Johnny Cool | English Full Movie | Action Crime Drama

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[Music] don't stop stop [Applause] [Music] stop [Music] you're be [Music] y [Music] for for Fore foreign fore spee [Music] [Applause] [Music] really think he'll be here huh everybody say so he's to be best man of the wedding everybody else knows he'll be here then the police ought to know it too they do all the way up to the chief of police who gets paid more from jordano than he does from the government million Le reward and the man enjoys a wedding Feast enjoyment is only for the living man try to collect that reward wouldn't live an hour Jordano's like a king here be loved by all his subjects and why not he steal from the rich and he give to the poor you really believe that look at the feast he prepares for them they'll remember this day and talk about it for years all this land they'll remember for Lifetime and for Generations after of course jordano the people own the land regular Robin Hood [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh is he there the one with the chief of police get a picture of both so you're [Applause] [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] ah welcome to Monte Anderson I'm honored to have you here how did you know my name I tell you what you had for breakfast or name of hotel chambermaid if you like he [Music] said uh Mr gordano do you mind if I uh no you go ahead use your machine it's okay thank you I didn't know that uh you spoke English so well you American GI in War I learned from them in Sicily always like that from each Invader we take something my mother could sing in Greek French always invaded my grandfather he could sing the songs of the Arabs and Moors all of them dead now some Germans we get this ow how did you get it same like GIS killed Germans you're saying that you fought with the Americans against the Germans no in war you fight for yourself for your own people nobody else but the war is over as long as people are hungry there will be War comp [Music] on I have our first dance with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bride [Music] Gano Army troops in hel Ops listen you can hear [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Music] window [Music] [Music] out that we w [Music] jordano get out [Music] over hey there [Music] part and and down [Music] Andia [Music] 4:30 this afternoon local time a special task force of government troops cornered and killed the legendary Sicilian Bandit Chieftain Salvatore jordano in order to overcome any superstitions The Peasants might have about his mortality Jordano's riddle body and that of his chief Lieutenant are being displayed in the mountain Villages of this primitive area to prove conclusively to his own people that Salvador jordano is in fact [Music] dead any problems everything when as you planed Captain Vergo you've done your job well I will see you are promoted to Major H the great Jordan wild king of the hills nisco I'm Johnny Kini we are in Rome safe we only a day dead man could be saved morto really the world thinks jordano is dead we left the man in your place that looks very much well enough like you especially when he has very little face left the only way I can get you out of the hands of the army why because you're on aaly I I have a particular use for your kind of violence tomorrow they bury you jordano and not marry many men again weep at their own funeral eh s don't you don't you say thanks for saving your life you say how much you want and I pay you what in cilia I have in chilia you have nothing you're dead MTO what do they say in your village when they speak of colini there is like a king in America a king of murderers no more no more for over a year now I've been in Rome do you know what deported means see what would you do if one of your men informed to the police that could not be what if it did happen that men would be found and killed if it took a whole lifetime and the sons had to do it after I have many children I do not know the names of most of them or what happened to them but I have no son I would show as my son what do you want of [Applause] me here you will live and live well while you were here you go through a process of polishing designed to make you civilize a little not too much on the surface not inside when I decide you're ready you'll do a job for me a job no other man could do I want you to go to those who betrayed me take back what they stole to make them dead do that what is mine is yours you will be my son I am no son of colini you dis grac Us in America there is a streak of decency in you you've got to get rid of that streak they teach you to murder in Chicago and then they send you back to us and you who taught you to murder I am no criminal I never murder for money all I have done I have done for my people yes I'm a criminal I know it I not kind I know that I'm not even a generous man I go to church and lie to God what's mine is mine because I'm selfish mean and cruel there's no one I could point to and say this is the reason why colini is a murderer but you you have the people poor people Mr jordano you're a liar to yourself the people poor people aren't you weary of taking boughs you ate well You' stolen everything you wanted when your belly was full you gave the rest away I know you my young friend I am no friend of yours you will be you have no other choice I'll put you in the streets you be dead within the hour or you'll do the job I picked for you you'll become rich more money and wealth and a peasant good dream tell me a leader you will not understand a number that that big but you learn take you a long time but I will teach you I'll teach you America the clothes how to walk how to act who has the money where it comes from which are the important names way they powerized and when I finished you'll be one of the three men in the world who knows it all this I teach you but in the end what will count is what is here in your Hills you have been a glorious success we'll now see what you do with a Mountain America you prove you can be the son of Kini and in a few years when I have gone you will inherit my kingdom I don't know how long I'll be just wait yes sir good evening [Music] sir good evening sir your table's ready now sir I'll have the drink sent over follow me [Music] please [Music] side car imported Brandy make it half sour yes [Music] sir what do you say we have another drink it's empty no nothing for me thank you Adrian and I think you've had enough I do I know you no and what are you looking at I'm looking for the action I hear you know where it is I'm afraid to got the wrong impression I'm in guided missiles myself and my friend is in shopping centers yeah and I recognize the Bender is alapon Sister George George give me a J&B on the rocks make it look double I'm sorry Mr denness I told you no more service this evening Oh Come what are you playing with kids look Buster you ha the the man blow I beg your pardon I said blow [Music] Brother come on honey let's get out of here shall we this place is rapidly deteriorating M may I have a check please you go ahead Adrian I'll call you tomorrow all right that's the way you want it you sure sure well how about it look I don't know you my name's Kini Johnny Ken you and IR relation why because if you're using the name and you're not you got puss for [Music] brains brother you better get out of here while you're still can okay have one on me it'll probably be your last I hope all of that wasn't because of something Adrien might have said Adrian you mean the beard no are you always so vicious are you a fight fan why do you say that you look like you enjoyed watching it wow it was something to see my name's Dar [Music] Guinness won't you tell me your name sure Johnny colini Johnny Kini was that man they had on television during the crime investigations the one they called Johnny cool there's a lot of [Music] kenis your name really John [Music] Kini okay we got a bad start where you from Chicago hi there you know anyone a few people Russ Frank veto what are you doing Florida Ste boys you want more names you know man Jerry Marge that's right are you made quite an impression my friends heard pretty bad you heard a man's friend you heard the man but that's old country talk I went to school in Rome 2 [Music] years about the action I let you know where do I get in touch I'm out at the track I'm out there every day you're not waiting to see how your friend is well there's nothing I can do for him I'm not a doctor you don't really care if you know me or not do you honey I'm not buying you couldn't then it's easy just forget [Music] it take me to Jiles after I heard Kini I called right away there were Hotel records in Vegas and Miami but nobody knew him nobody he's tough he's got money and he knows all kinds of things he shouldn't look Mr santangelo you give me the green light now put him where the fish will eat him you you Mr Crum line you're so big in your mou h a man comes into a bar makes trouble don't you know enough to walk away what are you going to learn nothing happens in public look Mr s Angelo stop with the Mr s Angelo when things are running smooth it's Vince and when it's a little trouble it's Mr santangelo you go to the movies we want to talk the horses are nearing the starting gate number six 10 times number six 10 times Hi Well it can't be a coincidence no I heard you say that you were going to be here I wanted you to know that I've thought it over and you can buy me a drink why not right over here there they go lucky Judy bre we don't really have to have a drink if you want to watch the race what do you have I don't know anything whatever you're having whiskey and water too that was the $100 window what HS number six are you that rich or are you just that sure of yourself you want to try for both he's at the bot with a sharp looking brao he must have a couple of thousand on the six horse now you stay with him find out who she is I'm 27 I grew up in Scarsdale with all the advantages races dancing school riding lessons a whole bit I've been divorced for about a year from a boy who grew up the same way he well you've seen Adan yes so what do you do for kicks now I haven't been many until last night I want to know you all men look like men but so few really are what kind of work do you do I'm a missionary you want a mission now why all the questions are you a gambler well what do you do I do my best who got it six Hors went all by himself six that's your horse let's get out of here I can cash these in tomorrow bartender it's been a lucky day 100 bucks hey what did the six horse pay it's not up yet all I know he was 10 to one and I didn't have him give me a double Martini here start with this pal I got to see a man about a horse hello Jerry I checked all over in Vegas there was a Johnny Kini registered at the Sands he calls himself Johnny cool the name made their ears go up yeah big Tipper a lot of money all Cash He troubled nobody they said he use a million like him he's traveled all over left his Mark everybody remembers him but nobody knows him [Music] boy that fetuccini is the wildest I've had in a long time how about the skili marinada Sicily that's where you're from isn't it good night there Johnny cool that's what they ought to call you late date no it's probably Adrien come on in hello well yes he is it's for you hello yeah now sure b a garage north side and 18 okay I'll be there how would anyone know you be here I don't know do [Music] you should I wait forget [Music] it you clean yeah rules of the house have to check you okay okay okay go in 200 L 300 line gooder right in style this is a permanent game we own this Garage in the hotel above it come to the table game is open CS go stay go that is seven that seven seven another winner there we go next shot let's go come on Joe 200 L 300 line 300 300 he cover 200 here all right shoot new Point again come on dice let's go dice okay AP come here take two more on the come I know you 200 coming right here we go seven a winner is a good shooter you got another th boy [Music] boy and 200 here no moreo let's go Di 7even one time crap's the [Music] loser Johnny police you dare Guinness yes what's wrong it's about Johnny Kini you may know him as Johnny cool could we come in please yes of course is he in some kind of trouble he sure is Lady how old you known barely at all I only met him yesterday what' he tell you about himself not much really where's he from uh Italy I think what makes you think that well we went to a little Sicilian place and he told you he was from Sicily well no not exactly Miss get if you know something you're not telling us I don't what's he doing in New York I don't know suppose I'd tell you save your breath can't you see he's got her lined up too what do you mean that's right that's what he does besides girls he pushes DP I don't believe that you better get in here for a while why should I you don't tell us anything and we don't tell you anything now go on get in there go on get in we got a new shooter put your best down 500 I got 2500 says he's right yeah 2500 says he's right coming all bets are down shoot let's go dice one time baby eight the point is eight let's make that 500 more okay judge let's go D you can do it seven you lose well that Taps me out yeah that Taps us out so you're pretty lucky boy uh new shooter the D next shooter educated dice are yours if you want them yeah that's something else nice am mind ain't that terrific my dice okay we got a new shooter coming out what do you want two he's wrong thousand he's right cover and uh five for me oh okay allow me seven a winner sure we've been perfect gentlemen as cops go now another thing strictly legit she works for some designing house there's eight checks here made out to her from this guy Guinness all uncashed alimony I guess are you sure you're getting everything I don't know she could be holding up musle her and find out how much muscle I don't care leave us something to remember you by it'll be a pleasure says we should leave her something to remember as by all right Miss Guinness you can come out now miss Guinness you need you be afraid we're not going to hurt you seven a winner seven you're a good mechanic I enjoy watching you work I got 8,000 left want it why not I fig educated is going to stay lucky now we swing 11 winner 11 amazing yeah a it how much do you want scared money never made money you want the 16 nothing I'm sending this one out that we save a dance for me pretty boy how about it Johnny you got your sister book busy tonight sh up we'll eat your your two bits now we're going to play a different game come open [Music] m all right let's finish the game I got a little left over 6,000 only this time I'm betting the shooter wins open traps like you said I can bet win or lose right pick them up you better know what you're doing friend not only what but to who when you ask me names you didn't ask me New York but I'll give you a name Don Veno or do you call him Mr s Angelo shoot little man and stay lucky here you never can tell what the dice are going to do roll two fives back to back can't roll two fives back to back gun or no gun you're Mr March right now at this moment but the only number I can't roll is one I'll work on it cover me 10 two FES 5 five night conventional start 10 a winner two FES my you are talented the 12 rides come on Crum line get a piece of the action something tells me to stay with him seven a winner monotonous anytime you get bored we can quit Mr Kini well educated hasn't given us the full show yet one roll and we call it a night 24,000 that's what's lying there let's see in 11 you wouldn't settle for for a seven would you no baby 11 you 11 winner hey hey hey guys you know you you win some you lose some huh crap's a loser you know I can think of worst ways to spend the [Music] night [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] who did this to you was it because of me I didn't know anything to tell them that's all for tonight see you in the morning I'll wait for your call Sir night night Sir want to stop for breakfast yeah stop I'm fine hey mik you forgot something at the girls apartment what [Music] girl either can handle your own people or you can't a boy H him well take care of it don't come to me what's so important a Boy comes here and uses a name and uses a gun at a crap table the gun he used was a Baretta and he call you Don Vincente I hear in the papers where they say mutilated the men were Mark and they make tricks with her and that's why the boy marked her no no no no he he couldn't have done it Vince he didn't know who they were he don't know where they were he couldn't be in two places at once now Vince that's what worries me how do we know how many people this Kini has with him D you was that name there's only one Johnny Kini and that's an old man in Rome Vince I never turn my back on Instinct now what if cool sent him you know feels about things I feels about you you better have a meeting I'm telling you no I'm telling you you bring this boy to me that's what he wants I'm sure very nice that's very nice so we give him what he [Music] wants you don't look like him how are you related I'm not you're his man I'm no one's man I'm Johnny colini you want in I already am you're a stranger to it not anymore not after the last few days very violent he chose you well all right we'll use you'll do us all some good I'm not here for a job you're like we were in the beginning we drink on it I'm here to take it all all of what I thought you knew something you want names places how about I give you the location in turkey and Mexico where it's grown or the name of the Importer maray and which of his ships brings it in the pharmaceutical houses in Milano that process it into H or if that's all too far away how about the name of the wholesale jobber over in Jersey who handles over a ton of Benzedrine a month you talk like a mystery story here we're legitimate business everything legal I know that's why I want the unissued stock in the six corporations all of it it signed over to me the New York Contracting interests the Vegas setup the coast oil you can keep if you retired and if I don't then i' take that too you won't get what you want by using violence with us you got yours with a gun right back in the beginning yes then I'll get mine as you got yours I'm giving you 24 hours to deliver the initial stock to the trust Department of the chase National Bank in my name if I lift my hand you die here in this room right now what difference do that make you think I'm here alone he is from Co Disney I want Rome Italy yes sir 24041 yes sir but T night we'll have a man here who will tell us for sure meantime I want you to arrange to pick up the girl but I told you she doesn't know anything he cares for her or he wouldn't have done what he did yeah what about him oh he'll be here for at least 24 hours he [Music] promised [Music] the men who did this to you are dead I killed them with a knife I took from your kitchen who are you I'll tell you my real name even though it won't mean anything to you I'll tell you why I'm here and what I'm going to do and after I've told you these things I want you to come with me will you [Music] come it's apartment 334 right around the corner [Music] [Music] how's she going to open up if she already took the pills Miss Guinness open up Miss Guinness you better use your py you're just wasting time they came to get me didn't they it's true all of those crazy things you told me Johnny what do you expect to do alone against all this they'll kill you no I'm the one who do the killing all over this country in the next 48 hours and when I'm finished they'll think they've been hit by an [Music] army everything depends on time now you know what you have to do I may never see you again we'll be together by noon tomorrow okay driver the [Music] Airport United Airlines flight 8819 that's your mainliner flight they calling now Mrs Miller your husband's ticket will be ready for him when he arrives thank you [Music] I tell you you cannot afford to miss these Bargains we are net selling cost today we are giving them away we are Overstock I tell you come down here and look take any freeway but get down there if you're cooking stop cooking if you're on the couch get off that couch and come down and see these bargain I won't be responsible if you get down here there no cars left these are the bargains I tell you and you come down here and you deal with me you will find that I will give you we don't need anything at all no references no credits just an honest face bring your honest face right down here to the lot today and now back to our movie very good Mr Holmes let me unplug you be a half hour the next spot huh thank you I'm sorry I've kept you waiting we do these TV commercials and you really got to drive it in it's not like something where you go out and just talk you know you got to sell these cars and you'd be surprised how many people recognize me just from doing these TV commercials they think I'm a TV star or something but all I am is a used car salesman now this is the car you have picked out is that right Miss Goodman may I tell you you are a very lucky girl you will love this car and drive with the roof down and have you ever driven in California before well you have but then listen to me because the California drivers here are just like maniacs look out for those sports cars they come zooming by right through the right you'll never even know they're there now you have my personal check I sign this please yes ma'am if you just sign right here M Goodman that's it that makes it a consumated deal have a nice time and enjoy yourself I'll put the sticker in and you can drive away oh um yes well there you are Miss Goodman you are all set any trouble at all don't forget you contact me and not the mechanic yes of course that oh uh could you tell me the quickest way to the Beverly Hilton Beverly Hilton is uh is that where you're going to be staying Miss Goodman at the Beverly Hilton just asking just asking this is a very good at Tache case and top grain cowhide that's the one I want fine the price is $65 will that be cash or charge cash I can have this monogram right away of course may I have your name please Lawrence Martin little initial just LM so either we begin pouring concrete or 8:00 Monday morning or we're liable for penalties $40,000 a day gentlemen the councilman's committee is public service Lou your problems with the building code foring delays have put us behind schedule at least a month now 31 days at 40,000 per that's a million and a quarter down the drain now we went over the city Charter no attorneys just miss connley and myself but we found something I think that uh might interest you Section 3 paragraph 78 that's the section on condemnation procedure you're not suggesting that 300 ft of public Street be condemned now according to the city Charter it's the council's duty to condemn when it's in the public interest exactly but how do you consider this the public interest Mr Murphy raises a very interesting point worthy of consideration thank you very much Mr councilman that's all we ask can't tell you how much we appreciate you taking time off from a very busy schedule that's what we're here for uh can I buy a drink before you leave no thanks I don't believe so good day miss Conley I have an appointment at the office say did you hear the story about the Democrat and Republican went in the turkey bth and the rubber had cold hands or PA it refreshes yeah that's you think it's all set Lou honey if there's one thing that old hack knows is that he couldn't get elected dog catcher without San Angelo can't hardly find campaign contributions all cash Undeclared unrecorded anymore that reminds me what were those calls from Vince today some fishing Expedition he thinks the man from Rome is behind it colini it's nothing the way I put old cool out he'll stay out but Vince never calls unless he's worried about something he's getting old they all are except you you old goat [Music] [Music] Peter you're well name the angel of Mercy himself thank you Mr Murphy that's the drunks said you don't eat the stems they the best part now here's another sinner needing your help snatch a little salvation my boy while you can you understand thank you would it be I Martini please ah such small time for we Pleasures the little ladies waiting in the station wagon here you are Peter get yourself a woman thank you Mr Murphy oh thank you my boy very nice you married no play it smart I don't now keep charging [Music] yeah [Music] hey hey look I'm sorry I gave you the wrong Briefcase by mistake you've got mine oh no no no son this is mine you see it's got my initials on it LM those are my initials too yeah well that's coincidence but I'm I'm sure this is mine I can tell you oh you're wrong I'm telling you look let me open mine I'll show you yeah but you better hurry see I got I don't want to miss that train the little lady with the station wagon and martinis will get hot in there oh [Music] Johnny where are you I'm an ID while now I'm leaving a few minutes the car is a 1957 two-tone Ford convertible it's parked on the roof level of the garage at the Hilton Hotel fine what happened everything went all right the camera and everything you need is on the front seat of the car when you get here will you come up I'll come up if I have time Johnny what happened you'll read about [Music] Ito [Music] to be called away from Rome without time to invent appropriate excuse for colini my Army commission my whole position there could be ruin your position what it's given you not so you could grow Rich you had a job tell us about K is he how is an old man he lives on his Hill like a retired Cesar and every day has his Vitamin and Harmony extion to make him young and every night there is a new girl never is the same one and have about this young man he son what young man I know nothing about any young man we will [Music] see oh [Music] all [Music] [Applause] n [Music] hello oh beind please I warn you Mr H if you don't open that door and let me out of here this instant I'll you'll what I don't think you quite realize whom you're dealing with Mr hin oh I think I do Margaret Huntington Santa Barbara right quite right I've got here four checks totaling $1,250 signed Margaret Huntington and no good that's impossible there must be some mistake yeah it's for you Mr hind hello what is it where from from Rome from Johnny gini I've got to talk to you in Ben Maro colini wants to make a deal there's nothing to talk about I think you're wrong there's a lot to talk about like what happened to Louis Murphy I'll get Ben uh you come right up well you better make it about 15 minutes I'm calling from downtown it'll take me that long to get to your joint all right there someone coming up to see me in about 15 minutes I don't know who it is so check him good at the elevator yes [Music] sir I can make those checks good yes I think you can all right I have some jewelry in my room it's beautiful glass and that Jaguar you've got parked out there is rented I hate grifters they live in your rooms they eat your food they Buck your tables and then they don't pay well you're going to make those checks good 2100s no 50s 2, right 100s 320s Mr Morrow Mr h i' like to see you in miss sweet as soon as you can please just a few minutes thanks Pete 300 is right in [Music] 20s come on D come on D that's it I'm true I'm a born loser and I know it so I'm going home hold it pal I'm a winner and I'm popping for a couple of belts I'll never say no to that and look at these two chicks we're not going to let him go to waste how about a couple of drinks well that sounds like a pretty good idea oh to no you sit right over here and you sit right over here I'll take the blonde the brunette reminds me of my wife all right what will it be hi Ben Mike singer remember yeah yeah sure Mike how are you the old days in Detroit yeah yeah how's it going well not so good you no no no Ben this is no touch I just wanted to say hello yeah I understand I appreciate it forget it I'll see you thanks Ben there's one of the sweetest guys you ever want to meet you know the bum is right they don't make him like Ben marrow anymore I'll be back before you finish these and hurry I left my money at the craft table are you the gentleman who come to see Mr Hines that's me there's a special pocket on the inside of my jacket on the left hand side permits in my wallet I'm sorry we have to keep this anyway you can pick it up at the desk on the way up anything you say can I go in now yes Mr H is expecting you checked him out and he's okay thank you Pete don't you trust your own security man they just went over me outside Obie please we just want to talk go ahead talk not this way stand still you there's no need for trouble let's find out who this gentleman is and if necessary we can call the police what's your name boy Johnny colini you hear that Ben this is the one we got the call about the new Johnny cool why are you here what do you want what you took from colini what we took stand aside Ben all right I'll give it to you for him both barrels right in the belly Obie no I've tried to live in such a way that no man could have reason to hate me I know I've heard about what a saint you are no I've done plenty wrong but I've tried to make up for it how do you make up for informing oh so that's it Vendetta he told you I betrayed him so I could steal Kini lied though you lie Johnny cool he gave you his name did he also tell you you would be his son me he told I would be his brother but in the 20 years all he did was use me like he's using you now you were only his delivery boy domestico messo deor and when you have finished killing for him he will pay you as he is paying me now I won't be alive to pay off but I'll lay you even money I'm right and I'll give you a price on how long before he gets you 6 to 5 3 [Music] days hi we all start to leave any minutes B what you do I got some wonderful pictures you want any money I don't gamble it's against my religion oh I wish it was against mine I wouldn't have to push this bus getting the end of the life I could buy this bus boy I murdered him here how did you do I did all right hold it Larry hold it hey what's wrong I got my usual line of chickens here now somebody really rocked the town yeah you got Obi Hind and Ben Morrow but you got to go you got to go yeah well I'll have to check out your people are you kidding Larry those are my orders now don't K it we're not playing poker I'm not kibitzing get it all that line I'm used to Farmers and haes but these guys take the cake get a little that chy camera over there he don't gamble he's got religion Frisk him maybe he'll come up with a Bible and while you're at it search that Indian well I'm very sorry folks for this a necessary delay but you is that a Nikon it's something like it except for the rangefinder we know it looks just like a Nikon everybody's imitating everybody you you too good to be true come here wait a minute never mind Cowboy I want to talk to you now just come along don't give me any trouble sry take the rest of the good people home they all look a little bushed yeah wait minut please will you get in there please how you been those things happen you can't help hi you kid you're looking great yes man oh Pop you're fine you're good you you great sh you you you you got H yeah that's it yeah okay know set everybody El set all right here we go no don't leave me don't leave me no don't leave me alone don't leave me alone all right all right z z he is [Music] z [Music] JY I dreamed I dreamed you wouldn't be back I dreamed they killed you listen to me when I saw you down there last night and you didn't come up I died all night waiting I didn't know I could even think such things Johnny it doesn't matter what you do nothing's real anymore except you do you understand what is it what's the matter I've got to go away well I'll get dressed it won't take me a minute no I'm going alone where to Mexico and then back to Sicily Johnny you didn't hear me you can't leave me I'm nothing without you we are both nothing tell me what happened tell me domestic M Mor less than nothing that's what he called me when I killed him what does it mean colen's the libery boy of death it doesn't matter what he said you should have seen what he looked like when he died I believe him colini lied he used me all he wanted was for me to do for him what he couldn't do for himself Johny you have to take me with you I was your than I go back to Sicily in Sicily gardano is dead running there is not going to bring him back to life here beat jodano here what the hell do you know about anything intelligence is not confined to Men 3 days ago my life was concerned with getting to the beauty parlor on time getting my laundry ready for the cleaners making my mind up about a new shade of lipstick well there was something hidden deep in me that I didn't even know existed whatever it was you read it and now my life is yours and I'm telling you Giordano that you've got to finish what you started not for the man in Rome but for yourself Johnny cool is a name Jano was a man be giodo again do what he would do why [Music] not why not Johnny I need you I need you right now now jordano will find but there'll always be another jordano different face a different name huh the only way to make sure that a thing ends is to dispose of the principal that's impossible I was in Rome last year colen's Villa is like Fort Knox anything can be done three men are dead and the decision is very very clear the man in Rome dies so we die all right let CLE be warned he knows the rule let's see if he takes the warning Ang [Music] glazy you know what it means to be very rich to mhm there hello vce how are you how's the family hey Johnny I haven't got too much time to talk here I got to get out to Vegas marrow and H you know yeah I know you heard about poor Lewis I I can't understand what's happening there Ben didn't have an enemy in a world well that young man from Sicily you know the one who's dead well Johnny he's here and he says that you sent him me no we thought that you could tell us uh what the young man wanted Johnny how Vince I'm here how would I know we're meeting Johnny and uh we've decided that this can't go on of course Vince I agree do what you have to right away you understand we had to check with you first I am understand everything you're not saying Vince by the way Vince give my best of Virgo H yeah you heard him now are you sure first jordano I checked a suitcase a couple of months ago in a hotel on Kena we'll have to pick it up Johnny about the car you know I had to use my own license to rent it I told you it doesn't matter we'll be back in New York talk when it happens the FBI has been checking but so far that's all we know what you see is a group of interlocking corporations garment manufacturing construction oil soft drink distribution vending machines import export and metal processing the Attorney General's office has been watching this complex grow since the end of World War II but so far that's all we've been able to do watch the corporate and tax structure is a model of legitimacy but now with these murders leis Murphy in New York Oscar beines and Benjamin marrow here in Las Vegas is the break we've been waiting for it means gentlemen the war's broken out a war for the control of Syndicate dominated legitimate business and the general directing the attack is the one we want he goes by the interesting and familiar name of Johnny colini or Johnny Co for the individual described we find no fingerprints on file no draft registration no record of previous military service no record of arrests no hunting fishing Drive D's license issued ever no social security number maybe there's no such man there is and he's not alone well that's all we have gentlemen not a hell of a lot but we've got to find Johnny cool you drive why upside down the dynamite and the SU suit case would take out half the block if open right side up by the wrong person it's 3:00 now 14 hours will make it 5: in the morning when it goes off we'll be in New York having an 8:00 breakfast at Ruben's what's he like Johnny among other things is in the own business that's all I know have you ever seen him we got 2 miles to go to Sunset I'll tell you when to turn what's his name what difference does it make crle andard crle okay why did you try telling the truth just once you know you came out because you thought I wasn't home Len I swear to you all I wanted was to see the children for half an hour but you have no visiting privileges except those the court designated oh len please now look you were supposed to have them all of August now it's not my fault you were in Madrid they incidentally uh how' the picture go there was no picture you know that well that's too bad however that's show business as you people say oh is that what it is don't you think I know all about your oil interest over [Music] there man I want my children they mine too or do I presume too much they need their mother unfortunately the court decided that their mother was unfit yes you arranged that very nicely didn't you yes I did didn't I daddy daddy is Mommy here Timmy said he heard mommy I'm so sorry Mr crle I was it's all right missart no you can see for yourselves boy she isn't here come on boys You' better take your naps now that's quite all right Mr Stewart say instead of a nap boys why don't we take a swim we'll go in the bath house and get your Suits come on hey boys I'll go in the garage and get the boat okay come on please you know how mad he gets hurry up come on love you're so tense we just tour us looking at the view over there Beverly Hills Home of the movie stars and I'll plant it right down there so that the cliff holds a blast in tomorrow they'll hear it clear back in that Penthouse in New York what if somebody sees you they won't Johnny is that him come on no Johnny not now now as sure later as maybe drive up the canyon about 100 yards make a urn and come right back down to here keep the motor running and leave it on Drive get in get in hurry up boys I'm waiting timy Bobby I want you out here right this minute we'll be right there come on boys on the double hey come me come on boys get [Music] down [Music] slow down more that's good now just keep on like this until we get them all Holland I'll get out there watch the road now listen I'll get a cab in front of the hotel you drive into Beverly Hills and park the car for a few hours where will I go what will I do go shopping get your hair done don't bring the car back then after 5:00 check out of the hotel and take a camp to the airport buy a ticket on the first flight to New York Johnny please let me go with you I'm afraid to be alone I'll meet you at the real Tony's tomorrow 7:00 please Johnny pull over and stop not here at the [Music] corner I'm sorry Johnny it's all right tomorrow night 7:00 the real Tony's [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dear that won't work out if you want a manicure oh that' be perfect okay all right Miss Johnson thank you yes may I help you uh yes please my hair shampoo and S oh the name please you do have an appointment no oh the earliest we could take you would be oh no no it's not important thank you thank you very much dare dare Guinness Susie isn't this marvelous when did you get into town no one said anything about your coming is anything the matter uh no uh just tired I guess I just got in this morning hey that makes it perfect you can drive back down to Newport with me this afternoon well it all sounds wonderful but I can't oh why not Bill's got the boat down there the whole crowd's going to come down for the weekend Tess and Rory and the B can't you postpone whatever it is come down I told you Susie it's impossible I can't okay we'll be back in town on Monday will you call yes would you like me to make an appointment no no uh thank you thank you very much bye-bye Susie bye dare the same time next week can I give you a lift you still want me to go to Newport yeah bill will be so surprised come on my car's right down [Music] here I have a confirmed reservation to New York on flight 818 the name is Johnson it's in will call oh here we are Mr Johnson thank you they're boarding at area 75 you better hurry I'll phone and tell them you're on your one gray Ford convertible it answers the description on the want urgent under the front seat I found uh I don't know exactly describe it but it looks like some kind of explosive [Music] device hi we all set as the building Public Relation man hadn't already okayed this I couldn't go for it how long you going to be up there I don't know it depends on the light well if you could wait till tomorrow morning I'd have a man free he could go up with you I wish I could but I got a deadline you'll have to sign this release this clears the building of responsibility in case of accident say what I've been disturbing anyone oh no no the windows are all sealed the offices are completely soundproof good can I take that PR elevator up sure thank you [Music] w [Music] you come he said he would he said what is he a Boy Scout always keeps his word this one is potso but he's done everything he said Vince he was at the bank right on a [Music] [Applause] minute four men dead all in one day one man who walked in the sight of a thousand people he's dead two men who waited to kill this Johnny cool they're dead and another man died in the privacy of a swimming [Music] pool get out H what could are you doing me in [Music] here age 27 height 5'6 weight 117 color of the hair is light brown color of eyes blue the description is from the New York driver's license issued in the name of Derek Guinness spelling on that is d a r e guu i n e [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] there will be no more 24-hour wedding periods the time for you to choose is right now either you act with sense or wherever you go wherever you hide my people will find each one of you like they found Murphy Hines marrow Crandle s Angelo tell us what do you want of us what's mine what I've taken but you are Ken's man if we let you keep for yourself what he sent you to get for him there will never be peace as long as he lives with one phone call he dies tomorrow when the Great colini gets his usual injection of hormones there will be a bubble of air in the needle and when that bubble reaches his heart he will die peacefully quietly [Music] n [Music] hi there anybody out here ooh it's alive oh well just barely look here have this bill made it this morning for everybody guaranteed to bring you back among the living yeah sure it is that's a rather fetching outfit I'll get you some clothes Susie was I awful last night no it's good for you to unwind what did I say nothing darling be patient with me huh baby you're the first sane people I've been with and my God can it only be 3 days dare we don't want to pry but if you're in any kind of trouble please let us help you bar shorts be [Music] okay isn't it [Music] terrible you wonder what kind of a person could do a thing like that sick it's a miracle those little boys weren't killed what little boys these little boys right here I didn't see any little dare dear what's [Music] wrong de Guinness s do do you have any idea what goes on out there well you couldn't underworld I always thought it was a word for the be well it's not it exists right out there just below what you can see a whole world full of monsters D I don't know what you're talking about I met a man 3 days ago I was with him 10 hours maybe I had just left him after he killed crle when I ran into you yesterday I drove him up the hill with the dynamite and now police have the car I'm going to get Bill no bill will know what to do maybe if it weren't for him there's nothing anyone can do when he wants to he'll find me not that I really want him to it's just that I know that if he walk through that door right now I'd want him so badly I'd crawl to him him I'm going to get [Music] Bill operator may I help you hello operator yes I'd like to call New York long distance person to person to Mr Lewis Murphy yes I I know Mr Murphy is deceased to whom am I speaking this is Miss Conley I was Mr Murphy's personal secretary all right if you want the man who killed him he'll be in a restaurant call the real Tony at 7:00 tomorrow night the real Tony and tell them he'll be alone who is this he's always been alone please who is this [Music] hello how long Mr pool not long wait for me good evening Mr [Music] coou good evening Mr coou the young lady's waiting in a bag thank you put some champagne on Ice the best you've got [Music] oh [Music] for this you'll die every one of you in 24 hours my men will kill you you have no men Shana you you are alone I have an army out there yes an Army of Ghosts we know the same way we knew where to find you your woman told us you will not die we have special plans for you I'm the only one left who knows it all without me you can do nothing true but you will tell us I will tell you nothing I'm Giordano you will tell us it will take time but there is a wait even for Jano poor Virgo a city man weak with your stro I will tell you nothing we'll lock you up here in the morg without food or water and we'll beat you hard day after day and when you're hungry enough to eat even goat droppings we'll give you salt fish when you're met with thirst we will give you wine sweet wine a drop of wine for each word of truth then you will tell us and then you will join the Living [Music] Dead [Music] hey blast booze here for while cocktail never [Music] anybody well looks like we have [Music] company [Music] a police car just drove up now we know what we're going to say you've been with us for the past 4 days now let me do all the [Music] Talking drink up break [Music] up yes sir Mr blakley that's right what can I do for you I'd like to see a dare Guinness Miss Guinness is aboard why what's this all about well it seems she rented a car yesterday oh yes she told me about that well you see she met my wife in the beauty parlor in Beverly Hills and they came right down here and she left the car parked at the beauty parlor it must have seven tickets on it by now well it seems that car was involved in the killing of Leonard Crandle yesterday in Beverly Hills oh that's terrible it must have been stolen probably but I would like to talk to Miss Guinness about a certain Johnny colini or Johnny cool Johnny Kini no I bill it's no use Bill the man you're looking for he's dead I killed him I think you better come with us we'll wait while you change your clothes no let's go [Music] now [Music] I
Channel: Film Fanatic Collection
Views: 1,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, ActionMovie, CrimeMovie, DramaMovie, ThrillerMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Johnny Cool, Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller, William Asher, Henry Silva, Elizabeth Montgomery, Richard Anderson
Id: NX4efsw0ADk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 4sec (5944 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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