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no family good morning millennial are you guys awake in a live stream good morning what a weekend we just want to say welcome we are glad that you're with us this morning we are going to have a phenomenal service this morning you know our sunday morning service is always power packed and it's going to be an amazing time of just worship and a word from the lord from our pastors amen we also want to welcome our online community watching hello we love you guys you know we have people that watch from all over all over the world actually yes and if you're watching from facebook feel free to put in the comments where you're watching from interact like comment share we love all of the interaction online absolutely you know such a blessing you know we're just a the online thing is just a window into our church and into this ministry and it's an absolute blessing we love you guys so much and we're glad that you're a part you know we've had brother billy burke here all weekend phenomenal services amazing teaching sarah and i were talking about some of the teaching this weekend has just been absolutely phenomenal and one of the neat things about our pastors have done is they put everything on youtube so you can go back and view any of the services not only uh for brother billy burke this weekend but from all of the services they do you can always go back and look at those for free and let them be a resource to your life amen amen so a couple of quick announcements just to keep us all on the same page young adults you have a community night friday september 17th at 6 p.m notion coffee if you've not gotten involved in young adults and that is you come see us at guest services we'll get you connected with josh and sophia they'd love to have you yup and then our men's conference men we've got a men's conference coming up november 12th and the 13th it's a friday and saturday and we're gonna have pastor paul pastor jerry disomo corey brown here from millennial will be there as well just pouring into your lives amen you know we had a men's meet-up yesterday uh morning and you know i just got to look around and there were so many men there and just so many strong men that we have in our church that love the lord amen and so it's a blessing as a man here in the church it's a blessing that we have so many wonderful men that love the lord amen and something interesting pastor said yesterday he said the hallmark of the returning of christ is that men would rise up not women but men would rise up and begin to pray amen and so we're looking forward to that this conference is going to be strengthening to men and so i just encourage you if you've got a son or a father that's maybe not in the tulsa area invite him in for the conference you know pastor encouraged everybody just to bring one person not that we want a big show up of people but we believe it'll be a blessing to your life amen amen and then our joy group has an event next sunday september 9th and september 19th and after the sunday morning service they're going to be meeting up at black bear diner so again if you've not gotten involved in our joy group 55 years older come see us at guest services we'll get you signed up on the sign up sheet and get you connected with the milsteads if you haven't yet absolutely absolutely and then also i just want to encourage you you know we've got so many new people coming into the church and it takes so many hands so many people to make things run around here so if you would like to take your gifts and your talents and put them to work for the kingdom put them to work into this local body we would love to have you be a part of it it's so easy come see us get a volunteer application take it home pray about it and there's so many different areas sometimes people think well i don't know if i'd be good at this or i'd be good at that come talk to us because i think there are probably even some areas that you could you know serve in and so your time in that you've not even thought about and you know if this is your first time here i know we have a lot of new faces in for the the meetings we would love to say hello please please please come see us out at guest services we have a gift for you it will bless your life we'd love to give you a little information maybe you're in the tulsa area and you're looking for a home church welcome home this is a good place to be amen man i love this church well if you would just stand with us today we're getting ready to go into worship and i just encourage you the bible says to continually offer the sacrifice of praise so we're gonna lift up his name today amen we're gonna lift up jesus today we're gonna exalt his name and when we bring attention to him when we honor and lift up his name he shows up strong in our lives amen father we thank you for today we thank you for everything you're doing we thank you that you're working in us and through us and we worship you and we praise you today in the mighty name of jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] to oh [Music] let the people dance let the people sing worthyism [Music] let the people sing what is [Music] is the one who has overcome the [Music] greatness of [Music] glory to [Music] them forever [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] she's [Music] gonna hold my body down gonna hold my body down [Music] [Applause] [Music] gonna hold my body down [Music] every key [Applause] gonna hold my body down [Music] gonna hold my body down [Music] [Applause] [Music] gonna hold [Music] if [Music] if you walked out of the crate [Music] with [Music] there is gonna hold my body down [Music] oh gonna rise up [Music] [Music] gonna hold my body [Music] if you walked out of the grave come on [Music] if you walked out of the grave i'mma walk into [Music] if you walked out of the grave [Music] if you walk down [Music] hold my is down [Music] [Music] [Applause] gonna hold my body down [Applause] [Music] come on give him praise come on i believe there's a bunch of free people in this room today come on the grave couldn't hold him come on i believe that the power of god is in this room resurrection power is coming to you wherever you are this morning i declare that the church is not over we're just getting started if you believe that shut up amen come on we've had 2 000 years of glorious outpourings we are in the days of the great awakenings ladies and gentlemen if you've ever played a game of chase tag you are it these are the days to live the best days of our lives and i believe that songs like this are rousing the body to know that the greatest days of history are right up ahead of us god started the church in fire i believe that fire is what's going to take us to the end i declare in this place today the fire of the holy ghost in the name of jesus fire in your lives fire in your families wherever you are we declare fire everybody shout fire [Applause] you know if this song doesn't get you to get that you're in your voice against that grile you know that fierceness and tell me what that song was made for such a time as this you know that's an end time song you think of all the people who passed over you think of all of us and we're gonna meet them they're gonna meet us in the air oh my oh my oh my oh you know i grew up we grew up in northern ireland in an our house in my house you either listened to country western music from the united states of america or irish music that was your choice actually you didn't have a choice it was one or the other so i grew up with that beat and that glory to god that sound the signs of heaven are so amazing and let them come from you today and this week that those signs are so impactful you don't even realize the impact that those signs have when you utter them from your voice of faith from your innermost feelings you're going to change things this week there's going to be an effect this week hallelujah hallelujah i love you all we welcome the holy spirit holy spirit come on it's time to get an attitude ladies and gentlemen it's time to get a little bit of an attitude that when you come to church on a sunday morning you came to praise him you came to glorify him it's time to shake a little bit shout a little bit dance a little bit sweat a little bit it's time to praise his holy name i declare in this room resurrection power is laying hold of each and every one of us as we believe that all things are possible i declare in this place that the spirit of christ in us the hope of glory overwhelms us no matter what is facing us in life we know that we can face it with jesus the supreme and head of the church today ladies and gentlemen we're not looking to the world as our elite we are looking to the one that set our course way before we ever arrived on planet earth he is the one that was he is and he is to come he is yeshua hamashiach he is the chief o intercessor he is the lord most high he is jehovah's yammer he is jehovah's he is jehovah rapha he is jehovah roy he is jehovah jireh he is the lord most high and he is the god who goes before us today let this place be filled with praise let it be filled with the voices of the saints and make this day a moment to remember i declare that our believer is rising i declare that we are knowing more than when we've ever known before for the spirit of victory dwells within us say this with me i believe i believe that the greatest days greatest days are right up ahead i believe all things are still possible because i believe if you believe that lift your hands and begin to lift your voices all over this room as we make him great in this place today in jesus precious [Music] they say these mountains can't be moved they say these chains will never break they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your [Music] oh [Music] there is [Music] god we believe [Music] [Music] can we [Music] we foreign that hope is never lost [Music] god we believe no [Music] there's so much [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] shall we [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we trust [Music] we trusting you god you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we trust [Music] break the unbreakable can't we believe [Music] [Music] [Music] can we believe [Music] we believe it come on yes we believe [Music] you said it is [Music] is on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you say [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know for years through the message of faith each and every one of us has grown accustomed that if the lord said it then his final authority and we're a blessed people and a blessed congregation because we can look to the word and know that when we see those precious promises we know each and every one of them are yes and they are amen you know as we sing this just one more time as we come to prayer this morning you said it i believe it i want you to lay hold of it messiah 53 said by jesus stripes you were healed first peter tells us by jesus stripes you are healed we can stand in his presence and know without any doubt that what god meant through the work of jesus christ was salvation salvation sozo healing and deliverance that means every single one of us would receive forgiveness of our sins and receive the power to become the sons of god i pray today in this room are those that are watching online that you have made jesus christ the lord of your life he not only forgave our sins but in his sacrifice he gave us healing for our bodies in other words total life prosperity spirit soul and body we're not only born again by the spirit today but we're healed by the works of jesus christ as he took the beating at the post as he bled from his side as he bled from his hands and bled from his feet and his blood poured freely for each and every one of us scripture says those stripes healed us the scripture tells us that he was broken so that we could be whole as we come to prayer this morning us the pastors please come forward as we come to pray we might be in the middle of healing meetings but in our sunday morning service we always give the opportunity for people to be prayed for it doesn't matter how you come into this room what does matter is that you leave here differently i don't care what it is that's wrong jesus came to make it right i want you to lift your hands all over this room and begin to pray in the spirit with me if you're visiting this morning welcome to church we're a bunch of people that just believe in the full gospel of jesus christ we believe in praying in other tongues and praying beyond our own natural limitations so you're here this morning just lift your voices help everybody pray amen help the pastors pray for people and this see people's lives changed for the glory of god to everyone watching online i wish we could touch you this morning i wish we could come right into your room or into your workplace wherever you are but that is impossible but i know the one that can touch you he's the spirit of god oh i tell you the spirit of healing flood your home right now wherever you are know that the same spirit that is at work here at church is the same spirit that is working in your home wherever you are right now receive your healing enter into that promise amen it's yes and amen let's live out our lives length of days with the strength of god in our bodies today i believe that we are being set free from all things that would oppress us we are being set free from demons that would try to possess us we are being delivered from all the things that try to just get on us in this world because jesus came to set us free come on guys just pray together let's worship him this keep the spirit of god moving powerfully in this room as we see the works of christ done in this place today [Music] you said i believe it you said it it is [Music] i believe [Music] you said in this day [Music] as we worship the finisher we exalt the lamb of god how great you are come on just begin to pour out that song of love that song of thanks come on it's our response to those words that it is finished that it is [Music] pour out our love to you we pour out our love to you we pour out our love to you we pour out our love to [Music] oh it's our worship [Music] we pour out our love to [Music] love to [Music] [Applause] oh we just can't stop singing we love you lord we just can't stop singing we love you oh we just can't stop singing we love you oh we just can't stop singing [Applause] [Music] come on with everything [Music] and we just can't [Music] [Applause] one more time yes we do [Music] there's only one name on my lips [Music] there's only one name on my heart and it's jesus there's only name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that brings salvation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we love you oh we just can't stop singing we love you we love you we just can't stop singing we love you [Music] we love you oh we just can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] just can't stop singing [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know something happens when our hearts are set free by the spirit of god you get an atmosphere like this that's why hebrews tells us very clearly that when you see that day approach all the more do not forsake the gathering together of the saints ladies and gentlemen one of the most powerful things that we will be able to do as we see the days get darker in his glory get brighter is to get together the enemy would love to see everything just forced online he would love to see churches shut that we would no longer be able to meet but while there's people like you and me we will always meet to serve the king of kings and the lord of lords why because of the power of the corporate anointing you may be here and you say what is the corporate anointing it's an anointing that comes where two or three agree to touch something beyond the limitations of self i know as americans we're just individual and we just love to be able to free think for ourselves but listen when it comes to the kingdom of god it's not what i can do is what we can do it's not about what one gets to do it's about what we are destined to do by god and what the enemy hates is the believers coming together to produce a power that they cannot produce on their own that's why today we need churches like this we haven't seen the churches yet that are about to appear some of them are not even here yet but they're on the way they will be places of truth places of strongholds not strongholds for the enemy but strongholds for god and his people they will be known as arks but they will be known as training centers a place where power is produced like no other place on the planet when the early church prayed he saw the power of god when people were bound they saw them loose when people were sick they saw them healed i believe healings were a part of a daily existence a daily life a rhythm a cadence i believe too that the end of days will not be outshone by the former but the scripture points us to the revelation that the latter shall be greater than the and former jesus left just before he lifted up he said this to those that were listening all these things that you saw me do you will do greater if that is not a leadership statement if that is not the sense of the father's voice desiring the kids to be greater than the parents then i don't know what is today we've many teachers but where are the fathers the fathers are rising [Music] the selfless are taking the stage those who fell in love with jesus christ and i take in the microphones and saying we won't be silenced we won't be stood down stood back we won't be shut up a fire burns in our belly and it is the fire and the passion of christ himself when st padre came to take the nation of ireland he came with very little but himself but yet he came with a vision and a mission and a touch of god so big that it changed a forsaken nation under the power of dark truths to a nation that loved god and served the king jesus himself america may not have known days like this persecution may be somewhat different to people but i can tell you even in the midst of your worst persecution the power of christ unsure to deliver like those who went before us even as polycarp stood in the midst of the fire he was asked before he entered could you please give us a sign to let us know that the grace of god was greater than the pain of the fire polycarp was able to stand in the midst of that burning and lift up his fingers to let those who stood by know that even in the midst of his worst moment god's grace was sufficient i speak into your spirit church of god that no matter how in the bostolandai a color more taganas algonza how unstable the future looks there is one that ostaramban einstein that holds us that holds us in the midst of every storm he holds us in the midst of every wind he keeps us standing in the face of opposition he is christ himself there is a sound that is rallying the body not there is a noise that is coming into the church there is a strength that is laying hold of each and every one of us that we will say no we will say no to the oppressor that wants to come and take away our freedom it is not a mind ladies and gentlemen it is not a woman it is a foreign devil it is a night lost spirit it is satan himself and he wants to come and rob you of every freedom and every liberty that you have ever received but the church is rising if you believe it shout unto god right now the church is rising [Music] our luxury of coming to church just simply to sing a song to hear a message and leave a little lighter in the pocket is over to come to church in these days going forward will be a sign to all that you're not afraid of what this world would say you're not afraid of the oppression that it wants to bring your way but you will hold your head high and your back straight and you will march as the saints of god awaiting their glorious champion you see ladies and gentlemen it's not the greatness of america that we've lived in in past days it's the glorious future of heaven that awaits every single one of us and while we keep looking back about how great america was then we lose and diminish how great heaven is going to be in a short time in a short while one of the greatest events in history will take place i believe since the ascension of our lord jesus christ and the baptism of the holy spirit on the day of pentecost the rapture of the church those who believe and have accepted jesus christ as our lord and savior one of these days very soon mark my words are going to rise to meet him in the air as we're talking about this this morning i want to ask you are you ready are you ready to meet our savior are you ready have you made sure your salvation have you made sure that you were washed in the blood of the lamb because things are getting pretty dark out there ladies and gentlemen you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or next week for things are changing so rapidly in every 24-hour period you used to be able to think well you know i've got a couple of months i've got six months i've got a year now things are changing in a heartbeat i asked you today are you ready does your heart burn with fire i ask you today are you ready are you on your knees giving him praise and honor and glory do you have a desire to go to heaven more than you have a desire to stay on the earth because that's what's going to take you up with him ladies and gentlemen i believe that we're in the throes i believe that we're in those times called the birth pines i believe that the earth is groaning i believe that there's a noise i believe that there's a cracking and there's a frustrating but i also believe that there is a giant that is taking to their feet and i believe that everything that held it back is breaking off your life if you believe them give them a shout [Music] the question may be asked why do i need my healing well i'm going to bless god live 120 years no you need to be strong for the fight [Music] and i speak into your core today that a fight rises within you the good fight of faith so that you can stand in the face of anything that wants to come your way and that you will confess that jesus is lord are there any believers in this room today [Applause] [Music] this is why i believe [Music] this is why i believe [Music] that's why more are coming that's why more churches will rise they say they're closing all over the nation let me tell you ladies and gentlemen we only hear about the ones that are closing they're not telling us about the ones that are opening [Music] and the ones that are opening they're not going to take no prisoners they're not going to take no for an answer because they've got the word of god and when the word of god says yes they're going to look in the face of the devil and tell them to get out to get off and to see people delivered and set free and to see nations and cities set free for the glory of god [Music] maybe i've said too much today i just believe that stars are supposed to shine in the darkness so if you're a light stopped trying to cover it for the light was brought to be seen on a hill ladies and gentlemen these are the greatest days [Music] these are the best of days the church is not looking for a visitation we've had that we're not looking for a meeting of revival we've had that nya's just walking in what we've had what we've received we're not looking for the greater experience we're not looking for just another encounter now the world is about to encounter the church [Music] i'm going to say it again it is now time for the world to encounter the church they've watched us with our bibles come into a building they've watched us with our bibles go to lunch they've watched us with our bibles go here there and everywhere we put bumper stickers on our vehicles we've signed songs at the restaurant we've talked holy chat everywhere that we go but what they haven't seen truly is the power of what we are and it's about to happen i want somebody to really rip this roof today i want you to get yourself in faith i want you to believe like you've never believed [Music] oh i've had myself church and we're only 50 minutes in it's amazing what you can get done in a very short period of time [Music] so today we celebrate nine years of millennial [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we're just getting started honey i'm telling you right now the enemy did not want us to have this building but i'm telling you we got it i'm telling you 6355 is alive and we ain't seen nothing yet give the lord praise and honoring glory [Music] another great report is some of our pastors overseas in manchester england pastor joel and heavy taller i'm sure you know them but praise god today they just opened preston [Music] as i say other churches may be closing but we're in a company that's opening some up [Music] well i'm glad you all came with your million dollars to church this morning [Music] we're going to take our seats and we're going to give on to the lord [Music] last night we received an offering into church and i didn't know that billy was just sitting right behind me and i know some are visiting this morning i believe from other places thank you for being here i know others are taking rest because of our marathon services but thank you for having stamina this morning for coming you know billy get up after me and he says you know what we really need to start sowing into the kingdom of god and i heard what he said first of all i thought mine i'm being rebuked because my offering message was kind of light but i felt i did what i was supposed to do and then the spirit of the lord spoke to me and says yes you did what you were supposed to do and i've told him what he was supposed to do and to speak to this people about giving you know this church is a phenomenal giving church but i've known for a period of time we need to step it up if you missed anything that billy said last night don't miss what he said about finances it was so powerful and i'll say it again this is the greatest cause you could ever be presented with somebody told me recently you know that they were going to leave their fortune to the dogs [Music] i said the dogs yes i love dogs and they're going to get my fortune i said just like the devil take all those hundreds of thousands of dollars and give it to a dog [Music] how won't you let your hand say god's getting my money come on said like you mean a god is getting my money it was so powerful what he said you know when we come to ties and offerings you know he says you know sometimes people think that we're just looking for the whole thing the whole farm he spoke to this gentleman he disarmed him and he said sir i'm not looking for your tractors i'm not looking for your farm but could you at least give me a little seat the man was disarmed and the man said well when you put it like that yes i suppose i could give you a little seat there's a lot of people think because the church just wants to take everything away from us but that's not true but yet i will bring you to the revelation of the early church [Music] they lived like they owned nothing i'll try this side over here they lived like they owned nothing so everything was subject to be given to the kingdom of god that's the foolishness of the church no that's the foolishness of humanity because what will win in the end times is wisdom through obedience [Music] doing exactly what you believe the lord has said i heard what the spirit of god said last night i made a decision in my heart i'm up in my given i asked you this morning this gift to see this building paid off let's see the extension belt this work is growing ladies and gentlemen i'm not going to multiple services i am telling you not i think too much of my health to do that so therefore we're going to have to grow this building [Music] and if we want to have the spirit of god move the way he moves then we can't can our services so i will add another service but it will not be the expense of the sunday morning service so if i ever have to add another service it will be saturday night it will not be another service on a sunday morning and if we need more space then god will blow out these walls you say that's not good for church growth well i'll go different meetings but i will not go multiple services one after the other i was telling the twins yesterday we were talking for a minute and uh we're still an offering don't be taking this off my message praise the lord and uh this was back in northern ireland when we had the church this has given you time to really give this morning and uh we're back in northern ireland we're growing the church and we've become friendly with matthew ashimolowo and uh just a massive figure in uh in london kicc just was on every network just just but we had become acquainted and i had asked him to come to northern ireland to to minister at our church and he was thrilled to do it but he had become come under persecution in london because of the olympics at that stage and uh they took his land and pushed him from multiple thousands being able to seat into a building that was seated no more than about a thousand people so he was having to do five or six services one after the other [Music] and so he was doing all these services in the morning and he called me at lunch time and he says paul i can't come i nearly choked on my dinner because everyone from everywhere was coming in to hear matthew asham aloha [Music] i said what do you mean you can't come he says i'm exhausted i do not recommend multiple services i'm on my fourth service and i am exhausted and i cannot get on the plane to come for service this evening because i will not do you good nor the people and i said that's okay i will do it i don't think i had the rest of my dinner lunch and i went home and i lay on my bed and i said lord obviously you knew that this was coming you knew that he was not going to do this service and the spear lord said yes and i gathered them because i want to release something through you tonight and i came to meeting that night the place was packed packed to the gills and after all the praise and worship i stood up and said i have an announcement to make pastor matthew ashimolowo is not here but i am instructed by the lord to bring the word of the lord the place he erupted the shout that came out of the belly of the congregation was something i never witnessed before to that time in my ministry i said the greatest thing that anybody can be in life is led by the spirit not because of the demand i could have said to pastor matthew you said you promised [Music] but i know the voice of the lord you see i've learned over the years [Music] you can manipulate and emotionally berate people to do exactly what you want them to do but at the end of the day you will get your results but if you just relax and let god be god then it will amaze you that night god brought me to the forefront in the hearts of some of those men and women that served the lord in the country and through that powerful relationships were struck up and i was able to help impact what they did in so many of their influential circles through the pandemic with all those services i made a decision i'm not doing this i could think back to what pastor matthew i said all these services man you're just exhausted no time to fill up no time to replenish no time to re-tank so to speak just another service i said i'm not doing this so if we have to have extra services we'll go at different times of services but i'm not attaching another one to a sunday morning and nor am i attaching another one to a sunday evening i want the freedom of the spirit of god so i ask you again let's hurry up and pay this off let's hurry off and do the necessary work that needs to be done let's hurry up and put on that interim extension change things around here and let's get on to doing what it is that the lord has instructed us to do many people believe that was a great offering message right there i love you all i just looked out over there the last couple of nights and i thought these precious people even pastor billy said in the face of a pandemic look he sent me a text this morning he says i walk early this morning just thinking about you paul and millennial thinking about what god is doing here he says you have no idea how special this is and i said i think as a people were we're catching that they sent me a photograph this morning of pre-service prayer they've broken out of that room they're now in the hall ladies and gentlemen of people coming pre-service prayer to pray they're nigh we and i need a bigger space in other words we now need to do our upper level that chapel has to be done because i am not stopping what god is doing [Applause] [Music] look at three people and say it's time to do a quick work praise the lord so if god has blessed you in an amazing way whether you're in this room this morning or watching by online let's give unto the lord so this may be a project that you would like to do please see pastor jake and he will gladly tell you some of the projects that we need to do we're trying to use our wisdom the best that we possibly can a man to run the wiring into the lights outside we'll take anything from seventy to a hundred thousand dollars we're not looking at the wisdom why do we need to do that well when they allowed this building to be vacant there were vandals that came and stripped all the wiring out of this building a lot of the money that has been used has went to places that you would never see and so just to hook up these lights outside will take seventy to a hundred thousand dollars but what we're looking at ladies and gentlemen are other ways of wise dealings and workings how can we use solar how can we do these things so that our money can be spent in the best way to steward this house properly can i have a big amen so if you ever think why are they not doing this and doing that it's not that we don't recognize it needs done it's just that we're working through the wisdom of how to do it the best we can so that we're being frugal with the money that we have can i have a big amen and many people believe that's a good report right there amen you can see changes all the time so as we give this morning this given faith let's give as big as we can tithing is not an option it's none negotiable amen i believe in this church for 100 tithing on every increase that we have amen this tithe unto the lord this morning you're giving give over and above amen market for whatever you want praise the lord you may be business this morning for the billy burke meetings and you've just loved what this church is doing come on be part of it amen let's see a legacy grow here and see people's lives changed because of this house in jesus precious name remember 57 82 in the hebrew calendar that number two the house and i believe that we're going to see more and more how god's house is so important to each and every one of us in the last days and everybody said a big amen glory to god well are you ready to give the information i'm sure has been on the screens for a long time i saw a lot of people writing this morning and working at your phones text to give 84321 you could be out there somewhere you've got a us number 84321 amen and you can also get by the way of paypal this morning in jesus precious name father i asked you to touch everybody powerfully use them use their money for your glory show yourself strong father in their lives with the spirit of increase jehovah jireh in jesus precious name and everybody said a big amen glory to god ushers go ahead please and pass the buckets this morning let's receive our tithes and our offerings hallelujah we praise you lord [Music] glorify your name [Music] [Music] you are [Music] the love of my life you are the one that i hope for you [Music] than this world to me [Music] wouldn't trade [Music] you are the love of my life [Music] you are the hope that i cling to [Music] i wouldn't trade you for [Music] you you are my everything [Music] you are the love of my life you are the hulk that i cling to you mean more than this [Music] is [Music] come on one more time you are the hope that i cling to [Music] is [Music] you are you are come on do you believe that today [Music] you are you are [Music] your store [Music] come on how many people love the lord this morning let me see your hands don't rush out of his presence it's been a long week and so many things want to hinder you so many things want to get your attention so many voices want to be heard david won by knowing the presence of the lord and even in the midst of family hierarchy in royal protocol [Music] david still knew that there was a king higher than the king of the earth and his protocol was the protocol of the kingdom and not the protocol of what man i desired god never intended a man ever to bow to a natural king god never intended for a woman to curtsy to a queen god intended that every knee should bow and every tongue would confess the lordship of jesus the christ why do you worship so long pastor please well i can only do what comes naturally to me and if your life's a life of worship then it doesn't stop when service starts for a schedule god's not waiting us getting out to lunch god's just trying to bring you to a place that you could actually enjoy your lunch free from the cares of this world not just gobbling down your lunch giving yourself more indigestion because you're worried sick about what's going to happen but yeah we spend so much time getting in the presence of the lord and then it's like job see you later that was so good god thank you for the touch thank you for the visit but yet there's not one place in his word that he talked about a visit it's a habitation you will know me and the truth will make you free hallelujah you are more than this world to me you are the love of my love you are [Music] the hope that i cling to i couldn't trade you for silver [Music] is here you are my [Music] be hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on don't waste the wine he's kept the best wine for last [Music] so glorify thy name glorify thy name glorify [Music] glorified [Music] lord [Music] glorify [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] signing oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Music] i [Music] just want to praise you lift my hearts [Music] everything to me [Music] come on just two minutes and i just want to praise [Music] and [Music] come on this presence is in this room [Music] come on for everyone [Applause] [Music] you are everything too [Music] oh i just want to praise [Applause] [Music] oh oh my jesus [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] praise you praise your praise praise we praise you lord we praise your holy name [Music] go with my life [Music] praise you [Music] my [Music] you [Music] praise you [Music] praise you come on [Music] where's your [Music] [Applause] grace i praise you [Music] you praise him praise and praise [Music] with my life [Music] [Music] come on let them touch your life today the spirit of god is moving through this place [Music] come on praise and praise [Music] praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with my [Music] praise you with my [Music] lord prepare me for [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on he's moving he's working [Music] pure and holy [Music] [Music] come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you and the lord to be a sign [Music] true [Music] i'll be [Music] the adjustments that have been made are of me because of those things that i require of you both change is never comfortable and yet even in the midst of the discomfort of change [Music] i am looking for that which i placed in you before you were born [Music] through many challenges thick and thin many will never know and even at times when you feel like you have failed everything including me says the lord [Music] i still saw the light and i still saw the work and i still saw the heart [Music] but the changes were necessary to make way nine for a work that i desire to bring through you it is not yet for there is that which still needs to be done but priests shall you be and will lead thousands and thousands to my son in the mark of an evangelist will come strong upon your lives [Music] in greater dimensions than what you could have fathomed the costal venezuela this to be and you will look back at this moment and thank me [Music] and thank me none of this was a demotion but it was necessary [Music] to cause you to rise and rise you shall rise you shall [Music] lift your hands all over this room [Music] pray in the spirit with me now pray pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit [Music] listen to this this morning listen to the sound of your voices listen to the sound of god in this house [Music] don't underestimate the workings of god for even as pastor and leader of this work i have set my face like flint for this end time move of god and we will see people where they are supposed to be fear not god is doing a great work just do not come off the wall god has spoken this to this church time and time and time again do not come off the wall for i am doing a great work nehemiah 6. so [Music] come on he's in this house i'm not doing this this is the spirit of god i'm not doing any of this [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody stand to your feet please [Music] god is growing this house god is growing the influence of this house in other regions and other parts and much will be needed as you've heard already today the tillering of the past is over stop waiting for someone to saddle you and ride you but this will be wholly born of a relationship [Music] relationship with god and relationship with mine [Music] and through the divine orchestrations of god teams shall be produced to do what is necessary on the earth in a time that needs serious strategic discernment not just another minister not just another call not just another church but the ministers the calls in the churches [Music] and these places that rise will be known for their place in prayer [Music] and each of them shall have a certain hallmark upon them and will be known for that [Music] but all shall have a common thread of their relentless heart and passion for christ in the power of the plan of the kingdom [Music] the struggle of the present will produce a tremendous harvest for those who push past [Music] the questionings and the reasonings of the mind [Music] and delve into the depth of their spirit to find the plan and purpose [Music] of god through them for humanity [Music] the army is gathering the church is assembling tommy hicks's vision of the giant is rising the debris is falling what people fail to see in the prophecy of tommy hicks is that when debris starts to fall there's a lot of dirt and dust so as the church rises there's going to be a lot of moments where it looks like it's dirty it looks like it's monkey it looks like there's a lot of dust but just keep on rising just keep on relying on those things that tillered you to snap off you [Music] i have said before that if one learns how to protect the anointing on another man or another woman then they too will be able to protect the anointing which god has placed upon their life so god takes us through seasons at times to help protect the anointing on another so that we learn how to protect the anointing upon ourselves [Music] get your hands all over this room [Music] many of you have been called to be kings serve the lord in the ability to produce wealth so that the priests and steer the church some of you have been called to be priests allow the kings to propel [Music] with their wealth the leading of god through you [Music] fewer have been called to be kings and priests the reason for that is because it's messy [Music] of whatever it is that god has called you to be in this end time church do it with all your heart be happy in your own skin and if god has just called you to pray then pray on [Music] if god has asked you to look after the children then look after them with all your passion to raise up a generation that will serve god even unto death [Music] look at this this morning [Music] some will say i've never been in a service like this welcome to church [Applause] i said welcome to church i said welcome to church [Applause] i've said this many times before help me build this hub the simple instruction of the lord was to build a hub for my spirit to move [Music] the lord instructed me also that many will come and they will have their own works and will come under this as if it is a great tree to receive strength in the end of days a shelter but strength [Music] i know that the lord said that works like this would start to happen and i see it [Music] joel and evie if you're watching today we speak the strength of god over you and preston and over those people in jesus precious name [Music] and everybody said a big amen that everybody said a big amen anybody got to shout on to god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on us this shout out to god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] don't be afraid i'm not going to start preaching at this stage i believe the lord spoke [Applause] [Music] i came this morning to say to you stars can't shine with thy darkness i was going to slip a little bit in there this morning that i hadn't planned and it was really truly acts chapter 3. when the persecution hit the church [Music] peter didn't pray for protection he prayed for boldness [Music] [Applause] [Music] i spoke to our man yesterday morning i told him a little story i told everybody last night but this little boy was listening to everything that was going on in the world today and he says daddy daddy pray that i'm safe this dad knew that he couldn't pray that prayer prayer phrasing because just praying a prayer of safety would not keep his young son [Music] from what was going on in the world [Music] he said to your son i can't pray that i'll that you'll be safe but i can pray that you'll become dangerous [Music] [Applause] [Music] the little boy said to his dad well could you pray that i would be really really really really dangerous i pray over you this morning that you're becoming really really really dangerous [Applause] come on you've got the power of god living in the inside of you you've got the wisdom of the most high you ain't looking at a future that's bleak you're not looking at a future that's weak because when you're weak he is strong you are the church of jesus christ if you believe it give them another shout [Applause] [Music] i love you all and i'll see you tonight at 6 pm this pack this play aside they see god's goodness [Music] in people's lives the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord makes his face to shine upon you and gives you peace god bless you everybody have a wonderful afternoon we will see you tonight at 6 pm god bless you [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] for all the ways he has kept me [Music] i he is [Music] woke me up this morning [Music] victory [Music] gave me a testimony i got a reason i've got [Music] victory [Music] is [Music] he's my shelter [Music] you
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 358
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1-hxKUwH7X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 29sec (7049 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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