give no place to the devil no place no place [Music] in one side we have the righteousness of christ we have the goodness of god who has made us right with god he has accepted us into his family saved us delivered us and in the other side we have an enemy satan [Music] scripture tells us to live our lives in such a way that we give the enemy no foothold in our lives it is one thing to know that you are right with god but then the maturity of the christian is to acknowledge that you must not live your life in a way to give the enemy a foothold scripture clearly says give him no place that tells me that i can live my life in a way that allows the enemy access to my life regardless of what jesus has provided for me and this is the great workings of god now within the church world is learning to take our righteousness and live in this righteousness giving the enemy no place in our lives by action thought purpose or deed you said it's too much no he gave us the power to live this life it's so beautiful and that's why we can come boldly before the throne of grace to know [Music] that jesus paid it all [Music] church of god rise in your spirit protect your hearts protect your hearts the word in your heart will rise to protect your minds the word in your heart will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to his will and his purpose to his plans and his ways come on the spirit of faith is that brought to my at work in this room lifting lifting people lifting you lifting you up [Music] so [Music] so we take the cup and we receive today every benefit of the table in jesus precious name and everybody said a big amen hallelujah come on just give him thanks just give him thanks just give him thanks we glorify your name [Music] i'm so in love with [Music] i fix my [Music] i'm so in love with you cause you're beautiful [Music] so [Music] you know i have spoke many things to you this morning already which i believe was by the spirit of the lord we're coming into very powerful days where we're going to have to hear and know and become a people that knows the voice of god stronger than what we know the voice of ourselves if you listen to what i've said this morning by the spirit of the lord even in this first hour and ten minutes if you were to take that as this next week just part by part by part and study it for yourselves you will see that god is working to gloriously promote within you victory [Music] not just victory over the enemy victory over yourself and that may be a strong statement but i'm telling you if you're like me you need help because my mind my mind can go on vacation without me ever leaving my bedroom i can live by two weeks on an island i will have wonderful food every day lie on the beach day in day out smell the very suntan cream i can do that so strong is my imagination so when it comes to things like this i need help look at your neighbor and say i too need help come on would you be honest this morning and say i need help come on why because every one of us is trying to make sense out of this crazy world that we're living in karna himself we've been having these discussions last night we had a couple of our discussion just at our table we had a couple of moments where it was just us in the house and we were just talking about stuff and you know i was just sharing to her is that you know what the the hardest thing right now is that people are speaking out of limited knowledge a good percentage of people are speaking out of limited knowledge and a lot of this limited knowledge is attached to their preference regardless of what the word may say about it because we are boxed to our limitations of what we know scripture actually says so a good percentage of people live out of hearsay i was a cop for 14 years when you're trying to bring a case to the court or to the bar you can't bring hearsay testimony or evidence or third-hand evidence you have to bring first-hand eyewitness are you here this morning you have to be an eyewitness of that how many people if you had to go to court would have an attorney represent you that didn't know anything how many people would like the attorney that knows more than what most know how many people wants to know that attorney that knows all the sub sections all the the little loopholes let me see your hands you you want the best on your side right you want to listen to the best legal advice you can get am i right come on now you want to listen to the best it's the same with doctors right that's why you just don't need one take on what's being said you need another take if there's something coming against your body it's just not what one doctor says it's what another one says you're going to get a second opinion you possibly will get a third opinion can i have a big a man why because you're a seeker of knowledge you want more knowledge about what is going on in the political world right now we are so limited because most are not political we work off what we know what we hear but most do not live out of the courts of justice most don't live out of the house of representatives some do but most don't so therefore we have to listen very carefully we have to listen carefully to what the spirit of god is saying how many people will thank god for good christian people in government let me see your hands i mean people will thank god for good christian people in the medical field let me see your hands but we as people in in the lady of life in the regularities of life i've been with the lord regarding this and i've been troubled in some areas and the lord has been speaking to me so so beautifully about paul that is just a case of limited knowledge in that area and i speak i speak at times and i say you know fear exists where we don't have knowledge but you know scripture also says that there will become a time that we would heap to ourselves ministers that would preach to what we want to hear but i also believe that that goes beyond the boundaries and the borders of that into that we would heap to ourselves even doctors and and all of these different things things that we want to hear so we create a world that we believe should be rather than the world that was supposed to be maybe i'll try over here you say this is different last week was amazing i'm not so sure about this week this week will change your life because what god is doing is that he wants to get out of you from your heart up he wants to revolutionize your mind and revolutionize your thinking he wants you to become a kingdom man kingdom woman he wants you to become a kingdom person because when everything passes away all we have is him and his kingdom left come on any believers in this room this morning come on shut it out the best as you have to come so we can be living in a world that is decaying but yet we've we've said for years that it's going to decay we've said for years that it's going to fall apart we've said for years that the that the door's going to come off the hinges yet now we're living in it you know we just don't want to be part of the door amen we want to be the staple we want to be the steady we want to be that that people can get around a man and they feel safe around us not because we're telling them everything that they want to hear but because it's a trusted source i'm just not relaying what another person said but yet i've taken what i've heard i've taken what scripture is saying i've taken what i believe god is saying i'm not looking at the word through a filter of my preference but i'm looking at the word is to enlighten me teach me illuminate me we prayed hebrews ephesians 1 for years brother brother hagin got on his knees ephesians 1 ephesians 3 and thy we all prayed that but i'll tell you we have to believe that ephesians 1 is actually taking place within our lives and that we are becoming illuminated and we are being enlightened can i have a big amen to the truth everybody say the truth not a man's rendition of the truth but the truth it is the truth that sets you free and jesus when he walked the earth ladies and gentlemen had his work cut out for him because even the guys that were around him sometimes jesus had to say hey not no we're not doing that we're not saying that we're not going there we're not doing this we're not doing that this is the way. even mandalorian this is the way side joke i want you to shut it out i'm seated in clothes and in my right mind man of stolen i'm working today i'm working for you i'm working for this church i'm working for this people because let me tell you ladies and gentlemen just like you've known over years and years and years and years just because you heard a message of prosperity it didn't make you prosperous [Music] and just because you heard a political message didn't make you a politician and just because you heard some medical advice didn't make you a doctor and just because you heard something financial didn't make you a bunker but when you hear the truth it makes you anything that you're supposed to be that means you can be anything at any time as long as god is wanting you to be that but you're going to have to understand in this day that the less sad the better because this is not about listening to the kettle that wants to whistle loudest this is about the one who knows actually what is going on and he's called the holy spirit of god darkness ladies and gentlemen causes us to shine brighter look at your neighbor and say get ready to shine brightly you don't want to be the prophet that wants to predict in this day you don't want to be the prophet that always has something to say about what's going on unless you are actually a prophet [Music] you really don't want to say anything about what's happening right now unless god has told you to say it and if god has told you to say it then you should be saying it with your knees knocking and with your with your limbs trembling because that's how the prophets of old actually operated they were in awe when they came to their senses after they released the word of the lord they came to a place where they were undone because of the conveyance of that message but stars can't shine without darkness so if you're just you know flipping out because the world is getting darker ladies and gentlemen you got to hold yourself together get yourself back on track because this is your moment to shine brightly i'm having a wonderful time in my life why because i shut the news off i shut it all down people have said to me well you can't just shut it all down periodically i will look at some of the headlines but i'm not listening to those contributor contributions people who want to contribute everything that they think coming from their slant from their preference thus just like another preacher giving us their slunt and their contribution but i didn't give you and come here to give you my contribution this morning i came and i'm endeavoring to give you the word of almighty god a word that will hold you a word that will direct you a word that will lead you a word that will get you to your destination stop focusing on what's going wrong out there and start focusing on what is going on right in here yukari the answer stop trying to deliberate with those who know more you will show yourself up to look very silly don't start speaking about medical stuff when you haven't been to school medically moving right along i should have received the tizen offerings already i can nearly hear the cow ban in the back row this is what i got up for this morning but ladies and gentlemen everybody around you wants you to think that they are a premium on knowledge on what is going on youtubes are going back and forward to people's phones on the latest and this and that and what this person says and what the other person says but i put it to you what is god saying in your prayer time in the time of worship in your forced a monster line living room on your knees worshiping god what is the spirit of god actually saying to you are you spending all your time listening to what everybody else has to say or are you listening to god listen daniel was able to stand up against the forces that were against him in daniel 10 and all of these different things because the spirit of the lord had gripped him and held him and he was doing what he was supposed to do it's because daniel had a practice he didn't start pr praying when everything was going wrong daniel prayed before it got wrong and when everybody came against daniel daniel did not fall apart and say this world's going to hell in a handbasket he knew [Music] that evil was stacked against him but he knew that god was for him he knew by the things that had gone on in his life that god was with him i want you to shut it out i know god is with me come on shut it up i know god is with me i know he's with me in the night when i get those crazy thoughts i know he's with me in the day when it looks like everybody is saying different to what i want to say you know as a minister today i am looking at days ahead where i may have to say some unfavorable unsavorable things but you know what i've made a decision in my life that i am going to say them no matter what anybody thinks why because i am not working for mine i am working for god and you have to settle it within your life you are not working for mine or for a mind system you are working for god it is the kingdom and is seeking first the kingdom of god in his righteousness and all these things shall be added amplified says seek ye first the kingdom of god and his ways acute service ladies and gentlemen is not going to keep you in this day and hour evil is coming in a greater dimension and a greater measure than what we've ever known but the church is going to become more glorious and more glorious and more glorious and more glorious and more glorious and more glorious and more glorious you are set up to win shut it up i am set up to win if i can just guard my heart and watch my mouth [Music] i'm on a conveyor belt of victory you don't want to be telling people what you think how many people has hurts heard what other people think recently let me see just put up your hand all over this room you've heard look at this it's just disastrous we're just living our lives listening to what everybody thinks [Music] second corinthians 4 6 for god said let brilliant light shine out of darkness is the one who has cascaded his light into us the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of god as we gaze into the face of jesus christ in ephesians 5 8 9 once your life was full of sins darkness but now you have the very light of our lord shining through you because of your union with him your mission is to live as children flooded with this revelation light i'm going to say it again your mission is to live as children flooded with this revelation light let johanna say i take it come on verse 9 says on the supernatural fruits of its light will be seen in you goodness righteousness and truth rick joyner said this there will be no retreat in those who walk in the true light when you open your shades at night darkness does not come in and flood the room rather the light shines out into the darkness because light is stronger than darkness the darker it becomes the brighter our light will be where sin abounds grace will that much more abound i will say it again we are on the winning team we are on the winning side and we have the victor living in the inside of us and we have the voice of the almighty resounding in the inside of us to walk this way this is the way walk in this way if we spend our lives just listening to people that are limited in knowledge how will we win next person who wants to talk to me about some of these things i'm going to ask them how do you know these things well such and such told me speak to the hand acts 13 47 for so the lord has commanded us i have set you as a light to the gentiles that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth i want you to shout it out i am a light john 1 4 5 and him was life and life was the light of man and the light shines on in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it this word comprehend is catalan bano it's deceased to stop it means that the satanic powers could not cease stop or overcome the word ladies and gentlemen i believe that this word catalyzano is still working in our lives that the satanic powers cannot see stop or overcome the word that is working in the inside of us can i have a big amen god is at work and we are working with him ephesians 6 12 i have been on this much over this last several months your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms for they are a powerful class of demon gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage look at your neighbor and say they do not hold me in bondage then in other words ladies and gentlemen what you said is that you're going to guard your heart and you're going to hold your mouth from speaking against the plan and purposes of god just so that you can have a conversation of what you think is going on ladies and gentlemen i have looked at all of this i have listened to this one and listened to that one and i have come to a conclusion i am better to sit in my own in the place of god and listen to the spirit of god and read the bible because this is what's going to keep me in my sanity this is going to keep me seated and clothed and in my right mind because when everybody else is saying what they want to say i can keep coming back to the word and say lord what is it that you are saying i know that these people are saying this this doctor is saying this this politician is saying this but what says the spirit of god what says the eternal word he is the first to last he is the in between he is the alpha and omega i believe that we can trust him if you believe that shadow big amen shut it up i believe i can trust the lord how many people believe that you can trust the lord over the next 10 years come on how many people believe that the next 10 years gonna be the best years of your life i'm telling you even in the midst of worst persecution it's going to be the glorious most glorious moment [Applause] even in fox's book of martyrs when polycarp was asked to let the early christian them to know you know let us know that there is grace for the fire polycarp i'm telling you just didn't lift one little finger he let them know that in the midst of burning his grace was sufficient ladies and gentlemen in the midst of all persecution that wants to come your direction you cannot focus on how bad it's going to become and how bad it's going to come for your family and how bad is going to be for your children and what legacy do your children have your children have the greatest legacy that you could ever have conferred upon them they have the legacy of salvation and one of these days your children are going to wake up and they're going to realize that the greatest gift that their parents gave them was the gift of jesus christ and want you left it my family's going to heaven come on shut it up [Music] so you can spend your life focusing on what everybody is saying about what's going on right now and listen and listen i listened to one of the prophets last week in my home another minister sitting at the other end of my table and we were listening to the tv and this was back in june and here we are here and it says that this would happen and you know what it didn't happen and yet they keep prophesying you say oh steady on pastor paul let me tell you ladies and gentlemen i am the pastor of this church and i intend to lead you in what i believe is right according to the word of god and protect you from doctrines of devils [Music] say man that is so pot that is so strong but we are living in days where doctrines of devils are just increasing and increasing and increasing and increasing why because it wants your heart it wants your treasure it wants to dominate wrong thinking wrong teaching wrong ethics wants to dominate the center core of your being so that you were all wrong [Music] thank you for those five people i believe i came to the right church this morning shut it up me and my family's gonna make it every single one of us that's why the church world has to move right along from just having a nice fuzzy morning having a great old time with the celebrity and move into the times of working with god come on if you're going to give your mind to other stuff you can give your mind to god if you can give your mind to the ways and the words of the world you can give your mind to god if you can spend hours talking about what the crazies going on right there craig craig is what's going on right there you can give your mind and your conversation to the ways of god it is just a switch [Music] [Applause] so instead of talking about this mass let's talk about god instead of talking about what's happening now to the rapture amen let's talk about the millennial reign of christ [Applause] that's what the enemy wants he wants us all to become completely consumed well i ain't doing it he said well you seem to be consumed you're preaching about it this morning i'll tell you what i'm consumed with conviction passion we thought the spirit of the world was something else ladies and gentlemen we're beginning to get a realization and a revelation what the spirit of the world actually is [Music] people thought it was you couldn't wear trousers as a woman you couldn't put on makeup please ladies wear makeup ma'am no [Applause] unless it's for tv commercial whatever it is but i'm telling you my scout your face but mascara is too much thank god i got a reaction this morning maybe i should take up the offering right now the fight is not about all this this flesh stuff ladies and gentlemen leave folk alone it's devils and they just come in people and people are just so car was somewhere yesterday and this this person was just so just horrible to her and all she was doing was trying to get a bite to eat i could see it on her face when she come home i said what's wrong with this you know and i said it it's just it's just the way it is satan wants to come through anybody lift john and say he's not coming through me that's why my heart is being guarded ladies and gentlemen you can be as horrible to me as you want but you know what it ain't going to fizz me one bit that's how we're going to live come on shut it up like come on if you're a salon if you're a hair stylist and you rent a chair and you've got people in your chair amen and you're tempted to talk about everything that's going on in their lives i'm telling you you need to stop listening to what people have to say and start telling them what god is saying [Music] because you don't want to be part of gossip central today oh he says she says they said did you know did you hear her [Music] this is going to be a popular service it's quiet in here this morning anybody glad you came yeah anybody received one thing at least for yourself this morning how many people believe that god is actually talking to you praise god hallelujah man of course raphael you believe anything that i've ever said believe this this is the lord because there's no one in their might right well maybe i am in my right mind they would come out here and speak like this but i pray in the name of jesus that in tuesday afternoon when you just hear another thing that somebody else says my voice will be louder than that voice and you will have the strength to rise up and say you know what praise god keep it praise the lord keep it i'm not listening to that anymore because you know what there are good people in the world and you know what they're looking at the church right now and they want to be part of the church they want to receive jesus but they're hearing so much crazy come out of the church [Music] i talked to the lord about this and the lord told me is that the enemy is trying to weaponize the church i don't mind being persecuted for my faith ladies and gentlemen but i don't want to be persecuted for crazy some fifth honda done conspiracy theory i don't want that junk in my life are there things going on behind the scenes you know you know there's things going on but you don't have to put your spin on it [Music] i said you know that there's things going on there are things there are things that have been going on for decades well i don't bless the lord i'm telling you no i'm not my god i think that person is part of the illuminati and you know my brother wayne your neck in come on wind it back in stop living like that you're living your life just completely suspicious about everybody and they don't tell you what you what you want to hear then you're suspicious of them too they're a plant we got a plant satan has infiltrated our group no maybe they're just smarter than to just fall for stuff i told you ecclesiastes chapter two smart is better and it was referring too stupid let's all commit this morning to be smarter and less stupid that's a very godly thing we got a few moans right there again i should have received the tithes and offerings that that last wave of praise [Music] shattered i christ in me the hope of oh my glory this is our shining day wow my god this is the time we get to shine and when god gives you an opportunity to speak speak about him don't speak about stuff someone told you you get a sinner sitting in your chair sinners sitting across the table somebody's sitting there and you have an opportunity to talk to them about the lord don't talk to them about a youtube you received in your phone [Music] what time is it i met people give me five more minutes 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40. i saw a few hands at the back thank you praise the lord five hands and one amen say i'm not under the dark world of bondage i've been transferred into the kingdom of his dear son and his love i'm a child of the light i'm not a child of the darkness oh i have the king of kings and the lord of lords my maker it's just too intense pastor paul it's not i tell you what's intense they're crazy one to buy up real estate in your mind camp out there day in day out somebody says such and such did you hear what they said today on fox you weren't even going to fox and the next thing you're bringing fox up on your phone i'll try this site again how many people knows that's how it works the power of suggestion the power that is at work around us somebody tries to do a good deed and then other people make that good deed something of an evil mission it's just ridiculous we're living in serious times [Music] but we're living in the best of times we're living in the greatest of times colossians 2 14 and 17 i'm nearly finished having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us which was contrary to us he has taken it out of the way having nailed all the wrong to the cross having disarmed principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them and never forget ladies and gentlemen that the victory is assured the rapture will take place we will leave planet earth for seven years and after seven years we will come back with our king to rule and reign through the millennial reign of christ we will be here glorified in our bodies operating on the earth look at your neighbor and say on the earth so stop looking at this mess right now just be what we are thessalonians says we are a restraining order what does that mean is we restrain the antichrist and the operations of antichrist works until that moment that we are raptured out of here the moment that the church is raptured out of here you don't want to be here one second more because if you think it has fallen apart nigh wait to one second after the departure of the church it will be the worst of worst it will be the most horrible of horrific but you will be protected with the lord for seven glorious years in the seven glorious years you will have a time of preparation i don't know all that will be going on during those seven years but the more i focus on it the more i say getting up come on let it happen any time now i look at you and say come lord jesus come on anybody ready for the second coming of the lord anybody truly come on you don't want to stay here you want this to happen ladies and gentlemen don't be thinking for one minute that you're just going to go to the suite by and by and hold out in heaven for eternity god has a job for you god has a plan for you and his purpose is greater than what you could ever think we will come back with him we will all have a horse and we will come gloriously victoriously riding into this god-forsaken hole the holy spirit will have worked while we were away bringing people to the saving knowledge of jesus christ if you understand these things then you will understand the heart of the father i've been telling many people that prayer is not the escape prayer is the engagement to work with god now is one of the finest most greatest things and privileges that you could be blessed with [Music] and we are committed to helping people pray this week 12 noon don't miss it in matthew 5 14 and 16 we're going to receive this morning's tithes and offerings [Music] you are a light of the world a city set on the hill cannot be hidden nor do man light a lamp and put it under a pec measure but on a lump stand and it gives light to all in the house let your light so shine before man that they may see your more excellence and your praiseworthy noble and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your father who is in heaven say pastor you ministered this a couple of weeks ago i know [Music] and i didn't get a couple of weeks ago that i needed to get out [Music] and in these short few scriptures god is expounding a way of life saint francis of assisi put it like this all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle some of you that are young in youth you have a glorious future ahead of you when you hear a preacher like me minister a word that i ministered this morning you're thinking well what's the use if we're going to leave this planet every years because your life this side of the rapture is a seed for the harvest that you will receive on the other side at our return after the tribulation if you are faithful over the little he will make you ruler over much the occupation today are principalities and powers that sit over cities and but you have to understand that god wants to make us those rulers those principalities and powers will be dethroned and we the church will take positions in the effectiveness of the heart of the father working with our king who will rule this planet [Music] shall be more real than your present existence so many people do not want that to come because they are so focused on getting married having babies living out their lives nigh because they are so focused on this temporal natural moment but this temporal natural moment is just [Music] the preparation for the best life that you could ever think of living [Music] the best has yet to come lift your hands and worship him right now so if you come into this room this morning in fear little by dying with the heaviness of the world a little off keel a little off center a little just heavy with what everybody's saying i hope that this morning brought a reset to you in the spirit of faith i hope this morning brought a reset to you let's not let the world think we're a bunch of crazies let the world know that we're the answer [Music] tell the truth and show them the love of god and by the power of the spirit that see people healed and delivered to see people rescued to see people brought out of darkness into light let's see people receive the life that you have and that's my prayer for you today pray for those in authority they need your prayers pray for those that govern pray for those that sit in high places we have no idea the pressure that they are under the pressure to do good the pressure to do wrong systems within systems thank god [Music] for your life that you maybe don't have the responsibilities that another person has father i speak over this people today i speak wisdom i speak fire and i speak joy of the holy ghost in this season of joy i speak miracle workers over every person evangelists in the name of jesus that will speak the word of god uncompromised and will stand for what is right for justice and liberty i release a peace that passes all understanding over each and every one of us i say as we go today your heart will be full and that your mind will be renewed one more time to face the world with boldness as jesus himself did and everybody said a big amen glory to god hallelujah bless the lord oh my soul [Music] bless the lord [Music] within me [Music] bless the lord bless the lord [Music] are you ready to give on to the lord today the envelopes are in the back of your seats praise the lord amen on the front row if you need an envelope i don't know if you had them on your seats this morning praise the lord ushers let's get ready to receive today's tithes and offerings come on guys this give with all our hearts giving reveals where our treasure is and i believe in this place god is building a strong tower a place of safety and a refuge and i believe that the truth of the gospel of jesus christ god has planned for ed to be spoken in this place not just a message but a message of hope a message that gives grace to the hearer i believe it's necessary for me and my family i wouldn't want to be anywhere else [Music] i've said it for many many years if i wasn't pastor of this church i would bring my family to this church because i know the workings behind and i know the police structure the paradigms that are built in over many years so much was said today maybe some are overwhelmed a little bit but what's new for we're living in an overwhelming moment so i'd rather be overwhelmed by god overwhelmed by his word and even if i didn't understand something this morning at least it was an invitation to understand it to now go get teaching to understand what pastor paul is saying our pastors are here for you praise god call the office speak with the pastor if you have any questions let them try to help you but what we're trying to do is to guide you through for the best life that is available for every single one of us hey man we've got one life this use it for the best one life let's use it for the glory of almighty god and everybody said it being amen if you want to tax your giving this morning come on let this be a bumper offering this morning come on bless bless this house this morning and show me amen that this message amen is needed and necessary in the name of jesus amen if you're giving 84321 text to give those that are watching online thank you for tuning in every single service different parts around the world we're so blessed that you will make millennial the place that you receive the word of almighty god amen you can give into this time of tithes and offerings right now from wherever you are by simply giving amen text to give in the united states 84321 or you can post in your gift po box 470371 tulsa oklahoma 74147 amen or if you could paypal your little tacky you can go ahead and give right now by our app in jesus precious name are you ready to give today amen let's just go ahead and bust the buckets praise god amen tonight at 6 00 p.m everybody say 6 p.m amen we're just going to keep praying into this i believe that god is making us strong and the more we can get together and pray into these things the stronger we are becoming tomorrow night i am minister in an oklahoma city a man at the old governor's mansion amen we're ministered on the law something this week is happening amen i've been invited to minister tomorrow night amen if you'd like to be there at 6pm tomorrow night it's the old governor's mansion god bless you everybody have a wonderful day see you tonight at 6 pm [Music] you
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 230
Rating: 4.1999998 out of 5
Id: XQYh7wJzSsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 16sec (7756 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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