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[Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning church come on to your feet are you excited to be in the house of the lord i need you to begin to lift up a shout of praise come on to the king of kings and the lord of lords oh come on you've got more in you than that come on team just begin to release right now god we give you full ray god we give you full rank this morning have your way have your way in this place and also into the homes of the people watching on the live stream god is releasing prophetically over your life there's power being released into your homes right now there's healing power being released into your bodies right now come on this financial breakthrough be a release into your finances right now come on just begin to lift up a shout out he's worthy shirt come on [Music] like this all around [Music] your light shines bright and draws [Music] oh [Music] in the ground my shade as we all cry out and give you peace for us [Music] is on display for all to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] we overcome [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you will see this through like you always you're standing [Music] so it's gonna get loud and the ground will shake [Music] as we all cry out [Music] [Applause] [Music] who stands against the righteous [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] don't you know that god is a god of victory come on bent up a shadow victory in this house come on the shout is not over just because the song is over doesn't mean the shout is over there needs to be a shout that rises from deep inside of you and out of you and releasing to the atmosphere this morning i'm telling you right now i literally feel like your praise this morning is shifting the atmosphere your praise this morning is shifting the atmosphere there are dead things that are being resurrected this morning because of your praise because of your praise because of your praise your worship your voice your hands being lifted [Music] things are coming back to [Music] [Music] fridays disappoint sunday's [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] who [Music] if there's anything that he can't do come on god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it this is [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of the lord [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] this is [Music] oh do you feel it in your spirit you've got the authority from almighty god [Music] christian come up here we've been given authority and it is time for the bloodball church of the redemption another christian but you come on up here too i just wanted to pray something you can say but in ezekiel 16 6 it said i saw you in your blood and i looked and i said live and what i'm sensing in my spirit i've got a couple of scriptures to share but if you've got relationships you've got seasons that are dead god wants them to come alive again and i need you to make your way here because we're going to identify you can even pray for it first both christians i think it's not accidental we've got two christians if there's something that needs to live if you let some dreams go if you've got somebody i feel really strong in this season we've just finished atonement that the blood is gonna go somewhere that has stopped there's still several more people y'all if you see i even sense in my spirit some people are just not functioning in what their god-appointed destiny is and so they can live they can live come on i just need you to press and i know there's more that you can just live i want you to see it we're going to say dry bones hear the word of the lord we're not playing church we're going after what the word of god says we can have and when we walk off this altar today we should have it fully established on the inside of our spirit what god has for us i want to read y'all a couple of scriptures but i first want to know if i can find somebody who's really saying god i can believe again god i can dream again god go ahead something's in your heart right quick the drawbones i believe for some of you are representing family members and some of you came up to this altar right now because you have a sister in mind you have a brother in mind you have a son in mind or a daughter in mind god says if you just humble yourselves and pray i'll heal that i'll heal that relationship i'll heal their heart but you have to put the work in you can't just praise and worship on a sunday morning and don't get on your knees before god during the weekday god says let today be a reflection let today be a start of what i want to see you do every day let today be a start of what i want to see you do every day because if you would just pray out to me and you would cry out to me and you would make that a petition get in a stance of war get in a position of warfare on the weekdays on the mornings on the nights in your homes then i will heal you later and i will pull out my spirit on all flesh on your sons and your dogs on your fathers and your mothers some of you are here because there's a father there's a mother that you want to see restoration happen it's yours god says it's yours believe for that it's yours [Music] that is such a powerful word you have the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead inside of you so when it says i said live god said live you can actually speak that over a situation and it will live because you have the same spirit inside of you that raised jesus from the dead do you actually believe that but you can only have that [Music] if you have a relationship with jesus christ so right now before we move forward there's something on my heart to pray and release over you guys but i want everybody to have the opportunity to receive this and you won't be able to receive it absent of a relationship with jesus christ and that's the truth the blessings that we're talking about the life that he just released over families over i believe dry bones can also represent bank accounts it can represent job situations it can represent health it can represent so many different things but we can't grab a hold of those blessings absent of the blood of christ and so if you don't have a relationship with jesus christ i want you to make your way down here right now to this altar this is your opportunity to step into the more that god has for your life the destiny that he put on you when he dreamt you up and created you this is the one my soul sought out for so long for why do i feel so scattered all the time and it was because it did not know the one who created it my my my insides were crying out for the creator of my body the savior my savior the one who paid the price for my sin and it's not until that introduction happened when i met the lord as my savior that thing shifted for me and i realized wow you are who i've been searching for lord jesus it was you the whole time it was you the whole time and that's when the clutter in my mind just it went away the word of god says my sheep know my voice and another's voice they will not follow it says do not forsake the assembly of the body of christ as some are in the habit of doing and it will deceive you if you do it also says be doers of the word lest you be deceived but how can we do that if we don't have an ear to hear the voice of our creator we don't have an eye to see what scripture is saying so right now i want to pray over our ears and our eyes so god i thank you first anybody who responded to that call to salvation i want to pray with you right now and if we just pray together father i thank you that you have sent your son to die on the cross for my sins without you i can do nothing jesus thank you for your blood thank you for the blood that paid for the price required for me to have a relationship with you and so god i thank you for these people in this room because every single one of them even the ones god it says in psalms 19 that every voice is heard every voice is heard christian your voice is heard when you pray heaven hears it it responds when you pray and so do not be deceived thinking that your voice is too small because it says and i believe it's verse 10 in psalms 19 every voice is heard and so god i thank you for every soul in this house lord that you created with purpose and you spoke ever over every single one of them and you said they are my beloved they are my child they are my son my daughter and i would give a life for them i would give my life for them [Music] so right now i want all of you to just put your hands on your ears i want you to pray this and just repeat this after me say god i thank you for the promise of your word that you say you will open my ears every morning to hear your voice clearly today i make the choice to incline my ear to your voice and i will run from another god i thank you that you have sanctified my ears to hear your voice clearly and to understand your word if you put your hand on your head god i thank you that that the blood of christ has washed my mind and i make the choice to read your word every day so that it will renew and wash my mind god i thank you for a cover over my mind i will only receive dreams from you any dreams from the enemy i disregard and i cut them off god i speak over my eyes i will see what you want me to see i will understand the visions you give me and i will be in quick obedience what you speak for me to do so lord right now i just pray over all of these people i thank you god for their heart of willingness to step into greater to step into deeper with you father i believe we are in a season it's a two-fold season of its testing but it's also a season of increased vision it's a season of download where god is going to download his people with understanding with visions with dreams and we must have an ear to hear we must have eyes to see and so right now god i speak over every one of these people and those online and i say your ears are open to hear the voice of the lord your eyes are open to see the voice of the lord no longer will you be focused on what the enemy is doing i declare this day i put a shift in your life that you will see what the holy spirit is doing in a situation and you will be able to have the boldness to partner with him to get it into completeness in your life and when you see what the holy spirit is doing i send you forth now to be able to step into that in partnership because you have been anointed to do that do not be deceived thinking that this is for some specific people god said all christians all that are saved all that call on the lord shall do these things we are in the hour where the all of creation is literally crying out for the sons and daughters of god to rise up and be revealed it is your time it is your hour to be revealed and to step into moving in signs and wonders into interpreting dreams and prophesying and laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed god said you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover you will prophesied and not one word will fall void to the ground but you cannot do that if you don't have an open ear and an open eye to see what god himself is doing if you are distracted by what the world is doing if you are focused on the circumstances if you are not planted in scripture you will miss this opportunity take today and heed this word from the lord and make a choice god i choose you despite the circumstances come high water i will find myself in the presence of the lord i will find myself in the house of the lord and you know we can flip that and we can say you won't get the high waters and the deep waters of the holy spirit unless you find yourself in the presence of the lord so lord i release these people to enter into the high waters the deep waters and they will find themselves planted firmly with the word of god you know it's powerful when my husband was speaking in prayer this morning there were several things that kept coming forth in the prayer room and one was talking about not having bitterness not having offenses and and having those things and the holy spirit began to speak to me and she's saying that the word of god it says make every effort this is hebrews 12. it says make every effort effort okay to live and we were talking about today live dry bones hear the word of the lord one of the ways something's going to come alive as you make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy without holiness no one will see the lord see to it that no one misses the grace of god y'all this may not be popular but this is written to the church no one misses the grace of god and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many it is time for the church to really look in how am i living beside on my sunday or my wednesday when people see me but how am i really walking this thing through and then the lord spoke this and then john claude had a word for me today and it was really cool because the holy spirit was speaking to me this in prayer in hebrews 12 22. it says but you've come to mount zion to the heavenly jerusalem to the city of the living god you have come to thousands upon thousands of angels aren't y'all glad i believe there's a new release of angels that will help to do the assignment the word of god says they minister on behalf of the heirs of salvation they're just waiting to go and do work you and i've got to release them in the name of jesus we don't worship him they work um they come at his command and they my husband taught me they hearken to the voice of the word of the lord this is thousands and thousands of angels of joyful assembly this got me so excited to the church y'all this is not this building but it is the institution jesus christ said i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church but see the church has got to get over there in holiness and not have bitter roots and even when you get tested with something you got to come back in and say god check me check me god because i don't want to have a bitter root that makes me mess it up and it says and to the church of the firstborn whose names are written in heaven you have come to god the judge of all men to the spirits of righteous men made perfect to jesus the mediator of a new covenant and the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel and then it says and this is so powerful we just went through the day of atonement and we need to recognize the blood of jesus did it once and for all but i plead the blood of jesus every day i'm excited during the offering christina edmondson is going to sing a song she wrote about the blood this church is going to talk about the blood of jesus because the blood will never lose its power but it says see to it now this is us as an admonition i'm the mama of the house see to it that you do not refuse him who speaks if god's starting to adjust you it's because he wants to get you on the place he's called you to if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth how much less will we if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven and this make this is why i asked pastor evan and him to do that first song that carter and evan wrote and the ground will shake listen to this at that time his voice shook the earth y'all there's gonna be a shaking coming down it shook the earth but now he has promised once more i will shake not only the earth but also the heavens the words once more indicate the removing of what can be shaken and things so that what cannot be shaken will remain check in your own life god what is still here what is staying what is in my life god is pleasing to you and then i love this net this is the end of that it says therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken let us be thankful and worship god acceptable with reverence and all for our god is a consuming fire and it's beautiful because hunter began to pray this morning about these mountains and the buildings on fire so god we get ourselves prepared in this place and christian just for one about 30 seconds here pray over the people that came down here today i was praying for these people lord that they just came down they know they're expecting something lord they came expecting you or people in this church came expecting even online lord they just came expecting something new or they're not coming for an emotion not going for the emotions they're coming they're expecting something new lord from you they're they're praying something the waiting they're waiting or might be in a waiting phase but there's somebody not being away from faith they just gotta be patient and just press towards you lord his name amen [Music] [Music] days may be darkest but [Music] the evil is rising you're rising higher [Music] hope alive from [Music] jesus you are alive [Music] is [Music] [Music] you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] because there's nobody [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you keep alive because you are alive jesus you are [Music] alive yes you are [Music] [Music] this oh he is our hope in the morning come on he's our hope in the evening hallelujah his presence is so sweet his presence is so sweet cause you [Music] you keep [Music] jesus [Music] you are alive yes you are because he lives i can face tomorrow and because [Music] is [Music] is just because because he lives he didn't give up on me he didn't give up on you he still has plans for you he still has plans for your servants and for your daughters he still has plans for you [Music] come on let's do this right here [Music] i'll never be more loved than i am right now i wasn't holding you up so there's nothing i can do to let you down it doesn't take a trophy to make [Music] so i wouldn't [Music] you are [Music] in every circumstance [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] stay by my side till the sun goes down [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] is [Music] forever [Music] i know what you saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for you [Music] more than enough to sing it i say forever [Music] [Music] come forever forever [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] this is the day that the lord had made we will rejoice in our god because if god is for me and he surely is then there ain't no devil in hell can stop us amen so good to see you in new life come on bring up the lights tell somebody you're in the right place at the right time god has got a wife now word for you come on welcome hold god bless you we're gonna be right back [Music] did you pray today do you pray do you think about prayer do you know what to say when you pray are you praying that i'll stop talking about prayer no never not in this church our church is founded on prayer now that i got you thinking about prayer join us every tuesday at 11 1 for corporate prayer and for all of our pre-service prayer times october is family month we want to celebrate family all through the month of october we are planning fun things through our services and insight on growing strong and loving families we'll also be having baby dedications on october 17th you can sign up online it's hump day we are here to help you through the hump come join us for our midweek service we have classes small groups for every age and for different walks of life there's something for everyone on wednesday nights this coming wednesday is the 80th birthday celebration of granny pastor rhonda's mom come dressed up in your best 50s style as we celebrate her with a special party and a service for the whole family life comes at us with so many things at any given moment unfortunately it may hit right through us and we may not be able to handle it we've all been given a measure of faith we must build up our faith through his word by his spirit as we begin to apply god's word in our lives in the good and the bad we will get stronger and so when life comes at us whatever it is we can sustain it says we want to help you build up your faith mark your calendars for october 28th through the 31st and make plans for our faith conference with dda tyson you will not regret making an investment in your faith we want to invite you to join us for a special men and women's ministry gatherings on september 30th at our central campus at 7 pm if this is your first time with us you are invited to pray with us too and please be sure to fill out a connect card there's multiple ways to get connected check out the many ways on our app website or call the front office now sit back and enjoy a message from god's word whatever it is we can sustain it may hit right through us was that even right it says oh no i lost my part at any given moment oh man the cup's rolling why why and then [Music] that was great see your husband kept my microphone off because he knew i did i saw it spin around so tracy gave me a blurb and everything what to do and then it did it i just got messed up where's my singers at all right anybody it's your first time i met somebody outside in the lobby it's your first time don't let it be your last time wave your hand let me see you hey welcome we're so glad you can get a copy of pastor brian's book got a couple more prayer books anybody else the first time hey we're so y'all turn around say hey tell them how glad you are they're here there are many great churches that you could go to but you came here today and my favorite preacher is going to be preaching in a minute and we match uh so we're super glad you're here listen we're going to be giving away prizes on granny's birthday and um so the best dressed 50s it might be a very good soul-winning time granny diane and i have been out with granny picking her outfit and she has invited every stranger to her party and told them it's going to be so much fun if you don't know granny then you need to come you need granny feels like john claude will be blowing the show far at granny's party she already asked him she said i need that thing going so today is somebody's birthday does anybody have a birthday besides the one i know today this week stand up if it's your birthday this week today today yes stay standing this is today is it today okay today you have a birthday with tommy and elaine we just love to celebrate life especially on sunday happy birthday okay come on y'all ready got ready here few minutes okay [Music] there it is pastor ali he says i never do birthdays oh thank you bryson for standing up still if you want to be song too today stand up [Music] birthday to you [Music] happy birthday god bless all of y'all birthday to you wow did y'all hear wow michael drawdy sang bass how about that all right there is something that i'm not doing the offering time right now christina edmundson would you come on up here um something happened on tuesday and it was beautiful and i could feel my husband's heart resonating so during the time of the offering i just asked her i sent her a text yesterday and i said your face has come before me with this song that you wrote and it is so powerful the blood goes where it's applied do y'all know that and we used to sing that song the blood will never lose its power and i sense and i asked pastor brian about and he said it was good and i asked her to check her spirit come on i asked her to check her spirit i want y'all to stand back up for a moment because you know we know givers give this is our time to give givers give we don't have to ask you you know you know the covenant connection it just works but i sense today if you need healing in your body if you know somebody that needs healing in your body i really believe see my son began to prophesy over me not long ago that god was going to heal my voice and my voice to sing was going to begin to happen you know what happened it got worse not better she began to pray for me and for for three months i wasn't even able to physically talk and now i've been able to talk without having to do hot tea but i'm standing and she told me she's believing god for my voice so who knows you might just come up here once and say welcome i'm leading worship this morning but i know there's people you need something in your body this week to change and she sings the song don't wait to win midway through come on step right now begin to step right now and say god i'm grabbing it go ahead and ask the lord what you want what you desire there's more than that but i'm gonna grab it myself he gave his body for us and this is beautiful thank you jesus church just worship with this [Music] broken for me stripes on your back so i could be free from the curse [Music] y'all say that this morning broken and bruised brought back to life something needs to come back to life [Music] come on right now church let's participate let's really thank jesus he's the healer you gave your body broken for me stripes on your back so i could be free from [Music] sickness [Music] brought back to life so i can live too thank you jesus i receive healing from you thank you [Music] was [Music] nothing [Music] is [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus come on tell him thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood our salvation can only happen because jesus went to calvary there is salvation in no other name but the name of jesus there's 10 people in this house today that have been attacked in their minds let the blood go to your mind right now and you will be made whole take those salts captive and you watch this will be an amazing a a powerful week in the name of jesus god we thank you for the blood father we thank you for the blood god we thank you for whoever stood in for whatever they needed i believe my voice is going to be restored more and more i believe altars are going in the name of jesus i believe growths are going in the name of jesus i believe feet are being healed today minds are being restored ears are being opened oh father god we praise you for there's power power power wonder working power in the blood of the lamb pastor brian has asked me to sing a song okay so you have to help me to see it reaches to the heart mountain goes and it flows [Music] that gives us [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus even when you're in the lord [Music] the blood that gives me strength [Music] one more time [Music] oh thank you for the blood y'all the blood is powerful the blood defeats death hell and the grave the blood of jesus is powerful the blood still speaks the blood still speaks send the blood the plantation the lord with me come on let us exalt his name forever and ever and ever and ever there is no god like our god there is no god like our god there are many imposters but there is only one true god amen we serve the holy one we serve the righteous one we serve the only one glory to god come on give him praise this morning give him praise this morning king of kings lord of lords he has never lost a battle and he will never fail you and i amen glory to god it reaches to the highest it flows to the lowest and it will never ever ever lose its power in jesus name amen welcome to new life you little get a little mix of the old and the new god only knows what he's going to do amen oh my my my my wow wow wow man the confirmations that have already begun taking place and the things that god is doing oh my you got your bibles james chapter one if you go to hebrews take a right you'll be in the book of james and uh man i believe god wants to say something i know god wants to say some things he that have an ear to hear let them hear let them hear but it can't stop at that james chapter 1 verse 22 but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves have we already heard that this morning i believe we have god don't say things twice for his benefit he says things for our benefit he says things he will emphasize his things he he desires for you and i to to be able to grab a hold of so we can apply it to our life for any man hears the word and not a doer of the word he's like a man beholding his face in a natural glass or looking into a mirror he beholds himself goes his way and immediately forgets what manner of man he was forgets what he saws but whoever looks into the perfect law of liberty the word of god and continues in that word being not a forgetful hearer but a doer say what a doer of the work and it's funny how he talks about looking in the word but being a doer of the work doer of the work because god calls us to action not not sitting but moving amen he said a doer of the work this man will be blessed in his deed now if any man among you seem to be religious but doesn't keep his tongue in check he deceives his own heart you know there's only two sides in the kingdom we're the gathering or the scattering if you're a gatherer i don't care what boat we're going in just don't sink my boat amen that's how you can tell who's on the lord's side you know if they're if they're sinking other believers boats i question who they serve i question who they serve but i want to get back into this be a hearer of the word and not a doer only hearing is only half come on say hearing is only half hearing is only half you can't be a hearer and not a doer well how important is it i got some things i want to show you and i in the word of god so we can be on any shadow of a doubt no hearing ain't enough first kings chapter 13. we got several illustrations to just highlight this emphasize this however you want to put adjectives around it god wants us to see what he is saying he wants us to see it know it apply it first kings chapter 13 come upon a situation where a young prophet has received a word from god he's received very specific instruction from the lord on how not to just the word to deliver but in the way that he conducts himself while he is caring and delivering this word we'll drop in on the story verse three it came to pass when the king king jeroboam heard the prophetic declaration of the man of god he cried against the the altar that was there there was uh sacrifice and wickedness going on that was abomination to the lord he said the king cried out against that and when he stretched his hand out it froze solid like a like became stone and the altar was broken down and the king answered to the man of god and he said uh entreat me now that god would heal me and god he the the prophet prayed and uh he was healed of of that that stone-like action that hit his body and the king said to him in verse seven i want you to come he and i guess he's gracious for being healed he said i want you to come to my house and refresh yourself and he said i'll give you a reward because of my healing and the man of god said to him in verse 8 now we see a little more insight into not only the word he was to deliver but in the way he is to conduct himself in the delivery of that work god said to me the young prophet is relaying this that if you uh he said even if you gave me half your house i cannot go neither can i eat nor drink in this place for it will so charge me by the word of the lord saying eat no bread drink no water nor turn again the same way that you came in so he knows he's saying you come in this way but you can't even leave the same way you came in i mean so specific were the instructions of god to this young prophet so he delivers this word he turns down whatever the king may have even wanted to give him and he heads back on his way well ali as he's going out uh some guys hear the prophetic word they see the things that have gone on they tell their dad who is also a prophet and they said uh and in the course of this conversation the older prophet uh hears his sons talking about what happened in town and he said which way did this man go in verse 12. so we drop down to verse 14 and it says the older prophet began to chase down the the younger man of god and he found him under an oak tree he's resting and he said unto you are you the man who came in earlier from judah and spoke to the altar and brought forth that prophetic word and he said yes i am so he said look i want you to come back with me and he didn't have something to drink he said and uh because the word i'm a prophet i hear the word of the lord too and the guy says no i can't do that he said but yeah but i have a word from god for you and evidently he's a very convinced convincing man so he the older prophet convinced the younger prophet to disregard the word of the lord and go back home and have a meal with him well it cost him his life because he disregarded what the lord said and he died never having left that land it is so important for you and i not to be a hearer only but a doer to the letter of whatever god said and this is not a one-time thing is god really that specific when it comes to following his word absolutely you cannot we cannot ever put ourselves in a position where we compromise thus saith the lord it has cost many people their life god gets a bad rap for it or we give the devil credit for it well the devil came in devil had nothing to do with this y'all this was a complete disobedience in the results and the consequences of disobedience the devil gets way too much credit for people simply disobeying thus saith the lord we open up the door we let the thief the robber the destroyer in and the devil gladly takes credit because it makes god look bad because people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge it's not a one-time incident look in genesis chapter 19. i wonder just again it's not just me i just felt of the holy ghost compelled you know because we're at a time where people are trying to get you and i to back away from thus saith the lord we're living at a time where the word of god is under a full own assault from the pit of hell trying to bring deception trying to twist it says even then the very elect would be deceived if we don't know the word of god if we don't hold strictly and adhere to the word of god and it's it's not the devil's fault if we don't pay attention genesis chapter 19 verse 17. it says it came to pass when they had brought this is when lot is coming out before destruction comes to sodom and gomorrah the angel the angelic escort brought them out and the angel says escape for your life look not back come on say don't look back that's not a boston song that's a little scripture that we're going to pull out of right now right all right he said don't look back he said but you stay and you continue to go in this direction and and in the course of this we know uh just for time say we're going to condense it down but as they're rushing out the stones and things begin to fall the judgment of god began to hit that place and lot's wife looked back and became instantly a pillar of salt it cost her her life cost her this person her life because she disregarded the word of the lord well that's old testament yeah i've got a couple more i want to give you and i just so we know beyond any shadow of a doubt first samuel chapter 15 and we'll bring it up new testament as well first samuel chapter 15. when you get there you can shout amen or you can whisper amen or you don't have to say anything just sit there and i'll eventually get there with you first samuel chapter 15 verse 30. can you bring those lights up a little bit it's kind of damn in here to try to read i don't know about y'all but these folks on higher levels need a little extra light let there be light and there was because we got a good sound man and technical people back there and god bless y'all i appreciate that i appreciate the tech guys the camera guys the sound team how about the praise and worship this morning man i am so grateful that you all will just let let god have his way into worship somebody said man that the word was great the word is easy when the ground has been plowed i'm going to tell you that right now i don't take credit for what what we can do up here because once the ground's plowed it's so easy to plant you know but it's got to be an open heart and a receptive heart or you can't be able to deliver what god wants to say so i appreciate y'all just having the willingness to go with the flow thank you for in the back thank you anthony for that hilarious video i'm gonna get some mileage on that i don't think we've seen the last of that amen first samuel chapter 15 verse 13 the word of god had come to king saul about uh how to deal with a a uh ungodly very uh demonically inspired race of people called the amalekites and god has said i need you to annihilate these people before they pollute my people israel so saul had received these instructions from samuel the prophet and we'll drop in on the story at verse 13. it says when samuel the prophet came to saul and saul greeted him blessed be thou of the lord he said i have performed the commandment of god and samuel responded back he said what means the bleeding of these sheep in my ears and the lowering of these oxen that i hear disobedience has a voice he said if you obeyed god why do i hear disobedience crying out if you obey god there ought to be a silence from from the enemy there ought to be a silence from the adversaries camp our actions have a voice and i began to man that's like oh my help me jesus you know because i might hear some things crying out for my past you don't have to say nothing either thank god for the blood disobedience has a voice and saul said oh let me tell you what what what what we thought best he said they the people when we were coming through from the amalekites we spared the best of the sheep and the ox why you know why would we want to destroy these these man these are going to be sacrifices on another level god this is a great idea you need to back it god you need to get behind my plan i don't know if you've ever tried that i have let's learn a lesson from the man right here so we don't get the same results in our life because it don't work out well does not work out well he said we got we brought all this stuff and samuel said responds back to saul because saul's giving him a really good explanation for his disobedience he has given him i mean this is this is top shelf stuff i mean this is good stuff by human reasoning and samuel says to saul says i want you to hang out for a minute i want to tell you a little story so he says okay i got let's let's talk about it he said look when you were little in your own sight he said didn't god make you head of the tribes of all of israel and the lord anointed you king and he sent you on a journey he's now he's relating this to his his most recent assignment here which he has miserably failed he said go utterly destroy the sinners the amalekites and fight with them until they be completely consumed he said wherefore now why did you not obey the voice of the lord he said but you kept the spoil and has done evil in the sight of the lord and saul said to samuel he said i did obey i did obey listen folks 99.9 obedience is not obedience and and i i we find ourselves i don't know if you do but i do it's like god i got like most of this is that not enough no and i look at my life and i was wondering sometimes why i seem to be living with less than what was possible or doing without some things that i see are clearly available and god highlights to me you've not been fully compliant you've noticed willing and obedient eat the good and if you find ourselves hungry maybe we need to look at something we may have not fully done oh come on i know it's a little quiet in here we're going to step on everybody's toes i'm doing my best not to leave anybody out of this from getting a whooping this morning because there's a blessing coming i promise you on the other side he said i've done i have obeyed i mean this is like the two-year-old it's got stuff shoved under the bed but you know they ain't clean the room mama and daddy's helped me out i've done what you asked look but we brought in and the people oh my goodness here we come right back to genesis that blame game that still goes on today let me tell you something as long as we assign blame to something else we'll never have authority over whatever that situation is anytime we assign blame we also give it authority this person made me mad that means i gave them authority to make me mad this person kept me from doing something even even saying the devil kept me from obeying i have assigned him authority in my life when i take responsibility for my life then i take back my rightful authority then i can put the devil into his place and i can do whatever called me god called me to do or we have to stop saying greater is he that is in me than whatever is coming at me that makes sense see god's for us not against us but we have to know that and we have to be compliant in whatever he says he is god he don't take second place i'm giving you some life lessons that we've learned i've been 60 years on this planet i have not done everything right i have made more than my share of mistakes so if you can learn from my mess up so that you don't have to retake those tests please learn it today god don't take second place god does not like being plan b matter of fact plan b to god is a how do i say that it's an abomination in his sight we don't see it that way sometimes just like saul didn't see it that way but when it comes to humanistic reasoning versus obedience to god we're gonna see what comes into play the people took the spoil they did it they did it and i complied time and again throughout the word of god the majority was wrong so we need to be very mindful of just blindly following the crowd even if everybody's doing it y'all heard this before but i want to say it again right is right if nobody's doing it wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it never have we been in a time and in a day and in an age where that needs to be applied never have we been in a time where that is now the people took the spoil they took the sheep they took the ox they took the things that should have been destroyed but we want to bring them and samuel says do you think the lord has as great a delight in your offerings and your sacrifices as he does in your obeying his word wow better to obey than sacrifice because rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness in the eyes of the lord is idolatry and wickedness that's strong word y'all that is some strong word but we need to pay attention to it because i don't want us inadvertently giving the devil any place in our life i don't want to i don't want him i don't want you and i to open up any door that he can take advantage of not to through us not toward us not toward our children you know because you think about the children who suffered the consequences of the parents opening doors in this kind of a situation and samuel says to saul because you disobeyed the voice of the lord you are ripped from your position the kingdom is taken from you you think that wasn't just from saul i mean that that that displaced his entire legacy because of his disobedience and i don't want that happening to not one single person in this place not one single person watching online nobody that hears this word i don't want it to happen y'all to any of us daniel chapter four this this one this one really just you know daniel uh chapter 4 and verse 24. king nebuchadnezzar had received he got when he's wild almost like a pizza dream y'all ever had a like a pizza dream or something and but you need to pay attention because so many times people say well god ain't saying nothing i mean he can say something to you through a sparrow lighting on in your yard his eyes on the sparrow he watches over me you know is there's multiple ways god can speak he can speak through sign language and many kind of things he'd speak through dreams and through visions and uh the king had had this vision and daniel had brought the interpretation and we'll drop into verse 24 of daniel 4. he says this is the interpretation king he said this is decree of the most high which has come upon uh for you he said they're going to drive you from men that your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field and they will make you to eat grass as an ox and he says in your he says and they shall wet you with dew from heaven he's talking about the things that are going to happen him because he that ruleth the kingdoms of men and he'll give it to whomever he desires he's giving this he's given this warning because pride had come up in him he said and after this you will know that the heavens do rule and there is a king over you or there is a god over you so king nebuchadnezzar hears this he said your pride is opening up a door and you have this opportunity to get your heart in check and to get yourself right because if not there's a judgment from god going to come and after he hears this word and it says uh in verse 28 it says this came to king nebuchadnezzar at the end of 12 months so a year later come on say a year a year later but see a word doesn't have an expiration date but the good thing is neither do promises the word of god doesn't expire at the end of 12 months he's walking in his palace in the kingdom of babylon and the king spake and he says it's not this great babylon that i have built see in deuteronomy you know we can fall under the same thing we might not be kings in a sense but we can say my power my might my wisdom my intellect has got me this power but he said you shall remember the lord your god because it's him that gives you power to get the wealth so we can all we can all learn a lesson from this because we might be subject to the same thing this kingdom that i have built oh it is mighty it is magnificent there is nobody leaning that can compare to my power my honor than might of my majesty in the wild the world was in the king's mouth there fell a voice from heaven in verse 31 and it said to him o nebuchadnezzar to you it is spoken thy kingdom is departed and they will drive you from men and your dwelling pace place will be with the beasts of the field now this is this is wild y'all this is wow this is like some kind of modern day movie but it's played out in the word of god we need to pay attention and and if you read through this it says the king literally lost his mind he lost his mind and he was actually for the time that the god had that god had spoken to him he was in the fields he was eating grass like an animal it says his hair grew out his nails grew out like eagles claws and he was in the field like a wild beast for a time period that god had told him because of his disobedience and then come on say and then and then it says at the end of those days verse 34 i nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes to heaven and my understanding returned back to me and i blessed the most high i bet you did i bet he did and i honored him that lives forever and ever whose dominion is everlasting dominion and his kingdom is from generation to generation and all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing by him or compared to him and it says in this time that my reason returned verse 36 unto me and for the glory of my kingdom and honor and the brightness i he said i bless the lord because he is able to abase those who have pride i'm telling you disobedience can cost us disobedience can destroy us if we're not mindful of this but i want to flip the coin on this because i don't want us to focus on this so much don't cut your hair sampson if you've got an instruction from god but if you follow the word of god and if you follow what god has instructed you and i there is a blessing waiting for us like you cannot even imagine amen go to mark chapter 3 because disobedience can cost but obedience can bless come on say i am blessed because i am obedient i am obedient even if you haven't been up till today speak it over yourself call things that be not as though they already are father i am a faithful hearer and doer of your word i will not let one word fall to the ground i have an eye to see in an ear to hear god i'm going to follow what you say mark chapter 3 verse 1 jesus entered into the synagogue and he said there was a man there that had a withered hand and they were watching jesus what he would do because it was the sabbath day that they might have something to accuse him by or something to come at him with and jesus looked and he saw the situation with the man with the withered hand and he said stand up or stand forth and he said to those that were standing around is it lawful to do good on the sabbath or to do evil to save or to kill and they all held their peace they all have their peace because jesus had them in a place where they didn't know how to respond when he had looked around on them with anger because he realized they were in religion and not in relationship they didn't care nothing about this man's being healed they had no regard for their brother they had no regard for this man in pain all they had a regard for with their rules their their laws and their legislation and all their things you can tell when you're in a mess when we have more regard for our way than god's way he looked around with an anger being grieved for the hardness of their heart and he said to the man stretch out your hand now here this man is and you imagine you can think about the peer pressure they he knows everybody in the room knows that they've all all the scribes and the pharisees and the religious ones have showed up with an agenda to take jesus out they already know that if anybody agrees with jesus they're going to be excommunicated from the church they already know that probably life in society as they know it at the time is going to be changed forever if they side with jesus if they follow jesus if they do anything that jesus says to do what do you do when you're in that place and you have a word from god you better tap into a grace to obey or you're going to miss a blessing here he is right here and i mean stretched forth nothing happens until he responds i want to we we cannot miss the points we're about to look at nothing happens until a response from you and i is initiated well i'm just going to wait lord until i know if you've heard you better get to steppen if we heard we need to be about the father's business whatever it is and whatever that may look like and for every one of us there's that many different ways that it can manifest there's that many different ways that it can look at that's why i cannot move and live my life according to what you are doing or what you are not doing because i don't know what you'd have or have not heard i think about when peter was told if that's if that's you lord call me at the boat he said come on and i think about the ones that sat in the boat but you know the best decision they ever made was to keep sitting in that boat if they didn't hear jesus say y'all come too how many times we judge somebody for stepping out and or we step out on somebody else's word we sing they swim and we get mad at god whatever he says we're going to close with that but whatever he says that is what we need to be about that and that alone and i'm telling you what sometimes it's very hard to tell others something that god said when they didn't hear him say it and that's the point that a lot of us are adding a lot of people may be at when god's calling us to step out or god's saying to stay in and we're we're uh we allow ourselves maybe to be manipulated by what other people are saying or what other people are doing or how they are responding to a situation you better go with what god said stretch forth your hand when he responded the miracle happened stretch forth your hand and he stretched it out and his hand was made whole like the other can my breakthrough really be as simple as just following what god said absolutely absolutely absolutely we need to make sure we are uh just clearly following and pursuing what god said for you and i because it can be just that go to luke chapter 17. luke chapter 17 verse 11 said it came to pass as jesus is uh moving into jerusalem coming through he passed through the midst of samaria in that region down toward galilee and it says as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men that were lepers they were standing afar off you know the custom at the time if you were leprosy you had to shout unclean before you would come in they could not associate or be in you know uh normal civilization uh so they're standing to the side they begin to cry out you know to jesus for their miracle master have mercy have mercy have mercy a lot about the timing of this and and just doing what you need to do for your breakthrough jesus sees them and he says this simple instruction in verse 14. you know because many times it depended on the situation as to how he healed and i don't know why he did what he did uh in my mind is so that we don't lock him into a method he doesn't want won't you and i looking at a method he wants us looking at the one who's actually doing the miracle right you know because i think he knows how we are as human nature we'll lock him into a box but if you put him in one box you'll meet him from a thousand other boxes you you you eliminate if you look this way you eliminate if i'm looking one degree i eliminate 359 other degrees that he can come in my life that he can move in my life so jesus while they were calling out he simply responds to him in verse 17. well i'm sorry verse 14 go show yourselves to the priest now that's it that's all you got you know it's like when the when when naaman came to the prophet he had leprosy let's find another leprosy story and when he gets to the prophet's yard the prophet sends his servant out there and he says just tell him to go dip in the river that's it i thought the prophet would come out give me some kind of show wave his hands it's just a it's it's amazing how we already pre-pre-ordained or we pre-set the story of how we think god should respond to my situation even coming to church this morning well they're going to man about the third song they're going to probably have an altar call and that's what you better he might heal you in the lobby he might heal you on the way in he might heal you on the way home he might heal you while you're meditating the word later don't you put him in a box don't you put him in a box because that's the way he did it last week or that's the way he did it 10 years ago or whatever it is you move on what god said you have an expectation to let him be whatever he wants to be whenever he wants to be lord i'm not going to let my my understanding or my not understanding i don't want it to hinder what you can do well even if i've never seen it i believe helped my unbelief that's it you know naaman was about to walk away from his miracle and a servant came up and said if he'd asked you to do something awesome you'd have done that in a heartbeat why can't you just go jump in the river probably worded a little bit different why don't you just go dip seven times and what obedience to the word brought the healing same way y'all just go show yourself to the priest i'll be honest with you i'd probably be still standing it's like that's it you ain't gonna come touch me you ain't got that's that's all i get see but it's not about his powers about my belief it's not about his powers about my obedience will and obedient eat the good i've gone hungry because i wasn't willing and obedient willingness is not enough hearing is not enough hearing is only half of it only half of it there's a lot of people have heard from god but the response is what he's looking for the obedience is what he's looking for and it could be just that simple if we read on as they went they were cleansed obedience activated the miraculous man that is so powerful that is so powerful now i'm believing even today as we're hearing this and our hearts are being fine-tuned by the by the holy spirit through the instruction of the lord i believe as we're coming into an agreement we are probably uh not probably but we're allowing uh the holy spirit to show us if if we've been air or off track in anything and getting our hearts back in tune and that and and getting that forgiveness that we need doors are opening even as we speak right now in jesus name i'm telling you opportunities that were lost god can bring back around because your word don't have an expiration date on it the promises of god are yes and amen he's a covenant keeping god to a thousand generations i believe we're hearing this word because there's things god wants to do and he wants to respond in a powerful way he's just looking for our yes did a message years ago standing in my yes and actually somebody put made me a doormat and it had footprints on it standing in my ears and i literally stood in that place for several sundays standing in my yes until we see the breakthrough until we see what god says until we have what he says as they went they were healed and we know the rest of the story it says in the in the process of this one saw that he was healed turn back verse 15 and with a loud voice glorified god falls down and begins to magnify and lift up and exalt jesus giving him thanks and it says he was a samaritan and jesus responded i thought there was 10 of y'all where's the other nine there's a lot more in this but i just let the holy spirit drop that on our on our heart i'm telling you what though it says we can we cannot be at a place where we are not grateful for every single day for every single breath we take don't take it for granted we are sons and daughters of the most high but we better not be haughty or arrogant about it amen and we're not saved by our own words i ain't here because of what i did i am here completely and entirely because of what he did for me without him oh it'd be a mess be a mess i thought there was 10 of y'all where's the other nine ain't but one outside this stranger he said arise and go that way thy faith made the whole as they went they were healed john chapter 5 another illustration of this could it be so simple as just obeying well lord i don't even understand how you're going to do it don't matter come on say it don't matter it don't matter it don't matter it don't matter there are so many times that i let my lack of understanding hinder me from obeying you know i i like math i like science i like figuring it out anybody know i got any figure outers in here you know i i like seeing how it's going to work i like seeing how it's going to come together and there are times that god purposely purposely does it so that i can't understand it so that i can't figure it out so that i don't rely on me because when i get to that self for last that means i'm leaning on me and i'm not leaning on him then i fall to proverbs where it says let not you lean not on your own understanding but in all ways acknowledge him then he brings the order then he brings the direction oh my goodness my goodness can i get to a place where we think we've got it figured out or or wait until we see how it's going to work out before we respond if you read through the story we talked about just a minute ago with peter stepping out of the boat if you read that story and read into the story the waves did not cease and the wind did not stop before he stepped out in my mind before i went back and read and re-read and saw what was going on it kind of appeared to me that it settled down a little bit when he stepped out it did not it did not he stepped out into the middle of the storm into the same storm that was just previous to the word come out but the distraction of the storm was what caused him to sink he said he took his eyes off of jesus and got it back onto the situation that he was looking at just before same situation nothing had changed but obedience and disobedience and focus he said when he saw the wind and the waves then he began to sink because that's that's indicative of disobedience to the lord john chapter 5 verse 1 said after this which is chapter 4 so there was a feast of the jews and he went i got to be half jewish at least because they eat all the time and i'm yeah i'm just like i am i am down with that anyway anyway it gets into the place that the sheep uh market in the hebrew tongue is called bethesda and it says there's a great multitude of folk there who had all kind of infirmities waiting for the movement of the water says for an angel would go down at a certain season into the pool in trouble or stir up the water and whoever stepped in to the pool at that time was immediately healed or whatever whatever they may have been plagued with and there was a certain man which had been in that infirmity 38 years jesus comes on the scene sees him there knows understands by i guess word of wisdom word of knowledge or whatever uh of what he's what he has and how long he's been there so jesus responds to the man when he knows he's been there a long time he said will you be made whole and the man answers him back so i have nobody to put me in the water when it's troubled he said but while i'm on the way down somebody else steps in and jesus says just simply to the man rise and take up your bed and walk and when the man responded the miracle happened immediately said the man was made whole and he takes up his bed and he begins to walk now the jews had spoke speak to the man because he was carrying his bed on the sabbath day he said it's not lawful for you to carry your bed understand this because we're we're looking at obedience to the word of god even when it may uh upset or ruffle some feathers okay the jews said it's not lawful for you to be carrying your bed and i love this response the one who healed me tells me how to walk folks that is a response that we need for every action of our life today the one who saves me orders my steps the one who saved me tells me how to walk the one who saved me tells me how to talk the one who saved me tells me how to act the one who saves me tells me how to respond i cannot help but do the things that my god has said from me you realize in the early days that the the religious were trying to shut down the disciple and they said we cannot help but testify the things that we have seen and the things that we have heard and whether that's right in the sight of god for us to obey you more than him you judge but we're going to do what god put us here to do john chapter 2 glory to god john chapter 2 verse 1 the third day there was a marriage in canaan of galilee jesus mom was there the disciples had been called to the wedding as well he said when they got there and the celebration was going on they had a situation where they began to run out of wine and the mother of jesus came up and said they're running out son and he said woman what have i to do with thee i think i've still been picking myself up but it was a little bit different time back then you all know what i'm talking about right but it's a little bit different of a time back there somebody i don't know if you get it with a fly swatter you got it with a belt you got it with a flip-flop or just the back of a hand patel before you know i'm in the air everybody's like mama got ninja skills i don't even know where that come from it's like man she could she could reach back behind the car driving down the road and pop me and bob multiple times and never just saying woman i have my time has not yet come always about to his mother totally like oblivious looks at the servants and says whatever he says do it do it folks i feel like in my spirit that is such a clear word from god for you and i whatever he says whatever he says do not hesitate do not try to figure it out simply walk it out only thing i'm going to say is be sure that you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is thus saith the lord god will not go beyond the bounds of his word the boundaries and borders of his word that's how we should i'm not really sure if that's me if that's what get into the word and let the holy spirit bring confirmation to you because it will not violate the word of god all right god told me to divorce this one and marry that one i don't believe that's in bible that might be in your book but that ain't in his book well god told me and you see a direct conflict with what god said to what god said and then at that point i'm one like what god you talking to because jehovah didn't say that but i'm talking about when we have a clarity and from the word on what we've heard do it because the obedience brings a blessing exceeding abundant above and beyond beyond anything that we could possibly imagine i believe even today as we've heard this there are things being shifted and realigned and god is bringing back around because he desires to bless you more than you desire to be blessed because it's not for you and i to accumulate in the masses for you and i to be distribution centers so that the kingdom is built and his name is exalted amen let's stand father we love you we bless you we thank you so much for all that you have done and continue to do for us and to us and through us lord god to those that are around us i pray lord you find willing and obedient hearts and minds and the people that are here today lord even the confirmation is christian had shared that word this morning lord it was a already a a tilling of the ground lord and and a breaking up of the fallow so that the word could come in lord we don't want to be at a place lord like the king was where pride puts us in a place where we're actually driven from the place of blessing that you have for us but lord even if we if we find ourselves in that in that place we are like david today create in me a clean heart oh god and renew our right spirit in me lord let pride be removed from my life let any disobedience be removed from our lives today god i thank you that you'll find in us a willing and obedient heart oh you will find in us oh god our ear that desires to hear your word that we will make place for you we will make room for you we will prefer you above all others you and you alone are the king of our lives [Music] holy spirit we ask you teach us show us correct us direct us forgive us if we have pushed past and ignored instruction from you before help us to retune our heart and our ear to hear your voice he said my sheep know my voice father i pray that we will be students of the word lord we would be students of your word you said study to show yourself approved under god workmen that needeth not to be ashamed father so that when we hear that instruction we know whether it is of you or not we know father god because the bible even tells us clearly that in the latter days lord even even demonic spirits will disguise themselves as angels of light and try to bring a word try to bring disassociation to discommunication lord god from the things that you have called us to do so i thank you that we can recognize the counterfeit because we're so familiar with the real we can recognize the impostor because we're so familiar with the real god we're so attentive and so attuned in tune with your voice oh god that we and it can immediately identify the voice of a stranger and give him no place in our lives lord that we are at the place as jesus said the enemy may come but he has nothing in me father i know the blessing that is on the other side of our obedience what and i just can sense in my spirit the things that you desire to release over our lives [Music] i just want to give us an opportunity right now do you feel that you're at a place where you didn't fully engage with something that god has said to do if you feel like you just need to to step out or step away from a position of disobedience and and just as an act of faith to walking into the obedience that god has for you i i i was going to tell you to go to jairus i wanted to do that it talks about the goodness of god and the grace of god and the things he desires to pour out and and this is a prophetic song over us jaira you are more than enough more than enough more than enough more than enough and we're stepping into that fullness we're stepping in to all those things that i have so if he's if he's beckoning you i want you to respond to that by just simply walking down to the altar and say father i am walking out of disobedience i am walking out of unbelief i am walking out of my human reasoning i am walking out of allowing the world or anybody else to confine me or box me in or talk me out of the things that you have for me father i'm walking into your glory i'm walking into your grace i'm walking into obedience i'm walking into a fullness i am walking into a new level of all that you have for me i am walking away from yesterday and walking into my tomorrow i am walking in to the promises that are yesterday me and i am walking in fully engaged willing heart and obedient life to whatever father you have here am i send me here i might use me i will never be the same again i am learning a lesson i am shutting the door on yesterday god i am allowing you to have the preeminence in my life jaira you are enough glory to god if we have any people that want the prayer of agreement i felt that when he said that i it is so important to just be obedient to god you know me and brian are not doing something that we didn't struggle with but it is so cool that's why when i was a little baptist girl i walked the altar because i needed to make a step and see when when pastor ryan gave this altar you're saying god i'm stepping but now when you step then you get your instruction but also i'm going to open up the altar of any people to come help pray the word of god says if two on earth agree is touching anything so many times a word from god will change give me some hall to work with some staff members just if you want to and just if you want to step up and have somebody agree with you say pray with me agree with me today that god's gonna show me amen thank you lord i'll never be more loved than i am right now i wasn't holding you up so there's nothing i could do to let you down it doesn't take a trophy to make you brown i'll never be more loved than i am right now i'm going through a storm but i won't go down i hear your voice [Music] now come on sing it out [Music] [Music] says [Music] foreign [Music] clear what it's all about stay by my side till the sun goes down don't forget how i feel right now [Music] you are enough i will [Music] forever [Music] i know who i am [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know who i am [Music] more than i could imagine [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know who i am [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] how much more will he clothe how much more will he close if he watches over every sparrow how much more does he love how much more does he love [Music] how much more will how much more will it go [Music] how much more [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] forever forever [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] in your promises my confidence [Music] is [Music] [Music] you will be [Music] is [Music] my confidence is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all your is [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you thank you for coming this morning thank you for joining us online come on be safe enjoy your lunch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: New Life Everyday
Views: 309
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church, God, Christian, Love
Id: g3dAWzRAto8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 48sec (7788 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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