Days Ahead | Tony Paul

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hello and welcome to today's broadcast it is our heart that you know that god has great plans for each and every one of us over this next few minutes i believe that your life is about to change one word from god can change our lives forever so no matter what you're doing in life today i know that every one of us has an opportunity to change and change for the good um where are we where we go i'll give you an opportunity to check me out a little bit because that's what everybody does when a new guy shows up they're checking him out and saying is this kind of legit what's he gonna do i heard he wears bow ties the guy's kind of crazy um yeah i i do i've got a collection of bow ties and they're not clip-ons okay somebody they're not clip i don't do clip-ons i do the real deal we tie them and and so on and man god's good very very very good so glad to be with you hey could you just play a little bit you know um i'll give you a little context in in just a few minutes or what have you i'm wondering if we could just all stand up just for a few moments here you know um if you want to it's not mandatory nobody's grading you paul said this and i like what he said he said well i'll read it to you i could quote it but i'll i'll i'll read it over in first corinthians 14. i like first corinthians 14. he said this he made this statement which i thought was i've been thinking about this let me get over there somebody took first corinthians 14 out of my bible where'd it go there it is so it it's he says this he says even so you right that'd be all of us even so you since you're you're zealous for spiritual gifts man i love that you're zealous for spiritual gifts man the place where the church gets back after that i'm i'm i'm on it man i i'm i'm looking forward to that day where we get zealous again about spiritual gifts [Music] but even so since you're zealous for spiritual gifts he said this i like this he said let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel you know that's that's kind of like what jesus said you know the first time he introduced the word church you know into common language was back in that time where where he said to the you know his his his crew there you know he talked about you know i'm going to build my church and then he said this and then he said and the gates of hell will not prevail against it guess guess where the church is supposed to supposed to be neighbors with the gates of hell that's where the church is supposed to be located and it's it's obvious here that in order for us to do what we're to do with the people we're called to be with and reach that we need tools and we need equipment and and you know there's things that we do that jesus you know by way of the holy spirit written through paul here we're in need of edification we're in need of edification obviously if if if he said you know if you're going to excel in anything let it be for the edification of the church i mean i like that we're supposed to excel at that we're worse i mean beyond the forefront of of edifying the church edifying one another being edified edifying one another you know and um these tools these gifts it's supposed to be for the edification of the church now for a long time we we thought that edification of the church you know i've heard people talk about that and they've they've kind of talked about it being you know well we kind of rise like a building and then i heard somebody else talk about how you get charged like a battery and you know it's a building it's a battery it's a i don't know what but i found this out that actually what what edification means is it's it's an architecture term and what it speaks about is is is to to to build on other rooms is literally what that means and so you know as the church corporate and as the church individual you know obvious it's obvious that we're supposed to be about having room being made within us and through us you good [Music] and so when these brooms are built within you the church corporate and the church individual there's freedoms that come along with it and grace is to occupy and stand in those things so as to bring forth my plans my purposes and even things that others have prayed for and prayed about you are carriers of [Music] and perhaps you would be available for me to work through you to bring into the life of others and to those around you and to those that i would cause you to intersect with a word an impartation and a a spiritual revelation a doctrine a word of encouragement to raise up and lift and to draw that one closer under me endoska andros so that that one may stand before me with hands up raised glorifying my name because the work of god came to them at a time of need and they too are now part of the family of god come on right where you're at just lift your hands right there now just lift your hands right hallelujah glory to god even so you [Music] now see let me let me just let me just do this we'll get to where i was going to go in just a sec he said even so you you're zealous for spiritual gifts let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel now you know we we've gone so long you know without some of these things that sometimes when these things are introduced it's it's strange or it's different and it's what what is that you know that you know i i didn't have a chance come on up here sweetheart this is actually my my my girlfriend after 27 years we'll get married soon uh no no no we're we are married she's got a ring she's mine and uh you know um i brought her up here just so you could you could see her but you know um things coming back around and being reintroduced in the church you know um we you know when we we i just wanted to let everybody know that that's who you were that you weren't some stranger that just walked up with a microphone i got a word from god um [Music] and um gosh there's just so many things i want to get into um you know not just being able to demonstrate things but to also interpret i found this out that manifestation without interpretation equals confusion [Music] and so you know sit down i'll have you stand up later okay i thought we were going to do something you did good you passed the test everybody gets an a um [Music] we uh we pastored for about 15 was about 15 years 12 15 here somewhere um around there in um in new hampshire okay i got a woohoo who said woohoo all right man come on born in manchester okay so we pastored just outside of manchester over in bedford yep right next door and um and uh prior to that we were 15 years on staff at a large local church we were directors of an adult bible training school there had a whole staff of teachers and students we raised up about 13 different total schools that we planted in in and throughout the six states of new england and um so that's about as far as i'm going to go with that i want to spend too much time i want to get to what we need to get to but that's where we come from and and then august of 2019 we felt like we were supposed to make our way out to tulsa oklahoma i had been out here back in the late 80s swore i've never come back i did man i couldn't wait to see tulsa in my rearview mirror and i did and it was good for a while and here we are again i should have said i can't you know lord don't ever send me to cancun don't i i really don't want to go to cancun at all i would hate that i hate it but here we are and and and so um it's uh it's it's it's it's been it's been a ride pray for me um but we're glad to be here what what uh what a cool bunch of people here uh pastor paul and and and i asked if i could say karen instead of karen i tried to pronounce car and i was butchering her name uh because my wife's name is karen as well so i've got a karen also and uh just what cool people they are they're normal they love god they're excited about they love spiritual things and there's there's a depth and and a lightness within their spirit and then all of you your your staff is amazing i've i've i've stalked all of you and watched you and uh no it's just been a a real treat to be here this is our our our home and uh our three kids are all involved in the in the ministry right he told me to say that right okay um and so they're all you know they're all involved in the ministry here and we've just enjoyed worshiping with you and hanging with you um and uh so it's just cool to be here it's actually kind of neat to be standing on flat ground um instead of back in in the chairs there doing you know doing this trying to work this thing out a little bit um and uh so that's that's pretty fun um but yeah isn't that crazy i remember that that prayer time uh that we had there uh in in new england and i even remember what i prayed that night i prayed about ministry gifts do you remember that at all no just totally impacted your life right i mean just crazy it was an amazing message what do you say i don't know but it was awesome changed my life uh no i remember that it was a it was it was a prayer matter of fact let's go over there let's let's see where this goes i've got some great notes i really do i'm happy to up you know transfer them over to you and send them to you i'm trying to stay away from my notes a little bit and just just kind of be sensitive to some things i've got some stirrings in in in my heart i've got about 87 things going around in my heart right now and we'll see whichever one we get to but over in where i say go ephesians yeah let's go there ephesians just for a minute [Music] i you know we've the the church has gone after relevance and instead of being reformative and um you know what happens in the church it seems to me now i've been in in i've been in ministry since i've been 18 years old when i got born again back in august of 1983 i i don't know why i just started i went out on the streets and just started telling people and you know doing stuff and that was at 18 years old i'm 27 now actually this past may i celebrated my 20 the 27th anniversary of my 30th birthday how about that i've seen people pull out their phones going like this 27 i was 30. and um anyways you know we've seen seen see been exposed to a lot of things and um i'm gonna make a pretty bold statement right here okay is that okay can i do that we all right with that i'm kind of a little i'm from new england so i'm gonna be kind of um like not confrontational but what's the word i'm looking for just kind of out there a little bit right just kind of blunt yeah up in new england we you know we came out here look at my wife my wife's scrolling on her phone figuring out where we're going to go to church next week because she's like this isn't going to fly tony you keep going this direction um up in new england we kind of be a little bit we're a little bit blunt uh in in new england i've had to kind of taper back a little bit when i came out here because everybody's just so nice uh in new england we're just not nice we're just not we're nice after a while but initially it's just not there it's not you know um and and you know whatever but once you get to know us you'll love us we're we're we're loyal to beat the band and we'll be totally up front with you and and so on and so um i say all that because i was going to make a kind of a blunt statement you know the the direction of of the church is by and large you know dependent upon the the ministry gifts what happens in the churches i mean i'm talking you know all over the place and where the church is the ministry gifts are really what determines that right anybody agree with me or i'm all by myself here on this one the ministry gives right the bible says you know concerning jesus that when he ascended on high you know he led captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men another translation says it this way that he gave men as gifts i like that he gave men as gifts and you know it's it's it's interesting that that's kind of his first act upon his you know being being uh uh his entrance into heaven was the appointing of these these these gifts for this thing called church this entity that had never been seen before and yet was deemed by god to be the vehicle through which all his plans all his purposes and everything he wanted to do would come forth through these these gifts so in in over here in ephesians let's just look at this here for a minute verse seven but to each one of us that's that includes the person wearing your shoes tonight to each one of us it says grace was given according to the measure of of christ's gift when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men now verse verses 9 and 10 they're in parentheses they're parenthetical you could actually remove those right out kind of kind of lift them up off the page and set them off to the side and pick up with the same thought you know beginning there at the end of verse 8 now picking up with verse 11 and it says and he himself gave some to be apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers and these would be the ones that he would use [Music] choose and use to bring forth his plans in the earth there's just not one there's five there did you notice that there's not just one there's five we need them all come on somebody we need them all we we do we need them all there's not just you know one gift that's gonna carry this thing out we're we're we're in need of all these gifts and i have a sense in this kind of a church there's a bunch of these gifts kind of in the wings waiting if you will being raised up i remember this past sunday yeah pastor paul talking about you know churches coming forth or come you know being being uh brought forward new ministries and new ministers and these churches becoming training centers i remember those words coming forth i tell you you know the the the prayers need to pick up on that and begin to carry that because obviously that's a that's a part of the assignments that are squirreling around in here but these these gifts ordained of god to bring forth you know his plans and and and so on for for what well for the for the equipping of the saints for the equipping of the saints and that just doesn't you know mean to make you you know all all nice and and docile and you know uh compliant no for the equipping of the saints that's literally means to make you something that you couldn't become on your own to make you become something that you couldn't become on your own these gifts are needed for for us to bring this stuff forward you know paul told the roman church he said i long to see you that i may impart to you some spiritual gift man i love that to impart things you know i always thought that impartation i was like that word for some reason but that word impartation would would would be you know almost it seemed as if it was actually you know something on somebody getting dropped on somebody else and that was kind of impartation but really what the word means is it literally means to give rise to that which is already in somebody to give rise to what's already in somebody well that would make sense why the ministry gifts would need to be here because that's really what we're supposed to be doing is you know you get around certain certain ministries that understand these things and and you know these things begin to come up on the inside of you and and now it's time to begin to pay attention to some of these things some folks here i'm going to tell you this right now you're coming into to to to seasons of discovery in these things not just necessarily ministry gifts but graces you didn't know you had see this whole church thing is supposed to be operative through the grace of god through the grace of god you come into this thing through the grace of god right ephesians 2 8 9 we know that for you've been saved by grace through faith that not of yourselves is the gift of god that any man should boast but then paul says over in the book of colossians chapter 2 verse 6 it says this it says as you have therefore received christ so walk in him in other words the same way you came in it's the same way you walk this thing out by by grace through faith grace through faith but this grace i remember i feel like i'm all over the place man i remember uh back in my bedroom way back when i had spent a year and year in college pursuing a a line of study that i had no business being in i was a pre-med major at in college the only reason why i got in pre-med was because my basketball coach i begged him to get me in he said paul he said your your grades aren't high enough i said what do you mean a c plus won't get me in i was hovering around a b minus a c plus and uh you know i always had it i always had it in my heart that you know i played four season sports you know it was baseball basketball football and hockey uh and if i could fit track and field in there somewhere i'd do that as a filler and i was good at them but i never really excelled at any of them maybe i could have got away with you know with in in baseball if i pursued it a little bit further but that's i'm not trying to get into all that but i remember one day when i was in my bedroom i was looking out the window and i was just talking to god i was brand new born again i was talking to god and i said god i said i've never really excelled at really anything i said but with you i'd really like to be good at something [Music] that was my prayer and it shocked me because he talked back to me freaked me out i didn't hear him with audible ears but i just i didn't know you know how i knew i heard him but i know i heard him and he said this to me he said tony he said i want you to be good at my grace i said okay i don't know what that is but i'll figure it out and with your help we'll get her done we'll become good at grace i love the grace of god i do you get a hold of the grace of god and it ruins you i mean in a good way it ruins you it takes it it takes all the religiosity out of you it brings you into freedoms you didn't know were there before it causes the word to make sense i found out when i found out about the grace of god i felt like i got born again again i mean i did i understood forgiveness on a level that i never understood about you know i was always told regarding forgiveness i was forgiven up to a point and then if i messed up i needed to i needed to get it right and get it under the blood and confess it and repent and and do all this kind of a thing and and and and then i found out that jesus paid the price for all my sins well you might be thinking well hello preacher where are you you're out of the bush somewhere what did you what did you come in under well you gotta understand something i wasn't taught that you can only go as far as what you know you only go up to the place where you have revelation i found out about the grace of god and i found out that god took care of my sins in my past he's he's he's also forgiven me of all the sins that are going on right now and don't look so holy at me please because you probably go you probably got some things going on too in your life that might be like sins and all as well and then he took every he took care of everything that'd be all the way out in front of my future you realize that that that understanding from a ministry gift allowed me to step into a freedom i didn't know i had so that i could become something i never was before but it came out of a ministry gift that understood some things that's what i mean by these ministry gifts releasing certain things revelation releasing graces releasing things to us that allow us to come into things so that we can do what well so that we would be equipped so that we could what do the work of the ministry you know what the work of the ministry is you fulfilling your destiny [Music] let me back up and let me let me let me open that up a little bit you fulfilling your destiny on a level that would catch the attention of the world where they would see something they'd never seen before so that you could have a platform to communicate these truths to them and they they too would be ruined by god's grace as well see the grace of god is you becoming you being empowered in such a way that you become something you never could have become on your own but not just you becoming something you being able to do something you've never done on your own as if jesus himself were doing it right there through you and then you having things you've never had before your whole being your doing and you're having get amplified and god's grace is what brings you into these these these things but these ministry gifts that bring forth these things allowing us to step into my goodness my goodness so it's not just one we need them all we need them all we need all that come through here we need all who are who are who are kind of waiting in the wings if you will all that that have these desires it would be interesting to know not everybody's here tonight you know [Music] but how many people here you've got a sense i think i'm called to the ministry you could raise your hand who are you you got a sense i feel like i'm i'm called i'm called to ministry and some over here some back here it's here some over here here i'm talking fivefold ministry now look at look at what's what all is is is here apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers god raising up to equip saints for the work of the ministry edifying the body of christ i heard a preacher say this the other day made me mad i mean like spitting mad i turned him off he said this he said there's no there's no apostles and prophets in the land any longer i say you're a chucklehead you mean there's no there's no apostles and prophets in the land anymore it says you know i found out one of the greatest things that that seems to be a weakness in the body of christ is that we don't read real well it's right in the book we just don't read real well because it tells us how long these gifts are going to be around [Music] until we all come into the unity of the faith knowledge of the son of god right this this is going to go on for a long time or at least as long as we're down here thank god that god would have the foresight to put gifts like a pastor paul and a pastor karen and then these other gifts pastor pastor jake and or not jake joel i gotta get all these names right guys i'm still working on names and and all the staff and all these different gifts and and i know there's there's there's there's others because there's like a lot of stuff that's supposed to come out of this church like a lot of stuff that's supposed to come out of here and take some ground and make dents and now what you want to do i want to make a dent before i go i want to make a dent before i go and there's a lot of gifts that are being you know just kind of they're no longer part of the casting call you can start seeing those gifts coming forward again you know we just got we just got to through seeing i mean a major example of of the gift of an evangelist i mean that's that's amazing that's amazing we need more of that i said we need more of that do you understand you know to date that 61 percent of believers are right now too intimidated to even share their faith and maybe not anybody in here but across the board six out of ten jesus said what the harvest is plentiful he said we got a labor issue but when six out of ten aren't willing to talk to anybody we're left with four and even at that 78 percent 78 of people have never shared their faith in the last six months i'm not here to condemn anybody i'm just i'm just talking about you know eighty percent of churches right now eight out of ten churches actually in this statistic was pre-covered eight out of ten churches are either plateauing or declining present presently right now across the nation eight out of ten churches are 17 you know so that'd be 80 percent 80 17 percent of churches are growing minimally by what i call sheep shifting [Music] anybody ever hear that term before sheep shifting that means they didn't like this church so they start going to that church they didn't like what the pastor said here so they go to this one over here they were just shifting sheep around so 80 percent 80 right now are in decline or plateauing 17 percent are growing a little bit through sheep just kind of traveling among churches i'm not a math major but i can put those numbers together that's 97 97 percent of the churches in this nation are not growing or we can say this way they're just not reaching people three percent are [Music] three percent of churches are actually growing because they're reaching people you know back when i was in school if if i ever scored a 97 on a test that was like really good right you scored 97 on the test that's that's pretty good that'd be an a well if we got 97 percent of churches that are no longer growing because they're not reaching people then it looks like the enemy gets an a i'm not here to condemn anybody i'm just talking about see this is this is we need this we need this gift to come forward in these last days to equip folks to disciple people make disciples that's always what we're here for we're here just to make disciples discipleship just moving people from unbelief to belief in every area of life we need we need people to make disciples wrap this thing up bring closure to the great commission and then let's hit the marriage supper of the lamb come on somebody what's waiting for us ministry gifts i think that's one thing we need to pick up in prayer concerning especially a hub like this so that we can churn ministry gifts [Music] out into the harvest fields raise up others make disciples who make disciples [Music] i feel like i'm all over the place i so want to lean into certain things but i'm just you know it's my first time up here and you want everybody to like you when you come up here first time anyways you know you're kind of my wife's like tony we go to this church don't don't go crazy just you know try to stay calm if you can no you didn't i'm being a wise guy man i love being born again i love being spirit-filled pentecostal come on love being righteous love being justified love being redeemed glory to god love being made holy without blame cleansed made clean walk without shame [Music] living on the victory side right man this is fun this is fun we get to take a whole lot of people with us just think if we could get our messaging right see now i'm going to kick into something i'm i'm apprehensive about going if we get our messaging right to the world see i believe this i believe the world would would would love a jesus if we presented the right jesus it's hard to turn him down hung out with sinners they called him a glutton and a wine bibber that's your lord that's what they called him they accused him [Music] but man he came to demonstrate the love of god on a level like nobody's ever seen before the goodness of god leading people to repentance [Music] had people had people chew me out because i don't you know this they would say things like you know you don't preach on repentance i said i don't have to i said what do you mean i said every time i preach somebody's repenting of something why do i have to preach on repentance when really if we preach this gospel the goodness of god will lead people to repent that's what i'm saying if we just get our messaging right you know we talk about you know people being accused of of preaching a god that's just too good like the you know you're preaching too much grace stop it you're giving people too much freedom to sin no they're going to sin on their own but this goodness will lead people to change their mind about heaven god jesus and everything that there is he'll change people that way you realize you know we don't need to necessarily preach let me turn this way do you realize we don't necessarily need to preach against sin if we preach grace the right way [Music] oh you're just one of those greasy grace guys no first of all there's no such thing as greasy grace there's the true grace of god that peter talks about there's the gospel of the grace of god that paul talked about over there in the book of titus it says this the grace of god that that brings salvation has appeared unto all men teaching us grace teaches us what does it teach well it teaches us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present age see if we can clear if we get the grace message right it would actually cause us to all kind of get cleaned up it would we teach grace right and grace teaches everybody how they should be behaving we don't have a behavior problem we've got a belief problem people behave one way because they believe a certain way instead of trying to change people's behavior let's change what they believe how about that if we can get that right and solidify beliefs in people you won't have to preach against certain sins in the church you won't have to do all that the grace of god will transform them maybe not the way you want them to be but over time the grace of god will bring people right on into looking like jesus amen yeah it will it really will i'm so glad that he didn't give up on me aren't you glad well can you lift your hands right there just thank god he didn't give up on you he didn't leave you on your own you didn't have to clean yourself up my goodness lord we thank you for this precious grace that you've [Music] that she brought to us i'm telling you right now i can sense it in my spirit i'm just going to articulate it so perhaps somebody might grab a hold of it and just slip on into it but you know if there's something here that you're struggling with i'm telling you right now there's a grace that's here for you to kind of just slip on out of it and slip on into something different here you're struggling with something i'm not going to get into just i'm going to leave it there you're struggling with something and it seems like you've just tried everything on trying to get out of it i'm telling you here right now there's a grace if you'll just reach by faith and say i'm taking that from me you'll watch that grace will kind of just slip you on out of that and slide you on into living soberly and righteously and godly in this present age [Music] because it's it's really supposed to be effortless jesus said my yoke's easy my burden's light he didn't say you'd have to wrestle he said you're just really supposed to rest it's not a struggle and not striving it's not bite the bullet it's not grit gritted effort it's not grind it's grace and i just you know i sense the grace of god here what if you just said okay lord i'm i'm just gonna i'm gonna believe that i'm just gonna slip on into i'm going to believe i'm free from that what if it was that easy that i could just believe i'm free from that i've been trying everything i've been turning and turning the knobs and flipping the switches and trying to do everything i was supposed to do but what if i were to just believe i'm i'm i'm free [Music] and that god's grace is there to make it seem like you never had a problem to begin with and you never have to deal with it again [Music] and we didn't have the music going and and and you know we're all whipped up into a frenzy no it was just because you chose to believe that god's grace is sufficient for you and you can be free from that [Music] we saw i know i gotta quit i'm gonna quit here you know some people just miss so much because they think that loud and everything else is the way it's got to be in order for something to happen i remember one time we were doing a communion service in church you know just regular communion service and i'm i'm done we're doing a communion service and i'm i'm here in about probably about maybe four or five rows back i'm i'm watching this individual who's back there i kind of got my eye on them because i see them they're kind of you know they're kind of doing they're getting kind of weird and i'm thinking while i'm doing communion i'm thinking oh lord what's going to happen now and all of a sudden that individual gets gets gets up he walks into the back of the sanctuary and then i see the ushers go over to because they they saw that he's kind of given way he's he's he's dropping and so they grab a chair and they kind of bring him over and they sit him down in the chair and then i see this crowd of people go over around this guy who's now sitting in this chair i'm still doing communion you know hey we got you know this and jesus and the bread and all i'm going through this but i'm watching back there and finally it got to a place where i finally said everybody you just need to excuse me for a moment i just need to go deal with something here and so i excused myself from the pulpit i went all the way back to the back of the sanctuary over here in the back i mean you know pentecostals are going crazy they're they're praying in tongues they're calling down heaven they're rebuking demons they're using the name of jesus they're saying come out i mean they're going crazy and i get back there and i kind of stand for a minute and i noticed something that the man had uh he had vomited on himself i'm not trying to be vulgar he vomited on himself it was quite obvious he also soiled himself and his eyes rolled back in his head stopped breathing the guy's dead in my communion service so i told everybody i said stop just went over to him laid my hands on them i said come back in jesus name this is not your time to go [Music] you come back well he did he came back he died because in the meantime i had the ushers called ambulance just to cover what we need to cover do right the ambulance came he'd gotten up out of the chair by that time was arguing with the guy the guy that drove the ambulance he's having an argument with him out in the parking lot i'm not going to the hospital the guy's here you need to go to the hospital finally i pulled him aside i said listen dude go to the hospital let him check you out let him find out that nothing happened that god did a pretty cool thing in your life he said okay i'll do it they kept them there for almost four days doing every test they knew how to do i mean they plucked them they poked them they prodded him they trained blood they checked everything they found out he died they found out he had a heart attack he was i forget how long they said he was dead they found out all this stuff and then they also found out that there was absolutely nothing wrong with them either [Applause] and and it was just simple you mean you raised somebody from the dead well the lord did i just happen to be the donkey that jesus wrote in on [Music] and it's just that simple guys this is this this isn't meant to be hard the grace of god amen amen the grace of god one more time can we just lift our hands one more time and thank god for his grace thank god for his grace multiple multiplying the multifaceted grace of god thank you lord you know saying thank you for watching today really doesn't do what my heart feels right now justice i'm truly grateful for the power and demonstration of god's word at work in our lives the precious spirit of god ministering to you and bringing to light and bringing to bear what it is that you need to do in your life and how god wants to minister to you just eyes on you that is our god you see he's not just our god he is our father and the father desires to minister straight to you like there's no one else on the face of the planet so like what i say to say thank you for watching that's a beautiful thing but to say i'm grateful is another i believe today that as you've watched this broadcast that the power of god has gone into operation and even things that you did not know about yourself and that you did not know about god is beginning to come to light that's what i believe and i believe that as you continue to watch and as you continue to listen god is going to do great and greater things in your life and so that you can be all that god has created you to be in this time today i believe that as you yield yourself to the spirit of the lord the spirit of the lord will touch you deeply in ways that no man can allow him to do that the holy spirit is your best friend and he will strengthen you in all times regardless of what comes in your life know this that god has great plans for you allow those plans to come to pass in jesus mighty name
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 45
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: dSXwht9-UF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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