New York Confidential (1955) | Full Film Noir Movie | Broderick Crawford | Richard Conte

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thank you [Music] foreign foreign New York City the heart of the financial world the greatest port on the face of the Earth but here also is the nerve center of an organization that controls crime throughout the country an organization whose Insidious fingers dip not only into Vice murder narcotics but whose tentacles reach into gambling the waterfronts that corrupts and intimidates the World of Sport here in a city of millions of decent industrious people is a handful of men who form the top Echelon of organized crime hoodlums yes but now clothed in respectability to form a cartel known as The Syndicate on the January 9th on a quiet side street in Midtown Manhattan the law was violated not only the law of the city but the law of The Syndicate killing for personal vengeance [Music] trigger happy pig not only knocks off one of our best men but blasts a couple of citizens too take it easy Charlie we'll take care of andrado what do you mean take it easy I've been on the phone all day the organization saw I don't blame him we spend Millions to wrap things up and this pig blows the lid off and in my territory yet I always told you Charlie Andrea is a bad boy something wrong with him up here what do you want well I got Albert on my back hello yeah this is Lupo speaking hello Albert how are you I'm fine fine yeah I know I know the newspapers are playing it up big they're lowering the boom on us no he did this on his own it was personal I'm taking care of it right away so stop worrying will you hey Albert how's it family good I'm glad to hear it I'll talk to you real soon goodbye how did he take it well you know Albany never gets excited but he's worried calm down Charlie [Music] what is it now send him in oh Mr Lupo hi Ben hello honey I'm giving you a contract Pete andrado I want it done in the next 48 hours and I want it clean do you understand me clean Pete's a pretty rough guy and saw his boys they're going to be keeping their eyes open now do I have to tell you how did they would get some good boy from the middle west somebody andrada doesn't know don't you think we ought to wait a little while Charlie do things settle down no I don't I want this pick taken care of right away he made an unauthorized hit to gets hit himself fun Johnny Achilles in Chicago tell him I told you to call give him a setup he'll send you a good boy okay Ben I'll check with you later goodbye Mr Lupo sorry I'm so irritable man but this thing's got me upset I need a rest a vacation maybe a week or so in Florida do me some good huh yes Mr Lupo get my mother on the phone will you right hey Ben maybe you better leave town too especially while the hits being made huh yeah I think I'll take a drive down to Philadelphia and see my daughter she just sent me some new pictures of the kids hey these are wonderful this young one spitting image of you Ben believe me to split an image a lot of people say that Charlie what I had oh fun hello Mama see how'd you like to go down to Florida for about a week ah now come on it'll do you good Mama I'll tell you what you do you pack the bags I'll come home early with the tickets huh all right fine Mama talk to you later goodbye that same day a man boarded a plane at the Chicago airport this was Nick Magellan quiet inconspicuous nothing to distinguish him from the two dozen or so other Mayo passengers the wheels of The Syndicate had begun to move Swift Relentless merciless retribution was to strike Pete andrado in the person of one Nick Magellan destination New York purpose further here it comes now [Music] that's him getting out now [Music] okay he's all mine now [Music] do you know when a blonde name comes out and likes a cigarette that means andrado's ready to leave who's the blonde andrado's ex-wife she's fingering him do you know when you see andrado come out start your cab and drive down the corner here why you got your signal to move as soon as he's out the open gun the car and Magellan you're listening Magellan yeah I'm listening when you get here let him have it his boys are with Him blast them too Gino's cab will be used to crash car and cover your getaway why do you will drive you someplace so he can get rid of the here can you two split up and he'll list the car you got it Magellan you all through yeah I'm through when I make a hit I don't like a lot of company especially blonde names just give me a driver I'll do the rest look Wise Guy I know Peter andrado he's rough and he's no dope you want me to make this hit or do you want to do it yourself you just better not miss Magellan I don't miss you got a silencer well give him a dollar sir just remember Magellan Mr Lupo wants this clean don't worry it'll be clean clean as a whistle come on lady Let's Take a Ride why don't you get rid of that guy beats to any minute you're back drill pal I'll take another beer but Jane finish with this one it's flat bring me another one hiya boys get rid of him something wrong with the food I didn't make any complaints you're taking an awful long time needed I have a slow either beat it I haven't finished my sandwich I told you to beat it okay you don't have to get tough about it Frisk him he's clean look at this coat it's clean here now get out of here we don't want you though just Beat It okay he's got good [Music] thank you death came today to racketeer Pete andrado according to police this is obviously a Gangland reprisal for the shooting of Louis Martinez two days ago in Manhattan in which John Pickens an innocent bystander was brutally murdered and his wife critically injured from her bed at City Hospital yeah it's me Arnie hello Nick hi Whitey there's plenty of heat on around town you sure nobody saw you it didn't take us more than 30 minutes Nick comes out and we drive away and nobody even tumbles to us if I had the time to stick around I'd really show you boys a few tricks look Magellan you were pulled in on this job because andrado didn't know you we got a dozen boys could have done just as good a job better point just give me my door for the job so I can get back to Chicago this time bores me you're not leaving you've got to hang around for a while look I work for Achilles I'm taking the first plane out of here tonight right now you're on a loan out and you're working for Lupo he says stay you stay Lupa wants me to stay yeah he called me from Miami he said he wants to see it he'll be back in a few days I guess Lupo appreciates real talent this may be the home run that pays off very funny I'll need some expense money so long Nick so long Whitey by emerging the lumber company with the East West tracking Corporation we can write off a capital loss and see if I have three hundred thousand dollars in taxes the doctor should have to eat this tastes like seven you put wallpaper on with boy did I Live It Up in Miami oysters Lobster Newberg French pastry got sick as a dog mama had to stay up with me all one night you're sure nuts to eat stuff like that with your stomach that guy's got to bust loose once in a while how's business generally Morris very good up 4.7 percent over last year it's good to have a nice legitimate business tell me something how the rackets doing excellent Mr Lupo I eight percent over the last year the numbers did alone one million 672 875 dollars better for the first quarter this guy kills me he's got a better memory than an elephant carries a whole set of books in his head never makes a mistake thank you Mr Lupo what about Brooklyn picking up my name I was going to mention Brooklyn it's pulling down on average their collections dropped off two percent again you don't think there's anything dishonest going on over there do you I couldn't see but the collections have flown very sharply maybe I better replace so Mike what a new boy no he's one of the best he's got dams on his mind that's his trouble too many dams I'll talk with Mars okay Morris you want me to leave while you're talking to magenta oh no no you stay here I want you to meet him boy does this bring back memories it's fun to give me my first break and I remember Frank Magellan I met him in Chicago just before I got knocked off was a fisherman I've got him wasn't it yeah it was during the beer War just for repeal there's a great guy rest his soul goodbye bye Mars thanks Boris it's always a pleasure yeah I almost died when I talked to Achilles in Miami he told me with cinnamon Magellan Sundown says he's a smart boy we can use a smart boy around here with some of the dummies we got working for us Mr Lupo come in come in how are you this is Mr daggertonian hello Magellan sit down Nick sit down and it's just like his father only better looking father and I were friends Nick real good friends yes I know he used to talk about you a lot when I was a kid how would you like to work for me thanks for the offer Mr Looper but I already worked for Johnny Achilles I'll pay you more money I'm sorry I work for Mr Achilles look kid you're talking to Lobo you should be happy to work for me this guy's begging to work for Lupo I appreciate that Mr Lou bourbon Johnny Achilles gave me my break and as long as he wants me I'm staying with him I already talked to Achilles and it's all right with him well that's different Mr Lupo if it's okay with him it's okay with me now you're working for me then we're gonna have to find the right spot for him what about Brooklyn might keep some Mike on his toes all right I assume Michael come back in line after you talk to him look Nick give Ben and me a chance to kick this thing around a while would he sure fine thanks Mr Lupo you won't be disappointed yeah I know I won't goodbye goodbye Magellan check with me tomorrow fine foreign polite you know Ben that Franklin Magellan was the toughest guy I ever knew absolutely the toughest he's pretty loyal to Achilles you noticed that too huh loyally that's something you can't buy half the pigs that work for us can't even spell it oh and I wouldn't give for a salami on rye and a kosher pickle yeah just a minute three Jacks three ladies it's for you Magellan yeah right I'll be waiting out front cash me in who was that my Governor she thinks I ought to be in bed the Lopez been shot bad I don't think so he talked to me himself doctor's on his way over there where did it happen in this house Long Island I got him through the window Andrea must have had some good friends his brother Kansas City we got a tip a couple of days ago he was blowing his mat off about getting lopa we were watching from but he must have slipped in a town you want me to take care of him oh you got another job you stay close to Loop until we find Louis andrado night and day stay with him I'll stay with him as the academian night and day hello Mr David how bad is it not much just licked him on the left arm the boss is more mad than her the doctor's still here they're in the library well yeah when it happened upstairs by the time I got outside andrada would beat it better take a look around the ground snake and Rado finds out he missed Charlie he might be back okay I'm Nick Magellan glad to know you I'm Ed Barnes nice place yeah I set the boss back 300 Grand who said no more guns that it was just going to be business and now you are getting shot at again just like the old days mama please I told you it was a crazy hopped up pig nobody shoots a global only crazy pigs no no it's like the old days you are getting shot at again but I am not young like I used to be I can't nurse you mama mama mama please mama go make some coffee for the boys huh shoot just like the old days I know well that looks like he's going to live huh yeah just a little flesh wound not very deep I guess Charlie Aussie's life to that rug yeah how about that I tripped over the rugs the bullet came through the window I got in the other room all right but that piggy put a bullet right in the middle of my painting you're lucky he went through the painting instead of you lucky you know what that painting cost me 30 grand just look at it 30 grand [Music] uh [Music] get him up what is this let's go up turn around stick your hands off him just over you I'm Catherine Lupo I happen to live here I work for your father I'm terribly sorry about this Dan forget about it Kathy it was just a mistake I'm really sorry I'm so humiliated look it wasn't your fault forget about it will you I'll call you tomorrow okay all right good night Kevin good night Stan [Music] don't ever do that again let me go take your dirty hands off me oh you listening to me I'm sorry I had to wrap up your boyfriend I didn't have time to be polite the father's been shot a shot is it serious I don't know doctor's inside with him now there's nothing to worry about just a slight wound your father's too tough to let a little thing like that bothering how you all right pop Fire's just a scratch nothing to worry about see how my girl worries about me Ben well why shouldn't she hello Uncle Ben hello Kathy tell me did you have a good time at the party all right see any of your friends from college we left early must have been kind of boring I'd rather not talk about it oh hi Nick come on in come on in how you feeling Mr Lupa I'm fine fine well Kathy this is Nick Magellan Nick this is my daughter Kathy we've met that's a pretty big drink for a little girl I'm a friend I suppose this will be in all the newspapers tomorrow no of course not not one word of it Kenny how'd it happen some slob took a shot at me through the window that's uh for no reason I suppose none that I know of but it won't stop there you won't let it stop there will you papa now you give the artist to shoot whoever shot you isn't that the way it works Uncle Ben Kathy I've told you my business has nothing to do with you it has lots to do with me you see I have to live with it too decent people don't want me around it's as though I had a disease I'm a freak because I'm Lupo's daughter what's wrong with Lupo I can buy and sell any of those pigs you better start getting some respect for your father I'm ashamed of the name of Lupo and I'm ashamed of you don't ever say that again Kathy ever I'm paying attention to a child is she's just a little upset that so yeah sure you better get some rest take care of that arm maybe you shouldn't go to the office tomorrow I'll be all right I'll see you tomorrow good night Charlie Goodnight Ben good night good night it'll show you your room see you in the morning Nick nice [Music] the district attorney is here well show him right in how are you judge Kincaid fine thank you Rossi I'm sorry to bring you here at this hour sit down thank you I got a call from the governor and he's appointed me to head a crime commission I'm leaving for Albany in the morning you can count on the full cooperation of my office I know that have you gotten any leads on the adrado killing not a thing yet except that we're sure it's The Syndicate it's the old familiar pattern evil destroying itself I'm afraid we've got to do a little destroying too that's what I wanted to talk to you about Rossi strategy we'll shoot for the top loophole Lupo it's a pretty big order good morning good morning about last night I suppose I shouldn't have slapped you under the circumstances you were probably only doing your job you don't have to apologize I'm not apologizing I still think you're a rude and ill-mannered and I apologize one of us Kathy what would you have for breakfast just coffee yet all right you've been pretty rough with your father last night you know Mr Magellan you have a pension for interfering in other people's Affairs pension exactly pension means a strong inclination to it and I'd appreciate it Hereafter if you'd mind your own business morning good morning good morning Papa good morning Mr Lupa how'd you sleep Nick fine how's the arm oh it's a little stiff I feel kind of silly wearing this thing though ready for breakfast boss yeah but no Cream of Wheat but the duck said you're supposed to eat it no Cream of Wheat okay okay boss no cream of wheat well what's my girl gonna do today haven't decided yet well maybe you're gonna have lunch with Stan huh you know she's going with a real nice kid Nick Kathy I like that boy would you mind changing the subject is anything wrong no not a thing yeah there's something wrong I can tell I know there was something wrong last night did you and Stan have a fight I'm not going to see him anymore come on Kathy don't want to quarrel upset you all young people quarrel we didn't have a quarrel Papa his family feels that association with a gangster's daughter might harm his career that's it period is he important to you Kathy what's the difference it's over answer me is he important to you it doesn't matter anymore if you want that boy you're going to have him Kathy how Papa you gonna buy him for me you're gonna buy me a man now like you buy me a new dress or a car stop talking like a child Kathy you don't understand these things if it's important to you I can do something for the boy I can set him up in business I understand I understand very well you'll make a big man of him and then corrupt him like you do everything else you touch shut up Kathy but you can't corrupt him I won't let you I won't let you shut up Kathy now leave the table I just don't understand that kid anymore Nick you're gonna chip on his shoulder I do everything in the world for us he's still got a chip on her shoulder I wouldn't worry about it she's full of psychological conflicts but she'll straighten out I hope you're right Nick I hope you're right say you've had a pretty good education haven't you know I like that most of the dummies work for me can't even write their names I never had much school either I read a lot I read all the best sellers tell me something Nick you got any other clothes I have a couple of Suits back in Chicago I'm standing for them leave them there look after you dropped me to the office you could have Barona he's my team I wrote yourself some suits nothing like you're wearing let him pick him out he's got a good taste all right swell of you Mr Lupo I have a penchant for nice things you got a what penchant yeah sure good morning Mr Lupo what happened to your arms hi stranded Hello Johnny how are you Nick you're going down to baronis I'll talk to you later come on in fraud who's he or Frawley Mr Lupo's lawyer he looks well fed he is if you need me I'll be back in a couple of hours no stripes no stripes what's on your mind froley the governor is appointing a crime commission we've had them before judge Kincaid is heading this one who else Henry waltham's on it but he's in our Corner find out where the rest are and get to him that's what I wanted to talk to you about Charlie I'm going to need more money at least a couple of hundred thousand wait a minute 40 we're paying plenty for protection we're not going to pay anymore there will be big men on this commission Charlie even if we can reach them their price will be high this wasn't figured on our budget they're a bunch of crops just a bunch of lousy Crooks if Kincaid ever gets into the Washington deal all right all right Freddy I gotta get your money but I want the commission block do you understand I'll do the best I can Charlie it's not good enough I want it stopped and stop cold all right Charlie nothing but a bunch of lousy Crooks then down a delicatessen get me a salami on rye you heard me a salami on rye and of course your pickle Mallet head Hi boss Mr magazine phone said to call him as soon as he got in he's at home get me by carbon of soda will he must have eaten something didn't agree with your boss okay okay right away hi join me no thanks no bad habits huh not during business hours and even to please the boss's daughter especially not with the boss's daughter afraid could be make I wonder about you you're not like the rest of Papa's hoodlums I like to use the term employee like a cobra always relaxed yet always ready to strike Nick excuse me jump Fido Papa give your liver that's good news man thanks see you tomorrow they got Louis andrado in Detroit he was trying to make it to Canada oh good then I guess you won't be needing me anymore I'll check with Mr taka Johnny in the morning no no no you stay with me Nick I got plans for you that's fine with me [Music] and no Stripes you are born to wear clothes like that Nick you look simply terrific you know if I were a little younger don't give me any ideas the boss still here go right in he's waiting for you foreign that's wonderful turn around turn around hello Iris Nick Magellan glad to know you it's quite a difference Bernie did a great job not a beauty Iris real class huh Mr majella makes a very handsome picture you make yourself at home next soon as I'm finished checking these reports take them to Common to be typed and take them over to Franklin's office in the morning but you're liking my TV Mr Magellan we were just having one that is I was uh not right now thanks sure picked a fine night to go to a show when I'm up to my neck and these reports and finally getting Charlie to the theater I practically have to drag him and then he always wants to leave after the First Act it's those shows they bombing and these look all right Nick I talked to go to Washington with me that's fine with me boss thank you bye what are you going dear first part of the week I'll only be going a couple of days isn't everything I said he was he's definitely got something sure he has class that's what he's got real class be through with these in about an hour that's for me I'm not here hello oh yes Mrs Lupo your mother oh excuse me hello my mama when now look mama please don't get excited about this whole thing I'll take care of it right away yes Mama I know but all right Mama yeah I'll be there yes Mother goodbye sorry Iris I gotta go home oh Charlie Nick do me a favor take Iris to the theater pick up the reports in the morning I'll talk to you tomorrow I hate to impose on you Mr Magellan of course if you'd rather not go where do you want to eat there's a nice little restaurant on the east side she's leaving Charlie she's leaving us where is she she's upstairs packing be nice to her Charlie be gentle I will what's happening Kathy I'm leaving this house for good come on now stop all that nonsense will you I've taken all I can take of this house and everything it stands for you're pretty upset what's happened Stan wants to marry me he doesn't care what his family thinks anymore I think that's wonderful news you should be very happy should I Papa should I be happy because you're bottom like you're by everybody else I didn't buy him of course I talked to the boy but what's wrong with helping Stan practical Kathy I only did it for you haven't I always given you everything you've ever wanted yes papa you've given me everything everything with self-respect and decency that's something you can't buy self-respect I'm tired of your self-respecting your decent people you think those East Side snobs got me more self-respect than me I can tell you a lot about those two-faced pigs they're no better than me and maybe worse I know Papa you can buy and sell them you can buy and sell them with your blood Money Blood Money blood money you caught good enough to buy you these and these it's good enough to fire those ones you call it Blood Money was good enough to send you to Europe and put you to the best schools you call it Blood Money you know the trouble with your cavities you're spoiled and I spoiled you yes you spoiled me papa you bought me like you buy everybody else and I hate myself for it I hate everything I've ever taken but no more I'm leaving here and I'm getting rid of the name of Lupo I won't let it kill me like I'd kill my mother impact of fabulous day that was typical Papa you're still a hula he'll never be anything else [Music] good night Iris come on in for a nightcap no thanks I think I'll run along nonsense curfew hasn't rung yet besides I'm still in a talkative mood there's one thing you learn in my racket stay in your own territory [Music] have you heard the San Diego cash on the line we don't get the oil leases until his country gets alone how else could it be suppose my government should deliver the oil to you gentlemen at your low price and then should fail to receive the loan from your government once this come up for congress Williamson this is Washington Charlie you can't rush things here you understand Mr Lupo that we must tread most delicately as a matter of fact this brings to mind The Teapot Dome scandal of some years ago serious patients for congress look I know this is no Breeze but you guys aren't working for nothing with your five percent you know no one's complaining Charlie we've just got to be cautious there's been a lot of opposition to this loan have the vessels been purchased yet we bought 12 tankers all under Panamanian registry under dummy names of course I'm worried about the big American and English oil companies if it leaks out your organization's getting the oil leases so cheaply they'll smell the government loans tied to it they'll blow this deal right up in our faces and a lot of people with it too that's my department Charlie let me worry about that in your life Williamson Goodbye Mr Lupo I'll see you huh see you in New York Charlie right don't worry about a thing Charlie I'll keep you advised yeah do that a bunch of pigs that Williamson's a pretty smooth article it's the best lobbyist in Washington big man behind the scenes recognize the other tunic the one with a big hat isn't he the guy that was shooting his mouth off of a corruption in government yeah that's right and he's got his price just remember that Nick everybody's got a price all you gotta do is find out what it is Hi boss glad to see you back boss what your mother wants to see you right away she's up in her room is anything wrong you better talk to her what happened Mama Katie is gone go on go anywhere she's left us Charlie she went early this morning all right where'd she go she wouldn't tell me tell me he said she was leaving for good what a crazy kid where's she gonna go was she gonna live this is her home mama she belongs here you know Mama we spoil her that's the trouble don't worry Mom I'll find her and bring her back and knock some sense into that stubborn head of hers don't you worry Mama I'll bring her back Charlie we're not getting any action from this guy Williamson yeah I know I know he talked to me on the phone a couple of weeks ago he's having trouble lining up some of the boys that's all don't smell kosher to me I don't know how far you can trust these striped pants fellas I'll have four to go down and look into it how the rest of our Enterprises doing Mars excellent Las Vegas is showing a substantial increase the only spot we are Falling Down is Brooklyn they dropped again this quarter that's so much dams I'm having a neck look into that don't worry about so much that's all Morris thanks a lot thanks always a pleasure Mr Lupo oh get these reports out to the boys today will you I'll mail them this afternoon Goodbye Mr Lupo to find out anything yet Ben not yet Charlie boys can't find trees enough she just fell out of sight I wonder where she can be Charlie don't worry might take a little time but we'll find it I've got to get her back Ben I know see you later Charlie thank you [Music] hello Mr Magellan Mr macaron back in the office you want me to get them don't bother what's on your mind Magellan do you mind leaving stay right where you are baby I will honey I'd rather not have baby around for this she's staying these mix you're chasing with the taking your mind off your business we don't like it oh we don't like it instead of getting your name in the nightclub Collins we want to see some results in your collections uh-huh well if Lupo has any beefs he can give them I don't like to be bothered by Aaron boys that's tough because you're going to be bothered by this Aaron boy from now on the collections go up or you go out I've been working for The Syndicate a long time Magellan and nobody ever tried to push me around even Mr Lupo never tried to muscle me so I'm certainly not going to be shoved around by a two-bit Punk like you I'm gonna give you real trouble for that Magellan I'm coming to check on you every week sumac and this mink better not be here during business hours say that's the second time you've called me a mink would two o'clock Wednesday be all right for you Mr Perkins fine we'll see you then bye-bye hello Kathy Nick what are you doing here how did you find me you should have changed hairdressers I want to talk to you no please I can't talk here here leave me alone Nick how about dinner with me look I'm happy here don't spoil it for me they don't know who I am how about dinner no please okay I'm staying until you say yes hello Miss Lang good afternoon Mrs Wilson would you be seated the doctor be with you shortly thank you I think I can arrange that appointment for you after all so would six o'clock this evening be convenient six would be fine I'll be here right on the DOT [Music] what are you trying to prove Kathy living in a dump making 45 bucks a week I'm living my life the way I want to you're breaking your Father's Heart don't think I don't love Papa that's the trouble I love him as a father I did test him as a man I hate everything he stands for everything he believes in what do you think anybody else believes him take a look around you see that bus boy over there he steals from the way to the way to steal from the honor and the owner gips the government you really believe for what he can get nobody's handing out any free lunches in this world Kathy when I was a kid I wore shoes with holes in them I walked pants that were too big handed out from the kid upstairs when my father was killed my mother sold buttonholes for 1250 a week to buy me bread you didn't sell button also you'd wind up like this what should I have been instead a banker a big brain surgeon Secretary of State my father was Frank Magellan could I've gone a half or the West Point you're on a bind Kathy you want to bind before you were born so was I so make the best of it hang on to what you've got you see this 200 bucks and this custom made 25 bucks that's what's important doesn't matter how you get it as long as you've got it don't try to fight something you can't beat or you'll be in for a big letdown I believe that I wouldn't want to live anymore take me home Nick [Music] [Music] this is where I live please don't tell Papa where I am I won't I promise [Music] if you need anything anything at all you know where you can reach me yes I know good night Nick good night Kathy all right [Music] foreign he might have been a pretty boy once I wonder what he looks like now take a good look I'm sorry I couldn't be announced this time but your boy is lying behind the bar with a slight headache hurt your hand yeah let's see it not that way over here I said over here put it on the desk where I can get a good look at it go out and get it fixed [Music] foreign [Music] do you like it better with the lights out let's have it that way [Music] you know where the guns are let's see again [Music] foreign [Music] are you awake mama yes come in Charlie [Music] do you think she'll come home Mama or Charlie 's gone she's gone for good I'm gonna find her mama I'm gonna talk to her leave her alone for once in your life leave her alone give her a chance let her find what she's looking for you are my boy Charlie and I love you but you are not always right listen to your mama leave the child alone get to the point Foley why am I here it's about Ben Jack and Jenny I got a hot tip in Washington this morning that they're going after him on illegal entry into the country deportation yes the immigration authorities will probably serve him next week okay so we'll fight it we've beaten those rats before you won't beat this Magellan they've got him cold you can't even begin to fight this if you do we can forget about the oil deal what's the oil deal Got to Do With It plenty Nick this is meet for judge Kincaid in his commission he'll make a big thing of this Dragon Lupo everybody put the spotlight on The Syndicate look Magellan I've spent nearly a year lining up some very influential people on this government loan you'll scare them off if you put The Syndicate on the front pages thank you janians got to get out of the country before the proceedings can even get underway you want me to break this to Lupo close to Charlie you can explain it to him better than we can oh sure I can explain it real good I just say Charlie you got to throw your best friend out of the country I'm sure you can be a little more diplomatic than that yeah Williamson that can be real diplomatic like you Country Club Hypocrites just wrap the knife and velvet before I shove it in but I think that's a little uncalled for now Nick there's no need to get nasty with Paul about this but besides this isn't the most unfortunate thing that could happen to you after dageanian is gone somebody has to take his place and you're in pretty solid with Lupo Ben's gonna have to go that's all there is to it Nick The Syndicate comes first sure we couldn't find it Charlie there's not a chance this oil deal is too important to have been this is about the toughest thing I've ever had to do in my life you want me to break it to him Charlie oh that hurt him even worse I'll break it to him Nick do you know that Ben and your father were the first friends I had in this country yes I know Charlie Ben saved my lifetime the doctors me almost got killed doing it too he's gonna have to go that's all there is to it your organization comes first I wonder how she's getting along Nick I'm sure she's all right Charlie if I only know where she was if I knew that she was all right you're sure nobody's turned in any information on anik no not a thing wherever she is I hope she's happy [Music] hi my handsome you look I'm sorry I'm late I got caught in theater traffic not late at all the party's just starting guest Ivana is waiting for you party anyway I don't know probably called and said to come on over between shows and bring some friends live for her I haven't eaten like this in weeks here he is Johnny Nick how are you good to see you again it's good to see you Mr Achilles I don't call me mister let me look at you you're looking wonderful Charlie you're making a real gentleman out of him not me it was always there oh it's been a year now you're moving up in the world huh kid he's going to take over dagogenian spot that's great congratulations yeah yeah now those three men are very important to men honey you see that big fella over there that's Mr Lupo come on I'll introduce you to them how's the creature Nick pretty good Johnny father when I roll for me hello gentlemen gentlemen I'd like to have you meet my new client this is Miss Doreen Hill Mr Lupo Mr Rod killers and Mr magellito how do you do dances like ninjinski I thought maybe she'd be great in one of your spots Up in Vegas it might be a spot for in one of our Chicago Clubs oh that would be great Mr ocula this is a great kid they'd love her in Chicago they buy a drinker well of course you can use love to have a drink wouldn't you honey I had love to see you later boys dances like majinski kissing there's a phone call for you Charlie well thanks Eric excuse me [Music] twice last week and you didn't call back I guess the girl forgot to tell me you're lying okay so I'm lying come on I'll buy you a drink hello Marshall where are you I'm in a phone booth at LaGuardia I couldn't reach you this afternoon I just flew in was anything wrong Ruby get Mr Magellan Mr Achilles in here right away what all right let's go to my office I'll meet you there we're absolutely dead Williamson sold us up for payoff he tipped off the big oil companies about our deal they went right to the White House and exposed the government long there's not a chance of putting it through I don't get it Marshall I mean to say he could pull a complete double cross like this and you didn't even smell it Williamson was engineering the whole thing I was only handling a face of it what about the millions of dollars we got stuck in those tankers down in Panama I wish I could give you an answer to that but I can't maybe you're cutting in on Williamson's payoff do you think I'd be here now if I were you might look gentlemen I mean I'm telling you the truth I'm as sick about this thing as you are all right all right take it easy you're sure nothing can be done how much positive Charlie that's about it good night gentlemen a billion dollar deal that lousy crook a billion dollar deal Johnny Williamson can't get away with this Charlie what do you mean he can't he already did the pig a billion dollar deal we can't let him get away with it I think we better have a meet you make the phone calls Nick telling me it's the day after tomorrow a big Harry's afraid of planes I should give him time enough to get here numbers are in my private book come on Johnny I'll drop you double down good night good night see you tomorrow a meeting from every territory in the country they answered the summons names you seldom here faces you rarely see the high court of organized crime sitting in judgment a judgment which is final from which there is no appeal legally we haven't got a leg to stand on Williamson knows this all we can do is take our losses and keep our mouths shut not only do we lose a billion dollar deal we got to take a rep of 10 million besides what about our other contacts in Washington can't they put some pressure on I've spoken to a few of the boys there this thing is too hot all the grease we've been spreading in this loss makes suckers in it anything else gentlemen that's all for Alex I'll be in my office all afternoon if you need me good day gentlemen the meeting's open for discussion I see no reason for any discussion this rap double crossed us cost us a fortune the only thing to do is hit him in the head wait a minute wait a minute Williamson's an important man he's got powerful friends if we knock him off and erase a Sting from one end of the country to the other he crossed us and he's got it coming like any other Pig I agree with Johnny hit him in the head now I've given us a lot of thought I hate to say this but the smart thing to do is lay off Williamson Charlie we can't that word get around that Williamson crossed us and got away with it we'd be wide open for more double crosses I say vote right now I think we should talk to Albert I've taken into consideration what you might have said but I'm thinking of the organization there's no telling what will happen if we knock Williamson off to tell you the truth I'm afraid of it yeah Mr de Lucia on the phone thanks Nick hello Albert how are you oh just fine fine but all the boys are right here now we haven't voted yet we wanted to talk to you what yeah I understand Albert I'll tell him they send their regards to you say a lot of banana for me will you take care of yourself Alvin goodbye Albert votes a hit let's take a vote start with you Johnny hit hit hit hit I don't agree but I'll make it unanimous hit Charlie it's the only way to handle this I hope you're right Johnny who gets a contract Williamson booked passage for Europe the end of next week you'll be in New York Lupo gets the contract is there anything else meetings adjourned they voted a hit huh and Albert went along with him who got the contract Williamson will be in New York next week that's all the rest of them are so hot for why didn't you make one of them take it oh wait a minute kid that's the wrong attitude to have we took a bonus to will of the majority that's all you want me to make a Charlie no no I don't I don't want you mixed up in this matter of fact I don't want you making no more hits you know something Nick I got a funny feeling about this hit I wish I could shake it but I can't he's got reservations at the hotel on Thursday is both sales on Saturday we'll make the hit during that time when he gets to town how much every movie he makes here give me some pictures of him I know what he looks like I've seen this kiss in the newspaper I don't care what you're saying study him running his faces what does he know your own and burn them I don't want any slip-ups okay Mr Lupo oh if you make a hit scan of the addresses I gave you I'll send a guy with instructions we're gonna go and hide out so any questions all right now hear me good on this I want to clean clean as a whistle all right get out call for Mr Lewis Davis he just came and he's going to the elevator call for Mr Lewis Davis foreign [Music] thank you I didn't eat all day how about going up the Sheepshead Bay for a seafood dinner I ain't hungry what's the matter you're nervous I just ain't hungry foreign crab give me the police hurry going down main lobby all right garage this is the main lobby we're going to the garage too [Music] garage to your right it's in the lobby something's wrong because over on 38th Street forget it we'll grab one here [Music] that one your claim check sir [Music] you two men come with me [Music] garage Google covered the garage you come with me come on we'll get another [Music] hey a copper [Music] all right [Music] he shot it out with him no he's not expected to Live come on Joe snap it up we got papers to phone Tom and Donald Mitchell yeah you think she shot one of them boy his death patrolman Mitchell positively identified the three killers one of the most intensive dragnets in the history of New York has been set up airports railroad Depots and shipping terminals are being washed smelled it Nick I smelled it I told you I was afraid of this hit those guys are red hot they're having a prayer of getting away the cops pick them up they're going to talk we need insurance I'll take care of it Charlie they're expecting somebody I told him I'd send somebody with money and instructions they'll get their instructions wait a minute don't take any unnecessary chances you play it safe and they can't understand I will Charlie don't worry [Music] yeah it's me Nick boy am I glad to see you Nick I've been going nuts in this room all night all night I bet the heat show he'd shoot out and shoot and we had to blast him Lupo Ain't So about that is he no no of course not you got the door on the ticket yeah nice long trip Whitey that's good I can use a vacation [Music] Nick what are you doing don't do it Nick give me a break please don't Nick [Music] thank you I hope I'm going to Cleveland I know a lot of boys out there you're going a little farther than that you know you dirty Rock [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] excuse me sir but there's a man here to see you he says it's important who is it he won't give his name he says it's a personal matter if he won't State his business tell him I don't want to be disturbed I think you want to see me judge Kincaid I'm Arnie Wendler you can leave us alone Mrs Wesley and tell her not to give me cute ideas like call the cops you can retire now I won't need you anymore tonight you're the man who was wounded by the policeman yeah got a shadow whiskey judge I have some Sherry that'll do I guess better nothing I've come to offer you a deal what kind of a deal how would you like me to sing to turn States evidence and what do you expect in return I want to walk out clean absolutely clean you have the audacity to suggest a proposal like that to me that's the deal take it or leave it what makes you think I'd make a bargain like this with you Wendler you haven't a chance this entire city is looking for you you'll be picked up in a matter of days hours do you like to crack The Syndicate would you concave you'd like to reach one of the big boys go on me I'm small fry maybe I burn for Williamson's murder but I don't have to testify I don't even have to open my trap in a courtroom unless I want to but if I do I nail one of the big boys for you maybe the biggest I can put the finger right on Charlie Lupo I can't be a party to this Wendler the police will have to find other means if you mean Whitey and Gino forget it they're lying a couple furnished rooms on the West Side full of lead I dropped over to see him but somebody got there ahead of me when I have devoted my life to stamping out Vermin like you and all my years on the bench I never conceived that I could ever lower myself to make a bargain with your kind okay so you hate my guts is it a deal I can't promise anything I can only assure you that I'll use my influence in recommending the proposition that's good enough for me judge I happen to know that I wouldn't dare cross you downtown let's shake on it that's not necessary Wendell you have my word okay judge or just one thing more you better not call downtown to have me picked up chances are you'd never get to see me in a courtroom alive I'll have you placed in special custody Kincaid's got him done at the DA's office now and he's singing his head off I tried to get in and I couldn't Kincaid's keeping him under wraps when there is not too much he can implicate you in Williamson's murder and that's exactly what Kincaid wants where are they holding Oni I don't know Kincaid's keeping it secret and he's got special guards to watch him 24 hours a day you won't get to him who'd the D.A give the case to Hartman and he's like a bulldog you can't touch him he's absolutely straight besides he sees a big opportunity to make a name for himself all right go down and try and block the indictment if we store long enough maybe some of the heat will be off you don't know Kincaid I'm worried Charlie plenty worried you're not going to fall apart now are you Frawley I'll do the best I can Charlie if I don't talk to you later I'll call you first thing in the morning oh Mama come here a minute will you please that's a good Nick could be a lot better I think you ought to take yourself out of circulation for a while Charlie you can't depend on those slabs downtown they're getting milk in their veins yeah you're right I need time to think the whole thing out what is it Charlie mama would you please pack a bag for me I want to leave town for a while going away mama please just pack the bag I've got to go out of town for a while that's all you're going to hide out that's it isn't it Charlie we've got to hide out again Mama please just pack the bag I won't be gone long honest I you got a spot picked out Charlie yeah Nick I want you to drop me there after you leave me don't tell anybody where I am you understand nobody I understand you're a good boy Nick what's happening those newspaper reporters have been driving me crazy they won't let me alone I told you to have the phone cut off anything happen I just want to talk to you was that the reason for the big rush call well I had to talk to somebody I'd been out of this place in days any cops have been here no just the two detectives I told you about well they come again give them the same treatment you don't know a thing I really don't Nick good keep it that way can I mix you a drink I haven't got time oh oh come on you can spend a few minutes with me you don't know how lonely I've been how's Charlie he's fine things serious isn't it it's no picnic the papers say that Charlie's finished this time for good that'll be a cool day I'm worried about Charlie or about losing this joint and everything that goes with it I don't deserve that why I hadn't noticed yes you do why don't you let yourself go Nick you're way off base Iris no don't call Nick taco you're a beautiful day Iris one of the best I've seen and you treat me like it was Christmas Eve but no thanks I see through you like those silk dresses you wear you figure Charlie's on the skids and it's safe to play I told you before and I'll tell you again I'm not interested we're going for murder in the first degree you'll never make it stick look at your style witness a hood with a police record a mile long his testimony will never stand up in court we'll give it a good try I think we've got loophole this time hello Hardman good to see you froley I thought you ought to be in on this Bob wants to make a deal for his client what would you say to a manslaughter charged with minimum sentence manslaughter that would be a deal for your client all right how about you boys coming up with an offer if we can work this out you'll save the state a lot of time and money get your conviction and come out Heroes want to give us a couple of minutes alone Bob sure take your time I'll wait in Leon's office what do you think Chief well we've got Lupo on the run or Frawley wouldn't be here but if this thing drags out there's always the chance that Windler might get a loss of memory I've seen it happen before that's got me worried too he's already getting jittery asking if we've picked up Lupo yet but manslaughter Frawley doesn't expect to get that I think Kincaid would go along with second-degree murder I'm sure he would let's try it Bob well what's the verdict murder two it's pretty rough they'll throw the book at him he'll never go for it it's the best we can do either that or we go for first degree all right I'll let you know in a day or two but I have a feeling I'm going to see you boys in court what kind of a deal is that you know what this rap carries I'll spend the rest of my life and stir it at pink at Frawley calls himself a lawyer he said if we don't take it they're going for murder one all right let them let him try it I'm gonna sweat this thing out I can sweat it out as long as I can Eric can do you watch that when they turn yellow there's an awful lot of heat on the organization Charlie what do you mean it's getting worse yeah not only here all over the country it's temporary Nick believe me it's temporary the guys are behind me every one of them that cut off their right arm footage at Lupo take a rep yeah you're right Charlie you need anything no I'm fine Nick I'll be all right thanks I guess Kathy's read about this whole thing in the papers yeah I suppose so I hope it isn't too rough on the kid so long Charlie I'll see in a few days okay I'll see you thanks a lot Nick thanks [Music] who is it it's me Kathy hi hi buy me a drink oh I'm making some coffee I said a drink a big one what's the reason for the celebration I just decided to live in Olivia that's all what's eating you Kathy let's have it a big one what's the matter what the cops find you yes they just paid me a little visit at the office to ask a few questions about Papa oh they couldn't have been nicer the reporters were very nice too even the doctor was nice when he fired me oh he assured me it didn't make any difference to him who I was but he had to think about his patience I knew you'd get belted Kathy you were wide open yes Nick you told me and you were right that little world I was planning for myself blow up right in my face but why don't you laugh come on have a good one no Kathy I'm not laughing I should have listened to you Nick you had all the answers you told me I couldn't beat it you told me I was in for a big letdown well I had it Kathy you had to find out for yourself now you know what you're up against there's something I envy about you Nick your strength you're very sure of yourself you know exactly where you're going and it's a strong winner at the Earth come on I'll take you home to your grandmother I'm not going home I'm staying here it's pretty late why don't I see you tomorrow do you understand what I'm saying I'm going to stay here with you I'm taking you home now you want me to stay Nick you do want me I know you do but you see I'm throwing myself at you I'm Yours Nick take me [Music] marry me Nick Mario yes now tonight right away you know I can't marry you Kathy why because you're a hoodlum so am I we're both the same whether I like it or not whether I want to be or not I'm Papa's daughter I know that now Kathy will you stop it [Music] I can't even have you even if I throw myself at you [Music] there would you Nick even if you wanted me because I'm Lupo's daughter Kathy you're all twisted up [Music] if you keep on like this you'll crack wide open me crack up [Music] oh no Nick not me I'm gonna let loose I'm gonna go out and have myself a ball and I'll find somebody who wants me there must be somebody who wants me I'll be seeing you Nick [Music] this thing is reaching National proportions gentlemen they're making a martyr out of Williamson now already there are Rumblings in Washington of another Senate investigating committee like the cafaba thing what are the chances of Charlie's beating the rep it's hard to say if Wendler breaks they're very good otherwise it means a long drawn out battle meantime we're getting slaughtered believe me this is going to get worse much worse if Charlie gave himself up took the murder too rep I hate to say this but in my opinion it's the only logical solution that is without endangering the position of the whole Syndicate I don't think he'll do it Johnny he believes we should fight it that we can beat it Charlie always said the organization came first that it was bigger than any one of us but he still feels that way Johnny but he also feels that this is no time to get milk in our veins all right there's only one way to settle it we'll put it to a vote mess hello Iris go pack a bag a bag what for you're taking a trip and nothing fancy you will need where you're going what are you talking about where are you taking me Charlie needs you please don't make me go Charlie's going to buy the police say I'll get involved please I don't want to get mixed up in this please Nick don't make me go Charlie certainly picked a price package when he picked you close all right Nick believe me out but the heat is on my territory is getting murdered so are the others yeah sure he's here I'll let you talk to him he wants to talk to you hello Albert yes I was just explaining it to the boys we may beat the rap in time but the repercussions would be disastrous yes I believe it would relieve the pressure immediately I'll let you speak to him yeah yeah I know how you feel about me I mean the boys do too I'm afraid it's the only answer yeah goodbye Albert that's all falling I'll be at my office until about five then you can reach me at home good day gentlemen Albert says he'll go along with the rest of us we'll take a vote so the boys want me to take the wrapper me Lupo I I can't believe it I'm Sorry Charlie but that's the way they voted even Albert even Albert is unanimous I can't believe that Albert would go along with him I just can't believe it not Albert I know it's a rough break Charlie but that's the vote the lousy immigrates after all I've done for the organization I am the organization Nick you made the rules Charlie they expect you to live by them we all have to live by them yeah how'd you tell the boys to give me a couple of days and I'll come in and take the rap that's all I need next just a couple of days okay Charlie so yeah why'd you stay for supper Iris isn't too bad a cook I ought to go come on Stick Around we'll bust open a bottle of champagne have a party it'll be like a last book last meal don't talk like that Charlie in a year or two he wants to bring up a roll that is not a chance once they get their hands on Lupo they'll never let go of him foreign Lupo boy she's just a kid I thought something was wrong when she passed me she looked like she was crying there's no skid marks she must have driven right off the road [Music] oh Charlie [Music] all right [Music] listen Bob I just got a tip a straight tip that party's going to talk yeah FBI huh Henry and I are taking the first plane into New York if it'll blow the lid off the country and we'll all go up with it [Music] go back to bed and keep your trap shut foreign [Music] I got you Johnny I'll grab the next plane all right Johnny I'm leaving right away he can't talk the old murders [Music] [Applause] if Lupo talks the country will face a scandal without precedent the FBI is in touch with Kincaid now can we put the fix on them put the fix on the FBI Mr Martinelli all right gentlemen thank you now if you'd excuse us goodbye gentlemen good day gentlemen Lupo's cracked up if he sings they'll Break The Syndicate we'll all get nailed loopho can put every one of us in the electric chair I don't believe it I can't believe Charlie would talk I think they're lying I know it's tough to swallow Nick but we got this straight right from the top we've already taken the vote you are making the hit hey why me Charlie's like my own father you're the only one who can make the hit he trusts you you can get to him Lupo may be on in years but he's still a pretty rough guy he's got to be somebody he thrusts he's got to be unique no I won't do it I can't do it look Nick don't you think I understand how you feel I love the guy you think I like to order his brains blown out you think the other boys like it he's got to be Nick there's no other way if Charlie gets to the FBI we're through every one of us I'll make that after you make it go to the airport I'll meet you come back to Chicago with me all right Johnny Magellan's liable to crack up and he knows an awful lot who knows what lupus told him we can't take a chance Johnny don't worry I've taken out insurance foreign drive back into the City and check into a hotel what is it Charlie what's it all about why going to Washington tomorrow go to the bank get the bonds and cash out of the safe deposit box keep them well the man said it would take about 20 minutes call them come in the hurry I don't want to miss that plane oh here it is now [Music] where's Charlie in the bedroom [Music] oh hello Nick how are you hello Charlie I found that already huh you're gonna make the hit yeah you made the rules Charlie oh no no you can't kill Charlie he's your friend shut up Iris [Music] that's him coming out now in the dark coat Don't miss Mr Achilles wants this clean okay he's all mine [Music] foreign [Music] the circle of self-destruction has claimed new victims it has stilled the lips that might have revealed the secrets of The Syndicate first Charles Lupo then Nick Magellan tomorrow who knows The Syndicate still exists the rules still hold this is how the cartel works this is New York confidential [Music]
Channel: The Sprocket Vault
Views: 258,387
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Keywords: TheSprocketVault, VCI Entertainment, classic movies, the sprocket vault, New York Confidential Movie, New York Confidential Free, New York Confidential Free Movie, New York Confidential Full Movie, New York Confidential Official mOVIE, Movie, free movies, full movies, movies on youtube
Id: JukxXKKTDn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 37sec (5257 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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